The Huron News-Record, 1887-01-12, Page 4•
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� r • .-.. a • ".• �>' ark►�,: a. .11• S .9.Ons 31� �rlt�re'
. �:w• ,,.�.r^. T, 11+' �t T• •�iR .� �
it'oio eol�. becailiia. hQi +ns.tug iom , kind.of i4 -, ,Ster: o, Arnigent tba esl),i111toti only: ordinar , ilalti l:ea, of
the 1 a1eontent Grits , owld sive, 1,97- uce, 4134 sgcl 11►aobiuery as i$
• cil<t;14e tt4•0.111 pkan $4.4. irintoncl i cQ of a secVon of people pledge . ;itrod
r•r 1'
;oaW ' reatcr in►provements. 1u , 419 prQlli>►iliq'y s11111PWary leglsla. a a.Iltl, lser#sible Oaiadldns,„Clea is, 1.11 CQ1111n011 (1jLfly u8[; d btit.,tlle as-.,
befpro. Bhe 'rregt tEo tuntsh'1tellt w1t)1 tyI ►1chr •]req le have•
-- •r* -AT .? ..-,
A E. .ti- Ela ]Alin, tin We 111 11 :...uF xohibitiel}i t majority of people,
1 14 * 0, hn , ., o, 4
•+ V P regarded us and questioned lne' ou
Airliry dollar °win 040..ofli,pe OF COGSSPVattve Iii0I1 ,s have•. now got will p; Qfer' the costing t; everunient 0 q �'
g wOt11c1 not behove,
i yt� arlllbiiAn or I vt1-,�'rintinp their,, es Opel; to'tho libel that theyas the better one. /,
�J' P. What is volar apinion. of the
• w •
` ' 4, •ff'^ • , ~Li
J ; �1 '�-�
. _ f �
8 -�• �”
shaltii be paid, tm<m•trcllate:Iy. P. have been merely Cools bathe hands -«— Canadian, Pacific r
' Q. rgontiyorderorregisteree .-tette of their Grit brethren for the pur- 4 CANADIAN REFORMER
A13Ii0AD, Here .Mr. Allan !meanie euthas-
at otlr rink.--WorrELY & TODD. pose. of 'forwarding Grit political l iast'tc.again. "It is one of thegranri-
li Y � ry� aY ,
' - 4
est tasks;'” he says. "t4at was ever ' �— ----
l designs cyan at the a tperiae of their
pA. DTeD.: Allan, of oder ioh, done. 'It is admirably constructed,
causfateno es. prohibitionists Rr '
ThHrQn �l�ws I7 e�'0%"� - y President of tllo Ontario Pellet Grates mnnagod tpith extreme edea, and
temperance, men. era' Assaciatlsn, who has been iu kindness, and its. importa.uee to the
future Canada be
Wednesday, .Jain uu' 112th England attenliing the Co•lonial of cannot exa ger
Y THE BETTER GOVERNMENT. ° ° ated, I belivve they would dis- I
Exhibi ion, having boon in churgo
b charge an employe on'the spot.for
Pli0I3I13FCI0N AND POLITICS We hear a great deal about a "bet- of portions- of the Canadian fruit an uncivility to rich or poor. In
interviewed by a Pall they are aronnd all the
ter Goverumont" for thio Doluiuion• • exhibit, was .fact, you
Mn. S'wENERTON's majority in ]]Teeli Gazette representative, dna the tiule askiug what they can do for Iu all departments for J'ANUAR'Y in ardor to 1na1c room for our •
the portion of Goderic h townshipWe shall soon have to ask what P yon. We have been victimized by . , •
way A. • 1lIcD,, responded to the the Grand 'Trunk but pow I hope
situate in' the South Pliaing was 104 this means. It is even now time that
suction of the press pump of effete .I I 4I r�. .��1 + `�-,+ p
p l 1 the (lnndian Paeifia will us t ti
g °• we were A$lcang what this "bettor give
—tiLtt 36,. as is going the rounds of o old Britain was creditable to his in- throngh rates to the smallcbnsumers • •
the Mr. Swonerton's defeat government" means, Why this ° - ••
in England, in
press. which way we shall • 0.•
e p telligence and to his loyalty to his
is• accounted fox by the aefoetiolt of factious •dissatisfaction with the do nu "immense now business.• ,
native Canada. Dut the Highland
the tei'taperance Grits. Ilee ika thor- Government which has carried on " What is wanted" is a line of fine • t
