HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1887-01-05, Page 2. I. .. -V I 1. I -41 I .... W­lt�,,;_.�­ . I 4 . 7 - "...., . I � 11, _ . ,, f -,j I "t.. . . 1. . . I�l � fine tin, my 01 A 601110oliny. . WOUNP8 OF 7'4K WAR UNHEALED. George Avaishingtoll's Islig jrAulp. I . _! .U, botiezur ,Spriggs wore yourconsiu, 'em, If anybody 'cept ..;,� . Huron Nows-Blecord wavit lie ?* shouted tile old Settler. woman.aWyoung one, W;dders of - no I --- Wheul Washlugmit. %%4i a Youtiz. platto fit I I J-hfl riluts, sockd 11)orlsle a mighty lot of people w'an'e got heaps A Wow Yorker m -ho Never Saw a Flil travulitig aheag the unpoe Potouilic lie Stop I ­__ - I—- widders, ortinto or no 0 . - 4== 4ye., he worv,, reptua the Squire ; 01 CouLlIcin Sense, ulabolsome Hilitself. pad at an inn one day slid juil-tin.,il the news. their teeth inter any ol them proven. 1:1 i Dat ain't alluz particular about date mood -1 Wedair,s4lity, Juejuary ,")tit `bub'— der, it'll be bco.Luse I don't git in from Mr. .Larry Jerom,,) has been. amusing him- The hiludlord -told him the Sellsa*,iou Of the. 1! ". __ lie out ten. -e. i �__:_ __,z:___1_�__= ------- ---. __ 'Ali' did't lie st,.qtl that blin(l 1.98 the wooda, New Years to see to it- You pa-sai lots of pretty gals dat's bid be- selfagain. Coning over from New York day was a jurnping me ch for a wife 9a tdo 4 I-, -1chest, 1,13tittirs Alear by. � 1, I . fin' have be go (town the river fur loin' Ito' I'd like to see the power th't III hin4,a veil, Wuslitogton a few days ago, he found him. ontato of Otto of ,he I , .� Ill It I self uk-x it young mail from Virginia, ,who till be!ug told that it was Opun to aj centers. I . . , OR tPUR 4�TORV'&,XAMMS. of It stop me from (loin' o' that. Ez fer An' daro's 141es of Isponsibility rests on an . I., . . , � turtwiloutto be as bicinLittive as lie was 'lli'a-hittgtou slarto i for Lhe p fro -l. and sir- i! 6A I What if he did 21 Does that' — cuttin' wood, I'd ruttier be kewhed iron rail. fresh t�ce.ug that his companion pitted for rived there just as the junipitiT, Ni n4 about( ,,, ! il'. . ­l­­­­I­.­­�" I..",".", 1,11-.1.1 , '-1. I ...... I' .,: I . . 6ALAI dill lie git pardoned T in a War trap I 'Taint the biggest, Slickest hose dot makes do information with an appatug truly omniv- completed. ht- nWx-- I Lh-tr the. YO111il lady ;I �` 1. start- cluie orous, Jerome s(litared himself for a hoi%ling In qu ,ht oil ,vi S4 hi,,Ally p cwed wi It the &no- b �. AT OLD SOUS TAVEM Au' but w'at'ts that gut to do New Year's morning Jansen Ices, tilue, L I 416 III, 'Taint &Linz Prom the riches" man the poor 'o iful ji-anphrz of Otte of the Compotitora . 11 1� , �, . — ed for the woods as usual. lie told time, Ila lured the inquiring Vxgiul in in, cos* .;x with, — . one Bits do dime. the smoking compartment. and, fly the use ,who hall wit-di1an,ed all of tile will-ris. A .'. RECOLLECTION OF A BzLCXWQPDS NEW "I'liar ye be I' 01011t0d bile Old S,,t. his wife he wanted his dinner ready It's a mighty Slander policy to go far out to of via-rious ar,.s wire: sof hu III! intilitor, thoolInse War.hin,,ton a -ko I lIg I 0 might fir ,� , YRAILill-wis. tier, triumpbantly. "Thar yo he I by 12 o'clock. sea ileltuichool,li.m.4n a raging Sea of interroga- Lit, chaupes. He wus -told to go alla-ld, 0 �,. . I _& - -A , . . . j W, -"n= MZ 66A �,Pa 5s -To=, -6n -U-( a core, ow f,' I at fifall"Viii- wix 11 re _COre­1_0_h5__ - yt4r Cousin stoliI it hos.4 all Gov - ' t oil. Having dist-overed iliat. the youill. was he iwido by fai, the be t jamp of the I - �.:.:.,7, 1. L ""This has been 'bout the suappie.9b 4Vulf diiCnt pardon him, an' 1 -it yon III said he,'ye kin divide twixt yer- how brave you be. ine from V;i-giL%.a and sa;urated With, the pe- A.,, he returned A a the crowd Le Ila' lead , I . 11 II don't L Sells ifirl' the pool,,' and he we cu.iar idea., of his t-cct.on, Jeromo fired his the young Irdy's face hall 'fal-11. and Its � : clay we've hall in a moult, an' yit stat' up BILL' argy with me t]A'b pit out Too Is a gw to bust what I -rocomollibur. That s laughing at the good joke he thought de linib, I ami,: "llui tr3 ing.11 a; III Jeronw, "to get, w,,nt up to her and rouvo-ke 1: "You wobld 4A � . till hain't IK,.eu 'xiiou.gh frost in it to kilow A..� de gal's lips allas taste best Wien do light over the pao-ions aa,I wounds of the "ar, have preforral I Lail not been the. clue to . . � � i 'niake a barefooted boy cill-I his toes." priuly jiltillit, C.VIjjt.-lIC,je ti: t. Wolf Were he had Inside. 1.1ciador dhill ' If he 1, . . � Gov"nor f -ow 74,j up ards, or you 'Well, 12 o'clock came, but no Jan. I Yon. kneiii-terriule thing, the war, wasn't fixu. I tile otter fl lily van-l-iLy sn'd I . - Old Sol, the landlord, was disgust- r -Cleveland L,-ador. ILI" . cli,s was so. "Th,ro." sqi I 'Wash'ti,ton. "L ;1 . wouldn't try to make out that lie Sen. one o'clock, slid still no Jan- 19 "Yest terrible. Fut what -9' rive mv chano- tel L lit I rt d 11-4 I et,11-ned as 11 ;. �ed. The oldest inliabitaut of tile %v,,IIjIo, jist becatizai you fool tuad Sell. Thiswasmo&t remarkable, as If an S and an lead an a and a u, with an x � & I holcaitm 'lowixrdi thi closs I IT - 'I in doing it, thov.