HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-11-25, Page 7P. 4 r4 All Flowia Seein Struggling k'WIt2C . �•'�' �TDVElj2BE,R 25, 1887, ' RUSSIAN $li!(�C;I�RS. ( HUMOR. ., , ;si , -�,,, i,,, - ox as �s «YQ W$O J+IPL' BUNnaL+na errors It maybe assumed from fairlyre liable reurns that then wilier of re- fessional beggars in Ruse}a amounts from t A childnever o theie hd ouses,- according to. the father, It is little bits ov thins that fret and wore us says Jos; Billings; • Y �, y ?g g ' we Jean dodge an elephant, but we i I� _ - �ll :i r, /� it Q • r4r �. t, ) nen ..A, l -" �` cliNioNERA 1 RMRA€�Y . p10TSER. • ,--. r0P midst of sin and shame,t)�;' xhRF htr so• wild brain did reelp $my , Pf enthe.aoothiug of that name, �!. T been could feel- fait better things for me- Q amainder p ter all eternity. itch 661}n8 with my anguish wild, Scoffing amid the riot fond, Scoffing Nice again a little child, ' unimet,'neath a summer cloud; echo -echo sweet- B y the'. ate where we most meet, Poi®on my life and state, Bloodshot eyes and quiveringbrain t ' }"ricking curcuma -too late, too late- Doubts of being clearly same, 3ut, then, sweeping o'er my frame, the pureness of that name. �Iidai ht and atone. Ah, well,known g , All around the gathering gloom,beggars g g There just now there reigned aLell, This the whispering of a doom, Vengeful, endless without hope, Without mere in his eco e. Y P - - - • Lathering storm -the flickering_light- Fainter growing -fainter still .yea that stare into the nicht, Ears that hear a far-off rill bya rustics of P f- - Nipping from a sylvan rot, PP g Y B Nanderinge of a weary heart, Trembling,.questioning, oh where ? tieing with a fearful start- Linked to dark dispair, writing on the wall there a heavy fall. P. g the leasure eh; the litter -dams That so soon will fade and die ; .h the moment that so bitter, Taste beneath the morning sky, When the lights are gone, sad le, Minds are sobbing, woe, woe, woe. * w * * * * ,ike asilver bell, when ringing Sweet cadences o'er a hit} , Came that soft old fashioned cin"in ' g Where I lay ;do still -- And upon my brow fell rest, Where m hands so tightly Y g Y pressed.ABcidgeport,Conn.,despatchsays: Von may be as vile as ever Man can dare to be, But )'ll not desertyou—never,She—'James,do Trust, oh trust in me, Then I tried my tears to smother,a Lost in rapture—oh, my mother* -••• to 35eIy 0 of which 220,000rlive abs aolute]y on casual charity, the re- being partly assisted by be- kan't A fly.' One of the sweetest pictures of do- mestic econom is a blacking a Y poetg - ., r 1 ` ..,.�,.... THE LARGEST Iron. and Hardware Meroiat nevolent institutions. Among other reasons alleged for this extensive f3 mendicancy are drunkenness, the re - white stocking so that it won't show through the fissures of his boot. Vhen you dook der �edders from ` - ', \r i 't AND BEST HB,ving boutcht the .11Afl,I- , --' �PA,R �Ei Stook ligious meaning of almsgiving, corn- pulsory subdivision of peasants' pro - perty and laziness, and locally, want of sufficient land on which to support �P family the are goose avay Shen dot goose vas dressed,' dressed,' says Curl Pretzel. 'But vhen you dook der fedders mit der gal avay she vas not dressed.' Y I fI . - 1(� III�� 1 ! ( 6u i ' sin 91Ei=t R`itessenss,tillun,ili, l i'lla, i� ti s� s=-slirisil' NEWSPAPER oi J. 13. CWaffield, will sell. it at reduced prices. Now p is the time to procure a and poverty of soil pot corlvard. In two districts of the Moscow Government—namely Bogn- rodak and Wereja-fifty-two villages, with productive its soil and h all di-, P legally vided among its 10,000 inhabitants, live by professional begging. Their mode of procedure is as follows :-In autumn, as soon as the crops are bar vested and sold and it inconsequently where mane exists, bands of ytheir of from ten to twenty !dead, with five to ten carts, start to prey Suome take off ton the heir slus hirts neighborhood. cloth- , and, Iu the rhetoric class :-Teacher- g .' Take the sentence She ave