HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-11-11, Page 6p' DA; .1>Bl 111. 18874; •lea tang) 91; .a Alt: liter '4v_he Ordered, 60 lite,ud 'Foot," lie 'took 114 a clear or the d,psks in the ggngway of 'the ;Wheel, and, with the oertainityoft unishmen tit Raging over 'him, 'had to wait there until a 161e of talkers had been collected. When the row of the condemned bad 'become -et/mewbat long, and there eves a ptatise•ip the occupation of the autoorat, the chastening be- gan. `Forfthis Offence the sentence meetly took effect on the palms of the band, and the two strings, one of oulprlte coining upto the ordeal, widths other of victims with quiv- ering hands tucked under their arms bowling,'and groaning, or with difli,- eulty repressing their emotion as they wound their way back to their seats, might possibly have been objects replete with interest to a 'student of Mien in nature but we too common to 'excite much attention atimog us;there was one little imp, as:I remember, who used -Skilfully to skip across from the advancing to the Ietreating column, hug his Bands bands, and howl as if•he had been smitten, and BO tp•.get, back unscathed to his place. It was a dangerous trick Ta the a'icor,gftlt i$dpirK4ta! {a. $14,7^You will oblige by putting the following correoliou in your next •issue. In the article by Protestant in reply to the Ripen correspondent, please read for 'is not an Orangemen' 'is not au Orangeman,' and 'for there is the common sense,' read 'where is the common senile.' Yours., P49Tk$T,4NT, MR. PROTESTANT. AGAIN TO THE CEIARGE. 2'o the Editor of the Clinton New Era, MR. EDITOR, --Mr Protestant bas the audacity to again write another piece of badly constructed English composition, in defence of that won- derful man, Father Chiniguy, He admits that his first epistle was dis- jointed and very ungrammatical and illogical, but it was not his fault, it was the printer's. Woe unto you, ye printers, who mutilated the produc- tion of such a master mind, and de- stroyed the sentiments of such a lite- rary genius, sentiments that the gene. rations yet unborn would admire, and Mr Protestant's name would be placed beside Chiniquy'a and Luther's in the coming history, but for the stupidity of ye imbecile printers. He com- mences hie discourse by telling how ;Father Chiniquy has been persecuted b' . d ehis former a not tell. how he agg avatbut he ed them the penalty of which, if it had been deteetedii dare not contemplate. :I by maadducing ny proof astiont,-wir car- it. of this one boywho tried redness. any proof asni to their cor- it rectn.eas. DZeesra Chiniquy and Pro- _ testant are like a large number of their clerical brethren better at as JI 'W CELLULOID IS MADE, serting than proving. Who could place any reliance upon the statement of eat the While everybody has heard of, I explodedeerson Conservat Conservative whowou]d slanrep er slander or seen or used celluloid, only a few I "Archbishop Lynch rules the Ontario know what it is composed of or how I Government," On would infer from it is made. The following is a 1 Mr' Protestant's silly twaddle that the description of the process oarried guiltan Catholics alone had been out in a factory,near Paris for the gild.), of persecution, but the annals production of •celluloid: A roll of of persecutedstory prove Purthitans, contrary. Who paper is.alowly unwound, and at scores Roman �Catoliics, in the same time is saturated with a Elizabeth's • reign ? The English mixture of five parts of sulphuric Church'Protestants. Who murdered aeid•and•two parts of citric acid, Archbishop Sharp on Magus Moor? which falls on the paper in fine Not the Roman Catholics, but the spray. '.This changes the colleuse Scottish Presbyterians, Who hanged uakers? The of the paler into pyroxyline(gun Purity u itaMarns a who ameandalto America to cotton). The excess of the acid escape persecution. When William having been expelled by pressure, III ascended the throne the Presby• the paper is washed with plenty of terians said ' The sun is now on our water until all traces of acid have side of the hedge,' and were deter - been a'enhoved;,it:is then reduced to mined to persecute the Episcopalianspi, all, a pulp, and passes on to the bleach- but 1Viiliam he ch' imed toleration to ing trough. Most of' the water hay- astical law, and from ove thathtime � sto ing been,got • rid . of by means cf a the present there has been no reli- strainer, the pulp is mixed with gious persecution. in Great Britain, from -20 to 40 :per