HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-10, Page 1r701"1".""7".Pirlr'"W".."."."7"—'• --7:7"771711111FIr
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TraittliSt--essea per Annum, in advance.
VOL. VIII.—NO. 34,
. National pato
L. 0. L. 710 will hold a degree
meeting in their hall a week frost
Tuesday evening riext.
Mns. ZEALAND, one of the tan-
fortunatss victims of the St. Thomas
railway accident, died Saturday
rfternoon. Mr. Robt. Holmes of
the New Era, brother of the de-
ceased, was away attending the
As SOME people are trying
to make out that our reference to
Mr. Harry Beacon] attempting to
drive his horse with one line had
some occult nmaniog, it may be
stated that all there is in it is that
his horse being restless through the
attention of the flies to it when
standing at a tie post unloosed one
of the lines from the bridle ring by
rubbing its head against the post,
and Mr. Beacon], not noticing this
found when he got into the buggy
to drive away that he had only con-
trol of the animal by one line.
CALL the callers at,
THE NEWS-RECOHD office this week
were Mr. Westcott, insurance ageut,
of Westeott & Sanders, Exeter.
This firm have a large business and
deservedly so, as they represent re-
liable compaiaies.—Mr. Jas. Colwell,
of Porter's Hill, also dropped in on
us and reports farming operations
fairly prosperous w:th him this yea&
—Mr. Chas. Naftel, of the Lake,
Shore Road, Goderich township,
was another . caller. As usual he
drives a foie team, probably the
best pair of carriage horses iu The
county. They are steppers and no
PISCATODIAL. —JOS. Wheatley and
0. C. Rance s fishing would and
did go on Monday. Locating them.
selves far from the busy haunts of
man and by the shaded waters of a
limpid, purling stream, they went
in for sport and had wore than
fisherman's luck. Two beautiful
stringe of rainbow spotted finny
denizens of the deep ,rewarded their
sporting patience. The several
specimens rouged from less than 12
inches down and from less than gibs
in weight. Mr. Rance had one par-
ticularly well kept beauty which,
although measuring only 9 inches in
length weighed one and a -half
• Mons: Hum A ou'r RennEns,
—On Monday night or early Tues-
day morning some person or persons,
who possibly believe in the proba-
bility of tounnercial union enhanc.,
ing thevalue of horses in Canada.
went to the premises of Mr.
Martin, London Road, Staid y
about a mile from Clinton, and stIe
• therSfroin, while horse flesh is still
cheap, a valuable bay mare. It is
is supposed that the thief's destina• .
tion was across the lines and as he
no doubt considered he would get
there before commercial union he
concluded to drive, and went to Mr.
• Wiltse's 'piaci), adjoining Mr. Mars
tin's, and Stole frem there a top bug.'
gy andbermes. Detective Paisley
is at work on the case.
No You DoN'T.—The Grit paper
of Goderich :Seeks to throw the
onus ,of some alleged unfair or incor-
rect remarks it published concern -
Go the Rev. Father Boubat, of
Kingsbridge, on THE NEWS-Rsoono.
The only excuse the Gilt journal
offers for so doing is that WO pub-
lished,• Aug, 20, the following
among our "-News Briefs," which as
everrotie knows or ought to know
are condensations of reports iu ex-
changes, of the accuracy of which we
have no means of knowing
"The Kingsbridge, Ashfield, Catho-
lic church building and furnishings
cost about $1,600. They have per-
haps one of the finest bells in Wes.
tern Ontario. Its weight is 665
pounds and 'cost about $1,030. It
contains the names of the parish
priest and a few of the leading mem-
We ran across the preceding
extract in an exchange and con-
sidered it of sufficient interest to
some of our readers to republish it.
And, although not credited to the
Goderich Grit paper, we fancied it
bore the outward and visible sign of
originating with that journal. But
we did not and do not say it did.
