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Town Agency G.1'. R.
Tickets to Toronto and all local points
on G. T. R.
Tongues Ta'i i'rs'A'o Illautitobaand
dtll points West over C. P. Ilt.
Only office where baggage can be. checked
to destination.
.A passenger leaving Clinton at 1.05 p.m.
Monday, can be in Winnipeg on Thursday
morning at 9,40.
NEBRASKA, KANSAS, 1'I0ItlfA, ete. Buy
your Tickets from me, whether you travel
North, East, West, or South.
Office—Small's Butes, near Grand Union,
in Swafliohl's Hardware Store.
TEN Public "School will re -open
on Friday, 7th January. Make a
note of it.
MR. RICHARD 1CieY,of Woodstock,
spent hie Christmas holidays 'in
Miss Emma RUMaALL is visiting
her sister, Mra. R. A. Callander, of
spent New . Year's with the lady's
parents at St. Mary's.
Dn. Jon& STEEP, in Winnipeg, is
holidaying with relatives and friends
in Clinton and vicinity.
MR. P. W. HAYWARD,. of the
Clinton Carriage Works, is on the
sick list. His many friends will be
glad to hear he is recovering.
JAS. THOMPSON. I nor. Ross is the name of the
gentleman associated with Mr Beatty
in carrying on the old established
livery business -of -A B. Kennedy.
The Huron News -Record
Wednesday, January 5th.
: togAL NEWS.
Iin and Around the "nub."
Sown Zan.
BOY iVANTED, to learn the Art
oaf Printing. Apply at THE NEWS-
I1.ECORD office.
Cups awl Saucers and Toys of all
kinds are upstairs'in Diekson'S Boole
'Store 422
Get your mantles nod dresses made
atp at Robertson's, Lit Miss Correll
who is causing such a sensation Ll/
,Jeer perfect,titN. 432.
Bargains, Bargains, only 10 days
longer. The whole stock of Woofs,
EN and FANCY GOODS crust be .elear-
ed out in ten days at redu'ed prices,
Auction sale every (welling/ at 7 p. w.
£earle's Nock. F. E. CuRnE•rT.
FRANK JACKSON is holidaying in
the. "hub."
MR. ED. LEWIS spent thn after-
noon of Friday lust in the "litb."
MR. J. W. COOK left Monday for
ft second course at the Ontario Veter-
inary College, Toronto.
Ainrrta( -N D: B. IENNrnY . Was
night. IIe headed the Loll in St.
John's Ward.
Mn. N. I,. Hor.,tEs, of Pig
Springs, Ont., who was visiting his
sister, Mrs. S. Andrews, returned
porno last week.
ASSOCIATION will meet in their
rooms on Monday evening next at 8
o'clock. Matteis of importance re-
quire a full-qatt:cnd,uaco. All Con-
servatives will receive a hearty wel-
L)rcr.lsl:r>.—',[r. Tiros. Jackson
'declined contesting the Peeveship,
as if elected business engagements
in Ilritain would prevent his devot-
ing the time necessary to the proper
,discharge of the duties of that im-
portant position.
P. S. TRUSTEES.—Mr. Powell is
not a candidate fur trustee in St.
.Tames' ward.. S. J. Andrews will,
oppose, lar. Cunningham in St.
George's. Messrs J. Thompson and
11. Steep elected by acclamation for
St. Andr'ew's and St. Join's.
