HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-01-05, Page 5■ Causes the Stomach and Bowels. to De" come disordered, and the whole .system to suffer from, debility. In all such eases Ayer's Pills give prompt relief. Atter much suffering front Livor and Stomach troubles, I have finally 'been eared by Salting Ayer's Cathartic Pills. I always find thein prompt and thorough in their action, and ,their occasional lee keeps me in a perfectly healthy condi- tion. —Ralph \Y euman, Annapolis, Md. Twenty-five years ago I suffered froth a torpid' liver, which was restored to healthy action by taking Ayer's Pills.. Since that time I have never been with- out theist. They regulate the buta•ela, assist digestion, and increase the t°t tI appe- tite,more surely than anyother ein. - — Paul Churchill, ilaverhill, Masa. INVIGORATED. I know of no.remedy equal to Ayer's Pills for Stomach and Liver disorder:,. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, anti Dys- pepsia,. for eighteen months. My skin was yellow, and toy tongue coated. I had no appetite, suffered frond Head- ache, was pale and emaciated. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored me to perfect health.— Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio. Ayer's Pills aro a superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig- orate the digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove the horrible de- pression and despondency resulting from, Liver Complaint. I have use these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire sutiafac- tion. — Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, \'r is. Ayer's Pills, l.'ropared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k. Co., i.mvell, cine. Aoki by all Druggists and Dealers 1n 1Ludieiiu,. ..4-lexanler Jiurphy, an old res;- tl'init of S'.pnth Jliddlesex, Ilroppe.! dead un his own dour:1t4p 011 ii:ltu•1• d sy forenoon, and was found 1,} Taylor o(" 1'ilsoubnru, whu Leen helping Thomas Murphy ••„.i d trho 11x1 decea14d was to have &h- ell a1liece on t;1way t:u'1'ilsoribur,' 1; i(en Jar. Taylor found him h' '.3 1•, lying on Ill's stoop of Itis hods with his pipe Bloats grasp,•11 in hi fraud and 3 WIltor pail sf•'nding Le• sid44 hint. '1'h4' (10001:geO lived ;31011• nd was about 6.7 Years old. Ayer's Cherie Pectoral is recant mended by physicians of greet 1,ni nenoe, on both sides of the Atlantic, as the •n101t reliable remedy 1.01 cohjs, Boughs, n nil all plun1nnnt elisnrders. It affords prompt relies. \o•'faulilyshould be without It. —A very serious accident h.lpnr•n. e(1 on 'Tuesday of Bast week to "MIN .1 tui; Smart, daughter of Mr. .Iu133 ,SIILII't, ti014tinast"1', at Plat•lsvillt' Sim was entering the store by th, 'back djuor, when at the s+31,10 time 1, ~ ffir"r irrermi--'l1., "tit ' r i rt--ri'trort- ' (' llsini n draft which foreilly close(' ••t)le back (lour causing her to fall i•,a.kw'ards down two or three steps', hi caking two of her rile,, au( ut etwisc severely injuring her. t, W oasis ,often destroy children but 17'ree ln314'5 \Vbre.) Powders destroy 1\•ornls,Mand exliel"them from the '.,stem. --Them is n Tory in West, Pictou aged 03 years, blessed with .1 charm ilig \die. 340,1 S(•t•i'n SU•114.' 