HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-01-05, Page 3�7` 47ottlaigis From Lite' It Saved Fuel. AVywaky. ABroolct)uA-oiwiislgeepin,,J)i &book Fit I tit . of thing. g My bealth [,lot run down, 1 failed in trade i she Oug.14L to PuPcIlWa. k,Ut anti I thought I lisioull go to farming. I lt.4111301; Word, to virear, k%is calls ithl-I book butio"Ilt line' a fliere Of land In Aroostook, liar QU4 llul-t lny.elf a eat in and set to work clear. big It 'I his w -is torty years ago. It was A Salvation Army sq.tadron at Lurisdag, in The fsk;I. I didn', have linits to build advert sel a "funr days' spjci%I ll 'Much of ak house, so I justclaliv,ed shingles on the devil.'We hit" not Yell Itiwitsitarling-coldforus- litsicnied who came out abluall. lony %N, fe and tile. Wel di,ln't sl op very coalttile n.ghts. A friend tool to to gel " A soap p)atiter came near b,,fl;.- mobl)(41 an an -tight stove, put . it big chuck of wood in Cliki-v, 0110 otizer daily. Chicagoans will lot when we wen to 64, and the coals would Errand almost anything but a personal insult, keep III, of ht and mtu.lkt the pa ,.it Those roaud sheat iron airtight stoves Lind just She hope you are not a reckless driw-rit I conio into fashion itiou. Igo_ ma tine and He (ash!n:-:v -Xo, al:hoin- Ill I was cousid- set lierup. Ashor'.61110befuraltuinalin, - ) I piti. in a heavy clum ; of badch wand that Bred quire ivek e-4 when )'eau n I'd 64we I rigLt off a 1. g. %%'a tura o ill kihe (italvelyi-Oh. I am so glad I did not early and bogau to talk over our prospects you t4till, in our new life. I held dliAlis hai�l in mine, I Wliat a grand tbKjIg flint air -t tight stove And eWloir g zel upeu its is for us, Mary Eliell", Says I. Nor dre-ina td it would insAr, a line "Yes." s.,kvs site. "but ain't it getting a Of this br,ef, siml1e, •ouinet, litt*e too warm for conifor'PI And then I dropp -oi it like a. hot, I told Lar I d clu'r, know tin, it vvisti, and ro And lilade nu vain oixe-Ise-& I itirm-d down one quilt. befove wok got to For who could 110:1e, to win a pot. . seep m u ILA :o turn down another quilt, 16 Upon a pax of donce,il was a cold Idglit, but that Ilow air -tight scented o beat up Iremendous:y. Old Mr. Beatly-1 see a breal-flast Ila; been "I ucv,:r saw buuh U 11'atar, Jerry." says -elvoin to an a,tor in New York. and Lau, Hairy L'Iett, jil:jpersays,thek guests were all seated at 1 did I," says L o'clock. . In the night, I Nivoilou up and it wassowarm, OU Mrs. B itl!ly-One o!clo--kl I b1leve that I turiwd do ,n another quilt and left i -i gettaill Lip earl v.: ul I would -1't gat out 0 . , i Lill 6ing but a sheet over us. Well, in the tel at I o',-Iol-k to eat ilia a,tst Lnw.klast 1 morning I got nil Lull vent to the stove to evir cooked. -Li o. litil' Up 1114 trials Jll.l pub Onso nil More %,,,old. %0, thereV641sn't a Tito Sex of the Locomotive. spark in tile swytj '1 batt lif- k cooll. c.,unk "Why," lask,ld ilia Lit la.,eligoe, Uwlsf *'ain't even ch-irrvd. 