HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-11-11, Page 1I
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I . I ad payment of the following accounts: it became
interest gradually died out, and
Tuelcerstuith. H0110esville. * 0 titline of a 'Servion. G. Tedford, lamp lighting, attending g became ]practically and positively
I Stanley. WEST END FAIMER'S CLUB. -Last BrILVING.-Dir W. Murch has erected -_ Scales, for -Wood, &c., 523.75; H. Cooper, barren and unfruitful, until it Was di$ -
NEW HousE.-Mr Donald Smith, of Tuesday evening the subject was, "The The a new stable and is about to build an FREACHRD IN TIDE .NIETHODIST CHURCH, attending scales, $7.50; W. Coats,clerk, carded altogether. When MiHowell
the 2nd line, has just completed a very -wintering addition to his shop. LONDESBORO, 13ADDATH EVENING, OCT. 30TH, On salarv, 650; H. Cole, wood for Miss came to Beafortb,he undertook to revivt
BOYS commodious brick house with all the cheapest and best method of 1887, BY REV D. ROGERS, . the flagging interest, and hassucceeder
. necessary conveniences. cattle and horses." The meeting was ORcljA1j.u,i.--Mr T. C. Pickard has just - White, charity, $1.25; G.Rentgen, Work so well that regular services are -h . ela. ,
opened.,by a. splendid Speech from Mr planted a young orchard of 300 apple, on street, $23.67; S. Pratt, quarter's
J. Landstiorough, which was listened to consisting entirely of Baldwins -An enemy bath done this," salary, $18.75 ;.R. Holmes, printing4c., there, the congregations being large, and
Mr Goo Baird, the popular teacher of trees, riff, 28. �7.25; B. Webb, work at cemetery, 50 spiritual interest very good.
------I— the 2nd line, has been re-engaged at the eagerly. There were also a few re- and Northern spies ; the trees were pro. from which this text
same salary, $610, for the year 1888. marks made by others. The subject oured from the Berimillor nursery; My The parahle cents, P.Cantelon, (rent for Miss White) HURON PEPSILYTERY.-There was very ,
If he should live to complete this an- for next evening is "The care of Imple- , H.Elford is also planting a new orchard; is selected is founded on something we charity account, 06; W.Wbeatley,work, little business of public interest Iran-
s gagement it will be 27 years in this meats, fruit pays. can all understand. In olden time when $2 ; S. Davis, sundries, 610-65 ; W -Jack- ,acted at the meeting, in Seaforth, on
and no teacher in Huron, no ' hocking, of a man wanted to injure his neighbor,h, son, telegraphs, 71 cents; W.W.Farra", Tuesday. Only the following used be -
—,------ -------e------- matter what his popularity, is held in MUNICIPAL.—Mr D.Walker, reeve, has VISITING. — Mr John Dock would cross his field, after it had been insurance account, $46. The committee mentioned: A remit :upon the conati-
more universal estqem where he '18 privately stated that he will again be a Mitchell, has been spending a few days sown in wheat, with a full Back Of recommended that an allowance of one tution. of the General Assembly and
. . known, than Mr Baird is. candidate for municipal honors at the with his son, ,Nlr R. Docking, of this tares, and scatter it all over the field. month's salary, $16.66, be placed to the payment of -Commissioners' expenses
. -----,%— forthcoming elections. That he has village. Although nearly eighty years Of course it would soon sprout up and credit of the late Luke Trouse. The was pqiised with some amendments; Rev.
NoTEs.-All the persons in this vi- served the township faithfully and well 01.1 age, he appears to retain much of the greatly injure if not spoil the crop, Our receipts of the weigh scales for the R. Y. Thompson's resignation, tendered
cinity who were in sickness have recov. vivacity of former days. . IIB this mischievous seed month of October were $23, and tb".
