The Huron News-Record, 1887-03-16, Page 2.014 Xin wcsan
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tho Britishdotuintonts of „North
Amerie0,; any enhance into the
waters, porta or places of or within
the -United,States (with such Mops
tion iu regard to vessels in (Ustress,
stress of weather, or needing sup-
plies as to the preeident shall gloom
proper), whether such vessels shall
have come directly from said Do-
minion on such destined voyage, or
by way of Kuno , port or place *
such destined voyage elsewhereound
isessdanymstrzsintoonssysport or place
of the United States of fresh lish or
salt fish or any other product of said
or other goods coining
from said Dominion to the United
The president may, in his discre-
tion, apply such proclamation to any
part or to all of the foregoing named
subjects, and may revoke, qualify,
limit and renew such proclamation
from time to time ,104 he miry doom
necessary to the full and just exe-
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Every violation of any such procla-
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by declared illegal, and all vessels
and goods -so coming and being
within the waters, ports or places
of the -United Bastes contrary to
such proelaniation shall be forfeited
to the United States; and such for-
feiture shall be, enforced and pro-
ceeded upon in the samo manner
and with the same effect as in.. the
ease of vessels or geode whose im-
portation or coming to, or being in
the waters or port; of the United
States contrary to law, may now bo
enforced and proceeded upon.
Every person who shall violate
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sects irroclatutreittliceprosiden
made, in pursuance hereof, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
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$1,000, or imprisonment for a term
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said punishments, in the discretion
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• We have ono of the best appointed Job
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tsetses by melt promptly attentled to.
The News -Record,
Clinton. Ont
The Huron Aletus-Record
We11nes110.Y. Munch 16t114
• To authorize the President, of the.
United States to protect and defend
the rights of American fishing. 'yes-
sels,.Xinuricau fishermen, American
trading and other vessela, in certain
0:13es, and for other purposes.
Thatotthenever the President of
tha 'United States shall be sttlistied
that .,.knitirican vessjels Or.
American fishermen, visiting or be
• which "the' truth the whore Utah
places oft. the: dominions of . '
and notinwt lett •te truth " could
00VOT ; '10 0IA.111101 . 11114 Wit CX
A PicaFOr Th e Bible.
middle uf v. 1. to the middle'Of v. j THE FRENCH IN CANADA..
8, 1110,.
Again, the write* of the letter
states that onpage 171, Pe. 134 is
is printed and headed as a operate
This is not trite ; there is a
slight increase in the spacing, but it
is .neither printed nor headed as a
separate psalm, for there 8 no head*
ing whatever to it. Then the writer
further implies that because Dr.
Naos and Dr. Dowart gave their
approval to the volume Mr. Salton
ought either to follow their example
or keep silent, for "modesty becomes
youth?' He, the preacher, was not
tied to any man's opinions; and
though it might be a wicked thing
for him to have opinions different
from tl leading minds of his church
yet he claimed the God given right
to have opinions of his own if ho
wished to have them. But it had
to be lg rne iu mind that be bad
just given FACTS—placed before
them the selections as he found
them, and allowed', every man,
woman and child to form their own
opinion regarding them.
The text was token from Ps. XII,
6, 7 : "The Words of the Lord are
pure words," &o. Thie is a mistake
—the, verse ought to read, "The
woras of the Lord are impure words."
%Mt. '0. Ingersoll says so ; Chas.
BradIstoedi salts so ; those, sacerdotal
teachers •who aro forever 'declering
that the book ought not to be read
hy thecommon people say so ; the
wheel • trustees who are throwing
out the Bible and potting into our
schools "Sulectious" say so. Theye-
fore, out with the impure book, out
With it from our homes, front our
Hollools, Cremsourehurchess sastinns
together, as one says, all the Biblee
—the children's bibles'the
those newly bound, and
those with lids nearly worn out and
pages almost obliterated by the 0n-
el:1M lung ago turned to dust—lo jug
Them all top -ether and let us make A
bonfire of them, and then turn the
po 1 lilted Ushek of t It iS i intone work
beneath the sod. Then, hurrah for
morality and virtue I When once
rid of the Bible, we shall have tn
lanai moral and virtuous community.
