HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-01-05, Page 6s
We wish all -our Customers
+•2r 4
was to vote to put in men whom the
country did nut kuuw. The saute
cannot be said in regard to the
1)uutiuiuu contest. .And fourthly,
and most important of all, the
issues will be different ; the sectarian
cry will not be raised, and if there
is Still any efficacy in the N. P. as a
rallying cry, Sir John will out the
benefit of it.
So it appears that the Hon. T. W.
Anglin oue of the editors of the Tor.
onto (:lube has been down by the
sea consulting with the Secessionists
of Nova Scotia as to their programme
for the approaching Dominion Elec-
Ile has been doing missionary
work, and the following extracts
from tits recent speeches sufbeiently
indicate the planner in which he has
done it. The tariff there is a vexed
question ; the Grit element of that
Province has always been opposed to
• it, so 1Ir. Anglin tells them that the
'National Polley is to be done away
% ita and that there is to be "a cont•
plete change in the character and
\tone of the whole fiscal policy," en-
tailing.flrst, the removal of -the flour.
t•lP8:'-"Tiled;"VC �i:liet�Al'•-Ti-oveiTti
' inept, if In power, will, 1 think, be
"able to arrange that question some
."what to the satisfaction of the peo•
"Ale of Nova Scotia." In addition to'
"this, "1f the Liberal party were in.
"power to morrow, Mr. Blake would
"he willing to re consider the whole
"plan of Confederation, and not
"only to give you more for your ]'ail.
"ways, but accord to your necessities
"all that you are entitled to. IIe
"would be willingto look at the
"whole question Irtirly with the eye.
"ofjustice, not to be too enacting to
"t.he smaller P4•oviliees'i•• but to give
"them it possible, a little more even
'than tliny are strictly 'entitled to."
Secession first, tariff rejection •next,
and if both 01 these will not -.suffice;
bribery is the next move. The
programme is truly Reform, anti as
truly honest, as truly in the interests
of the country, as the "flies on the
wheel" Government of Messrs. Mab-
Keezie,'B'.ake, and Cartwright.
Editor Ve wJ-lie c o rd.
DEAR SIR,—Will you please allow
mesa small space in your paper to
reply to aletter I saw its last issue of
the Goderich Grit paper signed by
the Ajax—the jackass editor would
be a bettor name for the lying fool
• who wrote the letter. In the first
place 1►e knows very well that the.
name of this "dilapidated' burg bas
been changed to .that of - Saltford, if
not, he must be a bigger fool than
I thought lie was. Yet all people of
intelligence know that ho has not
brains enough to pound 'sand, if i
tuay bo allowed to use a slang phrase.
Iu the second place he says some-
thing about voting for whiskey and
Toryism. I would like to ask Ajax
if he ever drank whiskey. I do not
know but I have. seen him drunk
enough to lie down and "eel upwards
for the ground, but still lie might
have had a fainting fit. As to Toryy-
ism, the majority of the "dilapidated"
burg have intelligence enough t� vote
for good government and against
Archbishop Lynch and rebels. Iu-
tielligent rebel voters are liko (rens'
teeth, few and far between, as all we
have have living in the burg are very
low. But one of the leading ones is
a man that canvassed this part of
the county with a petition for the
Scott: Act aud only the other day
he sent his son to town for
whiskey alluded to by Ajax, and on
the was way home the boy fell down
and ono of our whiskey, 'Tories, as
Ajax calls us,, picked him the and
saved part of the bevoragft for his
dad.. in conclusion I wish to tell
Ajax or Jackass or whatever is iris
proper nanie., that if he ever feels
&ncliued to visit our little burg to,
send us word and he maty rely on a
good reception,, Thanking you kind-
Ty for the .;pace in your paper, I re -
Lain, .
Yours truly,
Study your own interest and go whore
' you Call get '
Reliable 6 Harness.
1 manufacture none but the UHT Op STOCK.
Beware of shops•N,at: cell cheap, es they hare
lot to live oar (J.11 41,11(1 get prices. Orders
by mail promptly attended to.
Regular meeting of the L. 0.'L.
936 iu their hall.ou Monday night.
3Ir. James Hewitt of Grimsby,
formerly of this town, is visiting
friouds here.
Mr. Dougal Turner, of Hamilton,
us spending his, New Year's holidays
with •fviouds hero.
Saturday being New Years day it
was observed here as a holiday, ail
places of business wero closed.
Nightly prayer meetings are being
held in the Presbyterian church
this week.
• Mr.•• .Iiu.bertw. �u111j,P.)l: _1110.
"Queen's: iIotel gave a ball and sup-
per on New Years eve.. Tripping
the light fantastic was iudulged. in
until-i;ile-lveo sues' ,]lours.
