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The Huron News-Record, 1887-08-03, Page 3
• • .44 -wwww4.- - mswmm- es 4 • NI.V...Isamoikisot.....sslosows.• smokalvaiwtskwasg.mrigt.sevar.mos„-scstAtrrx.^s2azesnot.it-rawa.*.v.....73.-..A! • sr,r,estrscr.sev .....-4.7.....as-4..a9srsis.cs....,ea...st,gr.a...1...x.. The Huron News-RecordI D d, inister at VI I iii iv .. ref . well UR ss heel tits v afore. times the amount of agricultural couree." The latter opinion tie he- neighbor iseek Malian,. of amity atol I Additional Locals. .4r plo tient that Canada does. Mr. • y • . Digby, N. S., well expresses his time lace' '41 1.0 despise. tirevIt IA ri I ire; feeling in this way : "\Vo greatly like your people as neighbors and '11" "4"1"". visitors, and will not object to an- telatiratily will, the temper tif teen flexing you." Others want a Bea, mereittl Eettlisiel 11f hid. rented rowel proeity treaty. A few favor a close hint with its pride. it parketten, its oompact with Great Britain and her hnne,,ty i. .•,1 moral euritestneee. colonies to the exclusion of all out. eraIle side interests, and frequent prefer -.--- • TI Wen:1111a and the truer were once is. 'Udrawn by a natio:41 al trio:Hoe tn expressed fornited States the laws and principles. A most. deck). ono istateetime of their time, .wIto-o ed reply is from Yarmouth county, ai ors Wt•Prllii:.1 1631., ‘.1 hosi. halide N. 8.: We answer with a No and a were clean. But 1 here e as a far big thump. There are sixty fm deeper ground for their enthusiastic Hies in this village, and only two soft his ease away tte. he sloes when he heads" are for annexatien." The introduces the fact that Canadian vote received may be tabulated, as follows: manufacturers are able to comitete Holmes "does not anticipate any in - WEDNESDAY, AIM INT 341881 • jury to manufacturers by emptier. sial union." Ho fortifies this state. TAXATION IN THE UNITED merit by allegiug that he "knows of STATES. au important industry which is to - • "An American Stafemnan" in the dill 0°1"1'"ug with Aliterieell iu- Conlemporary Reiew some time duatriee in the mune lino for foreign % trrldo, 01.HI hag so far succeeded in ' ago gave a resume of taxation • in the United States, with special to- holding its own." Mr. Helms bin • fereuce to state taxation. Canadians "very young mau," indeed, to give who long to sinlc their nationality and patriotism in affiliation with tho Uniteptat,es and who would con- vert the various Provinces of the with AtnericAn industriea forlforeign Dom,inion into states of the Atneri- trade. If' he is not too "youug" a inan ho can remember when Canada can republic would do well to con - alder their present position and did not have factories to supply her their desired oue, own wants let alone compete with The national taxation Of the those of the United States in foreign United States is solely Mr national countries. He would not need to be 3 very old man to remember this purposes. The several states have to support themselves by lirect stele of affitits. We 'mod rot go taxation. further back than ten years to show Tho Provinces of the Dominion the time whoa wo could not com- have- no direct taxation for poin- Pete eithei at home or -abroad with vial purposes, only for municipal American manufacturers. Now \[r. Holmes admits that all this is purposes. The Province of Ontario gets about $2,000,000 per annum chauged, and that without RUM - out of the national taxes' in tho mercinl union. Why cry out for form of a•subsidy. Tho only direct commerci 1 union if we eau held • taxes we iii Ontario pay are fur 001 own against the United States we are ? It cannot be to lessen municipal and county purposes. The article we refer to on Atheri. taxation, as Wlk 8110W 111 01 can Laxation stales that in 1880 the column ; it is admitted that we have taxation of the state uf Massachu- no need of it to help our thriving setts, including everything but inallnrlettltels, and se we slowed nationel taxes, was $2.3,000,000 for lest week, °Hem official reports, a population of 1,700,000, an aver - 11 cannot ln. to help our fennel's, beesuse the Aineria;ttis produce an ago of' over 1 4.50 per head. One of Lite leading importers of Boston imnieusi! supprabundanee of the estimatog that the indirect taxation slam claret or In0all143I8 '118 1140 Calm- diau farmers do.