HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-02-16, Page 5-8 7 • 1,88'7 We --are determines]' if possible to reduce our LARGE STOCK of Clieap Dry—Goods 81111 Lower Before our SPRING GOODS arrive.. Look fbr Bar3ifl3 With Us 111 EYeIU Line, And Ton will find d them away down in price.- . o: E m PAT argain$ -1.. Bargains! ALL o' 0 0 0-0 We will offer for the next THIRTY DAYS Tremend°ous Bargains in CLASSES - OF - WINTER - GOODS In orper to clear•• them out previous to entering seoclg: on FEBRUARY 15th. STOOK LARGE. ASSORTMEN'T COMPLETE. �. PMIZ cm= owt-'' F'O CASH. 0 COT, JOHN W SE1IAN, Manager. TUI: DRY -CORDS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. a al st the dead. P alm instructors Payne suit Delany have passed froul the bar of human jtltlgrare)bt,, and mutt henceforth answer to a higher .lodge for their deeds. The min who says such cruel things about thein for the purpose of produuiug politic.til effect should be very t.ttto of his facts. And it he were sure of his facts, he should be very snve that there is need' to cal} into quos- tiun the characters rind conduct o1' igen. *hu • eau no longer defend themselves. NEI.. (;;umrun is not to ba envied when he feels cuulpolled, in artier to serve Alas putty, to de- secrate the grave, ruing the clhae- sauters of the departed, and erurilly Imei.tte the feelings of their surviv- ing 1 � r i . friends. lend. 1f the Hon. 101. 1,aww1'ellce 1_'.1aiko had ext iesse(1 sneh senti- ments, it was meet feel ing in Mr. Cameron ata repeat them, and to se11(1 thein broadcast throughout the hued in a poiit.ieal cunpaidgn (lucv- tltent. But what will be thought of the honorable member fur West II mon when it is leasee' that his i ietended extract is. a piece of false. testiu,uny ! The 1101. Lawrence Amite never node any such report. Ile never. wrote or put fui:th any such statement. He never expt'ess- r'd any such sentiments. In a letter dieted the 30tH of April, 1886, the lion.. Lawrence Clarke emphatically denies that he ever mule any such a statement, but that the statement itself is not true—that in fact the reverse of itis true ; that he allvai's held the murdered instructors in esteem ; and that ho is ready to made affidavit to this effect.. • On the 22nd of May, 1886, Mr. .',1„•;larke .wrote to Lieutenant -(lover. .nor. J)ewdney as foilo\vs : f'A\IEItON'S VAPORING;S ARE •.17.NMI'1'iGA 11+,1) LIES, AND I ...Wa.L'RE.T) O'T,rR t;0M\1iS5i.o.N :1; .THE DAY AF:f.Elt HIS T: TTI':1t• ANDES TO GIVE '1'I{I'':J1 MY l(kti'l' UNGOALIE I,ED L)ENiA1,. As to the general charge of dis- honesty. and imiuurality c.u.the part " of Indian agents and other officials in the N o.u.h-west, a mass of testi- mony, overwhelming in its colielu- eiveness, is available. • This testi- mony is contributed by. Ilaissi011ary and other clergymen long resident iii, the • country ; by sottlets, by journals, some of them. politically opposed to the present Doiiiuion Government, and by departmental officials. The Rev. Alfred Andrews, ?Methodist minister at Lethbridge, • writes from tlftlatt place, under date March 2611, as follows .By the request of the President of the Manitoba Conference 1 am here located, in the interests of our Meth ()dist Church. This has Lrought me- eowewhat into association writ' the Blood and Piegan Indians. I have visited some of their lodges and con• versed with them through an inter preter. A fortnight ago 1 Went with our Blies°unary, Rev., John McLean, to his Mission among the Bloods on their. reserve and remained a week ' 1 there,visiting the middle and upper agencies under