HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-02-16, Page 61887 3.88b7 We aro determined if possible to reduce our LARGE STOCK of Clieap Dry—Goods SSI LOU Before our SPRING GOODS arrive. Look for Baifl3 With Us inEYeIu Line, And you will find them away down in price. �i rgains EargainB! i re will offer for the nest THIRTY DAYS -Tremendous Bargains in ALL - CLASSES - OF - WINTER - GOODS In orper to glean; them out previous to entering speck: on FEBRUARY STOOK LARGE. ASSORTMENT COMPLETE. :' CETT C B F'OI CASH_ . Ea PAY CO9YJOHN WaSEMAN, Manager. Emu Farmer s4ouldget a News -Record atmagac TII DPY-COUDS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. against the dead. Farm instructors Payne soil 1)eI ul,y have paused front the bar of human judgment,, ttud into t henceforth anatv,lr to a higher Judge fur their deeds. The man who says such clue' things about them for the purpose of produeiug a political effect should be very gtu'e of his facts. And it' he were sure of his facts, he should be very sure that there is need to call into ques- tion the characters and cunt -het of inert who can uo loop r defend theluselves, \Ir. (l:un.•run is not to b.+ euviod when he fscls coni polled, in order to serve his party, to de- secrate the grave, ifx-tliga the char- acters of the departed, and cruelly 1•wcrate the f olillgs of thein' surviv• Dig friends. If the. 1lou. Lawrence Clarke had expresse4 such senti- ments, it was most unfeeling in Mr. Cameron an0. repeat them, and to send theta broadcast tln'otu;lrout the laud in a political campaign dlucv- lneut. Lut what will be thought of the honorable mi,14 bPr fur \Vest 11ti40n when it is learned that his pretended extract is a piece of false testimony ! '1'lte lion. Lawrence ( iarko never ru.ule any such report. Ile never wrote or put forth may such statement. lie never express- ed any such sentiments. -In a letter elated- the 30th et' April, 1886, the 1lon. Lawreuoc Clarke emphatically 41411 s that he ever made any such a statement, but that the' statement itself is not true—that in fact the reverse of it is true ; that he 111\vays held tho niurd.ered instructors in esteem ; and that he is repay to trade affidavit to this effect. . C)u'the 22nd of May, I886,. Mr. Clarke wrote to Lieutenant -Gover- nor J)ewdncy as follows 4.'Al1IEl )N'S VAPOIIL.NGS ARE Z?NM1'I'I.OA'I'ED LIES, AND 1 AV. FRED (yi.J'R E 0\181 ISS It)NER THE 1)AY AFIL'..Elt 111S T:T'l'.ER- 1 ANCES' TO 'GIVE THEM. MY MOST UNQUALIFIE.1) DEN 1AL. As to the general cllarge of dis- honesty and immorality on the part of I1lrlian agents.and other officials f'u the N o.it1i-wet, a mass of testi- ninny, overwhelming in its conclu- siveness, is available. This testi- xtony is contributed by missionary ' and other clergymen long resident 111 the country ; by settler's,, -by ,journals, swim' of them politically unposed to the preseut Dominion Government, and by departmental officials. The 1' 'v. Alfred Andrews, , Methodist minister at Lethbridge, writes front that place, under date March 26th, as follows By the request of the President of the Manitoba Conference 1 ani here - ocated, in the interests of our Meth odi,lt Church.. This has brought are somewhat into association with the Blood and Piegan indianis. 