-II. I'm ge3inI, so I wilinown a of i, in hint fur not Vi.rd'Lliu! out yer he had never been known to be at the end, aftell, •I Su, " 12t I 3�idgo coultl not romoniber such a IW call travel through Wost Vjr.pnix, wituout th-t It'-volullon thiq y"ll-ig 111IIV, I.ow*ths �I . I , � 1, I I spell of ti-ircalsonable weathor 'as 6:)ok,in 1'. minute behind time to his dinner. And an e and a y -and ail e spell Ili," pray %%anthig to kill the litadim, vitizolus. The willa I co'onel ol' tit MI.i. ram NY whington, I I ' ' what is a spallor to do I ' ("I "I I Thi,; logi of tilt, bloody ch'isju is ftall(-S6 bridged. .. -_ I I �� - . they had ever sitiob the winter open- c , olti Sottior_'d ll.a(l But his good wife kept Ilia dinner id. Wily, -sn 1 , Ille!Ting b,,r hu I t! at t,ho LILA niol; . anything but the offuct of convillcill., lint, Slid suppre,-sell her own and her Then it also all s and an I an.d a 1; and an , - - .. wh.-u I thinkof that rifattiodi-butchely," him lel'orenedolubl'-I �h,fvc�,Rfldtll-two . . Ii-xspell ­61cle'., ( to,lec:d.) it yes.111 . ed. The had been Warm weatik0r, tilt) Squire, and he %vilLtbe(I lip his obililren's cravings for its sav��y Thma's iiol,hink much left for a spel or to do , shrieked Ja:-onl% waving Ills arm) wildly Want to NVn-li ng'on ' I !I , . about on,11, rnakin� Itis eyes pro.ruda, "I reiliedGen. Wnshluglto% "i s wyourulle . and soggy weather, and ovet �odv lill,miory and turntld on the Old -Set- vitinds. Two o'clock, and stil'. tic Lut to go and covin I,. S:ouxeivi ill-hed. 11 , I y I Jansen. I , , wau!, to %.allu%v in Virginia blood. I feel at Pie jumpin , walcii b ,fore 13110 ViLLS 111'llp- � had the bluo.q. It was Now Year eve. tiler in kill(]. -Cilickt.-O Naws. Its though the sacritlefit of the mayor and. rind, and I Lell -v6 I %%oil Uar. " . I t, I Illothett'said young Pacer Jacobs, I I The hickory 10,118 snapped in the Idg k%,utuie fulks, nicibby, don't hov no . 4ty counc.1 of R.olnuoild wuuldu t to :e off --.-. - - _ I . . . I longer mcni'ricis th'U some othor a lall of 15, *don't let's wait tie longor. A 11ancy Dress.' ate e,l,;j of my faily. Yo-, s�r, I doll' A Too Carrnblull 1'nth-r. 4� I �; I cld hiBlAoried fireplace, and a kettle Wert, in Dad's struck the trail of a deer all' I 11, �.i� . I.I folks," said liv - -an' I kuo%%- It �d he'll roller it till he kills that (leer, "Good morAws, 11�.. jo'I'l ell. I ,I a � tile fall All 13j) 1,1116 illy fattlier nlie..joi 1. I "\ , I , " sauty R cheery song as it it- . vo,uq tilfill to all e dol.1%. 1111.1 II,ar­.,;gh'e,i . . I all' no inistake. Anyhow, he Said . . . I I-- . -,'-' fq---,:� ,� self in vapor that 811fil"llstod 801110- thein four shouldorm of nititton an' . "__�T , I I :, - , 1: .7 YP r�n! en r. ho laid ol-ii off il, ithout Ilia , I - , that wet he didn't eat 'twixt 12 Bill I oop Z>.,,�.�;!_;-N"f-, "I v - -, "poillf, III) towl!II, . thing; but and savory k,v and Lye; -.9ttill' out a ii'vich vvar'nt he fouh, . _� 4 I _­­ i I . -.*t*I. - ,� I YL.,; Cot 10 do 0, lilt C,f Irnd;wr P., the il, - 11 ' Ili distribit 'twixt oursell"; HT) t , 1". - - V , . Lilt Ili Peleg Dil,bl, Ili c0lar, ail' that Wo'. COU I C.'r 'k I 'Lilt ILI spite of that (hero was any. _� - I ; (.cc the fall th't, Gov'uor Wolf's time the pool-. Let a take him at Ilia word . __- 71, .l7� 1 1 ., 11 . o - ,,, gton s, ail' I (Ini't know I ow o.i. air.4 I'll •gA , W ". __ It. -if k�"? alua-, ars I; " .. I ing tilt . "t, . '. "(4),ting reuJy Air the %ledd:ug. I sup. ,6:, .�. \ fi I , il bu.'� clicerhilnitHs stiri mitt out, an' well I Intembor it. But, atl* .Pitch' in. I'll stand by ye, � I I , , � wlihout Inv gl. ;'� .11,81111i collection of loungers, Who sat (turn, it, Major, you'll hef ,to, '..._­ •­-olip" 1. . � ,'I I . . 1. 10 rom ill . fl, rua, for I Algol; tler. 11vieg Oibblo were "Thot was enough, and they did .�5 . '.. -� .. 4 1 I 1 �lf , I I "YoA: my dnrti:�r Ri-we, Is go of to ret , , I . I -in M13 glare of the flr;� ajunlig tit(,, � . It �.•�4 , ; . 1,,I,. rz 'oi- nofill-I l. - your uncle, or I wouldu% said nothiu* pitch Ili. Jansen's family hall such . C,X.7;l,,�l I • I- i, k dancing shadows of the low-coilhl�,ud ,. � N t-, . . Illarli .1. she all, th-11 1roni I I 'bout it !, ,r "DO I 'M % '� , a New Year's tfinu(,,r its they never i,. ': .. Z 'i . .. ,,, ,--,'� nirs have, modw-t witil of it tit " I , - � ,/!� AQ , �..- 7'=' Ilas.k Willi ,old barroom. The weather Ivill boon bad before, find the widow and or I I I � \"�. .: I i ` - I 1 _71-_______ 1 - % _. I "A' 11 - .V Ins". J tbon-,h' that ­ou,;!,- oven WOuld I Tile oia ,c;ottloir wits about to pour I . if =,\i, I -i I,) i - " �� i - I �.� V ( IN , uw.-vr ,Tot ilij%i if to b -j -&i-,,.;. 110,; I,.- ow as 'k"I,, .... 