HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-11-25, Page 5Salto > to 'iste4. Sp duets;, Nov, 26.-,-$ouseho1a fur- Pitgrp and other articles, en the Market S(ivaxe, Clinton. J Howson, auot. (ilAT1J$3 1C, D00."3. -^House ant lots. of Victoria street, Clinton, kelongtng to - the estate of the late John Stephenson. As gw$on, auct. pit; DEo. 6.— Farm stock and 1fl ements of Mrs, E. Sperling, lot 26, CP.I.9, Qoderioh townehip. J. Howson auctioneer. GET LOUR PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT POSTER'S, CLINTON. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected even Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Nov. 24, 1887. Wheat, spring, - • 0 78 a 0 80 Wheat, white and red • 0 78 a 0 80 028 a 030 O 50 a 070 O 54 a 055 200 a 225 050 a 070 018 a 020 017 a 0181 650. a 600 800 a 800 024 a 025 • 050a075 060 a 080 • 600 a 700 Oats Barley Peas Flour, per cwt Potatoes Butter Eggs . Pork • .. Hay • Wool • Sheep pelts Lamb skins Hides, • SEAFORTII MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Nov. 24, 1887: $075 a 0801 - 0 75 a 0 80 : O 29 a 0301 O 55 a 0 56 0 60 a 0 70 O 91 a 0 22 0 18 a 0 19 0 60 a 0 65 5 50 a 6 00 O 17 a 0 20 200 a 225 Wheat, spring, Red and white Oats, • - Peas, • Barley, Butter, - Eggs, - • Potatoes, • Pork, • Wool, • • Flour per owt - BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for NEW ERA every Thursday Blyth, Nov. 21, 1887. Fall wheat, red, per bush. • 75 •a 78 Fall '' . new . 75 a 80 Oats • . 28 a 30 Barley . . 55 a 70 Peas 56 a 58 Apples per barrel • 1 00 1 25 Potatoes, per bag ▪ 75 a 80 Eggs per doz 18 a 18 Butter,rolls . 18 a 19 Cheese 15 a 15 Lard . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2 00 2 10 Hoge, . 5 00 5 50 Hay, 8 00 10 00 Stra.w . . 2.00 4 00 MON,VEAL LIVESTOCK MARKET. Tlia'supply of butchers' cattle is rather small and prices are higher all round. Primo beeves are very scarce and pretty high priced, or from 4fc to to over 4,Fc per lb.; pretty good cattle sell at from 3ic to •4c, and common stock at about 3c per lb., while the lean beasts sell from 1}c to 2 c -per -lb. 111y. ""��eoYge�leholsoii='Gou„ht twenty good steers at the East End Abatoir to -day paying $53.50 per head, or about 41c per lb. They were the only good drove on that market. Cheep and lamb were in fair supply at about former rates; sheep selling at from $3 to $4.50 each, and lambs at from $2.25 to $4.50 each. There were Ho live hogs on the market —the season for live hogs being nearly over—and the Last sales reported were at 5}C per lb. The horse trade is rather dull at present, with not much doing except in unsound nage. eAK�NG POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. Anmarvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mere economical than;the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In CROP. ROYAL. BAKING POWDER CO., 100 Wall St , Now York. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY THE undersigned, at residence or,drug store, AIRS A. WORTHINGTON, J3LAC1 SMJTHS WANTED.—THREEC'A- NADIAst blacksmith's wanted itt once. Apply to W. if, COLE, box 471, Flint, Mich, COTTAGE TO RENT,—CENTRAL LOCA- T•tov, suitable for smell family. Apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton. HOUSE; TO HENT, — COMFORTABLE house on Huron St., to rent, containing eight rooms, and n11conveniences. Apply to iISH AUU\4CABTLL, C'iiuton. __, 'NOTICE—The Council of the Corporation 11 of the County of Huron, will meet in the Court House in the Town of Goderich, on THURSDAY, the first day of December next. ' piiDAMSON, County Clerk. AY HEIFER, -STRAYED FROM THE ubscriber's premises, Huron Road, lot 18 loderich township, some time in June teat, a Glory Heifer, coning two years old, with white spot on forehead. Any one giving{g, information that will lead to its recove•y,wil be suitably rewarded. (1.LAVIS,Hohnosville OTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS.—NO- TICE is hereby given that in accordance a resolution of the con ell, nll taxes municipality of Clinton, roust be teforo the 11th of December• next, et h timne the rull will bo retm'nd, Rate- _the r8will please govern 11(1) selves HMI acct. y. (11:0 TEDFORD, Collector. LAND FOR TALE—Till: UNDERSIGNED offers for sale his promises on the gravel roars, near Clinton, consisting of 12 aces, with r,ond frame horse, born and other out- buildings ; gond orchard, plenty of water. The place is in tip-top sila.pe, and is only offered because owner finds ft too far to wall; to his Work, Tortes reasonable, JOS 1i PFl('KI:T, Clinton. LTftAY RAM. r,'l'E'rhu FROM THE 17 subscriber's prc'uii.