However, in the item referred to,
there is no inyitlious reference to
Father Boubat, and his reverence
must bo impeaching the veracity of
the Grit journal on some other score,
because his rebuke to the Grit organ
runs : "not to take as unassailable
truth anything that the Grit paper
of Goderich may choose to publish
where I am concerned.'' If our con-
temporary was as anxious to give THE
NEWS•RECORD credit for the many
interesting original items, from our
Goderieh and other correspondents,
which It finds in our columns, vve
could excuse it for endeavoring to
screen itself behind this journal for
statements contained in a "olipped"
item which it found in this paper and
which was not given as original by
Addittenal ifocalo
War DON'T You.—A friend
writes be NEWS -RECORD about the
marriages, births and deaths that
occur m our eonstittreecy and yet
"oo, looks in vain in our favorite
paper for a record of them," and
says "why don't yea publish them I"
The inquiry is quibe, proper and
less handwriting isa faulty index to
identity the questioner is of the fem-
ale pereuasion. We will amiss, Or our
fair questioner categOrieallyas te
marriage : 'Rale 0013 of the most
portant events in the life of the
parties to it. We way digress and
refer to something overlooked by
our cerrespondent. Engagements?
generally precede marriage. On
principle and front a due regard for
the privacy of sacred matters we do
not chronicle tuarriage engagements.
We consider that the doings of two
young people of opposite sexes cans
not properly be /aid before the vul-
gar gaze. There may be those who
cannot discriminate between affairs
which are legitimate subjects of pub-
lic mention and exposure •and those
which are of a purely private charae•
ter. Marriage migagements we con.
sider come in the latter -category.
We would think it quiteas much in
order to go personally uninvited in-
to the private nomloir of a young
lady as to pile, in our paper what
we heard or even \diet we knew of
the "courting" doings of a young
couple. The lettere] delicacy of the
individual ahoutd curb his penchant
for a sensational item which would
shork. flee feettoge of those who are
in no sense public property. Then
as to marriage. • We often hear of
marriages. Sometimes they have
newel taken place, Were we to
publish what Madam Grundy and
other gossips say . concerning such
alleged events we would often times
inflict uncalled for pain upon per-
sons of good etarding in the cern-
uni ty. A ed for what t to gratify
the cravings of tnelass who are con-
tinually proue to have a sweet mors
sel of scandal to roll under their
insatiate tongues. Besides, we woulti,
leave ourselvetteHable to prosecution.
In many cases .the prospects in life
of young people have been injured
by the too free use of their names
in public print. -Their engagemelir
or marriage hes been announced
when the one has been cancelled and
the otherleis never taken place. As
to Wails, we have known cases, and
have to.go uo further than our own
to r er to thew, where births
o men recorded in the public
press as havinei oacurred,in families
where they did not take place and
Were not likely to. This has also
caused innocent private persons con -
annoyance, The ewe
will apply to notices of deaths. We
e always willing to announce such
events in THE NEws RECORD if rea-
ponsible. parties will give us thepar-
ticulars. We have to insist upon
this course as a protection to the
parties interested.
List of the suceessfel candidates
who wrote for second 110elass certifi-
cates at Clinton :•.1 o Black,
Aggie Cruickshank, tally Dey,
Mary Perrio, Mary 11.o mos, Mary
Taylor, C. Robertson, 'ore Wil-
liams, Edward Caapen, 1'. Grand,
Fred Inglis, 1). John eon, John
Koine, John Lowery, ( ; .orge Mc -
De rin id,' J. McDonald, J. aIcTavish,
Robt. Richardson, George Purvis,
F. Hartley, A. Morris!), total number
21. Of these nearly - all were pup-
ils of this high school. It is ex-
pected that the result of the third
Class examination will be ready for
publication about the 15th inst.
Misses M. Allan, A. Campbell, S.
Porto Messrs. J.Allen, J.Burke
D. D yids n, J. Mullin, W. Robert
L. Monteith, A. Colons, II. Fow-
ler, F. Fowler, J. Hogg, J. Prender-
gast, G. Shortreed, G. Crich.
—Mrs. Cottrell, widow of the
late station agent at 13reslau, on the
Grand Trunk, has been appointed
to the charge of the station. Mrs.
Cottrell is well versed in all rail-
way business, and has besides the
assistance of her daughter Murion,
who is an expert telegraph operator.