I in the past, no one will for a moment vl I version oil At last meetingt was accepted, Although -
I area and general good health prevails. umber COURT S41.WOOD, No 87, C. 0. F. -The "tares," but some travellers who have town hall, and from inagistrates � . _._
m4king prg- dispute, but there are quite an it will not take effect till the 19th of De-
- following is a list of the officers for the encountered the same plant, describe it &c., $67.UB. The report was adopted, l camber next; a call frons Knox Church;
We are showing a full and complete Mr Malcolm McEwen is who think that he should voluntarily re . V. � as the 11darnal"-s seed which in its
paration for building a new stone house allow Rome younger person a ensuing term: -C. R., Thos Murch. V FIRE AND WATER. , Goderich, to Rev. J. 11. Simpson, Of
next summer. Mr,Duncan McEwen is tire and C. R., Will Stanley. R. S., Ed Levis. 1 early growth is somewhat like the
Stock of improving the appearance and conven- chance to fill the office. It is useless F. S., J. IT. Phipps- Treas., C. W. wheat, but when the ear is formed the The Fire and Water Committee to- � Briieefield, was sustained, and it was
PP him, for be is too popular to I agreed to dispose of ]tat a special meet-
. ience of his farm by gravelling the.lane be beaten, but he has, nevertheless, had Williams. Chap, John Treworthy. S. difference is clearly seen. •- ported that they hid examined all the � in to be held in Qlintpn, oil the Oth 4
from the road to his house. his Share of the honors of office, and W., Sam Sturdy. J. W., W. Johnston. The mischief was (lone "while men water tanks and found them in good , I 1. .., I- I r ineoting
T, I3„ R. Glidden. - I, I order, excepting one, at the east end 61 1 December. The next regil it -
I— _____----, � would be doing a graceful act to make S. B :I D. W -Burris, ,s ept.11 It may not have been at night, .. "
-'A . Xanchester. . .,�y usually Rattenbury St., which should be re- I WaS ordered to be held in the Thames
BOYS" Overcoats# MR EDITOR,—In theltems of Man. way for someone else. Yourcorrespon- EXTERTAINMENT.—A school entertain- :however, as in the Eastth( paired. The Chief of the Fire Com- road church oil the third TLL03d&Y in -
dent has "no axe to grind" and is not ment,consisting Of diRlOgu0s,recitations, 1 took a abort sleep after the mid-day
! pony asked for a few additions to the Jithuary, and arrangenicutq %vere 1;�ade
onester fast week, it was stated that the interested in booming the canditature speeches, music etc., is to be held here i meal,andthe darnel may have.,been sown . ire Company, all of for a Sabbath Sohool clonve.ilt;OR bl the
------ � '_ --I ministeies of the Guelph Conferenbehad of any one, but is giving expression to shortly. The object of the same, is We then. And sometimes we are asleep equipment of the F same place, on the followill,ir day.
. not done what they promised, etc. The what he believes to be a prevalent sen- learn, to procure funds to purchase 0, kind waken not until the vicious Beads which was acceeded to.
facts are -When Rev Mr Turner's obit- timent. It is reported that Mr David .bell in behalf of the section. A small � have taken root and sprouted -indeed, . PETITION. The first meeting of tliFi Rattenbury
nary was read in the Conference, the McIntosh, the very popular deputy-. entrance fee will likely be charged— in some instances, have brought forth a A petition bearing the signatures of street Methodist church Home Circle
And it is to the inter est of every Rev Dr Griffin suggested that it would reeve, finding his professional duties re. Such a laudable effort oil the part of frightful harvest. 31 ratepayers, protesting against the was held oil Tuesday evening, and was
be a nice thing, if all the ministers quire all his time, will not again run the teacher, Mr Islurch, his pupils and Whether it was by night or by day, pro osed erection Df the new freight a decided success. Over sixty pet -sons
Turner their first mar- others, should meet with a liberal re- one is certain, our unicule shed members, and
would send Mrs T for office. During the year that he has is hfulne8s to the east of the present building enrolled their names as
P urchaser to come and see our aloud and opportunity. thereby closing up a street across the the probabilities are that many more
riage fee, and several spoke alo been in, he has given general satisfac- I sponse. ' is still - Mi- J. C. bailors president,,
. I said, "Agreed, agreed." There was no tion, and it will be with reluctance that I The following resolution was carried This' ractice of darnel sowing track -was presented. IVIr John Stephen- will join.