• It is an hermit to in the 10110 of customs dues paid on the 001111001) sense of Canadian farm- impoeted goods conetimed in ,the ers • to ask thein to believe that in state amounted in tho semi) year to another 825,00,000. Here we have the bulk of syliat they mist' they $50,000,000 taxes paid in ono year. eau expect to sell it more advantage - by the state of fassaellusetts with a only to a people that have a surfeit pophlation loss than that of Ontario. of it, tlian they call to England or other foreign Countries which do Nearly 830 per 1101(1 annually, one half of which is contributed by not raise dtiough for their (mil co direct state taxation for state sumption. , e liber - 'purposes • alone. Stirely,tlei*. stregifiniineng flint the successful not a state of tehirege -Siorth Ontar. factory which Mr. Holmes knows • 1. • ___telesonoltling up both bends fur, of is in this town. Without know- ,: , ing-what the views of the proprietors We here more receot' statisocs are about Commerchtt union, ewe (1885) fur Virginia, ta state whose .• ventnrc to state, subject to correc- : <economic conditions aye totallysdif • feroilt lb tlitist) of Maseachusotts, thou, tied there is not one of them Here we lind the state taxation still *but, has eppettunities of doing bet- ter now the under commercial .t• Pon .A9911x Ancor. oattuto 139 Nova Suotla 60 Total , ...... 210 ANNI.A.VD0X. Ontario 70 tombs,: ..... to Nova Scotia 620 Total '00 ti ERR EIV.7' TOPICS.' tetts'o vo Tilts wiroCe note Mr. Du mei ii llefutyre, onposi - dot' cAtelitlateiti Semi) Relifew,iti his addreste to the electors shows that,. he seeicitly swallows the wlsolti of Cummercial Union. Hsi says shall, le.refore, stimuli1 be elected, e utatiost efforte to obtain and ,"X tend Reciprocity in natural and other products eith the Steles, limping eiew, mainly the welfsre of CA:lade." There lints for tare n etatslit g offer 'to the A merieast ()vermiteit, made by Sir John A. Macdonald, to arrange conotitireiel relations en the basis 1411 1(1(41(1 Ity 141r. 1\1 eltityre. • SO ANsrx.vriox F0/1 11(14. _...Th,. St, .1(the, N. B. SVIG ries insenitering dint a retureed exudes!' heti been prominent the -young Liberal" aesocieticeis, and an ardeet campaigner in a circle which compris ed some annexationistee es reporter aske41 : "You aro not an annexationist The reply wgit emphatic "I once had an idea (1)11 Amieeti- (ion might bo a good thing for the Maritime Prot inces, but I have whol- ly changed my mintl. Free 'trade might be profitable, but. have nothing to do with the aunexation- " 1515 hereafter. thie ee-eritiutitry would write and tent their country up as the pimple in the United States the they could find plenty to nay for their own Intel. Our climate ie bet en- both in winter and summer. Ilut your Yankee praises his country, liot or cold, rama or shine, good timer; and bad tine's, emd no amu of either perty makes a htiminess of reaming down his own eieh liorliote greater. In 1885 the tax for state \Vep suine u i'pbq s--was-4 eeneseen 111-e .9-1-fiff-, the aessesinent $317,7117,765, the t MC. The threshing machine pOIT'aittil 1,600,00 which would works of 'Ferran, McPherson and Hovey would not be bettered un- make the stele texetion 887 per der commercial .111lion ; nor WO 1(1)1 head, nearly the wholi; of which is the Doherty organ factory paid by landlioldere, ee the average would Fah' 's roller flour wills. But asseesed. 