1 have visited some of their lodges and can• versed with thein through an inter preter. A fortnight ago 1 went with our miss'onar;y, Rev. John McLean, to his Mission among the Bloods on their reserve and remained a week •t here, visiting •the middle and upper agencies under Mr. Pocklington's supervision. I must say what 1 aaw was very crerlitehle indeed to the Government. You can therefore understand my feelings, on reading while there thn Globe's editorial on the Rev. -air. J-tnhertsnn's sermon de• -livered last mont71:•at4ittawaon starv• big Indians in the North west. 1 have written an article to the Glebe denying his strictures".. Title article was dated T,(l1:b1id„ e,. Alberta, Mauch 20, 1886, and duly appeared in the (:lube: I.0 it Mr. A.ltllleWS Statt'A- 1. That the ind.ia±as seeit things ;vt garbage heapar not because they are "starving" b'nt 1iecanse they are curious and not over particular, • , 2. 'I'H,eIT' ON TIIEIR T'E NMI ViSS TIE SAW, LIJMSE1,Il' 4, THAT TILE RATIONS OF MEAT \\'1CLIE GOOD, AND AS \V]liE'1'UE SAM1: '41{F, W 1-L1' ,: OFF.• (;IALS-OF THE GO'NERNMENT GET.. 3. T1•IAT HAVING (IAT) DIN- NER \\'1'Cn THE MEN, HE FOUND THE BEEF AND li ,iEAD \\rl':1'F, AS GOOD A5 COULD ltf 11 AD 1N ONTARIO. 4. TIIA'l' 1N T1.1E MATTEi( OF FOOD ESPECIALLY MORE \VAS GONE FOR THE INDIANS THAN WAS EVER monism) TO '1'HEJI 1N TREATIES. 5. Tl -IAT IN THE M.:4T'I'EII OF CLO'T'HING ANI) 1.\iPLE MLN'I'S FI1{\I FAITH \VAS KEPT \Vi'1'[I TI -IE . INDIANS UNDER, THE VARIOUS TREA- TIES. G.' That, Mr. Robertson's state- ment that the- majority of the • In dilute Were ready to rebel is untrue. Mr. Cameron stated that "carpet baggers" were imported' to fill offi 6111 positions; that "any amount til corruption existed in the Indian Department," and that "fraud conies. in by agreement ltlettvecr'n the con- tractors aniL the agents, on difl'orent reserve °' - Theo Rev. Leon D'otteet in a st,atu- tory• declaration made before Mr. Assistant Commissioner Reed on the 18th Febi'uary, 1886, said : 1. I .have resided on the Iliackfoot' reserve most of the. ,tinie since the early part of 1853. 2.. '('hat I never had any snspiciou of any 1'raudirlent transaction between any of the employes and the contlae, tors with the vietia' of defrauding the Government or the Indians. -3. That I have never , heard' any enlnplaints from the Indians as to their being defrauded by the em ployes. '1'11.0 Rev. J. N. 'hiins, on Black- foot Heserve, wrote to Mr. hued as follows: . With regard' to our conversation this morning allow me to state that during my ' residence of two' and a hall years amongst tiie North Black - feet as an ordained missionary of the English Church, i have had no know- ledge whatever of frauds committed by the employes of the Indian De- pattrneut, either against the Govern tient by conspiring with, the con tractors, tip against the Indians by disposing of the beef and (fool• in any other way than to the Indians tlhen, selves. - The Rev. H. T. Bourne, of the Blood and Piegan reserves, writes to Mr. Reed, Mai'ch 3, 1886 -- As there appears to he an errone4 nus ialea., abroad as to frauds being perpetrates] by I:inlian Depaitwent officials, I, as a church of _England missionary ainoug the Indians of this district for the past three years, heg'to state that during.such time 1 never had any suspicion of fraud on • the part of the- officials of this alis triol, but always looked on them as honest and upright teen. For the past few months 1 have been more immediately connected with the Piegan reserve, and in so for as I know, the wen thereon are 1101 chargeable with (having immoral Intercourse with Indian women, 'Phos. E. Glipsham, Methodist �lissiou teacher, writes en. March .3, 1386 i have been a mission teacher' on the Blood reserve for about a year and a hall', and hereby certify that I know nothing and have