selection. motion, no pledge of the Conference the,ratepayere allow rim to withdraw. till I ugly by the quarterly board of followed in these times in many ways. Ron, asr�one of the parties interested,said was in the chair; Mr P. Cantelon, jr., is
I If ministers feel disposed to 1. The "enemy" makes use of the thought
in that neighborhood Secretary of the Circle. Dr. Williams,
Mrs T. no doubt CouNciL.-The council met at Bruce- I Nmolom:esville circuit of the Methodist .
, given. the 0 Robt.
� send on Such fees to t he November meeting,:- PriAt!"q Press to scatter his seeds. At thought that the council should look leader of the Alphs, section, and
, o many good Holmes, of the B6t&. The following`
. field on the 1st inst. All the members �4� no period were there s after their interest, and they left the
they will thankfully received, but � church
I John Marquis, seconded
your correspondent is wrong in Saying present, Minutes of last meeting were by My John McCartney, "That this books and papers in circulation as at natter with them. Alex. Hillen made was the programme on, Tue.54ay even -
I that it was "not to the credit" of the read &lid confirmed. Moved by WILL Quarterly meeting haying learned that the present. But we regret that much the speech when he said ,,We down there ing:-Music,quartotte, ,We'reinsight.
In inisters who have failed to do so. -A Broadfoot, seconded by Win Elgie that be made to repeal of the literature of to -day is charged wanted to appioach the town -just a of the Golden Gate," by Mrs Foster,
. kT MINISTER. fit was not the correspon- the following accounts be paid :-J Ald- an effort is about to with insidious infidelity, and that which rd- entlemen-from the east, west Ili Rumball, Mr Perry and Mr Jones;
field, culvert, con 2, 06� J Gimmel, the operation of the second part of the sneers at religion and caricatures its wo g; luqua Home Series, 11 Studies in
OUR GM dent .who made the remarks noted he Canada Temperance Act, in the and points -the hub of Clinton, in Chatt Williams; reading, Miss
. '
I it was the finale of Rev Mr McGee's culveirt, con 5, $2. R. Pepper, bridge t raty of Huron, Be it therefore re- professors. , The land is fall of light,vi- the name of the Queen theGrand Trunk Zoology," Dr.
letter. -Ed NEW EBA-1 oil London road, $24.50, R. Pepper, Cot i hereby commit publications. Every railroad couldn't ride over them, and they1d Beesley; solo, "Gate of the west" Mrs
_�_—_ ,------'— grading and gravelling, on 5, $28. R. solved that we curses cions close us up -thanks, gentleman. Yer, Foster; reading, "Philosophy of a laugh,"
Pepper, banking at bridge, con 4, $11. ves to strenuously oppose such effort at train has its agents, and men or women
:--', OVERCOAT 1. repeal. AVe feel that the Scott Act is who love money, write and push these honor, our, taxes down at our end of the Iviiss Williams-, C.H.S., "Set of tools,"
$2-50 1 East Wawanosh. R. Pepper, repairing culverts, i34 E. ' the most efficient instrument at our dis- productions, irrespective of their moral town were paid two weeks ago." � Mr Foster; Solo, 11 The Lorelie," Mr
. . 10 1. - . SociAi—011 Tuesday evening last it Walker, unloading and hauling cedar posal for the repression of the liquor character:or religious tone. As a Church, My 'Manning explained thaks, cotiple Beldon; glee, 11 Jingle Bells." Critic;
I . social was held at the house of Mr John $3. S. Broaafoot,repairing culvert, $2. traffic. And whatever differences there and as parents we must not sleep, but Of the streets there had been closed up Mr Perry. The Alplia section provide
even—-gain in the coun. Coutts, on the 11th concession, for the Win Dale,culvert an Huron road, $4.56. put in motion counteracting influences the programme for next Tuesday
s the greatest bat 4, 62, A. may be nodi
strict enforcement, we some years ago by by-law, and until
purpose of defraying the small sum due J Cameron, culvert, con that will neutralize and destroy the bad that by-law was repealed it would 0 Log s meeting.