'Phare h-tilult b)ea an bulgiucer ai ways C.111 his wlgfino `.,ho!"' I Enough fire in I hat s(ovo, all night, tA) Lava Thore wag it womont; of elubarriq%inj I offujyjilipawith. Ilia 1: 0 cect 1 I a ,, was ton zA ince, when the man un the ,vuud " hat r ` Lt. d oggy to %%Lirlu us up, but that new air. omethin; atom "Lei- hisiAllliv, -1v it,!' tight Vova aur] cut- iniagiuLki:oill did the 6 h jvail folluuetl by a iSOIJOW groan ail ILIolIX I 1.011-i-Iloss, i-ts, as well. -[Old 8ot.lor in Le%%is-- the ;I to. lt.,n Jour.ial. "B.,cauqo," ventured the fail, thin 1) i,son- fg,r, - "tbe more yoA throttle tier Ilia 'fas,ar 11reakinrig to a Successor. She go7S." A slory they tell'aboint, AwIrow Jeck. 0p, Bu th:lit was Ln- ra I on,. under the rulcui• veteran trailwav mail chark, comes in well Ili; The tnnu with tile s.iupI­, cise [his tillie, when thoy ari making so niwly ''because slip nm; the mail," Lu, evirybotly I elillu-'ns.; in 1110 Inisti.1 service. Jack is the said "Ali, tin' ot.!' so th-It Ila o.41eit roljj,,j,ny n)a,l plork ill 31nifile, Lu I there apologiz A. ThO CI -08. pa s:!itT said "Ile- i Lrlev". if IIILy On tile cars anywhere Muse tho:'d Wilk' so uVwIll Wit- an I Lfti- I 9-s o (I as lie; ye I -a i active, eflicient, and about her," and he was flu -d vig,irs for; the as sharp ai n letter of rewovill from VLIag. crowd on file strut. the bnql.f if ras4 mg r Yeti ngo another ft,,11lom:uprevded in get - said maybe L, m -a; 1we :uso Ole I P11,0A 4113' 1 119 11111-8-Af "prkofilted to fill. Jvvk's p.aco rmoker," and he %%a; Ili sod (it, the qtrigo. Of C -Cilli -so je k cousel.lvil to inakilk line or Anil louder hall +Iv,v sun;, lint :it, vv0"'In two tril,�s w,th 11 ill to bhow him tit,) ropaq. who talk, b-ts4 e'oip!l the Infi,,o by vroakiii *: It hal paned that ou th,• f'.i ,t tj-lp they made "Becigule wo (ou'Lln't get aiong vvAho-at hat-." togother tht-I'Ll Was vii nevident, and the car -Delco It Po9t.Lill-own from tl!e truck. JucJockctul-lit. firmly hold of h 11 is tn::hy %%Il, Ili, 1011, 11:0 first vi Where Out, tort, iiave .No Jarlstiel:1r nn. J1Jf1, IiMl Mile outrif 1 Ito ace dent unsol.theil Sb- hail qzriri�c:etl with him, and lie I it t and Lim the lonst d.gvon.-er:oLl. 14 be uovice, tier aid tuarried 8!*uieholy ase aftcir the wns flung in a licap, into one corner and engagerneut ha -I boen I (-10ing ,011ie vine. I hallo hrili-ed, Ile Was wealthy-, ail([ she vias Illad and .,In- Dries 1`101; sort of thing harpen very dititive. bile, consu!tad a lawyer.ofelle, honsked Duck. ili "Did you teljin to got at 1.! ulsxca the "Olt, Yvio,' Zklifl JeCIL "Anil I forgot to lawyer. ('11 you Lim: v;e all have a I'lace to clili-, to, rwo; io-ilv-toia Lim I never wanted to Wile', it eon ',O-;. , You niiiql, have a holding see him ngni,C1 plaice pur ilos(1117 Fixed to got a Will! grip on "Did you say flint the on-ingement Was at with your an an( , I I" T113 toll Of til. ear Writs much battered by &.No; I c.n'y said that I weals not mar li'lil, -y I .. and the Iii.w mull :slid, I)eloro they fir -d gpnc nnicli f-irtlwr oil th? roire: I Mr. "Hum. Phl lie cvLr promlie yo -.1 should Avila' lia.