HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-03-16, Page 5Constipation Ia a universal and most troublesome die. order. It causes headache, Mental Dee pression, impairs the Sight and Hearing, destroys the Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Enlargetnettt of the Livor, Inflammation of the Bowels, and Piles. Constipation is speedily cured by Ayer's Pills. For a nnmhor of months I was troubled with Costiveness, in conse- quence of which I suffered from Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and a disordered liver. My eyes also troubled me. I wee compelled to wear a shade over them, and, at times, was unable to bear ex- posure to the light. 1 was entirely CURED BY USING three boxes oft Ayer's Pins. I have no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine to be the best cathartic ever made. — James Eccles, Poland,'Ohio. 1 suffered from Constipation, and, con- sequently, from Headache, Indigestion, ALU Piles, for years. Ayer's Pills, which 1 took at the suggestion of a friend, have given me effectual relief. I commenced taking this remedy two months ago, and am now free from Constipation, the re- moval of which has caused my other troubles to disappear, and greatlyim. proved any general health.—W. Keler, Amherst; Mass. I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me, completely.—D. Burke, Saco, Mc. Ayer's Pulls, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ko1d by all. Druggists ahud Dealers in Medicine. SAl'FSFIED CONFIDENCE. J. 13. H. Girard, of St. Edwidge Clifton, 1'. 0., says, "I ata well satis tied with the use of Burdock Blood Titters ; it has cured rte of dyspep sia that I had for three years. I used five bottles, and shall tell every per son I know that may bei' attackrd with similar sickness, • and should not be afraid to garantee every bottle, used." —The gnantity of snow that full in Montreal on Monday of st was ten inches. Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates the hair cells to healthy action, and pro- . motes a vigorous growth. 1t con tains all that can he s'applied to make the natural hair beautiful and abun- dant ; keeps the scalp free from dtnl .drtltr, and makes the hair flexible and glossy. —About 200 delegates were bre• sent at the opening of the annual cssiun of tbo Orange Grants Lodge, Ontario West, in Toronto last week. THE S'T'ORY OF IILTNDREDS. In a recent letter received• toren Mrs. Sarah A. Mills, of t1''heat.ely (.)ret., she says, "'1 was a sufferer fol' six years with dyspepsia and liver complaint. My food did not digest, roil I grew weaker every day, 1 lost nppttite and hail little hope of recovery. I tried many remedies b'tt all in vain, till I took Burdock Bitters. The best bottle gave relief; alter taking seven bottles, I am thankful thait I now enjoy good health." Mfr. Tiro,, Robertson, blue li. P. for Hamilton; has been raised to the bench as judge of the Supremo f;o'.hrt of Judicature fort)nt:uio, and • a member of the' Chancery division of the latter court. Neel:mem, Plus act promptly upon the Liver, regulate the Bowels and as a purgative are rni1.1 and thorough. —At Paris last week three girls • • wore tined $5 each. for furious driv- r A GOOD M0'1'IVE. Harry Ricardo, of'l:ovonto, agent for Fine Art Publictitions, states that he was so troubled with deafness for eight years that he could .fcarcely at tept to business, until he tried Yet. low 011. IIs desires to make this cure known, for the .benefit of others afflicted. --A man at Brantford has Leen fined $S for cruel treatment• of a horse.. 'When the blood is loaded with im- purities, and moves slugglishly in the• veinsan alterative is needed, This condition of the vital fluid can- not lust long without serious results. Tlrere,is nothing letter than !dyer's 1tar,sairat'illa to purify, the blood, and impart energy to the system. —Mr. Joseph Van \'Orman, aged 92, voted atTilsonburg at the recent election. Ai vl 'i: •i' Merit E1 .