110 1• lent High and linoly built 11 is wife weighs about DK) ,ko'leds 11is soils are aloin their f;;lhtll'3 Six of 11101,1 with tli it ftit1.01 vote at the 141(1114) 0Ilii()! 411314', 3rhill' the seventh 114 counting the drays til; 11'1 0.111 111;)(0 the (i lrh vote in 111. 1,tnlll family; all. slake the ol(1 home - ht ad 'their. home. 11IS LAST RES( )l;'1'. tfr. iiicharil lb,o e, of Harley, tint %3'i1s afflict ell for four y,'ars with dys. 1'1.-I,.sftl. '1'wo• experienced doctors treated. him (letu'rt,g disr.ou'aged, he tried Burdock 13100(1 Bitters. Ste 4':ltrs that two bottles carred hln1. hie i:: )3'(?13' doing heavy worst and as ,well its ever. A:t'x)ad,'r Kay, a re5ida'ut ofd 111 talo, who hos h:'ell 51(k' since. :\ It east, lief en. `,n0dttj morning lit the lig"! Ot'- -1•I• '; t'tliS. Mr. tiny t'it18 a member of the (;anadilul 11111111• '01 Pii3(1110314, and 10f't'111441 tithing his illu'•s4 ti.i wut.'i:ly. and 'a.as ;a•.it'ndrd lightly by the 11112111_ l,,:r1 ut' the (JOIIrt Wllcu 1.1(j0ired. 11 i8 widow gets w30 for funeral ex - J 11,1(8 and 3 1,01)i) in1il10 of a month 1i 1m the lime of her husb:ull'n 'leat.l1., . '1'O t)U11 1f you sutler from headache, diz zi ness, hack a she, til 10Uatleh54' n,. 1114'41. Ors of the blood, try 13urdock 11IO011 litters. it is tt guaranteed cure lot alt irregularities of blood, liver and kidneys. Th 'AIMS 131uur4, tutuierly a r4,sideut of JLclii11011, was killed 'mar Gaylord, 'Michigan, oft 'Thula (1 iy of least week, while working in 1•I1e lumber 'vowls. 1114 was struck by a falling tree. Jar. thione was, plat. of age 13011 had resided in Saginaw fur about.lifieetl years, and tl Softly worked in the'ttootis 10 1110 winter. Tho remains were brought 110411 Saginaw to 5'afot'tIt on 5a1111' - day anti were interred iu the emu, - icry at Irish,townr -•-13en Sault's hotel, at 111uevalo, had a tarn t es'a,e from burnin tecuntly, it caught tiro itu 111e coil- ing, but happily was discovered awl put out bei'otle much damage was dune. A C'uvixct l;rrt.—Ghillrell are often fretful anti' 113 when worms aro the 0)3(450. Lr. Low's Worm Syrup ealely expels all Worms. •=-•-1'st'V. Father Ile:its:tug, 41II•ll 111 the 11011,4, ul' l'fuvitlrllul+, at Turuu- to,.0,11 'Tuesday Light 111(01'11 paiul'ttl illness. The primary caudle of this death was injuries received in a 0 ieu 0 re l nett 3 li culhncu h kt ,tu New toile and Bullet° lhst \'0(11, -r A &1.