-i ruade all th.'so scars in the '� "A miMon Vm­. IT o pliAte,l Lt,; f ii -h to I. I hut's no ling," said J�cic. ,It's only line thr-o tin,n4 -1 week; for a Year. Le stole whero my heels have .trucl" I, lien ll% -b bLlen My yotlllI,ff,e ion " I tell yo -1, I "In his tossed into tit,, nit, ,by i.ce.tient.,; such all, we Wife in the ilg:it of heaven. bax-e had tbil i ump". I'm a mill, Iljqq, the co-m-ts NV lieu they fluishvi, th-ir run file now ap- o iurls-fle:iou in that ca.,(01-Sou I)OiWee snit lie gwsyed hit hail eiough of it, lunnxLt ',Inkl "'Outil 9) h3clz to soiling groc r,tii fora livill 1-; Lind Jur!; staved in the railway arlit wash ingt on's First Sklitruiltill. wrvive Own art ever after:.-lkkv%is.uak I uarnal. ElteKlkkgri,IliCunvtdIrun, ,)Iu,1Afej W17);� I,,:- -Q jL P XI' . -. ,­ - r � i:!il I - - I ==� History s'afeti thnt w;fll� Will ,tre, a9 a Y�11101,r will, wil'o; with a -urvv -1, y tilgImi-ty ti.ov w.­llk a"tnt-k-.1 I).-" illr. lig t G olyP Vi'a1 11110 fhA. 10 'VOLrOat, ruill :never i t5 -61OPned rtI:lIIiI1%1 11,11 it "'I Vellvil,(l l,r):n,. 40 mother, oil le iruii,, of ]Ili coNN-ardiec, -is re - Lr' d to have sash: "I ])live ofb,i to'd Smit!.kina-Yes, T)nksj, I nim. fat -d-$troists. '014gG hu Ilf"Ll i))AWI-g) lmclr to work o I Lit,) ing,Y]"tt 11,11t .1have oneconsola;Lm. In fi-mi, fur lie will llolvz-r Lo go -d for anytillug 1114 Ilftt J)y er I shall not be troubled e'sa. 1, wit, this exc-oss. of s II n Toolols 'Vi'antecl, qoxlll,l it, jilli,(I n",jil 1,1 1111). 811"1 11:61i, -Why, You know, corporations The liintllof)4, soya an Eliz i,!i p.;p r, arc liave tiotou:s. iriorrij,laiiiii-ig lzi,tt:•rly nbotit th,, I,(,, )I- ciri.ity of the Ili,);, furnishol 'd them by ili! Rity" of file.. barn mablif'ne tirvirs. I hat thn 11.1a:ors and I `111.1y 19,%rk Nxi'viont Al -FT. vendors of idols should lie horoaghjy j9ern- j Lftoriry Young, Liltly - ble jCni(-kor- ,yju'-ous parson.,; fli.-re anti io Ile doubt' , tioe:zer, IN'batdo you thin", of Wordsworlill and a house fnmistif-m, inferior ido;s, Nlr. cannot Ile expoete-I IN- to I61,1111tain worth -1 do.A holievo I know blan. It.;Grf in Ille, eorlall"Vr,lil 11-rit-A. Tile JFFFrIiN0-11AN SIAIPLICT.CY. honorable spirit of the oid and flinn liar Ire., le "Dim, ' Ealtl the president, eirtr.emly, 1ky'o-I assuraillios: ­jVI wool, and a yarLI vvIdp," ninAt Ire niore earo'llil When selecting wine -and "Warrfin1vtt not .to crit at the eye, or her,eafc-n I "11'1111 11 vville (to you in -atif ravel at the beel." inust IldnertlY erter into 4he idol bo-iness if it, N to le �qlcm�sii � filthy Inquired D tn. "TILA-0 tire ,oven kinds in arrivol on for any lcu,_rth or tinia. Sprin b1ii c4iar.1 "The a re I h. ard E varts e, till hi4iteighbor that tlios cloir,t wasycry Ing Toor job io,s oil tho Iiindii, is will s'll",y ) d. (;at it Fresh, Dan, no matter what it 'bring ruin Upl-11 tile linerph:;n'.4 WN0 :,oats„ In the UJISCI-IlliuIOLIS ell Lei', irisu. -Aliarpurs' AN T'NrMWARDET) 7"IVORT. IV-0QjL;y_, . iy10"eFs (who 11a-4 situ; Pit engi-liv'rig of A Salutary Lesson Pul0r.