Scotch blood which has been Cedes- y temperance man and ran on our State affairs far the pst eight 'milted to A. DTcD's. Canaelian steamers crossing the Pacific; but Robrtson s Great Oash Stotc--
that ticket. Such thorough going years in a course of developement thimportance of this is already
has I have learned in'T
physical system evidently realized, as n ....-•
C'onservativcs as Goo. E. Jackson and prosperity uuoxlim.pled in the land. When it is established En+�-
brought along with it the Moraln 1'. 130. Arot only ao I charge
and Dr. Coleman opposed his can= history of the world 1 Most certain land will..lae ,able to communicate
fear nae fug charactei�istia of
didaturo although Swenerton is a it is not that there has boon any
ancestors. Mr. Allan is a life-long
Conservative.. Mr. Jackson is Pre- 1'enhissuoSs In duty 0.1 arbitrary OX- • r
Reformer, but is not afraid to &peak
sielont of the South Riding of Huron -excise of authority by those to whom,
° the truth and shame tho leaders of
Association and is out the people have delegated governing leis party who have been continually�,C
functions. To look back even eight P' J
with a lector stating that his ]trine' -o unelorl•ating the resources of Canada
t1 reason for opposing Mr. Salon- short years ago lad look around gge g
P Pl o and exa°Ocratut° its financial oh
1rton _ was.. because that gentleman 1101V one cannot but be amazed at g;
° li°thous and roto of taxation.
publicly states], that he would have the extraordinary betterment of the given n
After Mr• . Allan had °
su ortod M. Y. McLean had he condition of the individual mem-
PP Corse, truthful aud lucid statement
been a candidata. The prohibition hers of every community in t• he •of the horticultural industries, local-
tempeianoo Grits supported the anti- expansive domain of the Dominion. ' lag Ontario as the groat home for
prohibition Grit Bishop, and the When was distrust, almost despair, fruit growing on this continent,
tack of employment,flow of mono.
Rntl-pr011tbltiou Conservatives sup- Y the Pall 21lull Grzette re nasoutativcertlmout.
LO foreign workshops to feed an 1
ported him also. It was a regular a ]plied trim again.
cut-throat rearm for Mr. Swenerton.. alien population , upon alien soil; "Now,
° Mr. Allan, fur the most
D.. D. Wilson, president of the Scott now work for all willing hands, important question of all. What is
Oct association of tho county, pub- confidence and prosperity, Canadian the relation of your horticultural iu-
.icly declared 11e would not support money paid to Canadiau artisans dustries to the British, fanner and
ley candidata bat a supporter of and laborers who conanine Canadian would-be emigrant] In other
7 Words,what genari a advice ou this
lfowat. • The upshot of the recent Produce upon Canadian soil. Then snhject do you vivo 4"
Canadian dependence upon foreign
Contest in S'out•h Huron shows that P P ° "The men we want," replied llfr,
manufacturers for labor •saving •gin-
Goyornrnent with being iu-
with the East from four to six days fluenced by the loyal Orange bony,
quitl.or than by the Suez Canal."
BUT TO Ti3•E� •EVER ..STINg Mach. V,n
"`'`rhat is, your attitude towards OF TriE lilEMBERS OF TH1T NODi'
State -assisted passaeos1" scarcely had the soul of Louis Riel
I am afraid of it. It would bring appeared before his Maker than
those I saw on•Loi-1 Mayoes Day. T[IE1' GLOATED OVER—'MS—OST-RAGE-
You do not want thele; neither do which had taken place on the
we. The •tonal t farmer has. the Regina scaffold.