Trir scholars of Mr. Booth's class
in the. 1'tattenbury St. Methodist
church Sunday school met one even-
ing last weed: at the residence of
Mrs. Kerr and presented the gentle-
men with a Iianclsol ie silver napkin
ring. The hostess provided the
, .'•oaths with an !excellent tea and
they indulged in innocent pastime
for a few horn's. Mr. Booth em-
braced the oceassion to show the
interest he felt in his scholars by
presenting each of them with an
appropriate book.
and \\'. P. \Vatt, of Salem, Ont.,
importers and breeders or Shorthorn
cattle and Clydesdale horses and
winners of the Elkington Shield,
value $250,at the Toronto Industrial
Exhibition 1883, awarded for the
best herd of pure bred cattle of any
breed the property of one exhibitor,
recently purchased from W. J. Big-
gins, Clinton, the following Slort-
horns :—Matchless of Elmhurst 3rd
and Matchless of Elmhurst 11th
(which were advertised in t his
paper.) . 'Matchless of Elnlhnrat 3rd
is from the sante cow as Matchless
of Kine.11ir 2nd which Mr. Watt
p 11'chaset1 from the 111mherst herd
with 4 other young Matcltlessos a
few years sitic0 Anil was one of the
most successful prize wieners in
Canada. 'Ir. Biggins may not be
as extensive a breeder as 801110, but
That fact enables hila to devote his
personal attention and exercise his
Iipi! judgment. in selecting and rais-
ing, for bre'a'ding pui•povs, the best
individual members ot'the hestpedi-
gred cattle. Ian is equally con-
scientious and expert.
H. B. Ptoudfoot, P. L. S. spent
the New Year day in Clinton. "Ho
was in Exeter on the 28th Dec. and
reports a good many more Grits
than Bishop men about.
MR. H. S. Hor,mns, son of the
veteran G. T. It. conductor, D.
Holmes, will shortly. remove from
Thedford to Acton and assume the
position of station agent there.
' • THE drumming of the Salvation•
Army frightened a horse on New
Year day so that the anidal ran
away and collided with a telegraph
polo, breaking the shafts of the cut-
A CHICAGO railroad man and a
Chicago reporter both say that it is;
becoming fashionable for young
MPuen of that city to kiss each other
vigorously when they part for any.
length of time and avhen they meet
AT THE LAST MEETING of tlledii'ee-
tors of the llullett'Agricultural So-
ciety a committee•was appointed to
commit to' writing their regret at the
death of their late treasurer, Mr.
Thomas Cooper, and forward the
same to. Mrs. Cooper.
AFTER the campaign's fitful fever
the citizens should torn their energ-
ies to chopping tho ice from the
sidewalks in front of their•premises.
The paths of polities aro always slip-
pery, but that is no reason why
those belonging to .tate .Cuxporation
should be likewise.
Two UkTTe nt�inei3._Iien'1;�;"L llie,�'
of Elma, and Thomas Halloch a
shoddy peddler of Gori -ie, • have
been arrested and ec.mrnit'ted for
trial under bonds of $4000 and $2000,
each for attempting to bribe Conser-
vatives of the township of Wallace
so as to invalidate their votes.
EDITOR MOYER, of the .Berlin
Nees, 'is on.his muscle. Hear him
The good Mothdoist brother with
promised to show us a Ross Bible
with the passage "Honour the King,"
hasn't done so yet._ It' he will own
up that he Waft mistaken—which we
.k now he was—we s1ia11 d'oal lenient-
ly with him. We have no- wish to
have any unpleasantness with any-
one but when a gneation of veracity,.
comes up it must be settled.
MR. JGIIN Cunny, the clerk at the
Grund Union Ifotel, entered upon
the Now Year under as favorable
auspices as unangelic man could.
Tho proprietress, the boarders
at the hotel, and others, presented
lritn with a $22 fur cap, silk hand-
kerchiefs and nic-nax of value
approximating $50. Its a question.
with John whether to open out in
the furrier, gent's furnishing of
doll business.
TRE Grit paper of Goderich advo-
cates the continued use of the Ross
Readers in Goderich township in the
hone of converting the 'furies of
that municipality into good Grits.
"Jes so." The introduction of
those headers has been looked tipon
as a political dodge. But the con-
servative teachings of the good old
Bible will not yet be discarded for
any compilation of it for political
Mr. John McLay, formerly Regis-
trar of the County of Bruce, has en-
tered an action against tho Mnnici-
pal Corporation of Bruce in the
High' Court of Justice, Common
Pleas Division, claiming $0,000
damages for libel. It will be re-
membered that ho was dismissed
froth office on account of charges
laid against him by the County
Council of Bruce, that lie had with-
held fees alleged to properly bo -
long to tho county.
