The Huron News-Record, 1887-01-05, Page 8'4p
7`- �117777,77
THE LORD SAID UNTO with, and joined hauds with CJ1KJ1*1C3 DIREVIVIVII, T1011tv to gtild.
mou who arc at heart foreiW at. Paul a ctiurch�—Svrvlcun on atioday at ii
wit. tud 7 P. tu. 1,11ble Cities, V ition. 6tlffia�v
Ferteot Hair ners to our British laws and liber- bcrv1ceonNle duurfdu)-,t1 P.M. N
Indicates a natural and healthy condi- A lite minister of Croasmitihael, ty, in order to defeat a ,government REV. WILLIAM ORAill, B. 1)., Itect"r 100,`000 1 AT SIX (6) ILlit CENT.
tion of We scalp, and •of the glands in GJ%IIOJVay, livaS 0110 Of 1,1108e t 13t had douo its duty hono.,l! Itattoo6un Street Siethodist. -43er% Will, at 141.81) F. 1 YUWELL, Mrribter, Solicitor, etc.,
through which nourishment is obtained. &..ill' 10d 7.60 1). to. SalAiltil Sulkoal tit 21.30 p, &S,y Sellillt'l, 1310i'k, CLINTO-2
When, in consequence of age and dio- prituitiva Imstors, formorly uumur- ably and fairly uuder the law. ilk til. Rev. 31K. itt'I'Var, lItt.tor.
sem'' Cantolit Preilpyterian. - survicum at 11 at' 1 0�481? to land III large or .mull sunis, an
ease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and Oil$ in Scotlitud, who did not ilia- Those actions of the leaders of the 'INV
1,,10 1). �o. SaII)lflifli A,:4uoI, 2.30 p. ol. , I., INI good 111011611-108 Ok 14MVIIIII becurity, to
will strengthen dais to illustrate their subjects with RoWritu party had proved to hilli ALmit: STPWAht, Pastor, t Cha 1OWL-bt current rotes. H. HAI F, Huron -tit.,
gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor Ootarto Street Ale thodist. -Services tit 10.30 a. 0111tall
It, restore its original color, promote its such imaroes and allusions as were that, they were not worthy tile coll-
0 1 7.1,10 p. tit. $0.11UMI Svhvul, 2,30 p.m. Milton, flub. 26, 186t. I-IV
rapidrapid and vigorous growth, and impart Within the cult) prulieusion of thuir fidouce, of any patriotic citizen, and A Itsv, W. W. 81-AILIANU, -it -the lustre And freshness ofyoutbi. hunioly 'hoartirs. Juatieti, Ilia sor- bo lmd dti.tei4niued that they should 11apti.4t 0hurolk.-riierviettat 6.30 p. ua. S.tb
uth belie1. 2.30 1). fit. lr,%' J. (4a,iv, Vilistur.
I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a wous were vary 11111011 in tile style no lunger be, hiS political leaders.4 MONEY.
long thus, and am ponvinced of its of an easy conversation, interapars- 'I'livrefOre, Since the utipatriutio and -ittlonTown still Faim
)ftIVATE FUNII.1; to le
Jue. lYbon, I was 17�,yeapilof age my lid ivirli occaSional pareilthetwS, ill.)- di.sbutiost conduct of the Reform 11willaty. AI -1,1.1 to
hailsbe lim toturn no t9USINESS DIRECTORY
is Vigor,. an !stad at plic.Lblti to itidividual characters, or leaders in the Rial case, he 11,1d (I,:- c. It I
a eo it fo ue It not Offlile, next. (up eittirs)AYbuit-St
t 0 go to the circumstances wlii(Y]i itrut;e turmined to join the Liberal -Con- 369.3tin
only stars t e cQ r to air but ho'wasn
so at' Ovulated I t that I Itisve beforlif his t3yuS in 1,110 ellIll-Ch, as the, 6OI'V;ItiVe I)Urty, WIliCh 8 now ATI
now more hair Mian ever before.-- siqapill- of the amid and tile fat, or cunvinced was composed of man
Edwards, Coldwater, Miss.