\'l Ill: 'ficl.l "I tried ell 1,)ie doctors in this local ity for liver and kidney troubles (which 1 fia,1 for soars with no Ilene ht Four bottles of lurtluo,. Iiluo(i Bitters cured tno,'tslys Lemuel Allan, Lisle, Out. nty C'uu,t iglu ;1Toyer, o! Spark, handed in his res3 11131 uu to tho 1?lin Curl-nty Judge and aril leave in a few dies fur ('al130111i. with his family, lowing 11111.03 hei to a wilt+y:uti and I(1'u1 velnetl u: 4,20,000 or $311,000 through the 'loath of his btutht+r-in.11tw, .,St'. \\" liupul31111 To Rrarnvr D,' t'DI 1:r•'I(.—Cletrnse tit,• scalp with 1l'rof. Low's .\la„ie Sulphur ';map A delightful medicated soap I01' elle tonal. --,T,llnesO'1103le, a juialtcr 1(111131 it Pull's factory. lln't with it s„riute• Icci(l'•t:t tit tlttolph. In upt'nttiug 1lie male! ion, II e kLives struck 33 knot ul'f linc'.r•1l'th{e{ ni„ce of hoard out d his ham .',_ 4i.3141 114 the t,!titnl,” u save himself, O'Puylo iu:advert (01'.y allowed one of his hands ti yet into contact with 1110 l:uives. ('hint i111t•ultly cut ell' the greats. 'untie11 ui allthe lingers. f' f i -Fi."L. __— 1 J. 1'. Faithful, of Stroud, Ont.,.says he suite -red • from quinsl flan Set r'ral eau'., until cured by Llagyard's lel low U11, white medicine 1s a specific !'or all painl111 complaints,, ^A6 :\ttnnplh Dec. :il, a p:tlt,y e'1 walla;, men lulled at aIle house ui lol111 Proctor and asked to net ('I OCtur's sun, aged 2:1 years. NV het th4) sun appeared. the welt Stab1'rlit• I'wo of Ike 3sal,Si11S were arrested. ri141 Motive fur the crime • is un- known. Al IVO -;1.0 Hn1u11 1l re you dist ell) JIl at night t ,I nr,,it u 113 pea Ll' i,k�l01,1•nI 1,1,;.; 10 'I}m„ with Pant at' Getting 1)1 3 13 ",.,011,1 143 „u'(' n111, got 31 11,1133' of Mrs )'i 111• bons ti,',) �yrut(" L,1. 3'I:ilai,'tl Trv;fJt, 3 1,k1 tv iu,Sl'aillilo It Will 1ui1''1' 1111) 104, 111 ti.' Pis tl'•lu 1111 (11111., I1 ,,. 1)331 1.1N u,I if, uh,tbt'I.+. 1111.1, 1:1 nu 111.1 Il t. 1 tut! 1 I't dates I (41 111iori l.s 11 ,1',0, ;I1 ill11,Llel1 11,1,3 11,11,!•:, 111,1 ti• Will $.11.1.•11$ 1 101 11 11.:nu>.-Ir, ail•- Iuihul;ul, ri"u, an I give 1',:lc n101 w11a:1 („ li:, 'V)l l''', 1;n1. '1l,• \ Ile• „1('n Sees/1.141r -iylul," for rlii1,11Im t„ 1111: i4 ;,:rs,.tui• 1,41'31u' tqd'• 11111 i• slit pl .•, Ililt'', It 114 ,13 of tile• 0011.41 Istel I, l lisp ll' 1111 n'1. 1:111 01,1 u111,•,•x ut Ii,c. 1 1 0443 14340,,, 331141 i. fur •a31 311• ell 4111 .:'1.,14 flu n ut. tL r,.t't 1, PI lee ta•'.i,i.,-11'4. u,•t.l. 1 101110.' L'v hero '(ml 14k l'or 1\ 11: ;•u'1v', so::Hi1)4 5'i, 'e,' and. 133.e he uL10.l kind. ' ;1itl•v ;o:•p; a ,,.”:H.,1..^, i 7f r 1�t Ill' .P 701. tc'''' , is L -t bl • Will. Ci3itiI OR RELIEVE B11101/,';11,7.513, - C`f:'z1.\'rso`"�.-- . _ ,)Y.,f';.t.;!YA, DEQPSY, 1r'Dh0cCT10;1,. FLUTTERIV'? J.6JWD'1')E. OF THE N '1,i , IYYSIPFLA7, ACIDITY OF ^:'nLt ill,7l.7.1, THE STQrf, ie, 1.+.'AR7'/JJF'!, DRYNESSi..R. IT).7Chfc, (F THE .SY,!'J, And eleryaporl'•n os•l':naEM prlstog 'frena 41;.1, .kr e.1 I u, (, K ,'•+1.1(8, STGK.,a., y �y'� p DOWELS OR MOOD, T. ii ll„T'ttrni A.. fVO1 Prcprir+ora, • P t::.N.Yyl C ';,1,�FLit. 4.f'.fiiiC'A '. n Pro -pi P,iti,,ts of n 1,113 Ai,11in Ulla � ••} hur 11 11 :( 111t lou: t.l. r1l n (in to tre,tte, (wool, d'.