COL. Itoss obtained a majority of
only 17 in the town of Clinton.
The young Men's Liberal Conserva-
tive Association died noble work in
helloing to reduce the lion. Troasnr-
er's majority. Had it not been for
sickness and the unavoidable absence
of several Conservatives and the
too -too presence of several Grits
who swore in their votes contrary
to the statute in such cases made
and provided, the Hon. A. M. ]toss'
majority would have been totally
wiped out, with a respectable balance
on the other silo.
ew Year Cards
Of all kinds, (suitable for
Large variety and prices away down,
Chris. Dickson, - Clinton,.
MISS DODDS, of Wingham, is the
guest of friends in town.
Mr. Eli Bateman shipped from
Clinton station, Jan. 4th, four
splendid entire young horses. The
animals aro from imported, register-
ed stock and wherever taken to they
cannot but enhance the already
enviable reputation of this county
for producing first class stock. Mr.
Bateman will go along and bo ac-
companied by Mr. Jas. Connolly.
We wish them success.
New Year's Eve over a score of rho
hoarders at the Grand Union Hotel
surprised the hostess, Mrs. Morley,
by presenting hor with a handsome
and valuable silver butter cooler in
recognition of their appreciation of
the home like comforts provided
for them by Mrs. Morley and her
assistants. A suitable address ac-
companied the .present. Mrs. Mor-
ley expressed her thanks for the
handsome gift. Said it would ever
be her constant aim to see that the
guests and boarders at the Grand
Union were in every way made to
feel at home. In reference to their
kind mention of the roominess of the
house, its cleanliness, and the liber-
ality of the table, it certainly was a
great pleasure to hor to have their
good words and hoped that•the mu-
tual good feeling which existed be-'
ween-iV'i1117l-irt11'nfiys- e"in'a'ilt't` trert:-
N othing remained 'for hor to
add but to wish.thelu a'•]Iappy New
Year." After toasts, songs and in-.
tellectual converse far several hdlll's
the company separated sorry to'part.
night. The familiar faces of i1•lessrs
Thos. Jackson, R. Haywood, Jos.
Copp, deputy -reeve Corbett, and,
alas, that of the late Thomas Cooper,
were missing at this, probably the
last meeting of the body corporate,
of Clinton, of 1886. The Major,
Reeve, and councillors Doherty,
Fitzsinnuons, • Maiming and Thos.
McKenzie were present. Manning
presented December finance report
recommendiug payment of part sal-
ary to Trouse, $21; to Paisley, $50;
printing account, Whitely & Todd,
65.50; printing account, It. Holmes,
$8; Thos. Watson, charity account,
$5.10; W.illiann Coats, election
expense, $18; Harland Bros., $21.83;
.D. B. Kennedy, rent of pound, $12;
petty charity accounts, etc., $13.64
total, $154,07. Receipts from
weigh scales, $21.25;, from hall,
$30. . James Smith. was granted $7
remission of taxes and W. C. Searle
$8 on account of untenanted build-
ings. Tho taxes of three or four
individuals, small amounts, were re-
mitted on account of inability to
pay. The collector stated that all
other taxes had been paid in except
that of a ratepayer who had been ilt
for some and who was still
confined to his house. The return
of the roll was therefore postponed
until the 17th January. Adjourned.
Mayor—Dr. Williams acclama-
lieeve—A. McMurchie acclama-
Deputy 1Nere—A. • II. Manning,
291, E. Corbett, 184—majority fur
Manning 407.
St. Andrew's—H. Foster 86, T.
Holloway 85, J. Johnston 76.
St. James'—H. R. \Valker, ac-
clat ultion,' Thos. Worry, acclaula-
tlon. ro
St. John's—D. P. Kennedy 94,
W. Cooper 69, (3. Ovorberry 62, A.
Gorrell 30, H. Steep 5.