1(1110 of personal property i : s less than 850 per head. That is should these iielustries Revive it, a not likely sequence, it would only pensunttl property in Virginia con: tributes per head of population •$2 be by increasiug their -capital end • out output, And if they 'did this they (Jr 887: Thus 885 per head ;Is the tax per Ittind of population paid Would remove to' larger centres of by the holders of land in the state trade than Clinton. Possibly 0010 - of Virginia. what 1\[as8lehosetts znercial union might help to build pay $ 15 per year per head,. end up some of the dozen cities in the V Dominion, but we conked that it irgiane -887 for, .we in Ontario would be at the expenso. of the pay possibly 82 per heed for. farming community, the towns, and We don't fancy tlett farmers of Lite greatest number of farmeri. A nd Ontario i-vim141 be excessively de - he who holds up both hands for cem- lighted le exchange the trifling mercial union favors it system that provieeial and intolicipal taxatiint would depress the price agricul- of Ontario l'or the $15 lair head tural produce and ruin -many of our stern . and in tut ici pi! t ex at ion of' thriving towne. Thn first- 0 feel Mess 0111181)118 UP the tamest- in - the injury'wou141 be our own town of eretlible 8.R5 par head state tnxtftiuit of Viigiuie. For the MassaChusels Clinton. figures we refer to the Contempor- :try Review 'fagazine, for thesis cen- t . 0:oiling Virginia we refer to an • article it: ;nother coltmoi by tin s- • Alericee ivriter relAtive to Vir- e ginia stele reputlition of 1I3 )** 1111(1 l'eleetril Thornton, a large eitintlter of Noya Scotituis reeently itish min ieteP rtt 11-asn- , are opposed to tuinexatien, but tees NC. Nel /WA IV .e40.FT II.Ket1),‘„Y. anse rem; JOHN A. An American ;loth:littoral piper, • r°11"s1rin.ra, , (1111 iuk pi/1'1,1'01 1, Or England '1- "great "1"/ 11"n".' of SPville". commoner," NVilliant Pitt, by field, Masse 1318 the following con. Green in his "I-Iistory of t he eurning ( Intelien soft heeds,. The Engliell People, photographs :Zia strange part of' the item is that ses'e joint A. illitedotteld's 8trngot eller- acteristice so iitheiraliy uly that it is worth reprodueing. Sir joint has rallied round him the beet element's of thin country because he had confidenee in them and they ktiow his alum are unselfish end his an equally • to onutinetel verdict ""'"18 are (lee". 8'r 'I'd"' 11"lievt'd • iti the power and patriotism of Can. eigeinst annexatien tvhether disguie- edit before our own people did. I3ut cd as centmercitil 11 41 i011 or ss 1 Ctr,oIa believes in herself straight nut inivernisliefl PrePosi• ,just ats the Ir'iglatel of Pitt's time (ion :--- believed in lenself notwithstanding • learnt and (101110 recently asked. its revt•rses and the pontile conebina- f"anailian readers for their opinions lions of •sixty millions of centime), regarding the plan of annexaing tel rivals, The effects of Sir .Tohn's Canada to the United States. out reverse in 1872 e es destined to of 914) answers, 7C0 are opposed to show Cattatliens the danger that the idea, and 210 aro in favor of it. There is evidently a wide difference could come from hicompeteut states of opinion on the subject among the nein lit the hetet, l'hosti dangers Canadian people. On this side of lifted Sir John high above all the line the same is true, Canada's ,thoughts of eta or party. "Be ono debt being one of the objections people," he cried to faction, and we raised. Most of' those who have are ,following in that line. And voted have simply said "yes 'or "no." like Pitt, Sir John Naili to Parties One reader at Alma, Ontario, says: "I believe it would greatly advance ment "forget everything but the the interests of the farmers and public 1" And in spite of the everyone else, unless otir numerous :sophist' ire of faction Parliament officials -for truly we are a =eh answered the cell affirmatively. governed people." Amother writes ma consegitence ie that by our leg. from Wentworth county, Ontario : !elation, blood upon a knowledge of "Positively and dectdedly 'No.' But I am strongly in favor of Coour meow cos nail power, Caeada is m- mercial l'nion and brotherly interto-day leaking our eiNtY IKON '2,1!--ST-14.1=0N-414-. 