HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-11-18, Page 5t In the prrR) ehoole of Stockton. CaL, the lroyli In the lower classes aro Oliva to learn needlework, grOatus WiMan llae' written Joseph, tension l the eoolit asp f the ng -re-"cent.Oanadia4 Inter•Ptovtncial Con- erepce, in favor of commercial union Neen, the United States and Cana - kir Wilma says: "No event in Lgl.reoent history of Canasta bears a Significance comparable with this re- e) ution from a body so esseLtially rc: Presentative, eo fully informed Qf .the People's desires, Set so well qualified toaudgge of what is best for the inter- ts of the country. The conclusions s reached are a fitting culmination Of ... movement towards a desire for changed conditions of relations be- tween the two countries, the rapidity and growth of which has had noparal- lel in the history of any country. Your attention is drawn to the strong sentiment of loyalty to British in- stitutions which pervades the resolu- tions,and the absence of any fear that the connection between the colony and the mother country will in any degree be imperiled. BORN CABLING.—In Exeter, on the 9th inst., the wife of Wm. J. Carling, Merchant, of a son. EEDY.—Near Londesboro, On the llth inst., the wife of Mr Eedy, of a sou. MARRIED TAYLOR—McLAREN.—On the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by"Rev. R,Y. Thomson, Mr Duncan D. Taylor, of Hay, to Amelia IDI., youngest daughter of Mr Robt. McLaren, of Tuckoremith. DIED BALL,—•Iu Mullett, on the 15th Inst., 1Vun, Ball, aged 62 years. McGEE•—Iu Clinton, on the llth inst., Mary. Jane, wife of Mr Wm, McGee, aged 21 years. FERRIS.—In Goderich township, on the llth inst., Annie, wife of Mr S. A. Ferris, aged 25 years. , GET YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT FOSTER'S, CLINTON. CLINTON MA RKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Nov. 17, 1887. Wheat, spring, • - 0 78 a 0 80 Wheat, white and red • 0 78 a 0 80 Oats - 0 28 a 0 30 Barley - 0 50 a 0 70 Peas - 054a05a'r' Flour, per mi -t 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes 0 50 a 0 70 Butter 0 18 a 0 20 Eggs 017a018 Pok 550a600 11 00 0 W l 024x0255 Sh pelts 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins 0 60 a 0 80 Hides, - 0 00 a 7 00 SEA FORTH MARKETS. SEAFORTII, Nov. 17, 1887. Wheat, spring, Red and white Qats, Peas, Barley, Butter, - Eggs,• Potaoes, Pork, Wool; • Flour per owt • $0 75 a 0 80 • 0 75 a 0 80 • 0-29.. a...0.30 0 55• a - 0 60 a • 0 91 a - 018 a • 0 60 a 5 50 a 0 17 a •'. 2 00 a BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for New ERA every Thursday 3 0 56 0 70 0 22 0 19 0 65 6 00 0 20 2 25 t: EDS We offer to -'day and as long as any of the goods remain unsold, 30 per c. off ALL WOOL TWEEDS, PRICE FOR THIS SALE: About 1,000 yards ; regular price 45ets. per yard. of these goods is 75 cents per yard. Also about 200 Remnants of DRESS. GOODS, from 5 to 10 yards at HALF PRICE. Jo -No Guessing of Beans or Lottery schemes in order to secure these bargains, Open to all JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate .te J. I-I0n CEN Bit, BIG SACRIFICE OF UTOOLLEN GOODS As we intend closing' -our Woolen Mill here, we offer from now till Dec. 31st, our great variety of stock at cost•for cash. We have an excellent stock of Fine and Coarse TWEEDS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, 'Fine FLANNELS, TOP SHIRTS, SHIRTS and DRAWERS for Men and Boys. We havePlain andCheok FLANNELS of our own make, YARNS, SHEETING, White & HorseBLANKETS The equal of which were never before produced, and all must be cleared out belie the above date. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS. T. H. GRAHAM, Mgr. D. GRAHAM,Prop 1111111111111111:1111=0110m MCI Alm" E ON'miST COMPAR=SON" REGULAR vs IRREGULAR INSURANCE, Results on a Policy in the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, compared with alleged cheap insurance. Assets—MUTUAL LIFE, l dssets—Cheap concerns, proceeds of a 5116,000,000 ( AGE 25, LIFE PLAN. collection after passing the hat Name of Institution If a claim in 10 years If a claim in 15 years If a claim in 20 years EU Aro 0 xi$ p16 73.3 EU Ab 0 o c� til 818 do' MUTUAL LIFE Royal Arcanum I. 0. Foresters Federal 8205 00 60 00 80 40 60 00 8189 00 8984 00 940 00 a 44 00 919 60 64 40 940 00 44 00 8307 50 90 00 120 60 90 00 8310 50 81003 00 910 00 870 00 910 00 03 00 123 60 93 00 EU 8410 00 120 00 160 80 120 00 �ro 8504 50 s cvio a ?