-oll ,u the -111-0 ellamber, Ili derm e.;vo c6licrino') Nevviij toh­r llo,to-lk trues,) -ll d Yet' notice tile an - "Dr. Schlie7nnn says the wom,n of. pr:,bis- graving a, er the manta!' in your room 1--st toric Gre, co untionhire-Ily Wore (toni-vs 1, lip"rit, Airs Vvilljol, I 'Imli" It moulil "Yes, my dear, an.1 it ought to teach you please you. Alrs. WaIdo-011 yes. W;? 'It a leltion." isitapioLull's "How so, hill'by;" jA your fatilt r. .VVI,Y, every last one of '(,-,in Is elen,11.11 I A FASTITONART.E. CRAZT1, Tiotlaso. lbaln'ttil oug-it "wh-it's them tiiinto matio oil" mq,,:Prl an D-ld lady of an Laliall imago veudor "Illak­ *or of Bircoq, touldruin .. Vera b, -al ,if 11,11 I ve liceni a goo I dual le-lely "boob this J,a,- re --on E ve was 110' . createl befo7e Adam was, the Lord knew if Eo m:id i tile &,zre of Pliri..;,, tin' I alfirks - IV.i at, tile, go. I woman first and tLen tried !o get a matit •:o njoss I'll take thorn twovupidsfoitthesettjnl salt her lie rnfht all -wpll quit and g-? fish. ing.-Werchant Traveler. *,Wha,, a nitirderou--looking villain the Willizi-C to Take S' Band, prisoner Is," woklini,nd ail olli ,qtly III a - oilart "Whitt co yuu in nil by a gonflem-lin's tonin to her hosijand. 1*1 d he aira.d to get 11.1 - OF 11"k. r I sk i, ell a WoAoru cit z ­n who Attar him'. 17 ishimp,iibu fi.gii-irl-laro. "-uydjIfere..t "ght" warned her linsv)and, "that ain't 1, o,;, tho rog'lar I,.lil idle prisoner. Honiultiern lirougitilklypt,; " %Ve tka.14oi vaili obvIlIq word for what "Itriffitt Who isitilih-a.ir we'vp go:,, I'llil talle. Lave to labow down,"jpdge. :-Lxosi-Lugq, "-4 that H if" s.',1 fill,- we,tortler, beginuing in got excited.. 'Cive ilia VX Ikilial.11. of BILL NYE ON HOTEL ETIQUETVa A litandard Nedicul Work FOR YOUNG A MIDDLE-P.GED MIN. 01-into'n Carriage Works Utt Clontrusts the AMAIICHO BZCW York Witkiter %Vitli Lin Woutakilut InOtattlar. ' 0111111Y *f by Midi, Postpuld. HAVE BEEN E te tit liutrz,14 i -t a subjrc. that has Phlidt)-aiNVe SU1111,ole ARW to All. been but 1,ghtly itr--atool upon by tin?- mode rn 12 a pallusophy alrd ye. it is a suojeut that lies �T very neur to every A:uericau, Licai c.. Had I a�' 41V tail j,(.a-iujy succei,s-ti, ly. olleraile, I wojAd TO THH' Nl,,w rl.IE_�IISES ONT TIL11" tionciat and n -4F- LIF i0a ly use my,etroug roomi init' SOL already 111010 r1sWrInd OU h1thd than K-E,;�Ot'xtl, No, trvn han pan in rit-tt, date -ion. R,iquetto N .,.N j-, &�' i LU V11MY t WIN 611UH N HuF UT at lVeli, 1-tAtf on the part of the propriL' 01W Lor 10 Ill Anil, ard his jAr .;I g -i aml the guest, is a watter A Great Medleall Work nit Manhood. TOWARD THE STATIOP4. that c lj­OU ity for