(: , 01) the :li"l eon. of Stanley, about the middle of October, it Shropshire Ram, two years of 1, hnq n slip on the underpart andpoint of rightenr. Any one giving information that wilfl, lend t'rils re• roverywill posuittbi1 rower( ed. MALCOLM M'E\VEN, El 05 DS We offer today and as long as any of the goods remain' unsold., 30 pieces of ALL WOOL TWEEDS, PRICE FOR THIS SALE: About 1,000 yards ; regular price 45cts. per yard. of these goods is 75 cents per yard. Also about 200 -Remnants of DRESS GOODS, from 5 to 10 yards at HALF PRICE: ,oNo Guessing of Beans or Lottery schemes in order to secure these bargains. Open to all JOHN WISEMAN 'Manager, Estate J. EOE C ' B. BIG SACRIFICE OF UTOOLLEN coons As we intend closing our Woolen Mill here, we offer from now till Dec. 31st, our great variety of stock at cost for cash. We have an excellent stock of Fine and Coarse TWEEDS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, Fine FLANNELS, TOP SHIRTS, SHIRTS and DRAWERS for Men and Boys. We havePlain andCheck FLANNELS of our own make, YARNS, SHEET1NG,White k HorseBL ANKETS The equal of which were never before produced, and all must be cleared out befte the above date. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS. T. H. GRAHAM, Mgr. D. GRA11AM,Prop AB- I30N-RST 00M1:"AR.ISO N REGULARrvS IRREGULAR INSURANCE, Results on a Policy in the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, compared with alleged cheap insurance. " Assets—MUTUAL LIFE,) Assets—Cheap concerns, proceeds of a $116,000,000 j AGE 25, LIFE PLAN. collection after passing the hat • Name of Institution MUTUAL LIFE Royal Arcanum I. 0. Foresters Federal If a claim iu 10 years If a claim in 15 years I. I1,a claim in 20 years 0 n EU 8205 00 60 00 80 40 60 00 Ab 0 0 t 8189 00 8984 00 940 00 919 63 940 00 d w > a w Doe, Fc°t Arc 4r4 8.307 8307 50 S310 50 81000 00 S 44 00 90 00 910 00 64 40 100 60 879 00 • 44 00 90 00 910 00 p � ..2 a 93 00 123 60 93 00 0 ..' FU 5410 00 120 00 160 80 120 00 �a Qro 8594 50I 51184 50 880 00 839 20 1 880 00 c,O .d q a a , 2w"a 4:il b 004 00 344 80 304 00 Some of these companies boast of having made the government deposit. This means nothing, because nobody is protected unless the deposit is made by regular insurance companies. Regular Insurance Companies are required by law to increase their deposit as they increase their business. Tho lw.t_passers and. clieap ( concerns re not Rear in raigd asst,. the Nest is much the cheapest in the end• Protect your families and estates by insuring in the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO„ of New York, the oldest company in America and the largest in the world. Remember, in these cheap concerns the older you get the heavier the burden becomes, while in the MUTUAL LIFE you pay your heavy premiums while in the midst of a successful business career, and are able to pay it, and in your declining years, instead of being a burden, it becomes a source of income. A word to the wise is sufficient. For information call on any of our local agents or address W. T. MCNEIL, Special Agent, London, Oiit., who will send you circulars, Sc. Business ChangeE 000 HAVING- BOUGHT W. H. SIMPSON'S STOCK OF Great Specialty --0 T II E-- BOOTS, SOES, ', RUBBERSandFET1T ,Poor ans Friend GOODS,at the lowirate —F O It— '\ of 60c. on the � Saturday Ili Night I am. in a position to sell Boots and Shoes ata lower price than they have ever been sold in Clinton. I inteiid to keep the stock well assorted, and to sell at the lowest possible price's. Any one wanting good goods at a low price can get them by calling. Come and see what I have and quote prices, whether you buy or:not. My method has always been small profits and'quiok returns, and not to be undersold by anyone. x H. PLU MSTEE L, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE■ AY CALF. — ST THEI'R STRAYED FROM T R 10 subscriber's premises, lot 21, 2nd con., Ilullett, about a month since, oneRed-Heifer Calf,with a spot of white oh its flank. Anyone giving information which will lead to its re- covery,, will he suitably rewarded. Also on same premises is a stray Ewe Lamb. JOHN BRICKENDEN, • • ~TRAY