HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-10, Page 7• P J Its eon anion• rn cilities. Iltinued 10 t•auy d quisitien g etad telph obably, • The Huron �eur�-R'ee�rd Mlle. vodt,Ez; AND ����. MGCot.t,, Of Chatham 'nether and. sister o Mn. Josrru WA��E�, a graduate front TiiE NEWS-RLnen, office, has GREAT . . Mre. Wm. Coats, are visiting at the a sit on the Christian Herald, __. Wednesday, August loth, 1S87 residence of tho latter. Baptist church papor published at a ti aloteratiomompeorom Detroit. A Bid TtntE.--The Western Fair 'Scoop! sok LOLAL NE WS. ----^--- and Jubilee Exhibition will bte held at the Ciiyt of London, 19th to 24th A Hto;s TARIFF. -Use dozen citizens of Wingham had to pay the in and Around "Hub." September, on the new grounds, sum of seventy-five cents for the re- —FOR THE-,.- the known as the Queen's Park. A lease of their .cows from the pound 00000000000)00000000000U0000000000UOU000U00000000000000000Q00000o040o new half -!Wile speeding track has the other morning. This is X011/11 gulp. MISS AGG1E 1/ODDS IS spending a veek at Blyth. been laid out' and now buildings have been erected for the many classes of exhibits expected. It is a con- siderably higher tariff than is im- posed on the freedom loving bovines of Clinton.. Fifty cents 'fill the N�.if► V 60�y exs ---AT--_C N ^- Miss D. REED, of Thorold, la On visit among old friends. estimated that the new grounds, buildings and speeding track will q -most e. sunt not less than $1..0,000.00. bill there. THAT PRINTING AGAIN. -Fol' the re ineed ,Th. SGLIN GREW, of Pickering, is benefit of our town contemporary 010KsoN) y .. isiting friends and relatives in town. A VILLAGE SMARTT,-A Ludes?' boro we may state, and can prove the .......... OOOOOQOO000OOOoQoUU0000UU00UUoQO000ODU000U0000000000000000000000000000 MRs. Thos. JACKSON, jr., and hill, are holidaying at Bayfield. Ma, JNO, RANSFORD and family ale n o ing Lake Huron's breeze at J Y g Layfield. Mus. NEM AND MISS AGOIE Gm- smart Aloe, with more assur• ance than wit, dropped us a postal with reference to our mention oithe Londesboro burglary last week, which was furnished us byhave parties from that locality Ifo advises ua ,;• • „ to cuutiune rlia lttuts to burglars. statement if necessary, that with the exception of Grit controlled locali- ties all asked for tends inthe county for tenders for their public printing. As the on a former occasion remarked, we do not blame the Era for doing all the Book' - IJ• Store I •• �T : r��� O � N " ""' �� =� --� �• more than ever that it is necessary to make use of Printers' Ink if we want to do business. \Ve have boon talking GREAT BARGAINS the last few weeks throng those columns and as n result ive have very little summer stuff loft, Before the cud of August we hope to clear what little we have out of the house and LOW PRICES MUST DO IT. Wo were HEIST, of Plattsville, are home on visit. SIR, D. (J t 'ri LON shipped two 12• loads of choice apples to 1\ton- oat on Saturday. Mu. E. CORnETT has loturned to hub from his rural laito �riva- 1 0 ons. Mn, _1llTltuR itENNEr and his Alice, aro visiting 1'rieuds Lu trathroy, Mits. CONSTABLE, of St. Diary's, As we cannot continue what we diel not commence, it is almost needless to say !hat the .unasked su gestion n ill reumin u.uheeded, fig S+Tt ttuai,n;orniug at the. police court one off the boys who were in bathing in Victoria lake, Stratford, Friday night, was fined $20 for trespass. This seems hard on the boys when the fault cosh with the! city for not accepting the offer to provide n buthiug house, It is the city that should paythe flue: , printing that is offeredit. Our couteution is that the town clerk is not right in his assumption of the power to get voters' lists or any other •rorporatiun printing or work paid for by the town done where he • likes. Our contention is that he is, an employee of the town, paid out of town funds and that ho is subject to the control and llirse hay of the council ill the matter of having the voters' lists printing done. The Era. begs ilio question when it compares Tlris is the. greatest opportunity Baer offered to steam. goods Below wbalesale Prices Our entire stordc, amounting to nearly .