HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-08-03, Page 1awn..—•i+n-......
'VEItines-41„25 per Annum, in ICIdv*utc.
WHITELY c. TODD, i '')Tighe;'i
Orton Civic Holiday.
Cfl8ap Exdurs!on
A,dditiounl pras
Mn. Amb Mns. Looms returned
last Wednesday front a visit to Stan-
ley. They also paid s visit to 11Ian-
Additional Voolo
ocnl (orreypondeuce
Ma. W. S. BARKWELL, of Loudon, t.oderieb,
is in town this week. Ilia Honor Judge Doyle left lest
' Other local and district news ou week on a trip to Ireland.
editorial page. Miss Lowe, of London, is the
Mona Ltt3c1 g3lri�rs.—It is rumor D. CANTELox is doing into the guest of the Misses Elford.
l " 'Ro i QT.iZNT )N• ed that Inoprletgr,PaisIoy will Lek fruit business 'snore largely Chau The towlt treasurer is away holi-
TU jr?TROI<'1 es 00 proceedings against The Loudon Fress ever this season. dayfug.
TO T11kt',O1.1T'0 ' • 2 00 ' a^esd or the writer pf a letter which Tura family of Mr. John Cunning- The town baud was out ou Fri -
TO LONDON 00 appeared in the columns of that haul are camping i journal last Friday, for alleged libel- i o out for a few (<1ity.
Of ' Good to go by any Regular Train oafdays.
August Lth and Return up Aug est ti. ousstatalnentacout<ained in said let- Quito a number of excursionists
ter iupugning the official integrity of 'iN tapas NS3� drove of sheep, col- took advantage of the cheap trip to
CHILDREN - t5ALE .FARE. the Ir.spectoi•, eected Ly etel.t:c ii Lrus., trait skillets the Falls last week.
Low Rates to other points. ,, fauna Cliutou station on Saturday'' Several of our 'Awn tennis pini•
" 1 KICKED BY a lMolisr: —\Ir l.tuh-
lacaI (C orreopoucleuice
Mrs. E. R. Watson is still very
Reg;alar meeting of the town
council ou Friday. '"-s.
Mr. Jas. Stretton, of Brussels was
in town last week.
Miss Nicholson is visiting rela-
tives at Saginaw, Michigan.
Rev. Father Winters conducted
service in Hullott last Sunday.
M►•e. Robert Mynas of Detroit is i
"Apply to A. 0. 1'ATTISON; lull Blake had a very narrow es- g Miss N oblo,of Detlor & Co's ladies ors, had a pleasant pine at the in There w' town on a visit to her relatives,
Agent at Clinton, cape on Friday evening. His horses gamont, department is in town again Point Farm last Friday. til b a mating •o£ the
after as visit of sumo da •s to t e 13chbol hoard pu Monday evening.
were in Swartz's stable, where he , ) Mr. Colin Campbell is adding a °
seaside at- Godorich 1 b DI r. • E. E. Wade, barrister of
went to hitch them up preparatory \lr� Babb and 1[rs, l[c.\Curchiu kitchen to his recent purchase on Brussels, was in 'town hista week.
to starting home. One of the anis.
\ t street.
mals kicked hint with great force of Godorich drove down to Clinton '['he on. A, 3f, and the Misses Dir. Wm. O'I.aan, of Stratford,
in the abdomen, Fortunately 'Ir, t (ldf�llow:, decoration clay Iasi Itoss aro visiting •on .the Atlantic was in the circular town last week.
