The Huron News-Record, 1887-02-16, Page 8, 4 :?lel 4t8 to to o O4o i'1111Qoa1'puillta '7Eltoofor..T..thitgr411l'ac ilifonittnbe and poipts West 'lever C. P. 11, my "040,e wficti �ihagaag gen u be Checked • . 'A.passengr leaving, Clinton at 1,05 p.m, .gonday, can be in Winnipeg on Thursday morning at 9.40, AP" 'Tickets to D.iKOTA, CALIFOIt1AA,', AAU9Atili 1, UM& •JLo11PA,, etc. Buy 'your Tickets from me, whether -you travel North,. Beet,' or South. Office --Sures Btot i , •near Grand Union, r, - ' in Swaffielld s I1aiylyvare Store.. - JAS. TIIOMPSON. ,The Huron News -Record {VednesdaY. February Hi$b, LOCAL NEWS. lin and Around the "Hub." Ztiltint Salle. • BOY WANTED,to learn the Art .e/ Printing. Apply at TIIE NEtvs- 'RECORD office. 'That great kuction Sale of Furni, lure, Carpets, etc., takes place next ,Saturday, Feb. 19th, opposite the Foundry. B,CAPERS OF 000D BREAD will do well to ,remember the flour used atiRlelellmants Yea -t Co's Free'.Bdking Schools se l ale at the SIG ' 'BRICK 3111JL9, SEAFO7tTH, ONT. Item et EXCHANGE -3S lbs. good flour, 10 lbs. ' bran; 3 lbs. shorts, for A 1 Wheat. CUSTOM CHOPPING, Be. per 100 lbs FOR FEMME MIO GET THEIR SUMMER'S Ex- '" : "OUANOING DONE IN THE SPRING, W0 shall keep e .special grade of flour they may safely rely upon to ensure them flrst•claes.bread all summer. Our.EXCIIANOE, FA1LY and BARv.I1'a Flours are . unequalled for cheapness and quality. A. W. OGILVIE & CO., Big Brick Mills, 431-3t Seaforth, Ont. t' vii}. ut r'` iirot 1, pril►a , ,sstlgi 'Gadl3 o11 OJ . A .'i ,918..44„, 4hnothor,.pag Wil l 1lo_: 4nud ;fit.0 OpsiB 9f a .4eiluv� e4 -tblq Jijb1e 3y pre shed Rev, *IN,� :Sattoa,.,••..Latt, frt '- ie 03,4, OltAriveartIOA.Wea.- Tup 'reflection, ,front the organ LOOT- T- fire in;'.Woode:tgck' last' week was distiuctly seen in' .alt, a dis- -tauce o£ 30 miles. It is also said to hnve,beell span in Loudoi and St. Thomas. •.. - IT is evident that the man who thinks that only the wickedstand in slippery places never -tried to bal- ance Himself on a London sidewitlk At this season of' the year. -.Free Pi•esd. A, NEW paper, for ' undertakers palled The Funeral "Director has made its appearance in Montreal. Ve preaunte it is published as a campaign sheet- in the interests of the Grit party. REV. MR. 111010 ,110W of London, who Foam yeast ago so acceptably assisted' Archdeacon Ellwood at Godei'icb, is dangerously ilt at his brother-in-law's in St. Thomas. T11E Town Council of 1Vingham, not having its full complement of members owing to ono ward' haying neglected to elect a representative, atits last mooting appointed a mem- ber to fill the vacaney. Remember the Auction Sale of Jiouaehold Furniture, etc., on Satur- day, next, Feb. 19th at the residence off Mrs. Peter Craib's, • opposite the ' .Found-; y. - BE OF AND DOING.—The Clinton Conservative rooms will be open from 7.30 every evening. -until the 22nd February. Joint Commit- ..teos moot.Tuesday and Thursday nvenings2 The rooms will be -open .evory Saturdii afternoon, -aud town and country friends are ,urgently requested to attend. 1Vor)r ! Work! I Work, ! 11 and the election of honest ROBERT PORTER is a -certainty. • Go an buy yourself rich.: at the Auction. Sale -of Furniture etc., next •Satturday.— Any article will be sold ,private beforb the day of Sale. As we shall not be able to got returns of elections until Wed 'nesday morning, THE•NEws-RECORD will be a day later than asnal in leaching our readers next week. We do this rather than wait for the week following. IT is said that Brantford made an offer to -Mr. Kern of $25,000, to rebuild his factory in that city. MRS JAMES HUESTON,. of Manito- ba, at one time of Gode rich, has been visiting friends in .Mitchell, a•ocently. Ma. B. CHURCHILL^ of Hullett re- cently sold to Mr. Caesar of Turn• berry a one year-old Fearnaught :stallion for $150. Good stook pays. 