"Ilet stay, before yon cut up this old
hook, before you light the funeral
pyie, before you begin this terrible
'holocaust, listen to au humble plea
bn its behalf. "Antl -oh may the'
weak wot'ds of man be made strong
by the power "of the Holy Ghost.".
Then followed 000 of the most
earneSteaml elequentappeals_forethe
Pare it hes ever been our good for-
tune to listen to. We cannot de-
scribe it 111010 felly 110i(', than in
this brief summary. Men want to
see the clenched hand, the flashing
eye, the earliest aml pleading l'atte
of the spanker as lie poured fourth
for fully forty minutes a passiunate
appettl for "lA mullet's 'Bible and
his mother's religion," The line
intl,e strihmarized thus :
1. Don't throw out the Bible., be-
cause though nearly all books per-
ishloorCer �i latereThie Ilbiek which.
has seen the cradle of eiteh and will
see the grave of all, is more robust,
healthy and uncrippled to -day
thaneiver• it WAS.
The following is the report of an.
interesting sermon by Itev. Mr.
Stilton of Goderich
The rev. gentleman prefacedhis
remarks by stating that he would
fur the first and last time notice tho
letter that appeared in one or the
papers of town, charging hint with
"gross and absurd exageration" itt,
his former sermon on the tioripture
selections. in saving that "the Gos-
pel .Howeh
il troug'il the disconneeted
and anutilated portion of -tictiiptotl
presented to the children :leaving
the remitinder of the buole a dry,
lifeless thing," lie had not Otpm.-
ated the truth ; for thh confidence
of beth parents and children were
gone wben they knew that from al-
most, every pAgo.01. 11101100110f eel00
.tions there wore words or sentences
in the ‘vnters er ports or or verses (.11 chapters missed \rollout
taa. •
North Ameria, 010,e, Om lately • - '
lieve been denied or abridged in the ivegetiateil when he slated thee miss -
enjoyment of any tights secured to ing W0111S and sentences frIn(I petet-
' them by treaty or law, .04' are, or
Lengths destroyed the 901180 and liar-
then lately ,have been unjustly 1/1,14). lky of the \Vord of God, i'or they
(tis anuience) could no nfore•teke te
v.ixd or harrassed in the enjoyment e air or note of his (the preacher')
tt -
of Such rights, or ttubjected to un- and, efterelianging worile, miesing
rettennible restrictions, regtelations wade, obliterating sentences, present
tee requirements in respeet to such it, with its sense and harmony 00111 -
rights 00 otherxise unjustl' vexed Platte than W. 11. C. Kerr, Ferp,
tor hatressed in said waters, ports or could take -the Word or Letter uf
places; or whenever the President Ged and,(whether intentiumilly or
ti' the United States 015011 be satisfe. unintentionally it was nut the
ol that any elicit fishing vessels or preacher's iqacti td guess, but he
fishermen having a peimit under ehought pet haps unintentionally)
le laws of the United States to After disconnect i leg; „old itereting,
l'ana trade at any port or ports iusertiug or changing, present coin1.111115.