herself away. flow can that be changed and still retain file same moaning ? Pupil , , -She got married. Some nue writes :--`You can often tell the struggles a man has passed through by his face. Yes ; especially is this so if the struggles were with a dull razor• Young wife (trying hard to be prac- ing t I see eggare firmaccord- ing to the market reports.'Husband ,B cases al hose thionic w femal sthousands at d of atlmente peculinr to females, at the Invalids Hotel an Surgicalavast Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experienceal in nicely ads3rt- ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this grtfat and valuable experience. Thousands of teatime- mals,>;ecefved from Patients and from phyai- efane who have tooted it in Mime]re ag ra- voted and obstinate cases wad derful skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended es a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for It i a poiv omit i uvi • orating tonic, it imparts strengt`'i to the whole system, IN THE COUNTY. 4i********** **********)30 One of the best equipped JObPrint- ing Offices in the , district. She ,Seed Builder's 1 f H O l l TO rd �! l 1 LJI 1 ADVANTAGE 7 y� w re T 1111!' C� i Gt s syPaints S u pp1 i e s AT ing themselves in bits of burned fur, represent themselyes as burned-outdoesn't P Y peasants ; others make their children howl by beatingthem,while,occasion- ally, monetary assistance is asked to pay the burial fees of a suddenly de- is -represented -+ Yes love.' Wife -"f hat means and to the womb and its appendages in------�/ , particular. For overworked, worn-out," that they are Bard -boiled, it, run-down," debilitutea touchers, milliners, , dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," house- -Flossy, you talk too much. You keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women dont hear grandma jabbering every eneratiy, Dr. ierce's Favorite Prescription minute.' ' No, randma ; but you rho greatest earthly boon, being unequaled g ' Y ass an appetizing cordial and restorative tonin known that you've lived a great dea As a soothing and strengthening � - _._,•,V•• _- ----A OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. •Hardware ' r r $tore, Clinton ceased old man, who by one of the band. A common prat= -flee, is to buy children from the nurses>1O of the foundlinghospitals and artifi-Mistress-'otherio P cially maim them to excite pity. Formerly a clever beggar would bringfrom 100 to 200 rubies back with him, besides the increased value for sale of his horse, who had fattened on charitable food. Competition has now reduced this gain to some 40 rubies. longer'❑ I havo and had time to get nervine 'Favorite Prescription" is une- b , ghaled ant is invaluable in allaying and dab- most of the talk out of you. cluing nervous excitability, irritability,ex-B and i cessprong, in, hysteria, symptoms What? the create all other distressing, uortous Rfiaptemd com- gone again? I really cannot under- moulyltttendluit upon Yunciional and organic stand?' Servant-' Please,mum the dlsenso of the womb. it ina xi� refreeld e- � sloep and rehevee montul ililxiefy and de - eat,' Mistress-' Nonsense when we epondencys haven't one.' Servant-' But please, i �a �joe ild; i,Fo `�o''dj;'. i ,scat uOis mum, you said as you was going to eompuuu n•1 by an `'s;leri. uctd and skillful get one.' physician, and adapted t.: wuunln's delicate organization. It IS ince:;; vegetable in its composition and pervrotiv harmless in its i --- kX* - ONLY •:-: COMPETENT :: tiVosLIEN * EMPLOYED * °i:=��1 � I s < a osnGSnSufi c��t U A�r�,as' ac ' -- - - ----- - + ��� ��® Men,Women and Children 'w'AN'rTED TO CARRY AWAY FROM This scandalous mode of existence has its m the in ]n a arnt70oft}ie teatrrance of he war when villrges earlyere really burned and Smith-` I see coal has gone up 40 effects in any conditi, of tti system. For centa Brown 8Yor fteen mean 40 cnts a tonbt.' do `n ulntoriO(., wea kt;tonmeli,'indigestofrom n, dyerA rn5i:; ;:n 1 iaudrd G\ Pllti•.iIII ,its use, in etn you not?' Smith-' No. You are (lees. `ria ;'r:�•; erY l.i n, ti, ial. L U --ft hit asi', fonc ie a poet. ITYPJGR4PHYJ. sx , p ec• n ; ✓� -- G�yy�Ah, EmpOrium, the inhabitants driven to beggar Y• The tradition of the liberal charity then bestowed still exists in the dis- .tricts, and renders snch outrageous proceedings profitable. Within these last few ears continuous efforts have Y succeeded in finding winter occupy- tions for many of these professional beggars in wood cutting and sawing. speaking in the lag ua eof the dealer;d ,' P g g g ic. < i l for th l r•t i licatea nna ab- Iam stating the fact.'teen • c::,,'8 of 1' u..'rrhi.r, GXCeSSIVO flowing, A writer in a November ma azine i uiiiful nllndti•itati ul, nen:aural suppressions, g • pr,dapsu•t, or • lii"eu ul' •the crumb, weals back, suggests that a prize of $100,000 be of- ' female wen kne,•;.:." nntcversion, retroversion, fered to anyone who will find a means b�uing-Spire senyatiune, Chronic aingestlon, Y intlammnt,on and uleei9ltlon of file cvemb, in- of communication with the lower slain!nation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, animals. It would be cheaper -and a0�enoaroeuiith internal. heat". Of lune- safer -to get a girl whose father tional action, at that critical period of change doesn't keep lower animals. from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre- eeription" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, ,;. o' �? � � c._ . EW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW OINAMENTS,FINE PAPERS, FINE INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. ---o--- T q� TAT �V FA�.Id.1 and VV i+,�1 TER MOODr OUR STOCK IS FULL AND WELL ASSORTED IN Tweeds, Flannels, Cress Goods, Motions, Shawls, Blankets, Yarns, Comforters,(�, &o, BOOTS and SHOES of endless variety. FELTS and RUBBERS. GROCERIES -Large stock and finest quality. GLASSWARE, CROCK- ERY and HARDWARE. MILLINERY tock fine A rural paper recording the arrest and can produce only good results. It is A MAGNET MADE OF of Jim Reed for dealing in liquor equally efficacious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange - CANNONS. license, Those Bu sin ess Circulars s very and cheap. P All goods bought for cash and will be sold at the very lowest prices. O without remarks :-' ments incident to that later and most critical , who know Jim cannot balieve that he Period, kortt asresc" The iptiChange of whene." is guilty.Theysaythat if he ever "Favorite on withhsuse of�9ertace's in connection the use of Dr. Pleree'e One of our leadingarmyengineers gets hold of any liquor he would never Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative g sell it or give it away. He would doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little —n sr>ycIAL'rr — `" - - - R , ADAMS , LONDESBORO L DESBORO has brought before the engineer,Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder classes of late an experiment of e0 drink it. diseases. Their combined use also removes you know you put blood taints, and nboliehes cancerous and startlinga nature in its inception ecrofutoue humors from the system. P three buttons on the prate in church "Favorite i'reseriptiru g is the only as to promise wonderful results. It to -day ?' He-' I knew what I was medicine for women, sold by druggists, under positive guarantee, from the manu- NEAT T. • TASTY• 9 ARTISTIC. GO 01D Arp-vicm.. is a monste> magnel made of two about.'She-'James, perhaps you that it will give satisfaction in every facturers, or ewill refunded. This Rodman guns, which are connected don't know that I bought those but- guaran- tee .at the breech. Around themanet tonsyesterday fornew dress and ten line beenul printed on the forbottle-wrapper.mnyyears. g my and faithfully carried out many years. 