illl;)l ovetileut T; e Ill l. t I m a,; er alone could well repay ExhAusted Vitality, Nervous and -Pllytjienj lie. Tile premises have been fitted till anti are large. We al's now Ili a better Ilobition fl,oluxt bilitY, Pronniturs, likkefille iijillnil, %rrurs of yel ever to attend to the 'watils of the public. a 0 0,0 . turfy'. F. -oink the tardy awl poilislied and the untold lailseries resulting (ruin wiliscic- d I04rW* of LIIUK�u. v cast to Ilia off -bin I and, tion or exceRsefi. A book for jvort- Iliftell 1411JOIF, soci4i crura. - u the butillin•, vve-ii, Lill waitogs widdhi-ILACKI told old. It culitaills 12.6 pro.urlp- a W. Haywax-d, Minton., Final de.'el Vi ig 44 paiLsolillical scl.u: my. I tions full- till acute alsil chronic diseases, e.Lch of VVII101 Ig LIM1,11141110. SO 10tuill by thu Alintil itn' All own I.] couLuct wi.11 it wa tur in XOW wholia experienve fur 26 ) ears Is sut1h 118 VrOb2ir", Yo, -k lair, Aimnivi, ik%lioee intuiner, more far nover beitire fell to the lot upt"nj- 11-Ul-0 poli bud Avul my owit. uviivy Clue L pipai, boulid In lientititul Pruncl; jiwNlln, vin saw llillL �tftll lillg th'MV, %VILh his Immediate ett covers, full gilt, jkltikkrikjiteed to be bl�ss- U U 11,.-r HUES URMACE & WAGON MTORY... vv,,,k Ili every sense thea anv other workhold Ili 1) ntiv.ouni; an I swt0low-tail co, it, find the this country for $2.50, or the juillitey will be ro. far -away, clirstenal look of one who bal funded in every histalleo. Price otily $1.0L) by 0 T - =1T r -r C) ]LT - I lll:,40trlktw sailiple f;ee to ulk.� tit 0 Ill Innuilal nwailled the autllk;i I). It till'urtu-If to, lint not crunthed, I left • 'tied ' nrll.11tiv. -0-0 11 'W :1-:11y ttl J)j� WajtoLI upon by liv ,i;. Mount 15lodival As.uclation, to ilia 11 th:It I %%'LIS .,tich a I ti, -bo dol and L .1donit of which, the Ron. 11. A, Bill.'. nod' In Stcok, a Number d Cutters, Sleighs, 'Buggies and Wagoner .if , u wished .hat W. h..d inurj huj4 Luou in assuelate offictirs of the Board the *�:%Aer Is O_ o- ros, ruforreti. The Alatw-ial we nianurauture'it; or the best (Illitlity and tile Iron V -01-L- unsurpassed'.. 'clence of 1. fe Is worth mr,re .) tile I-cokilig lit fact We make it an iiiiiZi talit reat uic or business to Illic plily I lie I est 111-0. to S i and withlged al.ait of this UUN.1'JAV011. lif101k 101 Uble luatelial and 1110 best WOO, ilia lish i p. Those j u TEI ;�Ohl I'lilius of Callfortilli, 1-.I'tija hilvur wislas tit, 0111 11 accts t CUT is of "vn(Itt volub'nod -.S. P and SLEW119, of the latest makes anti styles, should not fail to Tho Svielluo of I Jfp imilits out the reeks and I I call anti see us. ojillekSKION lin wil elk the COOstittititill alio holies lit want fixotilli. Inall have bueo fatally %viecked. -1) ­V'aahekiIjr.lw,• Tile Svcielice Of ;-1,rr,,ifo 1.4 of jorelitill, value thou all ALL WORK WARRANTED. the niefflen) vror"publlisheil lit this vountr% for -0- M- Eepairing and Re-oaintinx Prom- Selvilee. of Ute Is it superb and tinaliterf % ptly Attended to.