—.'dreyouIlisturb- ed at night and brekr'a nl' yew' rest by a sick cleiid sulfetiug and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? II' se send at once and got a bottle of "I'S \V1n,1ow'3 Soothing Syrup" tor Chihtrcu'I'l'ntbiiv{, Its value is incnl'nlal,le It will relieve the pour little sniffler immediately. Depend upon, it, mothers ; there is 110 mistake ttlnnat it. It vans Dysentery au11 Dia 'linen, regulates the Stomach and Rowels, stew Wintl Colic, softens the Comm, rednecks L tlan,118. tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.. "MIS. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste midis the prescription of one of the oldest and beet fuwale physt'itnls and nurses in the IJnittel States, and is file sale by alt di -w tsts tduonghunt the world. Price tweet thee cents a bottle. Be sire and ask for "Mas. \V11asr.nw's Sometime Setter," and. take leo other kaUle. •illi; y A LUCKY ESCAPE. "Por six years 1 suffered with my throat and enlarged tonsils. 1 was very weak ; I doctored four years, and had advice front throe doctors; they said I would have to undergo an operation. I tried B. B. B. instead. One bottle cured we." M. A. Squelch, Raglan, Uut. —On Saturday last 11r. William Purdy, of Kincardine, stet with a frightful accident under peculiar circumstances. Standing on a chair and nearchiug on a shelf fur sorer• article, he managed to overbalance a heavy and sharp chisel, the butt end of which, in falling from the shelf, struch him an the chin, the chi: el then careened, the sharp edge penetrating his right leg just above. the knee cap. Fears are entertain op that the leg luny have to be ampule ated. PROF. Low's SULPHUR S,•A' is highly recommended for the cure of Erup tions, Chafes, Chapped hands, .PILO pies, Tan, etc. —Recently Aliss liertio Yriddl(•, of l.11onineyer, suet with ct singatir accident. •AV11ile knitting, nut thinking w'h'it she Was Shull t, she begau to pick her- car with ono of the needles. R Unfortunately the needle was run in too far, whiob caused a tick ll ug sensation. Scream- ing, slit'; instantly jerked her Bead toward the needle, causing it to pass through the tyn!punnitl of the ear, .. The doctor states that the hearing eau nevete bo rc,tureil. Is not an ordinary mixture. In fact its properties are entirely (different fromany preparation used for Coughs, Colds, Throat and i.nno 4 roublese ' 433 5t —Judge Papineau rt'udnr(ol' judg men in the (111.43 of 311(Ml) l ergeruw against the Uuutreai. street railway company. The action was fur 2,- 10)0 damages on the ground of severe injuries received by the plaintiff's w'il'e through alleged neg ligenee of the defendants' employes When S110 was alighting front ono of their cars. The court gave jndg trout granting the plaintiff .e781 danriges, rs'itii costs of. action of the saute amount, and interest from the day the action was taken, with stdnographeis' costs of $33. CtTRE FOR CROUP. Prompt relief to prevent snffoca tion from the accumulation of tough mu.scous--the for mit t 1011 of false membrane le -•-011(1 the constl'icti00 Of the air passage, is necessary in case of a sudden attnoic of croup. flay - gruel's Yellow Oil eliouitl, be used at ru ranee, afterwards 11agy•d's .pectoral Balsam. --lh.ria Tack'tl)eu'r}', daughter of 1i,i01iard Tackitbel'iy li`: floc near Elie Mills, (Jot., cu,unni!ted suicide by cutting her throat w'i111 -rt razor. k'or- the last year 01' two she W;i., out of her mind. The inhere merit' ing 511e got lip as tisuiil and ,(ssiste 1 in getting the,lrela}1 11st, and 'While the rest 431' the' faintly: rvt'ie 0:1(1g they heard a noise upstairs as if 'sbwuetlitug hull fallen. Upon going alp they found her , lying on the. fluor dying. with her throat cut from ear to ear. The coroner says there wore no doubts of her insanity. BABIES A CIIfLDljEN. They are always catching cold in the head. Place a smell particle of Nasal Balm in each nostril at night, also rub well over the bridge of the nose, and let us know haw they are in the morning. 