never beard of anything to lead me to suspect that any fraud has been practised by the Indian Depa1'tmAnt employes on sald•.reseevation, and 1 know of noth Mg to least the to the belief that there is any illicit intercourse exist• ing between' the employes and the Indian women. Father Lacomiic, the oldest flared. certainty one of the hest authorities en the subject of the Indians in the North-West writes to the Commis - 0 sioner, 2nd April,,1886, as fullows : "Let the Indians alone with the Guveruluent officers appointee) to look after their welfare and there will be no trouble with tlieiu." OD the 22nd of February, 1884, he had written : "Of course they know that your policy with the Indians has always turned for.,th'e best, Loth for the Government watt 3k43 In- dians." A FT E•R. A BIG AMIS'1, List August, Blancher Richmond, a young widow of 2.2, married a Canadian carpenter working iu Detriot named Francis G. Liglhtbart. After the marriage the youahg couple began lwueekeeping. All went well until ono Clay iu October Liahthart came,home seenhin'gly in trouble. The ife inquired the tronble, when he told her be Rad a wife living in Canada, and was afraid site would visit "Detroit . ori an excursion coming that day. He asked his Detroit wife to go with him where no ono could find them, but site re- fused autl returned to her patents. ale packed, up and went away. A Canadian officer is now iu Detriot looking up evidence fur theprosecu- tiou of Liglilhhu•t fon' bigamy. A letter from the Chief of police of Listowel, Ont,', slates that l.ighthart married a woman named Me'rioever, 1. viug fit that place, and three Months lifter her death in:yu.ied. a tLughter of John Lucas, living at Trowbridge, near Listowel. (lis s'colid wife lett 111111, and is now ivi ng with her father., 1,iglilh in (las two children, one by the first a id one by the second wide: After L'ghtllart's desertion, he 1ettirned, songht out i a!Itl beg - ,,ed her to go with hien, saying they would. live in some quiet place mud he Would, obtain a divorce from wife and marry her. S1re• again re- fused to have anything to do with Llan.' Liglithart is known to be in Detroit, and if tile Canadian officer who is- • working an the case ..can iocate li 10 he will be arrestt' 1. - –,During the Past season mr. Govunloek, of Se1e,Yulth,. purchased and' shipped cattle and sheep to the. value of $230,221.90. The great hnll: of these audit 418 were pt'clras- ed in and shipped from this county. —The East \V LWt nosh A;ricnl: rural Society elected at their an- nual Meeting the following ofhcws : Messrs. ‘rno lL)b•lrtsou', presi4lolit Chas. Proctor, 1st vice ; ('hats. \Vheolor, 2.nd vice ; F. Anderson, secretary ; (;.'\luT';ellen, treasurer ; directors, ,I, Anders:.n, ,jr. I high Ross, Jas, 4.1•,,'eneq •` liu•)t. III illy, liobt. Currie, (4'•o, Mofl'nt, David I!etldes, Ili,:hard Stoaefeuse,. n.asei Francis Bairue*.• The. society de- cided to hold tl:lir spring; frliuw 011 - Thursday, 14th of April. MARKET REPOlitt'S, (Curreuted every Tnesrlay afternoon.) CLINTON. Floor .............. t 4 r0 to Fall \Vhent., naw & ohl 0 75 to Spl'Irr�r �\'11'6at' 0 75 to Barley ..... (h40 to is .. 0 "_l1 to Pens. (1 ,'t to Applee,(winter).per libi 100 to Potatoes,,. . 0 50' to' Rutter .. (I 14 to Eggs 0 15 to (1 17 11 ay 4 00 to Pork ..., 5 50 to Cordwood .....w 3 UO(N; toto Beef...,.,.... 