1-1 I , I , I - hot shot into the Squire, whou old phanf; that were to have no retill it./ ':, 0 �,!tt ;;� . I '14 .." "I li, such that veninon woublil't freeze, M1 -Z �r-- , I 111 , I. ?I 4:11-gIv.1t) Illolfr4ses ill J-wlloiry vil, ft I shir" � I I I - iz�_Y-/ I% ': I l" I . i -11i , I if' o .. .� �� I., 1. . . Ill - . I ,,, 'oil tit(, t front J"llsell's house had no such I i'Qf -, I I , I. ;i drid it was hinging up all around the .�S , lasidl rill Ook IliH pipe out of tt�l 9 F .�. i came from his I I .. 1�,- g' '� , p X Ptillp ;;-'% f- - !f, Ridgo and almost gpoilitig. This ill his month, auil spoke. treat, later all, its � . -1 I'll ,il I� I a."I . I, % less as fill P j n, I Iloilo'! -Evv., Ila c"In . VIP -1 1, T -.1.1 it t 1. , I It. ,.,, , k I enra 104 pall aad I .suppo,u I'll Lave to Sup•!use that day, for lips. Jansen was . I , , ,,, . ,, ,� "., I hilli " Navinin a good . , �� �� I � - K,tz 7lI1W,1-e , . . I Af was cuough to put tit(, avuraqm IT]" haill,lb nothill, like hav , " ,,,7 _. l r, .q rill I I itso ft famous cook. f I iI. I ;. 'i � I . tuew'ry,' Said. It(', *but thuz Such a ", , , ��,' ,,1! I -;: I , V.v-L­lT-,- vr F ,, 111. I'll,ib, Mr.4nhuNnn-" .. , _��.,,/ /A�.,'W- :�-",,'$ '1� 71 1 III', dwellor in tile b4iliwick of Sol',i Ridge - . . %,,.V1 , '11, -1 I , I 4"�vt ,' .1 11 - . - , ""L 11,11'41` Ri! '%'-,.,,; tllillg t•Z IIJLVIII' one th't leaks a leetlo, I . X �� r, ,;� g J, " � � . , 0 , '111'r . � A -, ,k , I � - home that night nor the next dhy, 9 . e 1 4101d man J ictibiI did not come . .1 "01),It(�-.4qio.tt-ii(i�,:i�'.ii-!'.Iim,Nr. Th,it'll . � - 1� ' , ,� _,..., ,Illy il., I fllewor,tgiel lcvo�rri­,% shollaintoill 1, int, in them colnirav,xity was probably n.)r tiro night, and.then l'i,, .. I "ll, _. – ­ ­11•.� - ? Wt like liel. filother, I'vi, li!Z(3 File 1111:11 Ii. I , ., . ­ "I I �� � /Y - 1, . r liev to I vl� her nu" of h--1 ev--iy iiint-niniz, . I! ,­'.ol excellently reprosoint'id at the tavern ITIiaLI.-i 'boub the w.Lv with you an filther , 01 -3.. �F= , . he not her husband and the ..,,, . I�C, . - I � _. , � -in' sh%-'4 as Inv_- at an olil (I,lv. fz4iii can't � side "Casiou'ly. ,, . . I - � , ;� I :, , 'in tile Avorbt of humor, and rho feel. 1,11, lt�ts a fvi� filml,; drop by tile way.- .Pys� � x"', I ,,-�� 1, Rn, 11 I wife began to feel alarmed -, for wit.; 4, ?!_, . I I -1 . , , - ,e , � Al 17j, I by the crotchety and contrary bl,l the Squire, Major. Yon both InIctu. .. . �',.­ l., err' �, I, i .... " .. I ,�-,� j,_ ... I i - . of her children Y So she, prevailed "I', �' .1 " �.�, . ;I -.,: I .. I. .. I , I� I- - , olk,,, and hiii,i't wilth -I ,,I q4 nil tlie ow. A 1z, . . r ber ttgood deal, but thItz also a thing upon a party of neighbors to go Ili I , rill, poor nian%, iv fo sho'li -wiko. B., I Ili% It. I settlor, and telt) thol equally iraiiciblo ..,I 4I -_ and obstitiato (;(juiro, two aliciont or two yo don't notidwir uv ye Wviu, search of him, MLIC-11 against I'll,' III ivaid to to, al!ow in Virufnia blood." .-)I I's go! 6111:0118 oil ill.l. foot its W�- --s Early 4 . 1, . . -r' --;, till' ,tho (--tit sit more'a a 11� * Wit,) LA(Lver ber. For instance, uov'nor Wolf will. Four ►miles back in tilt) woo(is " Roi-3 pt ,-t!vi I, P . landroarks of thii Ridgo, ten year the it -HE BELLE OF TIM DAM You OU411t to havo seen file when I was lio.,;. An, that idn't the Niri,nic (Wt. If agrewl Oil anythingr alul i3over rout, hiLdn't lion (iron nor fur they found him. Jansenhad do,iht -Kieggelldo Blacittar. with Inv 1-0411110"t III'li-3. floved the battle. IN"01'11't fol' ler 111,)Jll(,I' t'jill ' . . - , , . gall %,vuldn',, � thilli You fullers is "iwakill, of, fur lie etviliere behig any power that could !I1 nvou in the best of ti�o_,,47, �Vitllout ' ILI.0 . I It I've- killvol Otto rebal I've killed, 100- k v!i I ct-wllf I It -nn, :-n' I,li, neWir I hmicr 0 , . -fill,ling into a more or left.4 IIVRL- Were 'IEWtu(I In '2U, an' collsuill'ut"y k 1) Win in returnihg hotne te Brovitlos. . Always Willi illy swont, bir­aIw�nvs._T_1;()'S1l I;14,11'1, up hill, 11 %Ill ll.,I- ?)I[ -,I),' o.1 rom MAW �11 argatiniont. On this p-trticilla" that's tile Itime lie were Gov'Ator. oe Two of Congro,lilmaiii 13virlelgh's stronlg oll:�. didn't Ilii,, : r,opl� Nvl;,,n a ,wjwi v'I:Il-­t­I. She's ,� led I "t the dinner lie lihii boasted 'no) le,luws Wor� their hitir very I ".1 �, ,,, �� Now Year vVe" wholl every body Otherwiso, I Wliove both o' yor fike's widow or orphins should taste, but points are his empliW,;c langwtgo and his tI10 I It alw."3-8 IIIIIIIsINI, 1113 to see their R. re--ifitir s'ouoh, Firni­!- Ill all't she kin ` . loorilin' to history. Wulf wele 'had boon and W, a- out I oven p:1 -q o' Awo-i it yetir. rat I litiol the I'llios, except tho distril't I'l there had been one ;,,And Its he hall avers on to (Irems coats. 'VF Ila left haute 11 llidi ]Yin " around -whilro I I , -� -� _­ . s Or o v'n o r i u I%) ll,' ',Now, my olciar, I have only ail illatabitir(th- irtou.ilbolabout. Did. `1 h.: s I tll!l I -E -1111C, AVIMnins, � .ellool teacher-iviin boarilLA 'round, vowed that lie would sooner bi. bis wife said: ' A 3' 1 I,g.