HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-10, Page 6• 'IL THE FIRST OF AUGUST-. WE WILL GIVE THE PEOPLE Great Bargains in Every Class of Goods IN OUR STORE. We are just like the rest of the Dry -Goods men—we want to reduce our stock before Fall Goode begin to arrive. ---0 We are Determined no one shall sell Cheaper 0 0 Ask to see the Goods. Ask the . Price—it shall be the I , LOWEST. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. GEO. E. PAY & CO. THE DRY-000DS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. —The death rate in Thomas during July was the highest on record. In a single week 17 interments • were made—funerals of victims of this dread epidemic of heat. —From Mr. Alex • Barrie we learn that the rainfall in this section, from the 23rd of June bas been but 58-100ths of an inch. The normal raiufall for this section averages nearly three inches per mento, so that wo are really short over three incites.—Mali Reporter • —On Thursday last, Mr. John Bowles, who lives up the North Branch, near wallaceburg, suddenly dropped dead. A1••• though the deceas ed had been ailing for a number of years his death was wholly unexpect- ed. Heart disease is said to have been the cause. —Mr. 4oseph King,. :thou t 70 years of age, who resided in Centralia, banged himself m the barn. Family troubles seolued to be the cause of his taking his life. He was one of the oldest u a •r d and inth •,lel neighborhood ' nts e resole member of the Methodist church. He leaves a wife and a Targe family of grown up children. —The Government has decided to give the Great Northwestern Comp- any a. bonus of $5,600 to construct a line from Wiarton to Toberuiory, Ont. A. Government signal station will then be established at Cape Head. The work of construction was commenced last week, and the line will ba completed before tho close of navigation. —Mr. James Cumming, of the 7 to concession of Tuckorsmith, while attending the Western Fair in Lon- don last fall purchased about half a pound of plass, known as the "Mum - My" variety.. He sowed them this spring and they proved to be wond- erful) prolific. fiber the half pound of seed he will reap fully a bushel of peas. -T. F. Young, of Port Albert; and .Charles Byers, of Brussels, who have been confined as dangerous lunatics in Goderich jail for some time past, left for London Asylum the other day, in charge of I3ailiff Waddell. At the station Young be- came obstreperous, and- it was with considerable Nlilliculty the I3ailiff was ei'abled to take him aboard the train. —ScarthBros,, Sebringville,having made a sale ofabout$700 worth of but ter one day last week, took the money into. the house, but about 11 o'clock,.feeling uneasy on having such a spin about his person, one of the brothers thought it best to put it in the' safe in the More, although not in the habit of ,leav- ing money there. Between...two and three o'clock in the morning some miscreants, after securing some tools from a neighboring blacksmith shop, entered the store, burst open the safe and carried off the monev. No trace is to be found. " —A wonderful discovery of anthracite Coal has been made on the property of Mr. Nix; a' farmer, living about nine miles east of Camp- bellford. The quality is of the best, haying been tested by an expert chemist in Toronto, and the in. dications of a large seam are good. The proximity of this bed of coal to iron beds is of the greatest import• ance to the country. Experienced Miners from Pennsylvania aro ex• pected in a few days, when further developments are expected. Samples were found by Mr, Nix some years ago, but ire paid no attention to the matter until Dr. A.IcCrea, of Camp• bellford, interested himself in the case. The spring from which the samples were taken has been closed for four years, and only opened for testing purposes, and they have gone down further than the earth had been disturbed. Sand carried out of the spring contains numerous pieces of coal, end there seems to licii0.aloubt of the genuineness of the discovery. —Tho following verdict was rendered by the corner's jury :— That the said Samuel G. Zealand and child, Mrs. Smither and child, Mrs. Fraino,and child, Mrs. Baynes and three children camp to their death through the criminal negli- gence of Henry Donnelly, engineer, and Richard Spettiguo, conductor of the ill-fated train. Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50cts, a bottle Sold by all druggists. 443.3m. _— — + •.-- MARRIAGES, SItMU1 \N—NOPLE•—At the residence of the bride's Mother on Thursday Aug. 4th by Rev. W. Craig!.. D., AL•, George A. Sharman to Miss Mary Noble, all of Clinton. PRIESTLY—TODD. —At Ingersoll, Ont., .on June 80th, 1887, by the Rev, Mr. Laycock, Mr, C. W. Priestly to hiss Leath M. Todd, both of Woodstock. IIAINES—McMILLEN.