'Fr T A447- '08s- M41 1' • T011403 COAT. The wet s of the partisan writer are past finding out. • Tiro Globe has for a long time betel tanteieg joie) s\, with ottleavotitte to rajsti 11. robenien in Manitoba. The Globe Nhiliday irikos analwr tack awl se141 that jolts, A. we; eet even • upon 1110 LAI' of iii711. coat nithough it is trailed it, the dust before hie) for that vtiry pur- pose. The Globe's words Lint allowalietehas not. checked Manitdba. By common consent her people ignore the Federal, p twer. The people of 11Ianitoba have set aside the cons stitutien of Canada and are in re- volt, in rebellion which.18 tort mark,- ed by bloodshed," 'rho Globei; re. marks are made bejetme the Red River Valley Railway has built teventetssix mires of their road, and because Sir John did not carry out the program Ole of the Globe and order the volunteers out nodshoot down ho workmen. But, Sir John . don't -go into the bloodshed business in order to please the Glob;,, 11'. he wents to check ManitoGe he will resort to civil process awl the courts to do it. - . •1;1'' ington, lees during the past month feel ghee cevoin time if an equnl been in the Sluice trying tit etseire. number uf niterians been I went beck to Etegletel last , mewl from here woald haves 1)01.11 weelt h Lying failed in his mieeion, and will endeavor to induce the ee. British Government to 1100 its • flni,:ino to have Virginia pay up. •••••••••M•• 1101,1)8 1107'11 IIANDS FOR 1? ('IN • Thinlyd iAgniAoll annexation ton der ((((3 name of commercial union catches all of those who for years hes, been "looking. to Washington." The Weise has been asking the opin- ion of' "young mai" on this ques- tion, rind publishes their Answers. in the Globe of Satio•day wo have the answer of Bold. Holmes, Clin- ton, Presumably the editor of the Nor Bra. He "holds up both hands for commercial union" ns the best 'or the farmer, hi fade, of the feel that the Vaned States grow, have a surplus of, and export twenty .• estesereatotlairese;'-s:?"..liir " • 111111 bit 4)D1)1'E L 1 W81).ECOlt ATION DA1 t the of he mien beau' if ul meet:, coulee/et to ell hum hi a re:spec:tier teialemess for the mem. ory deed. le a note or leae tillgree we find It 1.a4.1 ail among uns ilized people. But for its larger developtutte1 3.11' !IAA, as ".0 Hoist look fur the broader and larger de- velopment of all the most ennobling reverence. Ife 1.1ved Eligieed with seetiments, to utilized people. seed an harness, and persot.ai love. Ile among civilized people we find its believed in her power, her glora., her greatest growth among fratereal po hi le 11 rt tee1 111 Eugle lel learned /societies whether theei• he chuich or to believe in liertself. ifer iriIlaiphN secular. P1'011610.111, among secular were his triumphs, her defeats hie or benevolent aesociations who keep defeats. Iler datigt re lifted him greeit the networy of their fellows hige above all thoughts of self or must les named that of the party spirit. "Ble one people," he fellows. cried to the fat:tines who rose to Speak nu ill of the 410411, is an bring ',bout his fall, -forget every. trite a truism as the most threed- thing .but the publie 1 1 net you bare Biblical proverb. Ands the the- example." And even 1114, faults corollary holds good : speak well of which Clieskered his charaetee told the dead where you homietly can. for hint with the middle class'" The Vlinton Lodge of Odd fellows fixed upon 1Vednesilay last es Dee- m :Won Day and carried out the ceremony in accordance with tho ceremony adopted by the Grand Lodge of Ontario to be observed ii ti.e decorating of the graves of de- ceased brothers. A fraternal iti• vitation win' given to the ',retie en of Goderich. Accordingly by train ou the day nano 11 mentbers of tho Guttered' Eitiestirpitietit in plumed helmets end utliforte, to the number of eighteen, put in tot apptittrance tit tiro Clinton station, where they were met by the Clinton brethren 114 rip:elite they having previously assembled at their lodge room, and tho Doherty betel. e Haines of. those hi the uniform of the Encamp. meet are P. LI eft, C. W. Andrews, Robe