­(jvno-!glI to- " I . "Thar . Stipire I' exclaimed the Old caught it) a bear trail than chop wood td -o tlii,,gi tousle of vnu. I watit you to ,,-I. notices it I No; I suill)USa YOU UILISt ,,,, ir)".,-Ij "lly sill' ort It r I h lilt mr-nal , all"i had got lisell to takilli, evarythill'a I � i - . &4 it caniv, amlltivimyn (2xiMato(I tile Settler. I'Didu'LItoll yo? 11cucim'd for his tinforwristo neighbors, his give up swearing, and Lo wear it'dress coal havo boon too youlii,:" :;'nil to f"It hor oT nn' il,110I. S'llo,Icyou've . �r L ouD o' yer ruckouitf I chnico had benn given him-lanseti on propor OCCLI.,1011.4. 1 "I -,Non d do any- Ill-, Nvoul.ln I inns niftused, me, anThow," qo ,!,I ifivil'I to t: t,• 'I'vi-li-01" i" � worst -the 014 StAbl, alj,l the YOIN NNIfty . thi-iq, my dear, to plolase voll,' was th, .ini.l the Virginian, ,�,;Iffir "yes,* Pill fi'vi,ed. �' it (IOXIi Seem to I i� - - Squire oce-mild theiv fo,vorito-plao !li 1C'411 Isity it fulior'8 wroth ye kin sot was foond a close prisoner in Otto of . I.Wouldn't it. imlo­(�?' I-Jbw- .0ditti­ Now, I , , Otte ,j,jl it congressinaWs replyt ,"all -i I have fully de- knox ole, My, J":Ill 4) r ! � . in I'vorit of thio ftrvj)U16,�, 11,1141 tho jili'll , ib down Uir a f.tcD 01% he is tivrolllg, :Ell' his 'betir pens, He had 9 fe -willed not to •.w-.ar_rn� i-norti, brit f Wilt I al%- aV4 (all"ll 41 C."ll.,ullip(Ily at ()Ill- foLOWS . '� , rl, wil- -, ...,:•Y:4,:, .I- ,".cuu!:_jiLat.41w.o_w1­- - -----�----+t-lw-,-114.m.,),(.)(.I-tlitt,i.k--,$4'Ottl)-*14wi4.3-ft�tt-i�-. 4*o4-ii,,t+t4i,k,.4.4--N4AAby-y.L4.iv.�l,ut-tix.44aou'.L .4o.ii,i,t�a,ti-,-t-�-For-For-Vi,to-m�ig4t4,�ti-iii.."A'4ii4*�- -'Ire'T'---"ZrirTTv7r-%Verf"q-'ZriFid""6i3ra,v�,=Exr� _VIr,57, M.Iml=,rr)rf-k,-L-M,-r-l-AT5nn�riiI 1 fdg.I.0 "T"A I[! ­S ---1 linvni't -o, myplas­swith I !­­_ Ili) now fill dewy tilt this weather is jjj�qijle the ],)g enclosure ill L401130 With rerinit. - tic or vtirlylolltvi-s� Genrgu- E initindi u:,` -ba o ,,,:,�.,r I to 11, I _I I, , � tlkoro in tholi: viciuity expoet"d to I change. ." * � I;t., . .', w v.) ,,, I � U.' I0 6 6-- i 01. lie,tr the- two old growleni at their wil'is t1i'll Ute leo us,Ay 11(.V,au, 111aliv maul sprung the Wit nild down came It is believed that thp d vil t�:k,s Off III, -hols a w-aint.,r now, hill; lie was one of my .,., I l�,]:Ii.,i!li,H!"."-LT'.(,�11111 11 A 4.,Ull C Igoi. �z . wery worst. yOrFwI* giuQr,ly uU 00j,all'iny ler no- tyle li#-avv sprung which (10111,1 only Ili- hiltwhetieverhainuetsa lx.�-pocr�t,:'-Cliicagu 1:011tonvu7s C'.0 -L Gallikilt fel!ow'. W—ge _ __ . -----. :_ , I k I I . olsened from tile otitsicip, and Jan was! 'loo iiiiielit clash -too reeklesq, Yen It Is Cie Way of fl;e X . '. A,1,1t'u.di#lII*b nsv�y hov wiell 1'(Awixt lint 1 V C Lodger. . . , elrr Ii' I -an' between (loather as this at this But further (lispiite between the sera's visions of New Yettillis good , . . know-wantodto kill r:bolsall thodine. I '11%Tr gn'i Iji;l, I 110de.?, sn'1:1 1'. z When taki,ln out Evory bri,le 1,9 beart iful, an,] it is a mys- used to argue Nvitln Milt but it was tic.) (tin 1• 111'e; ill,o the g1j; con n%;', of , _ , t, I t:lllo o' yeall," .wlill Old Sol, bile lailti. Squire and the Old Sel,tl,,ir wjL,.j iut,.r- things I vaniSlied. tory whore all file pla.ii niarri,d wol:,en I, 11, Just wore sawo lh�s Illo!)t - 11 ti -qt it-,,. it,; lqqt. .. "I rupi,ed by too district lichoul wa,lior. he was no.jirly dead from cold and lie woll;ou t take tithe to S!L sk lord, lighting his ,i ,e -with a phin . . .0m) from -New Oillealli F"Cavulle. gi) "Yt.s, s r," I'(lT')')ih-d ,,hj oi:owk, "we try ; F� 3,not sp-linter, in tho light of wlii�-h I, rherc laight be worsu thing;s LIJKLI h""gor. 110 Was .brouglit sitfel.% c I ninisultout. Iiievei-c,xpecl(.�,,to-4oulililI . . A inusty old be, hil'or met a womiln on a wroll.,11. He was $110, li%llt through and to (lo till, I . I, (I again, however, but he Witt- , t,iij- 0111.4." I "' . ' "i - . 1111()ull , 11is red fami.glistollod. 11"Vo (IN10b having 81.101 wealther as this tit this bAd, o,ros,intt the o:1 oil day and she crowded tin-oll6h olice with il, ,%;ale. That's vhat ­T!int itow wv!(r volt i -at in my cellar is not tha Jansen Jacobs of old. Th lifinotf In.o th-I lioil. He Nirit,s,snying, gave lifin that red um,ti-1t disn-nirod ,,, liflor,ti! Ill.,,, ill.' 121 l�,.IIUI.ual thecon- i. iivy(2'r hovs,ich innab ImIlin, wt�atlior foj,lblyu suasou,' siiiii he. 1104 better v . W r, (i �- ez this -at Now Y­ar's. a -A' I know it." to Laino lI;LkI wijatiler and 80111601111,1 If-ssoll of that j,%rPW Year's (lily batt "is it any re'leon Ucnol�o a Illan is C� nittu Ili poor follow, I de6are. 11I.4 its I ivas ,,a!Ij,,-.,, ' 1* . bean aceopteil by him Us a 81-ei0i that woman sh(ul(l le�t ho;, ­P' -11"Glalu-0 ,aying, I I ,;all to lau-,rh at our fel:owh When "Ch I don't l,i,(Yw till III: ilia'; it claean't I to oat billion have tile jolliest of cold o - ,"C'utirBo vo didn't 1 I oxolailliell t1w I -ovidprien, and ths poor never hilli to an,wor a urv.