minions o
then lady
privilege of, elite
ports, place or plaeu
manner er wider the se
tiona ae may exist therein asq cable
to trading vessels of the most fa
ed nation, or shell be unjustly vexe
or harraeeed in. respect thereof, or
otherwioe unjestly voxed or herrass-
el ssid waters, ports or ph eA,
shall be provoutedfrom purchasing
such supplies as rr9y there be law-
ftilly sold to trading vessels of the
most faysred nation ; or whenever
the President of the United States
shall bessatislied that auy other ves-
sels of the United States, their mas-
ters or crews, ao arriving at or being
in such 'British waters, or ports or
places of the British dominions of'
North America, aro, or then lately
have been denied any of the privi-
leges therein accorded to the vessels,
their masters or arme, of the most
favored nation, or unjuetly vexed or
harrassed in respect of the same, or
Otherwise unjustly vexed or harress-
eel in said waters, ports or places
then, aud in either or all of such
cases, it Altai be lawful mid it shall
bo the citity of the Pt esitiont of the
'Unitd States, in his discretion, by
• proclametion to that effect, to deny
vessels, their masters and crows of
. pieces jee the eleieetie do, pieta in senile mai herniony the aw-
North Ann.:rice, are, or ful Tro, of Cod. Tho oentl-
ot benu denied the man lout not exaggerated irlrien he
le such port or stated that there werefiee ,Kre muti-
in the same lations through which the life blood
regtila- of the Gospel streamed. If he had
erred in the uottuts he had erred by
giving a smaller number than he
might have done. There were 3G0
1. in the hook ; he would take
st 24 p. p• or one -fifteenth
whole, and show thet in
re were sixteen, what
le sake of under -
03 1)013 was
the -
part of
those pages
were called for
standing the mat
New of the same en
kept npthrongliout the le k, and
he had no remelt to believe other-
wise, hietead of five•ecore there wore
tirelre-ecore "pekuife cute through
which the life blood of' tho law and
tho Gospel streamed." Ho then
goy° the sixteen psages, amongst
which were the following
On page 6 of the selections the
first word of Lesson five has been
changed ; on tho same pogo a word
has been omitted from verse fonr
on page 15 o word has boon omitted
from yenta 25; on pogo 18 a verse
bee been missed, 5111 1011 speaks of
Deborah's death and burial ;on page
21a sentence is put in, and on page
22 a word is missed from v. 10, and
A sentence from v. 14 ;also ou the end sure to remove all varieties of Gwindin bos seellrod 3,000 acres
ealue liege there ia a jump from the 'Worms. already in the Northwest, end Arch-
Rev. John Burton, B. D., recently
delivered au instructive lecture on
"The French. and Roman Catholic-
ism in Canada" in the Northern
Congregational church, Toronto.
He said: For some time, the rola.
tion of our fellow citizens of French
descent and their ecclesiastical tics
tto our free institutions has elicited
anxious questionings among thought -
fill people. I purpose presenting
some facts which may aid in Intel-
ntly discussing the same. And
'We stand as Christ placed ne when
Ile' taught us to say "Our Father,"
whore Paul stood as he declared,
God hath made of one all nations of
men for to dwell ou all the face of
the earth. Nor am I less a patriot
because I 011ie this 81,111111-1,110 brOth-
orhood of man. Secondly ; A t111 -
ism ; the French Canadian is hero.
,A.ecording to the last 0(118118 .110
Dominion elainis 1,30.0,1)00 • of
French descent in a population of
4;325,000 • 1,074,000.Sare iu Quebec,
whose total population is 1,300,000,
or int round uumbers tie one to four
and three-fourths. Only a few
French Canadians are Protestant,
and to other Catholics in that Pro-
vince the French Ganadittn is as 1
to 1,. The adherents in the oritiro
iosuin ions of_ the --liteenteetee•Geteleet"
Nth exceed one-thiad of the,entire
population by 3'50,000. As the vote
,of the Roman Catholic Church in
emergencies is virtually solid, no
politician can, under our present
political system, ignot•e the same.
He is slowlybAnY; surely meking
Quebec his own, and quietly tilling
use cow Et -milli -1 Ontario. And he
limn with his Church, al 80, (Wen 08
tp1130(3 Tails; lishm:Ln livitigs his Epieco-
il the Scotch man his Presby-
110bas a right to be here ;
his church also. lf divovery, -90c-
toil gives right, the habitant.
can claim liis right to be hare
With his (Mimi). The Lent -ins in
poseession were 11,,..,71.0At CATO 10 the
early Puritan settlors 011 1110 0511
,Anterican_eoast.. They deliberated,
Bible in hand, and from it they
learned. : —The- earth is the Lord's,
to give to whomhe pleases. It has
pleased him to'give to the Saints to
inherit ilia etu•flt. They concluded,
2. I )on't thiow oet the Pale, be-
(te)1se it is so euitable abao1 for ell
places an1 at ell 1111408, especially in
thues and places ot' need.'
3. Yon went to throw it out be••
cattee of its mysteries. Ho won't'
be but a little god who could be
fully comprehended by finite inind.