433 5t • Da Low's \Volta+ SYRCP has remov- ed tape worms twin 13 to -20 feet in letrgth. It also destroys all kinds of hvoruhs, Nervous, 118cbllitiated :Urn, You are allowed' rt free Irbil of thirty days of the nsc of ler Dye's Celebrated Voltaic belt with Electric Snspeneory Appliances, fon: the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Al=u, for nlauy other diseases Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated• pamphlet, wit h full information, terms, etc., muffed Free by ar:dressiug Voltaic Belt Co., darsball, .Il ich. 318y -c340 PENI''JYROVAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who hay hada life long txpericneu iu :x �,5• tr,.atnty fultWo (Ib,.'us. 1,1 n..eil eveitely with perfnet sneeese by over 10,0t10 indis. 1'le.:.ya(t, safe, effectual. 1,1ics, aAk your drive gi for iOenny'o)111 tl'rferx and take no snb,titate, nr Inclose pont. oro sw for .luu', d porticrrat. Sold by al11£ g 1sb+, 1t per box Atbh'oss I'nr.• E,'(u:.t ('n o8 ,0. Un., Larr:rr, Mrcn, iter;old In Clinton by J. 11. Combo and drat gists generally.' 338_.y. The Great Engtsh Prescription. A successful iledicine used over ;lo Tears in thousands of Ceases. .lnl'05 Seperrnntll,'I'hen., .yer7„a1„.h ll'er,kuess, Ii ni.sfv.,P, lwp'lenc' tial1111,11,0,085.(111100.1 1,, (eelol of In(1loerotlmn, or over e:a:rtiun. 18''10.111 Six packages Guarnntee.i to C. ,When all Where tart. A.kyour l'ruggistfor 'rho (41eat-EIIg. fish Preaerl slot, take 1)0 substitute. One Ptatage et, six $S, by.mall. Write f rr P:uuph• et. Address eureka Chalmette' Co., Dew trait, AHeh. ahold In mitten hy1 J., H., Combo and ell druggists,. Por "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated schoo) teachers, milliners, seamstresses, laou .0 - keepers, and over-worked women gcnurarly, Dr. Plume's Favorite Prescription is the bent. of all restorative tonics. It is not a}' Cure-all," but admirably' fulfills amgleucss of purpose, being a most potent Specific for All those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a powerful, general nc well ns uterine, tonic and nervine, and Inuisits vigor tine strength to the seholosystem. it,prottly cures weakness of stomaoh, indigestion.m on, hk lat- ht.g, weak back. cervors prostration, d.hb'llty and sleeplessness, to c::tiler sex. Favorite 1'io- scription is sold hydruggists under elle po,f. lino otutrantee. Seo wrapper around bottle. Prieto BLOB, or six bottles Yoe $5.00. A large treatise on Itisenoes of Women, pro. fusoly illustrated with colored plates and nu- merous wood -cuts, cont for 10 cents in etatmpa. Address. Wontn's D:SPaNSAICY P= ° rlt::vt AssoCLtTION, Gn3 hfain Street, I/ulT to, N. Y. SICK VIE DACIIHH, linnets Ffoa.touhe and Constipation, promptlpcure•i 114 Dr. 1'ierco's Pellets. 2130, a vial,+ by Cruggi:A& ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St„ New 'York. Send loots. for 1O0 -Page Pamphlet. To • IMPORTANT ctuIcnIITi'... In returning thanks to my teeny friends and' patrons for .fust patronage,.' -would like to call tbeir special attention to my very cumplute steep of HAtPr,ttESS, WHIPS, CURRY CLEARS, HMIS ETC. p ETC.6 Speeial attention is directed to niy stock of It will be tonna very complete, and for durability ar.d fiuish 0011001 be, excelled 1,v any fine. As 1 employ none but the best WI keen., and ase the heat material to be bought in the market, ell who nifty (Iver me with their patronage nosy feel confident el .getting sattsl'ecti.,n. iriCe-P11 ICES AWAY DOWN, Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Lew. GEORGE NAW W +rse.:.a .rad® eta c rew:+,• Ic*�ss O CIAL.p 0 0 'rhe undersigned bus ,just opened a new Dole Store, nl JeCESON's NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two theme w. nt ..f the City ,':,2' ' •�^ r e Houk Attire, whcrc will be runu.l a euu.lrlete assort!). 11t ul l'Ii'i'u Drams an 4'Itt Itt'ttiw: also Patt'111 ."P(-(ilt'itatl'R and Att'utsgistS' `u+tudt cera—all that, the pubic/' ;tiny mid: Int in those • hues. '� `• Wit': A. !N Cliatoir,lOth January, lEE(i. P. S.