The Huron News-Record, 1887-03-23, Page 6eseerseillit "r. PiOpies, Boils, A.tltt Cal'ituneles result film; a debilitated, Impoverished, or imputecoiitittion of the bloods Ayer's Sarstiparlila prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their cithse; the only effect- ual wu; Of treating them: Ayer's Sarsaparilla has prevented the usual course of Bells, which have palnec{ and distressed the orrery season for sel•erit1 years: Geo: Seules,l'luinvillc, Mich. I was badly troubled with Pimples on the face; also with a discoloration of the skin, whlult allowed itself in ugly dark patches: No external treatment did more than temporary good+ .dyer's Satattpu- riJl. effected A Perfect Cure, and T have not been troubled since.— T. W. Boddy, Giver st., Lowell, Mass. I was troubled With Boils, and my health was tuueh impaired. I began hsiu" Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in due time the eruptions all disappeared, and toy health was completely. restored.— John R. Elkins Editor Stade (Observer, • Albemarle; N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches, Aver's Sarsapa- rilla cured ate, I consider it the hest blood purifier In the World.—Charles Smith, North Cruftslinf '•, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drugglsfs and dealers lu med- icine. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, uud do hot be persuaded to take any other. t'repared by Dr. Ct Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mas., • Priem 81 1 .fat bottles, 88. —It id i•iiu10.11d that overturns' Lava been made to Rev: I)r. Wild. iaf hobs Street Congregational church, fl'oreille,. by the officers of lillyteouth Church of Brooklyn, N, Y., with a View to securing him as • successor to the late ]rev. henry Ward d Beecher. When interviewed on the stabjust 1)r•. Wild said, that he must decline to make any defin- ite statement on the subject. sAINFIED CONFIDENCE. J. 13.11. ffirard, of St. Edwidge Clifton, Y. 0., says, "I am well saris` teed with.the use of Burdock Blood Bitters ; it has cured we of dyspep tris that I had for three yearn. I used live bottles, and shall tell' every per Bion I know that may be attacked with similar sickness; and should not Lo- afraid to garantee every b'ottle used: —Senator Nelson, of British Columbia, has been -Appointed Lieut.-GuverpoP of that province., t'ir'e Cornwall. :1'Ir. Nelson, who is a resident of hurrard Inlet, 11, C., -was bora in the town of Larne, County Antrim, Ireland, in 1830. Ile represented New Westminir+ter in the British Columbia Legisla- ture from 1870 to 1871, and when the province entered Confederation in the *titer year he was elected' to the house of Commons by the same constituency, which ho• continued to represent until callt;'li to the Seu- at'o in, December, 187 9. 1 Qt l)D•JrO'TIvE I7arry lticartlu, of.'Toronto, agent for Fine Art Publications, states that lie was so trou(led with deafness for eight years that he could scarcely at- tept, t1) business, until he tried Yel low Oil. Ile desires to make this cure known, for the benefit of others afflicted, Division Court suits have been outotedllt St, Thomas. by Ci•others 2; Crothe's, barristers, against a huge uuntber of clergymen, t:esiding in different parte of Ontario to re- cover' the autouut of subscriptions toward the :Awa College -Building Fond made by' the defendants in . 1351. , Dr. so'w's^ WORM SYRUP has remov- ed tripe worths from 15 to 20 •feet. in length. It also destroys all kinds of wOl uhf.' • —Judge trpper has declared I)r. • Montague, the Conservative c;tudi- diite ill llaldithttintl, elected by one of a majority over W.Ct.. Colter, I he Grit trandidtlte: This i.Y'another Tory vain.. N 'rtox.lt, ?fairs act promptly thpon. the Liver, regulate the Bowels and as u iturgative are mild anti thorough,. -At Hamilton police court on .'ttoudity a man 'pained James Henry .Livingstone was sent to jSi1 for vagrancy, making Iris 2SSth coiil- luioinent. A rlv o g to Mot5t;Ito.