The Huron News-Record, 1887-02-16, Page 1J. e. A •P' •••„.•It.' Is& - • T4tenalige-areee tier It triersul Alive an. "f11?.11.1'111.011X2'. 11 JAL 11111(18, NEUT1LAL 1)1 1021111VG. • • e, WHITELY di? TODD, Publitilher OL. V II O. '9, • CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1887, WHOLE NO 431. GODERICH. Mrs. Seager, returued from her Ilantiltou visit OS Satenday. Miss .Ne.hio neasogh ie spending et short holiday with hor parent's. • df you waut pinutF -of wall' and 'good wages vote tor Porter. It' you want le 'keep the Big Mill _gunning, vote for Porter. _The Salvation Army had a ;Jubi- lee mectlue on Mondav meniug. .• Mr. W. Alathews will be around .again shortly. At the Salvation Army permit, Let Sate ;day even ug each nit ber carried either flag or a oterch, Mr. W. Clarke who had the mist - fortune to bre his leg a few days! Since is doing fairly Mr. Jim. AleC ilium prooended to 'Toronto last week to take a profes- siunal engigement. • A. eettage meeting iu connection ivith .the English chereh, will be held iu fi:drford on Friday. Aliss Clara' Slack arrived in town on a visit to hor rehnives last Satur- day afternoon. There was an open meeting of the (3. of E. T. society in Si. George's school room last evening. The usual High School Literary entertahlinelit Masker place ou Friday evening • • There was s Valentine perform - mice et the Pekoe Roller Rink dast Monday evening. Electorsele not be gulled by auy • one who solicits your vote on the ground that. Mr. Punter is nut it: resident, because if you elect Mr. Porter be will soot' be residing, anionget es. Vote for the , town's interests this time, et. Guderieb, will soou be, (what our wealthiest ere-n- th:et recently said it was coming to) a beautiful spot covered with unin- habited houses. Ajax hall returned to his vomit. In the last of his ! derer letters he makes- disparagiug remarks about 'the Otelerich Young Conservative Club. There is oue thing we ceu assure this bald heeded Liberal huw- _over, and that is that the Young Conservatives are nut taught to play billiards in their room, nor aro they cumpelled to watch its mem- ber* poundiug each other till the bo d fl ws, and their eyes ere com- pletely hidden by benises. The Grit &millers of this. Riding have adopted the villainous tactics of the scoundrels who are held fur trial iu Ute Couuty of Perth. They have alteady sent sums of Money to residents in the several townehips, and have autually paid .several slims in town to persons who have in a newly way informed the COIISOVII.- tive committee of this scheme. • Amelia these in town are some who, ro ceivod money iu eleetait corner of St, Patrick ward. , Mr. C. Cr. Crabb has been elected one of the honorary Presidents of the Young Console/Misr° Cleb. Miss Watson of the Central has assnitiod Omega of St. Andrew's ward school. Electors, Without a Inane% of the 4. P. R. one salt wells mime. close. Vete 'for Porter awl the C. Pelt. We have to thank Messrs. Ellerd and Itotteon for It present of rabbits, they (enabled ens tO have a treat in t he shape of rabbit pie. In our laet We mentioned that Mr. R. C. Hay; Ives first Vico Presi- dent csf the Goderich Yonrg Con- servative Club. Tho first ViCe Pre' sident is Mr. Joseph Kidd Jr. Sergeant Kelly is still improving. We hope before long to see the stalwart ta4,1 soldier taking his old thee ont dome exercise. 'Tho C. P. R. in Goderich mins an oppoeitiou line of boats mulling to PoyteArthar, and the prolmbility. of a Ilne to.Chicagoe Vote for Por, • tor and the C. P. It.. The Bishop of Algoma will dis- course on Missionary matters in connection with his diocese, in St. ere'e school room to-utorrow eV- . ening. The revival meetings being held • in the North street Methodist church the past few weeks have been large- ly attended. Numerous conversions have taken place through them.. The Signal grade au unfair attack on . Rev. Mr. , Salton. The answer • made -by the gentleman's congrega- . Lion, is a motion unanimously peel- - ed. requesting him to remain auuth- • • er year. It is probable • that the Bishop of Algoma will bold a reception on friday afternoon. • Should His • Lordship do so . the reception will' fake place at the residence of the . Rev. W. Johnston. „`. • ,Y51, •,;e. The Young Conservativeopened their remits over Jordan's ding store on Monday aveuing. There was a huge attendance of members who seemed to enjoy the excellent pro- gramme presented ou the occasion.' Previous -to the Big Mill opening, our wheat buyers tiaid from 9 to). 