HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-07-27, Page 5WE WILL GIVE THE PEOPLE Drat Bargains in Every Class of Goods' IN OUR STORE. We are just like the rest of the Dry -Goods then—we want to reduce our stock before Fall Goods begin to arrivo. 40. y'F tiro r Ask to see the Goods. Ash the Price—it shall be the ' LOWEST: WE",, iV WHAT'WE SAY, 1.izea, no one shall sell Cheaper GEO. E. PAY = CO., THE DRY -GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. A SATISFACTORY EXPLANA– TION FROM MR. LARMOUR. The St Thomas Journal makes a savage attack on Mr. Larmour, the �tl Division of the G. T. R., f heart- less art Assietaut�Superintendant of the • of Londono ivied accuses bin o o - loss conduct on the night of the accident in taking no steps to'bring up the people >,q,ho were at the Port. Tho Free Prese says :—People in this city and in Stratford who know Mr. Larmour as a kind-hearted sympathetic man, will bo surprised at the Journal's estimate of his character, and will incline to the opinion that it was formed without accurate knowledge of the facts. He lost no time in going to the scene of the accident, and while there did everything that human could do with the resources at his command. •Qno of his first orders was issued by himself at the telegraph key :—" It is bettor that the whole traffic of the line from Buffalo to Chicago stand atilt than that the people bo kept at Port Stanley one unneces- sary five minutes to -night." It is true that the M. C. ,R. Superintendent Morford Orfered the use of an engine to bring up the Port Stanley cars. Supt. Morford himself said he, did., not know how many cars tt Have to be moved, nor what time it would take to clear a passage in the yard. and considering these things, and the danger that existed from the undertaking, with the telegraph wires down and the con- fusion that existed it was deemed quickly, safer and more advisable to lend every energy to the work of g etting the diamond laid and roster- ing the line for traffic. That was what Mt. Larmour did. In spoak- ,ing of the affair this morning Mr. Larmour said he had just seen the Journal and would say that the 1st r of tbe attack on him did not w at ho was talking about. •His whole sympathy was wish the people in tho affair, and' Ito 'spirted neither effort nor 'expensbtdremedy as promptly and thorough as pos- sible the effect's of the disaster. LITERATURE. ALDEN'S MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA OF ENU\w LEDGE AN'D LANorAUE. One of the most extraordinary literacy enterprises of the age is the work which bear the above title. The specimen pages which the publisher sends' free to any applicant, show the type which is used—u good clear face Brevier ; also the form --"Ideal" for eou- 'venience, easy for the eye, handy to hold. The volumes will average about 610 pages each, and there will probably be about thirty of theta—the "manifold" lumber will not be iut:onveuient ; when you con- sult a CyctOpedia'you are supposed to know what "title" you are looking for ; the letter on the back of each volume tells you at a glance what titles will be found within, so you do not look in the wrung one—and the volume., are so "handy" you quickly tore to the souglit-for page. 0 *NI flp Just Upened'Out for the Summer Trade; NEW LAWNS, NEW MUSLINS, NEW PRINT„ NSW S'SU'FF GOODS- GRAND We are Showing a Special Job Line of PRINTS. at Sc., orL3i 12f Millinery Department Fully Assorted.. FIVE -PER - CEN'T' -OFF - F'C1R;— CA.S IT JOHN. WIBEffiAN, Manager. . Estate 3. HQII{a=FNn, There will be several thousand illustra- tions—no "mere pictures," but every thing of importance that will serve .to,il\ lustrate. . The Manifold Cyclopedia is to be much more than a "Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge" ; it will embody also a Dictionary of the English Language—in- cluding every word which has any claim r n to a place in the language. flow often you have consulted Appleton's or Cham- ber's, or Johnston's Cyclopedia and failed to tied the title yon were looking for— then consulted Webster's Unabndned end were anccessftl1.; the word belonged to the Dictionary rather than to 'the Cyclopedia. Or you have consulted Webster, and found little more than a mere definition 'of the word—you must go to the Cyclopedia for details of knowledge. Or, more pro- bable than either of the foregoingsupposi- tions, you do not.own either a first-class Cyclopedia or a first-class Dictionary, or only one of the two, because of their.pro- hibitory. cost, so you "consult your im- agination" and "go hungry" for lack of' the few linea of print • that . would satisfy you i In the Manifold Cyclopedia you will find a 'survey of all knowledge which is illustrated by the English Language— and its cost is within your reach, only 50 cents a volume for cloth binding, 65 cents for half morocco ' —Mr. Hobbs, of -London has sold his property iu Brussels, known, as he Drewe Residence, for $1,450, to Mr. Thomas Fletcher. • —Burglars have been busy in Georget• wu. They stole $2OO in h f' m the Exchange hotel, the proceeds of one day's selling of Scott Act pop. --Lawyer Bonnett, of Palmerston, has suddenly disappeared from that place and a good many people would like to know where he is. --It is stated that Mr. 0. If. Sprague, the License Inspector of South Huron, has resigned be posi- tion, aud that au Exeter man will get the office. —John C.. Mustard, builder, of Norwich, stepped on a rusty nail two weeks ago. A week later lock- jaw set in, RAO after lingering for three days in. terrible agony ho died. —A. tailor named Simms; who a few mouths ago worked in Wing - ham, died very suddenly of inflam- mation of the stomach, at Chin's Hotel, Lucknow, Monday of last week. ' —Mr. John Leggat, of EastWa- waliosh, was thrown from his buggy on account of the harness breaking and causing the horse -to kick up and run away. Mr. Leggat had both arms broken just above the wrists. In this age of the world, no general Cyclopedia or Dictionary can be in any proper sense "original"—each new com- pilation, if it has merit, is based upon the' knowledge found embodied iu all tts pre- decessors. "Knowledge" as set forth in books can not be monopolized by "patent" or i''aopyright"-'--only the form of em- 'bodiment can be thus covered.. The latest discoveries (o• iloaginiiigs) of the scien- tists, the latest "finds" (or frauds) of the grchtiologista, the latest. -theories of the political economists—all are subject to the. "sight thefts" at' the latest Encyclopedist. Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia undertakes '.2 combine in the most convenient and concise (and yet full) and economical form possible, the results of the scholarship of the world, up to the time of its publication. Availing itself most of the labors of its predecessors who have accomplished the best results, the Manifold Cyclopedia, draws more largely trom Chamber's than from any other of the family of Cyelope- dies, and More largely from Stormonth than from any other of the family of Dic- tionaries—the Chamber's -is an acknow- ledge model for a Cyclopedia ; but it is adapted particularly to England rather than to America ; Stormonth is the ac- knowledged pear of • Webster, Worcester, the Imperial, and Murray, as an authority, but without a peer in the combined gnali• ties of C000iseucss, clearness, and accuracy of learning. No authorities, however, are blindly followed, but effort is care- fully made to brazing all matters to the gen- erally accepted standard of the most end. Hent AInQri fan, rather than foreign, scholarship, Editorial talent second `to none in Americo, in experience and skill is en- gaged in the• conduct of the work ; the publisher's past experience in Cyclopedia malting (notable in The Library of Uni- versal Knowledge, now known—trebled in price—as the International Cyclopedia) is good basis for the pledge- he makes to his patrons that The Manifold shall bo inferior to no other Cyclopedia in any of the important qualities of a popular guide to knowledge. Specimen pages free, or a gpectt 8fi volume' may be ordered and re- turned it riot wanted. ",TORN 11. AinE , Publisher, 3113 Pearl Street, New Yolk. - NEWS BRIEFS. —Cattle fever is • playing havoc among the fiords in Kansas and Texas. —Haulm] defeated Gaudaur at Pullman, Ill., last Saturday, for $1,000 and the championship of America. - - -Mr. Duncan .McIntyre, at one timeia member of the C. P. R syndi- cate,has accepted the Liberal nomin- ation in South Renfrew. —Evidence at the St. Thomas in- quest has positivly shown that Engi- neer Donnelly had not been drinking on the day of the collision. r —The ht.. Anthony elevator; of Minneapolis, 000 of the largest. in the Northwest, located two miles cast of the city, on the Manitoba Railway caught fire and was burned. The elevator ha Ta capacity of 2,700,0 9.-lstishels. The buildings a 1. destroyed, with contents, about 1,100,000 bnsliols of wheat. Lost on buildings and machinery, $250,000. ' Loss on grain, $825,000. Tho wheat destroyed is ono tenth of the visible supply in the North- west. APPLES WANTED. WANTED,2o,000 BARRELS OF IIAIIVE$T, FALL AND WINTER Apples. Apply to D. CANT C 1163--tt linton. 4Grulud Dominion & Industrial EXHIBITION 1887 TORONTO Sept. 5th to 17th. At this,aeason of of year every- one should use Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock, it cleanses and enriches the blood. Price 50 cts., s ld by all druggists. 530,000 IN PRIZES. 13I1tT)iIS. TItOWHILL.—L1 Clinton, on the lith inst., the wife of 'lir. Geo. Trow -hill, of a 6611. Entries Close August 13th. This, being the Dominion and Industrial Exhi. bitions combined, will he the greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. A11'A Grand Prsgrannne of Special Attractions is being prepare, Return tickets at single taro and cheap excur- sions on all railways during the full time of the Exhibition. tt- 'Tho greatest event of the Jnbilec weir. For Prize Lists and toll information address J. J. WIT HROW , IL J. HILL, President. Mgr. and See., 454 ..