Thompson, Wm. Babb, John Yule, J.is Bailey, Lieut. Beek, J. W. Smith, :el. J. Protelfout, J. J. Brown, A. Kirk bride, J113. Itobiti- 8044, C. A. Nairn, Fred PeitlItatit, JaseYates, Geo Stevens, W. Knight,, 11. Robinson, J. C. Cole, Jobe Smith, all but the last tvvo, 'who are Clintonians, of Underhill. Front the station tho brethren, _headed by the Doherty band, pee- Clintert ceineteree _ Alts Heine in God's acre they formed itt a cirtle, when Past Grand, C. W. Andrews, acting as Noble Grande read t kis following vertemenial. :- My Brethren : Before WO proceed with' the duties of the day, and place over the mortal remains of our de- parted frieuds, the floral tributes we have brought, let ns invoke. the Divine blessing. Whereupen Chaplain Israel Taye lot. read :-- IS THERE EXT0IITION ? Editor Neres-Reemet I find that, with two papery pub- lished in Cliutou, I have to go out of town to get news regarding the alleg- ed rascally doings of two °uteri° Goveremput officials reeident in our town. Is it because Police Magistrate Williams aud Inspector Paisley are; residents of Clinton that I do not find tfleir wicked Conduct exposed in our towu papers, and have to seek the columns of the Louden Ale Press for it. Naturally unongli your Grit contemporary, who is also ;ii official of the Scott Alt eesociatiou of tc county, would lee expected to wnlk at delinquencies or over/alai -on the part of its political and fanatical tools. But I expected that fella:se exponent uf wrong -doing, 'fins NE1V.4s 14:4011 L., to 11011011/1110 1).0-v2(111H/i1( and extortion by public officers of any stainp. I au) 110 apologist for the Scott Act, I voted for at once but wonld not doeso again, as 1 believe that in existing state) of pu'olie senti- ment it will continue, 08 11 appears to me to have been doing, contrary to my anticipations, to provoke strife, - tenement) deceit, cause perjury to be looked upon na to veinal offoucte --Resette perereensts foesethe_ Wseeseal teethes,. foster &nuke:mess and immorality in unexpected directions, withdraw from the municipal and Proviucial treasuries a largo amount of revenue, and entail upon the county en mi. necessary expenditure for fruitless enforcement. But this is a digression. I believe. however, eu long as the law is on the statute book in offering no hiudrance to officials appointed under it so toile as they aro acting within the spirit of tlie law. Nor do I think it right that threw officials should use their •position, to extort money as Voritas alleges'in the Free PitThTh1y280 1.• Probably I shouldsay official, as Inspector Paisley is said to bo t170 111081 heinous - offender. wha; right does M. Paisley frighten the keeper of what .1114 admits to 1 the meet respectable mid is.st itopt In hi; inspector. tk itt o paying fines ? Why d005 541)11. 111)113 hoses til porsocuto' tho party thk is a1 - 10,4c(1 to Liu don,: right ineisr the 11080 of 'Die New without ono word of remonsteauce. upon such a sentinel of the liberty of the' snbject to allow this bleckmailing, Call call it by no .0140 word if the al- legations' ol aretteonteees4) Ou. Au explauatir lir you is in order. Yours, . CONSERVATIVE TEETOTALLER. "0, Thou, Great and Eternal God, our Father, Creator and Preserver of the Ufiiverse, leek down and bless us in the solemn services of Decora- tion Day. Wilt thou give us grace to emulate the virtue of our Brothers, sleeping beneath the iiilent sod ? Ana while we pay our tribute. to their memory, may WO never forgot that revt..rence for tho dead is best ithown her eve for the living. Bless the widow and orphan ; and raise them up kind friends in their hour of.. need. And may we, together with our departed brethren, gain admite• num to the Celestial Ledge above -- there to be NVitil Thee forever. •: The customary responses of "Amen." "So may it be" and theMr. Goo. Hill threshed his fall ' band playing. . 