50 apiece for them.' ---- E E LI E JAPE IN JAPAN, -- — Cai•tet. Harrison, lately mayor of • �hicao, is visiting Japan,, and, a. v•• Fetter ester to theG7hicago 'Mail, he writes Every classof people seem engaged-- [ - men). not the noble, but the people -and all ares do their share • :or the common support -men wo- man, boys and girls, Childrenthink a.ufler 10 are the merriest, laugh- ingest, busiest little bodies I ever Saw. One can almost pronounce this the paradise for, young ones. They are in a profusion I never saw elsewhere. They are as thick as flies and flies here are as abundant es the sands on the sea shore. Child- ren are in the shops and stores where their parents are at work. Indeed, one would almost think that in the finer stores little ones tricked out in their nicest to make to make -the place attractive. In the streets they are ru•nning, skipping and jumping everywhere. The J P Y babies are strapped to the backs of their mothers and larger than themselves. One scarcely often sees a dozen .or two boys and girls under 10 at all •sorts of . play, one half of them having babies ori their banks, oftentimes when the little nurses are playing regular tamps, thelittleones sound asleep, their down and flopping from side to side. as if their little necks would break. Here in front of this hotel when the tide was out I saw hundreds early in the morn- ing seeking mussels, mosses and sea- weed. Little fellows not over 10, wading about gathering • shellfish, wyth_.babies fnstene l to them. When' they would stoop on hands and knees the babiel; would almost stand on their heads. I can say that I have seen hundreds of those and have yet onlyheard three babies crying. three em sometimes haveaof two dolls strapped snd to them. Not once have I seen a doll in the arms. The children a• re nurses to a greater extent in the villages than in the cities. For there the mothers are at work in the fields. In the cities, however, children over six years old ate at school. A certain amount of edu- nation is nearly universal in the city. aid cents (�:x: thus farmed is wound about 20 P P Large bottles o0 doses) iBl.Uo, or sixS miles of submarine cable, The Very few women break their necks bottles for MOO. - - b trniii their heads on the street For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Y g ten OUR It S A M P L E Me Prepare Women clic pages, paper -covered), send cable is some that has been used to see ,Khat other women have on pp pp cents in etttmps.• Address, in the torpedo service. It is wound but a man has been known to bump World's Dispensary Medical association, and fastened in a substantial man- his head against a lana post andpte - P y. ry,,. • .... _ . . ger, mak)ng- a.permaneni magnet,' in the. utter trying. to catch aamile . 6631/Isin 8t 1BUFFALQy1�f.Y.1 CLINTON. ONT. ...__...__,-........... ._•,._-_............ n p ... _ for t _ the cold weather bygettingin c _ _ eel Radia o one of - µ ��r��c sl from a face that turns awayfrom him. When electricity is applied some -E„p • t 1JU _ _ F--=-__ strauge take For in- Do think,young man, he said, _ _ results place. you - __-_.;,� p stance, a bar of railroad iron thirty that you be able to take care of my Zi �Ie.Fri feet daughter, Flora, in the style to which l� `llZ` n. They give the best of satisfaction. Or the next best thing is one of their long, ifplaced in a open can- _ P she bas been 'I �4rtislhifiai�xTa v PARI alwa s accustomed?' non's'mouth cannot be drat►n out Y Pi so, sir,' answered the youngPi by as many men as can grasp it.. '' man, confidently. ' She refused to g�i ' -_ ' Another instance of the strength to the concert with me last week be-- = L N T • N sn �t' .ftifri_. A of this big was illustrated cause she said she had nothing to C ell. \ -Iti magnetg _ u_ '� Saturday with a, 350 -pound cannon wear.'