Blake was close to the animal, wyek coast. - b Regular meeting of Huron En-
DTedical aid was summoned, but we Allis, 1> \Iaazn: , who haul been larger A little schooner not much larger
No. 28 nest Monday
are -glad to learn that his injuries called to Myth through the _Wiwi_ then our fish boats arrived on Thum- evening.
are nut of a dangerous nature. of her sister, Mrs. Vesting, returned! day inuruing with a can o of staves. Nu service in St. Peter's last Sun-
CLINTON 1tAuca.—On September
keine Monday. 3 day on account of Father Watters'
Ise the hest races ever held in tins Rev. \\`, ('r..I,u,, tit. Pouts church, There is nothing surprising in the'absence in Hullott.
section will come off here on the preached very instructive serrnoiil, Tact fleet most of our fishermen em
splendid track of the Clinton Dries morning, end evening, on Sehheth getting wealthy, bucaause the business
Is all ,a, l pi'iiit.
ing Park Association. The let race lust.
tvtll be a stallion trot for a purse of Sa 3't ►in.a; rs. \Cw le), of Cha Mrs. Seagor's Sunday school class
rt turned to town last Thursday,
8300; 2nd race fur colts four )ear's Grand Limn, fell off a step leader
0*• under, for a purse of $75, mile and is sutiering very acutely from after e pmts ut outing of sixteen
heats, :± in 3,open to all in the county, a sprained limb. ) days on lfaitlund's bulks,
trotting on pacing. 3rd race, 3 3[ta>. \\'ult3au13,u) had asevereAirs. Forbes has added a kitchen
minute, trot open to el -1 horses own- attack of illness Monday night to the building on Colborne street re-
ed iu the County of Huron- Purse a ttacIb1y the illness
is of the excessive cantly purchased by her from Mrs,
$100, best 3 in 5. - D. Morrow•
heat. The lady is getting better. „
Tu.aN rt:attleD.—'Ir. ,George .1[c 11 u.:\ualsruciNu collector of cos- the schooner ear•ler with 'lumber
Taggart, who has been teller in Chu Lotti hero, who h:ts'bt,eu ver ill far for Dyment Lo. reached her clock
Nelsons Bank Here for the least four Chu j)ast tc n days, is somewhat butter on Saturday morning and at once
years, has been transferred to 'gild was able to get down to itis commenced unloading.
\[orrisburg, and will lettvo for that ones, yc>ste o:oy. �' On account of alterations, end re-
place ou,Friday next, Arr. \Icl'ag- pairs to cones church divine cervico
gart':is quite popular both in his 1)au1•: rumor Las it that edeas was !held last Sunday in the base -
took and social capacity, and his tool. Place at Ailsa Craig, a short "tent..
leaving W 111 be regretted by tho great time since, in which a resident of •
We' (:hnton is interested • the aro. told !Castor i;iu•kst tt-or1&, by trl;ter,
mass of our chisels. ` \1 e' aro surd he � It i>, said,
will carry w ltil'111111 the best wishes the services of Drs. K. and K. were Cuuu"t be run from fieteley'soell
of our citizens generally. Ilia place n,,t required; For want of head, ,
here will be taken by Mr. Lyon, of Biom �t'r e F. it: 1'ut'; l::.l,, wife The brick work on ,lir. Newton's
Woodstock -.and sun loft Saturday utoruiuo fur house, andthat on the .addition -TC -
a Guun'I'tt.t3st.=-3L1. P. W. I{ay. Ottawa and other eastern points. G. N. Davis' house on North street
synod, of the Clinton Carriage
Mr. Powell will return in about is completed.
Works, is doing a good trade in a wool:, the other members of his
buggivaaaud p11utous. Hehas . family nut for considerable time
ders fur rids for responsible parties gouger.
residing ' ► Tuts '
s t at Dunlop ;and I.eeburn t, Ruston, tib;
� 1 , at the (:rand
Ina: had re:aimed rates • fur •dSun:
day school picnic excursions is not
correct, though the agent says• dust
the company will do better for
these kind- of excursions than for
any other.
l'ooi }'ri.r.uts,.-..\tau that is uiar-
rtufT-'to women is of many days and
gkdclitional Zoi'tlg
_ a
Tun defaulting grain merchant,
Mr" Jamieson, of Stratford, who
has absconded as mentioned in an-
other (wimp, was well kuown to
persons in Clinton. Itis fraudulent
conduct has created quite a surprise
on account of his.high social stand-
ing in churches etc.