J. NV. L the 0 -lino, of the youn" the who fittly loved their country and
amoruns, or any tniltrupriklify Of' a worked eariattstly and incessantly
dyer's Hair Vigor, 14 D W I K Ur F H,
similm-ly venial nature. To givo fur its advauctitnout. These colivic- MM-3Iq
i3 i
Sold by oil Druggists aud Perfultutirs. IvLI.1 bilon of' Slow but contill-
Lho realtbir an i4wil of this gentle- tiunc T HIR vlu ILI�a4
IF you. !Lim syyKzaLNq from debility inan'ti urtlinor in tli;) pulpit, Ivo in.ty uutis growth, and having at last ar- ate of 'Toronto, Honor 01puluatu Itoyal College
Ifi-Y-846-1117-0118 I6Y
(m4 loss of appetite; if your stomach is . r,
,out, of order, or your mind confused, inuruin- in rea(Ving a verse from 1.1 plei imunucin(t himself a n
%st-d in 16 .1 8,S741 -
le Coats's Block, Clinton. GAPITAL, 2,:(711-0, 0 C 0
take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine book of' Exodus "And the I,urd follower of the ,,,,t and truly 'lib- 4,11 Work Iltiiistcrotl. RLST,
will restore physical force and elasticity Charges Modurlite.
i4aid untu Auses—feek th4t deur ; eral Imi-ty Whose elfurts fire inaking
to the system, more surely and speedily
11,11 thinikiiig, if vu had" flu Pit beside otir boluvvil Caiiad,i great and loros-
0 --- ; HeadOffloe, 'XICITNTREALl,
than any toititic, yet discovered. Lho dour yoursel,". ye witilaii. bo sae poruii.q. Mr. Nursworthy sail lie Ti( e d I C I THOMAS NVORKNIAN, TIrviidernt,
For six months I suffered from liver
and stomach troubles. Ilty food (lid not ready I ea v i ug, it o 1) e It t. AV its Fust t, wa� not thu only one-time Refornit- J. 11.1i. Mi H"110IN'. Vice Vr,siilwi+
nourish me, and I became weak and bisaidia that fluor that Yedain Tulin- or in ln-i�rsolt wbu had underaoile
AN 0
very intichemaciated. I tooksix bottles soli, the bolluian, g-tt hid dkiatho' tills ch-tngt!). Mally younn, ition 14 Ift'.111111I.N. t;truvt, It"'id,live ppo-ito. ilia
of A-ver's Sarsaparilla, and was cured. 0 Oorwwi�f,Irtlio dis"01131ted. Colleetiousinade, Draf!lj
cauld; inan, t1loria Who llail hitberto folluAved the l"Ount) of Huron. u;11%Ic hours froin ti a.iv. too iiisilvd, stvilili
-Julius M. Palmer, Springfield, Mass. 14 altd Ainviivan fix.,
he dithia let it stay Inuelde Open. Rul!uriiii party bell and expros8od P. tit• C11,111"o Ilwl�llt filld..'(11d at low-
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ' -1 and would wake UW Clinton, Jan. -14, 1 SRI. 0
Y And tile Lord sitid unto Afosys- tile Sallie Ul)il)iUIIL I -Y list vill-l-elit 1*at,�.,i.
Pro �ared by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Ma a i -'t (heniselvos felt it the b;tlJot bux. rNTTIMST AT 4 Plitt CLNT. Al.wivyu o -,q I)rposj%,
fold by DrUggiaLS. Price $1; six bottles, 48s: put out thilt dull"; w1i
brin-AI doll,rq to the kirk, yaff-yallIn I
Lut tile never soo vo bring, dougz IlTliat Virp disease-, whose ruthless
liore ony inair, ur I'll pat you till I MANti-Y 110vallef-d to farillervoll their own rintm
flieni Irdth Oct. Anil tile Lor -I lVithil'I'S I'leaLlty'8 transient flower," �%-Itti ,nv or nwre on,!fArbero. N;o niortgage I-,,
LNNING & RCOTT, (ItIlred its �,vuilrity.
lurking ai�oun(l tilt -
IN goo a mail aneath Ili often fooiwl if. 0. Lx1;n%rn,
rpa S;tid unto Muses clindol of' l'ife, ill the disguise of a Munul.,Nir.