--At the resid- ence of the groom's brother, Detroit, by the:Rev. Dr. Rexford, pastor of the church of Our Father, on Wednesday 5 \ Walter Haines, of llul- .Tnm� 1, th . h, t c lett township, Ontario, to Miss Eliza beth McMullen daughter of Mr. John McMullen of the sane place. The above appeared in the Detroit Tri- bune of 16th June, a copy of which was handed into us on Monday 20th Juno for publication, and should have appeared in the regular issue of Tens NEw's-REcoltn of 'Tune 22nd, but in some unaccountable way it appears to have been loft out. We much regret the omission, as we take pleasure iu recording such happy events in the lives of our friends when we' have. the best authority for doing so as we had in this ease. At this season of the year every• one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., sold by all druggists. 443.3m. MARKET REPORTS. (Cer'ierted every Tuc.4lay afternoon.) , CLINTON. Flour $4 00 to 4 30 Fall'Wheat, new & old 0 70• to 0 80 Spring Wireat ,.. 0 70 to 0 80 Barley .. 0 40 to 0 48 Oats .. 0 29 to 0 30 Peas t.., 0' 48 to 0 48 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes .. 0 60 to 0 70 Butter .. 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs 0 13 to 0 15 Bay8 00 to 9 00 'Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .... 000to000 Wool.._. 0 24 to 0 25 WANTED. AFIRSTCLASS MAN to representa good Life Insurance Company • in Clinton and vicirr. ity. Good terms to right man. Apply -to WESTCOTT 4 SANDERI , General' Ag nts, 450 2t Exeter, Ontario. SERVANT WANTED. (+001i CENEI{AL SERVANT Wanted, good `-T wages. Apply to MRS. KENNEDY, ;10•tf Royal Hotel, Clinton. WANTED AT ONCE,, G001) GKNERAL SERVANT. Apply to •Mi1S. McaEE, 432 1'- St. Mary street WESTERN FRIR Industrial and Art Exhibition, LONDON, CANADA. 19th to 24th Sept,, 1887. LIBERAL PREMIUMS ! —VOR— Live Stock, Machinery, &c, NEW (:ROUNDS, NEW BUILDINGS, NEW RACE TIIACi{, are being provided ter the forth - coining Jubilee Exhibition at an estimated cost of $120,000.O0. (HALF A MiLLION Dohf.ARs will be repre- sented by the live Stock display. GRAND EX11111iTS IN PAINTING, STATUARY AND SCULPTURE. The Committee our Attractions are prolnaring a splendid programme. Better than ever. Send your address on a postal card for ropy of the Prize List. For all information write to the Seeretnry. A. 11•, P(rhTE, 0E0, JfcER005M, 456•;;t President, Secretary, — sr 0/? V-900/JS 0 p 0•s•--0 0 0 0 -- PALACE. Just Opened Out for the Summer Trade, NEW LAWNS, NEW MUSLINS, NEW PRINTS NEW STU'FF' G-00DS_ C4 -RAND 'CTAL�"E We are Showing a Special Job Line of PRINTS at;8c., worth 124 Millinery Department Fully A sorted. F2VE -PER =CENT - OFFCASH JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS. DR.HODDERS BURDOCK AND %OVA 8/1/1 IL' COMPOUND -CURES Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, Skin Disease. '1'IiE GREAT REGULATOR 01 the Stourach, Liver, Dowels and Blood. Cures Headache, Constipation; Female Complaints, and Builds up (he System. Read the following ; "For years past 1 have suffered from dyspepsia and I was rceounuendeI to try nr.Irodder'sCompound. I did so and found it a perfect cure.—E. J. CUR - TIS, Toronto, Ont." Sold everywhere. Prieo,75c. DR. f1ODDER'i COUGH AND LUNG CURE Never Fails. Guaranteed, Price, 25e and 50c. The Union Medicine -Ca., Proprietors, Toronto, Oat l 1ENOE1IS 1'� ANTEU.- Tenders will be reeeiv- 1, ed up to 1001 of August, 1587, for the plac- ing of 111:A'rE1IS in the ONTARIO STIEE't. Me:Tilol>, 'I' 0111'11011, with a guaranteed capacity sufficient to heat the 'church in the coldest weather. All necessary information can be obtained from the building committee. 'rhd• lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • — 11. w'IL'I'SE, Secretary. BOARDERS WANTED, GENTLF.Md3N OR LADIES desiring a Private Boarding douse can receive acommodation by applying to M -RS. IIAACKE, on the ornor of- Rattenbury and Raglan streets (the dwelling recently occupied by Win. Doherty, Esq.) ,,gClintou, July, 1837, 454-4t 711E13ALE TEACHER WANTED—.For the low. 1 ' • ool • for est room in the Clinton ModelSchool the .Yodel term. Must be capable of teaching music and hold a first orsecoud•ctass certificate. Applications, stating salary expected, received up to 13th August' by W. IL IiINE, Secretary. Clinton, Jnl) 14111, 1857. 454 • -rs,RESS MAEIN0.