Mr. Poeklington's supervision. I must say what 1 saw was very creclitahle indeed to the Government. You can therefore understand tray feelings, on reading while there the 6/Om's editorial on the Rev. fir. Robertson's sermon (de- - livered last month tteettawti on stare• nag Indians in the Nerth west. I have written an neitcle to the G/o&e denying his strictures,. This article waw dated Td 11:hi ids •,. •t Alberta, March 20, 1886, and duly t appeared in the Globe. In it ;Mr, s Andrews stales -- 1. That the Fi](liatss seek things NI garbage heaper.not because they ' i ore "starving"' but J4ecanse they are curious and not over particular. • , I c 2. THAT ON THEIR PE- o NE R VES 1: IE SAW. 111M81•:1 J'` THAT TILE RATIONS OF MEAT \VELE GOOD, AND WERE THE SAME Ati THE \VIl1'I'E OFFI- CIALS 0.F TIIE GOY1w.RNMENT GET. 3. TIIAT JIAVING HAT) DIN- NER, Wi''T-I THE MEN, H1': FOUNUTHEBEEF AND BREAD WERE AS GOOD AS COULD Mibi M AD IN ONTARIO. THAT 1N TilE MA.TTI:It (-1'F Ft)o1) ESPECIALLY MORE' WAS DONE FOR THE INDIANS , '1'1-lAN WAS EVER PItOM1SED- 'L'O'1'IIEM 1N TREATIES. 5. '1'FIAT IN 1'11E MATT ER OF (JLOT HI;NO ANI) 1. APIA,: MEN'I'S FIRM: FAITlI WAS KEPT \Vl'I'll THE INDIANS UNJ)Ell THE VARIOUS TIt.EA- '1'lES. ' G. That Mr. Robertson's state- ment that thee majority of tire In- .dians were ready to rebel is untrue. i1lr. C'amdern.i stated that "carpet baggers" were' il(rported to fill olli eial positions; that "any amount of corruption existed in the Indian Department," aitd that "fraud comes in by agreement 14etetecen the con- tractors and the agents on different reserve:0' The ,'e7. Leos 1Dol:•eet in a statu- tory declaration made before Mr. Assletant Commissioner Reed on the 18th February, 1886, said : I. I have resided on the Blackfoot reserve most of the time educe the early part of 1883. 2. That I never had any suspicion of any fraudulent transaction between any of the eniployes anti the con 11 ac tors with the view of dkk',tildieg the Uovet'n stent or the Indians. 3, That I have never, heard any c'nmplainte from the 1ntIia1ns as to their being....tlef'it;ue>•?;. ,by tile' em ployes. 'flue Iuov. J. N. Tints, Oil Black. foot Reserve, wrote to i. Recd tis follows: . With regard to• our. „eonvereation this morning allow me 'to state that during my residence of two and a halt years among3t the North Black- teet as an' ordained missionary of the English Church, I have had no Iteow- ledge whatever of frauds committed by the employes of the Indilun De- partment, either against the Govern Utent by conehiring • with. the con tractors,. on agailrnt+ the imimes by disposing of the beef and floor in any other way than to the Indians them selves, The Rev. H. T. Boerne, of the Blood and Piegan reserves,, writer, to Mr. Reed, Mittel: 3, 1886. -- As there appears to be an errone- etttir idea., abroad as to frauds keine, perp•etrateel by faidfan Department officials, I, as a church of .England missionary among the Indians of this district for the past three years, beg to state that during. such time 1 never had any suspicion of fraud on the part of tire oflieials of this dis trim, but always looked on them as honest and u,u'igha then. For the past few months I have been more rnrnediately 'connected with the Piegan reseeve,_and in HO fer as 1 know, the wren thereon are not chargeable with- having immoral intercourse with Milieu women, Thos. E (3lipshant, Methodist Mission, teacher, writes 'on, March 3; 1386 : 1 have heen a mission teacher• on the Blond reserve for about a year and a hall', and hereby certify that I know nothing and have never heard