Nonlin+lton ,fes} school Trustees
was held iu tfie Orango- Hull on
Wednesday.' • �SIi asrs. N. iI. Young
and Moser rolected and James Mc-
Gee, Juur., elet;ted, inplace of Mr.
James Anderson retiring.
The 'anniversary services of the
Episcopal church ]fere will be held
ou Sunday next. The Rev. 3IT.
Young. of London— will preach,
']'here are to. be three services. The
-collection will be in aid of the
building fund.
Iu consequence .of Messrs. IIanl-
ilton end 'Taylor ]raving. withdrawn
from the contest for ►nunicijil l hon=
ors for 1887, the• following have
been elected by aeclalnation : Mes-
srs. Symonds, Bowden, McKinnon
and \Vill'ord. P. Kelly was elected
Reeve by 29 majority.
At tho regular meeting of the
members of the A. F. and A. M.,
G. R, C., in their hall ou Dee. 27,
the following officers were duly in-
stalled : A Murdock, W. M.; 1).
D. Carder, S. W.; .Sans Gidley, J.
W.; J. Potter, Treas.; C. E. Tanner,
Sec.; E. Mouuteastle, I. 0.; J.
lanigh, Tyler; Past Master Wilson,
The funeral of the late Dr. A.
Sloan, of Listowel, took place on
Saturday from his father's residence
here, followers by about 80 sleighs,
headed by the Blyth band. As
he had been a Member of both the
Masonic Order and 0: O. Foresters
a goodly number of the brethren of
both Orders, sumo from a distance,
were in attendance. . They marched
in procession to the south end of
the village where sleighs were in
waiting to to take them to the
Union cemetery. At the grave the
Masonic burial service was conduct-
ed over the departed brother. The
patents of the deceased. young man
have the sympathy of the whole
community in their bereavement.
The alt absorbing topic for a weeltr
past has been who world be the reeve
.for 1887. It was decided on Mon-
day in the Orange hall. Kelly re-
ceived 123 aud Young 94 votes, a
majority of 29 for folly. Lu the
eveming there was a torchlight pro,
oeseiion headed' fiy the banal, P.
Kelly Being drawn, by mon and
boys • in t4 cutter. itt the end' of the•
procession wero some illuminated.
views and inscriptions got. up by
the Blyth cotoonist•, of what has,
happened` in. our burg for the past
few lours agsiltet, tJlu. Kung atir
0 0 0 0
Owing to the continued fine weather for the past mouth, we find our stock of WOOLLEN GOODS somewhat
heavier than it should be at this season of the year, and in order to clear then out before
the end of the season, we have
To prices that will suit the closest buyers.
Jast opened out, another Case of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS. THE MANTLE DEPARTMENT is a grand suc-
cess—a splendid assortment of Cloths to choose from and at popular Prices.
5 PF11 O TT OFF' FOR oAs
Estate J. HODGENS.
Evart/ Fanner stioutd get a Hews -Record flimartac
ministration, by their opponents
A most Con8pICt1OUs oue was Tune
my's printing office toppled over by
the wind it has been blowing
through its•colunrns of late. After
the procession promenaded the
principal streets it dispersed at an
early hour, feeling satisfied that
there had not been as muuh en-
thusiasm iu our burg for a number
of years.
The ladies of the Methodist
church here have been busy of late
Making preparations for holding
their annual teaineeting. It is to
bo held on the 10th inst. in the
Orange hall. A('ter having par-
taken of the good things they will
retire to the Temperance hall where
Several of the ministers will address
the audience. A gond programme
of music has been selectod by the
choir. 1\'e expect to seg the hall
LADIES AND OsNTLIcusN: Having been request•
ed by a largo number of my fellow ratepayers to
allow my self to be nominated for Public School
Trustee for St. George's Ward, 1 acceded to their
request, and respectfully ask your votes to elect
me. if elected i shall do 110 deet to econom•
hadly and efficiently guard your interests In the
Yours, •
Clinton, Jan, 3, 1887.
That was a sudden strange death
of \1'tn. Henry Gill,of lied Bay,
\Torth. Bruce formerly ol',,; ,teph
which- occurred at the residence of
his brother-in-law, Mr. Wm._ Balk
will, Exeter, ou Monday of last
week. Air'. Gill and -wife had comtr
to Exeter to spend the festive 'Season,
and repaired to the residouce of W.
Balkwill, where he arrived appar-
ently in good health. Early on
Saturday evening he cause from a
room staggering, and Mr. B. think-
ing he Was "playing.. off,". caught
him and stood him sleet. . It was
no delusion ; ho became ttncon-
scions and never spoke after, dying
as above stated. Ills had attained
the age of 51 years.