(( to 1K nsul in l 111111 with prirfii.it an„ 4 a 1+1 ' I t 01 or 11,0(40 iadi.:1, I wa•unt, 90". , cfh• tool. Lmli,:•, m,ll cm,' ter Ih'an, (43)til'.333,34 nLd st Ila en vol ,It, te, nl• iu,lreeInst. Ivo rt i, in r. Sola by et,ed 1 1 (11.111(333 1.11. p"' hnx All'b'e11x 't',I1 I. 1'li 4344 ('P I• •rent, ('l1., t?:4'r•(,g1.. \lll•:1, 10"d In Clinton by .1. 11. Unmet! nttd druggists grnurnlly. net, -}• The Groat English Prescription. \ 4new'atnl Jlu Ileo t nau4 'y, Dior , ,* Qt7 , ?uu ie 111 i 11( i14 of t''13'.s. ,J , 'r II n{• iiie., 1;„,b,,,r,iii.., hay"0,,''.� mud . I dl e.,sur• (”1,154,•11 111 ehnse, I 1 'I•,,1 hell,' •1•tl. n, „I 41 c1' eicerti,ll. 1 A1'I1.1.1 Nix 3011)138 Coo ra,3 rrl 1„ rare ,,h.•n all 0l,334 i1 a a t,1;,n,u'ilrn,glntfor 'Me (hentN:ngs 1 0,514 1'11,:sc1131l1,,, , t,d.o no raltaui't,te,. One :whist. PI. Six 0:,, h, molt. write for ramph• 27ATt0XAL PI Mat ere the favorite, itreat31,3, 0131, ss11. liinrckn Chemical Car., De. vivo', lye and an i-''ilinns n.ellfciu(' 1 freenld in Cllntor. h1 1. ff., Coipbo and all tt1;P, tire mild ail; t,purtugh., dru;.eits., �I4 Por "worn-out," "run-down." debilitated school to u4ietn, milliners, seat'Astresscr, Louse. Iteepors, agtl t,ver-,;rutt'ted w' mon 6(:nur•u:y Dr. 'tierce's 1'avortte 1:'reSoUption is tae best of ell restorative tot:lt:s. Itis not, a" Cure -ail," tint admirably iu1fil1s a singleness of purpose, t :11g a most potent Speciale for au those t)ltrunfo WeaKn0sses and Disseses peoulit•r to women. It is a rawo-f,:1, 61• u rel tie well at ut ovine. to: 1,4.1 r,:el nricvinn, and ininarts v'p'o oral stow -wit toruowt:o1oayit.'n1, 13ln-rn'T. s• e•ti1'.^n VJ4, t':l' aka 01 1:tculaeu, (14 liffi,stlou. uuo;,t, ,; g9w'.:.b, ...r, t:_:weals prost•.atian, 11 '001y ., r nn„ :tnut,...:em'`., s.- ti �, t,:1. SOX.. 1 tt /0:11.3 i•rc;- "1'1 3:ti63 i•3itoftt by(14:4, i/as under otr;,nat f' 11 Qlt rtiittce. into Net-toe:4r a)'ci011 3113'., ??'rico 'rl.t)4t', .)p• b13( b,rttlea tor 114./)3. Aharp.;tr" •-e 01,lli-'::Aloe etWer.v,1,tiro• fus.:ly eau r. tt,l'with c•,lnr 1 plat.., earl 1111- ruer' .s wool c ire, Brans f..r ie r eats uI L,I.0 1F: . Acldeco (5o',i.n's 11,..P'pySAItY it.tlo,Ax. ASS(),IATIO, 1.1("1 diai,l /:'toot, 110171313, N. Y. Clitfl , 71110 441,105$'i'?, 11i13 us Ffoe,l :dhe, and Con,. ,:roulptly 0t,re l by Dr. llamas .o's 0 '.1 114 ::60,,4 tali. d:Y dta attilg.s. ra.,r;a.0 r :'Z res ,>aa 112,»1• vs a.m. ADVERTISERS can learn the exactcost St of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & C 0., Newop.:no1' Advertising 1lureau, 10 Spruce St„ New York. Serra lOcta. for 10{x•pai5o Parrphletc. 4 ,,1r& , Kii.f m y.. i •.-...,.. a _5.•TI-,r7•-•,mac ►fit; �: W ST 0 C ' ! Nay,/ ' T ' o : • p1 p a",•.s,..emir',p����,�'ti77.1�. cc,,gl CI 5: • m E[�1..t •�."k^:1.N,•p" •,.i• ries int a ,.si 3 C '1.v) C'+•++ C•. • •`l'•sv .1.",1 7 C.:Z" 1. !J B',� ii O h W J. EPTE. GRIDIIE Y, realer in Fur; i ul e. Stoll at (1 1' N. 11' Start' anti `;(v' the ,teelt of 1ddrocn1 and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, 01;eoiTs, Springs, L'11l11341 t, rte., mud 11u•u(1 -l! 