of $i ything to load me to suspect hat any fraud has heen practised by he Indian Depaa'tniant employes on ma•.reservation, and I know of noth iug to leas] me to the belief that there is any illicit intercourse exist• ing between the employes and -tate ntiian worsen. Father .Lacombe, the oldest and. ertaiu1y' one of the best authorities n the subject of the Indians in the North,\Vest writes to the Colnlnis. Estate J. HODGENS. Everg Farmer Mani •get a Neva -Record. R.Imarlac sioner, 2nd April, 1886, as follows : "Let the Indians alone with the Government officers appointed to look after their weifal'e and there will be no trouble with theta." On the 22nd of February, 1884, he had written : "01 course they know that your policy with the Indians has always turned for the best, both tor the Government and alive lo- diaug." 41. AFTER A BIGAMIST.. List August, Blancher Richmond, Pt young widow of 2.2, married a Canadian carpenter working in -Detriot reamed Francis G. Lighthart. After the marriage the young couple began lwueekeeping. All went well until 011.0 day iu Octuber Liglttluu•t came home seensiigly in trouble. The wife inrinired the trouble, wlien he told her he-hTfd a wife living in Canada, and was afraid slio would visit 1)etroit on ail. excursion coming that 'day. 11e asked itis .Detroit wife to go with hint where no ono could find thein, but she re- fused and returned to her parents. 1[e racked, up and went away. A Canadiali officer is now iu Detriot looking up evidence fur the prosecu- tion ut' Lighthart for bigamy. A letter from the Chief of police of Lidowel, Out., states that l.ighthatt nntrried a won)at4 earned :McKeever, 1 viig in, that place, and three months after' iter death. Married a elaughter o@• John Lomita, living at Trowbridge, .near Listowel. His s'cond wife left him,. and is now wing with. Ler father. leiglfthart lois two children, one by the first a td one by the second will'.. Afte: I;.ghthart's desertion, he teturiled, • songht out Mrs. Richmond, and heg• - god her to go wwitli hien, saying they would live in some, quiet place and he would obtain a divorce from, kris wife and marry her. She again re- fused to have anything to do wxith hint. Ligittluwl't is 1:11oww1 0) 1)i 111 Detroit, and if the Clanadiitu officer who is working 011 are ease can locate hilt he will be arrested. ai —During the last season Mr. Govouiockrof e'!uitb,. purchased tad shipped enflle and sheep to thea value of '230.221.00: ".Che greet hulk of these aniiutls were pureilns ed in and shipped from this county. =The East \\'anvanosh Agricul- tural .Suciety elected at their an- nual sleeting the following ofliuers • Messrs. ,i'uo it.,bertsou, president ; Chas. Proctor, 1st vice ; ('lnas. Wheeler, 2.11(1 vire ; F. Anile(' uu, secretary ; C. J1 l -.e111111, treasurer • directors, .1:. Atul,is,sn, ,li. 11Rgh Russ, ,Tits. Owens, Relit. Reilly, R01)t. Currie, Geo. Moffat,' :David Geddes, Itich•ut1 Stun efionse,. aril' F'r'ancis Baines,. 'Phu society de- cided lo bold their .spring crliuie on Thursday, 14t1: of April. 1'._._r MARKET REPOI t.`.1'S. (Curve,ted every Tile -slay afternoon.) t.1NTON. neer.............. T4 r'0 to 4 In1''11 Wheat, new .e old 0 7.5 to (l 80 piing W heat t 0 75 to I) •80' Barley 0,40 t(1 (i 50 ( tats .. 0 ter to (1, 29 • Pens (1 5') to 0 5, Apples (winter) per VW 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes,, 0 50• to, n Dal' Rutter .. 0 14 to 0 121 Eggs . f 1 15 in 11 17 ilay S (11) to i 60.' Pork ..., 5 50 to 5 75 r'oedwoocl' 3 00 to 4 ()I) , Beef l ......... 