STEERS,—STRAYED FROM THE k3 subscriber's preinises, lot 35, con, 9, Godo - rich township, on. or about August last, four Yearling Steers, nearly all red. Any person giving information that will lead to their re- covery,will be suitably rewarded, Also three year olds came on the premises, ono heifer and two steers, nearly all red. W.H.STEEP, ONTRANCl: EXAMINATION — The En - i ii miss] n to 7J Examination for acs o the trance IIighh Schools and Collegiate Institutes a -ill be held in Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham, On \Vocinesday, Thursday and Friday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days of December next, commencing at 1.30 pan., Wednesday, All candidates who intend to write will send their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the 1st of December. They will also state where they wish to write.— Drawing copy No. 5, will bo the 000 required e A fee of 50 cents will bo required from each Candidate, payable on the first day of the ex- amination to the Presiding Examiner, This is to assist in defraying the expenses of the examination. D. M, M1 LLOCII, Insp. P,S., N. Huron, , CREDITORS . TOG NOTICE Iv TILE MATTER OP TAoltAs W,MCLAv'nuLIN, LATI) OF TBE TOwNsnIP OF HULLETT IN '1'II R COUNTY OF HURON, YEOMAN, DECEASED Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R.S.O., Chap. 107 and 46 Vic., Chap. 9 (Ontario), to all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas W. 'McLaughlin, late of the 'Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, ,deceased, who died on or about the fifteenth day of August, 1887, to pre -paid deliverr or send by peat to M0'lsra Manning C Seett,, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator of the real and per- sonal estate of the sold deceased, on or before The FIFTH DAY Of DEC. ,ti,D 1887, a statement of their mimes and addresses, and full particulars of their claims duly at- tested with the vouchers upon which they n1.0 hosed, and a statement of ell securities (if tiny) held by then. And further noticnishereby'given Gina after said date thesaid administrator will proceed to (listi'ihnte the 8590(5 of said deceased among parties entitled thereto,regnrd being had only P which no to the claims nr cl ice shall thereto- fore fore have been received, nod the said adminis- trator will not be liable for the assets or any pert thereof to any person of whose claire said administrator shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. De ted n t Cl inter, th is'lth day of Noveinba', A, D., 1347, MANNING cC 8(OT1', '1icitors for Administrator, ARM FOR SALE.—THE IP. ORIFI HALF of lots 51 and 52, 1st ecu„ Turuberry, con- taining 100 acres; over 70 cleared, good frame house, baro and stable; situated four nines from Wroxeter, and three utiles from Blue - vale. Will be sold ehoap and on reasonable terms. Appply to M, MCTAGGART, Clinton TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,—THE• 1 frame house at present occupied by Mrs, Alcock, (immediately to the roar of Mr Jos. Chidloy's house) is offered for sale. It con- tains seven gond rooms, g(2od cellar,itard and soft water, and is ]q one oldie best localities in town. The lot is one-quarter of an acre. For particulars apply to F. C. ALLCOCK, nt the Foundry. OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE, --S B- U scnmeas offers for sale the splendid Frame Honso on Victoria. Street, now occu- pied by Mr E. Snell. It contains plenty of room for fair sized family, stone foundation, hard and soft water, etc. The lot embraces three tlftli-acre lots, 'and has thereon a num- ber of bearing fruit trees. Terms very rea- sonable. A, DODSWOIITI'H, Clinton. HOTS AND LOT F01t 5151.15 — THE underslgued olTere for sale her houses on lot 212, Rattenbury Street, near St. Paul's Church. One of the houses is a small, com- fortable cottage, containing four rooins and _ __ _ kitchen; the other house has two storoye,and contains 12 rooms, Hard and soft water,— ■ Lot chard thereon_ They will b withone bearing Constantly Offering Bargains water,— orchard thereon- will he sold easy terms of payment. MRS. FORBES, Clinton. Is a table iu the- centre of the store literally groaning beneath its weight of presents to be GIVEN AWAY Every Cash Purchaser of ONE DOLLAR from the hour of sexen to ten, is entitled to his 'or her choice off the table. Don't muss this