—Mrs, Mary Stock of Parkhill,
has sued Capt. Jex, of Port Huron,
for $10,000 damages for an attempt-
ed assault. She claims that. sho
came up on tire Cole from Detroit
in June, and Capt. .Tex offered her
rooms for the night. She says lie
visited the rooms several times dur-
ing the night, and made indecent
proposals. Mrs. Stock's husband is
x_ocia eoutopandence
Dr. McDonagh. }vas in town on
Miss Minnie Cooke is on a visit
to the Queen city.
The schooner Tod»tuit, with a
cargo of lumber for H. Secord, arriv-
ed in port last Friday.
The Afary 8. Gordon, with a cargo
of lumber for Jos. Williams, anTived
in port last week. •
- Mr. J. Roberts, we are pleased to
see, is arouud again after his recent
severe illness.
airs. Gorman and Miss Gleason
loft on the if,'mpire. on Saturday for
aIiss Saults visited Bluevale last
week, aud returned home on Aron -
The Point Farm is nowlfairly
crowded with guests seeking lake
Huron's salubrious breezes,
Mr. H. Matthews is in town on a
visit to his brother W. ll., the
The schooner Kulfaue, with lum-
ber for H. Secord, reached her dock
on Sunday morning. •
The big' mill shipped a consider-
able quantity of flour, &c., last
The life boat station has received
ueur life belts to take the place of
the old-fashioned ones, so long ob-
jected to by Captain Babb.
The steam yacht nosla and schrs.
ll'ufaleree and Todmari left for the
northsern-Stradayanorn ing. '
The schooner 1Vanderer, of Tor-
outo, ran. into harbor on :Friday
evening on account of the high wind
theu prevailing.
The Rev. Mr. Newman, an aged
clergyman from 'London, preached
an excellent sermon in St. George's
last Sunday morning.
Mrs. and Miss Robertson, of Clin-
ton, were in town last week on a
visit to the lady's mother, Mrs, W.
Smith, East street.
Mr. Geo. B. Johnston arrived in
town last week on . a visit to his
relatives. The gentleman, • who
looks pretty healthy, speaks in high
terms of his southern home.
His -Honor Judge Toms and coun-
cillor J. W. Smith left on Monday
for Peterbero, to attend the session
of the Grand 1,046 and *and En-
campment, I.O.O.F.
, The United _Empire called ill on
Wer downward trip last Saturday
afternoon and landed about fifty
passengers, most of whom took the
afternoon train for Toronto and
other points east.
Mrs. Dr. tire invitedthe Little
Gleaners, to a garden party at her
residence on oMonday afternoon.
There was a full attendance of the
little ones, who heartily enjoyed
the lady's hospitality.
&teeth & Co. have the contract for
building a house for Mr. P. Holt
on the lot between St. Peter's
church and the Contral school,
North street. The specifications call
for a'highly finished'interior.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Salton arrived
in town lest Friday afternoon on
their return from Europe. On Sun-
day the rev. gentleman concluded
service in the Victoria street Metho-
dist church.
Twelve pupils of the Goderich
High School wrote at the examina-
tion for second-class certificates, of
whom eleven wore successful. Their
names will be -found in another
Mrs. Dixie Watson, who occupied
a seat with St. George's. choir last
Sunday morning, sang a portion of
the Jubilate Deo ae a solo. The
lady filled the church with melody
and the hearts of her hearers with
There will be an excursion in
town to -morrow from Galt, under
the auspices of the Canadian Order
of Foresters. We understand the
local lodge has been instrumental in
bringing this desirable excursion to
Goderich. -
Mrs. Black, while driving along
the Huron Road last Wednesday
evening, was thrown from her seat
by the buggy coining in contact
with a lumber wagon. Tho mishap
was caused by the horse running
away and resulted in both bones of
the lady's right arm being fractured,
besides considerable damage to the
vehicle. Dr. Whitely, who was
called in, reduced the fracture.