. I " - - ,11� - , organ used in the Presbyterian Plewes, culvert and grading, $14.88. P can never willjn�.-Iy go back to the Ii- -
611 the censing of an iniquity, and we hereby influence cf these immoral and skepti go ; whether these streets, thus closed
:ty, and they are• sellingiike fine, the Moore,tile drain across Kippen road, $4. cal issues .from a corrupt press. I fear be on ad still to the town or e railway, The regular quarterl.y service fit
� . � ., . �. 0burch. The evening being fiJae Chesney, culvert. con. 8, §5. 1-1. ,call Upon the Metliodists and till other there are thousands who are permitting remained to been seen. a did not be- connection With the Ontario St. Metho.
!, bot cakes. " d la Lmbered about eighty. BubVIz, boxing on Kippen road, $2. W. good citizeiis of the county of Iluron, to the good impressions made on the minas . lieve in giving a railway company any dist church, was held on Sunday last.
. ' attendance
by the ladies pre- give Stich an answer to the polls, to the Rev Mr Fisher exchanged with the pas-
. . , %nt, Ran etv.ery one .earned to enjoy Chapman, gravelling at Mustard's $40. petition, as shall finally define the at- of their children by the preaching of the ' more privilegesthan they were properly r,and conducted services morning and
t . , -school instruction to ,
a, the utmost. VOORI and Tho. Kennard, repairs on bridge $1. T. Gospel and Sabbath -school entitled to, but it must be remembered ,
__ . Geary�, culvert on town line, �7• W. tittiaer of this county, 'on tile policy of to be supplanted by the sensational and evening The morning Bervices were
instrumental music, and readings. by culvert con 1, retaining our local option law,un til such also that additional freight room was
- Sinclair, stringers and The
infidel literature* of the day. necessary in the •interest of the town as largely attended, and the'sermon by,
i , I Mrs S. Gracey, from Wingbam, corn $12.90 E. Fairbairlie, spreading grav• time its we may obtain a prohibitory The fathers and mothers who are asleep, well as the railway, and the company Mr Fisher was much appreciated. On
" , , . posed the greater part of the programme. el, $2.50. R. Fairbairne, building ap• law for the Dominion. It was also re- and allow this "darnel" to be sown in claimed that the place now selected was Monday afternoon the quarterly board
I ACCIDUNT. -- An event which might proaches to bridges, con 3, H. R. S., solved that this resolution be read, and met and transacted its regular business-.
lean afford to bother with buy- their home, and fail to provide the ant' Suitable forthe new shed. �
, have resulted more �seriously, occurred 983. d r, $119.28. a vote taken on it, at each appointment the only-plitee -ted as being
A. dote in the form of sound moral and I" .
I re' He (Manning) thought that the least The finances were reported
while mi; and Mrs Bone were on their It was decided that all parties having oil the circuit. igious read} in a satisfactory condition. Onnomin-
oat, when you The following resolution WAS also ill)- I' * di ire committing a fear- the railway could do was to have come
ing, cloth for an overc way to the social at My Coutts', last fences on the road allowance are hereby 4-g.'r;e, mo�ea sin which to the council and asked permission for Ition. of the pastor, the following were-
. Tueeda evening. When I going through notified to have the same removed im. aninioliSly curried; -Moved by My P. ful blunder appointed Stewards, Messrs E. Turner, -
y will make t *r hearts ache some day, the street anyhow. . .
cart est such a bqrgain as the above. the swamp South of that place, the wheel a council then adjourn- W. Currie, sec., by My J. Trewartha, - --- tWRT _107.1111NM -mi'd-A-.`h"ICMt7- ' 0
I � uck-the-ind--Of�fr- - . mediately. Te-sdNy-tTi`aWRd -M-aCBMJ_8. t,0t-,-",. -N%qlen-4ts-kqlit--:Bhe.11-be.'Ig&tber,ed-4rom, - --I-CIVWg-m-ovail-by-edi-iTTc-lIl6F-Do e y, and H. R. Walker, J. Gib ings, J. 1 6'
. . -I lo aa irreligious seconded by Deputy-Reevd Manning, !L, I
I I ad 'the lives of unbelieving i 9
. I., I of the bug fog;au" to meet igi-n WT ' .