2 cents below Toronto prices. Since its. opening the price has averaged 3 dents below Toronto. Vote for Porter and the Big Mill. The town Grit paper has dubbed ie Young Conservative Club the ayennes. Vory appropriate, for bey will make it so hot for the bald headed young Liberals. that they will hereafter be known as the e • Sumer& Our renders should remember •l'es that the ballot for the Dominion to election is purely secret. .There ' are no nutubeFs ou the back of • them,like 'there was ou those used • for the late local election, so that au elector can mark his ballot so that Ito , One but himself elm know how W F.Marked. 'Electors vote for Potter and the interests of the Weat Pvidingof Huron. s., • 3 41, By the Mail's eepogt of the Jun- ior Bachelors' 13alt, kohl in the Pavilion 'Music Hall Toronto last Friday eveniug, we notice 41litt the Misses Attrill and Miss 0. MeMiek- ing were preseut. In speaking of (ho costumes the report says "as usual the dresses of the ladies were ,prettyand tapteful withoat excep- tion. Only a few however were es- pecially noted." In the list men- tioned 7we lied the following "Miss G. McMicking, Goderich, pink - tulle, ostrich feathers, diamonds."• Stratford has haul a Conservative member for the last 12 years, dur- ing which times it has doubled. its population and became' • a city. 'Goderich has' had a Grit member fur the same period, and has during that time decreased ()vol. 000 thou- sand in population. ,Its real 'estate has also decreased coueiderablY in value while in Stratford it hes in- creased have it in your owu hands to brieli- ten our prospects. Yute for the Town aud Porter. Mr. Robert Walker the courteous caretaker of the Mechanics Lisa- tute reading room while atte•uding to his duties last Saturday afternoon was seized with an appoplectic fit and almost instantly exphed. On his falling down 'those present at- tended to him, and obtained medi- cal. assistunco, but • all remedies failed. The • deceased gentleman was then conveyed to his home from which place the funeral took place yesterday afternoon. There was a largeationdauce at the inter- ment. At the meeting on • Monday 84 members; had signed the roll book of the Goderich Yonn,g Conserva- tive Club. At the closing: of the rooms ou' Saturday evening 130 'mimes were inscribed ou the regis- ter. For .the information of the, bald headed liberal ,tylea gdes out of his way io insult the Young Con- servatives, we may state that there are fifteen members that can hardly be called young though with few exceptions they are much the jun- iors of Ajax. There are 11 youths under sixteen, leaving 154 members who are in the hey day of youth or early manhood. Among the mem- are 87 voters of whom 72 are exceedingly young ,men. Porter's Hill. • The .great Orit pow -wow which had berm so long talked of, came to paSStWa ftt,inday evening February &h. The village was gaily decurat ,ed in honer of the "Biel champion," The stais aud stripes flying from the village smithy. In pastimes along hero a few days previous such ex- pressione as these' might .be heard ; "Cameron will he here.sure, then are will get at the bet:ulna the bogus Reward" (whith by the way they did.) "Porter is taking it ate back it is nil A fratiti." "Du y.0 thiuk the Conservatives will dare fetch a Man to face Annanias 1" But alas for the throat of that worthy it had agaiu failed in time of need, it was not reliable. Once inside the 1012.001 bullet), which had been choeeu for tlau oecusion, heaps of saw dust might be seen Which the audieece -seemed at a leas to account lux mita the Presiders of the caucus explaiu- ed by stating it to be fur the par- •puse of throwing it, into the e3 es of auy .Grit that might chance to get his eyes opened by the Conservative representative, should such a 'weal appear oat the scene. About eight o'eluck the proceedings•upeeeds by the appointing of the village J. 1. to the chair.It reminded uuu very much of &police wart of Justice. The ca,ptaiu really looked as if the law had takers hold of him and juctice was at last to he me:od out, to him. ' On the platform night have been *Men the village ductur, the chief of the Police foec , one of our leading nietchants, aud Mr. Mr. Clendenning of the North-West and other raw material. Air. Russ was the first speaker, i was his old Peovincial recitetion cemposed by Mowat, wielding up'With the- N. P. the benefits of which he had to ad- mit. Mr. Brown was the next sneaker. He arose arida great ap- plause. He first reminded Mr. Russ that the Provincial E1ect5o is were over. The question now on hand was -the Dominion gleations, which Mr. Ross seemed to .have forgotten. Ho showed. forth the benefits of the N. P.. the C. P. R., the number of Public Works bu'l by the