The steam yacht Uardrt paid us
another visit last week and remained
in port for several days. During
her stay here the excursionists,
mostly from Detroit, were shown
Around the town by the Mayor and
Masers. Lewis, Cameron, McDonald
and other gentlemen, a proceeding
that must make the circular town
more widely known on the other
gorat torrespondente
1 Mr. Neil Campbell left to attend the annual meet
Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F.
ing of the
, at Peter -
Last Thursday evening
branch of a tree near Mi
Ctormick's residence fell
around without the slight-
ing, mg, causing a dog that was
to make long and pitiful
tions. As children in gre
bens were nearly always ta
vantage of its shade, their
at the time- of the down
matter of congratulation.
Last Friday evening a n
our best instrumentalists me
or and formed a new handl
Milligan as leader. The i
of the members of the new
tion is to make the new band
cal onforwhich purpo
will devote considerable '
practice. In a few' weeks i
petted flat the bo
be equal to any brass band
torn Ontario. We bespeak
new venture a good rebeptio
fair treatment by the pro
residents of Goderich.
Scam. Boa's') met on a
evening, Members all
Minutes of last regular 11160-tin
confirmed. The Inapec
port for the year, which wa
favorable, was received, our
Report of Contingent Com
recommending certain repel'
alterations, was on ?notion re
and adopted. On motion a
of $15 will be paid to any on
ing information' that, will c
any ono of breaking . or desti
the school windows, A num
applications were received fo
position of asst. teacher in the 1)
school. On motion Mr. N. M
was selected, Tho motion' by
Ball that the Ross bible be
drawn from the schools foil tin
for want of a seconder. The
then adjoattned. , s
Tho action of the Town Co
in carrying_ a motion to ask for
tenders for printing the voters'
when in response to such a ro
it had ono before it, is causing
siderable discussion. Tho dri
public opinion is evidently ag
giving town work outside, it is
Cale legislators .-earfarlr..illja
-Palcda jummjinnerow trick as that
.of. last .Fridey evening. T6 idea
of asking for tenders 'and then
ignoring them when they wore bona
fide. in every particular, savors too
much of Tanunany Hall politics to
be acceptable to those who want
square legislatiolii in fact it gives
too many animpression that such a
thing might happen when interests
of more importance .were concerned.
a large
r B. Me-
te the
est warn -
near by
at num-
king ad -
fall is a
umber of
t togeth-
vith Mr.
a musi-
se they
time to
t is ex-
ys will
in Wes -
lot the
n, and
g rend
tors ro-
S very
I filed.
a and
'e ward
O giv-
ber of
r the
con -
ft of
Last Thursday evening the ladies
of St. Goorge's church gave a garden
party on the lawn at Mrs. R. B.
• Smiths' residence; Colborne Street.
Tents and tables were placed in
convenient places. the latter being
tastefully arranged for the high tea
served, and -refreshments A fair
number partook of too, and the
lawn was crowded later 011 in the
evening by those wishing to par-
take of the -musical bill of faro. The
result of the party is the addition
of a nice little sum to the funds of
the church. Among those who
kindly volunteered their services
for the musical treat were Mesdames'
Dixie Watwon, I. F. Toms, -Arm-
strong, Misses Wynn, Radcliffe,
Wilkinson, Cooke, Burritt, Ellord,
Donagh, Gleason of Detroit, 'Messrs.
R. S. Williams, Hyslop, and Mr.
Williams of Colborne.
Tho town council met on Friday
evening. His o .hip the Mayor
in the chair. M .bors all present
except cou 'Kra Reid and Dr.
Whitely. The reasurer's statement
showing receipts (including balance
of- $862.36 from last month)
$1778.21 and expenditure $1243.97
and balance on hand of $534.60,
was received and filed. Tho Sex-
ton's return frotn Maitland cemetery
for Juno and July, showing the in-
terment of 5 adults and 5 infants,
was filed. The Fire Warden's state-
ment reporting fires that occurred
and requesting several articles for
the use of the company, was referred
to Fire Committee. A communica-
tion from tho High School Board
requesting the council to apportion
two thousand dollars for use of the
Board was received and the amount
asked therein granted. An appli-
cation from D. M. Munro, of St.