—Areyoudisturb- ed at nigi,t turd broken of your rest by a si••I: child sullhthtg and crying with pato id Uutting 'Tt.otli 1' 1f so send it tat onee and A. t a bottle of "Mrs Window's Soothing .;ur,ap" for Ch.iltlrcu Teething.' he value i. inealeul'e1lo ft will relieve the poor I tt:e sutfutet flame ies e1y. Depoit,f mete mothers ; there la no Ihttitalte obont 1t cures 1)yaolitelystat Lhai shwa, Irguiates 1:to 810111w:1i sail Bowels, (Mien 11'ind f'nlir, seltens the Gums, rodttoes Indivanaa. f i-tu, that gives tone and energy to the v indc system. "bl'rs. Whisker's Soothing t,p" for children teething is 1,leasa1t. 10 the taste awl is tato preset itttioa of tone ("Ft the oldest and boat female. physicians.. mid 'Huse. int the Uuitud States, used is for sale IU• all druggists throughout the li.ls C. e.cr(ptlnu, taro no e.ubstitute, ane "Mils. eE. tddre h pc sure niid 'ask for WINNLUtS''N troll, Mehl. 79oo'rIIINu St-1rl'E,.'• gild take nu aurae ,r„p,Nold in Clinton I J.. 1i, Combe and all 1; riot)+ 3:11 •y 4 dr .,;grata,. ^It is reported that the event of Sir Juhu Macdonald being confirm- ed in his seat for Kiugstunt Mi' John White, who was defeated in East Hastings, will be the Conser- vative candidate los Cerletuu, • A LUCKY ESCAPE. "For six years 1 suffered with my throat and enlarged tonsils. 1 wits very weak ; I doctored four year s, and hail arlviee from three doctors; they said I would have to undergo an operation. I tried 33. B. 13. instead. One bottle cured Inc." ;SI. A. Squelch, Raglan, Ont. ---Thos. llupkiu ltud Jlrs, Peer, inmates of County Elgin Poor- house, eloped on Saturday night; The couple took with them Alt:, Peers' two children, four and seven y tars of ago respee#t�ively, tool H quantity Of civ h lite beluti,n,,- ilig to the pourltuuse.' Tho want:111 is pan inveterate sntok"r, and ',he lower part of llupkula' face i; eaten away with cancer. Peet.. Low's i-i.i'e 1t Som. is highly retowutended for the cure of Erup tions, t haft's, Chapped hands, I'iw pies, Tan, etc. • —Oscar Ault, a earpettter,work- ing in the Stormont mill, Cornwall, fell from a scaffold in the dye - house into a vat of boiling indigo. The flesh was stripped from the bones. It is. enpposnd the unfor- tunate man swallowed some of the boiling liquid. He diol in intense agony shortly after. Ault had a wife and fancily, TANIAItAC is not an ordinary tniitut•i. In feet its properties are entirely different from any preparation nse,l for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung 'Troubles. .. 433 51 —The will of the late T)r.•I'ow- 1'er bequeaths four hundred dol- lat:s to the missionary society of the Methodist Church of Canada, `four hundred and fifty dollars to the Ministers' Superannuation Fund, and the remainder, twenty thousand dollars, to his willow. CURL. FOIL CROUP. P. Prompt relief to prevent suffoca tion from the accumulation of tough couscous --the formation of false membrane—and the constriction of the air passage, is necessary in case of a sudden attaolt of croup. Hay pipit's Yellow 1)i1 should be used at once, afterwards llagyard's Pectoral Balsam. --Daniel Fox, a South , Gosfielfl farther', ovrits a vicious stallion, and was the only one who could feed the 11111111al. Thul'sflily' slipped in the horse's stall, when the brute started to. tramp on him. His cries attracted the attention of the 'tired man, and I'ux was tak- en out more taxi their alive. Two of his ribs. were broken and he is suffering internal pain. BABIES AND CHILDREN'. They are always catching cold in the bears. Place a small particle of Nasal Balm in each nostril at night, also rub well over the bridge of the nose, and- let us know how they are in the morning. 