$ 0,000, must be reduced to $10,000 within the next 60 days. Cornu and sac our stuck and bot our prints, whether you buy or not. No trouble to Shu++• you the GREAT BARGAINS we rtr, �� g 1'or PRICES Bay's talking about oats and Tests - this hot weather. We have just a few left. 5OO, 750.,Stec $I. Sults 80c is returned to the stone town after tending a few clays in this the rrn1 ercial centre of Huron. • E IIAD A C.tLL Friday evening When will the city authorities wake up to their duty • i n this matter!- Times. STREET WATERING, -Sprinkle, Do minion work with municipal work, There is n t analog In Do• re,')�r•5 C'e..•h, iu• 3 rrevuthr' r•i•e,Ut to minion and Provincial matters the reap er:a/1d,',,artie... custom is that, where the publie ser- $125, $140 •� • Boy's Crash Suits, $1.35. om our old friends .Messrs. Abra- am Smith and George Parsons, lists Ott their return t° Gode• liavieextorted to London day. DIsaI1L'\TLED COUNCIL -The lgorsull Town Council has asked �r a Government investigation into ie affairs of Mi'. Chadwick, the Magistrate of that town. THE Mount Forest High School abroglio is over. A new principal, the person of Mr. Hagerty, who sprinkle goes the water, and as faith.- fully as it °tighter. Nor do clouds of dut Iia of yore ou our streets tomo t° the fore, Miller's water works never go dry, though there's a famine up in site sky. From the cities comes a pitiful cry; "more water or suiely we'll die," Clinton, the favored spot on earth, of water finds no dearth. A public benefactor, surely, he, who allays the dust where it was won't to be, TUE SCOTT ACT. -In givillg vice does not suffer, the friuuds of the party in power shall receive the patronage it has to give. Such ens= tomdoes notprevail illmunicipal1Vlen matters whore politics is not the is -A sue. One does not, as a rule, see•Besidoa Chit Provincial notices in 'Tory papers,•' 17nor does 00 often SCC Dominionni°u CLINTON. notices in Grit papers. Whether. this is right or .not we shall not 0 Pause to discuss, but such is" the ® custom tacitly agreed to by both a}° t j ,I;fn)'. public appointments• eareke not d �£v r de t � g MAN A • °.,? '' "r '"'''�'" -IT -06A t"' •eh, Men's Odd Pants, $1.25 & $1.75 s Odd Coats,$4.00 &tat these we are going to offer! for a few days ANOTHER STILL UREATER BARGAIN. We have on hand 128 yards of a splendid ALL -WOOL HAL /FAX TWEED To tura these goods into money we offer them at the ridiculously second master in tate Seaforth judgment in a recent Scott Actigh maasses sly School, has beeu apointed at of 1100 a cse, Mr. Justice O'Connor held by tlhat a magistrate the Ontnrlo Gov°rnmout, We do not find that '1'orlos are rho in_ British Columbia and Dakotasalar Pr1aat34o. Y , year.u PARISH INCUMBENT, -It is report- p that the Bishop of Huron has pointed Rev. M. Turnbull, for- sly of Listowel, to be rector of Inghalll parish, left vacant by the signatiou of lice. Ti. McCosh. Ho s not definitely police a iointed appointed fo.c a Scot county had no ••oris dicti n in au incorporated town in 1, that county, This judgment has necessitated the issue of twent .- seven new magisterial cotnlnissions in various counties. Among those to whom new commissions were CUhnbente I10L0 we it. And all p•.iints westward, TORONTO and all 3 , expect" Sheriffs, ]registrars, Police Magis-• fointsEastward• trates aro all of the Grit persuasion. tie -Lowest Rates to All Pr,irrtx,`��1( Thos. McGillicuddy of the Goderich Y Grit organ has been appointed to a r.