Mn. Hann. Beacom of the. town-
ship when ready to start for Koine
Last Monday tried the experiment
of driving with one line.. The ani-
mal was not uesd to it, 'nor wing,
Harry, oithor,l and as the stylo was
not likely to prove a success Mr.
Beacon resorted to the good old two
lino arrangement. •
'Mr. Jacob 'Sheppard of C..oderich
Township marketed the first new
wheat ,in Clinton this season on
Saturday. It was a fine sample of
pure white winter and' Weighed 60
Its to tke bushel. Ho sold it at
Fair's Rolloff• Mill and got 75 cents
a bushel, about ten cents more than
-'- Detroit primes. 'Does this show that
cumiuoioidl ' ilui3n «ouliT--beneCi
Canadian farlr,ersi,
.tcITY.—Itev Father J3oubat of
Kingsbridge, Ashfiold, has n letter in
the Godetich Slur warning his
friends 'not to take as unassailable
tauth auytbing that the Grit paper
of that town may choose to publish
avltere 1 am concerned. The pub-
lishers ine remarkably unfortunate
with their sources of information in
my regard."
How Anoe r Ames s 1—The pros.
peel for the apple crop is discourag-
ing in almost every section except
in New England and New York,
'where the condition is fully equal
to the average of bearing years.
Elsewhere the figures of conditions
are very low, a general cause of the
reductidn being cold and unfavorable
weather during bloom, with late
spring frosts in many states.
ills RECORD,—The event of Friday
in the Grand Circuit meeting lit
Cleveland was the special race for
$5,000 • arranged between 0: F.
Emory's young stallion Patron, near
akin to Beacorn's Tontine, who won
a race at Detroit iu 2.16,and the well-
known trotter ,Harry. Wilkes. In
the third -.heat Patron was seven
lengths ahead' 'at the three-quarter
pole, but leo was kept down, and
when he finished in 2,11} he was five
Lengths iu the load, winning the race.
working in tho sun, the pul•spiration
&'Eases to flow, and tho head be-
comes hot and reels, the person
should at once stop working'aind go
into 111e shade; suttstroko•is threat-
ened ; t9t9 ions as the .aspiration
flows freely and the head is clear,
there is little danger of sunstroke.
When it is threatened, go • into the
shade and battle hands, arms, ghost
(Colborne township),. Ilullott, Bey -
field, Seaforth, and an order from a
gentleman living several miles
the other side of Seaforth.
Clinton carriage illanufacturers- are
up 'evibh Abe' times, and it wi11
undoubtedly pay residents of all
parts of the county" to buy -their.
vehicles 111 Clinton. full of trouble. -1n the morning lie
MILITAM'.—ill twelves t0 questions draws his salary and in the evening
re1 is �,
'relative to the Governor General's behold it bone. ' It i$ a tale that
•is told ; ,it vauisheth and no one
knows whither it goeth. He riseth
up clothed in the chilly garment of
the night and sookeththe sem-
nambulent , paregoric wherewith to
soothe colicy Dowels in his infant
posterity. He becorneth as a horse
or ox and draweth the chariot. 'of
his offspring. Ire spendeth his
shekels in the Purchase of fine linen
to cover the boson of his family, yet
himself is seen iu the gates of the city'
with ono suspender. Yes, he is al-
togetherwretched. '
Base I Ar.L.—A very exciting game
of base ball was•playod on tho agrie'1
,grounds pu Friday last, between
the 1'irofe sicuals and Non -Profess -
body guard and the 3lounted Police
we would. Fay that .full information
regarding thole eau bo obtained by
writing the Hon. Adolph Caron,
Minister of Militia, Ottawa. We
believe the body guards belong to
-the .Militia force, but members have
to go through a course of military•
training before they would be eligi-
ble. We do not .know that thoie
is a force of Mounted Police in
British Columbia independent of
the Northwest Mounted Police.
