HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-11-18, Page 8antOlt VI
I ttIDA ', NOVEMBER 18, 1887.
' *T uaintiittY f Hendoelt Lumber for sal o.
Splendid Bosse and Lot for St, a in Uheap
MANNING ds SCOTT, Clinton.
SCROQL CHILDREN.—Aa Boon as yto get
lave gents, sail down to the NEW ERA. O'U?s
and get a ruled SCRIBBLER.
aigee department assorted
Great Bargainnuosiery
and Gloves.
CHANGE IN BUSINESS.—Groat clears,`
Rale of 1'drniture from now till 1st Jan., • ,H.
Rloods must be sold. A. A. BENNET:e Qed
Furniture Store, Clinton,
S . PALLISER a CO'S Secret Bend Teas
are giving great satisfaction; you should try
them. Mr `White informs us they have just
received a large quantity which has been
Well bought.-Sge advertisement,
PAINTING I SSONS.—Miss Bose Nimina,
Nv11q has some pupils to whom she gives in-
utructions in painting, would be pleased to
enlarge the class, and invites any who are
desirious of taking lessons to call at her
• bow) on Maple Street.
(Z011t11i E011I0.
1:tR GE0.E. PAY, who has not been
.home at Christmas time for 2I years,
expects this year to eat his Christmas
dinner with his parents in St. Catha-
THE woollen mills at Palmerston
were burned down on Friday.. They
were owned by Mr T. Waterhouse, a
-brother of Mr Waterhouse lately em-
ployed in Clinton Woollen mills.
MRs CARTER, late of Goderich
.'township, has bought a lot on Town -
fiend St. from Mr H. R. Walker, (to
the rear of where Mr Walker lives)
and will next year erect a house
• thereon.
;b. Me. W. H. BEESLEY has rented the
House on Victoria St., near the Rat-
tenbury, owned by Mr Grigg. There
ie nothing significant in this, as Will
vows he is not going to get married
just yet.
Mr D. Buchanan, Clinton,) has re-
_cen.tly been placed in charge of an
engine on the C. P. R., having one
of the best runs from Winnipeg. on Saturday, when Mr
Clintonians do well wherever they go.'Magistrate
Powell, on behalf of Mr Cook. ad-
mitted the offence. A fine of $50 and
costs was imposed.
itl:sts T. I : Coosa NE, of Taw ie An awfully Mean feeling takes pos.1
visiting b,er:aunt, Xis W. MQKewen. aesei.Qn of a.irlan When he gets left by
Mit es._ -i vf3�, of Grp '-'*, spent a railway tra% ,sad that xvaa felt
>C,awyer Morton, Qf Wiagiiam,
t�nnday ch' hie son -t' ilfr I when the last train going north left
S'walfiele, hitlllinClinton the other night; he had
ME ANGvo In. •',o• Stratford, the cousolation of knowing,however,
called on a fe.. cf. 4 ,d .riends here that he wadin good company as long
last week. as he was here.
Miss Jr.; ..c: d.to whir) I .C,,EIOi r NOTEE3--Mr Dinsley refused
is Co,. , . tater sitioa the a good offer for his corner lot on
Dry ,scoda Passer. Monday. Mr Higgins will enlarge
Ms 3.110 ' oxTh.e• ieitte.l ,ne new his house on Victoria St., next year.
hour rest ag i I , '.ed 1 by Mr We have a letter criticising the course
W. Grfe.a, King t . of the ScottAct officials,but have with -
AT, 'dr P.Brennan'.e .ale,L Hullett, held its publication for prudential
a fa .i ,.a• a since,aP4t,e of Tyne filly, reasons. The tax collector has gath-
th o ye s, . old, sols for $100, ered up a couple of thousand dollars
MAYORWHITEHEAD returned from could tall; wer would be pleased ifd.
gather a couple of hundred.
Ottawa on Saturday, but goes away Mr T. C. Huber. of Berlin, brother of
again this week, to Winnipeg. Mr E. Huber, Londesboro, has pur-
MR W. STEEP left for California chased the glue factory in that town,
oti Monday afternoon last, and ex• from Mr Fennel. Mr Hill, of Eg-
pects to reside there permanently. mondville, has moved to town. Mr
MR JAMES STEvENS, of the base Armstrong, customs collector, is back
line, believes in comfort and is,there• at his duties. Mr Sharman and wife,
fare, putting in a hot-air furnace. or Goderich, spent Sunday in town
Mr Davis has the contract. , with their son, Mr G. A. Sharmau.