—Udice changed from resin'. n.:e to store amts.exa,>Weaneanzxsn..weM.aax.+ Car r n ' to arII:a e 11AVE--- NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE` !_ LLUZTT'3L. OIT, - CLINTON. JOSEPH. GRIDLEY, Dealer-- in Furniture." can at tic New Store and see the stuck o1' Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, SidEboarcls, Chairs, Springs, 11att1'nnsos, ch.., and geurral 1Iwist hold 1'inuitnrc. The whole Stark is front the very Last manutaetw'era. Picture Miles and iI t lrliugs ofrt-ery 'description. .�avS. v. 111f, Ont' 4lt;or V3'estot.ISlIclo rl's.ito tl(:tore. CLOVER SEED, TMOTHY 1E ALS1KE SEED, „Market Prices: ' - Wholesale and Retail. '1'0 THE T\l':\V t'RE\lJSli0 ON 'f I1 :•' ' . ri ,, A, .t:..a te teekITY IF- ta- r0 4VARt FHL... The premises have been fitted up and neo large, We are u,nl• in a in Iter position t1:an ever to adeno to the wants 11' the la: Lr ie. '. . ae/wan9 LIMES GAAP A E & WACOM MICE 'C O Tn Stocii, a Number of Cutters, Sleig..�ls, Bugg €1 and IrVa"'ors, - • The Material we manufacture:is 01' the bast tlnalily' nts ull tl c Iron work uln;passcd. LI tinct we Make it. tui important f tu:v. of ant' taisti. , 10 11'o mtly ;he h. Ai. pro- curable material and the hest werl:u.ulsbip. 'I'la - in nee.; 01 U1" l"l'EILS • and SLE.I'J 11 S, ut the latest matkee and sty ccs, :,houl1 not toil to - l'all and see lis. _0_ LL WORK V' ARRANTe's'.D.. Repairing and Re-oaintinff Promptly A ttei_. fed to. FACTORY on corner of Huron Band Orange Street's, CLINTON. Iron and Hardware iitercitant, cr1i.. ''yl T0-.I1.�Y1 afarc121 2nd, 1887. • HOUSEKEEPERS ! HUY YOUR General Groceries, Crockery & G assware, FR O Ji WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GRocnies. The wants of every fant,il,v supplied. Stock always fresh. SPECIAL INDUCE. VENTS when quantities are ordered. Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. ''r-• am ^a Are ploy tat 1 o t:::co. C'ontaIn heir owl • Purr.tir'o. Lt r. a.fa, nrr u:.1 e.:"<•etun debtrbyer o; worms in Ci:i11utn or t1uit, CASH - IM ES, SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, &c. IIighest market price p'tid. Bring them along. A. COUCH, BUTCHER CLINTON, 353tf A�EN E. NO A. -r E a ! Implemcnts Irlasesencs! M'cCO MICI: SEI.P•B1NDERS, 11EAPEUUS, N ')W EIiS•, ' SEED DRILLS, If011SE RAKES PLOWS, CUTTING BOXES, STIELLEI1S, ETC., ETC., And all Implements used on a farm as Good as the Best, and as Cheap . as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WA1iEROOMS, CLINTON. ONTARIO A BARGAIN. —IN- WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZiNESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY,. INDIf;ESTIOM, FLUTTERING' JAUNDICE . OF THE FIL"ART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE,OF THE SKIN, And every epeelee-of'dteeas*, arising _Woos disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS; /TOMAWt, BOWELS OR BLOOD, 'L. M!JJIURN 8c..E0...Pr°'Pri t uelr ---IN THE . M .ctui- is ads •G� SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 will ,,mil +nee) the recipe PIIViPLES, for a sllrrple �'MosrAn,.P. HALM that w111 aP.Muve TAN, FeecaLes, Plumes and ilso'rones, leaving the skirl soft, clear and beauti- ful; also instructions. for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth taco. rddro.ss, including Sc stamp. JIIIN. VANDELF S CO., 60 Ann street, N. Y 1192y. filiANFIOOD Restored. A gentlenran having innocently con• tractedthe habit of self•abnso In his youth, and lu ebneegmooce suffered ell the horrors of Sexual incapacity, Lost Manhood, Physical Decay Oen. eral Prostration, etc.. will, out of sympathy to,,, his fellow sufferers, muff -free rho reeipe by which Ito was finally cured. Address in confidence. J WoelelI VEY, 42 Cedar -tit., New York. Sat t' .. 50A 2VN.it.50 —O—O— The Rost ever vicinity for, the Also, General equally cheap. PLOW AND on hated. offered in this. money. GROCERIES, F ED always• TEM iI. STANBURY. .