[ e ----�4_4_ , izi 'The �-- OR . HEATT1 '• A GREAT VARIETY OF ALL KINDS OF Cooking,Box, Parlor and Parlor Cook ball. shot wasplaced in the P, you Side t kick George out of H T 'Y \ �� - mouth of the cannon on the negative the house last ear ?' as you threatened p o\ side. On reversing the electrical to, did y�lu, dear?' ' Yes, Clara, I rots �i rr„' .._ _I kicked him clear out into the front 0.3 ,, current it fell from its position, but yard.' ` Oh, pa, how could you be so 11a ' _ :,'.. ,4 ' °'4Niilti� was attracted to the opposite cannon cruel? You have broken poor George's .. (sl . ca Stoves and Ranges. • ALL SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. , GALL AND SEE jTHEM. and clung to its side. The positive heart.' ` No, indeed, I didn't come r' �.' "-� i.ELE FARMER'S S FRIEND. surrent was then reversed alter- anywhere near his heart.• HAR=.,A1T]D BROS nately with the• negative, and the •You eaanatalwaye tell what people TIIE FROPRI.ETOR CLAIMS FOR THIS FENCE heavy, cannon ball played between mean by what they say; but when the 1. -That it ie the most serviceable and durable rail tante in us e• 2. -It is the the two cannon like a tack between bottom comes out of the ash Lerrel cheapest and most substantial fence mads. •3. -It is easily constructed, and can that, a man is tugging and straining be made out of old rails. 4. -It will not be..displaced by the host, nor by any ani- _ SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, CLINTON. i - • _ ' the poles of a toy magnet. to get up the cellar steps, and the mal running against it. 5.—Tt can be easily and quickly repaired. If rails should from _ •with `- man says something, it is safe to as -break auy cause they can be replaced little trouble, as they do not rest up with the wire. Tie stakes can also be re-—, NEWS NOTES. sumo as a general thin that he placed one another, and are not weakening g g. planed if neoessarv, without weakening the fence. 6.—!tie best fence the moveable means it. In use. We are coutideut that our Ranee will meet the requirements of the Earpiece Rev Dr Burwash was appointed A writer in a November magazine who have fencing to do, and we can show many testimonials from good farmers.to Chancellor of Victoria University on asks :-' Are the lower animals ap- . that effect. Agents wanted. L'or information apply or write to the patentee. - ' Friday. preaching man?' Some of the lower The jury of the Hatherly case, at animals have frequently approached JOHN O. ELLIOTT, CLID'TON St. Thomas, found that death was boys in the vicinity of apple orchards, caused by a fall from a waggon. • . and no doubt they would also ap- Barkwell's Bronchial Balsam cures Preach man if he were on the same all Rinds ofcoughs andcoldsbron- errandastheboys, Ask for Barkwell's, all and \\Tiriter Styles Any quantity of Good Clover r��+heads-hanging chitin and croup. take no other. Sold by J. H. Combe TEMPERANCE NEWS. and Dr. Worthington. -•-- IN FINE ASSORTMENT -VISITORS SURPRISED -BUYERS DELIGHTED The Globe London correspondent In Great Britain there are 15,000 _ FINE AND LOW PRICES DO THE states by authority,that no announce- temperance organizations, and it is Vt'e aro the Leaders in Latest Styles and the Guiding Star for Fall Bargains. The meet regarding Lord Landsdowne's estimated that 5,000,000 persons areY g g successor will be made before Easter, total abstainers, best of everything, but no high profit prices. Our stock consists of the Finest UNDERWEAR,�in and 1 jn'l,o l,�] �% Seeds wanted • • •Gl)ODS Highest pride paid. - unless Cabinet changes should neces- - great variety, struts action in the matter before that Prcaident, Cleveland has issued an order forbidding the importation of Persian Lamb Caps Beaver Imit.Beavers time. breechloading rifles and intoxicating S.S.Seal f , ' Wm• d of a second Brantford, has been .Ca s. Imit. S. S. S.Caps Men and convicted of a offence of sell- liquors into Alaska.p ing liquor to the Indians. He was A baptist church in Ocala, Fla„baa. Boys Fine Pullman & Alma Caps. sentenced to four months in the coun- summarily expelled all its members x• N N. ROBSON. CINA -HALL. ty jail, with hard labor. This will whose names have appeared on peti- ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S make his time in jail eight months. tions for liquor licenses. Some employers in Germany,noting TAM 0 SHANTERS: INIHARD OR SOFT HATS ville,r