Mysteries: there are, butt not more
myste.ribus than we hare in the
hands tied face and surroundings of'
any linman being.
4. Von want to throw it away
becalm of' its indelicacies and' im-
purities.' Part of this is o medical
work, and need net be read at all
times, but without which we could
never understand the eure of the
disease: It' impure, bring forth
same victims of the imperity.
Three hundred million copies of
this book in existence,land not a
single victim of its impurity banbe
found. The book must necessarily
treat of the pathology ot' the dis-
ease, or it e.ould never treat of its
pharmacy or corer.
hishopTacbe 35 square milee; The
Jessuit estates forfeited, or at leeet
their value, are likely nutter pree-
aura brought upon the Quebec Leo-
itelature to be restored, not front theli
Quebec treasury, which iellatitkrupt,
but from "better terms" to be fumed
out front the Dominion treasury.
We have nut withheld from' the
Jesuits the praise they Itave ted
but we must remember also that
France WAS ribbed of her best King
by a jttAttit'S hand. Our own
Elizabeth had fallen lied their plot
succeeded, the thirty years'„War was
was kindled by their intrigues, and
those same intriguers bronght France
and Germany together in bitter
strife in 1 870, introducieg that aim-
ed peace n hid' is
Are we mad enough to supply that
corporetion with menitions of war
against our 11brties1 to nurse the
viper that wi 11 yet hi to um. children
The late Bishop Strachan, in 1 854,
estimated the amount of capital hear'
ing roveuue in poseession of the
Roman Church in Quebec) nt 80,-
000,000. Fifty million dollars is
not too much to -lay. This at six
per cOnt. yields en annual r0 -
venni) or $3,000,000. Another $3,--
000,00 may he added for ti ithes
collected from 200,000
411(1 $5,000,000 for pew rents, re-
morselessly collect,,u1 fees, lotteries,
etc. At tenet i 11,000,001) awl 0131 15'
flnds its way ieto the coffers of that
Church in Quebe. The Prebyter-
iau Chuieli of Canada may be siid
to represent one-fourth of Protetant.
wealth and enterprise. Tts annual
revenue all told.--bnildine•si this:
ono and a half mil-
lions. Six million dollars is an ex-
ecs.deo estimate for 1'1010sta:it
Christian work in Cantela, to be in
proportion to Rome it ought to be
twenty.two. Yet in 'furonto the
priesthood is so poor that from
the Archbishop down -not one has
an income stiff:dent for taxation
Believe it who can.
iS 1111111111011tA110, and that means that
Nu pvivet elm turn those yuet
revenues nt Itis will to control our
liberties antl• wottk his behests.
In short, we have compact orgon-
iy,ation in • our midst, possesetel of'
enormous \\with, grasping, taendily
tor more, virtually controlling' our
deferring to a foreign
nationality, and readY to do the
ding • of -the Ittiltuf Eeciesitistical
Oulirt With ii..s 11.11Visers.
TlIllt4 011r school system is broken
tip, onr children educated lev law on
antegonistic lines tied both a nice
and religions caste porprtleutted by
the • lew of the land, We say the
lew of the land, for no treaty righte
can lie quieted. to establish eny. of'
these ellthes.' 'We speak mlyisetilv
hero and without qualification.
At the meeting of the Ithldulph
township commit on the 7th inst.
the fellow ing resolution, moved by
Mr. F. Davis and seconded by Mr:
P. J. Dowan, was untauintously car -
rid :—"That we, the members of
the Muiliei ea' Coeneil of the town-
ship of Bidiltilph, ju council. assent -
hied, taketide .our earliest oppress.
tuttitj, of expressing unr profound
Sorrottr at the early death of our
esteemed friend, John, Darege Esq.,
and of the high esteem in Which he
was 141 by all who knew him for
his many sterling qualities, combin
ed with a tree Christian character.