cent. of its simply because the civil law Hae been camphor, and the mixture trlturat- supreme, and clerical demagogues like ed under mil!' stones. The neces- hraveer Chn iniguy sad d Dor Protestant eary'coloring having been .added:in those bwho differed from them form of powder, a second mix- ligious belief.Mr Chiniquy tells a ing and,gri.nding follows. The finely very •pathetic story about -Rriest divided pulp is then •spread out in driving away a cow for praying bis thin layers on slabs, .and from 20 fa • ther out of purgatory, and tells how to. 25 ofthese layers .are placed in an hydraulic press separated from one another by some .thick sheets Sof..,blotting-paper;--and--•are strbjecte to a pressure of 150 atmospheres until all traces of moisture hare been got sid•of. The matter is then passed between rollers :heated to between 140 and 150 degrees Fah- renheit, whence it issues ha the form of elastic sheets. Celluloidis made to imitate amber, ebony, ivory, etc., and besides. its employment in dent- istry is geed to make mouthpieces for pipes- and .eigav's, handles for table knives and umbrellas combs I iia., pity' prlr 0.1,410300, do.$Qii ke0 Be wail d we dg whet' ie. beat for awn. Qbarity may cover a multitude of Qina; but that is not its regular business. There are tem many hung juries, and not eooggh hung murderers in I thte country lust at present. The Smithsonian relics seem to show the prehistoric man was not a politician; he could not talk. The life insurance system will not be complete until some plan of insuring the life of, company is per- fected. t. When you see a man trying in vain to uproot a lamp post you may be sure of one of two things ; either the post is tight or the man is. Rev. Dr, Collyer says, work is good medicine. We believe it is a generally accepted fact that the less medicine one takes the better. Sorimmens says that the reason that fall comes so regularly at this time of the -year is that its action is autumn -matin. There is a woman in Connecticn't who wears a number nine shoe. When she sets her shoe down her husband walks around it and says, Yessum, I will. Stambuloff, Montkuroff, Sciolofh and Ziokoff--four offs in the new Bulgarian Cabinet—and Ferdinand is likely to be off one of these fine days. An:exchange, iii speaking of the perfect woman, asks, How many beautiful woman acquire the quali- ties of a noble man? That's easy ; marry the man. And what makes you think I am a slow reader ? asked Merrit. Be- cause, replied Miss Snyder, I lent you a book more than a year ago, and you don't seem to have finished it yet. In the woman's department of an Eastern paper is an article entitled How to Livo to be Old. Woman don't want to get such information as that How to live to be always young, would find morn readers. Madam, said the tramp, I'm hungry enough to eat a raw dog. Well, she responded kindly suiting the action to the word, I'll whittle some up for you. The tramp left, taking his appetite with him. gray cent° guar Send a indignant be felt about the matter ; The then why did he become a priest, was i it in order to drive away the cows of Co the poor? Mr Chiniquy stated here woul -that -he . was once a wealthy man. Just How did he accumulate his riches? Denti Was it by extorting money, from the poor, and by driving away cows, or is see t bis statement false? Mr Protestant 'taint can take either horn, Mr Protestant 1t'8 m says he heard Mr Chiniquy urge au minut audience to love Romanists, as indi- viduals, but to hate' the system. This Is a is the language of Mr John Reith, ed the whom Mr Protestant trotted out last vine m winter, but when he found that he tell, sh could not secure a corporal's guard of supporters dropped him like a hot times shirt fronts And .collaa•s, and a rnnm_ d edtsotillborn.ence JoMr Protesas a tanttook I ain't ber of fancy articles, it for grantedein his first comenunico.. :yam= I tion , that 'I was atRomaniet, now he MATRIMONIAL, says I am a Ritualist. Which time SINGULAR MATRIMONIAL was it he did not lie? He further ROMANCE'. , I a,serts that if many .Protestants were as ignorant as your .correspondent, it noaid require a whole army of Or- angemen to defend the constitution of this country, Let us examine how. these ' champions of civil and reli- gious liberty' have defended the con- stitutions of this and the mother country. When Mr Gladstone's Home Rule thei'lllsster Orangemen purchased armill was likely to• become s and were drilling to fight against the British Government, and a