0 (1(l to (I 111) 1 0 ....,017 to020 —.The Ross bible has boon order- ed out of the public school at, Mil- :iar.tt►u>, .Bruce Co., and the genuine suiistiituted therefor, NIillArt.unites, i,!r common with their neighbors, will not brook tampering with the bible yet awhile. FOR SALE. rrVIRF8 therote 1ihred short horn hulls, two rutin and one red, rising one Fear old. Ito• minion Burd Buuk Register. Price to snit the biiney. JAMES ko'iI'Elt, . tf Blyth R. O. HOTEL FOR SALE [TOTE), FOR SALE in the village of Blyth: 1i J. that well knowing stand "'I Fel Jlansivu House." The main building is Ariel(:3•!x40, three stories, with frame addition 28x:lnoneanti u half stories. i.ar_'e frame barn said open sheds. Two good walls anti pumps. Soft water tidtern tloutt cattle yard and gnrdsu.. i of an neve of land. The stand is well sitmitted on the beat 0.1.1101'1111 the niaht street, erne, to the tunnufactur.. fu_ tannery, lumber, 14tmr, woolen ,ane dit.. mills. Will bo sold et a bin bargain with the furniture all complete. A• fortune for the night man. 'rho proprietor's reasons for selling are account of ill health. Potisrsnion ah any time. For Mill particulars apply on the premises to ROBERT BROWNLEE, Idly th. - Ath,1,y87. 428.1.1. TENDERS WANTED. von the erestree of a veneered brick 5cnooe Hors, tx 11o,araswrt.tt:. Phws Bud specifica- tions may he seen Ly applying to 5)r James sltepparil, Iiuron Street, Clinton. 'Terriers will ba opened nn 1.11)at1181'Y 18'T and will be received by Slr. Sheppard up to that date. SAM ur.i. s'rt'n])y, Chnirum8 Board of Trnsteos. I fol naeavil le, Jan. 17th. 1891, 426 21. W. DOHERTY'S RESIDENCE FOR S1LE,. ineludinic the'aere of land:' , The front 18 lath out with.walks, sluubhery, tt:dgvs,urnumental trees, •-'own mid terrace. The buck part is covered with orchard, vines, . groom' for vegetable garden, stable, driving -hbnso, Wood Yard, '•,).'rants Easy. W. DOH EIITC. H&Iuceg- Pr!oes. WM. SMITHSON, In returning thanks for past support, begs to Iuinuunve to tilt? pushy in general that he has determined tooffer a big reduction in bribes until Om 1st of March, 1887 : Wheel Barrows,;81 511 to 25.00, reduced teS4:ae I;:u ut Cati ,.:94.Gu to 35.00, reduced to • ' 5) Ooh N}ci nits, 4:!8.00; reduced to . 52000 Land Re.lers, 824.00, reduced to - >;3kU0 'flat:wi:i CASA, 011 SIIORT DATE NOTES. Thu material in all the abnvo articies.is well seasoned and first-class in every particular. 1 have. 1 mrge stock on bawd and it Burst lie re. Miami. A (loud Ilottse to let. WM. SSIITIiSON, Clinton TO THE FARMERS'! Stud. your own interest and go where you. oust !tet Re1ia11.(F NarlIBSSL i nt:"nIfa,•A1 re 113118 Tint the [11001 or 81,c4a i)rnvr r of shops a VII .•ell a/evrp, (IS they 88:.•e y .1 1 , /i 1'P . 8.1.1 CAB mid get pri,'es. orders by m;wil promptly attended to. JOAN ' '. CARTER, 11.11iNGss'E.uloucum., c® I.JO-7 COMMISSION` BROKERS. Members Trironto Stock Exchange Privet. wires to'rOit0\TOi 11ON'I'RE:1.L, NEV1 \'OHii, Ctll(iti0, and OIL CITY, STOCKS, r)ON t.1S, 0101,N, P1tOVI:;• • . IC)NS and 011,, I' ;gb( aced sold for call or 118 )41ir. • r7ACXN'To17 CYNT Fie E; ESo',psnh's Block (upstairs), A1ha:b!Street. ESTEAY SHEEP. .AME on to my prentiesi, lot 0, cot. i1 Rase 1 ibo, pudarich toll1)11)(1, a!toiv..tlte 1st 0.1e.last, ear abed eau. The owner 1,111 please prove property-, paw expenses, and take aw,e' It t DETLOR & CO'S Great Semiflnnual S� e1' They eldr their entire stock, during this.month A,T 10 PER GENT, 9ISOOII T 11' 071 all p)trc' asps of One 111,1lar or upwards. Rotuithetendiitt/ the recent uclecc»cr' in the price of (.'i,ods they hare decided to /tool