433.5t -Mr. Cargill the member elect for Etat Bruce, has. resigned on ac- count of the dew in connection with the Postutastership of the village of Cargill. '1'}to returning oflicer Ines. issued kis proclamation, eielling for the nomination of candidates on the �Gth of this month.. If soli. Car. gill is opposed the election will be' on the'secontd•tif April, but so far there is no opponent ill the field. Nervous, Debilitated Men, You are allowed it flee trial of Ihirlj, days of the use of 1}r Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relict' and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, end all kiustred troehlee. AI -•o, for intuit, other diseases Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed, No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet:, with full information, tertrs, etc., msiled Fres by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., darshaII,SIie6, 318y -c343 PENNYROYAL WAFER1. Proscription n1 a physician who has bad a life long experience In treating female diseases, Is uscit monthly with perfect success by over 10,000lad ins. f leen t. safe, effectual. Ladies, des your ii ig• gi.t for l'cauiroyal Wni,tns and talcs no substitiito, of inclu a port• Age tor monied particulars. Sold by all rirrtgtrists, et per b +x Address Toa i u t, A Comm:Ai, Co./ Dsreoir, 111cu. R,t'Nold in Clinton by J. IL Coulhe and druggists generally. 89.4—y The Great English Prescription. A suooussfal Medic:Me used over :10 years In thunsands of Cases, 'ares `rpetnnaforeiuen, ,Vercl:n. IVenknes,.,. and ill .118eaa4Y caused Iq ukase, ' 1utruusi Indtst•ration, ar over exert ha.. itti.a) Six peel:agesOuieranteat h1Vat'e tehP.,, al!',tilers wl Alt oar m:gisttor 'rise baetletrg- t• auku•n Lv mall � r r ':un .�, Itcfo 1 ,h- n•tnll •t ,•• .•va s 4 Price ee t ttuf ••fi emits n bottle.. j r t tat I i5ureka CUcwIcel Cn., lie. �....�,. _. 174.111 •- • • • Thoroughly cleanse the blood, whicb 1s tho fountain of health, by using Dr. Tierce's Gold- en Medical Discovery and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant epirite, vital strength runt soundness of constitution will bo established. Golden Medical Alcoves• cures till burners, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Sero uta isr blood -poison. Es- pecially has it prppved its efficacy in curing Salt -rheum or 'Otter, Fever -sort's, Iitp-joint, Sores . Disease. Scrofulous tos and Swellings, Ea- - large•t1 (Hands. and Eating. Ulcers. Gulden hfedieal Discovery cures Consume - tion (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), by its wondorfu) blood..1mrifyyfeg. invigorating, end nutritive, ropultios. lror 'Creak Lt nga, 14114t - ting of Blood. St )F•tnees of Breath, lironnb tis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred ntYt•e- tious, it is a sovcieixn setnedy. It promptly cures tiro severest Cotielts. For T wpid Liver. Biliousness, or •' Liver Complaint..? Drpopnitt, anrt Indigestion, it i; an tthtrtpiallud ruutc•dy. Solis by druggists. E»L. PAEat:C77'S fi 71.11.T••'tfS — 1Antil.. Zillions and Carisnrtle. . etc. a vial, by druggists. minenemsMiemonatilemnemsnagnasuannem ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell c4 Coo, Newspaper Advertising Burrell, 10 Spruce St., New York. Send toots. for 100 -Pogo Pamphlet. TT .�t.t NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! 2,L OTT'S BLCIerrC1 o CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and sec the stork of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, )lath•asst's, err., and general Huaseholti F`tarltiowe. The whole Stork is front the very best manufacturers. 1 iet.tu•o Flames alai Ile ltliugs or every description. .IRt1DS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Rook Store. CLOVER SEED, iIMomy:sEED,- :. ALSIKE SEED, /It Market Prices. - Wholesale and Retail. r!..7r 777.7777- ! PORTANT In returning tht.nktt to my many friends and patrons tsar rush pitlreengtt, 1 ,curd like to call their apotint tittenhiun to my very conflate stuck of HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY CMOS, SHUSHES, ETC., ETC. Speeiul attention is diree•ted to my stock of •_•sINGLEiHARN...ass.... • a, it will be tonna very complete,, snit for durability and finish caneot bo eseelled by any enc. As i.employ none but the Inst werkm•'n, and use tate hest material to he bought in the market, all who may favor me with their patronage way feel cuuftdent t,f getting satist'tbtien. �t-,PRICEB AWAY DOWN, Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. "a alae GE NEVI o u The, uudrr'iedned has just ,tltenet1 a new Drag Stare, tar ,LaCf!l=ll\''Fl •_�-� N I(1.