-tli;an, q,tiestioner and -t of thiril, 'to fl.ti"ll. , -n,lI tile cIA I. , ' I ." . . I anter. P, this ttio3y got k1t.d. Lvvr� o,s sort vill"I" . K quire. ",'..,ii'%vl�Ytil)Wf,�iiiivitjl(.)Nv,? autt i)raoiing air al,jau 1, nniell ft i L Wu have a ­uud deal to be bII,LUiiILI1 4 better Iriend than Ile was evPp After, refer hint to *the wonatu horsit.f.-CiAea,,ci do; I colli.iWt ll,,Ip uny ell. You have bear! "; , tl.kat. so? Well, fl., yon know. I thought `s: � 71. . I'll tell yo -,yh.v. It's Cloll.140 wC'V0 0 . and be was a model InAll it, his fill', ldercLant Travolor. -ever boon' to Val armt? NO thilln you jI %A�n- so-liethiliv, r*,I!w?-k-.1I)IilI IVIIV, it not ; - Q 'roted. lot.' . fly to the day of Lis dents. The ii'-oiatlier prophot-4 said thli was to he (10]" t know, Lilt YOU ]'Illy have h(.'tII (I N% ll,"t .:tllt, r1lVasIll-cs .111 ,lie co-il e,'RSIVO.Ijurn, but � , . I (lea II 16't, lCitaso wo'v,a, ,,It'll . , ell winter, bur, they neglected to Ili- big feet V!T AVU , ri _ iuAo%v1 I- I. p 11 over an' pmoi cl,jull 1)�jvjt oil 000tj . ,I (Illullb lint w'at your 'b,,)Ut right, ' t1koll"cM 111AVJ. '11, Illy :t, 11 -lo it wqy of gMtil:'! Mr,it"'d the Ilou-e - ! I m 4I,,;erV4.d -him r4ght!" 811A till, all 01) � 01' Dinlil Yor"'t:0 prinvpli­;. Who Wio1I;J)',' 6aid Uld SUI- 'Fril"A 11111iiell form us bt.forth ind that it would Le open at livid -uc;i big fiet tlwy couAil t fall doNin. -:.1 co,IN-cri 11kz :.I," ow t ­Iow candles And t - A "quit , "Jailten's family hall 811111 - over licar't 0, lrt'vill' sol, , hkip &`utl jump, ail' Ws " If%. 'l. lonm (,If In,o gfis anti r�,,Pistvrhv I I , Itill to he thankful fo%r that R . 1) ' 0 - i ;h Nvoathor uz thu i4oud.hop all' tit I 9th tad's, rail tLat- ilia bi,!,-,a;t opening lili'lien th,,Iy wore sl,ot tia,y N%oald ill g it right .. �11 this ter N-mv Y..;itr'S ja'Lh,,- (lays .0 vVuLII a busilot 0 ducLur's stali, fruit t would be toward Azliiitolja.-l%'yo%udorL; 1,11131(liriv, and than we'll have to gf) I-OUIld .11"i,tz, jos! I I P wunt, i.s If it vainii from head. � ' 11, I inet. 11�ltjist tell nom wt; -At we!ve g:11 away and push ,i,l-il-ta�4. C.,tj,,'.t vlm arvairzo it ,.,onto way, so - . I Ouv'itov '�`,',Af aa' C in r'I Jaf,lL.4onk ? ill, it it Ili)' COUILIS '1011toI Vi'OU A'S III C- tKiu.) Hern'd. . after the roi-mls hal.run aw, . I ot . to he thankful rer, this Now Year s, the boys over Willi 1)o!os borora wo cou!(l iiw.t ?i ;ins or ill i,:r,rf,at!o:k ns-�t wore, may 7 . Il"'m Ilinill fill •wilr1lossi% Nvils rulillill, LLIL for lt,bbiduy uliub to pul; l6vat Oil Ill believe I could jixgt ii -m On pl-In feet." ; . . , Will Ye?" ' .1 � bitry 'em, Fnunie,t think, you ever saw. Ila tirawn. ("ILI illy 'h lro � of- Lbo profits on � . I I iey or a ail I a Chiengo Buda at lum.h. with Ills 1).11,11- cki . tmill,_,., lit th'is k,-titcy, thing. -i was right, -yt.r I-citles, III ti slimili lit it Duxi Rv!iol Iloilo ii,fi are, fit Wash,rigtvit. V,.i*y !I- �. .1 I I , rio N Nvubli a tui:a aL "'Cause Wein livill", enri.9-arn Yo !" ingail-iii-co. 1,Yt)uli�,..aiidnio%,oaii(Iiiav,3 . w inaturial lurni.h.il.l. ba lint it) In - - - - cv'ry tiwo,-an' wo dh.in i,lk �v 11 0 .� I):• i 1 uutik u' Spare , - 'I; " , . . � . . . 11 , exclitirned the Old li,-Ulep, "'Calls" your Lpaig on them don't von?" was the un- 1,""' to have "Aec Yea, 8'30 Y'uu In it":"' ""' t" . ­w,2:tt!lvr it v.-orrvit.t' us Ni, I! I Lit' blic jitlit Infiniti Ar'bic rogiuu.i.' Illoil IP . . . 'I It rvitt. I- Walt ri:,fc,-.-r,-l1 in the board of ! . IwI 1, , I wq baill't tion.p. oil us; ben called On alracitil. xud scriptural reply.-E-Xvilange. . . . ii:wiwt xs or'-wr a ,I Imitin' out ITIllob's so, FIA;` ,,aid the S juire I Aral Jerom-4 hustled oint of the car, leav- e,jr.-c..,,...;i.--�r.,.,I.el...t,it 1lpt,,v,I`vr., � I Age has lt4 drawbacks. I'lifiro are men lit i,�� tilu'virg'lliall ,Ikveill�,ls and the colored .... - ---. I . . .. ­ I to leave,no wido(orle ,art' orfints allill, I . Cttlir bilibl.li, 'Cilaw, till-, Illont'ry C01114 6fau, Cz lung toz foll,"i ha.4 gut Ulu LCIC7 " , "' l.. Ij'blI;tjlOjuV.'[,-r. N'01�cill )alt VOL -1114, IECY all' biLO Spaxi2rilm an, all Dim briol. us, %tlivoo litst, year this ti'nP- Thats Atluita to -day ,,,-he would give $10) ca4i ,,,,r -or doal,lo.l till in cotivul iuns oil Wo 11-11ml . to Prove a rolm I lar Remedy. " Y g1l . IMS, I'litt-oll t'll't Irki6vIllur `I�-(Ilf all' IS, Ila' a %.,;'t3 CZ '�llu.,V.. Ijo%v tU,i,,,iI -4 u ... Ili"' to be a leetle thankful fell, for a small -ingAr cake warranted to tas*e fluor of the pallitry.-WashIlug,oa CorrvNicloa- The q,izti-,z r-iira for ioalnrioi, rheurr,. � I ,III,, I honeys I, least,ways fir fliern ez has a dispogi - like those If I 1 1 Ill, ato in their schoolboy of � . . . tint, livor comp!aInt, lienr� diRease and . IL 1, . fl-tictilv("I Consti.tid"11 generally, is be- tIiu,ral J-16is'M w,13 It blvi.ihi' thill.."i vai up bill yer Int.111411 wabors it lookilA, 41`- 'A,;iii; N. Y. 8 -an I I 7 'Mow, 1,100 voll'.,;��u ,�­[ be friz stipt''rIll a nt , kill,, tili.