Sonic Companies of the latter force
have been lately ordered to British
Columbia. Write tit :Minister of
Militia as•abovo suggl�•Hd and you
wi11 no doubt Obtaaie the proper
mode of procedure. ionals--all local players,' tvhich re -
A YanN.—;Tho Opp. -'tion party stilted in a victor'y for the:former
has started a yarn that a 'ough dis- by a score of 10 to 13.' Grcat.iuter-
like of Sir. Richard , "trtwright, est was taken in the game when it
Postmaster -General Me Alan had was known that 'Messrs. Spalding
changed the name of'artwright and .Tohnston, and Tur31ba11 •and
Post Office in Derham. to Black- Stanbuiy would form the battens
stock P. O. The facts aro simply, for their respective sides. Those
that there wore two post offices named that w•itucss&cl the game expressed
and head freely in cold wa',er. Use Cartwright, one in Durham and one themselves as being soca satisfied
ice water if you have it.. • in Cho North-west, and le a, rs ill- Willi tlta wily in. which the Non-
' THE I)i';.tn :1t.Ivr':—Jau;es .Tic- tended for one got into the other, L'roftssionals aceptitti,d tllenisclvee.
Conley, of tebraska, received ou and Circ r•rr.••re, This became an . Should they have the pleasure of
tiuudny last the body of his son annoyance and the reeve and other meeting them again, no doubt they
Hugh, who it was reported, had been .officials of the foss nshipxin which would turn the scale 011 them,
killottsi 1 -tiro St. Thomas Ont. acct-, the Ontario Cartwright is situated PUBLIC WORKS COMMISM!ONEn
dont two weeks ago. The body requested a c ,ago and, s;iggested McMurchy is a second Sir • Hector
was followed to the' grave bythe the name of Blackstock, and the Lan ev'1 He , e luny not think this
sorrowing relatives. grave
g i 1change vas made, and that is alli a compliment, but we can assure hien
old man was astonished to see his there is about it. it is. Sir (lector is considered by
son walls: into the house alive and A sieolem.n.—One of our Town ' Grit as well as Tory experts to be
well, and then the discovery was contractors is Making stroll° 00ol the best head of that Dominion do-
made that the body shipped pinints against the Trustee Board,. pertinent wo have over had in Can -
there, mourned over rand 1(111.10(1, for giving ant wort: w•ithullt sclero 'ind,a, not excepting even the Iron.
was that of some other person. fur Tenders. Wo can't say how i Alex. McKenny, whose ability wo
lia?n0LAlt AT L oxnnsl3ono•-.. they do their business, but if they have no desire to underrate. Mi•,
Monday night three burglars broke have any favorites for doing their 1 Mc\Iurchjo 1s seeing that what work
iota Outmette'sstore at 1ondesboro, � jobs it is very evident that Choy are ! is done on the streets well, and
'i'hey put heavy cottons over the win- I in the wrong. Private parties can that the town gets its bawbees worth
dews to prevent the light they used ' give their work to whomever they i every time, and that they aro expend-
- in the store being seen outside. ' like but it is clearly the dutyof i cal tvhero;they will do the most good.
!'lien they covered the safe frith public bathes to give out workby i The lengthwise laid siclo*alk just put
heavy blankets and blew Rotten and ; tender. The general feeling in the down on the south side of O•ntarto
rifled it of' its contents, fortunately i Town is that the schools are rapidly street from Tipling's residence to
getting only $20. Two leen 'slept ! becoming the chief burdens on the crossing at the Model School, with
up stairs and were aroused by the j ratepayers, end any saving they can solid earth foundation, is as good
110180. Upon their putting in an reasonably effect they should with- 1 and substantial, and as necessary
appearance the but•ginrs fired several out doubt do. \\'hon it once bo• i withal, a piece of work as has been
pistol shots at them and made away. conies really known that the School Bono in town for years.