0 11.001......, ................pia to 4 3nafOCFS, BONDS, (:iii-•I•v, PROVIS- IONS ill ICONS nn d 011, 11010,t and sold O 80 stimerinotioassonsmas —The Ross bible has been order- ed out of the public school at, Mil- h11it►nv. Bruce Co., and the genuine substituted therefor, MiHutto] Res, int cownlou with their neighbors, will not brook tampering with the bible yet awhile. FOR SALE. fT tETIEE thorontlthred short horn hulls, two rota and one red, rising one Guar old. Do. mining) Hurd Rook Register. Price to stilt the timer. JA51Ed P0'V1'Elt, "2a tf moth P. 0. ET HOTEL FOR SALE OTlr:n FOR SA1,10, 11, the village of myth: that well I:uo,4•ing st:wd ' 'l 4411 .Uaosiuu (louse." 'rhe main building' is hr(eK 13,440, three stories, with frame addition 213x50 one and a half stories. Large frame barn wend open sheds. Two gond wells and pinups. Soft water ei4tern 1loud wattle yard told garden.. 1 of an acre of land. The stand Is well situated on the he -t estreet, owner in the main • U � t, d, I' 1a d to She 1unn,tfaetnr•• tog tannery, lmber,flour, wx,oleu' nd'tilt,: mills. 44111 be sold ata big bargain with the ntrniture all. complete. A fortune for the night man. The proprietor's reasons for selling are account of ill health. Possession at any time. For full particulars apple on the premises to ROBERT BROWNLE1 , 1'13 th. slang 24t11,.1S87. 428-tf. TENDERS WANTED. I+ 0P, the erection of a veneered brick 5111001: Hock Ix lloa ttcsvi,LI,. Plans and spcciara- tt0ns may he seen by applying to 11r. .1t1to0s ppheppuel, !form; Street, Clinton. 1'cgdurs will "ba opened on Patine/6v ire and will be received bg 51r. Sheppard up to that date. . 5:1511'Kh $T1' ROY, - Uh:'irm; n hoard of Trustees. Ifolmesville, Jan. lith, 1851. • 420 2t W. DOHEiRTY'S RESIDENCE FOR SALE, Including the•aerr o441uo t, - The front Is laid out with walks, shrubbehy, liucrges,oroaaneutal tree., :awn and terrace. The back part is covered with orchard, vines, "round fin' regetaldc garden, stable, driving horse, wood yard, Ste.,.i,c. )::},Tenons Easy;. W. DOTHEIRTY. Reduced -Prices. WM. SMITHSON P In returning thanks for past support, begs to announce to the public in general that he has determined to offer a big reduction in ph'ibt•s until the lstof Aland), 1887 : Wheel narrows, vl 511 to 511,00, reduced t9.100 fano tlates,.$4.50 to 45.00, reduced to - $1,30 Bet) Sh:1:i4,, 412.1.00, reduced to • • $25-.00 Land Rollers, ?24.00, reduced to • 2:2k80 ' TER MS' CASH, 011 SHORT DATE NOTES. The material in all the above articles is welt seasoned and firat•elass it) every particular. 1 have a Large stock on hand and it must be re. (lutasi. rt Good Mouse to let. • .SiiTItSON, Clinton TO THE FARMERS ! Stud 1 your earn interest and ko where • your (4411 !tet Miall' Har ss, 1 I mamtfn. tura 113410 bat the B)0aT or STne(a 11,,., err •,ai ahnpx 00t1 well a/u'np, nF they 4,ce y •e to lire ;f;)' .:all and get priers. Orders , by moil promptt3 attended to. TOHN ''.. CARTER, tI.41INI;Ss 1 M1'Olti4:8i, IDi.1 T11, ()1 '1' C0:= O_ V,1LL.V• MembersToronto Stock Exchange Private wires to 'f"O ltO N'1'0',11fN'i'R R:\ L, NId1\ \•O111;, CillCiiA:0, lead OIL C1'1'$ (111 fi6,l0l Pme,41soh'sfoIO+ 41(N1vnpuOh11)1 o ra011.,gC1C`NTT Cg , (i.i: 4 ill•) f't..AME 0n 40 my twenties, lot 0, non. 11; Rase r1 7.i I v !Ante, (.,det•ich township, ;On;y.•tho 1.rt Iv;d. 1» ), unr aeety1 R141 Tho �wnei• 11917 ))!e.�,sa 4 1)1) , 4)111•»' proper, pa,V oxpuuaee, and 1,4440 awn\ l'b 0 U• o- Q.n1,:,,,1 tp„ ,1 in. _9, 1::,., 1 1AS, it 14)vT, •1)9 4"-0 at' Estate J. HODGENS. DETLOR & CO'S Great Semi-HnnuaI They lir their entire stuck durin.y this monde AT 10 PER GENT. DISCOUNT . • nn all purchases of One ))(,110) or upwards. .Auticithstanding the recent «der•Olr'-' in the ),rite of (:until,,' they hare decided t., (gold their 4(81101 Clearing Sale this >)tuuth. Cwne,and see the Pa•r:mins in. DRESS GOODS, ('OTTONS, SIIIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS; TU\VELINGS, PRINTS, FLANNELS, SILKS, CORSETS, GLOVES AND JII)SIERY, SHIRT'S AND ,. 