heartiest of welcomes,audrthe labor -P. P. 130-1•. Not only di(1 the
er is welcome+ if Iris only tttllul
' 1") Orange It:Ages and Cetteeenren
to work. Canada in, this 1'C$])l'Ct is glamor far the blond of Biel and flout
exactly lake the Al est, of which 0Ue.1' •]Lia tr uric fate, fort they throat-
Henry Russell sang that 'a man is a Oiled those who believed that a
man thorn, if he is Willing to toil, lunatic was executed by this Gov-
and 'there is such a splendid future
before him a9 tQ encourage ]t00])10
to carne. At this very moment Ont'• P. 131. Was th('reeveraitytllitlig,
in any country, in any party,in CLrLI
butter and cheese are fetching fanc3, /
prices in Loudon, and we simply o'r7anization more scanddlous, more
cannot fulfil the orders. Depend dAgraceful and -outrageous • than
. upon it, the fruit•grower and the t/Gl-51 Thirsting with unquenchable
tenant farmer' are going to maks thirst for the victim's blood, GLOATING
money. Everything," added Mr. WITH INHUMAN DELIGHT over the
Allan as he rose Co saygood hyo victim ?PAP lost his life on the Re lrtlt
,� ° f
that is happening in. Canada to -day scaffold 1
is hringiug us nearer together, and
The Christian .politician gets in his •
work in the highest style of Chris'.
thin political art. ,Sometimes the
best work fails, however;Rnd the
work -of Clic Christian politician !';tiled
-tn--Noith Perth this date. lid• I:tt 3
the conservative candidate had a
of . itymajor 118• At -comity Mr.
Mowat gerrytnanded the riding by
•taking limn it •a township +rllie:lr
gt,ve 115 Conservative majority and
Putting it into eolith Perth, where it
would not eudnneer the Itefoien me.
lnr!ty• But it became evlllent Chet
esge,and soider would metbii>� elsnot e hered r ~
sorted to. The ( hl'l$ta1C1 polio a.
[ti lead to hl'ibPr • as nntt7rRll a IL
duck takes toy Wate1'. We di,ive
seen how electors in lb; . •were
swindled out of their votes by lhatar-
io ministers sent up tot- the purpose.
We have seen how electors in Mese
koka were bribed by wholesale by
Coloni'/.anon reads motley spent irt�
ve of n hnwilda Of doitlthe
We have seen how heelers- a the
party have been permitted to conte in
as middlemen when
frit temperance monthers violated Allan; "and we want as many of
plontonts and ma011inery; now Can- him as -we can possibly get—is the
.liege pledged principles. while theownlimnand
-t adiau independence and liome,man- tenant farmer. If he ha very little,country.get,
... ... . _ - ._ __-- - .-
the emigrant finds himself in his
under his own
property was to
i) put -chased for the government and
y P
get dishonest profits. We have yet
onst3rvntivo anti - prohibitionists
to theirs and voted for the ufactul'ing, Then Canadian de-
candidate., peudeneo •upon foreign carriers to
Tho Contest in tliJs Riding n& in promote 1110 settlement of the ten§
money—Say, a Hundred pounds, Qt' ind a'and
cold climate, let hilnogotoes crlit auitoha
! and grow whe t. If, On t}l0 other
flag. There s a good 'deal in that
twhen ill„e ' have been with 118 a Premier Mowat's recent• majority
little while, they admit that we are WAS over 400 less than at the last
more enthusiastic Britons than you.” time he contested the Oxfotctriding
see how the Chs.stain pale.i
proposed to cheat Consevative elecrather
Perthrs �ut of their votes in North
As has been seen the gerrymnnll- .
of millions of tcroa of fertile lands
i,•her parts of the Provtuco shows
in groat
hand, ho has more money and wishes
t iaiso stool: then ho mast telce a
-----•-•---- - which he ropresents.,
er failed to cheat Mr. Hess out of
his seat, and the (171'latlRll politician
our northwest-; now a Gan
that tli0 tenllieraticii a
adiau , national railway. runningJ
tri.nciples' of tho Grits will always
made subservient to thele political tlirotrli those fertile fields through
all Canadian territory from ocean to
.._o >]gill.
ranch in the Rocky Mountain D)is-
trict, where his cattle 0511 graze. 'all
'the year round ; but if, as in the
great majority of cases, he wishes to
FOII I1IEh AND IIIS EX- •' The 'total Conservative ma crit 3
ECRATION OF 011- in Godei'ich township in the recent
ANGE11IEs1r Provincial elections was 180; in
lamented that the wicked 'Larges
were in danger of beating the plans
, Grits in that rifling notwithstanding
some•of the most scientific cheating
that had,
tarty affiliations, have always
aeld that this would be the ease; we
taro preof'in the recent parliament-
ocean, and branch lines iu course of
construction' in vaiious d• •• t.'tna
go in for mixed farming, then let
Ilan go to Ontario. Ile meat -there
have •]gore money. An average !'arm
• We have recieved the following • the Dominion elections it will go
over 200. -
Editor New-]?coo•ed,
ever been done. Copse -
• quen.tly something even more pious-
ly dishonest beceree necessary: In
a time of sole trial Mr. Mowat hall •
ay elections. In the town of Clin-
I11eti a &lisei•edited country with our
of say, 100 acres costs fl'onl.four t0
SLR; A short time after 117x. M.