St. George's—R, Fitzsimmons 80,
T. C. Doherty 79, John Smith 53,
'W. C. Searle 46. The two highest
in each ward elected.
The town council for the ensuing
year will be C,omposod of Mayor
Williams; Reeve McMurohio; De-
puty Reeve Manning; councillors
H. 'Foster, Thos. Holloway, H. lt.
Wallcer,,Jas. Worry, Pall. Kennedy,
W. Cooper, It. Fitzsimmuus, T. C.
Entrance Examinations.
Alton, Joseph, Belfast 499
Bissett, Alex, 1 Colborne 611
Crabb, Frank, Goderich M.S395
Christilaw, Albert, Shnppardton421
Chilton, Thos., Godorich M.S538
Donaldson, Albert, Saltford....,447
Edward, William, 6 Goderich 433
Finlayson, Malcolm, Lochalsh455
Fari'ish, Kenneth, 10 Ashffeld547
Gledhill, A., 2 Colb.,Bennlil•ler421 •
Grant, John, Goderich M.S 439
Johnston, Johu,10 Ashfield 5.28
Juhnsion, \Vin., 9 Ashfield 5;112
Jarvis, Edwin, Porter's JI111578
Le'I'ouzel,11., 2 Culb., Benin illot•450
Murney, Fred., Goderich 111.8538
Morrish, James, Beumiller 463
McLennan, Donald, Lochalsh474
McKenzie, Roderick, Lochalsh 478
McKee, Frame, Sheppardtun421
Sheehan, I'atricic, Goderich 0.8473
'fait, Robert, Goderich M. S420
Treble, Charles; 1 Colhoine 400
'l'igeit, James, Shepp,udtun 481
Vanstone. A. 1 Uulb., Beumill.er479
Williams, J 11. Goderich M.S481
Whitely, Albert, 2 Goderich462
Addison, Al ice, Goderich \1;5452
]dell Grace, (ioderioh M.S .407
Colwell, Mary, Porter's IIill....450
Curran, Emily, Goderich M.S...415
Carrick, Bells, 3 Ashfield .446
Evans, Alberta, Godorich M.S...425
.Eil'wai'd, -Mary, 6 Goderich
Fustet_]40.1..04 ahel mrdtouw=-.452
Finlay. Lizzie, 9 Ashfield 560
Fraser, Jennie, Goderich M.S450
Gardner, Minnie, Porter's I1111475
Ginn, Elizabeth, 2 Godorich300
Graham, Birdie, Goderich M.S 443
Jones, Josie, 1 Colborne.... ..... 473
Jervis, Minnie, Porter's Hill440
Hillier, Minnie, Gollerich M.S 440
McConuel1, Mary, Goderich C.S430
McPherson, N., Goderich M.S481
McCamtney, Tillie, Porter's 11111522
'McCabe, Mary, St. Augustine s.s457
McIntosh, Flo., C;odcrich,C.S383
, Martin, Flo., 14 W: \Vawanosh502
' May, 1)ora, Goderich M.S .430
'Mitchell, \troy, Guderich ,11.5..383
Putty, Mary, Saltford 459
Scott, Bertha, 2 Goderieh • 437
Straiton, Nellie,.Guulurich \1.S495,-
Iu addition to the above, a numb -
bet' of others were recommended.
-I; 171111'" alIl111sa1011 13 ati�aetioved• by
the Department their names will be
Baker,Ilenry 4 441
Bowerman, Arnold 591'
Bell, Daniel .510
Eacrett, Ernest 11 491
Follick; lloraco II 481
Gregory, John A .576
Harvey, Wesley I•I.., 518
Mitchell, William 454
Muldrew, Hobert 514
Ruby, Abraham 422
Verity, Percy 481
Hell, Ellie 635
]'alerington, Margaret. 431
Grigg, Allis .641
Hicks, Mand 527
Kydd,Ida J .430
Vol lins, Pearl '581
Stewart, Maggie
A fire on the Morning of Jan. 2
destroyed about $25,000 worth of
property in Portage La Prairie,
On New Years day, 300 natives
were burned to death by a fire in
the Peoples Park, Madras, India,
The fern lasted only fifteen minutes.