• ime nil nervois ary ph.isical debility. --•t rent" ret FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON. There Is no inertiber of socletv to whoin The rY , Sdelle fill, whether solith, f I -e Of Life n,ill not Ili' 1110 guardiftil, Instructor wir clurkpillall­ !A rc,s.tl,e Peabody AT-Alval Iniatilute, or Dr. W. IF. Parker, No. 4 Ilt!:11ilich 8truot, flke.tmi, T � � , � who tray he cmis'lliteJ Oil I'll diseases Tit- U f (I livii,g skill nr;il it exlivilvee. VI.rodeund,ri,stin. I I lit U (!ISV'lSQ8th1Vt hAVU LLIHIVII the Skill Of nil Other 1; Ili!tllthomt An IDShLOCO Of failure. AltnAlon TuR U0 ill. T YeS. fillid with the ri-lit leind of anniumitiLill, at "R r-tITAURANT.- lu E F $1 i RA E 3 ANHPISONN R"" OYSTERS in Shell and Bulk, by Dish cr Cuftit, (fell that I iras univorthy. And when he volfld take alty order and go amity wi;h it, unit after the inpridlark of my lite ilvd,oftenot Into the niellow glory ( the t•eje and Ne'low leaf, when lie came li-ek sill looking q!lite young, and never huxlnr? forg- t'Lin nio, FpCu:4n!Z1Ug tile read- i-Y,.a-tor tile lonz, diffl, do,o.ate vatirs, I wuq ;:lad, owt I felt that ho deserveti k-OIIIP­ Ili ii, t ore than Lin -re cull thanks, and I said to Iiia.. "All, sir, you still renivniber n eaf of years of privet on and quirorinEz. Wtivii't-v Ary Ono else in New York lies for - glit-6 -u rno, with the exception of ilia con - till -it, e iwat, you ca nu; to the With t! a glad illujit, of recoi.mition in your clear YL11. %Voul-I you Lu offend, (I if 1 gave you Kills tr ill: g tt."tillI010111 of My 11-garoll" at ttila Pit , Ila tiulu giving him my noto- at thirty wiltnted him to have rorkirlth!ng by which to tilv%ays enivinbeir mo. and I guess lie has. t�Li�ak:ti- of wa.ters mini 11th' Ing 2gone�.,q -cv, i I, It, v 0 , mr.' ' T." * "A V6 ' lia',ki t 6 'fe to g I - it p It alkeatVillit order a pet a place to sle.,Il, and wilon me regi,iteee,l the likkadlord shovoll out :It, old dot.ble-entry jour ial fur its to reeoiid out, LiFinius and posi(i,1c3 address in.. Tito offloot Was the bur, aild likeforu Inc (,"ukl get eta' ruouis us we had Lo %taiL furty- Evil likiiiiiei for the landlord to coi;eet pair fur thirteen drinks ai I lieli: a personal friend. F unAy, vilion ho got around to lite, Lo to'd n ihit -I 0011A hiji) in the u ijl. Lurten l(r's bea, as he N� 0,11,1 be nil all night anti nil glil.pos.ably gut, killed and no et need tilg:lill fth) IIO1V. It U011111 cost me t4 cash In advalicewsleep One ii.ii in tho bal- .011der. a lied , be mid, rud ihu house was -o uatint, I full that lie anal his wife had got to Whit till thill'.,19 hind of quit-t.,li, I do,% n and V&u they would -Lave to put it linat trLsi on tie I ft(.vn­ai I pool table and sie^p tile, a. 1 call e I atiention tq my Vailuable vaWoi that had lxeilk put chaie I at great colt, and told him Civil; ho would be safe to keep that t,oiioil Lite L,ur tit] 1 paid, but lie said he wthu% in I.Le secout I-Irind 'valise businesi, nnd:-o I pititt in ailvanli. It vy" huinilulli lag, but flu had Lite ti,go on Ina. AL Cie t(la tabic I noticed that tile Walter wai,i a 3 onu6- itian who i-vid utly had not been almays. thin. IJe had the air of one who ) tarns to have game 0110 tt-0-ld Oil the taii,of Ills Clint. la, oslt=84, tvitlt Im!'