°apo r", ats regains .aa 9'nen.0 ana short g P1 line over the Canada Pacific Railway to all points. Coverumout position, uo objection.6sittag�a e Cheelod threugl, to destination. can bo taken to this so long as he is. Arc, exchanging 'Pickets•,,,• I3u \\ a sold last season n lot of these. goods for Woulon's Dresses andy tell us it makes a lovely dress, \1'e aro going to talk Ilarg,iins for a week or two lunger before we . you about FAT,L GOODS, • tiro bother accepted. (ETU 1 I:RPETCA,-.The SUM of k',',245 `"- s been raised in Lruccfieid and ighborhood for the erection of a moment to the memory °f the e Rev. John Ross, the recently Ceased Presbyterian minister of grauted was Dr. Williams, Police Inaglstrate fol' Huron, His UCw o comnlissiou specially gives him jurirtliction in the various incorpor ated towns in the county. u METHODIST DIONEy.—Tete it?COIDC of the Canadian Methodist Mission• competent to perform the duties �;�rege. belonging to the office. A forme!' Parties tracstling will find it to their :ul:aetage belonging. purchase otickets to any point to tail on me tothey editor o!' the Era is Assistant Par- the> aesira to reach.• liament:�ry Librarian, and Dr. Wil- J kS. ����"IO JPSON. limns Police Magistrate, . So ion o g as these are capable hien ino object- Anent 0. 1'. 11., in Grand Union 1:1oek, opposite fast 'Jake, Ciinton.a loll is inane oil the ground that :O: 'and at place. . ST,' PAUL'S CHI:MIL-On Sun- y last the Rev,. W. Cram enteredreturns n enBoascert ard tinetd pastaltyeah r fall as Jthe have not been received. they aro Grits. But should a tillwn "�""'^ - cler• k of assessor, collector or treas- IT is reported that jos. Copp has user be given preference because he soil his Pontine• gelding for X300. Clothiers, FurnishersHatters the seventh year of his ministry yet the was a (.cit or Tory we should say IIos n ' un, �_-.__..- .__ _--__-.____�-"----_..--- .......-•_ ct of St. Paul's church, -the total income will bo about $12,000 over the previous year. The good g policy was a wrong one, The DMus Ltr.ztr•. McTAtmai aim EIV .t•ReRector a • r° slate to the event. 1 p g re preached at morning and even- 3 services. Mos. J.+i.ir. Cosxn, of London nth, died and was buried last ole. Deceased was an accomplish- 1 scholar, and •slater to Mr, Robert ottdfoot, of Goderich, the Rev. ,. Proudfoot and Judge Proud- .t, and auntie Mr. 4.11.. B, Proud- ?t, C:E,, of Clinton. Scow Act ENFORCEMENT., -Mon- y J. C. Conover, Fred Korman, lin Macdonald and R. D. Sim. int+, of \Vinghanm, were prosecuted fore P. M. Dr. Williams for vie ing the Canada Temperance Act d fined x+'50 •each. Saturday DI r. me of the; sante place wua served 1 same way.., • STILL THEY Vona AK') Ge.. -Mc- Bros. shipped from Clinton on Saturdayfive car .Lends beeves -100 head. They nor© ol:ed after by Major Alex, Idillen 10 , is ter l the Most exper- i Y 1 meed man in tlhis business in Wes- Ontario. The continual ]geav�+ ipments.Of all hinds of stock from irtton emL)hasisos time centrality of e, creased their contributions byabout the amount named have Niagara, $1,100; Niagara, $700 ; Guelph, :a 1,37 0 ; Bay of (�uinte,• $70 ; Mon- (real, $},800 ; New Brunswick, $600 ; - Manitoba, $1,100. Nova Scotia is about $600 in arrears,and Newfoundland is $500 behind, OUR POLICE MAGISTRATE KNOWS A THING OR Two,-Conversiug the other day about the dismissal of.the charge against J• P. Fisher, the P. M. ,is reported to have said : °'I couldu't do anything else. The various witnesses agreed that the contents of the jug •of liquor was non -intoxicating but vela )lea- Y 1 sant. And then when I caste to reflect that (hero was ice in it,.. though the prosecution alleged it was beer, I felt satisfied from this fact and the other evidence that the liquid could not have been beer. No nlan who would be likely to its° hoer would over tliinl: of spoil- Ing it with ice," 0 Cries eri1—The chestnut is as old as most of the chestnuts that appear in Grit •• journals, And quotes the C°lha°rvative town Brantford, r st of the Misses .I,t�IifoGl'.ts>tliolptL °f Goderich as having given the -Gilchrist. voters