Mr. Ouimotto'had sold a largo gua11- ' Board spends more money directly
tity of creemery butter a few clays ' that the town Council the electors 1 Jaek,l,lcasellon't. You rnuss'd
previous; but had the money at Isis will probably take more interest in ' my Kai';" But ;fleck kept right on
private residences It was this, no Ibe kind of glen they return to the i on the ground that if ho muted ho
doubt, that the robbers wore after, ; office of Trustee,---lloi•lin Noes, \ must.
p • .
Tho steam barge L'ae,y/1/, uf' \t';d-
lacobtug, with hooks and.staves for
(incardine; sought the shelter of
our harbor 1 est-Sttnclay evening.
'i'ln steam barge Jam?, of Windsor,
unloadetl a cargo . of soft coal last
Thursday for Joseph ICidd of the
International wi,rks,
Tho barge l'iuufo,•r, of Tort frank,
arrived on Thursday morning with
a1(serge) of hoops ;tori staves fur this
Tho barge P110 1112 Cafleerirlc, last
1'lut•sd ly took on a fol l load of salt,
shippeth i' NV. Campbell and Joseph
Kidd, in barrels, fur nurtltertt.ports,
Tho C:. 7', It, has been shipping
the corn stored in the harbor elevator,
under the eupervisiou of ,\Ir. John-
ston, an Atneric,(ia Customs officer.
The potation for the -repeal of the
Scott Act has over five 111008ancl
naives attached, It is likely to bo
deposited in the slleriffts• ufliee'next•
Tho rneuibers of Huron. Encamp•
u;ont speak in the highest tetnls of
the manner of their, reception by
the Clinton brethren on .!tern (tion
1'he steam barge J itirurrfi,,u, of
Goderich, tiok on a cargo of barren:
ed salt, 'shipped by Joseph Kidd'
and \\r. Campbell - for northern
ports, last Thursday..
A Rev gentleman in a letter to
the prose ,gives the little man wit
is always nailing. tory, lies with Itis
11ttle hanrrller, as well merited Casti-
gation. . •
The se1100iaer built by 1[r. \Vni.
Mtiltun Tut Mt•, Donnelly, of Kin-
cardine, was handed over to her
'owner last week, and left fir the
fishing islatud.s and \1'iartoii with a
cargo of salt for .litia Clark & Co.
Tho•ladies sf St. George's church
will hold • a garden party on 111e1
lawn of Mrs.RAI, Smith,(;olborne
street, to -morrow afternoon,' , Re-
freshments will be obtainable
throughout the afternoon, and there
will bo as high Tea .at the usual
Tho steamer l'iIifecJ. .'n,pir.e when
in 'port hast. Setenday louts on a
largo quantity of freight including
a large shipment of salt by W.
Campbell, and a ear of horses ship-
ped by A. M. Polley.' Tho Empire
had a full passenger list.
During his recant visit tiio Light
house Inspector•, Mr. Harty, made a
minute inspection of the lights and
appurtenances, and the new life the 1 odoiicli Cricket (•lub.,_.,_:IJ;e it the time in the slieraitl''y lain a s-
boaat station, 'Cho gentleman's cont. visiting team w•uu in four straights. ion, the proprietor Having recently
20001s on the efficiency and order of 1st, 8 min. 10 sec. ; 2nd, 8 lain. 10 absconded front here. The parties
these departments were highly flat- are. likely to gut themselves into
serious trouble as they sere sarppoeed
to be well known. It i,• reported
that the supposed 1niect.',n;ts Imo
cleared out.
• .Mr. Reg Seager, of l leveland,
formerly of this town, is visiting Jiis
relatives at this place.
The Schooner Ariel with a 'cargo
of lumber for \Vi1iianls & Murray
arrived hist Satturday.