-51ra, Campbell, of London _7 hes opened Dress Making Rooms over the Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay Si Co., with first- class assistants. She is in a position to turn out work equal to any iu the city. She respectfully aslrsa trial order. Rooms over GEO. E. PAY Sr COI,S, Dry Ct,ods Store. FARM FOR SALE. aBING Lot 1S, con, 10, Goduri.1 township, IJ con:46111 g0f 50aeras, 70 cleared, well water. ed. Cool frame horse and hank barn; good orohard of bearing fruit. About four wiles from Clinton. Fos. full particulars apply on the prc- wise., oraddres.'. GEO. BURNS, 450-0 Clinton P. 0. EMBALMER, Red Rocker ..tore, ALBERT ST. CLINTON. limey Goods 1 Po» apons, cords, Felt..', Araa'ette JI asltiny Embroidery awl'Knitting SILKS, Fillonelle Edging Cotton, Crotchet Cotton Macrame Cored, Tinsel, Applique F0rlcers, Panel Rods, etc., ete. OIS T T WM. COOPER Bearer Rlurl• Boon. „Stare. ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! Implements ! Implements ! Mc(O1; M IC K SEl.F431 NDERS, I:EAPEES, slOWERS, SEED DRILLS, IIOI:SE RAKES PLO WS, CUTTING BOXES, .SHELLEIIS, ETC., ETC., And all implements used on a farm as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLINTON. ONTARIO "APPLES WANTED. WANTED, 20,000 _BARRELS OF IIARVEST, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CAN'I'ELON, 463—tf Clinton, Grand 1901111111011. & industrial EXHIBITION 1887 TORO1\TTTO Sept..1tll to Lith, _. $30,000 iN PRIZES. Entries Close August I3t11. This, being the Dominion and Industrial Exhl- bitious combined, will ho de greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. .3rA Grand PeSgranunc of Special Attractions is being prepares', Return tickets at single fare and clean exr•t r• Sions on all railways during. the full time of the Exhibition. aorThe greatest event of, the Jal,ileo Year. For Prize Lists and full information address J. .1. w'ITHROW, 11 1. DILL, Preslient, Mgr. aid Sec„ 454 Toronto TO THE FARMERS ! study your own interest and go where you can get Reliable 7,. Harness, the sr ' none but o Be or Srocs. I manufacture Beware of shops that self cheap, es they hare got to lice. t T 001 and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to TTON T. CARTER, IIARNESS EM1'ORihM, BLYTII, ONT. c' I✓� GOOSE EGGS 0 0 ® 0 Not the ordi. cry kind, you know, but the name for nothing is the way we use .the term: When your expectations are great and nothing comes of it, you get a goose egg. Don't you see ?. A goose egg is good for nothing but to •hatcht a gosling, DON'T -BE A GOSLING, For' that's exactly what the people avho are continually offering you Goose Eggs want do maks of you, A gosling is a• poor silly thing that follows the other geese without asking 'any questions. Its these goslings that form the sole support of firms who are continually malting GOOSE EGG OFFERS regarding Boots and Shoes and other necessary footwear, .There is noth- ing in these offers of value to you or any one else. When a firm offers you an arti- cle of footwear for less than the raw ma- terial would cost it' the goods were reliable, ,look out, for its only another , FRESH LAID plan to gather in a gosling. Low Prices are tite dearest thing on earth unless they are put on Honest, Reliable Goods, and when you are • quoter figures lower than straight gooil,s can be sold for, you are invited to buy Goose Eggs. THERE IS A LIMIT under which no SOLID, 1EONEST-MADE SHOE can be sold, and while be continu- ally "play the limit" we Haver go below it because we \VIL1. NOT sell shoddy hoods' for the sake of making attractive offers of utter impossibilities. SUBSTANTIAL BARGAIN $ ! In Stylish Boots and Shoes, possessing the (tt'As.f•ry and MAiE, eau always be had of ns at the lowest limit of living prices, It is 10 ON1)Mlt•AI. and SATES 'TORY to tr.ldc With JAOKSON, The Reliable Shoe Man, CLINTON AND LONDESBORO. DETLOR & CO'S re Stununer Sale ! NOW GOING ON. 0 STARTLING VALUE LADIES' & GENT'S HATS AT 10B PRIC ; St= 0 Oi ers for Dressmaking receive prompt attention J. 0. DETLOR & co. 5. Big Slaughter DRY- GOODS ROBERTSON'S FOR TH I RVY-SIX DAYS. G-OCOTDS .A..I' . COST 1 T. - Muslins for 7c., • Gingliams for 8c,, l'rints for 3c., Dress Goods for Se., •,«'sol Carpet froin 45c., Curtain Netts very cheap. Call and • seo what we are tiding. . obert� Ofl'B GREAT CASH STORE . ' a MINICIMILISIFSMNSIRRIESFIIMIZAMIRSEISMENsticimim euss > BSOLIJTELV .NEW STOCK GOTS AND SHOE8! Sirnpson ' 8 Searlc's Block, opposite the Market, The Thermometer has dropped, and so have my ,Prices. Courteous Tr atxnent. Best Assortment. All Leather Goo s, Startlingly Low Prices. No Trouble to show Goods, ili•Don't Forget the Place—W, H. Simpson's, opposite the Market, ulinton, 1-E- It will pay you to remember the address and give him a call. THE N'EWS-REOORD TOR FINE JOB PRINTING.