states :-I merchant,eatpleasure the evil effect brandy drinking has We can please everybody. Call and see all the Eatest Shapes for the Fall •and in recomms:-❑q take great Balm to upon their workmen, have tried the Winter of 1887. Prices wonderfully low, We are reaching out for more trade any one troubled with that dreadful experiment of supplying coffeegratui- with irresistible iuclacentents, beyond;tbe whispers of competition or comparison, disease, catarrh. I have been tfoubled tously, with a most satisfactory result. come and see for yourself, fifA new drinking fountain has been with itor the past thats I never had r G. GLASGOW Next Door to the Palace Albert st• Cliatoaorder, can saycandidly I never had placed on the Thames Embankment, anything that gave me half so much near Cleopatra's Needle, in mem- i 'J ' G E N T L E M E N $8(iiiirlJti►g • Nobby, Stylish. �7i nod Eithne' and well made Clothing. a ,� to • relief as your Nasal Balm. I have cry of the late Mr Walter Browne,• Will find for the Fall Winter Trade only used two bottles and I feel like a visit engineer, who died during the t a �� m new man. visit of the British Association to n i;_ � ' Montreal. a 4 s Pn.g �' °- 9., Middlesex school, school teacher has aread ti desk King Humbert,of Italy,haa always G y ✓ ° m n �' �' y g '; i. n ,gj +' n ,j L 0 a « .2 in a corner of the school room, and been an abstainer from liquors and al- e o 8 : F L , F-•'. a on it keeps "Treasure Trove” and most a total abstainer from wine. He a'c W ."V °-"+ D "Our Little Ones” on file. These are has smoked cigars quite freely if not ,., P o *.'";..g ,I E.a a S r, ee eciall useful on storm da s.- excessively. About three.months ago Os a•-`611.-'"' yss�. ea " a P • ,y Y Y he noticed that something in his •, Q^ F P o,0' : c6 During ,he time of any special event, habits was hurting his health. Ph I. a 0 g ° 8,v0 .00, such as war, she uta the Gra hit or g . Y" ^ > o y o •,,• snwho P sicians said it was cigars, and hinted i4.� °''s . ;l G" a odd numbers of other illustrated pap- ,y 0 8 c Qtr v :" at more moderation. The kin at ^� ' ,,_ era on the desk. The a n]. roe at @ W w y , v, ti �a -'� once declared against the use of all �'� n�, s,,•� g noon hours read in turn. -Sometimes tobacco and has done no smoking` g o s d will read to a large group of lis- Cd c Ie -;d ›- ,a tenors. since. His health has shown gratify- 0 n P�A� a v.m ,, en o a Mr faE. Meas wholesale ing improvement. Q, .Egg Q., Q,�;es m NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THF, MATTER OP THOMAS W. biCLAUOIILIN, TATE OP' THP TOWN saIP OF HULLETT IN THE COUNTY OF MUTTON, YEOMAN, DECEASED Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R.S.O., Chap, and 46 others having(la (Ontario), the estate of Thomas W. McLaughlin, late of %fur n� leo ant Hallett, in the ediCounty of about the fifteenth day of August, 1887, to deliver or send b post pre -paid to Messrs y Manning &Scott, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administration of the real and per- sonalestateof the said deceased, on or before• TIIe FIFTH DAY Of lt)EC. A,I► 1887, a atatomont of their On and addresses, and full particulars of their claims duly at- all the newest'materials and at f Ascher s the Leadingordered Clothing ' g •- House of Clinton. M. FISCHER, the Le 'ding Cutter, in charge ;who will try and please you. Give us a call and inspect our charger Prices low. 10 per cent discount for cash. Parties having their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed at reasonable rates at FISHERS Leading CLOTHING HouseClinton b THEY PAY $500, OR CURE. For many years lithe manufacturers of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financial- fi Y P ly, have offered in good faith, throw hP every newspayer in the lan ,a 1 g reward of $600 for a case of nasal no matter how bad, or catarrh,deo of how long standing, which they cannot Dore. The remedy is sold by druggists at only 50ets. It is mild, eootbing, cleansing, deodorising, an- se is and healing. ,. s,r New in The o g_, t•h m ai with a statement ofnlse �` clothier,of York,went travelling It i9 very truly remarked ti) ; , about a month ago, leavinghis bust- Christian(Aug.th that `When it is '� `' 1' b n om' d" g ' ( g b E,i "' .w.