Thomas, offering to name the streets.
and number the houses at a certain
rate was filed. A communication
from the W. C. T. U., asking the
council to erect tables with shades
over them in the park, for the use
of pic-nic parties, was referred to
Board of Works. A petition from
a number of ratepayers asking for a
drain on Wilson street, was referred
to Public Works committee. Th
Finance committee report, recom
mending payment of the followiu
accounts, was adopted: Mrs. Mits!!
ell $1.50, C.- L.ICIfitOirti.75
Williams & Murray $127.24, Iluu-
cline]] 1.1ros. $5, Estate Geo. Grout
$7.25, Goderich Star $5.96. The
Finance committee recommended
that the assessment for the current
year be 2 cents on the $, which
recommendation was adopted.
account from McKibben & Ruttell,
$72 kr tiles,. and one frem John
Hillier of $14.67, were ordered to
be paid; and the following were re-
ferred to Finance Committee : r. 13.
VanEvery $30.13, Jas. Imrie $13.40,
G. N. Davis $45.90. A tender of
$27.75 for printing the voters' lists
from a Clinton office, was presented
to the Council, when deputy -reeve
Cameron moved, seconded by coun-
cillor Smith, that it be not accepted.
and that Messrs. 'Mitchell and Mc-
Gillicuddy be heardfbefore the Coun-
cil . An amendment and calling for
new tenders moved by lititler,second-
ed by Cameron was carried. The
amendment carried on the following
vote : Yeas --Smith, Binghain,Hum-
bor, G. Acheson, Dunlop, Butler,
Cameron and the Mayor -8. Nays
—Johnsten, Colborne, Lee, 3. Ach-
eson, Jordau-5. The Council then
W}UTELY A. TODD, rublisherig—
Word torrtspondeitre
We have to record the death, on
, • 'Monday, of Mrs. NIcIunes, of Morris,
g her sonsilalaw's residence, Mr.
11.$1;0—Lleiceadial It11e wastkilsj121444.--taken ill on
Friday with an tack of apoplexy,
from which 1 hoe she remained un-
conscious"%e til her remise. The
funeral took phi Wedniaiday to s
the union eeneeesy. The bereaved
have the arms
path)/ of the euimounity.
On Saturday afternoon a -sensor;
tiou was caused in our burg Ate
it \vas turnored that the desperado
I Tont Little, had been in our midst
and had gone throngb on his way
nort h ward. Coestable Davis hay-
ing got wind of it determined to
follow hint up and arrest him dead
or alive, Ha v 1 ng armed himself
for the occasion he made pursuit
after him meeting hint on the con.
cession leading to the 31c0owen
settlement, coming towards the
gravel, where Ite irrested hint with -
opt any troiill tiol WON! him
safely ilk 111' conler. At a late
hour on 8aturday night groups of
men might he seen discussing as to
whether he was the desperado or
not, and if he was how came he to
be captured so easily. The tnan
gave his Milne as Prank McCallum.
Ifs? had been work ing at lin rvesting up
north and evidently had got too
much wealth, came into • town and
got too tuft!' Scott Act into him
which -made him do a consiaerable
amount of blowing . which caused
some of our 'citizens to have their
suspicions that he was the noted
desperado. He was released from
his imprisonment on Monday morn-.
ing as there was nobody to prove
that he was the man he was sups
posed to be. It is only a short
time ago that the same individual
was arrested at Ethel under the
same suspicion 1 ut her? In he re-
leasci.l. •
Mr, Jante 1 'Ham is home. _from_
the Sault for his holidays.
Mrs, Cantelon, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. Phillips at present.
Mrs. Coloton left here on Satur-
day to visit relatives in Stratford.
Miss Selina Poulton is spending
a couple of weeks holidays with
friends at Teeswater.
Mr, JR COOS 21.11411100 moved 1,i
11 ily this week into the new resi-
dence which ho reeentb-
,The Sciopticon entertainment
wiiich was held in the 'Methodist
church was .not very well attend-
Ott Friday SOW fl of our citizens
took advantage of Clintons civic
holiday cheap trips to Termite and
-elsewhere. •
tT.,11 alye.,
spending his summer holidays here
with his relatives. Charley is gets
deg quite Yankeefied.