Mite W. KITT has exchange her Saturday was one of the liveliest days
property on Victoria St. South, with Clinton has experienced, far some
time. Miss Agnes Cook leaves next
Mrs Kennedy, for her property on week for Essex Centre, where she
James St. receiving some considers purposes residing. County Council
tion in addition. will met on Thursday, Dec, lat. The
INSPECTOR PAISLEY laid informa- Hayes Theatrical Company is billed
tion against Mr James Moore, for a to appear here next Tuesday. Ex -
second offence under the Scott Act, amination for candidates attending
and on Tuesday the latter plead guilty the Model School, will commence on
and was fined $100 and costs. Manday, 12th December next. This
MESSRS STANBURY, of the London mild weather bas been very accept -
road, are stall feeding about eighty able—particularly to the man with a
head of cattle, having disposed of all low wood pile, and his neighbor's
their heavy stock. They shipped 300 under lock and key. It is reported
sheep from Brucefield, last Friday. that a woman in town is seeking a
MR THOS. CALBICB:, of Holmes -divorce from her husband on the
ville, left here on Tuesday by the roue nd ssels of desl3udget, sion.led Neelin, of,
afternoon train, for Wichita, Kansas, the Seaforth Sun, where in town on
where he purposes residing in future. Tuesday. Mr James Steep leaves
Thus Canada continues to lose some for Winnipeg today. Mr John Far -
of her best young men, quharaon leaves this week for Cali -
MR W. H. SIMPSON has disposed of filrnia. It is rumored that Mr Archie
his stock of boots and shoes to Mr H. McKee is on his way back from that
Plumsteel, who will add a stock of $tate. Mr Bryden, of the gravel road,
general dry goods thereto in the is very ill, and only faint hopes are
spring, carrying on the present busi- entertained of his recovery. Mr John
nese in the meantime. Ford, employed at Irwin's storehouse,
THE adjourned case o Mr Nilson was closing a window in the upper
Cook, of Varna, for violation of the Part of the building on Monday,when
he fell and hurt himself pretty badly.
Scott,Act, came up before the Police
The Entrance Examination to the
High Sehools of the county, will be
held on Dec. 21-22-23, at Clinton,
Seaforth and Wingham. Mr Rob.W.
Coats has put telephone connection
with his house. Advertise your stray
cattle in the NEN ERA ; the small sum
of $1 will, insure three insertions,
which will be sufficient to find them.
Clinton and Wingham are by long
odds, the most enterprising towns in
this county. — Wingham Advance.
As we go to press one day earlier this
week than usual,we are without much
of our usual outside correspondence.
Mr John Boles is veiy low.
SETTLED IN TOWN—Mrs Griffiths,
of Tiverton, a daughter of the late
John Stephenson, has taken up her
residence in town. Mrs James Brown-
lee and family, of the base line, have
also taken up their residence in town.
ON information laid by Inspector
Paisley, A. McAllister, of Dunlop,
appeared before the Police Magistrate,
on Monday,admitted a second offence
against the Scott Act, and paid a fine
of $100. The case was to have been
tried at Goderich, but he saved costs
by coming here and pleading guilty,
A REWARD of $250 has been offered
by the municipality of the town of
Norwich for, the apprehension of the
assailant of Mies McMurchie, school
,teacher in that village, and Reeve
McMurchie, of Clinton,. and his
brother, add the same amount to the
offer. A good case for a skilful do-
SUDDEN DEATH.—The announce-
ment of the death of Mrs McGee, on
Friday morning, (wife of Mr W. Mc-
Gee, late book keeper at the Organ
Factory) was a surprise to our towns-
people, as no one knew of her being
in poorer health than usual. As a
matter of fact she had not been in
good health for some time, although
able to be around, being subject to
heere.Slieepse...w.hich_¢asthe-can se -of -
- her death. She was only 21 years of
age, a neice of Mr W. Doherty and
her death is the second in the same
family inside of two months.
'While some opponents of the Scott
Act are continually asserting that no
good has been accomplished by its
operations, some former hotel keepers
are giving a contradiction to the as-
sertion by advertising that •their
houses are now run strictly as tem-
perance houses. We are willing to
•assume that the hotel keepers are
honest in that statement, and we ask
any one, opponent or otherwise, if
this 'is nota point gained in favor of
temperance and morality. Then,
others have closed up their houses
entirely,and quit the business. While
"the Act has not accomplished all that
was hoped for, it has certainly done
and its supporters have,
no reason to feel discouraged.
A HEAVY SUIT. --The new Ex
chequer Califf o Canada eoinineneed`
itq first sittings on Monday last. The
aecend case that will come before it
is one of especial interest to Clinton-
ians. It is an action brpugbt by Jos.