. is' Oat of pity characteristi", It is almost a pis- ; I 01. It is the result of.- Person -LI i"Jul"es J-,,-ceived In fernier yuars at Cie 1ILLI1,18 of p!!i-lira who excoLo I ilia in brutin force and li uo 11ACK10;ed Ili drawing lni out in ('oil - oil, as it wevo, till L iikad,0 remarks Alitit vvero injudilciouki. K3u I dill not disagree with this waiter, al- t,iont"LL, I lilld •grounkis. Wilen lie a into around. Lind 8norted in i1ty elix, "SWk, pork, aniviape anti culd k eanq," at tile %ime time leuniag, Ilk lull weight 0!1,11;y back, I tholl'g.it I would call lot- what lie had kha most of, so I slud if he didn't mind Lind it woul,111 t LO t(,O IJIUCIA trouble', A- would take cold . Le -1118. I %,-fit lenve It to the a dm, inifivissOnate allil limpar..i.411 render 10 Aftke whether ill it rwriark nugat to evoiaLk, ill.-fte.ing. I 410 no,; think IL olloit. IAo"'ev. r, Lit wills Irril ablo, and life to him seeinoll to I,-) cold and dark. So lie went to Lite gencual delivery Window that ]ell Iwo lha cult bean ILv,oraLorY and remarked In a huarlie, hisoleut and irouicai tulle of Volvo: , dallinni king rhnr- tie -.,r vNitnis coid betkus, 1-wh Nye, ILI Los. lout Globo. She Avirl 741k 1.4 vviltit v }(luny; lnilv is n-porldl to br.vt,.--a.tI a- •ropo, of 1:inri iag,: ­ illi, n,), I ol,in't know it I moil, t 1,1-jrry to'. in"ll, -y alono. I it. If a It'all ii A 1.1onty of Intoilicy, Lillie I to U -wea, of I; I osl..Ion fill I a inns &AI. that curwtl at both eiitk, anti nine wuo ere; and a ,ovild poiftio'l; if ILL 11.1d, a dist.ka- gai hedstattis Ili IL pl'ute.its 011, or wio-aveu a merchant: and his Cather Were r;e.j It. (I !its ruo-litor !lull father ar;sioerwAc; anti 11.) winiii,ol to marry me awl Lie vi o till prt-mi4e to I -t me Lave 1�iY awn vNril in overyt;Anq, tin,] keep lite lig) rally sn!-p it -:1 mi, ith nintley' anti hone a slkl .11,111ttly forijishild town lloaso Find a handsome (,<)till ti-y-resiq toll, a; v%a, lib. eral about dinulonils and o flat*, ge.1119, it] .0 111111orry, nover gault4mg-, it (I I really and tru,y loved hill', I wouldift c-im4illikr Rhar- riagoia drlv.Nbai-k.-Uo.;,.ou, Gmrikr. INT-PRE91TINCt "I- Jim Bullard hanjii Ill round tfivisti pnT48• llowodayt,?' aske-I a pas 'In fpr, front a car whado-v, of a Dakota citir,n. -,Jim %f)%- 3ang.nl roam lill,t week, strarl "Did rots R.0him?, 'Oh"Ves. Iblild hoid.of,tha rope." - 'Liu W. York,litink. �CANDIES10c.perr,ormd. ORANGES app, LIL.C.NS 25c. Ter doz,, 00/ 6 0 0 ki S, CALL AND SEE US. NFXT VAND UNION. L Bal 5 L4410v ADVERl' INfake it note Of the fact that TiiEi N -1,W S711ECORD N13 QATOPILLS; added Blore boiut J!'