put the Tories to rout byelfin
c+n we have proof of it in municipal
natters. Without any particular re-
on Mr., Manning we do not
Iesitate to saythat:his o tonetit,
opponent,. ,
Ir. Corbett, is_the Bettor temper•
envoys going abroad with a "bt'um
magein brazen shield, silver plated
to : deceive. foreign money lenders
into loaning us "nay; now our
people, through their deposits in
the Government loan-
`ten hndro(l dollars, btlt late need
not pay this all at once, but can
le,neas, much of the purchase manly
, as he wishes remain iwl,aid at6 per
cent. If he • has a handled acre's ho
tvill.(livide it aowetbing like titin :
C. Cameron's speech in' the House m The signs of the times are that
the oxecntibn of Louis Biel, I reed ex- the Dominion elections will, comb
racts in your p aper.pnrportin + to give
what Mr CRmerun said oa'thRt occaH• off era long. No date has been
ion• Heisallegedtohatvesaid that the . fixed, rumors to the contrary, not-
"Orangemen clamored for the blood.
of Aids' thirsted fyr his blood, gloat- ,withstanding'
with inhuman delight
some of Ilia friends to solicit bribee :
it Cuda; Dow decided to beat Mr. flees
by bribing Conservatives to vote the
Conservative ticket. Grits went
around. to Conservatives. and gave '
them money ; the names were note(!
and :harmed -td the Crit.srrntineers;,
ace man. He showed it by •his
)at'ticip:�tion in the Scott Act elec
i,on, lie was a much titoio active•frioude
pd earnest advocate for the .Act
flan Mn Manning, and alienated
olnii of his friends on that nccoilut,
Manning never came to the
vont in the matter at all.Mr. Cor-
also showed_ hie t11U1'Oti'o11 votes
omperatrco convictions by his votes
n the County Commit. The teui-
people 11'7102.0 'ho was true to
heir principle's, they did not know
]tat Mr. Manning was. But in the
ate contest for the depot}•-reeve&•hip.
Lthe active' supporters of
110 Scott Act gave the go-byto tllCll'
riga, champion, Mr. Garbett, and
upported Mr. Manning, an untried
no. Hero again we. had' au nbnc.
ing the State millions of money and
its earnings going into the pockets
1 °
o• f Canadians.. Thou >a,'iug for
eignol-s .11lgll •fates •Of interest f01',
capital to carry.. on industrial (level-
opentent ; now cheap money from
allquarters to bo had. In 1818
Canadian bonds «• ere ••e]potea in
London at 9e o 9 ; new tlteyt are
Orth TOG to 107, a difference of T3
per cent. in our favor,
''Thoe a'. of erument RI tower
g I
. whose principles were enol are:
; tutu,:
Separation from the Llown•
Contraction of the Franchise,
Electoral Corruption.
Religious Prejudice, a legitiipate
Political tool.
Thirty acres tf umbel` and pasture ;
this timber is for his own use, such
as fire« ops. If"there aro l,ny maples,
ho will get Rolm syrup from them
for his f'ainily use. Then fifteen
acres of autumn «'heat, ton RCi'(+s of
spying wheat, .ten acres of oats, a
• good field of •barley, if he is ,an a
barley section-, tree or four acres o!'
''cots, or move it' he has much stuck,
a potato p n of hard 11ay laud, and
o] course till Orchard."