-y lizildn't ortur J! tion th't',; halfway human. I know And yet (ICO will no,, buy Snell a ca;,o. . � till lault I � . fl '.+* poll,, Rill It fell,.,r wouldn't b,j Vt-itlit 1,(.ItllllL' .at tilis-I--tiloC Ill YuLill'. I bol, ail' I was only sayin to niv of lapta. Conti ution. Meilloll-no IlIn the 'Wrong Donkey. . coming. very po, vr on the ' COM- . w0uian this niornin-.- 41%lariar,' I "Ili - rny opinion till Inen are linrs," said A lady who lived Oct lot) miles front Fair- stuck. 'I'lie iv" QhIL-U?id,,r the name I I I'loord to hill a tililk..iy a day 'fore Ili, Ijut ,u,no luik,, ham'D got'om, sILA' hill ' -s "Al ell toviv"-is I.rvpnrod as foi- . , Says, 'ain't .you thiinkfill," 1 elqs. th't Mrs, Blister �� her husban 1. I'llerinit ,,)a momir park has a pony of which slia is very Of I IJI olvaub�eil to olit it," bj­a, illuflit 111,6u,uz woullilit; divikto Y)II won'tbe awearin' nowid,10P's to rem,tric, illy <l sir, in tim', connection, I It - feud, but not lull� silica she Lliwi,gliz that 10v`: Ifikol ih;ee lir fom- lJeves of *Pura . -Mu full v,nu don't ofti,n lilron tn. witil a teliar to start tile year with.. fi'.gin's t morrer 7 Ain't you flintil.jul nispoadel- gallaiit!r, "11ILt YOA ara ail , .' It ( a L ry . I . � . Ito wa-1 it little (If-( opy, so she call(A inn "'III C cill"I'tz, 8i"Out tII` slz If tekO . . . rot'll"I., slilill-1,i, tit I&S to yonr 'fit- IY,ss, and I h-w3w SLICII It IIIIIII 01100, for that V I says, *.%I*rifll- Kin(, 0, t4lul,l, angel,"-31--rchum Truvaittv. voterillarysurgolon, wito pro,cribe(l a powder lint, wit-li in cloar, co.d V% at -Ir, find place in I 'I ( . _ for;,'i I ib dlsiw�:itioll", sail thli II(t 4aj(j tile "Chool tolwhur, ".11il it', 14U it roillolte Ili), gays(M"ell, I ti,pot;o I Tlie elilvalry of the avLrage man coll- for the Coj 1.310 in% urite. The lwxc inurli'lig 'I tillill'jill'. ,N­xt, pour civol. tho (Illariz, to . I , . I . ., -oL(etmg a wonvm against every ,,he Said I.a III,,. 111,11, ,If Lilt leo; k; thw (h`vdi.4f till hicli or wo, beAt Bourbou -t[I ir I III -lit Pill -tivith yo, oll tb­ III,, nioltuno.4s kiiu,:I<�.m out of lip , 811j) sily.j. Ifer it don't take Illuel; S, I it hall all t. sists In lit I fl!4t s-Ilit"llwilts ol voill"l, vv,cy til!lv. Will One ,NL:w Y�;ax'�i LhLy uow will I).,- Lot Mitk0' tile Quitullfill,' slim says. I ittan but himself. -Elia W"Ilivelor Wjl-c,x. - I'llat, d:d y(nif g;ve thv puny his metIL:ihie!" Mdskv, an,l take eAch morning bofoeo , .. . " - . . I N )w, it) W-13 ..Ili' u',)',-Lr,Is, W...0 Iii -VI agood Lillie to � ,I You tau stoey. I'A, ,joillt know IznnIjV -w'%t NI'vint, nwRnt . Irvin, to do btriiji).ss N%i°liclut ativertig- "I lint it With lik h-ty, initin." wm ;he it, ewd-ist. The saino pitic, s of qual 1.z will , vi .. I I L 10 I.USI I . - . � I X.O.,11 lk i- si :%. %i I-o'a v%iir, and even Ilion %ijil be its . wore Gov'tlo;-, till liuvoll Nv.tri 90ch Il.kt1le wa,SJ ,U6i'LA JM:008, 111,W]. IIL 1NIC11 Wit I'm dreadful � CeertAl- the room ing is hila winking tit it gii-I in the dnr'- reply, "but he'stile Cillilliligisf, li t 0 . .. N6w Yk"..0,; wi.alther u -N -Cr huord on Vz , IvAl . m are do:ii,-, but no 0 a.lit' Cloill-sb. A-liti.',,i%%,iit,t,t-nii,1,4tigar , . ny kitow what Cott ,, - iN.e:. racy, III. at all the Lay, blit n I. a Iiii; :'o"I . I ., tilt- llu of ie 111 1,114 II1t!l1lI�J'-ib III;AII IN, I, ketchin' on to her ag'in.' I � Ler dili lia to',tch at till. (III. I'll i..w,, :a` ad lotl lif ,c.itto of the (Ilirir!z ! oilk; . wo 13,1-i tbPlb yva6l$. � . . 0I.Lb 13v.,r liVoki. lie. WfW ,I, grwLt hilu -it ol owed a $ft%' � o o�;Ido Silver .13canktarti. ,X the powt it sure.,, * N ,.-I-alt j,a:C(lj'rILlu'.W. �'_ , - Arter which -18ol III A Maryl-tial, fisherman Wilt fill c . x . nansixe I. I): hint to-ii1g;it. I 11 grzvit it to hil j*IjU!Id tOo .trnij�, I -y s I ljl-x� lll()Illl',U,- the la(ly ca. . _____ — : , -In 1--j4) nut np',tvk1,, 19" wii(j th I b;ir awl it great ea;ler. I'vople us ­t' lit d Pit, r . , I of LIOW1, awl by and bye thoy III tory of Ili-) exp ri-ollive iN ith a sturgeon lie I W� I A NI'lliglity Q.1estion ,Settled. *,,, -ristlirv, I. "'Xul! wa'- bo HaY th- If, Vlol.Z; a Culainon DIIJUIP, -eed that "501%, - 16,111ol wool Ill havol-n I I . juirv, I , R litti, . 'I all", agi . I hooked. in Al . -I Po0oul0k,J). 110 C!tlj(!d upon It agil:11 and was aurili iwd, to e,e lifin ima-Lig . ­ . , happy ItpI -� 5 I, N\IJUL turlct� I, I; I I n't, Orov'ri,w a;,toe 14", ,tit' any :1 yonfl, fur-hi�,i to vab I . how. vtry I'll -fill. '. it. - I . )y 'New Ytiikr any, .l."A. frioln]. Lo i4t .lint ill get!iug the fish into 01, . I . I I "ays Ile.. P., ru'l fins ... - I .01, ba,I)v orv,w knov.. blint. Como Ill, bil'oL his w1fu ILI" "WhILL'S tile mottier now?' s -d -I she. . ll>� 0 . � I MULL, the beat, but r he fill, n. 1, bei I ig a! raid of I t, I .I, " z L-',� tfiluk oa it. lio %va'nt Oov'itarl . k!Vllljl 111.1als ati it fill,,' W'M g"';Luilig It I,;IjI - . __ — -- – - -----WA- - - '— iefb him !a 11111111ge its UQSL he COLIH. Rein., "hath, nittio, I got a big, .gl&%i pila lint I . ;.. I , - juA,440. Ili.; time poll out in %;1,1.11 r -:I, ty lor low: to 1. liu 11 ,ver ,L'dv%V . nfraiLl of lasing his 1) zl, hoslil-1111glip')I put rite niatlictina Ili it, an I backed the ... li'll'o, f %v 6j'L Clo )v'&)r in '-t I, !I )y'?'l ed ttuy Ot ills flt.