We ..realiae that the township of
Iliddulph has lost oneof her atoblest
and most useful eitizeue, whose
deeth lies cast a gloom ovor the
whole ecommteity. We would fur -
(hr bog to toollot. to M re, Dagg end
the bereaved family in this their
hour of alllietion •our unfeigned
sympetIty in the irreparable loss
witieli they have sueteintel in that
9, loving, kind and lerlitlf,,snt
husband awl father. We rejoice to
know tht. 1tO Mitt tbs grent tqleny,
death, with Glitietian itertitude Aul4
reeignttioe, and in the sure aid COT -
111n hope of evilI-ening 11114. We
earnestly p1 ier tiot the God of the
fatlittrlese tied Widow will be your
o in to r t anti _pcutio13 the! twat-I—time-- -
and eletnity."'
TIon. Wells bas just
returned from 11 1i811, 10 NOWC011101-•
land, 011i111,•3' 110 Arent 10 10rn MOTO
11)0111 the fielieries dispute, and he
isfully impreeseel with 'the -fact that
there two shirts to the 01190. Ile
finds, as an American, no difficulty
in acicosting (en 3d interinitation
of the three -Milo limit qttestion,
and pronceds $e:sifted; of Lite "nit-
generoua an1 noworthy" -way in
which thfi 17 111181 .l.A.tates modified
the Treatytof 1S7-1 by special legis-
lation. Aeeording to that treaty
all Dominion fish and products of
the fidte.ries were admitted to the
United State3 duty fre, elacept fish
eanglft in inland waters and fis13
1e“(1 ill oil. In spite Of this,
Cuasss prone:lotl--inillointetl)tt
elles, of the canned
mann fat:1010N --to impose a'
nty of olio 'and one-half cents per
- (Inert en "cans or -peekages reside
from tiu or ollIttr m1110111
tiny kind atitoitted•free
or ! e 3,10,4 41.1:91"' 01.i.iti lig law or.
-trietty."... Mr.. ;Veils tlenininees it as
a "nat11. and a mean device" to
imatlify a treaty. The relinort of
the 'Et -as -toy Department, that fish
Ittl(1.0..t1 in 100 rtvi "oit for immed-
feta couumptioe," and must be
sithjcet to ditty, lie also denounces
tast onlitelifiabl. "The. brutality,"
therefore; le thinks.lisnot Confined'
to l'.1,3nadians in relation to the fish-
eries: Ile asks 'the following per-
tinnt question: "lios bot a re-
fusal or • unwillingness to submit
this difficelty to the arbitration of
men, on, its fecaargue
that we are either not so smart DS
other people, or that our cleints aru.
not defensible'?" •
a • .
Young mon, take the Bible; yonr
mother read it, your sister read it,
and they can testify that "the words
of the Lord aro pure words, as sil-
ver tried in a furnace, porified seven
times." And it' possible, get the
Bible your Maher used. lie (the
preacher) remembers well tho large
green baize covered Bible his moth-
er read so often told him the never
worn out stories of Joseph, of Mos-
es, of Dvid, and of Christ; and if
it be possible, when God calls that
mother to the better world, he in-
tends at all cost to obtain that Bib-
le, that be may have it es the most
precious and deitrest work given in-
tto mortal hands.—Star.
no other Purgative. The tre safe
are the 511 The poor
Indian 111081 g0 itt4 the Canattnit es of
old. IThless we thus ergti, CntierS
discoveries., Champlin's heroic ef-
forts to coloniz, 110 solfatantt,iliping
derblitni Of the recollet and Jesuit
Fat lies,, all treclarli the Frenhman's
tight to bo hero, with his father's
-faith, if ha so will, mid the irwre.
fortune •of war has no power to
vitiite that t•irlo. As the nnmos
l‘lottietcalen ANA .on either
sidile of onot monument in Quebec,
asaro-saxnr ANn 05TM ARE IN-
. SEPAttArIbEt
in this Canada with equal eights.
ANTit elleerfnlly bear testimony to- tie•
heroic 5(10318 of the Jesuit mission -
mice, their zeal and sufferings, theie
Aieoverfes and work: I now comp
to the ennpleasent part of my tsk.