Fellruftr 84'
'.1,11 at at'll lilit"s hd Pleetded 10 that Inft wi' his bitt on, ; Put SLIP(i cold, like un unexpected eneiliv in y. IS, CLINTol"
9-eceb�, itf lwirs front (111J, i4h- yelre clf�,,Jll out Of file, soll"It 0' till, catulp. For colds or coughs, weak or ELIJUTV8 IlLCUR, CLINTON.
soribe'-fl. 11 ", , itwilt it good eurred- dour: keep of yer liminfit, Ylitnin is : Sore lungs, sort, throlits, bronchitis,
I-olid"ut ill ecery Awidit'l, not ulroadtlf artil, if yoiir IiIire puAv be canlil) . I't, listlitnil, and till diseases that lead to Afonoyfil. Loan.
rv�,Peseided, tu eend lie neles. illattil just -tit a groy wur"A Nvil, consuaiption, atilt for cousninlition r
n M .1 0 itself, ttilto Dr. Pierce's "Golden JA9. SCOTT.
like mystil' ; they're, 110' stati de4l, (Nfr,INI'0N- Locizo. No. 84, A. P. & A Y.,
J nivilt,A t-verv Id,Ny, (,if nr after the ful
Medical Discover Y 11,11111,
fJ 9' jl?FRANK 1M.POWELL, J.
fj if * E. I il. ll� JZQ
. %. plenty; 0' thein lit Rub G.
1`01-wa; who do 11of i-ece"re, their j-ul. tenprince." Ill) lir, but'"1111 111(i —A sad sliouting accident oecurr-
ftoln the ew-4-icr ur I '_J1NT:i4 i-i-41ti-out the ed at (.' 4:3 M!" fTM-1 D P)"'tNtl'r- Slllif';tor, Y0h7)',;1 ("Iloton, Jan. 14, 1.981.
vers,,, and fit t, le, 4a -argill ill tile licutt. Act Cuuu- A"
wX iustructi�llq foi- Mu'o-4 in a illaillier Iv (if Ill tice, 010 uther (lily. It til) -D _
�'�rLU Sri v., A i r
.001Y'el- (( fol'-- hil/ tit thio 111ore Striekly 11COul-dilut With tile pears Jusvpli Julinstun, uf ' 'oniur- D'I'll-ii, Relirle's M:w1c,, Clinton, I
TOMM(I IIIltil ,
i�lllll Q.
at ow -v,• may textand. with decency." Toronto Wont into a bwadino-hull'if, 110,kill&. Crtt!iIIIIIII. Me,
(it (121Y 1hae. 1" 0 .....
killdol. the in"Itiollco of liquor, and 11-7' PRIVATh FUND6 To Ly,,tli at IoNvelif rates of
ell, illtvrc4t. :181 IWI
M F4 L. 0. L No. III&
u Ital le I
LFORMER'S OPINION OF 'Jul""ifull all" I "'it 1 d
,t iLitu an arcrinnent libuilt witi
Adeeetu-n, ill whid i� ,-, 1101tTON, 11,jirrilAff-j-4, ( 1�q 11,40 N
ick I ing, pruprivto 'ti, Al
.Y. tin
V,ut (dif "rif"Ill"llis" or (4110 .11wid.-y of eN:Pr-,,
A. Murloa NVinghain. I -Ii.
tr) ONPIO*f! hl, The fullowing speech dulivilred tho buarding-hulisu, wtultod to A. :yInkontll. Mill upstairs, 0 it of' tilt) IlUtl;ln, 5,; � I VISW119 brLLIITt;lI
Johnslull UI alirl
ill imt lobtr 11"fil, 1111E'41)AY Z�UUS (If by a lil'O 10119 RUI'VI J. C, �NUI11_ Idukt-d tit) NvIlat ho suppowid to b�, DIVII'll'!".111 'Olsur- NVi.-t l;tl'Pl!t nE-.Xt 'IZ4,M
each Nvurtby, of I'ligersull, tit tile InuJillt (J.. TW EE 1) Y, Av. if.
C, lour to I`,I;0 I Wice, Underl0l, Out. 07, S,'cy.
,'16,iu convention last wt3(.k is 111 cillpfy glan, ]lilt dslllali Chart T.C.Ilti Wry,101..
of powdel "in it, placti(I it Cap oil it, IA t°�"'�a"m®6
'A I
-ifl!Lli, wilu o stivot, over 1"Iltiel", Rook
Wt. 67. L Nl'.)N KNJ(;Jf"I'S OF
-,issociation.9 IL�
te -t"4 nloriiT f-ioel,:- 11("otl!