—. -�_ - Toronto MARRIAGES. I''I,OODY--IIEECII ER.—On the 20th inst,at Belle 'Villa Cottage. Olivet, Mich., Rev R. J. Floody to i1iss Addie Beecher. DEATHS JAMIESON.—In Hallett on the 23tit of July, Wm..'amieson, aged 80 years.' Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the most powerful blood purifier in. the market. Price 50cts. a bottle Sold by all druggists. 443.3m. TO ...THE FAR NIERS I study your own interest and go where you can get', Reliable=- Harness, I manufacture none but the nasT or STOCK. Beware of shops that sett cheap, as they have dot to lfby mtM" Call apromplycat c Orders fled to JOIE7E T. C,$.RTE HARNESS EMPORIUM, 11L1IT11, ONT. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Figur • $4 00 to 4 30 Fall Wheat, new & old 0 83 to 0 85 Spring Wheat 0 0 83 to 0 85 Barley to 0 48 Oats ................•0 28 to 0 29 Peas 0 48 to 0 48 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 ..060to070 ..012to013 fl 13 to 0 15- 8 00 to 9 00 3 00 to 4 00 000to000 024 to 025 —frank Iloward has recently been paying marked attentions to a Miss Lafarge, whose friends are said - to live in Tilbury Canter. Matters finally came to a crisis, and the pair worn to have been married one day last week at a hotel, iu Sarnia. All the preparations were made, and the would -bo bride, the witnesses and the clergyman Were on time, but the bridegroom was missing. After waiting for a considerab1.3 tilno, a general search was instituted, and the dead body of Howard was found suspended by a rope to ono of the beams in the barn on the hotel pro• raises. It was evidently a case of suicide the motive for which has not yet transpired. Potatoes Butter Eggs Hay Cordwood Beef Wool essemsmserssintommeszase BOARDERS WANTED, DETLOR & C0'S Great Sommer Sale! ANNER is something with everybody, aitd everything with some. IT 1S OWIYU TO NOW 'GOING ON.. o STARTLING V A LU E IN MANY LINES LADIES' & GENT'S RATS AT JOB PRIONS* ,---o Orders for Dressmaking receiue'prompt attention OUR Mauner of ircat'iug Customers J. C. DETLOR & GO. Big Slavigltter DRY -GOODS OBERTSON'S FOR THIRTY-SIX DAYS. That We hive enjoyed Stich a ran of unin- c4.0. ° B tcrrdpted success, and it is our intention . to continue on under the carne Muslims' for 7c, • Gingham for 8c., Prints for 5c., Dress Goods for 8c.; Wool. Carpet from 45c., Curtain Notts very cheap. , Call and GOOD OLD'PRINCIPLE see what we are tloinn AT COST T T (11 NTLI:\JEN Olt LADIES desiring a 1'riv'atc ur Boarding House can receive aeonmodatiO1 by applying to MRS. 11AACHE, on the corner of i n Rattenbury and Raglan streets ( dwelling the d +, g recently occupied by Wm. Doherty, Esq.) Clinton, July, 1527. 451 --It Ii1ESIALE TEACI1ER WANTED—For the low. est room in the Clintoh Model School ; for the Model tern. Must be capable of teaching music and hol I a first or second-class certificate. Applications, stating 'salary expected, received up to 13th August by W. 11. til NE, Secretary. Clinton, Jul) 14th, 1297. 454 --A freight train from Toronto to Stratford in charge of Engineer Aitkens, Point Edward, and Con- ductor Rogers, niet with derailment at Radon Crossing, Friday morn- ing. Tho pilot of the engine struck a cow which was beside the track. The animal fell against the train and was dragged under by the wheels of the tender. Of the Dight derailed cars six were empty refrig- erators, and all were badly Wrecked. The damage to rolling stock was therefore considerable, but no freight was injured. Of the bovine which eauserl the smash nothing recognisable could be found but the stumps of her legs. �ll as opened Dress\Making11of London Roomsover Dry Good Store of Geo. E. Pay & Co., with first. class assistants. She Is in a position to turn out work equal to any in the city. She respectfully esksu trial order. 110o111A tWcr GEO. T PAY Az CO'S, Dry Goods Store. WANTED AT ONCE, (y0ODGENERAT.SERA}A . �j ly to MRS. StoOEE, 452 St. Mary street TRiED. TESTED. PROVEN. The Home Gook Book, 'r"COURT EOI.-S TRE,1'1'MENT. LOW PRIC:ES ! —AND— MODERATE PROFITS. By that means we hope to still bask in the sunshine of your favors, and distance all competitors. I3f/ the Ladies of Tor ntto. Oyer 100,000 now In free in Canada. Sent to any address on receipt (ye Our large and varied stock of Boots, Roos, Slippers, PRICE, $1.00. WM COOPER Bearer Blued; Bonin Store. 18 ALWAYS New and . Seasonable ! —AND OUR— PRICES THE LOWEST Iver heard of iu the County. x o' obertson's GREAT'CASH -STORE imsomeawasiamunssmisEsssinesonastanempssemmasvesoussoussserass•-- ABSOLUTELY NEW STOCK Come and See for Yourself. J. Jackson, CLINTON AND LONDESBORO. OOTS AND SHOESI --AT-- H.Simpson's Searle's Block, opposite the Market, The Thermometer has dropped, and so ha.ve my prices.. - Courteous Treatment.. Best Assortment.. All ®Leather Goods, Startlingly Low Prices. No ' Trouble to show Goods. I Don't Forget the Place ---W.11, •Sin sons, opposite the lYta,rket, Ulinton% E it will pay you .to, remember the aticirt,is and give hint a call. THE NEWS -RECORD FINE JOB PRINTING. Mf' a• R$