—The recent retreats and missions
in the Catholic Churches of Quebec
have had "tsilisatrious effect on idle
Kuights of Labor. A number of
them have resigned in order Lo be
allowed to participate in the sacra-
•-•-In a lengthy editorial Le Journ-
al de Trois Ilirieres holds that the
i+rosent national movement is an in-
dication of a spirit Of insubordina,
tion and revolt, which, being fostered
among the people, may burst out at
any given moment and bo attended
with the most deplorable conso-
BELL—THOM1'SON.—By the Rev. J. E.
Howell, at the Methodist parsonage,
.Seaforth, on Dec. 29th, Dlr. iohu Bell,
of Salient, to Miss Isabella Thompson,
at the town of Goderich. • '
GLAZIER—COLE.—At the residence of
the bride's brother, by the Rev J. E.
Nowell, of Seaforth, Dlias S. Cole, to
Mr.. Adam Ginkier, both of Hullett.
HOWARD.—In Blyth on theist of Jan,,
the wile of R. Ilitwcrd of a daughter.
SLOAN•—in Rlyth, last week, at his
talk t', resi•le,c•+, D+.. Andrew M:eCaa
Sloan, of Listowott, in his 27 year:
(Corsented every Tues.iay afternoon.)
Flour:.,. 84 (0 to 4 30
Fall \rglaeat, new & old 0 75 to 0 79
Spring'\Yheat 0 75 to 0 79
Barley .. 0 40 to 0 5(1
Oats ..0.8 to02')
]'ens 0.50to05')
A•pples,(wintera: per bbl, 1 00 to 1 50
Potatoes ... 9 45 to (► 50
Butter .. 0 14 to 0 15
.., 0 1510 0 17
Ilay 8 00 to 9 00
Pork 550 to5'10
Cordwood 3 (NI to 4 00
Beef 0 (10 to 0 00
WtulL...... 0 I7, to
Ell gth WOO. ...._
mite ANHL'AT. MEETING of the rem' ors of
the Townshlpof Mullett ASII intoe,,, society
will be hold at Kennedy's hotel, on Thursday ,13t1,
inst., at I o'clock p. tn, for the election td (0111
cors for the ensuing year. There will also be
presented n statement of receipts and disburse-
ments of the Society for the pact' ear.
Secretary, President,
The annual meeting of the 1fcEillon 31 tial
Fire Insurance Company will he held in the town
hall, Scaforth, on Friday, the 21st, day of Jan,.
ary, 1887. at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. for
the purpose of ret•ei,•tng the annual statement of
the company, electing. directors and otht r busi-
President, secretary.
Tender for the worbty t f Con,.fruction.
cEALKD TENDERS, addressed. to the under
tJ signed and endorsed "Tenders for Cape Bre.
ton Railway," will be received at this office' up
to noon on Wednesday the 12th tiny of January,
1887, for certain works or construction,
plans and.'proftes will he opeai for inspection
at the office of the Chief Engineer and General
Matunter of Government Railways at Ottawa,
and also at the Oalve of the U.pe Breton Railway
tat Port Ilawkeshury, C. R., on and after the 270
day of December, ISsll, when the eenaral specifi-
cations and form of tender may be ubtained upon
Nu tender will he entertained unless, on one of
the printed forms and all the conditions are
complied with.
By order,
Dept. of Railways and Canals,
Ottawa, 1501 Dec., 1880. 4233
AME into the enclosure of the enbscriber lo
41, Reynold-c"nees.ion, Goderich township
on or about the 1st 'November, 1888,,0,0 heifm
rislig two years old mostly red, partly of a roan
color. The owner will please prove prepert)
pay expenses and take the animal away.
423 3t ]WILLIAM L. REED.
Farm, :-: Town,
THE Exne TOt S AND TRUSTEE* st 1110
Estate of the late Josseu HERR offer for sale
the following valuable property. namely ;
Building Lots numbers 420 and 421, in tht
Town of Goderich, quarter of an acre each, fairly
kneed and very desirable for building purposes.
• Half acro Lot fronting Mill Road, Township of
Goderich, toeing part of lot 3 in the Maitland
Concession of the said Township. Nice ,frume
cottage and frame stable.
Lot number 3, south sine of Millar street, Ben•
miller, quarter of en acro. Small frame du ell.
Building Lots numbers 803 and 804, In the
Town of Clinton, quarter of an acre each, beau
Molly situated on south side of Huron street;
fairly fenced.
Tho East Half of Lot 22, con. 14, West 1Vnwan
osh; good land, AO acres cleared and fenced, re
minder timbered; about 4 miles froteLucknoa
and 0 from WBrgliam; good roatb,
For Chahar pxortliulues apply to
410 11 Barrister,. Goderich.