Tnr a ltirg(,r '61VI lien a b9L 11' V�r toll, 1, 1 at, IniveAf r6t'Ar.f-1-
IVbIthVOfI)L1NnI. lii,�$i jt?�
and haillivi.1 it to (ilia (1,
T _07
Th I, A til tilt
to sc,kre tile, QIII 111411. Ch'iffitil
L IA711i NIZ
CAMPION, B.Lri-WoroAltortiov, R vitor lit Vl�itog Kn;�Iit, u;t;(1,;
this dee/;oll, idol Iw all w." lim-ty. In 167S, whell theNtAtiullitl
plItcod tile gllll on the bar 'antl
Imll jifiC r-1YIde ih Wittrit). P01j�,y IVA$ I14-011itil,"1101.1 %lid ild- ' " 0
J Nvitlliu a few iLcll(.,i of, Julinst,0311.1 nwiu6 forinur;y oc,!u
bir are oj,v?l to voettled by the Liberttl-Gonsvrval 've back and fired. Julinstun dvolfrit.,k] .11, his p'll,ty f(lailers declared VIN y to loall It, lov.-f-st
Instwilly tind never spoke altur. ratms of inurvbt.
that such a pulicy ,%Aculd ruin tile
Ilio lll!lt tuck el'Octjust boluw tivi �' .4 � I
JOB pm!lt FOR SAT IP OR TO IIF.\T.- Thrt val,i
country, anAl-ho, 6�liovi�d and `ullow- 0, "lo"o
ffhe Job Departwcat rf 114e Jour- tie slit.iiii4lur blado., Butt wen have
oil thi.m. They deu!are I that the
nut ill oile (tf the lif"i/ e,plippcd ill, n 010111selves lip. 4. q '!I 0acl-vs. 'd tilit,' lilt,
11tirt, gn.."I
IN Libaral-Cuu.stirvative' leatitirs worn
I frIo'll.. I I •,1'I; •r V,catreu Ut,btrio, olut it not sincore in advocating that policy, CA.NN0T BE,
r'trtN•+ NI liry9f %d Ylawetidecd (it re?'Y A fl, "I,
find it' they -ut into puwer, they 11 linve i4easuro in sali-iog oint iftli! ivvil
VRI'd S Pect,01-31 Bal.S4111 CIMUOt he M VIVA, BALL7 Al -III, t,-,
_%voilld never attempt to introillice it kI.T, jl; k
ET eelled lor curing al)(i loss A for Roles lit-
-in I'Luct thki, ft %v;,s a Intirtill'olitical I t ),,:I t I Ill 'A'- P11` I F tl,u 01-,Ioti�. Ali.
of voice. It cured my brothpl. �.orll- rv�s urlv Ili 0 re-lu'll IN o.
TIIe:ttrIc%I Item. dodgre, and lie bolivvell lvud fulloNvoll IllptelAl." So says Ira Nicsowl, of, P. G, A L rno,
JGoodaA."s Chlia,7o Simi his luadois. Tiley Il )eland thilit the Pcipula.r [fill, AmL, re,;finling this re, Zffaj'�, a Pu -b-
-"Are yo -u nit aftor.'" saidoilu of the 94pro- buildi g of tile (I It
1,11,t(lian Pacitio. li"bl,
fest to a stnulger yesbcwa4y� Ye In eJ V.
lttilw;ly W.18 tuu .1111101 for .90 8111-11-1
fie,,,nion, `cvl/ Of Ya
:'No i4ir", .) .