'One day last week a respectable 'elderly lady walked into the deep snow which fillsup the watercourse on: Ontario street and but for the timely assistance of Mr. Shipley auight have remained there for some- time as she was unable to extricate 3rerself. Tun other day Mr. Jos. Allanson was engaged in cutting ice, when by an unlookod for movement of t'te ice plow he was thrown into about ten feet des p water, but he floated to the surface quite buoyant- 'l,y none the worse of his mishap ex- cept a wetting. RATHER A CLEVER OLD FEU:OW.— Tho Brockville Recorder, Grit, says: —It is said Sir. John A. Macdonald is announced to speak in Hainilton the sante night as in Brockvi•le. It may appear impossible that' he can fulfil both engagements, but to a anan - who could be born in three 'different places, the difficulty iu speaking in to> :ns tworhundred and 'fifty Miles a1itiithosame night need not be considered snsurmenutable. Thousand& of articles trust be sold to make room for SPRING STOCK. Now is the time for DON'T forget Peter Craib's sale of household' furniture on the 19th inst. Bargains will be - going. Good goods in good order. Mr. Craik is positively leaving town. He will leave ou the 23rd for Chi- cago. Wo much regret it, as the town will lose a good citizen and courteous business gentleman. TOE QUEEN'S JUBILEE.—PrObahly air our readers are aware that Queen Victoria was crowned nearly 50 years ago: The half century will have arrived on the .20th Jnno 1887•. Many of the cities, towns and vil rages are already taking steps to properly celebrate the important event. Clinton will no• doubt not be behind when the pwpor time arrives. MiSSiONART l�IEETiNG. ,— 1°Ile Right Rev. Dr. Sullivan Bishop of Algoma, will give an address on "Work in the Diocese of Algotna" in St. Paula icttool house on Friday Feb. 18th at 8 p. m. Collection in aid of the .work. It !nay bo added Chat as Bishop Stillivan is well'' known as a talented speaker, and considering the itnpot•tance of ilia work, this, will bo au interesting mooting. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. THE 'LITERARY 'Socrn= of the Model School -met on Friday, Feb. 11. The. officers were elected and the minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The programme consisted of the following : Song by the -School, Secretary's report, reading by Josie Reeve, duet .by Mary Paie- leystnd Hattie Rumball, reading by L. Cruickshanks, song by eight girls, reading by Mr. Lough,, speech' by Mr. Cunningham, song by eight girls, song by the School, Tho meeting closed to moot again on February 28th, 1887. THE YOUNG MAY Dia.—There is a truism that the young may die, but the old must. The French say it's the impossible that happens. The' death of Mr. Fred 'Holloway, of Ontario street, early Sunday morning, the 13th Feb., at tho early age of '18 years and 9 Months is a practical donlonstration of the fal- tiltnent of the possible, if not lit- eral a'oalizatioti' of the impossible. Only nine days before his death he was in robtst health ; in"the full vigor of youthful manhood, His case must be one that, will • cause great grief amongst his immediate family—father, mother, sister, broth- ers. ' With them we sympathize. But not '3nly will he be missed by - relatives, friends by the score „will deplore the loss of an agreeable as- sociate and .cherished companion. His friends ban cosmic themsylves with the Chrietian consolation that he died in the .Moho of a - glorious re- surrection. Tho cause of his death was internal inflamation and con- atipation. -funeral from hie fathat's residence, (Atario street, nearly opposite 4o,44 School, Monday 14th Inst., at.