'u1ebrL1 l"uruiilur. 11 e tvL' le Ste,/14 is trop: the very sae lane; toms. Mutiny 13i1Ulvs:wl Mouldings 1,1' 4''.''l') I1.'scri311111 3. JDia, fa'3, :iL. t u, 4n71L• (iit)401' V ('St (3'1• Bi'i('lkR(11t'S ria OO)ii S3$Oe'P, d►'..:a . IMP A %ixe 11% rLh Ft1AH c _ I,�i l.datr t a. In ewrainr th..nl•s to my many frieur a and patrons for first Nitron,lee, 1 would like to Bell their special late idea to sly very complete at,.ek of 011 7.11 COMBS, ET,O. Speeisl attention is directed to my stock of arm q eFGE�' t ryrrg'• fi .i' Pf •'<c �,. :1. ”: c = ■ ■ ■ ■.��' �J.a, .a ■ ■ A. # ■ y'-tt : ..s ti ■ a It will be to Ind very cow' low and for durability end fit igh c'n11't be ese'•llyd by 301)' one. As(emtdey nonetin 1 the heat wtrkrn"a, told us« tto les, (rnlc;il,3 10 be bought in the market, all who may favor mo at ill: flu it l atrenage If•,y I'ea ceolidettt of getting sattafactien. _ a . SPRIQ 1° A &Y D V Tit• • Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low.. oQ -F»MTaaas..........r.:w-T^.ra�l.rz .•�,_,..aM,:..sa d .tu„,te. Heavy Timbered, excepting 10 acres, Well \Cuteled. On 1kty Gel41 C I 'e•rivn. di' tl�`�-:.'.�� a="'tia, Willi 1lutnf.r (ta'l'e of l,rnnu'I, Nb H.11tfellt,rr •treat, Clinton. 1'•11.111,,4 Stool, 330411//4 ltvoul, liitohtu and Pantry, 2 halls, ft 3;oirovl 1s 1111111 untl S•.il \l'ut'e ii: lil.cLtl,, Good 'blame Ccllut. i61 U.41 rzei; tt3,3 13, �rp,jl.� (1 61/ ,'� 9 Q .•) 7( LIP r. P i ,ISI ,fQ�1 F"'"YUF L' i 10F W JP.lI `)� QUARTER AC1R1? LOT. .21.12e, Splendid HL 1 1",- Lc:,—e .214_1'"..L., -Y” TO iriaA 711 '' 0' 13 et lir r''"';'• , T - (s,d• limn and i Zil'(!w'nrt' IRca-t'131111t, September '_'Oils, 1SSG. %..4 % n. }1 AVE A F3'LT,.11ND FlIEst1 S'1'OC'n Ul•"' (,. a ". -,. s. .,7 :: 1' ; y Pit.. La., ,.. P. Ra G • fi e e r: c v, L. F c c k':i rt' & C is s ari a r e, 4110d1ally for tate C1.ribtnuts '1'rnd14. '3'erinl in(lva(mente w1+eu quantittes are ordered. `.'..••^7,,.Fra•r, li-k�r�..(�t e, n etei r t I,�j i�q•a,-.e43t ,e ,,,,:a i. 1...t ''S FnS m � 6�. LeR..•!+ � trK.Li Ln 4 at i!-;i.3.i r�5..g'J.•�.: �U �L•.5.1r'l'� it �i 1•:1 .13, 1...'14V :. R. i.t 1', a , - 1 , .. ,x131 La �j'cC 3a t.:....: a. --.,t, i,..:.Jr1:u.11r.C. .1" t .w +e 0 T77-1-;71., r• . •t 14;�•`': 3.4r; xa1.1 11 R L.;J 1 4 S 1% 0, &c. • ITighest ivurltet 1'('i' S p'.it1. Bring them along. {er\ NIP �1"�'tg C,vL01 1S tea 4:.g3 353(3' 14 vI f.!,•;;;!- ,, ,1 1 1 pr s t.x„I ' z t' r,”, „IF, v u : e, �. 4 al wA ',. • t ,, ,, ,( 11 r ' I ,i. ,r;,u );,A ` ...1...e [, ▪ ail I. e, u' ,t �, +�,sc;<Wt 2a i ����,;�;tt7▪ 7'- ti Kir "i:('111,tL. NOTICES. _'pj.,1.1 yr'Aq e1. F6� C' 1 laid 11,5.13 (A101r) the 39'13'0 9 81,14 L. ti. tar a Nbnpia ''141411.4 •,4 ( 1;.11,11 PIM. aft P. nl 141331.3•5 TAN. FMK, 1Id1}e4, 011 Lal tied ISL' r. Ii0'4 111. 