13.110111 on Thursday last. He had Einewes C0313r ms T: ---We do net know The 'circle now elongated into a tho best looking field of wheat in of -any prostitution of his position bythis section but the yield therefrom is procession and•passed consecutively police magistrate Williams, Mr political anything but satisfactory, to the graves of Bro. Ed. Grn egg, or other purposes ; norwro NVO aware of • o extortion or blaekinailng on the rant of' ln. which 1)0418 14(11.01(1 a floral tribute A postoffice has been granted to specter raiSlen Dild as we beet! the peen- by Bro. Jones ; Bro. Now,,,,,,h,,• our village to be . known by the liar habit of not telling, what WO doe't floral by Bro. J. Cl,Cole • 'Bro. S. nane4 of Summerhill. It was open-, know, we rest our explanation here. There ed Monday the first of August. • ' Rance, floral offering by 'Bro. john may be, it 1,wks as if there were, persons who are more officious in ”iving , infoe• Swig) ; 13to. A. Kiri y, floral offer, Mr. Jhn oJohnston is laid up !nation against Howie houses thanagainst ing by - Bro. P. Holt. Tho lest with a sore finger caueed ley a 811101' others. But, as we underAtiod the met- floral tribute Was artistically stone • falling °thereon and sever - tee Mr. Paisley has no option but to e a )111110\%')111110\%' while ho was engaged. designed to form tho -number-of thinc e take proceedings when he reolves infer- matien from responsible parties contain- lodge,. and all of thrice were choice in mason work in the southern part ing prima flees evidence sufficient to productions of floral nature and of the county. .secure convietion. A statement.of official were brought from. Goderich. As With a store, postoffiee and black - misconduct on the part of either Dr. Villeins or Mr. Paisley, properly author- each tribute' was placed on a grave smith shop, all started witltin a fleeted end forwaoled . to the Attorney eaell depositor recited suitable lines, short period, who cdn'say one vill- General or Provineito secretary of Ontario and Bro. Geo. A. SItwine') briefly age is not taking a new lenee of would 00 doubt be attended to. ' We do outlined the history of the departed, life? 11 34(03' even rival she hub believe in the utter tlepravity or (lilts - and the Clinton Quartette Ciub, some day --say in case the propoeml though there is possibly a purr entleranee of cussedness among them-nny more composed of Messrs. ()AU, Smith, ratlway comes through it, than we de in the noel' delO evil y ,t inan. Harland and Kay, sang musical kind 18 :41 ilu.'al. .. • selections adapted to the occasioe. - - • The mournfully pleasing duties I/A It LE.): PROSPEeeTS. over the brethren, preceded by the -Twenty-two oases of heat pro- /. Doherty band, returned to town and stration Saturday, five fatal. A San Francieco home) reports as to marched to Brdl Kennedy's hotel, the condition of the barley crop :- in front of which Bro. Nail 0, with -The yellow fever record at Key - Wisconsin promises e very fine yield, the tact of a born disciplinarian, put AVest up to Thefeday was 175 0(3.803 and 41 deaths.' both in quality anti quantity. Min- the Encarepment through their drill - nceota will be far below last year's in regular martial manner, and --Terd Salisbury has warned his crop. Iowa reports are limited ; here ' en excellent repast was followers to be on the look -out for a one-third crop its figuredom for that served And partaken of. During dissolution of Parliament. region: Nebraska claims to have the time at their disposal after sup. -The New York State 011)01 Con- e resod averegts crop, but tho late per the brethren called upon their veution at Rochester last week pass- epnl of extreme hot weather . must various friend's, and when tho hour ed a resolution strongly favoringIle, have materially damaged the prosOf I) c f the clocic approached they ciprocity. peas[111» 'is and Michigan ene rieforined, end, accompanied by the -Puget Sound, Washin,gton Tor- - ports aro fair. California reports band, made their way to the station. Titory, lumber is now being shipped are limited, but Nye estimate the Here the welkin.W118 1.111.115. to ring from Vancouver, via the Canadian clop as