Whitehead, contractor, and Mayor of
this town,against the Dominion Gov-
ernment for half a million dollars for
breach of contract. It appears that
Mr Whitehead obtained from the
Dominion Government a contract for
constructing a portion of the Cana-
dian Pacific railway in section fifteen
in the Lake Superior district. While
the contract was pending the railway
was handed over by, the Dominion'
Government to the -Canadian Pacific
Railway Company, who refused to
recognize the contract made with Mr
Whitehead by tits Government, Mr,a genuine snare,
Whitehead now brings action against
the Government. The case is likely THE LATEST SWINDLE. — One
swindle on the farming community
is hardly exposed before another crops
up. Here is the latest. Two or three
men hays been travelling through a
neighboring county, carrying with
them ben's eggs. They inform the
farmer that they have a new variety
of fowls, the stock of which' they de-
sire to increase. They will sell him
the eggs for $2,50 a dozen and make
a contract guaranteeing to purchase
every chick hatched and living for
six weeks at $5 each. The eggs have
been dipped into boiling water before
their delivery, and can be warranted
not to hatch any $5 chickens, but the
$2.50 is sure to be promptly eollected
before the eggs are left.
MR FRED NICHOLS, of Toronto,
(well known as an active Conserva-
tive and Secretary of the Manufact-
urer's Association) was in, town this
week, canvassing manufacturers to
take space in the permanent
exhibition it s proposed to establish
at Toronto. We did not learn what
success he met with.
THE hotel keepers of the county
met here on Tuesday to consider mat-
ters pertaining to the trade. The
qquestions of workipg.ter the .repeal .of.
"ihE;" Scott Act next spring: and the
closing of the hotels; are said to have
been among the matters diectiseed,
We know nothing as to the decision
arrived at.
THE Nipomo, Cal., News of last.
week, refers to a late Clintonian as
follows :—" A two story frame build-
ing will be erected immediately by
Mr E.Kenney upon the lot purchased
by him, opposite the new block, on
Tefft avenue. Mr Kenney will put
in a first class stock of groceries. He
has been in the grocery business ex-
clusively for 21 years in the East. He
will bringhie family."
GET UP A DEBATE.—Wingham is
forming a Mock House of Commons,
Seaforth has an active Young Liberal
Club, Goderich generally has some
sort of a debating society,and Clinton
has any amount of speaking talent
lying around loose. Why not arrange
for some public debates with any or
all of these places. They would be
-vers interesting, and good to the
parties interested would come out of
night about 12.30 the, residents of a
certain house; on Victoria St., were
awakened by an alarm of " burglars."
One young lady heard a noise as of
someone raising awindow, and pro-
ceeded to awaken her room compan-
ion, and the two went boldly through
.the house, armed respectively with a
button hook,Iarge darning needle and
a pair of Indian clubs. The search
was, hoteever, fruitless, it being a
false alarm, whereon the two noble
young ladies retired. again to rest.
The young ladies now talk of buying
a revolver and being in readiness for
to be an interesting one, and we are
assured by those who know that Mr.
Whitehead's claim is a god one.
There are very few of our townspeople
but will be exceedingly pleased to see
him get judgment against the govern-
ment, for they know that whatever,
money is recovered will be used to
advance the material interests of the
recently, while Inspector Paisley was
up in the north-western section of.
the county serving Scott Act papers,
it became necessary for him to re-
main over night ata hotel in the vi-
cinity. His presence was known in
the village, but he did not anticipate
any trouble. The room Lo which he
esas alloted for the night had no lock
on the door, so he placed a chair up
against it, and calmly retired to rest,
' with one eye open." Along about
midnight he was awakened by a noise
in the hall, and beard a couple of
men talking in subdued tones, one
asking " Where the devil will we find
that damned Scott Act Inspector."
Paisley was nbt at all alarmed, but
shouted out that "if it was the In-
spector they were after they would
find him in this room," and jumping
out of bed he slipped on his pants in
„.ai twinkling.uickly pulling the
w4 door open',Paisley ran his revolver up
,against the face of one of tilt men
and asked what he wanted. This was
a reception the fellows had not antici-
pated, and they tumbled over each
ethern their efforts to bank out of
-+remarking at the same time
only doing it for a
Local. Church Chi Ails.
Rev. Mr Odery, or Hamilton, will
preach in Rattenbury St. church, on
Sunday next.
The union thanksgiving service in
the town hall commences at 11 o'lcock
sharp, on Thursday morning.
Rev. W. W. Sperling exchanges
with Rev. D. Rogers, of Londesboro,
next Sabbath, and will fill all the
batter's appointments. -
A special thanksgiving service will
be held in Rattenbury St, Methodist
church, this (Thursday) evening, at
7:30, n hen Rev. Mr Hill, of Stouff-
eine, will preach.
On Monday morning last the Rev.
C. E. Stafford, of Mitchell, formerly
of Holmesville, received a telegram
from Chatham stating that Mrs Staf-
ford's mother had died the day pre-
vious. This was the first intimation
they bad received of the lady's illness.