Dysentery is 'very prevalent hese
at present. Both old and young are
suffering from it. The doctors seem
to be doing ai rushing business at
We are glad to see that our towns -
WWI Mr. Robt. McGee is so far re-
covered finni his recent illness so as
to be able to take a walk around'
town again,
King Street, where the cooler is
situated, was a great attraction on
Sabbath for the pop! to see the.
supposed notorious Tont Little sniff-
ing through the bars for atittle fresh
The Rev, Mr. _McDowell, of
Winghain, conduc'ted the services
in the Methodist church on Sabbath.
There being a !ergo congregation at
both services to hear his able and
eloquent discourses.
• Mr. Robert White, of Exeter,
having made arrangements last
week for running a paper here, the
plant and other material arrived an
Monday. He intends' running it
independent. We wild?, him suc-
Miss Ruth Jones presided at the
organ in the Episcopal church on
Sabbath and which she will continue
to do in the absence of Mrs, Whitt,
the organist, .who is away on her
holidays. The young lady is an
accomplished player.
Mr. Stevenson, of Clinton, is here
with a gang of men removing a
building adjoining Moser's tin shop,
(better known as Wilsou's bank) to
the end of the lot adjoining the post
office, on Dinsloy street, making
room to remove Anderson & Elder's
vacant store across the street in
place of it.
On Sabbath morning the Rev. J.
F. Parke, of the Episcopal church,
here, made known to his congrega-
tion that the relation between pas..
tor and people for over four years
would soon have to terminate. He
found as the winter approached and
the longer he stopped here the
more he suffered with an affliction of
the head which he was afraid would
be the cootie of hie losing hie voice
and through the a vice or
physicians he would remove to
another climate he having received
permission from the Bishop to leaye
this diocese for two years. He has
received an appointment to a
church in the diocese of Ohio, for
which he leaves about the first of
October next.
The hum of the threshing machine
is heard.
The erect .
ion j the Trivia Mem-
oriel Choresitaie king rapidly pushed
Moffat, of L. D. Saw-
yer & Co.,
Rev. D. M. Ramsay and wife, of
Londesborough, -are visiting their
many friends in town.
Mr. John Hawkshaw has made a
fine improvement on his hotel) by
painting the outside 'red': • Meesre.
Spicer Bros. were the contractors.
A slight pugilistic encounter' be-
tween two of our merchants was
.settled by -our town constable on
Saturday night, Shame !
Mr. James *NVeeks, we are sorry
to learn, is at present confined to.
the house by severe illness. We
hope to hear of his -speedy recovery.
On Monday last, Mr. John Evans,
who was working on the town hall;
'fell from the scaffold and broke
his leg at the ankle.
Mr. James Oke shipped 'from
Centralia station two car loads of
cattle for Montreal, on Tuesday
last. s • -
On Wednesday last a flax bee
was held on the farm of Mr. James
Oke. A large crowd attended and
the flax more than raised. " •
Miss Maggio Richardaon, of Lon-
don, Ont., is spending her holidays
with her sister Mrs, J. Landsborough.
Mr. J. Broadfoot, Mill road, still
lies in a very critical condition and
but slight hopes are entertainsd of
his recovery.
Mr. Thornton, who has been in
the employ of J. Thorp, Esq., for
some time, has given up his situation
and accepted one in Seaforth where
both ho and wife now reside.
. Harvest is 'almost completed in
this section, being much earlier than
in former years.
Farmers are beginning already to
prepare the soil for fall wheat ; but
the general opinion is that we will
need a shower of rain before it will
beemy use sotving.
&noon Boann.-'—The Tucker -
smith Public School Board met in
Egmondville on Saturday July 30th,
Tho treasurer was °authorized to
apply to the township council for
13,300 to be raised by, rate to meet
SO 100 0111art S. to secretary was
also giveniauthority to call for ten-
ders for fencing and draining etc.,
at the two now schools which aro
being erected. Tho Board will
again meet in Egmondville on
Saturday 3rd Sep. at 2 o'cloek p.
for the purpose of. transacting other