Macilon ald Goyeeement, the number of in dustries now starting into life and the demand for litliour at hum. lie showed the finaueial state'of the 1 00 per cent. Electors you country now compared with Mr, Mackenzies rule. Also explained. to the satisfaction of the Geits,,the M. C. C. bogus Hansard. Mr. ,LllOWJ closed Itis remarks by calling upot: his audience to stand by 'Mr, Porter. aud tu eleat, him to represent them iu the. Duminion--Huuse. He re- sumed his seat amid great applause.. The next speaker was Captain naz- i Of steam (hedge ftuue, .Sarnia. The. Captain appeared to be ship wreck0, out of his latitude, and. to have lust his compass. He own meowed by slandering Mr: Drown, and after reading a pedigree for Mr. Ross, he then made up ono fol M. C. C. He was •then told he might resume his seat which he did after apologizing to Mr. Brown for His conduct. 'The meeting was now closed with three cheers 'for Ms. Brown; Mr. Porter, Sir John A. Alc-' Donald, the Queen and the. Ladiee present. Signed $000,000 Dmeninueei.„ Blythe Mr. Arthur Entigh, of Aylmer is visiting his parents this week. Mr. McGee, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few day's holiday with his brother Mr. James McGee Jr. A. C. Van Egmond returned home from Settforth on Aleuday, having been there for several 'day's pIlL 111Mr. Thom^s Sharpe, of Seafortle ssp tuelitg a few day's with us tryi g to perehase some of the bust horse bah in this vicinity. Our bend buy's intend giving us a concert in about two weeks. Let us all turn tett and give them a bumping full house as they deserve it. • Revd. Father Alyward, of Quebec, celebrated mass on Sabbath morn- ing in tha Lemma Catholic Church. Tliere was a large congregation pre- sent. The Cons' rvatives aro holding • meetings iu the Orange Hell every night this week 8) as to be well pre- pared fur the battle on the 22u.d. inst. The Choirs of the Protestant Church here have autelgamated and are- practising every Wednesday evening iu the Presbyteriau ;Aura baselnent, for the coming Sabbath School eoaventiou to bo hold in On Friday evening several ot the Foresters and friends of this village weut over to Sunshine to attend. a Ant:per end ennrtainmente under the auspices of the (3. 1). F. of that piece. They report the ethertain- ineut and sup' er was well attended ,tud excelleut. Mr. W. Van Egmond, proprietor of the Central, has two pictures in his bar room illustrating the differ- ence of the 'Farmer under the Nit- tionel Policy and in der the Feet. nada Policy. Our Grit friends Ahould se0. them before election day end then they will have a better idea hew to vote. William won't eharge Conn anything for a peep. A private debating School was started here ou Wednesday evening .tt A. Murdock's store. The sub- ject, 1 &rig "which is :best for this eountry • Free trade of pIotecti fl' rho chairnum, after hiving heard ;mite 'very able remarks ou both ddes of the question, pronounced in favor of 'protection. et.fter a few more such meetings We ;nay expect, our learued friends will. appear in public and give me scene idea of iieir oratorcial powers. On Thursday evening notwith- tinding the air being very dew wo sleigh loads of Conservatives went over to Af. C. Cameron's meet- ing. at McGeeven's achool hous,e in Wawanosh, As there was no one of the opposition to oppose him it was no trouble for him to stuff smile of his Grit friends. Ho pleaded hard with them not to go back on him because of the way he noted on the Riol question, even 1( 120 had done wrong. The meeting broke up with a faint three cheers for Cameron. The Conservatives giv- ing three hearty cheers for Porter s they know how to do it. • • • • Belgrave. A meeting called in the interests of Mr. Cameron was hold here on Wednesday evening last. Mr. M. G. Cameron opened the discussion, Mt. F. R. Powel 1 ,of CI inton.follo wed, and Mr. A. H. Manning., of Clinton, closed the programme. I will not give my own impression of the ef- fect of the speaking, but judging by the superabundant manifestations of approval of the arguments adduced by Mr. Powell, there is no question but that he made a strong impres- sion in favor of Mr. Porter and the Government's policy. The meeting was fairly large, though there were not nearly so many present fts Itt Mr. Porter's the Saturday previous. Tho best of order prevailed. Vete for Porter and Pretection. *N. . . — On V a rota. STANLEY COUNCIL—The council int iu Varna Feb. 12th 1887, at one o'elock. All the members present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous') meeting read and signed. The following motions were passed : That Wm. Milue's tender for cedar be accepted. That the tender of Seale:all Snit be accepted for print- ing. That the auditen's report be accepted, and that the clerk have 50 copies printed and distributed. That the auditorsbe paid $5 each for services. That McLean Bros. be paid $2 for advertising. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Saturday March 26th next at one o'clock p. ni.• Geo. STEWART, Clerk. A fatal accident happened in the gravel pit a few miles north of Des - ovoid° ou Friday morning. John Penn aud Andrew Clans, two In- dians, were working under an over- hangiug piece of ground, when it fell in ori tlmm. The men depend- ed upon the frost for protection and had not taken the precaution to prop it up. They were completely buried by the cave-in, and when released Shortly after both were dead, THE CATHOLICS OWE THE GLOBE ONE, ALSO- AL C. CAMERON. VIEWS THAT COME BACK NOW WITH TELLING FORCE. • Politics are the chief topics with some Of our citizens. 1 suppose they will got a rest after the 22nd. Several • horse buyers passed through our village last week but did not purchase many horses, so far as reported. The revival meeting in the Moth°. dist church' here are in a very pros- perous Condition end many saute are being saved, and we still expect greater things. Our esteemed assistant teacher, Miss Scott, was absent a few days last Week attending her sisters wad- ding on the 9 lust. in Hullett town- ship. There are a few people in this locality who seem' to delight in finding 'huh with and talking about other people. To such persons would say, "Sileuce is Golden." Conveenscnerr—Our genial store- keeper, Mr. Relit. McIlwai, under the care of Dr. McKay, thingatmon, is recovering very rapidly from au attack of inflammetion. We hope soon to see him in the Move again. Mr. and Miss *edition who were visiting friends in this local- ity during the past weeks left on the 8th for then. home near Lon- don. Mr. Needham took a low horses feom this neighberbood with • Of eourse the Globe is sincere when it pretends to be the friend of the Catholics. Certainly it is. Here is what it says on Feb. 22, 1856 :— "Rome is the most lewd moral pes- tilence with which our fallen world was ever vexed, and her course is thly tracked by ignorarice, irreligion aud crinue On Nev. 30th 1856, The Globe said is I. itellig .nce, wealth, industry, progress, equal rights and Pr t stunt lib r y, against ignor- ance, indolence, poverty, retrogres- sion, Monopoly, exclusive privileges lout Popish intolerance The pres- ent Goveiument (John A. Mac - (1011111 1, et al.) represents the worst elements of Cauadian Society— S jualo , leen:eau eiLand Ronmuisne' On August 7, 1857, The Globe thus describes the Catholic priest- hood : • "(ine idea absorbs and ani- mates the 'nattiest tnember of priest- hood—that though he is paltry, a mere warty insect travelliug in the-, clinks and spider holes of society, still he i; part of the stupendous., couspiracy, which with varying suc- cess. has toiled to undermine the fieedom, and hinder the progress of mankind." • And about tha same date, George Brown, the then Reform leader was thus reported in The O/obe : "Let us take care gentlemen, neVer to have our morality destroyed for the sake of physical good. (Cheers.) I object on this ground to having a low class of Irish Roman Catholics po t 4 from the United States into this country. I &ject 10 'it because where these pesapee •prodeminate, there the peace, the happiness and comfort of the cetntnutrity, is des- troyed. (Cheers.) I object to it "manse they haveno mind of their own. (Loud cheers.). Their body, their soul, their intellect, are iu the hands of a bigoted en ieVrood.'• . . They cannot leek yoe, ,straight in the face. tslild scarcely find 21 nublb, benevolent, open c'oun- tenanced'Ifrman wh,o is -a Bitterne Roman .0otholic. eiee Tice, Male papist et:Wiles in sweeps to do us hartnese . They build our papal church, and were it not. for them our pteriouses, jails, peuitenterirs and Abhitialen asylumwould be far ;elle, necessary mid frequently empty." Truly the Iriehmen and Catholics of Ontario are indebted to The Globe and the Reform party. M. C. Cam- eron, of Huron, has not been able to riot himself of the old time Grit to -wirings. His agents, no dotal., voiced his views when they add at Dungannon that Mr. Cameron had money enough to buy up all the' Catholics of Ashfield. County Currency. iheseenbury of Zurich,while skating fell on his face and broke his cheek bone ; Will lawman of the seem place else hurt his face badly while skating. He tan against a post. —At a meeting of the ratepayers of School section No. 12, Howiek, after