Tho schooner Toduuut with a
cargo of 1pmb1er• for Dyment Sr Co.
arrived in port ou Thursday.
Miss shaver, of Goderich, has
been visiting at tiro - residence of
of Mr. Matt Berry, Kiuear}line. .
"1'h_ schooner J. G. Kolfal,e with
a cargo of lumber for Socord & Co.
arrived in port on Sunday evening.
The boys in St. Andrews Ward
have broken twenty five tights in
the ward school the past four weeks.
The catapult is supposed to bo the
instrument used in tho destructive
There was a pleasant assembly at
Bonmillcr on Friday evening gotten
`a it uy ..toe ysien;g yeenle in tower.
Tho band wagon and uttettersese
ridges wore required to, carry the
largo number 11;11 participated in
the dance end partook of an appe-
tizing supper. Among those present
as' guests were many ladies and
gentlemen at present on a visit to
the circular town.
l he season is now upelsb for .pri-
irf-rate, parties, al's many .as four or five,.
sumo of 1110111 of considerable mag-
nitude,. buiug given on the same
evening. ft is said, that the faslt-
iuuahle color for autumn dresses
will' bo the exact sla:010 of the paint
which so charmingly- enhances the
nulguificenee ut' our Court House.
Two electric light companies
represented bp their agents oxplaiu-
ed their system's to those interested
hast tvoek. The best plan foi• show-
ing the lights would be for the sev-
eral companies to (nt up an equal
slumber of lights at the West Rid-
ing Fall Exhibition and then the
blio,couled decide.
A local organiiation to be known
as the Godoricb,Pj•ohibition League
was formed last week with the
following oili'cers :—President, Mr.
31. McGillivray ;. Vice -President,
Mr. A. Smith ; Secretary, Mr: J.
A. •held; Treasurer, Arr. J. A
Naftel.• Committee, on constittt
*ion, Messrs. Tnrk, Smeetl't, Arm-
strong, Thompson, Robertson sand
Janes. - -
fr.. J. 11.,Moore of Bothwell gave
us a call last week, looking mune haps
py than the beat of its. The genitIe-
gents (e'otreopolldenct
The annual picnic of the Mission
Sunday school takes Time tomor-
row afternoon. Contributions for
this excellent object should be in
by noon
Code'Leh 'Township.
AIL. and Mrs. Wise are visiting
their sons in Michigan.
Robte Beacom and wife of Sault
St. Marie, Mich., who have been
visiting _th0 geutletnau's father, Mr.
Joiner:Beacom, and otl►or hinds iu
the township,. returned to Choir
American home last week.
Mr. Georgd•Hudie, of the 7th, is
having his contemplated new brick
house got under way. Mr. Arthur
Cantelon, of Clinton, will no doubt
do his part of the work in first-
class style as usual. When Oeorgo
gets his place all fixed up I suppose
ho avi11 have a house warming and
invite tho boys and girls, though lie
doesn't seem to take pinch stock in
the hatter. •
• Itlyt It.
r. 1'. Tanner 1eturue0 -Atoms
from Alvinstou on liondar.,
.'!Messrs. -Milne and McKinnon
left here on 'Tuesday for Detroit.
?[i. George Carter, of Minnesota,
is at present visiting his sun, .lir.
Jos. Curter.
11Ir. and Mrs. 3lcNaughten re-
turned to their haute in \a'iseousin
ou Saturday.
The whistle of the steam thresher
in this section may be board in all
'directions these days. -
On Wednesday evening 'next a
grand sciopticon exhibition will' be
hold in the Methodist church. ,
The regular meeting of our town
fathers was held in the Orange hall
on Tuesday evening.
Rev. 3[r. McDowell, of \\'Ingham,
will conduct the services in the
lS2ti1Ddist chum?. • ._ th neit.