lest to the Stur last • i . ., year without tender'. The .bra is again , tl'Pei[HllllCaex county, sold a year old 'r t. colt unfair, and unfortunate as well fu the other day for $200. s0 doing. Goderich town a few .. sirs ago called for tenders and tb MR, W. H. C_,oIEn is acting years gCollector • of Customs. Isere during standard price having been • (toter- gRANCE ruined the voters' li8ts have been the absence . Of SII'. :\1'mnst1'Ong �, alternately pricethrough illness, two it papers- now, published there. * Mn. JAS, wircIIt;LI:, anti son .While Chore we were requested to, Charlie, i'eturued home Monday and did tender. The Grit papor after a few (lays vacation with had the list to print the year before relatives at Walkertem • • Last. '• TUE NEWS -RECORD would M,ISTr;tt HENRY AND lL+alt, \I+; - taut com laill •w°1'e the Clinton lists. p lay t t f -G derech, •'spent -a fete givo,n;alteruately t° the local papers days •in town last (veek and aro note as`is done in Goderich. The Godo rusticating •with friends near Bruce - rich precedent followed •in Clinton'field, would have, given us a fitirer share v • of the town 'printing..'Tho h'ra is , SPEEDING, Clinton b jest in Para Association,pthwhose object in also unfair whoa •it misquotes s pot tion of our remarks last week. ",'e setting up the affair is �o forward •said'sonle ),cunieipgl officials being the iruprovment of horse stock, has completed arrangements for a grand carried Qevay. with the •erroucous idea that they have the sumo right jubilee taco on thercClinton track on to •give ntblic work to their friends Sept.lst,, and large posters ate out glannouncing the affair. Th° names as they hnvo to biro private work, g The .Pira 15 not doing to others as it of the principal animals b entered nn'tl' of the directorate will be a guarantee would that others would do to it by 'municipal' that there a ill be an exciting time leaving the wordout. a5„ hell as tlealine. • t ■ � - • \_ \) �_�: • . 0O'Y. ___...,. E_:, ���� is place and its superior shipping yet thele is about its history much that will be news to . the average ---are Nor is this equitable maxim act0.d •it for I�Err ];csr.-\ir. Thos. Walker ..-a...--•�• upon when apologizes the " TIirR113LE IIE:tT.--11 is generally reader. The nut called horse is native town clerk's favor teisnm. Wo might has been kept lets busy this sen- building * * * s• m p * *-1.......:._<- " ""` '�'� •" �-�- t t '* mittecl.that we are now having e hottest spell ever aeon iu this rt of the country, Not since ne 31st Lias any rain, worth speak- g of, fallen. The effect of the drouth !las been bad, chestnut a of Asia and ob- •ta%ned lite prefix name from the fact that in Turkey the nuts aro used for curing horses of pulmonary dis- eases. In England they are given to }gorses that are broken -winded and to Cattle that have hero say that that official is quite son stone cellars and courteous at all times in his treat- other' mason work. Ile has recent- . went of Tim NEws-REcoRD, but we ly completed nice jobs for Mr. Goo.. hold that he errs in his conduct in Manley and Mr, Wm. Jones, and these premises. liven had he the has cellars, etc., to build fur Mrs. right which he wrongly arrogates, DlcTlrien, ,lir, Robt. Welsh and Thos. Gibbings. Phis season M1',l . M * -� �--... • Tailors, grass is dried 11p,; the late sins aro only developed, coughs and -colds, • The horse chestnut was fair play should suggest that he treat both papers alike where the Walker' !las put 1n s0n10 fifteen �.M.�• t '_.___..-"--M.7*., _,.T ..'�... _• k m t ,-W + *- I partially d the roots are stunted, All nature s a reddish brown, sunburnt hue. ere heavy rains to come now they ght possibly help the root crop• SCARCITY OF TWINE, The Scarcity twine is retardng very serially th-e_piogress of the har- I. 0.0 Saturday a farmer came 1.