«,y*0t to have this would ho in
your eyes the unpardonable sial"
"Most certainlyit . would," re
plied Mr. Allan; energetidaily ; "the
farmer will do better in the
future with 'fruit and the dais' than
anything—else. That is what 1
'tnoaut by saving .,we Cry 'plant,
])lint, plant" Every farmer grotty
apples and he will grew more and
,,. then, mixed farming is what
e(1 over his
death," etc, �ViII yon •kindly give Same of Mr: Cameron's Grit
your L' CilitS to authority for
aro conlmendin the• imma-
as song me gt�
of hie supporters say that Mr. Cam• culate" to' the temperance people as
crag never Used any such !Raged; e, a saint of their admiration
and that ho dories. odor hating done worthy
HO. Yours, • . and votes. Yes, so is Mr. Blake,
INQUIRER. and neither of them are as advanced
Wo thank "Inquirer" for his time- pruhil$itionists as Sir .Toho A. Mao-
ly inquisitivenessand reproduce the aounld and the savers] members of
very words used by Mr. Cameron his Cabinet «^hoaro'noteloventh hour
and reefer. doubting Thomas' to, the concerts. - Sir John supported the
pages'„ of the .official Hansard for Scott Act in Parliament and is
verification. Hansard can be seen. Pledged Its a Minister of the Crown
at this office, to• put total prohibitory laws on the
, ,atatute .book when the country is.
sear.on ON TRE EXECUTION OF RtEL -ready for? them. Mr. Cameron, even,
TAKEN FROM THE OFFICIAL RE- a8 a� private member, is not so' pledg-
PORTS OF MARCH 12, 1886. ed, and.Mr. Blake has ptublillly de-
P. 116. I believed all along and
to I holievo more t)toronghl elated that the country is not yet
nightrn, y ready for such laws,
than ever, that Louis Itiei was Jong•
scrutineers were instrueted to
swear .the men who bad so received
e was that en -
ough votes would the so be thrown out
'to' defeat Mr. Hess. '1'110 plan wad
concocted with devilish 'ingenuity
worthy Of the most Clll'Iat1A11 p011ti-'
•clan in Canadia; but there was a
weak spot in it. .The Conservatives
'approached refused to take the'mon•
They could not understand why
they should bo bribed to vote the
tiel+et they intended to vote. The
same of game wasvictim.
Welleknowd in n Ct+nse
vatives were sent money to vote fors,
Taylor. The money is believed th
have come from Ross'supporters
for the purpose of invalidating the
votes of the receivers of the money.•
But as In North Perth, the Censerva• '•
tives in the West Riding of 1•Iuton,^
had a shrewd idea that the money'
came from well known Grits unci
said so prior to the election, and the.
Grit heelers were afraid • to swear.'
them, not knowing exactly how far
their nefarious designs were stisee p-
xtion of professions by the temper
ace people. Mr. Manning recaiv_
P i bi
Free Trade. •
Canada for the tLnleri, ali•
yon rocomtneu,t:."
"Yes, g , .
ea, vary strongly , in the first
ed, not so much for the part he
took in the Northwest insurrection, THE GOUTY COUNCIL.,
as to avouge the blood of Brother
title of being prOven by the Censer -
vatives. But in North Perth the
agents of the Christian
d the vote of the anti -prohibition-
its because theyknow the record of
I)•.,Corbett was against them, and
arty affiliations and, leanings caused;
le prohibitionists to vote for M.
fanning • against their friend and
hautpion, Mr. Corbett. The seine
Ling occurred in tho contest for,
is deputy-reoveship of the town of
M. G. Cameren Squarely
to .pledge himself to the
roLibitionists; R. Thompson pledg-
hinlself to them and• was their
en(llcltrta The result there, as. in,
Linton and throughout the county
Id the 4. �revinae,-.N!ns.1•hat the Grit.
robibitionists allowed,, their party
clings to prevail' and. they voted,
lr Mr. Cameron against their own:
?Ini>;tto, becaitsQ•1ir. ThOmtson ivas.
Abandonment of the Pacif[c,ratl-
wa Y•,
. Rebellion to serve mercenary pur-
Murder by a French Canadian no
crime. •
NOW a government •in power•
whose pripciplcs•nre:'
British Connection.