§4 p. nr. It was largely attended there being abut 50 vehicles in •the procession, tiled a great many pedestrians. A Nuittnen of farmers of Dunwich township have sltecumbed recently to a very old swindle. it is done this way, The agent calls on the firmer, offers tt lifitple of spring wheat fox .safe at $15 per'"busliol, promises te; Make the crop at $10' per' bushel '' (fife wheat is usually' sold is fifteen-buslieI.lets), the farm- .er; gives a notti for. the atuoulrt, and befell) the ,goad) spring !ecus the ifiitto isti¢,,Angert`od and tent in for 000* 404 the" farmer pais VS �• • px eab *Oitk 73 wilts. • •1 1, :a , t BIG BARGAINS. -. .8868 ' 1.00 : Cords Wood Wanted. Chris. DicYson,Clinton HOUSEKEEPERS ! BUY YOUR - , General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware, FROM c..1\1IiEZO1\T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. 'rhe wants of every family supplied. Stock always fresh. SPECIAL. INDUCE- 1r1ENTS when quantities are ordered. if you .waUt a Parlor Silk Beo- eaye and ,f'l'ush Set ; Walnut Bed- room ,`Jet; Walnut Side Board, Ex- tensioni'ulile, earpefe, etc., go to the 4lenteon bale nett S'ttturday, at. Mrs. t" et r Craib'e, •Pe ide3tee, opposite the Foundry. . ' Parm Produce taken at Highest Price. • lily. FR. MchIANUS whose fam- ily relatives live in Goderich will replace Fr. Cummins as Parish Priest at Woodslee, Essex county. Though the backbone of winter may be broken by Otho reeeut thaws and rains, yet the tail end seems to have considerable business ability, and judging by the latest dowufalts of snow it will he some, time ere winter will do much dallying iu the -lap of spring. MAYOR DoUGIIERTY, of Mitchell, resigned his seat because it was pro- tested ou account of his having rented a stall in the Market from the Corporation. Ile gave up the stall and was reelected by a very much larger majority than formerly. The town is out about $100 rent and Doughertyis still Mayor. Fns. Bt%ADY of Woodstock and Mulphy of Ingersoll' paid a short visit to Fr. Watters at Guderieh last week. We had the pleasure of being .on the train with them from Goderich to, Clinton last Thursday, and found them very agreeable gentlemen whose conversation it was a real pleasure to listen to. YES, BATHER.—Tho Goderich Grit paper calls Goderich township the "cayenne" township. ' Be it so. It- .will make it .hotter- for 11I..C.. Cameron ou the 22nd February than it'.has...ever done. Goderich town- ship .at Tait election evened.up with a Conservative 'majority equal to the Grit majority iu all the other township in the hiding. It gave Por- ter 185 majority,whereasAelrtield,the two Wawanoshes and Colborne gave Cameron 185' majority. The town of Goderich gave Cameron 1 and the town of Clinton gave him 28 majority —just his majority in the Riding. They will do' better, by Porter this time, so will all the townships do better by Porter this time. Cameron must go out. • 110.e— LETTERS TO.THE EDITOR. Irewish it to be diettnctay understood that we do tent hold onovelues responsible for the spit ions expressed Dy eorresawt.d§ats.- ED. NEwe.ne. CORD.' W. COOPER 81:1,1,8 THE CARNIVAL :NUMBER OF THE MONTREAL .STAR- for 400. ."GRIP" 10 CENTS . Presbyterian Hymnals Cheaper than the cheapest. Wall Paper, &c BEAVER BLOCh, - CLINTON. Editor 11ews4lecord. • A great deal has been said of late about religions questions in general. In sorne cases it has had the effect of enlivening the minister in charge and the members 'connected with the chnrches. But an unexampled oc- cntance liak just lately come' to light. The correspondent has one Casc in' mind where formerly there was an active church ami Sunday school bat for some reason or other "The Rose of .S/et rea" is fast declining into a summer appointmofit. The frost and snow has frozen out the Sunday school and the preaching -service• has shared n like fate. The pra,j'ers of many hearts are (it seems to nre) 'Oh for the spring