—Mr. Goschen has agreed to ac-
cept office under Lord, Salisbury on
certain conditions, His coarse is
approved by the Liberal -Unionist
--Gen Logan, a lata candidate for
the vice-presidency of the United
States, is dead, $20,000 has already
bl.en raised for the benefit of his
widow. Ho diad poor. •
—Judge Torrance, of' tho Snpor-
or Court, Montreal, died on Sunday.
His death was the result of a cold
caught while he was attending the
funeral of the late Judge Ramsay
about a wee): previone.
food Invest
"Hitt. JONES," said the End Man of a certain black
Minstrel Troupe, "can you tell me how to invest money
so that it will go the farthest ?"
"No, MR. THOMPSON, I can't answer that."
"I can."
"May I ask how you invest money so that it will go
the farthest ?" -
"Why, I bily Postage Stamps, to be sure !"
The above is very good, but we would like to tell you
that you can make a good investment if you conte and
make a purchase of solve of our
Great : Bai'gaiils : lil: Claillie
We are carrying a big stock and selling at Wonderfully
Low Prices. Shrewd people tivho appreciate Good
Bargains should come and inspect. We are confident
we can please you. .
Clinton Carriage • Works
HA\'E 11Er.N
Talc premises have been fitted up nnd•are large. A"e are now in a better Position than
ever to attend to the ,wants ol'the public. .
P. . Hayward, Clinton.
A GENTS WANTEI -Ladies or Gcntle,ren.—
Good commission and work easy. Addre .
Too N, v-iiN.eonn, Clinton. 384
Willis' Transfer Paper Patterns
Sold in Strips for Embroidery, Braiding;,
etc., also complete designs for Slippers,
Brackets, Aprons, Tidies, Cozies, Smoking
Caps, etc. The design is warranted
not to erurnple oil' the paper pattern or to
rub ofd' the fabric when transferred. A
splendid assortment of
W. Cooper Bookseller
Godorich-Nlarblo Works
Naving bought out .losFrtt VANs'roxt•:,
in Goderich, we are now prepared,to fur.
Irish, on reasonable terms,
We are prepared to sell cheaper than any
other firm 10 the county. 11In. Lawns
Ei.t iorl', of (toderioh, has been appointed
general agent for the eonntV, and .parties
wanting anything in this line will find it to
their interest to'reserve their orders until
he calls.
May 17th, 1886. 892.3m
AT $2.10 PER CWT.
BRAN by the ton or cwt.
AT 60c. PER CWT.
Delivered free of ehnrgennpwhere in town.
DI1!ta. Jf►1111 R,tYSON1,
Thee. Cooper's old stand, • CLINTON.
Piro Insurance Oo'y,
The iindersigned are appointed to act as
agents in the Township of Goderich tor
this 'Company. Any 'person • wiishing,tn
insure in this old and reliable Fa'rmer's
Company should apply to richer THOMAS
N1 Ir.ANs, liarinek 1'. 0. ; or SA -14i -y-14,
CA5Nut's AN, Seaforth P. 0. Prompt.
attention will he given.
I11cICillop, June 3rd, 1886. 395.7m
X -Mas Goods !
Bro cleriok's
CANDIES of all kinds, NEW FRUITS,
California GRAPES, NEW FINS,
• • NE\' DA'L'ES.
OYSTERS, OYSTERS ! 35c per qt.
RU' The best New Rasins, New Currants.
N. B.—Candies 10c. per lb.
Butter iv -anted in Rolls. Fowl of all
kinds bought.
Jackson's Plnek, Maruti Street, 4 doors
from Dickson's lloolt S re