>v❑ d y 0: 1 d 31184 50 880 00 : 304 00 839 20 344 80 880 00 304 00 Some of these companies boast of having made the government deposit. This means nothing, because nobody is protected unless the deposit is made by regular -insurance companies. Regular Insurance Companies are required by law to increase their deposit as they increase their business. The hat passers and cheap (?) concerns are not. Bear in mind that the best is muoh the cheapest in, the end. Protect your families and estates by insuring' in the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO„ of New York, the oldest company in America and the largest in the world. Remember, in these cheap concerns the older you get the heavier the burden becomes, while'in the MUTUAL LIFE you pay your heavy premiums while in the midst of a successful business careers and are able to pay it, and in your declining years, instead of being a burden, it becomes a source of income. A word to the wise is sufficient. For information call on any of our local agents or address W. T. McNLIL, Special Agent, London, Ont., who will send you circulars, &c. moo. Vrtt —WE— CRUSH THEM ALL OBERTSON'S "Great Gigantic Gift Sale" Pall wheat, red, per bush. . 75 a 80 Commences on MONDAY. Nov. 14th, from which date until Saturday, Fall new 75 a 80 28 a 30 Dec. 31st. Every Cash Purchaser from 50c. to 825, receives a present 50 a 65 which is guaranteed to be equal to a discount of from 10 to 25 per cent. 54 a 55 It is to your interest to make your Cash purchases from us, as by so do. 1 00 1 25 in you not only get value for your money, but also a nice GIFT into 78 a 18e the�bargain, There is no CHANCE work in this, as there are NO BLANKS, 18 a 20 NO GUESSESto be made, but a present is given to EVERY Man, Woman, 15 a 15 Boy or Girl buying from us a cash parcel of 50c. or upwards. 10 a 12 2 00 2 10 5 00 5 50 8 00 10 00 2'00 4 00 22 a 25 Blyth, Nov. 17, 1887. Oats Barley Peas ' . Apples per barrel Potatoes, per bag Eggs per doz • Butter,rolle . Cheese Lard Flour per cwt. Hoge, . Ha Straw . W551 MONTREAL LIVESTOCK. MARKET. The supply of butchers cattle is again in excess of the demand aid prices are declining, being decidedly lower than on Thursday, but not so low as they were a couple of weeks ago. Goodfbeeves are still scarce and bring from 4c to 41c per lb. ;pretty good animals sell at from 3c to Sic and common stock from 2c to 3c per Ib., with lean beasts from 1}c to 2c per lb. Sheep and lambs are in good supply at rather lower rates, sheep sell- ing at from 59.75 Ito 54.50 each and lambs at from 59 to 54.25 each Hogs are not so plentiful this week and prices are firmer or from 4c to 5c per lb. The horse trade is slack at present so far as good sound horses are concerned but there is quite an active business be- ing done in the sale and exchange of old garns and nags at Tattersall's in Ste, Cunigonde on the afternoons of Tues- days and Fridays when from forty to fifty unsound horse are brought for sale or exchange on each sale clay. The prices'of these horses generally range from 55 to 530 each, with an occasional sale of pretty good workers at from 550 to 575 each. eAKIN POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength mud wholesomeness. Moro economical thanitho ordinary kinds, end cannot he sold In competition with the multitude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Soli mule in cans. ROYAL 885150 POWDER Co., 100 Wail St., New York. u money until the 1•tth,then make 'a of , only threebut tllousands'of pr's too, that the ORIGINAL i.nd on, all others, though they may dounterfiets and frauds. Beware Save you B LINE FOR ROBERTSONS, where n sents will be given away. Re� member ONLY Poor Man's Friend is Roberts claim to be GENUINE, are are of imitator's. flt reat Cheap Cash Store,, Clinton LOTTAGE TO RENT.—CENTRAL LOCA- TION, suitable for small family. Apply to W. C, SEARLE, Clinton. GOOD MARE, WITH COVERED BUGGY and Harness for sale cheap, or will be sold separately. Apply to J. 11. •COMIOE. A PPRENTICE WANTED TO LEARN 11, the Blaeksmithiug and Horseshoeing business. Apply to THO8. TIPLING. Also a good House and Lot for sale, conveniently situated. HOUSE TO RENT.— COMFORTABLE house on Huron St., to rent, containing eight rooms, and all conveniences. Apply bb MISS MOUNTCASTLE, Clinton. r1iEACHEIt WANTED,—FEMALE,HOLD- ll ixG not less than 2Ed Class certificate, for the 6th division of Clinton Model School. Duties to commence lst Jan., 1888. Applica- tions, with testimonials, to be sent to the Secretary, W. H. HINE, Clinton, ALF L'of lots 51 and M FOR 52 let con., NORTH a nberry;, con- taining 100 acres; over 70 cleared, good 'frame house, barn and stable; situated four miles from Wroxeter, and three miles from Blue - vale. Will be sold cheap and oh reasonable terms. Appply to 31. MCTAGGART, Clinton NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS.—NO- Tier is hereby given that in accordance with a resolution of the council, all taxes clue the municipality of Clinton, must be paid before the 1411i of December next, at which time the roll gll overn themselves be returned. Rate- payers s will please GEO TEDt; ORD, Collector. accord- ingly. RAM.—STRAYED FROM THE 13 subscriber's premises, on the 3rd con. of Stanley, about the middle of October, a Shropshire Rant, two years old, has a clip ou the under part and point of right ear. Any one giving information that will lead to its re- covery will be suitably rewarded. MALCOLM McEWF.N, OTRAY CALF, — STRAYi%D FROM THE L subscriber's promises, lot 21, 2nd con., Hullett, about a month since, one Red Heifer ('a.if, with a spot of red on its flank. Anyone giving information which will lead to its re- covery, will be suitably rewarded. Also 0n same premises is a stray Ewe Iamb, JOHN BRICEENDEN. —ItU M THE 3Tit—AYSTEERS.—STRAYED .9 alc- premises, lot G 1 e 1.0 subscriber's rich township, on or about, August last, four Yearling Steers, nearly sll red, Any person giving information that will lead tot heir re- eovery,will be suitably rewarded.. Also three year olds came On the premisos, one heifer and two steers, nearly all red. W.H.STEEP. WC Will send the New Era to new subscribers from now to the end of 1888, for $1.50 Bash. Assommumassmommoso LAND FOR I,ALE—THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale his premises on the gravel road, near Clinton, consisting of 12 acres, witlilgbod frame house, barn and other out- buildings ; good orchard, plenty of water. The place M in because owner finds 11 tooud is far to w lk tored work. nton. 4iTerms reasonable. JOS, - PECKET, Cli HOtiSE AND ,,LOT FOR SALE. THE frame house at present occupied by Mrs. Alcock, (immediately to the rear of Mr Jos. Chidley's house) is offered for sale, It con- tains seven good rooms, good cellar,bard and soft water, and is in one of the best localities in town, Tho lot is one-quarter of an acre. For particulars apply to F. C. ALLCOCIt, at the Foundry. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—SUB- scitInEn offers for sale the splendid Frame House 011 Victoria Street, now occu- pied byMr E. Snell. It contains plenty of room for fair sized fancily, stone foundation, hard and soft water, etc. The lot embraces three fifth -acre lots, and has thereon a num- ber of' bearing fruit trees. Terms very rea- sonable. A. DODSWORTH, Clinton. HOUSES AND LOT FOR SALE. — THE undersigned offers for sale her houses on lot 212, Ratteubury Street, near 8t. Paul's Church. One of the houses is a small, com- fortable cottage, containing four rooms and kitchen; the other house has two storeys,aud contains 12 rooms. Hard and soft water.— Lot is one-quarter of an acre, with bearing orchard thereon, They will be sold en easy terms of payment. MRS. FORBES, Clinton. BUTCHERING BUSINESS — THE UNDER- SIGNED wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very numer- ous customers, he has bought out the business of Mr R Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same with the choisost meats in season. No pains will be spared to meet the wants of a11, and he hopes to merit mid receive a fair share of public pat- ronage. Lowest prices for largo orders. Farni• ers' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT —The undersigned offers either to rent or sell the splendid, very convenient and well - situated house on Rattenbnry Street, occu- pied by himself. It Is a well-built brick,eou- taiuiug five rooms and closets downstairs, and the Ramo upstairs, with a good cellar.— The lot is ono -quarter of an acre, with bear- ing orchard, hard and oft water, with usual, conveniences. niceccs Terms, either to sell or rent very reasonable, 11, IITZSISONB, Clinton, TETE POPTTL.AR Dry Goods House, 0.1N 1-J FiS3E3—'4C)T1 O• LOUR. CASH DISCOUNT SALE'IS.A GREAT SUCCESS. INo Guess, No Lottery Tickets,.but all straight business. Our goods are all marked in plain figures that will corn - pare favorably with any in the county, and every cash 1 purchaser draws a discount of ten per cent from the re- ' gular prices; in other words the purchaser of $10 worth Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps or Fill's. '1TORE TO RENT, IN PEIIItIN'S BLOCK 17onthe 11[arlcet square, Clinton. 