falling short of that of last and resound with cheers for the year, which WaR very good, and ex- leading participants in this cote- Pacific, to Albany, N. Y. port will he somethiag liver hnif of memorativo occasion, ti41 which -As Mrs Wright, of Hill street, last season's„Cansda'm yield will the train moved off with the Ooderich London, was travelling west by the not be above the average, as late brethren, and the Clinton fraters 054(00085, a cinder from the. engine" o droulh and hot weather cotedderailly and the large number of citizens went flew iuther eye. At Chatham the damaged the barley interoste. to their homes imbued with a aid of two physicians was secured, ettlemn pleasure over the thought but she has totally lost the sight, of that though man die yet shall he the °Ye. -Specials to The Pioneer Press live -both in this mundane world -The manufacture of that imple show thatthc storm of Monday night as well as in the Great Beyond was unusally severe and destructive ment, the toothpick, forms an im- in Dakota and Minnesota. Crops portant industry in the Eastern 1 with the KnightsTabor question. ears with toothpicks Alone. • pi.....1.1.1„ael,i were badly injured. A freight trainStates. A company having their -Tho Po ded them is centre in Aretne, having enough twits struck by lightning and 10 i no ground o in eiforonee mules were killed.orders for the year to fill 50 freight emeetawaseeiseesereestateseapseAlieseeseeimes AdditiontirlAftvals SUCCESSFUL 11 URO.N ITES. At the recent .Nletriculetiou Ex- amination of the University of Tor- onto the follovving candidates suc- ceeded in passing : euxtrozs. Full Matriculation :-Jos. Arm- strong, W. M. Nugent, J. M. God- frey, J .Ls udsborough, G. McKenzie, J. W. Treleaven, A. A, Ultima& Taking the following honors :- Honors in Mathematics, 3. W. God- frey, J. W. Treleaven and L. C. Hough; honors in Classics, J. Arm strong end W. M. Nugent; honors in English, J. W. Treleaven; hon- ors in Geography, J. M. Godfrey and J. W. Treleaven; honors in German, J. Armstrong. In all nine honors wore obtained by this High School. The following paroled in some of the subjects of the Matriculation Examination :-, 4 Pass©d in MaCheinaties, W. 1.. .111eQuatrie, It. J. Gibson, A. Reyna)-„ L. C. Hough"; passed in Classics, R. J. Gibson, L. C. Hough. W. I,. MeQuarrie; pafeted In Eng. lisle W. I.. MeQuartie. 001/E111011. Cr. Fowler and it, S. Robertson. SEtPlJltTi(. J. 1.. Killoran and•A. s. 'lIOl.iUI ..--_=sees-se=seee Torrespondvnve --n Salt ford. There was Married in this village on duly 27th, at 7 o'clock p. in., at the reeidence of' Mr. 'lames Wells, by the Rev. Robert Ure,-11.1)., Mr. Richard Gibbs, of Saltford, to Miss A. Bull, of the same village. The presents were beautiful and varied, viz , three erns of glassware, two glass water pitchers, a silver butter 'coulee and butter knife, a set uf s ehina dishee, a glass cake plate, out: fruit cake stand, a pair of pickle dishes, half dozen preserve dishee, one largo fruit 'dish ;Ind half clokere silver knives and forks, half dozen silver spoons, one 'half dozen gob - lots, andel number of other valuable presents. The friends of the bride run i bistro° lie -that present spent a very enjoyable evaing in -- music and singing until. 12 o'clock, and then dispersed to their respec- tive homes exceedingly well pleased with their evening's enjoyment, The .frionde and relatives of the • young couple wish them long life, health and happiness 'in their new. home. -•••• SummerMIL Mr. Isaac Fisher has a now house in the course of erection. Mrs. Davidson and 8011 of Col. borne have been visiting at Mr. Mannings. Mr. Walter :Baker went to Toren - to Monday Aug. 1st where lin itt- tends to take a course ill 10 11S10 01111 Min afterward attend the Nuriu..1 School. We wish him succese. Mr. -11. Grainger our now smith has his blacksmith shop s - which he -recently ereeted, in. good running orderlies -LI ie &urge% •rpe hi ug bitsine88. ..X.E.NrST!1i!EFS.t _ 4treitesa'el sessoareessee,',seleittesel 4,448 s .1