opportunity held forth to. you by Robertsons Great Cyton GLASGOW'S G311ts Futisliiiig 1.6110, ALBERT ST., CLINTON. The subscriber, in returning. thanks to his friends tor their patronage in the past, desires to intitnate that he has moved into the more commodious premises, Immediately Mortis of No DryGoods Palace Where he is showing a well selected stock of all kinds of goods usually kept in the Gents Furnishing Line,such as Shirts,Collar , Ties, Underclothing, Halts„Caps, Gloves, &c. A splendid line of Fut- Caps just opened. Give me a call. G. GLASGOW, Not Door to the Palace, Albert Et-, Ciilltol T)UTCIIERING BUSINESS — THE UNDER - 810891) wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very numer- ous customers, lie has bought out the business of Mr R Fitzsimons, and will carry nn the sante with the chotsest meats in season. No pains wil be spared to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit and receive a fair share of public, pat- ronage. Lowest prices for largo orders. Fm•m- ere' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. TBRICK HOUSE F011 SALE OR TO 1t11\'r 17 --Tho undersigned offers Dither to rent or sell the splendid, very convenient enol well - situated house 011 ltattenbury Street, ocen- pied by himself. Itis a well-built brick, con- taining five rooms and closets downstairs, and the same upstairs, with a gond eellnr.-- The lot is one-gnnrter of an acre, with bear- ing orchard, hard and oft, water, with usual, conveniences. Terms, either to sell or rent very reasonable. it. FITZSIMONS, Clinton. �'(TORE TO RENT, iN PERTRTN'S BLOCK 17 on the Market square, Clinton. • 113 feet deepand large cellar, n gond place for whole- sale and retail Meed store, also flour and feed —no better—or anv other business, Fitted up in tirst-cla.as style. solid 1»'iek building; rout only 5100 per year ton first-eless tenant. Also, Hemlock Lumber for sato, inr1) boards scantling and ,joist. Apply to GORDON or W, H. l'ERRiN, or to C. A. II AIl.TT, Barris- ter. in the Perrin i11nck, Clinton. 4 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Well as9ortnri ill the latest styles of HATS and TRIMMINGS. An inlmons° variety of FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS. M S WISHES EVERY an,Woman Child 1 N Huron County T iD Come at once And purchase $5 or more of.. Dry Goods and secure a Guess far the PARLOR SET, which is on exhibition in CHEAPSIDE'S WINDOW. S.. WILSON, - CHEAPSIDE, NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. J. C. DETIOR& CO. ARE SHOWING AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DressGoods andNlantieC3.oths , 'SEVERAL LINES THEIR OWN SPECIAL IMPORTATIONS. PL l/SHES in nearly Every Shaare, SEE THE BARGAINS THEY ARE OFFERING IN WOOL - HOSE. EXTRA VALUE PN Canton & Wool Flannel A FRESH LOT OF Stylish - Millinery J. O.OETT1OR&OO., Clinton: GETTING READY for XMAS Fresh arrivals alltkost every Clay. Splendid value in PHOTO ALBUMS front"50c to $G.50. See our assortment of \, o Miscellaneous`' Books, Bibles, Hymn Books, Annuals Vasess, Dolls, Slippers, Toys, Automans, Blocks, Games, Snow- shoes) Toboggans, ^ � s, &c. Sleighs from 5 8.00. W COOPER, -- I0aver Bloch Boots& Shoes W. TAYLOR &SONS. • We have much pleasure in statim that our trade here for the past seasob has been the best in the history of our firm, for which we tender our thanks to our many patrons. We take pleasure in announcing that our stock for the fall and winter trade is now very conk- s plete, with full lines in Ladies' and Children's Wool Vests, Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Corsets and Fingering Yarns. 13I(I STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER ATTRACTIONS. \Vo are anxious this Sea5011 to greatly increase the t'olume of our busi- margins, our 1 n with, verycloseand t We shall so )elm content It mess. do b Y g Z n prices will be such as to convince people that they cannot afl'o d to trade elsewhere Tho thing most necessary now, is to have it s;en,'1'nlly under• stood that evorybody may be sere of unequalled, l,ne,gnins by calling on i Beesleys Millinery Emporium. American can and Canadian Over- shoes, Rubbers,Felt Boots, !&c, ALL OF WHICH WILT, Illi j.01.1) Al' ('f.09C PItt('ES. EG(.S 'rni(EN TN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER CENT OFF liOTt CASH. Ta for&t"ons, .. Clinton. and. Myth. JACOB TAYLOR, Manages' for Blyth,