�Itly to ().it ulibLi It. C,;.'oN.',i1,.'*P'.`Rq^PN Vil"t.Milli tile ..G;,:k Of the 1181A CatiLlptl, it by ibe gilts ,a pony ill the corner, I put the p.po in III; "IN ,�. - . � liall a6o 8i.bl'AJIL t!w apliel., . I. ? il q�l) I,_ . , jist go.n' to blow it (lown .. , ,.,,I � .. , r. -1 III I'll, I-; .ttlor, I Led 0: All o!(I JOIY�i,'iflll, 1-0i"I'll l"'010 I"'n"fil"', k,,,, its head oat a',' tile mater, and with lil0litit 41W WO, � . ; . I �. I , � .it tho ") !;.,j,LIj:j;r lji� I, an I hev the . I , . . . I C,tll.. onqlill tLionfly Oil til'! flo-lor. I "; I.. IlAi, a. (iozell ftu:'s tru.11 Lit,. 610l't, 11 tl:t'.i!lg lift-i'10PI'Vii ill Ilk iIIIII-18 ll ill lijoics and yells io-lu it as�iore,-Utiknuwu 7ill"I Win, but be omallh.-lt first. . "I. . �1. t_ I. NV I'll" 111%• -1 N't, I-) 1.1ir" yo Inoxt, wolill'b It Very ull...'LI1.1111 Ill'u), all'i yol, !"I"t fillia u6sAimlit V ilia IIII-111111a Ill' :1 L'ItAr. pow'It'r In ilia instal -If ill hint." - �9 .n."t r - , - I, 'i 11 . � " . I . - .­ .- , : . 41,lojillik1rity 4wl,ltl v­_11-taille I'vill("IN. 1,01. the silo'.41% how I: aireo�tcl.i til.) lik"ortliltil li%a no. Yet .. .11 �. I I . �_ 4 ,� I It;. - I . jist I. 4 xv: li tell 1;1-. tll,b .1 wlt'a% burn ",a), well 11113g11,3 IIJILD lit. . . A repent American party at the PrImich tr-Lis pw.d. -1111 I: a, toll Ili liti, .Now$. - , IN ..� I . I W t'i-I'l) 111'0.16 ; ,)ub t1i'LL orR-%uo4 di'- I 111111--ilt vill-Ij till (11 11.�111111 tioll ' atiwili.eu.-a bi, tile neat . . . � .. * an 1`11P, 13+,n, ,mils, I I ,'I and ,,,, cap; Lal %% . �� , . A.,I" I . I a West. ilia Ij,;:,t,34t;, I " ,_I 6110; 111�1 ill bil'. i-ia."i'. I ,nilis, Catarrh, As Ili I of a faii� d2ugh�er of cite I \\ . I I, I �i, - I . "I flimi't cftre irlini.1hor von wag iiri;q Alit Lou AlYm-flows, n1sil 4 lilt., Tit for Tilt. .. .i. . Be 18011 there had bectil ater, : , . crit.eizitig a coinflioicit;, lof•tiv ob�tvvoil: I . �i , I I X, I .. I Lam in 1811) or aroro CA,, I"I'lotl"! ex Ithlo­ I 11 Ill I-loli"Ill vtli,e fill, Nvrvoll,I i)vljilit .. [LoIl,s4%SIiiIwIv.j 11 . �1 . : . ribie fl )0,l ill the Mtreatris, alld ft. I " 1! I -' 1,41i,. i.4 a Itruity girl, but lack; style and - ..", ., cloi,nod tho Sjuir., ; ,I­ub I do enrj All I till Nvi vous C4.11111111intm, alter 11,101l'. At a recent ixoIvIPLIou held by Direness gi-elilt deal of lianher wits carriod . tillint ! call 'gran -1 dainei4hiie,s,'" to %%!1!h ".. I ";. � :,-.qwI 'UM wolplerhil vul-aliv llowl-N it histantly rejoliteJ the nun; lady-. "I pill,- Burd ti-COIAUs" 'Mily. I'LLWSLI,116' the "JAAttir :..,I -z ! �� I 0 . Ii tmb till, Dim,., :,/, %N":)',I' wor. (tov'w)r, ai%)ty. Se% ­pal Will 11111AS W f'.11 it'! Ills llllt� to " 1. . I I I I'M tivill,wills ol, (!:tses, 11:18 (of, lir. Inek of that, to your 'd-iIlI�,rj,,Ajdj,,h_ Adn' froal "Diln Juton," after havill." ax- .1 E I . , all' f t..Il 3, i 41A Itis tinio ran out 'I'l drowned,iii ti,-vit'Le IA, sate IIP0jf(-PtV. i. ! it. knowil to lli.i snll' I-i,lg IvIlow nt,s.., I -Millarn H,lir.- Hurl. ert I euntod stwerd bruvarit. places, At his cio.ic . - "'i! -I �I, If ,�, ; 1, . "W " - S. , I I I I , Tii0 all left I I I -1114IIII 113- this lIM`jW HIPI I' 'ItItlil-(" fit lady Stopped ul) to 1, ' ) � I � Isti-tt 1,111IIIIII-s lipswtutti I bell and said: r .I.... L ; I I . A v story a sinall ohl I . . !ly ",I)o yoll lnoallt,nl 4,.t t.ltqr .Ili' till 'lit 11�11 the 1,midW 4 C"llne acooll't' So"i" lillit-VU 11111111111 KIIII'0! iII4, I %%ill Fold I'l-vi, I li,l *Ka?;dnrd I -a: mg pu-llisEed it . ,� '� ,,�.?1:11 . I . I . - A siz i, it - 11 . I I "L; floviturn nolio call equid you. b,L0,1ozart :� " - I.., - r.11i tll*D flinlo't 'jIIC,)l,It.-r tit() y(Iliv of the lotilks tho"Inflit, it would too it of, ,.)I'll', to fill Wll,t ,I(,Si,(L it, tilil; I -I.- about it heulq eg-q or ullpri-Codent,( I interpreta, I : ,-I. ; "t ..... I ,q,/ . seetne,l hin,riod. to ilia fit yonr interpre'.a, I : .,. . , - .4t utli-ralin writes to Fay that, he poss!-s,iji ail - 3';):,Iwz,jr '�!Irig­.,, ,%-�.ro c"nvio-U-11 of gj)o,j 611;11 ) luilko Lit) It WiLgoll land - * 'I" 11111 l-'rellell or Ell.,li-11 %%.ill) 90 N that YOU May not fancy I speak .�.,. � .. . .. I , I I irmi-Itil"lls till Ising. -1.4.zi." Thi; I, I , I t"N"' 11) I. I " I JILTI)II611" '1111'I'l i is � cl.ar case of ail L tigii.h but.. -I.ondon . ' "I ' - 9 Do I I I Ill ,g , of 'still more wipre e loute tion. ow, tht - I. I 114S 4t.'1fl:)I' "" Mi(i tiro 0111 ,'jJtt.11TI of th'.11gs Itnit dititribute ttio.11 on 1, h)' h,� I by 4114,with slittill., f your Singing ILI tilt) bliml man does of S11,11-in"y his vein.: at Lilt,, 8fIIl;I­. I'j),.r* N'', 0,w 5'Ojjr's fifty alliong thoso Iluor 1, - Iiiiii 10111I..', , Woos. ololor.;, I will nvIntion illy nallic: Jefiliv "Youlooktroublo-1, old cbnT)­ls,'%Anld J , . ' - yon MINInbor t.11 'll" t1ilt, nin fen' fgjllihv�s, its otherwise their chances tin"Rill,_1 thi-4 Ila .'r, •'W. A. Novj?,s, 149 Und 11-oldsehilli'l, I '"I'le. Patti Soul'10-1 Bucking'attil. 