COX ck 00
Members Toronto Stook Exchange
Private'wiret3 to TORONTO, MONTREAL,
IONS lOLL,,bmight and sold
for cash or margin.
CJi AXN•fiO5t' O3i~'3E']fC3E ,
Corner Rattonbuty and Albert.Str.
Jas. Thompson,, Mgr.
CUYton, Jul; 14,188%.
"A Happy New Year To Alt."
\Vith Christmas Goods lie
is well supplied, direct
frolu• Eastern cliines.
IIe sells them at the low-
est price and just to
suit the times.
In Crockery, China and
Glassware, he would
say to one and all
For patterns rate and best
of ware, just go to
China Mull.
In making his bow, would beg to say thn.t
while thanking his oil customers and the
public geuei:dry for the liberal patronage.'
so generously extended to hull in the past,.,
hopes by strict attention to business and
furnishing the ItEST f.i0OI)S at the
LOWEST PRICE:;, to merit a renewal of
their confidence au l support. Ile otlerrt
extra value •iii
New : Season's : Teas,
ranging in price from 25c.. to 75c. por lb..
RAISINS—illack Basket, London Layers.
Valt.ncia Layers, Seedless, etc.; also NEW
CURRANTS, Figs, Layer Dates, Almond,
Filbert and )t'ullii its --all fresh from tbo-
place of growth. 1' I\NAN Il Alms r., LEM-
ONS, OnANc:Es, Si'ici•:s, 1?x•rll.' is anti•
EssExels of :ill kinds. CANNED 111E.1•rs•
and FISH. Fut•t•i:s—'poyr.l•I'u, CORN, anti,
SuCCA•rosu, all at Bottom Prices.,
Also, a large stock of
Crockery, China and Glassware,
!ought iu the. best markets and -nn the
•must•-tavc mbiteterms:-, alptro tallI'i`'OM •.'
ill Telt, thinner :slid Toilet Sets.
C;dl and view our Display, •
tar All kinds of F:uiir PRODUCE taken in:
exchange for Coot's.
N. RIOBSON, "China , ,11 " Albort-St, Clinton,
Big Purchase of the Latest St los of
Ladis' SEL
At 50c. on the Dollar !
The most wonderful value offered in this section. We venture the asser
tion that they are by far the Cheapest hats in the County of Huron..
Call early and secure a Laigain before they ate all sold.
The Dress and Mantle -Making. Booming,
L A1antles Cut Free of Charge.
J. 0. DETLOR.& CO's
For The Next. 30 Days:
14Te•1ti11 sell any article in our inunense steel( of rROa,gERY AND GLASS-
$1,5) 00)Cliinn Tee Sets, 44 pieces, for r q13 50 Cash -
8 00 China Tea Sets, 4.4 pieces, fur.. 7 20 Cash.
6 00 China Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for.. 5 40 Casli'
15 00 Deoosatetif•Dinuer Sets, 119 pieces, for ' 13 50 Cash.
11 00 Decorated ]dinner Sets, 104 pieces, for 9 90 ('ash,
8 00 Decorated. Combination Sets, 85 pieces, for ' 7 20 Cash
6 00 Decorated Stone Tea.Sete, 44 pieces, for 5' 411 Cash,
3 50 Decorated Ivtoi:, Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for.,..„ ...... 3 15 Cash
2 25 Stone Tea Sets, 44, pieces, for - 2 03 Gus•ii,
5 00 D'ecorateil Chandler. Sets, 10 Iicces, for.,.,. • 4 50 €•sail.
4 00 Decorated Chambee Sets, 10 •pieces, for 3' 60 Cash
2 50 Stone Chamber Sets, J' pieces, for 2 25 Casltl
Tune Hanging Lamp for $1'.50: Remember, this sale lasts just 30 days.
In Oreserie* etw stook was hover more oonipWte. All our Now Ikrisies, Currnnott•
Peels, WMhnte, Almonds, Filberts. Genfeutih;ra,ry, etc., are ill and will be sold WI
cheep as tire-o4ienpsst• Call in and see *hilt wn ore 'giving away.' with COOltl+1R ;S,
BAKING POWIDiyg Rvit4LiON,ttissIfLA•VORT•Ntt E:S•I'RAum. '1'u every perchnser at
our store on Doitenihor 24th we will give a Dccornted Clip and Saucer. We want any.
quantity of Good Butter, Eggs, i'oultry, Pobitnes and \Vund,.in exchange for floods..
Give its a roll. It will pay you. ,
LT.HO$I COOPER ON,, Tim, ked 'n • (Imam