prominent Ulster Orageman declared that if the Queen would aesent to Mr Gladstone's bill he would kick her crown into the Boyne, and No surrender.' So much for lof tho Irish Orangemen. Let lusase bow they have acted in Catiada. In 1849, ne Conservativeswerewdefe ted Oanthe House, they burned down the parliament buildings, and threw rot - en eggs at Lord Elgin, (the Queen's re resentative) because he assented to a ill that had been passed by a large majority of the people's representa- tives, and a large number of the pro- minent Orangemen signed tbe annexa- tion manifeato to the 'United States and cried ' So surrender.' In 1860, when e s visitin Canada,tbeiOrangewensofaIC ngston would not allow him to land in the city, and went up to Belleville to re- rin inforce theytheir wonldbrethren surrender and allow the Prince to land. Mr Editor, his- toryrepeats itself. This is the class of men, Mr Protestant says, that will defend the eoustitutimh when it is in jeopardy. Thef are very loyal, so long as they are in the majority, but when anything is done distasteful to them, they will very soon take up arms against the Queen and constitu- tion. The Orange Order in Canada is a huge political organization, ma- nipulated by Sir John John White and other Orange frauds, and the rank and file have to surren- der= -when their leaders give the com- mand, as they did when Sir John gave Riel * r. And wlhenthe Orange Orderwastas- sailed in the House by M. C. Came- ron and other Protestants, Sir John sat dumb, being afraid to raise his voice in defence the Order, and he had neebeesdeof s is the lass an ot Orange ho Lodge. ah 1 for Chiniquy, but the great majority of Ptotestants smutty storiesale r andfoolish statemeinterest in nts Catholics, which he maknd foe regawhich the hass no proof' but his own evil imagination, Youe CORRESPONDENT. Kippen, Nov. 1, I887. Chili ren Cry for story is told of a student whose ity was sorely tried by a pre - r deacon who announced, The terlyseat rents will bedue next ay, and proceeded, Hymn 294, t:awful day will surely come appointed hour makes haste. untryman (to dentist), I dn't pay nothing extra for gas. yank 'tee '°lit if"it•dces 71urt. st, You are plucky, sir, let me he tooth. Countryman, 0, me that's got the toothache; y wife, She'll be here in a e. nyone waiting on you? inquir- polite salesman of a West- aiden. Well,. I can't hardly e blushingly replied. Some- ( think there is and then again certain, but Will's so sort of funny, you know, and thenshe blushed again and asked to look at some Iace collars. —As your first baby is a boy I sup - dose you have the privilege of nam- ing it ? Young Father-- Yes, siree. I wouldn't. allosieheelerie else to name that .cherub. Have you thought of a good name for him yet? Dozens of 'em; splendid names ;just the thing; but they won't any of. them do. Why not i< My wife want have 'em. Th.e, etiw,,. �j�;(ii k ,correspondent of the Biooktyn Eagle tells a pretty story as follows; father a notable wedding took piece here the .other rials, with a remantic story .attached. Young amps Robertson Blackie, of th Viet Glasgow , pobiishing house, arlhe.Qver the ocean to take back ith him in the guise of a helpmate Iss.:Frllen Arthur Botts, of Sav- nnah, Ge., who is a Deice•, of the ate President Arthur. He is a' tall 'Iopde young fellow, who is an e1t- ellen t.buteiness man, as the•pros- eHtp of his house shows, and with -heart in the right place, as the ,(lowing liticle Story proves; His ife was a relation of his step - other's, and same as a schoolgirl tb dasgow to be educated, living at is fathers home, . He fell in love ^ith her promptly, and they were rovisionly engaged owing to her outh. Upon her return to this ),entry sho was for sometime the 'voted nurse of her dying grand - there end after his death was at - eked ,with fever an . a result of her tigue. While still .ce tvalescent e great . earthquake :that shook lar'leston:to pieces carne to Say - nab, and the shock and terror ting on her .enfeebled nerves en- ely destroyed her sight. The Eoialists here, when consulted, Glared the case was hopeless, and i must resign herself to life-long ndness. Upon this painful vote she wrote to her fiancee, releas- I him of his engagement, and te- ned herself to darkness and lone- ess for the rest of het life. The my young Scotobma,n, however, used to submit. He took the tt steamer for this country, end arriving declared that he loved I would matry her whether she r regained her sight or not. ahnlitted by