(1e llow sill),scribers., during the mes"ut year thail. dilly Other paper ill this secti(ii. Note the 1act tbat.".17ijr, NEWk-Rixoia) Lis a harger 611(11-- latioll t1lan "llly otlier paper in 11jis secti(,n. L ..N.otfaAbe., fact_llh,U_Tzm. N X.iM�P•LZGCLR-D -1-1 Ills -'0 US ala - Es THE E-1,10 0 K h1e:: Circulation 17171- , - -11 LryouL TALKS TO -Of AN Kh0i4,- ta -M . . C- 0 D E R 100. /idaY. 6.0_ to GIs, T PRI' _l At 'r.UTl.,.. ki A RK tT S i r.J N2, - C O'Ll T r"F! 0 i. ;1; ETTEER S1,118 C11FA PEfl than anolone on /,V) qj the earth. A r, -z Ni dI' JR. 111, kat Square, "ir� 7731 r1q I E wii,,.q,r or, ENGLAND SIMT- IXG8. (C SCOTCH TNVE.1,J), SITUING8 til FRIEM."IT AND H­N(ILIS11 WMIL STE.1) do'ri is, Made up in Best 8%!/Iilk and 117(nle- manship tit Abnihum.,Sneith's. Nota in xforle one of the che(q)ml and bextqh)c1,-.; (of WKIIHIR (AUTO"N'li, AND CLOTHS. A Full Line of GENTS'PUR- NISHINGS always in 's -tock. 1i will pay you to cali! at Not; VV .. \,.P " o r V �!,lt�,.'+`� M, Vz c P Vn' Ill 0. (,It ASV its OF ALL ]ZINDIS. uberior Worti vvarai.7 reed' T 16 L Oli- 4"i JL0DElZZ,`kTE PIJCTS: Al *A"/lin Ttf�v�A COMITOSMIM 111A \VOik It AdOrUbd Tj k i, uj NOT 102. im"It'l I nro nypoi Id Ill to art Is Uillls' Transfer'I'mer Ill fl.l. 6­1'.lich f,'r 8(l!(I in stuilis for illsill.t. ill' IIJI old .111141 r. 1'jhl;(1'q eht., also voull.1vto, fl."iglls fol' I (".1"pory 41o:l(l tit (i;li(i jil"lokets, A pronkq Co?,ioii, sljwjC ill: N r -i 1.U;" 111111t ".1, 1'. O. ; Caps, ,til.. The, W is AIIIIIIII.-Il HAN 11. 0. I'l'.11illt :nett ill i11111111 o ('11, flip Ilip'l, 11,11-1.01,11 oil *0 "611,.111 il-11 V, IJ iN vil. ,Ill) ('11, the 1".111lic "Awn tralp';ful-red. 1L1 I,tpltllidid ll.eior lit of l"ll"I" .)nuc3rd,UFO. Flks"!V C0,00S VAILI. f; 47 h S. W. Colopor Fjoic"ki-C)SM, s Goods 1 Month IL,`3! ar Ili, n 0 '?T 1hl Is Havill" bollglit ulit 'fosa,'1111 VANIITOVII, in (ilodellch, WV ail, HOW 11111PAred to fill-. I on 111,MRSTONES AND Eira, Lf U. I I �J le'� UA (,RANITF A 8PECIALTY. AVII are preparml to sell t -lion; or I) In 11 A"V ,other frill III the et 'lluty. 1 CANDIES of ;III bi"Ilti, N']*,Vk* !'I, Ei,i,n)-rr, orltiderieh, fills lit".11 sippi,i0ml culiII11114" W1.1.1 E.s. Nk),V Fit;, NEIll J)ATES. gellelal Agent fill- the (-oullf V, all(, pill t i,s I I waliling lillytililig, in tills if v' -ill 1111d it it, 01`S1FJ1%S, 0Y.1j"I'ER.4 ! LQ,")vj,,vrqt. their filterest to oldelb until he calls. TO'BACCOS, TOl.kCCO,". ROBYAtTSO'N A.- UEU. CP;AI',,,-,, ('Tf:AT:S, lIny l7tit, ISK `.C..w NXI,%v (,tit I'll. V.-Call6i(s 104.. livr 111, , I Best ROLTIER FLOUR I Ail' V'.. 10 ME 9,* CI ;1. BRAN by the ton oi- otut. AT 9041c, PER CWT. Delivered ri-ce of cliargo, anywhere ill town. MRS. JOHN RAV146N, Thong Cooper's oltistaild, - CLINTON. 01,WURS IN ALT. 8-rVLES. nutter Nantr,t in Rolls. F UW1 of nil kiwis bought. 8 R 0 DE -171 0 K jIIC1;sfV'lA k, thivii 14fi-P-4. 4 do(rs I I loul Dickbol,:.4 Rook, I