I 'Taillos silllp��Un, 0110 of rr lit �::tvnto to oili r
r'.17bat's strange. Your facelooks very a 0011utry, that it cuill,41 nut be built - J. lit f,,%v I'll'! or al,plA fotll,e 1:
'11011)"I'S Ivailill" 0:11til! bUivels, ]);Ill 116610 /.P7 177 rnv�. A 11,t f 4-,roi. :w,l yili �y 1)1,,N 1.1-y,
familiar to Ilia." aw]. Avt;rked, nud th:tt tile roitilt G 'f0it"; q L/0/7 it ., n.;;: 2
fr,r 4:00,* 1 -y te, I -Ili r 7
1,.No doubt of it. I'm a pawnbroker." Iplc:tallt find U11111.0fitrij.0'ri, I,A "S!"Ite, 11.1
would be nationAil bankritilite - y, and ;k ' v"I'Y u I lrv,t. 4no oil oll
in ]Aluntrenl, lie. ,vasa in 2!zl,�AIVS 14 N',Atl-,4 '110 it- W1.1.1,1NO Il'o
Never Got so Far. he believed and blindly followed
al -dill" tile traill , fur
t� ),:;seri.:_ll! II ?Ili
',V(iu •say Ili'at you have played Afacbeth"I 1,110111, He Avlk".. vull"C" fit("" "Ild the fict of' b'), nto'.N. L I11;8(1.N',
said a New Murk theatrical matiagtir swan thought his loadv,i knexv btis inen justItA him
alitl lionin wlitin dirce I'loo, ill, 1:f8).
alpplicaut for a li)ositiou he allowed biiniself to be "Itilled. bV 111polit, pret'vIldilvii t1ley were 'ill I
PA 1:T1 VS I I I Tn I'S' %vil 11) a,,
tU get into 01'a coatill. The CLC
of 31aeboth fourteen •
t1leill. NN'ell, Lite I,iberu ("01IL"r�- 11111'ry
veaoi,�d-tho-rulo' I Y
times." sillec (Illiuk IV Ill-ido off. '-Nit-. l8illip'zi.ill (]ill I.
ativf-s "ut .into power, tin(]
-Well, lot me bear you repeat4sloAladanco !Wor thrA 1,10 f�v. %t ill Ie, plocol in 0!,It
to Mileduly." tben lie hall boen looking fur till) 1101 Stl till , Y110119 ""tit lie, saw 1: -:1 f i,d). — C. J. 'I I ILI I I lj� & k,u.
4,011, 1 11 0 3111 l"ItIZIN I il" Iwsty I fitrt�-A. Then „•••—
faVer got ro far,as that, The fill 1111iiielit of tile prupliveivs of IIL-t * tilt,
eudifluce always made me quit before I got old leader% ;instead, lie Mill fuund Ill) llt.ltil,011 Illill, biS OU'll 11;1d beCoUlt. -0. 1
to that part. --Texas Siftings. J M. D1 71, P 0 X A L -10 TI 8 Iouse, Rit
that OVIII*V idle of them ivero"fill8e. 111111LIttUll,'(1 in file, w,,itfIlo and- oil
Tile Liberal Cutiservatives prusly'll ooling, in his Ilill pockilt he di.400jr- p. rA p", If
A Novel -in Three ClUtItters. I 1' illi Mr
I tli,it $320 -in hills haid been. Y
their iiincority by :,h fl., ;'Iewj?
'1%laid one. tional Policy, and under iil� Ilia litl(I vikt-n front .1iiiii. IN fit once An- f h -W Oil, Oni, 1.1' A I't-ortluiry To.
CITAPTER IL $!ell the culintry (auw Illid. pro4liel. fu;nw(l itlill pulice, but it Avas too rX .111 it, CI i'It, n, Is
Prolvjl-,�,l ,, it! —
filaJd wait. lc,i,vkl� (All 0 ... .... 'g
Al W
Woudurf" I ly year by year, all'I limil I 1AU In C-0011 Ille nme;dS. 'If, is Silly- "I'll. PL ZA V_0%2, F;Arii At ii" Qi
IL -qu All
Maile one. -Rambler. ut'nettires, coIntlWITO and gentqfil the. robbors Ra 19 M.i% W -A -11 site mwil .1 atten! iIin oI P�ist
•1:3 1 ly
g1vt tilt', IM01111y - fit tll(3 E\ 1 ;0
wtuilth illeroamo until tho rate or in I tai 'I Lln A,
forest for luutifi Iereasti-d i'l-ull, bolol. Tit(, los is an oNcotAint,13 Y nasters lviil to I]—
Not Even a Souvenir Left, had lie
door V'v,t, of Yon- lynoll'k of' too hin,
"Ra,.,e y,�u plit all my bagg;��go In the 'lit. find to 7 h(13vY 0110 to b -'al, "Ili 1,110 fact tl':Li
S. to 10 IVOY Of
to riw•
wagon?" - asited Col. illi hor,,puoa of tl.a por cont, anti downward to .5 and .5.2t 114" IOL $130 oil tho shilinwilt VI I-Vtel, 0illf(w, 00. V-17, 'Ietivo )!I- (rehirliiw, r,
porter at it (A-alvesuou lAotA loor cont. Tbose plain facts shook AN11,110 wills to the I)ittomosli of hi-, 7
rot ai!-wer tl,,- ITINN-) vIlvil I "101w1 il'ol: (1,.(,s
-.,yes, snh." A
UI' iliS I,Eii.ty. tixlitirivilwm ill Montreal. lillil, 104 pal'o (,lilt (11' file, 111iiev, IIIA
"Put tae four trunks init? Idw i'llitlk ill 1,111i1eadt-I-I" P h:� W.,
IN Wits in this stato of trltlldti�u ------ 0,01. Oil, rellsiol fi.l. its 11"t 1---hig
�Ses, PA, lo', Tlealth- is impossiblo when t -hr' a VIly A11%. to ill, so ilvll:o� IIII.