the swallow and bee." But we will have - to wait till that season glens ready or rather till we got ready for it and by, the looks of things it is not here yet at guy rate. So the next best remedy should. be adopted and if a suggestion will he allowed from cor- respondent, I would say give those in charge of each department of the work some spooiall inducement. Wo, Ware are hoping for the 'best. and my earnest desire is that the best will come pretty soon now and that it will, be continued. Thanking yoil Mr, E.lioor.for the apaeo in your valuable paper. I am Yours, • A. ROB'T. ♦ it---- DE*TU$ HOLLOWAY?"—In Clinton, on the 18th inst., •bred J. Holloilrap, age 18 years acid 9 mouths, '1 ' ROYAL BLACK KNIGHTS OF IRELAND. The annual meeting of the R. B. K's. of I., of the county of Perth, met in Listowel, Friday, 4th Feby. Ledge opened in due• forte. Sir Knight Relit. Plloonitield in• the chair, Sir K. W. Laidlaw, deputy. After general business the election of officers was proceeded. with and resulted as follows:' .Sir Knight Itibltard Bloomfield. Bluevale, re-elected Sir Knight in command. • Sir K. Wm. Laidlaw, Blyth, De- puty in.command. Sir... K. Thomas._rStewart, Bluoyale, re-elected. Grand Registrar. Sir K-. 'John . Reid, Goderich, re- elected Grand Treasurer. Sir K. Robert,Blooatfieid, Blue - vale, -Grants Claaltilitiil.. Sir K. Win. Magill, Blyth, 1st G. Lecturer. Sir K. Low is. Elliott, Goderich, 2nd G. Lecturer. Sir K. Robt. Woods, Listowel, 1st Grand Star.dard.Bearer. Sir•K. Robert J. Forbes, L'stowel,, 2nd Grand Standard Bearer. Sir K. W. H. Muruey, Goderich, ltd Grand Censor. • Sir K. Samuel Page, Listowel, 2nd Grand Censor. Sir K. Robt. Winters, Grand Pur. Sir K. Henry Perkins, Gorrie, G.D. Registrar. Sir K. Robt. Plunkett, Goderich, G. D. Chaplain. Sir. K.^,)Thomas 'Baker, Listowel, Grand Deputy Treasurer. Sir' K. John Wilson, Goderich, 1st Grand Committee: We ore lots otiv1y our time this month to houset•.lecauisy and z' hlarrtl;it fors ' the coming Spring Bu,sfuees.. We are paying a great deal of attention to the; selection of our stuck gn11; • nu pains er expense 41 Leine sl'tcared to place b fore our Cttstume.rs The grandest And Most Extensiue Varity1Qf Gods Iver seen iat this section of country. 11-e want -to, give ererfr&udg the best )aussitle gouda at the Lowest Living Priced. The first lot of New Goods to arrive will be our Sir K. Alexander Ray. Listowel, 2nd Grand Committee. Sir K. Arthur Woodman, •Londes- boro, 3rd Grand Committee. Sir K: Wm. Johnston, Blyth, 4th Grand Committee. Sir K. Robert Ilogg, Blyth, 5th Grand Commintee. Sir K. Chas. Anderson, Listowel, 6th Grand Committee. Sir K. James Gilmore, Listowel, 7th Grand Committee. After which County business, was closed and adjourned to meet at 6;30 p. m. to open 418 Listowel isreceptory to advance Sir Knights to higher degrees. 6:30 p. in. open- ed in due form, Sir Knight Richard Bloomfield, Gland County Pre- ceptor in the chair. Sir Knight County Grand Treasurer in Deputy chair. Then Sir Knight, James Brownlee, Grand Treasurer of Brit- ish Atnet'ica, came in and was. re- ceived with the usual honors. He - was requested to take • the chair whidh he did and' advanced a --Sir Knight to that illustrious order -of Royal Mark, 'the Precoptory was raised to the Royal Green, end two Sir K's. worn put through that sublime degree.' After- which. the Preceptory was closed at 101). Itt. NEW - SPRING - HATS. And our assortment will be larger than ever.. OUR : ENGLISH HATS Are imported direct from the manufacturers in England and are Gu0.1. that we can recommend very highly fur durable wear. Our sizes run to 7,85-. 0 GKSUN BAS Clothiers,, Furnishers and hatters. • If you are in need of anything in the Clothing tine eall1n, C. Q.RANOE. r -.--WHO• ARE OFFERING A Discount of Ten Per� FOR``S'HE NI