•uelph city for some and failing to in the hardware stores there me to Fergus. He was equally successful there. Many self -bind- are standitng idle in Garhfraxe cause they have no twine, The reapers aro being brought into and the farmers aro tie- the grain by hand. The cause the .twitae famine may be traced the imuleueo sale of binders of- by inil:lement Wren this year, was much greater than was ex- ited. So maaay being in use the tput from the twine factories 70 been quite Leadequate. Ono firs[ has already disposed fifty tots of twine this season. me to Clinton getlemen, and 11„ M• Races, tate hind- re merchant, Qa11 furnishsold• first taken to hngl,tnd from the mountains of Thibet in 1550, and a writer of that time says that when roasted they are sweet of taste and eaten as the ordinary sort. ONE 'Ok' THE VICTIMS, -Tho fol- lowiifg refers to a gentleman with whom ono of the proprietors of this journal was well acquainted in Victoria, B. C., in 1+;:1, Ile was a gentleman of true republican Sim- p'Iicity and an excellent interna- Lionel official :-Hon. Allan Francis, 1] S. Consul at St. Thomas, died there unexpectedly one morning last week. Deceased was run over by a hose reel on the night of the torsi- bio railway disaster, and had been confined to his roots ,ever since, While his physician pronounced his death to have been caused by paralysis of the heart, he also ex- pressed the opinion that it was accelerated by the injuries he re- ceived on the occasion referred to. Deceased was for twenty-three years U. S. Consul at Victoria, B, C., having been appointed by President Lincoln in 1861. His relatives re- side at Victoria, ruouey of the town •is being expend stone cellars besides looking. after ed, The Era quotes Judge -'iglus as and completeing a number of bank its authority for 'holding that "the barns. town clerk may get the voters' lists •Tu way Si1E STRUCK Tut, Purim.' printed where he likes and the reawful," p - Oh, it was perfectly snit} council have, no control over it." ono young lady to another in a street We demur tothe Era's statement. talk, "Iwas'lying in the hannock"I Judge Toms has never given an she went on, 'and I was dressed in official decision in the matter, and my pink tine's veiling -and, if i • Nudge Totns never authorized the do say it, you know I look pretty Era to use his name as an authority well in that -and lie was sitting in for or against its absurd contention, the porch chair beside ate. It was a On the other hand, a citizen some lovely evening, for there wasn't a time ago asked the legal editor of sign of a moon, and even the street The Mail concerning this very issue lamp On the corner was unlighted. and he decided that the contention We were having a delightful time, of THE NEbvs-1LEc°ItD is sound and and he grew more and more affect- that of the Era and tho town clerk ionate. 011, it was delightful. He untenable as a matter of law. The held one of my hands and kept the servant is not greater than his mast- hammock gently swaying back and fir. Common sense, equity and law forth. Finally he leaned towards Guo on the side of Tun News ItEcoxn• me, his face almost to mine, and I We should be sorry to see political knew he was just about to say some- issues made the primo factor in thing awfully nice, when•, what do municipal contests, but tho course you thinl.a-the hammock string of rho town clerkif persisted in can broke ! I lied taken off my bustleRANGE not but bring about that deporable so I could recline comfortably in result, the hammock, mud, say, the way I • O•rnim town and district local struck that porch-" but then - matter on first page, you can imagine the rest, k,f -.0 L 0 ��• T':binding • & &00'V. � _�'' • v c e 1 C a c ti t ti si 8 Tr ,1 tl h fc tl 1' ;1 0 ib} 1n 1\ re ha 111 111 In la' de th dI °I as Si w• 1u So wE ed Pr fo+ f0+ da J mt be eat an Rt th ,t, of to wl ie to' sh C1 til fa ail th pa •}u in gr. an ha W +pi \via go t.l r uu 01.71 be of TO ef to , f° It pe ou ha Gt of t'o })t' tr'a 7 d r