At the quarterly official meeting of
Rattenbury St. Methodist church,last
'Thursday, Dr. Williams was re -ap-
pointed recording steward, and the
following stewards were chosen :—
Messrs W.and P.Cantelon,H.Stevens,
L Dodds, W: Doherty and J. C. Stev-
enson. The following were appointed
on the S. S. Committee :—Messrs J.C.
Stevenson, John Jackson, W. Taylor,
James Young and H. Stevens.
There was a good attendance at the
meeting of Rattenbury St. church
Home Circle, on Tuesday evening,and
a number ofnew names were enrolled.
The programme was as follows :—
Solo, .Dr. Williams`Stood on the
Bridger; 1I ff S.--Palestine-C. J.
Stevenson ; reading—"Self Education"
—Mrs Detlor solo—" Little Faded
Flower"—Mist' Jackson; C. H. S.—
Martin Luther—Miss Sheppard ; reci-
tation—" Useful Hints"—C. Hoare ;
reading—" Chas. the 5th vs Martis
Luther"—P. Cantelon ; quartette—
Misses Jackson, Rumhull, Messrs J.
Chidley, D. Dennison.
Traffic Manager and one of the En-
gineers of the G. T. R. Co. have been
here during the past week for the
purpose of interviewing the council
in regard to the use of James St. The
railway authorities°contend that the
street was closed in 1858 by a by-law
of the then village council, and that
since that date they have held posses-
sion. At the same time they seem
willing to come to some amicable ar-
rangement whereby another mode of
ingress and egress may be had to the
various properties affected by the
street. It is to be hoped that any-
thing like a law scrape will be avoid-
ed, as that must inevitably result in
expense to the town. We understand
that the Committee appointed by the
town council have submitted a scheme
to the Company, which will met the
requirements of the ease, and which
is likely to be acceptable to the Com-
Fingering Yarns@
Photograph ;ALBUMS.
Willis Church Y. P. C. A.
The regular meeting of this associa-
tion was 'held on Monday evening
last,ia the lecture room of the church,
Mr G. Swallow in the chair. The
yery full attendance .of...the ..members
together with their friends, gives
promise of a most successful career
fpr the association,
Devotional exercises were engaged
in, couducted by the chairman, after
which the following business amongst
other things was transacted :—
The following ward - committees
were appointed :—
St. George's Ward—Misses Grant
and Oliver, and Mr J. Hamner.
St. John's Ward—Misses J. Mc-
Doneld and H. Leslie, and W.
St. James' Ward—Misses Sheppard
and Josie Fair, and G. Swallow.
St. Andrew's Ward—Missea A, Fair
and Steep, and Mr E. Holmes.
The duties of whom are to desist the
executive committeegenerally in their
business, and to attend to the inter-
ests of the association and church in
their several wards.
The executive committee was in-
structed to have the constitution and
by-laws printed, and to distribute
copies to the members.
Mr J. Chidley, jr., vas appointed
leader of music, and Miss Turnbull,
Upon completion of business the
following programe was rendered :—
Duet, Miss A. Jackson, Mr J.
Chidley ; reading, Mrs Thos. Fair ;
selettion, Mouth Organ Band ; solo,
Miss A. Jackson ; readin ,Mists"Grant;
Duet,Misses MacDougall and Straith;
reading, Mr Jas. Scott; selection,
Mouth Organ Band ; reading, Mr
MacLean; quartette, Misses Turnbull
and MacDougall, Messrs Spaulding
and Chidley.
The next meeting will be held on
the 28th inat
And the Figbtgoes o�
Don't forget, 40c. We show a
10c. Dress Goocls,
No one can beat. "We give no Chromos with it;" can't
afford it. Look at the new BLANKETS just in.
See the Bargains in GREY FLANNELS. Just
here we give you an OVERCOAT at an awful sacrifice
.k * * iK * * 8k * * 8k ** *,---�k � , k ** * * * 1k J )k 1k 8k ik 4k lk
The MANTLE Department
Is going full sway. Another case of' ULSTER CLom
If you want Goocl CHEAP Goods, we can assure the pub-
lic we can give you as good value as any house in the
business. But we want to show you the goods to.con-
vince yo.i, See through the stock, compare the prices
and we are sure to convince you that what we say is true
Canadian and lyn1orted Goods
Always in Stock.
C. C. RANCE & CO.,
We show one of the largest' and finest stocks of High
Class Furs in the County, and it is well worth while for
every intending purchaser to come and see us.
Men's Persian Lamb, S. S. Seal, Beaver,
Astrachan and Coney Caps.
Mens Fur Goats; Mrts and Cloves.
'Tidies FiTR COATS and SETS