8!ul,bs, IllootinEZ hN friend, Di­,Afinll V,,( � Ju igin, frhm the reninrlc of The Pa"t-nee I it? P IV- � cidlester, A', V. I NI;gn ly dill.111-bed fly tilt; V001 Cell%ll J%'Illie Wilionghby hiq.�1!48, Oil the avenue. I,. I diiin't tl:) dolvil to K,,1C ol.bogitining tile new ),ear wit -h lY, ( . I 1-0, bit .. , . I 385-y.e.oi.w. P,084 I bot pcold g4i son I tilifilOSS I.-$ to t-1,11LY ,ini,bly I'Ll-orted: Ili know you were Once ,-.Iklltyolll,vo.,t%N'Ilelcit, m'di-arfel.ol. Ata -uC Gov!iioe %'l'olf t, -o gril, J-`wn '/ `r It ir. thindto pat, wo-IIIIII be denidedly 811-11 -...-.-,------ __ p aye.1 out fit Nefirmiml. it reporiti LlI;j. a comhl,.Wd singor. GI-andrather weed to dow'd. 'o.lus-I tit.t host lit, st,010 was der. Ilw.idps that, almost Avery ' in till awful s-nio," snid Willic- 4L .1-I'mi's, IroelfiPlillittell 'IV,ell, young son or a ric.1 faral"r, Will.) rail (L'4111Y sponkof you." After this clip y J•,iitiy Lind ­Wolljoll ofr debts, or boll 110thill' )tilt, ft 111MLI ono, ,,tit' hlon,t;ed man in (lie s-mlement volunteered to Not front ho o will I ec:nno a ho,; kniilllr, was returned to her phi -ii at Cie ho,tea side - ljo-nothing sort -nu -feet Is, I find It . to a iliall ,.%h,) vot.-d all, xvorhcd 'ki.1ill, chop wood for two houls oil Nviv Y,"i art., fillowtol lafree 11-ifit ofillil-11) ea -en by his cl:ar�,,es wh;,o as.c.-p ,* .. . iltys of the il�oi of Or Rye's ocie5ral"d roe,,ntiv ,� without another word. utterly irnpo-sib:o, doll It Y know, to make . a VIC, 0-Ilt.,lior ? D.fl, 3,oll Ilion') trit icli years day fill- the benefit of the Voltaic, 13 -it. with 814-cirie Sits-ponsil"Y luasiriw-,;tac;:.-0;na:iaH raid. up my niiiirlm-P.Ptl,.orl-aii--.,ilitilI hav0thQ 211il t*116 it w,ell% i Rl" YvAr '), 18.10P families. Tho conianittee was certain Al:llii 'ineps, for tile speptly 1-044' ntid Mr. E:iso i is tibout th tnktt a wife6 Ai it I Itefusing ilia ootwit Pre4cription. calle of Illy-lill-nol... tolwont crat or -ah -- y r -ah - It . "I iyjmtitt!;r ,4,iy jist, ill)il;," rvpli�,jl that, Mean Its be was, IN11,4011 Il:tC0IPR Pf. nittrient cm -P oll"Nervolls Debility, losli talking in,ich.u.3 It a p ww)graplt was no. it A bapho:cr physician of Chic rinati was two foot lo'lig", Said Willin. I tll,I S-Illire, vnipirlsizi,is, hill rwri trees would tie ft lit tie. solup.tiling In 9 case ,if %*jtjIIjiy and Moinlidod, sold all kindred Succe S.-Caicago'J.1111 .s. , olice called to Sea a yoling widow. "You 1 "Twolfew, my (Imir lellm-fill-tvrofect, illy III01lo-61111 Ills li-;b Oil his 14DI-It', "ILII' like this. When Baked it lie would I A 1,o, for tanu V other of !sell 906. "Father,' arkLd little Jobamy, "why is it , tire ki?ipsom,),Il Nnid ilia tioctor. "Your hus­ - by all rf;�allsl" ellnellInted J. Buckingham. � Lro,lbies. CV1143MM—MMUMMMI-M-0- - I su ' it'" A I IfQ it , . La, 0 , "' 4 thilt, i.4 itil't; )"KI ItOr llok.),!v vlm, tiffln't. give ,t jurictly., or it piece of viinisoll, (;Ont ,lets restoration to health, vigor Ilia, they nlytay.i beg it ilia legislative so- I laud has boi..,n dead theve yo:tr% I'd alivi,e I "Minuets -ah -thanks, fivituly. You V0 jiuvvr I and IIJILlillood g1litritnteed. No risk is I . t.1-joe. 111ollutainoiTirly--ah- . I'll to so'; liovIllor %V )1.1 III I"00, oil anything be pleaso'l, ho said . smn with jrt1t;irsfI Ili dont I'llow, in I y 3� on -t,) it tit ry agnin.' ! tLihon a-alt-li, I loRmw h." time son,' i431 hu -i his fa hrr, "8,i1--84 it is to 80"t ..()I,, Doctor, ;111 marry you to -morrow if ' mind. Hav,-ti 4Tolti,,t,.,)Iii..c,l,-aii-Lliiiiking :, rull tjtl�� ill I"J. Tll�Abl:i I -Willi, I've grit Rnme- turicoys, Rill ilicill-red. IIIii-itrated pamphlet, Will' o it Ind tile eyes of tho f,ocd a wil'it is.".1oil. , you "vill have MN" � .1th-ah-a dash 4V% ".AD I llf.tnwr Say, an' y (Ili Ii.titit, it I've got somil ven'son, ail' I've got I roll !af,)rmatlnn, teri", etc.,., "Ittill,ii I .11 , __ I __ - - I.....- I I-A.A At IV` 11!11 nint'M I Ill years-lio, (I.-ar Ila%, not In yenm Ah, gomt, I it you was burn soine, War went, L Co for ,,h.3 pra, fir 4s ol the doctor, hNi Inj%% 0 a duo;) of so,jift %% : .r 81,01) 111�, UVLL .Ali), I've gilt plenty I Pfc,- by 04dreaslog voltitle, III I' , , I, . - . v I cf bviftlAy. Ifeel'.-all ,. 1. . ou ,e,ujt too. . 11, ,I !ch. - ----I t0pT)III4 I 4ek rind bitfs!1itig, "you knots, I t,action, I sap me." And they , ju 'j,; '", An I'lli it'goill ter keep I , darslat' illlay-c343 sw.!)�- .- . I If - . . I . . madnin, that phyqicl%ni never take Wa,r oN% At Ilificies-11", caso. -Li,* i- 1 - . I. . ­ . . , I . pi .ff,!T-I"3,.Iun% I -Ciacinna, I SWIL all lourned to the uortrust, I .I,. 11,11-11% , __"It`.�__Il: � 0* . ,It I I" .." , 16", I'l I."-; i�- - I I �_ v ,I�-A.O,L; � -