1)llA".VERS, VELVE'T'S & BLUSHES„ MILLINERY AT NEARLY HALF` PRICE:, MISS NOBLE has charge of the Dnitss AND MANTLE MAKING Dept. ■ V DETLOR OO"( irH A Na New Year To 411!. .. N. ROBSON, - GROCER, \\'it11 Chi istnlas Goods he is well supplied, direct from Eastern climes. Ile sells them at the low- est price and just to suit the titles. In Crockery,. ('Irina and OIasso:1re, 11e would say to nue and all Fur patterns rare and best of ware, .,just go to china Hall. • In making ,itis bow, would hog to say that while thanking his old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage so generously extended to him in the past, hopes by :Gist attention to business an't 1'ateishiug, the BEST GOODS- at tin: LOWEST t'ItICES, to laerit`a r(1I00'al of • their 401ihdeuee and support. 110 offers extra value in New : (Season's ranging in prlc0 from 21k'. to 75e. 10.1.. 11, NEW FRUITS.. _ RAISINS-111am l: Basket, London Layer;, Valencia Layers„Secilluss, ete,; also NNS\V 'CURRANTS, Figs, Layer Dates, Almond, -Filbert' mid Wall:tuts—all fresh front the place, of growth.. EtNN.s i 1fAilrnt:, LIi3t- oNS, Oi4ANta4SN,, SPr1Jssi EX'i'j, 4)•741 :2' Essrxetcs of all kinds. C.ANNED MEAT., and Fnsu. Ftlrn'Is—'I'"51.rro, Cott:, and SreeA'rosti, all at BOtt(:111 Also,. it large stook of Crockery, Ciuna and Glassware, ' • bought in the best markets and ori 11n most favorable tennis. S1)eeisil 'hives hi Ten, IfiIf lel• and 'Follett Sets.. Call anti 110)7 our Display,.. tar Ali ki.'uls of. r:,.m\t Peoniecl: taken 1a. exchange for Goods. . Nt ROBSON., "China Hall,.' Albert -Stn Clinton, A CHANCE L A. CHANCE:. For The Next 30 Days 1\ie'0•will sell any article iu our iivllttense stock of ('Ht1c'l:Puy AND (.+1 .•,`;•4• WARS: at a. 1)Is((.)1.'N'1' OF 10 PER CENT FOR, UAS,I. JUST THINK OF IT„. • S1 r 00 €'hitna'l'ea Sets, 44 pieces;.for $13 5t) ('asli 8 00 ('Lina 'feat Stets, 44 pieces, .for 7 20 ('a.h. 6 1111 (,'bine 'i'ea Sels, 44 'pieces, for 5 40 ('a,,l, 15' 00 Lh:co.vated .1')'frn er ;Sets,.119 pieces, for 13"50 Cash 11' 00 Decorated Dinner Sett:, 104;lricces, fur 9 90 ('a..i, t••- 00 Decorated Combination. Sets, 85 pieces, for 7 20 ('a,si.i 6'00 1 )ceorated Stone Tea Sets, 44' pieces, for 5 40 Paxil <;4.50 1.)ehc.l'aied Ivory Tea Sets, 44 pieces, fur 3; 15 ('asi. 2.. 2.5' Stone, Teat Sets, 44 pieces, for '2'03 ('nrlr f,.00 1)000rat011 Chalnhol' Sets, 10 pieces, for 4 50 L(1.,11 4 00 Decorated (lumber Sets, 10 Nieces, . for......„. ....... .. . 3•' 60 C'asl, 2 5,0 Stone ('hainbet diets, 9 pieces;.fear ' 2 25 ('asl. Fine Ilia agin lamp for $1,501. IiOnrenther, this sale lasts ,j,us!,- i.0 day's, -MAS GROCERIES. In (towelies our stork lens Wryer 1110rt,t Complete. :\lh n+la:r 11t0' fraisms, O'n(1011t.4, Peels, NV111n lto, ii1rn 11(14, nabelts, Onnl'emtiourr5,., ate., are. 1(1 and will ht' ceryl to, cheap as the rhoa''"vt; ('nlf in and' sur s'laa-4 We n04 giving-d•x•ay with 0001'Eli' 11A NINO 1'O\1'111+a2' av(1 ,iO'A'S 0.1.AC•K)it.li.CM EN'flt7(C'1'S, To t:vary pnrdlas4r,a our store 011 1)oe't'n h„r ').:a,1 we -w111 4:ivre a: lrrortotrll G11 p 4(1.111 Sanwa, W'n went op'J 11(11411tity of G00d 4hit ter, F 1ntr 14aulH'a', 4'ntntnra,rad lftiolr., ,i11 exchange fur fire d.1 vit.va na w.cisl'f. It will pay vett. T110.8, COOPER, : SAN,, 'h? Croce .