( 1:, on NI.'I.tON t;'1}tt !.1T, ttvt, tinct. gest or the City >< ,� •,,..1 r: lAad:.t �ture where wilt ha+ fnulnl a y0110)440 aastornut nt of S'ttl c I'•� .r CI' t•1Iga 81141 1'hCfh'tic•1at5. also '4''itti`ut 121'41la`I11Cs and i a gists' sunelrlcs—ad tliut the public may ask tut 11 these o -r', �.Y 1111c5. Clinton, tlt11 January, 15811. • A. WORTHINGTON. L'. 3. -()thee mhangoti Wan residolroe t.o at.ore Clinton Carr ag e Works IIAVE BEEN REMOVEq 11EITIOVE t e To -THE NL\V l'ItE31I51st3 OLD P EC Y T L; r Iii CKIUFCII PROPERTY TOWARD THE .STATiOlil. '1'he rreutisus have (meta tit ted up and are levee. We at now ie a letter position than ever to attend to the wauta'il'the public. P.. W. Hayward, Clinton. • LESLIE'S CAAF• iACE WAGON- FACTRY, CZII�T Q] yt - o In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, .Buggies. and NV -aunt -1 The \l &teria1 we ulauufaeture;is of the hest ntuality and the Iron work unsurpas:tut. Int fact we make it an important ft'attll•e of our business to use.t,nly the hist pt:u• + tellable matte ial turd 11ie beat workmanship. These fn need tel CUTTERS. and SLEIT71S, otihu 1'atest'makes a'd- styles, _sl ultl nut la l to ° call and see 115. ALL WORK WARRANTED. • 4 II: Repairing and Revaintinv Promptly Atter-led to, FACTORY ou corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON. - 'Iron and Murdware Merchant, 'March .2nd, 1887. HOUSEKEEPERS ! IMT Yoga General Grocer ▪ es, Crockery &-Glassware, CC.13.T`,1_io1�T,OS, \ViIOLr+SAL11 kNI) RiiTAIL, GROCERS. The wants of every fetidly supplied. Rod( always fresh. .SPECIAL INDUCII- MfCtTS when imam Ries are oniknod, t-CFarin Produce taken- atHighest Price. 7 -- THE KEY TO IfIEAi.r8rh2. 'Unlocks all the (;logged avenues atm Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Avidity of the Stomach, curing Bili ousness, Dyspepsia, Eieadaches, Diz- ziness, Heartbxrn, Constipation, Dryness of tire Skin, Dropsy, DIm+ nese ofVision,Jaun(liee, Sa1t'Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness' and General Debility; all these and. many other smmi• lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS: Sample Bottles 10e; Regilalsiize $Z. For sale by all dealers: r wings a co.,,rmartt W'geemits . ID v IRO 'r s s —IN ;r`11re— �1 � Icord y 11 ..11.,‘ ?1 �, V 37„''2171EI'3 TT C. "e.,4I. ____77. D1.117. S. Axe pieorcat'to I -.Le. , Contain Choir nw Pnr•:a:fv'o. I:, a tiara, Burn, and itrlc•crcn.i dcntroyur of wurm3 in-CLillrun or Adult; CASH HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, &c. Highest market price paid. Bring them along. A. COCH, BUTCHER CLINTON!. 3 55tf ATTENTI.0 FARMERS ! Implements ! Implements t MIcCt.)MrIICK SELF -BINDERS, REAPERS, MOWERS, SEEM DRILLS, 1401tSE RAKES FLO WS, CUTTING BOXES, SHELLER:, FTC., .ETC., . And oil implements used on a farm as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT 11fAltEROO1ifS, CLINTON, ONTARIO A. BARGAIN SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 will nall'(IswamPIVPLfS . simple WORTA08 RAnd that will 1115008 TAN, F•acca,.ss, PI$it.rts and ItroTet,ea, leaving the skin soft, clear and bereat• fill; also Instructions tor producing a luxuriant' growth of noir 00 a bald head or smooth taeo. Address, including 8c stamp. BEN. VA SHELF $ CO., ea Ann street, N. Y. 392y MANHOOD Resttorett. A gentleman baring innocently con. tracto'd•tlic habit of ,elf -abuse in his youth, and in eooaegaonoe suffered all tho horrors of Nexual inett,5taeit), Lost uanheed , I'h�elenl Decay, non• oral Prostration, etc.. all!, oat of .101 attiy A.r ids hellos• sufferers, 'nail tree thematic by which he wits snotty cured. Address In confidence. J W. P1 :N IS YEY,, kt Catd.r•bI.,,.lt..c Perk. 301 — 0-0— %JOCENTS A POUND. WW — u—o— The Hest ever vietnityr for the Alm, General equally *hoop. FLOUR AND on hand. offered in this. money. GROCERIES, P ED always THOS. STANBURY.