•,Q�wo.niai •• nees under the care of the general remembered that about one hundred manager. He also left in this indi- and fifty members of the House of are btesteased, and all seich curities (if any) held by them. And further notice is given that after said date the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of said deceased among the thereto,rogard being had y„ �' e*p, p h,r p, erp o t3 jrit, a e s a C m o a y- ey F 5•,d a 5,,� pi p a lr M d to p lr� O tln 0,a 3.. 3 ,P • � p, �, �' • GGG�,+ it A sago dime museum mon stick at ing. One of them offered Mrs Engel!, widow of one of the hanged Anarchists, $10,000 in cash, for the loan of Louis ,00 9 body, which had been placed in her charge. He wished to exhibit it for one year in various parts of the country, and wasclintou. hopeful he would make a little for. tune out of the ghastly spectacle. It a good deal for t e woman s sense of the proprieties, that she re- fused the offer, poor though she is. viduel s hands a number of blank Commons are in one way or other signed cheques on a certain bank, to connected with the drink trade, it be- nllrlaT wrnvlNCi,—THP SIJB9CBIAPR be used excusively in the business,and comes lees hard to understand the C would rospoctftllly, intimate to thio pyo- a power of attorney to di ose of the d'fGeult}esw}th nh}ch the temperance plc of Clinton and Vicinity thetheisprepared P t0 do all kinds of CARPET WEAVING, in the moue in bank for similar purposes partyin to have to contend.the Y P P mosteatisfaetorymanner. Allarn•ltontrnst- hdiscoveredMos returned on Fnday Yet da f re Stn it ear e l attention, whlileiterms wilcetive l bo asmpt nnd l'easonablie parties entitled only to the claims of which notice shall thereto- foie havc'been received, and the said exocu- tors will not be liayyble for the assets or any eniA exrt lecutms sereof to hell not havo hadn of onoticeinmt. time of seen distribution. Dated.at(•linton,this4thdn of November, A. D- Jx97• p '14 w• g a� m ius� t�'t r p a ;, ; al . 0 ti 1: „trlq ;pc', to c I ' .: if' Ra reel �, pi �o g ; �m eine, m M 'eon r' y me ! �M,��,••t• o 5.0 2 kJ ;r 'ate °•O lh y tyd r, t, p ,S•h+,-,�,,° ne ri e m ,d i5 0 , qq p " M �' A d o O ]b d `*ani p'am 20 .e- Cq�" "�'; .a w! o ~ A !A $ r e n xA m Td va g 7 O Rm p a teh land can,makane e that the manager that be o g y as are consistent ttith first-class work. W, had used these cheques to draw moneyfurthergreat and lastingprogress she HAWKINS, James St., near the Freight shed, 9 1? g MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for Admiuletratiou• d �� o o m m i m -1 £ la gd kd vi 5" g' 1N VI Z 8 • ? °' 'a - - . ; CD j to speculate with on his own account, must be freed from the crushingbur- and had cleared out leavingbehind a den of the drink bill and the atten• J. MA Yzii'E, a r e • m is rd --e o m ca w a �?p, ,Imp• t" a t" - e m 6 s.r �' m i o 0 O o"e �.r - g "m g p a•• Eris +a p o n , °°®' n , z z G-”) i ehortageofover�00,000. Thefailuie dantconsequonces. There is little of Mr Moss, with liabilities of $125- use in increasin the national.wealth g 000, •fs t0 be announced as a cense- se long as that wealth is takcp from WC Will Send the New Era qurnee. those wbo can least afford it, in ex- to new subscribers from note PAINTER Bt GRAINER, # f house Deoonsnon, fi, , PAPER HUNG Ar 12e. PER ROLL,. �„„X o° aMwpp'd�a�f°p �'” r 4 co ,° m g e,q m m a m o e~ g g 0 p., 4 0 tz ,.. pi o i.'.�' '- ''� E. pp90 Pagec ' (I) s ,�r.� "�c3c)_{says �-y� r'� r - 1 o X tn. 1 . 1.73 z,-,•,rnl Children Cry for change for a commodity which de- to the enol of 1888, for 431.10 , Pitchers Castoria. nr•.lna thorn '_-..Alllnnrtw 1Vnwa cosh. ORDRR9 LEFT AT S. DAVIS' STORE. n °M"' �b Erma" e$� 0 It 4g'' a.• map�'� f'r'.'Pmm k"pr Ito -- -'-'�` ______-- -- .8