this unexeebted hap- ess she at once began to trend, with the restoration of her gen- : health her eyes began to im- ve,and she has as bright a pair ]town one as are to be seen where, and no ono can see far- ' into a millstone than she. y were married on Wednesday will return to Scotland some in November, Philosopher-_yes,tbere aremany useless things in nature. A pig's tail, for instance, is of no use at all. Patrick --No use is it, yez soy ? Did yez Iver say a pig ? Oh, yes. Did yez iver thry to drive a pig into a new pen ? No. Yez thry it some day. The tail waz made to take bold off an' pull. Then the baste thinks yez is tbrying to pull him Out ov the pen an' in he Tapes. It's ..$1,000 in your pocket, whis- pered the defendant's lawyer to the juror, if you can bring about a ver- dict of man -slaughter in the second degree. Such proved to be the ver- dict, and the lawyer thanked the juror warmly as he paid him the money. Yes, said the juror, it' was tough work, but I got there after awhile. All the rest went 'in for acquittal. An old farmer once visited his daughter, who had tidies on the backs of all her chairs, .As he was sitting by the window he spied the minister coming to visit Jean as she was called. As she went to answer the door, her hither, not being ac- c,:stomed to such finery,snatcbed all the tidies off the chairs and tihrew them under the bed. After the minister had gone away, John said to Jean, Ay, Jean, Lass, glad I was to get yer washing, oot o' the way afar° the minister cam' in. 11e on Your Guard. and l cold in the surely Catarrh, lwl when youlcanyhe ed r using Chase's Ca. Afew applications ons cuein- sipient catarrh • 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh ; 2 to • ii boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25e. nd mire cure, Sohl by all druggists. n ofjtheedecis on of te he U. S. SuprTrain eme Court in the Anarchists' case be cried like a baby and declared he would quit the United States for ever. He says he will go to Toronto to live. Toronto is to be pitied. ltoher'e Caetorta, 7.4 cre cbz • fr-t .17-4 immid shed W: >►#iwa.. a sALiEdn�LQhe; thee u. nwin 4e sew.. S1ll .A.EL, Oweitanee• 011018ANDLQT FOR SALi-Ti4TYALUgr� Jllneaot18,e ned.u1'r eb& pgd . Wag l8,on the north Rade oe Huron Qt. The house lies indt- Ab1e accomhnodetion for large family, with All conveniences, 54011 as,,llard gn a Good stale oe the lot/ Furth- p8l't. Peter,0191 Po i aPPlieattvn ..toMANNING 4 scow, Goeth eit 4a.. F u FOR aayaeia concession, ucode tiochr toownship; Comprising 80 acres, of which 0 are: cleared; about two miles from Olioton, well watered, good concrete house, cod frame barn, atone milk house, fruit 11. house, f.is,' Olititoe, or the ung undersigned on the premises or .by letter, T, WIGGINTON, Clinton P. O. Sept, 16,1887. '41 L'IARM NEAR OUNTON� L choice farm of 70 acres, part of to six, in the two miln es of ad Clintonnsstation. PratnaTownehm. Ouse f seven rooms. Good frame barn 60 xe 5. Two of good wells. Farm in first -plass condition; Also a large and choice young bearing orchard. Magi,Tsar SAM% This Is a chance seldom offered. Apply to H. Has, Clinton, or to the under- signed on the premises, W.FENTON, Clinton 0.0 FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT — IN gg 60 acre; about s. Part es cleared balancelherd wood and cedar. Good buildings, orchard and water. Four miles from Belgrave,.and five from Blyth. Terms to suit purchaser.- , Will be esident of the for ownship tem to par- titulars applyon thepremises or address ROBT. MCCORKINDALE, Belgraee, '1284 AFIFTY ACES F utti FOR SALE—WEST and 6 acres blot ush, f a small p piece o2 acres rst-class cedar, balance beavermeadow: frame house wistable, yne younglbeariframe g orchard, buildings and fences in good repair, splendid well at house. 6j miles from Loudesbororo and 6 from the town of Clinton. Apply on the premises or J CUNNINGHAM, Lola/eel/aro P. 0. FARM FOR SALE—.TILE SUBSCRIBER OF- osituated farm n tl ei2nd con of Hunett, fofor sale that inostirgmi erly belonging to the nearlyallclearedestate. and in atconsints of 50 acres splendid et to of culti- vation. Fine brick house, barn with stone stable beneath, good orchard, neer failing wells, and in every respect a good farm. Situate only 3 miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms, with or without the crop. Full particulars on ap- plication to ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—A FRAME Lane's old HoseItotel,withtwo belonging oictoria theestateeof near