1111,.111111 soft, clot 1 1(34(3 l,olllltl• fol; also Instructions for proquchu '1 hit:o lent 141.•+3 311 of only nn a hold head or inn+„311 11 1.1.0. ldre,s, hlrlod11:g Ile tit.unp. 1113N \ AN:533,3' & co.,. (10 Ann $t1'oet, N. 1'. Sfr3y riAANTIOOD Restored. A gentleman linllnq Innocently con• tractor' the habit of 1401(4 bow: In 1111 ? mem, and in uon..rryrcuve s'.fy..ro0 1311 tho 'Mirrors of ncsnal 4ora re'It1, Lost tbulho'l.i( PI,? 410111 ((35113 lien oral Prostration, ear,. will, mit of sympathy for his fellow ,t.f'rers, mail free the recipe 443 which he was atlal1y cured. Address hr,uon1,duncc. 1 W, 'IN ii if EV, !:;`(11.,r•�tt.,,iy_,r;y„kt,lk... 301 i °k V 111:14 I t- ' :``1.3 • 14 fixtm is, it!! 5s2r ton n°�t” tj { agC1 14 'k il WY L Y.J it • N 6 rte. (4 sfteli A 1.• 1 1i . 5,b • 0.. k a oLAI L Mc( P, SI4^.F-J1T1 . •Pt]A PEES., 1\1 O\\'ELS, SEES) DI:IIOttSi: 111Y1:ES. PLO Wit;, CUTTING BOXES, SIIEI4LEII.S, E'I'U., E'I'1J., And all I1n3leul('nls owns on a:farm us C1oot1 as the Best, Awl as Cheap RS the Ohl%1108t, at • IMPLEMENT \\'Alil:ll'OOd1S, 411,11°i'fiR a. GiW'ft'.illf IG A '. ARGAIN I —zti- USi�f -o- 5r) CE 11 3 Frt ► Pot D. —o—o— The Idettt ever offered in this vicinity for the money. Also. C+eneral, GROCERIES, equally cheap. • FLO17P. AND I+' 'CD always :an hand. T RO.S, STAN BUN, n 4, ALLA IIds been appointed' solo anent for this cslcl>r.(tted Toll. Of itself it is the Hest value in the Market, besides 'conic' jN D.r 9 qct 3-:'p "'1 r i f"`i'''-l"�"rr! • is ai�-en to every purchaser of 3 ibs, an(1 upward. It is put up ilk .half- Jwuud pi t1kc't tat - q OENTS PEBPOL'WD5 507-0'7 Pnrchaaei•n•-'need not Illy 3 -Its at once in order t(3.get a 1'r('14ent. 1(30 different books to choose front:. Try a 25 -cent peeled ui J,i'( nor Teti. f4'tJ" joie agent for FLEISIIMANN'S ' L',1ST, the best in the world, air ohn�sisRa.iS La0.t'� tti'Y o ( Tlie.tin(ibriigned has -just 14131 n((1 a new Drug Store, -11 ,T 1('•KSON'S \F\\'-13LOIK, on 111 ito S'1'lt1'1Gf, two dueOM N,1t or C'ily -•"y il„.k Shite, litre will be Yount .n eeltiplele a 1'nl Ioti0 id ri-33,7,•d• a*,:,.:,,jIt°•13as ,11111 il'it'tt'ltt34•:4iS, tll!i9 t'altl'lit• Nileiti;'131(A ;Ind.r•• 631•ll;:;;isi,a' StYla(i.tats—all that the public may salt for 01 thorn '• tilos. A WORTH! - Clinton, Atli January, 1314('•. 0. ,.-0I11ee 1,, ti_•o,l from tnyiiit'imni to Of "0 aw„w yai.m •.v,rgm_s:. ......,.-rexn_.u..Y...za,_+mu.........naxrwe+ • "' 'r✓' • n 0 Merchants, Business Men, a And•evcrybody in need of anything in the printing line, will, find it to their advantage to call on or address the • dam, AT • 1 CS 1.S ---O-O-- c. Litilograph' and Letter -Press deb Printing 1 SALT: DILLS, I°I.S, I'OSTEIR S, LODGERS; I4'LY SIIEETS, \k • INVITATIONS, PI1OGIi:A11MES,' SWIPING TAGS, I:NV1NLORES, coo. BILL IIEADS, INVOICES, Non: HEADS, ' CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, CAti1)S, STATE1IENTS,,. GENERAL PRINTL'::' ... ,*': �• Wt