Roman Catholicism is mere' then a
religion e faith ;it is a compact or-
ganiztion that avowedly only tol-
ertes any rule that does nut own its
seprmacy. Anglican canons may
abound in enethemas, triey are of
the net ; the VetiCan Council,. with
the eyllalms, is but Of yeterday, and
the (*rues or tha, coudomo
with a purse the contention that the
(sluch may not employ force, or
Unit in countries called Catholic.the
free exercise of other religiens may
bo allowed. Adverse cresols or 110-
11-10TitiOS are only tolerated while
Protestantism protects every man in
the free exercise of his religions
privileges. There ie an immense
dilhirence between toleration and
protectlotto and the nvowodprinciple
of the Roman curia is tolemtion
only until tho opportune time ar-
rives and then, as when the Edict
of Nan tee was revked, remorseless
stempineos out comee. What are the
sinews -of war in possession of this
alien power ? The
me only be onproximated. De
nonncing 'Keret socities, Rome is
itself the greatest seeret society the
world containn. Deducting the
Jesuit estates, the Church possessed
,at the conquest 1,223,000 acres of
land. The island of Montreal came
into her hand by aid of a vision,
and the wealth or tlie corporation
(Seminary of St. Solpico), holding
11101 property, is etpial to- the capital
of the Bank of Montreal. Bishop
Let the truth bc known. T. 1-10W.
lodge iSTOWer, therefore first spred
the knowledge of • facts. lett us,
11 0300'.' maintain the principle
that' no favored ekes CAM ite 1'000ir•
ni7.0(1 by leeV. eights ; 110
special fleet s. - We must, moreoer.
retrace sorne-stepe if we would re-
main untd. We must, havo the
public .36001 system, one language,
„one people ; 01110TWiS0 AA PTOVillOOS
WO 11111 sttual apart to find our way
eeparately or together intot,be nim -
bet' of the States of the great 10-
ubiia let a plea be en-
tered for the grand old• Gospel as
the one great ,means of solution,
whatever form the solution may
take ; for righteonsness, impartiality,
brotherhood and truth. Then from
ocean to ocean, over rock and plain
and prairie one 'harmonious Domin-
ion shall prevail -prosperous, 11ap-
p3r ender the rule of Christian
Queen, whom may Oust preserve far
beyond this. Jubilee reign to ride
reporter. Globe
over our hearts and homes.
-in speaking 011001 the attitude
taken by the British Government in
disallowing the Bait Bill of New-
foundland, Mr.Foster, Minister of
Marine and Fisheries, Fetid last week
that it WAS altogether likely that the
colony would soon enter the Domin-
minion. The feeling in that direc-
tion Was well defined and vigorons,
'The present delegation to England
had boon antlriorized by tho Govern-
ment of the Island to lay the subject
before the Imperial authorities.
The !present agitntion ho believed
would strengthen the prevailing
sentiment in that direction. It was
probUble that the Provincial Legis-
lature now sitting would move hi
the matter immediately. Refering
to the fishery trouble with the Unit-
ed States, he said that the same
policy would be be even more re-
strictive, if possible. It tens quite
evident that an early solution of tho
difficulty would not hennaed,. and
the Government intended to still
more thoroughly gnarcl the coests
Against the t he intrusion of American
. .
•John Quincy Ailams and John
Hancok, "the signer," married two
sisters, the' daughters of a noted
Methodist divine in 'Connecticut.
JOhn Quincy was a favorite with the
old peole, and Mary's choice WAS
approved by them. So, when the
banns were published the parent
said—"Mary, if you will furnish
the text I *ill preach you a wedding
sermon." She was equal to the task
and gave the text—"Mary hoth
chosen the good part, which shall
not be taken front her." Needless
to ssy that jnstice was done to the
occasion and the text. Not so with
_Margaret who in the meanwhile WAS
receiving the attentions of her Jan
in an inexpensive way, as far as her
parents were concered, for it is
said that he never crossed his lege
under their festive board." go
when the banns were published she
said to her fathe—"Father, you
preached a wedding sermon for
Mary; cannot yon preach one for
me 1" He at first demurred, bettit
last consented and called for the
text when Margaret, who was equal
to the occasion, said—"And Joint.
came, neither eating nor drinking,
and yet ye say he bath