Our lleald lOSpector, Jas. Davis,
is making some of th ci't1cn %have
their back plaits titoro ohly cleaned'•'•-• -...
up., Nut before it w ss tie e.
3[r. John Enngh is having some
improvements made in the interior
of hie .1101(:1. John believes in
keeping ul, with the tittles. •
Mr. Sain (.lidley, our fashiouablo
tailor, left here on Monday for Now
York an business. t i;uu- intends
keeping the dudes up in tho latest
fashions. '
Mr. David Erwin has had sleep.:
ors. and floor put under tiie balcony
of the (Central' hotel this week
which has made a great improve-
ment to the building.
Mr. Woods, a (10011sed lay read-
er, occupied the ' pulpit, in the.
Episcopal clualch on Sabbath _even-
ing and preached au excellent dis-
course to a largo congregation.
• ' We are sorry, to 11eer that our
townsman, lir. Robert McGee, is
confined to the house through indis-
position. His many frieuds wish
to hear of his speedy recovery.
Anderson & Elder this week rc-
ntuved their goods to Watson's brick
block, preparatory to having their
own building moved on to the piece •
of 1a11d which they recently our -
,chased' un Zhu opposite side of the
The members of the 1)u„rd of
health of this village land an upon
ail' meeting the other evening, the
(11112 ought to be 1“11'11Y for iu ad- 'attmu.nphere:., u1' the 1(111 in which
ditiuu to i'ullowing 1hisprofcssion•of 11102 usually- meet la;;inr•aa little
100 of ptossivi: fur l;la'nut. l'hov •tea-
.lruiuted, 311. James Davis health
Inspector as w•ell'as doing other im-
portant busiuoss.
• '1'be voters' lists• fur the viltage
have been printed. Thelee atrc two
110041ed atu(lijuinety-two males ;and
14ot I_hureday evening the Salva- females. entitled to vote at nlunici-
tion artily held open air service im- pal elections, two 111211(11(0 and •
mediately under the windows of the seventy-nine of these being entitled
Qddfellows lodoe, while the A Inoin- to vote at elections for ute(itbers of
bars owero transacting the usual the Legislative Assembly. 'There
weekly business. As the Odd- are eighty
persons liable lo servo
fellows have business to transact of an jurors. 1
the greatest importance to their ono On Sunday night our citizens
Itemised and twenty five members, wen, dieturbed in thou slumbers; by
we hope the army will fur the future 11,1ra• seeing men indniging in se,eli
rowdyism as tlrl'at inn l) -I iaks .•t.
shop doors and turning things
topsy savvy that cal (0 within their
reach, not forgetting to break in at
the hack entrance of i)e,n ('nuuing-
lr.tnl's store ;and helping themselves
to some; of the goods which were
teacher, lie farms on a -large scale,
supplies ell the townspeople of
Bothwell with ice, and 1.(e en in-
terest in pretty good, oil . well.
\\'hflo in town J. ll. visited Moron
..Encampment, of which institution
he is a I'. C. I',
hold its meetings ou the corner of
North street on other nights than
that 01 Thursday,
Last Tuesday the 2nd gamo for
the championship was played bc•
twe,cn the lacrosse clubs of Seaford'
;anis (,oelerich, on the grounds of
tering to the officers in charge, 31r.
Robert Campbell and Capt. Babb.
Tho Inspector was surprised at the
expertness of Capt. Babb and crew the part of the home team, all the
in their handling of the life boat latter lacked of being equal with
anti Arora than pleased at the trim the winning club was better teats
manner in which the 'station was play and au alrtitlitle to adapt the
kept. ; play ru the circumstances.
sec. ; 3rd, 10 min. 45 sec.; 4th, 6
min. 15 see. The play was excel-
lent on the part of th., Seaforth
team, and almost equally good ou
L, a
1I ;yl
—Tho Toronto coal dealers slave
decided to 1•aise tite price of roil .10
colas per ton all round.