their usual (,gearing Sale this month. Conte and see the I.ur'ysaias ilt iiojti ul (r(1C)J-5S, ( Orl'O\S, SIIIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS; '1'U\VEL[N'(.S, PUIN'1'S, FLANNELS, SILKS, CORSETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, VELVETS & FLUSIIE,S., MILLINERY AT NEARLY HALF PRICE. MISS..NOI3LE has charge of the DRESS AND NfANTLs MAKING Dept. J. 0. CO'Y A Happy New Year To Alt4:" -----o--- • • \Vitlt Cht istmas Goods he is well supplied,, direct 'front E!lstern climes. Ile sells them et the low- est price i,j nld est` to suit the butes:' In Crockery, China and Glassware, he . would say to one a111 all Fur patterns rare and best of ware!, ,last go to (:hiva Hall: - GROCER, In making his bow, would beg to say that while thanking his old customers and the public generally for the liberal patrona;o, so generously extended to him in the past, hopes by strict attention to business att.; furnishing the BEST • GOODS- at tin; LOWEST PRICES, to merit a renewal of their uoviiduace and support,' Ile infers extra value 111 New : season 1'`s ranging in price front 25e. to 75c. per 1f: NEW FRUITS-.... RAISINS—Black Basket, London Layer;• Valenelu'Layers, Seedless, et,.; also NEW CURRANTS, Figs, Layer Dates, Almond, 'Filbert and-'Wallsats--all f•resti front the place of growth, Etxx.1N llnern E,.Li:wr. ONS, O0 Nr.3•:N,. SI'1C.fs; EXTRACTS roe'.. Es$rNuity of' all kinds. C.\NNI u and FIs'n. I''iii'I I:,—'TOal.w•ro, Coax, :uel S1'oun•ruys1c, all at _ Bpttalni ' Plaices,. Also, a large stook of Crockery, China ian'd Glassware, bought in 'the best markets and on the ntost"lavtil•alde terms. Special Drives In 'Tea' )Pinner and 'Toilet gets... C811 and view our Display, 63x' All kith>, sf F;;•lasi Pnenca.'n. taken iu exchange fur (foods. N. Rt EHL "Gliins Hall,,, Apert -Sar, Clinton, A CHANCE t A CHANCE a For The Next 30 Day Wo will sell any article i1 our iientense stock of ('rtoc:epee AND (;I .:.y:• WARE ata 1)IS(:oIJN'1' OE 10 PER CENT FOR U.\.S11; JUST THINK OF' 'T'1'. $15., 00 China flea Sets; 44 pieces,,for $13 BO Cash 8 (0) China 7'e -t Sets, 44 pieces, for 7 20 Cash ' 6 0(I •('Fina Ten Sets, 44 pieces, for 5 4.0„...c11,1, 1''2) OO Decorated' Netter Sets, 119 pieces, for 13 5 ('ash 9 00 Cash. t•'^ 00wated Cuiilii'natiau•Sets, 85 pieces, for 7 20 (asst; 6'00 )ecerated S'tol,e 'i'ea Sets. 44 Nieces, fur 14 40 (..'ash :;'•50 Dteerniand Ivory Tea Sels,.44 pieces, fur 3: 1:5 ('asl, 2:25 -Stone, Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for ',•.03 ('n>i-. . L..60 .I)(,coratcd 1 llluttber Sets, 10 pieces; for 4 00 ,1)ecoiated Chamber Sots, 10 pieces, fur.-- 2 ur._.2 141 Stone 1'hanibel Sets, f) pieeey,.fiar- Fine T2angiug T.antp•for 81.5.0e Rt►nreuaher, this sale lasts ,j11s1. 3,,0 days, 11' 00 Decorated Dinner Sidle, 104:1ri''ces, fur 4 50 3,•60 G'a,l. 2 25 (:asl. XMAS - in ftroo ties our stuck m118 Beery novas'. complete. (3:11 eine Novi Raisins, Currant?, feeds, Walnuts, i',tliauu,Js. I't(bt i t!t, Oonli•ctionotlt,., al,+,., are in and will he sold t„ cheat) as the. t'hrntlat, ('all in and' see elate we are giving •,ta'ny tw•ith COOPER'S itAl:1Ncl 1'0\\'1)b.rtvet ,iONA'13 FLA 1.O1i.11S i 1 ' 11t71C'1'S. To every pure arer,d1 ear store 00 Durru,1', '>• tli we -will tier a- riPefiii3It181 (;`'111, awl Snoeer, We want al,., tuautity of4mA flutter, k'.rehv,• Neill re, Potatoes. 42t1 \Y'tiotis is exchange for (;et d.l (lira ea se mill', It will pay vett, nnhnnl. ¢ '4493tt' 1 LLLJ.gJ) GoO1 11 SIIN �!! r n�1 (')fA9. LUw'It;r'r ,na. ( 1 •'. :.��[;'4Ll:d. L,tJ,}:.(I p,f 0•l,tSca tp„Jan, :9, 1C�7. .i •