the lhouse Is ate Joh» Stephenson,ppis offered for sateth nine. The and stone cellar. On the lots are hard and soft water, stable, ko. The property is advantage- ously situated, and will be sold on reasoriabte 81.8811 0 terms. Apply to either JOHN STEPHENSON, Clinton, or 0. SIINBANK, London Road. T ARM FOR SALE. -SUBSCRIBER OF rase for sale his farm of 168 acres, being lot 47, Maitland con., Godorloh towasbip. About 125 sores cleared, and in good state of cuntvatlon, balance good hatdwood Wirth, well fenced, good orchard, plenty of w.So, Situ to about six miles from town lof Clinton, and convenient to church and school. Win be sold on reasonable terms. I,pll particulars on application, D. BAS- KERVILLE, on the premises or Clinton P.0 V1 coati- p oo" 00 immif cr' ' FARM FfRSAoESALE-THE p saleUNDERSIGNED being lot 87 coMaitlanntainind g 78 acres. About 651areoccleared, and nearly free from stumps, in good state cultivation. sle beleawomotly eh and magood On new, the a bank barn, a good supply of water and also au orchard. The property is situ- ated six miles from Clinton. For full par- ticulars apply on the premises, or WM. BAKER, Clinton P.O. �A OR SALE. -THAT WELL-KNOWN Whitely farm, being lot 15, con, 17,Goderich township, Base Zine, Summerhill four iless from Clinton, on good gravel load. The farm contains 60 acree,70cleared and in good state of cultivatiau,. the.rsmainder•.rood"hardw6ttd'b ,'rill•-' ere are 15 acres of fall wheat and all fall ploughing (tone ; there are two wells and an ever -flowing spring, new frame bpnf g 18 'e,bam 35 x 55; retable 16 x 86, stairs and 9 rooms dotal stairs, and x 26 with na kitcheye n 14 x ' ai churches, hand alwithin five two intesakcPoaesin grocery,ie enquiat re at NEe to W ERA. Office or of uit fiurchaser. MESor SRS'MAN- NING R SCOTT, or of the proprietor, on the pre- mises, L. MANNING, Summerhill P.O. FARM FOR SALE-THATSPLENDID Farm of 100 acres being o 70 2, L. R. S., of Tnekersmltb. is offered for sale on reasonable terms with good buildings, frame barn, 40x60, stable 24x86, sheep and carriage house, 16x46, good 1:e story, 24x86 frame. house and kitchen, 70 acres under cultivation, 20 acres cleared but not brok- en •,ll 10 acres good hardwood bush, we - watered, having throe of the beet wells in Hurdn county. Good bearing orchard. situated 294 miles from the Pillage of � Brnceneld, and.6 from the Towne of Clin- • ton and Seaforth respectively. there is a splendid gravel road past the front or the pre:lees, Perti0ulara and terms given on application P.O., or SAMUEL CRI(1N H Cin -- ton, P. O„ or NEW ERA OFFICE. DAM ELCOAT, Ontario P. O., Callfornia, NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP IN FULL BLAST. -The subscriber having leased tbe large brick shop on, Albert Street, op - ward and wned'by MrgguCant onj is Hay- ward, to do all work in his line. Bring a practical workman of several years exper- ience. Particular attention will be given to carriage, buggy or cutter repairing, Horse showing, and general blacksmith work. Prompt attention and moderate charges will be his motto. Orders respectfully solicited, CHAS. ROUSE. ' �In ZECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,Statutes of;uance of Ontario, notice isOhereby 46 Vic that all creditors having claims against estshiapte of G de ieh, oe nnty of Hurate on, who died In the township of Gloderieh on or about the 17th day of September, A. D. 1887, are to send by post paid or deliver to Henry Weston and Thos Harrison, Ba of the estate of the late George V e texecutors A. De7887 a ston or atemf ore ent ntanist ing thef ir nil nes and addresses, and full particulars of their claims duly certified and the security held date, the said ex cu oand after e of the sthe aid estate will proceed to pay the claims against the said deceased, to the parties entitled thereto, re - not notice hard as been orece] eto d as abe ove required, red, and that we will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice has not been received as above. All debts due to the said estate,must be paid forthwith, • HENRY WESTON THOS. HARRISON , Executors Rayfield September 27, 1887. Still to the Front.. The subscriber would again return his sincere thanks to all who have so liberally patronized him during the past year, and ask for a eontinu- onco of their support in the tuturo, and to in- form them that I ata stili ort hand at the old etand, Albert Street Clinton where I will keep a full supply of Mohler end Stone Flour of the best brands, Graham