1'Aud the two vallsesill when tile rolvulliuxi in the nurthivest 12, 1111
.rasa I 7vilpill'O.1c ill t1lo Jill) -! i.41, It rs; ffil',pllyll�vl,i
ood is itupure, thiek, till I allurgioll,
"Yes, tuth.". occurrvd. The robeffion wlia tit or wliell it is t1lit, aTiij lint overisholl.
any livirs,oi i,:rcleis
Ilis Ilativi. Ili<--
',,%nd the hat boxV length suppromted, and his old I-mAy Sueb con ditiorig give rise to ,,nils,
I IV t s, ,all.Tit-1111"ol. ]in 11111st pw all all-1.111%gest 61
"Tlien you are ,ure I've not left anytLing li!adurs tirld tilt Whole, Reform press punplek, fil-ailaelies, neuralgia, rhen-
c 1- 1 F., T 0 N• tit, ,iiii, o!utillue to sf-1111 it
vil's .111"Ilt iq *111aill" aild ollif-vt 11 A
4% this he oil" again prop _tllis iilllotllijt�Sir Inflitittill, and (if llor disorders Ay A
'You've not left nuffill, boss, not ellon a John Mactlonald-would xarsaparilla rnakes tlitil blood pure, 'PI 'in a S"Jecialt kil-l':nlo alliollilt. 11.1willi.l. it lie ful,vil il"il
If . me for de culled porter. -Tex is Siftingii. prove, to he I richp and vitalizilig L 1. 1 !o L At, 14 Y.
bw a tool in III(, hands of the French Oil, or wit. There nf.,, I,(, I,) It"a,
In No Hurry Vor Conversion. difivoTilillulinve 1111til Ili'! li"Ity1hri't is noide
8. party and would nut (1,111-0 to 11111111 Till: "If Ir I I • 3-Aiiy Ivill"ll AvIto Cities -1 pnpo, finif
A wel -linown family up town has an 0 QM'IKEs 0F 1-.., pglq 'F
at falls Riel, Nvbo, tIl-Ay fluclared, richly de- I nan recominerid flaayard,s Yel. 4 * , grkq i. INt'st."I'livo, %v1IrtlIvr ]III-r0i'd to hit
year-uld net h In tiplan whom a revival t It ill
kig flullh, 0V 1111.1t1lor, or w1leflIpi lleIlls.-IIII.
o, the ii.;tirdu -s has nta,lo asleep impression. Served a hundred deaths. SU 'low till very h:ghly. It cured me or I -
lie astouII(.1o(I �pi good ii.ol,hor the other (lay Strong were old associations, he rvuhimmsin in my fingem when I HURON STRUT, CLINTON. not, is rompoll"'Ible fol- the pay,
by sat ilig: Ainuinta, I am going to church again 0 put faith in their statoments, enuld not bend theltif 11 Ilia Plank, H & sh? 0 11
w-oight to bo cfa.;verte.l." Sirathroy,'C)nt. A �ipdieino for in- 'Itollll•H it a vertilill fillw. And 014,
C,aivorke(i Jitilitniv? Why, you do not foi- he could uut, support a inan or a ,
d`!'-stitti�'what it means." l partiel'bo Nvould sftci ifl. a his or their ternal fill,] external use in all pain- H. COOPER, J 1% It ...... "4 f" sell",
I (to,' and Vain going to join the ful co'niplaints. 1)(ImIll to payf(wit it'll" till vs It (lilt of ill
country and its laws to party ext- IfAllurooturpr(�fvu dvalorinall kliolsof rost'(41:1-P. 'I Itis proco-ds ulwil tile grollil.