85 feet done and large cellar, a good place for whole- sale and retail seed sore, also flour and feed —no better—or any other business. Fitted up In first-class style, solid brick building ; rent only 8100 per year to a first-class tenant. AleO, Hemloek Lumber for sale, inch boards scantling and joist. Apply to GORDON or W. H. PERRIN, or to C. A. HARTT, Barris- ter, in the Perrin Bloch, Clinton. '4 IS PRESENTED WI-TH $1 IN HARD CASH. Hi. ndreds have already taken advantage of the special in- ducements -offered, and laid in a liberal supply of Wool- lens, and we expect hundreds more to do 1ikewise'before the close of our sale on the lst of December. See our Nobby Overcoats, Black and Brown Worsted, $8 to'$10,'less 10 per c. See our BlackWorsted Suits $12,less 10 per;c. See our All Wool Tweed Suits $8,less 10 per c Our Ready Made Clothing is equal to clothing made to order, in style,, workmanship and finish, and our everin- 1 creasing sales in this department is a sufficient guarantee that the purchasers find the goods serviceable and satis- . factory. We offer the . No.1 Gents Persian Lamb Cap $9 less 10 per c Ailother'almost as good as NO for for $7, and still another at $6 ; then comes the No 2. Persian at $5. We have a nice line of LADIES FUR CAPS from $2 to $6, less 10 per c. Nice CLOTH DRESS GooDs from IOc. a yard, less 10 per c. The immense sales during the last two weeks have cleared out the stock to some , extent, but as we have a full - assortment in all lines yet, will be pleased to have you call and examine goods and compare prices. • W. L. OUIMF;TTE, LON DFSBORO Constantly Offering Bargains MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Well as.. ortea ill thel latest styles of HATS and TRIMMINGS. An immense variety' of FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS. Ladies' and Children's Wool Vests, Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Corsets and Fingering Yarns. BIG STOCK Ole FALL AND WINTER ATTRACTIONS. We aro anxious this season to greatly inereate too volume of our busi- ness. We shall do so by being content with very close margins, and our prices will bo such as to convince people that they cannot afro d to trade elsewhere. The thing most necessary now, is to have it generally under- stood that everybody may be sure of unequalled bargains by calling on Beesleys Millinery Emporium. • If Original only knew enough, he would mind his own bud.- nese, uef-nese, as it will probably take him him all his time to get show WAX DOLLS and Jumping JACKS on stinks ready for the time be says. , The people are the Judges of WHO is, and HOW the POOR MAN has been treated by GENUINE, and don't you overlook this grand fact Mr ORIGINAL. But the people know, especially the POOR MAN KNOWS, how you (Original); acted in a most contemptible way, only about a year ago, with a certain party town. As regards claiming to be the friend of any man, more especially the poor, man. You are just the opposite, as everyone knows, and a very poor tool for any poor man to be depending upon in case of need. THE CENVI q E. Poor -lan's- Friond The Handsome Parlor Set in 'Cheapside's window would buy more Wax Dolls and Jumping Jacks on Sticks than would last any big store iu town 12 months. CHEAPSIDE, Gelulue Poor Man's Friend LEADS Original, as the gift sale formerly took place two weeks before the new year. Now to get even with Genuine, it is to take place on the 14th, Come every body to (Cheapside) Genuine Poor Man's Friend, for a Guess. S. WILSON, - ' CHEAPSIDE ' NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLIN•TON. f J. C. DETLOR & CO, ARE SHOWING AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DressGoods andMantleCloths SEVERAL LINES THEIR OWN SPECIAL IMPORTATIONS. PLUMES in nearly Every Shave, SEE THE BARGAINS THEY ARE OFFERING IN WOOL -, H. SE. EXTRA TAW )R•T Canton & Wool Flannel A FRESiVH LOT OF Stylish. - Millinery' J. C. DETLOR & CO., Olinto New FANCY GOODS DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE NICE NEW PATTERNS IIP SLIPPERS -ErI 4031A.N GREAT DRIVES IN -- WOOLS ANI) YARNS. Pompons and Cords, Fancy Hair Combs, Tamoshanters an Hoods made to order. The Cheapest' spot In town. W COOPER, -- Beaver Bloc Boots & Shoe W. TAYLOR & SONS We have much pleasure in stating that our trade here for the past season has been the best in the history of our firm, for which we tender our thanks to our many patrons. We take pleasure in announcing that our stock for the fall and winter trade is now Jvery com- plete, with full lines in American and Canadian Over shoes, Rubbers, Felt Boots, &c ALL OF WiHICH WILL RE SOLD AT CLOSE PRICES. ' FIVE OFF EGGS TA FEN IN EXCHANGE. FI` E PER CENT ), EGCc0 F FOR CAS 1 W.Taylor & Soni' Clinton. and Ely kt, JACOB TAYLOR,.11Ianagor for Blyth.