Flour Cracked and Rolled Wheat, Oatmeal, Rolled, Granulated and Stan- dard Buckwbeat Flour, Corn Meal, Chopped Peas and Oats, Bran, Shorts, Oats Peas and Hen FeedGround Oil CakeWhole and .round Max Potatoes and dethertlVege• Vege- tables, Barrel Salt, and everything usually kept in a sell torr the lowested em(nerativell epricees, or will reductions fo Hotelgrains , Livery n,vTeomSpecialt aal always keenons ptandgevertthingssoldoat marti- clesl Fleet, delivered er in within th11111 or e c o rponatioo free of charge. I will also pay cash for oats and other coarse grains, Potatoes, Eggs, Pork, Hides and Sheep Skins. Hoping by fair doeting, courteous meriitnthat'samc hare of ho p public patronage to the] future that bee been accorded mo in the past, THOMAS WATSON, Clinton, J. MAYN'E, PAINTER & GRAINER, HOUSE. DECORATOR, &C. PAPER HUN(7 AT 12('. PER ROLL,. ORDERS LEFT AT 5, I)Avls'STORE. MONF,Y TO LOAN, --:t LARGE AMOUNT 47-1- of private ferule to loan on improved farm property, Intoned 54 nrid 6 per cent, payable yearly (•..h. HARM, Cl In ton 51, GOads R�use.Loctowit)$1300Eico. Days Sale, -10 per c. Discouift Our stock is too heavy, it is well selected, and complete in all departments; every line has been purchased care- fully, with a view of getting 'the best value obtainable; but in order to get bottom figures,we had to buy in. large lots, and in order to reduce stock and ensure a quick turnover, we will for 30 days give a discount of 10 per c. on all cash purchases of Dryoods andBoots and Shoes This sale presents a splendid opportunity t� our custo- mers for procuring their supply of fall and winter goods, at prices much below ordinary rates. We offer a fine selection of' 431- AZTRO 13 k.1.1 At bottom figures, which we will exchange for wood at market price. Vilaz IN GROCERIES --We are to the front with all lines usually kept in a first-class grocery department. We expect a big run on Ready lade Sins aid Oyorcoals During this sale, and would ask our customers to come and make their selection early, as no doubt the lot will . be cleared before the expiration of the 30 days. W.L. OUIM.ETTE, LONDFsBORO 1. NEW GOODS EVERY WEFra SPECIAL, ATTENTION PAID TO GETTINQ NEWEST FA1RCY ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat- ternsi_. BOOKS—& STAT1ONET>wY, "gree v triet . Y EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES, GALLAND.EXARIINE,,.... A• WORTITINGTON, Clinton Hanlan hasbeenJJowned - ------BUT-- NEWTONS Harness &. Orocery Dpt. Has never yet been downed for; cheapness in all goods in my line. I am now • . selling SOAPS at prices to make you think I stole them. 12 BARS MONSTER LAUNDRY SOAP for 25e. 8 BARS RUBY SOAP for •219c. 8 BARS JUDD SOAP for •. 2$c 5 BARS ELECTRIC SOAP for - • 25o, And all other goods in proportion to those pricey, • usual prices, though they have advanced in the wholesale market, • Come -and gee the Handsome Presents I an Giving away' with. a POUND of TEA at ,5c., and T with a POUND of BAKING POWDER or TEA at 40e. I:Z.1\TM In the ha,, line, my st1t,t' TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, CURRYBOMBS,aBRII HES, &e. L am shot showing the best selected stook of BUFFALO and GOAT ROBES, ever exhibited in the village. All kinds of Grain and Farm Produce taken in exchange. Remember my specialty is SCOTCH COLLARS, my own make. Thanking my customers for past favors and soliciting their future patronage. GEO. NEWTON, LONDESBORO WHOLESALE RETAIL GROCER We beg most respectfully to direct ------ r the attention of the. public in general, that we are still selling groceries at the lowest possible prices for pure goods. During the five years we have been in business in Clinton, we have endeavored 'to keep the best goods in the market, and have estab- lished a good trade by -so doing. Our stock is large and well selected TEAS IA SPECIALTY - LARGE QUANTITY JUST ARRIVED. EXTRA VALUE AND ANY QUANTITY OF CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE,&C. SOLE AGENT FOR NEW ERA. BAKING••POWDER, HIGHEST .CIlrca PAID FOR GOOD BUTTER AND:EGGS. WE BUY ANY QUANTITY OF • ALL KINDS GOOD FRUIT A.ANGITS, 99 ALB, RT ST BuyYourrocerj5 From Thomas Cooper & Son " WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS- SORTED STOCK OF G R, O C R, I M In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant everything first-class, Solo agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK- ING POWDER," Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specianr. Give us a call, Thos COOPER & SON CLINTON..