ur'll till, msaeor
13 i,e a Christian horo,ifer, (rellelts. A, SO Ilion proved flint n InAll 11111st pay for Avilat lie Ils(t
gain thii,
o that . you niusl, give up dancing n t Karb!e & Gj,an-*;te forCeipetery
to the museum. falso propliefig and again ]I(, hIAd beau Anil fmng 0
h.t is Lhu.0 Alkisti I quit go;u& to the dece ved. The Government treatvii D ELL.. Rt U v Work at figurea that (Ifify coulpetitlon
n useutair' 'iel with British fair OR flu ('Imt Oolvri.!
1, yes." thn criininal It Nil
1) 1 Ity, give lifin a fair trial n. n n,
lu-n,' after a minute or two of enrilifelat I_ C H it t lit, Nny"111111.1. sil Hog 11 Ilowspal
-I.I. 'plil
Toll-ictio-1, ". cess Y It go dov% n unit see tile under the law and upheld tlio !!!Ifr;.__ Alm numuritchiror of flin Celebrated liAllf.l. 'ou"I For pity of' prille.r. Tile
AHTI`Pierm, fnro.Nt, !or Unfl0hip, pur-
cm, ezged woina,i Just unce more before I nittiest'Ar of the law by hanging him I% 'tilt 011i4l"ted paylil oil ill('
am (omel-'ed." -y had decid-id ill S
-In'licalapul.s JourvaJ. aft;r It and jin 6 11 �A
t'.4 Eucry Famner. sh, 0 Y Id, ho seen to 1)v approointe-I.— All Nviii-it pripor to ili,rollifillif, it. 11:v '11141go 1101
flilit he di-sorvod to die and all the I", "kho, A
Tile Irtri-sial Unfittie.1ti of TbInnip. warritiltol to trite sitfisl'action, 0IIIII flit Nva,( lint a Vflli�l 11-rell'o. '111
I Q.Omxae
ing til stlipte
T; 1) IN,.( ;h '111'.01" of 11)(lialin, Itaft courts of al,116M Up to tilt) PrivvrUUU -ei • for pl-r-lit 11;1.1
Council of Mill Enipiru had ticcide'd J. Urapproach 1080yre a 0.0i'.7y,
-retary of Ulu flitvy, soln(I Ono eat V lintive to dti-.4t,oIIt11Ill(, rIlI;J
r. tubi .e, 'I'one and Qualit.11.
111,011 Met. '.It .1111 sull in -COTT'l nt:11ale her that there had been noinegulariticii P. �-Yl ,D v ZZ n, It was IIIAt d, I.i.
111 01.1 h, -r If �-Imwl',- oleva: Ion t A) � h,N lie id of ill Ili$ trial. 1111111li-dilitely after the font iinflffol romior •I,ii
'I M hiiii
111.1 n vv iil,art�fwnt be lin"(11Y I P. 'loll's delith, these salvo old leadfir.14 FI!4tIE
11--vn h 1!, 1,110 11 W -I Will tl'110, filld Said to ft fi7 0. T-Slilvlo�r P.Arlor to tnt, T-i%vu Kill. vi-lit'.0 I 1,14111111.91)t irliq 11"111141 14Y lov fill' 1111' tilt
-4 li4orin press as wall, A W -I fill,' rIA pati-ii,I fit Anil (-I- he lo,l ref-i-ived the if.) '
It'n't Ji t'. ba
of his, find the ho li,v pl.r Alill uloil I
it lie,- 1-11 `lp-, a -11,I) heir Resit. LA 1�_
bor TI Itor. W h.. R � �k, 0.0 Lair �t Ics of
ifecie .,ry I - it vi. ;.Li ma'i, Lvw ell. had atrxied upoll the Gtiverlitinwit Illi liah" oil arrvin, (II.A1 ul qci, it,
_,boatcuo, —1