Extension of the Franchisor
7'oleration,in Tieligibn,
The Pacific Railway a bolid" of
Union as well Asa factor of Inlllra-•
trial Devteloponlent•
Canada for' Cenaddans•
The laws of the Conntr.y mnet,be,
One law for AR
Nationality or, Crowd, no. exatlea,,
place it gives more variety to life ;
in the second place, the farmer has
if onenot lthing happens to gos in one •twlotng or
fall greatly in price he still has
others to relyupon. "f tell you,"
exclaimed Mr. Alan with oldies.
rnem "the tenttilitflu'mer when such
as I describe, with his farts paid• for,
or in a fair way to bo laic] for can
Y 1 ,
snap his fingers at the whole world:
Thel'0 18 not a m01'0 independent or
happier man on the•filceof the earth.
than he:"
"HOW about tabes;"`
«Iliad air calla them.,but I as-
sure, you that. it. will tickle hien to
death to see.' first tax bill. When
he thinks.ofthe taxation and tithes
and things :that he would have paid
in England, I can promise you he
will pay his Uanadian.tares not'o'nl'y
with willingness, but with delight.!".
"What. at110utr the_ (loll:Walt gi(it';
, •
Thomas Scutt: The Comm Council of. Httron
will be composed'. of the following.
P. 118. I propose to' prove that } g
Biel wt's executed contrary to law, Reeves and Deputies for the year
contrary to the plainest principles •
of British law and British justice, REEVE. DEPUTY,
nil in obedience to a ]lower (Orange)' Sentt•rth D. P. Wilson A. Straus.
, rnekcrsmith .. hnvld walker D. Melrttosh
that is not..responsible to Talha• l•ehorno ,• .,• Kay To be elected
mon'ir. Exeter .. .. Dr. Rollins W. G. Bissett
Stephen .. ,. v.Rata, 10 dace
P. 126• Whatever he (Ilio]) may t
Hay •• •- •, S. ltannie J. C. icalbfleiseh
helm.been, it is quite manifest ho 'Stanley .. .. John Torrance A. Al. Campbell
Ibtseold . .. Jahn Pollock
was not a trailer to the Queen. OndorichT'p .• John Cox._....-_.Jos.-.Whltolay-
P. 128. I say it (the evidence); e'intcet"•••'.."J. m A. tet-sl1elan J. BentonMannng
is not enough to 'ustily the hanging goderich.Town;.•F,W9 Johnston M.G. Cameron
g J g ° slathers
of a dog let alone the hanging of a Ashflold ., .. J. Griffin H. totho
Man, &kerne,• •, J. Beck .Gledhill
West Wawanosh, C. Girvin J. Dernlon
P. 129. 1 say lir. Speaker that East Wawanosis.,T. IL Taylor F. Anderson
the Government never intendad to myth " •• .'P' Kell�yy
,]Corrie•.. •. .. Wen 1Vrn Chas•
hong Riol, iintil the power and'pres- wins»8m.. .. W. Scotty R. Mclnde°
Turnhet'ry ....air .McPhcfson Oeo.Thompson
sero of an unseen' and irresponsible• Wroxtar .. B. Saudere B s. Cook
power (;tslrnngej became,so 'strong ttimick.. .. .. Je:he Kan& I,t,Jnt(nos
that they compelled the Right Hon.. f7req• .. .. .. wm.Mltno W. oliver
JohnoAa Macdonald, to. hag Louie 1 E. nrynns •tt.csn.
.. . W.11 McCracken
Mel.. ,ticliflIop, .. . • • Jas. Hays
pt'iuoipal po•
litfaiall who, were engaged in .Cho t
swindie were followed u and corn•
mittei, tct fownellip of Joseph.r titai, WRllacP Walker,
ing about six ntilee from Listowel,
esaicl—I am in No. 1 ward. I voted
for Fleas. 1 have always been Con•
servative,and the foot is well known.
1 remember a pQraon coming to my
place the night hefore'the elections... ^
About 10 o'clock a man came to any
house Anel knocked at the door, I =
opened the door and he stood by it,.
He asked me how 1 was On the e1Pc-
tion; and if I was going tolvork for . •
Hess. I said yes. tie asked me to
•take out the team. I said 1 wasgo-
ingto do sn. He said he,was sent
by the Dominion government, and -
•told me to take my team out and 'do
all I could for [leas, • Ha held ont,
what 1 supposed to be s hill and I re-
fused` it. Ile then told me to d0 all
r could br I ese and be would send
lane the money by Mall aftee the elec.
Be then turned awayand
went orf.. 1. do not, say that, it. IA* •
',all.. 4
x+:.:.. ... •..As, u.•.r, I. ,..x.. �... ,, AfdlX wi,'AIYmYd'J ,! mW'sm l,,, I. I...r .. .E ...-