a warm discussion lasting two hours, it was resolved. ley an almost • tru.enimous vote, to expel the Roes Bible from the school and substi- tute the Holy Bible In its stead. —A St. Mary's man named Cray - :thew, was driving a pony whenthe animal shied at some water which was running across the road. In Lounging through the slush the ma- ntel fell with his head in the water, • and before he could bo relieved he was drowned. , —Mr. Wm. Lambkin, of the 231a concession of liowick, left last week for Oregon, —Mr. Geerege Baird, sr., of Stan- ley, has &en teaching in the same school for 27 years. —Henry Willey, aged 33, drop- ped dead while operating a cross- cut saw at a sawing bee near St. Thomas. -The cause was heart dis- ease, brought on by .over-exertion. —Mr. Hugh Moon, of Clinton, has sold the farm on the 2nd con- cession- of East Wawanosh, near Manchester, to Mr. Thomas Nichol- son, for 0,100. Ballantyne and fam- ily, formerly of Wroxeter, but who have been living in Michigten for the last two years, have returned to stay. —Mr. Thomas Ellis, of the 3rd concession of Morrie, has rented Ilia farm to James Upshall and contem- plates going across the water once more to see thh Emerald Isle. —The farm of 68 acres, belong- ing to the estate of the late John Lawson, in the Maitland Block, Hullo% near Blanchester, was bought by Mr. John Knox, at $3,- 025. —Mr, S. B. Webb, of Whigham, field his 200 acro ferry, on the 14t1) concession of Est Wawanosh, short'distaneg west bf.,Wingharn, to George ThonipsOn, Deputy Reeve of Turnberry fur $9,000. —Mr. Chas. Mason, of Bruce:field, has sold to Mr. John Modoland, of Tuckersmith, the heavy draught filly he recently purchased from Mr. R. J. Turner, for $250. — A trustee meeting was held in section No. 3, Kincardine, to decide whether or not the so-called "Reser bible" should be read in the school. A majority of trustees decided to diapenso with the selections and use the bible. — A pastoral e from the Bishop oi7 Huron was read in New St. Paul's. on Sunday. It condemns the fol- lowing methods of raising monster for chureh purposes, viz :—Raftling, throwing of dice, games of chance, or g hi ing ()tally kind, all theatiri- cal. 1 vitic or impersonating ex - hi • • Jee, whether public or private. ln die News : It is not often tit a revolting case comes be - tee leeal ruagietrates as appear- ed 'hefige J. A.Alaatie, J'. P., tide meriting, when Thomas Ferrier ant Frederiek Munro, aged 72 and 68 rOS[IPtiLiVtIly wale charged with °O1)2 - injecting rano ou tw two Children, aged 11 aud 13, named Elizabeth and net Louth. The prisnuers were committed fur trial. --Pulice 'Magistrate Smith of Gerrie, on going fo hia store 011 Monday morningtwo weeks ago, foetid that sever large lights of glass were broken ift the front, and ou entering the store found. four or five stones about the size of goose - eggs lying on the floor, nothing in- side being damaged. Not being satisfied with this, the miscreants had cheek enough to go back last Saturday 'tight to eomplete their dastardly proceedings by break hl,, two more lighte and a glass in on ot' the Allow cased'.The outrage .ie supposed to havo. fleon committed by some Ralt,i-800tt Ant person. 1 t is to be hoped that the villains will be (taught and puuished as they de. Serve. —The 'Hamilton Times hns the followiug s Mr. Chrrlos Harper and wife, of East Flemboro, while passing through the York street toll gate ou Saturday eveuieg, were aels- ed.for toll, which they refused 1 . pay. One of their horse bla111:014 Was taken fi'oin the sleigh and re- tained by the tollkeeper. They roe turned to the city aud got advice -a1 to what course they laid better pur- sue to recover the blanket. On re- turuingathe toll collector ettemphel to take -the second blanket, when tt lively fight tool place, Mrs, Harper, breaking, her umbrella over his head. She jumped from the sleigh and made for the door for the purpose et' getting the blanket first taken. An attempt • was made to stop her, but against all the force usedette accom- plished hee purpose and went on her way rejoicing. —John Black, the fast skater of Fergus, received a serious accident on Monday night. • While woeking at a hay press he was caught inAme part of the machinery and his &leek and leg bully cut and (wo of his ribs broken. —Mr. Christopher Dale, er., of the Huron Road, Willett, recently sold an entire colt comiu,g two years old, for$400. Mr. A.,Lawson, of Willett, also sold a two-year-old filly for $240, and, Mr. Wm, Rynn; of the same township, sold a 'levy drought teem for $400, fieriend. Vote for Robt. Porter, the true Workingman's. • 4 4' 25 • -