Remember this coat'is manufactur- thereby was upset, throwing the occu. inst I Fit Dixon's, hotel, Brucefield, at main for the third year. - eons and daughters. that the petitiofi be referred to a cona-
nish and Win Tipiady. r . � ti i-
t I
pants out. The horse turned round and the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. Wx. INIc- I We learn that a temperande resolu was elected Recording 9
. on freed itself tioll pointing in the same direction as 2. An enemy bath done this" finds mittee composed of the following main -
ed by ours from a ran homeward, but so Co,,,,Y,,,, Clerk. d an illustration also in the drinking cus- bore of the con cense was granted Mr Wesley Glazier
. elves, and is . made fj from the buggy, leaving it in a some- the one passed by the quarterly board, toms of the present time. A father and council Mayor,Reeve, as an exhorter, being the first step ne..
d state. No one was OBITUARY.—It is our painful duty this was also passed at the Women's Mis- I . Deputy -Reeve and D. I$. Kennedy, with
litib of goodo bought in Scotland what demolished mother may be scattering good Reed in a terms cessary to an entrance to the ministry.
I hurt except Mr Bone, who received a week to record the death of Mrs'John [jionary meeting this week. power to secure the I best possib A gelteral co4versation upon varions,
the form of advice, prayeria,and entreat- a . .
. t .. . R. authorities,
. . few slight bruises. , Doig, which occurred at her residence � --------------- � fes, while the enemy scatters amid it 9,11 and
can with the topics closed a very pleasant and bar,
at half its value. . oil Thursday, the 3rd inst. Mrs Doig, and if no arrangement can be arrived monious meeting. A committee, con-
BnrnFs.-Mr David Scott has been whose maiden name was Janet MoLaren, Colborne. the wretched "darnel seed" of enticing at to take legal advice as to the rights sisting of Rev W. W. grarling, E. Tar-'
. unable to work for the past week owing was born at Cbippewa, Wellington Weeding at Mr Geo Habels this week• drink which will yield a fearful crop of of theto ,itildsuo 'action as they may
� to an abacess,on the arm. Mr R. cad consequences. He who thus entices be advised. . . .. ner, A. Elcoat, Jag Stevens, D. Tiplady
an .
. McGowan lost a mare valued ,at $no County, on the 3rd of September 1821, Fire rail through a large portion of other is without doubt doing the de- My W. Rumball was refunded do, and A. H. Manning, was appointed to
I last week', indig6stion.,�i-4. Much and consequently at the time of her Mr Harris' bush on Monday last. oil's work, and a terrible res on- ' tb d having died. Tile tax report oil the question of a successor to
. death was aged 66 years and 2 months. tax, a 09 i . the present paistor, whose term expires
Jackson Bros., and J. Taylor, -with their respective Her pirents were natives of Perthshire, Wesley Allin received a Severe blow sibility rests upon associates who trap collector was instructed to -notify the this year.
4; . machines, are'tbrdshirig on the 2nd and Scotland. Her father having died when from the crank of a winless, while and ensnare each other with drink, we public through the local papers'that all .
CLOTMERs, FuRNism@Rs & HATTERS $rd concession. Mrs J. Stewart, of site was but three years of age, she re. lowering a bu&xot for ,Nlr Swede, who is go further back and say, a great reBpon- taxes must be paid by the 14th of Dec., ' ,
. ---. __ .- Paisley, who has beenvisiting f Stewart,
moved with her widowed mother to digging a well there., sibility rests upon the liquor dealers and that no be
of time Ivould be •l,,111st. Huron T0i&peraiice.
. . . Porter's Hill. - here, has returned to Teaswater. Re- Laollute, Argenteuil County, Quebec, DE.kTn.—*.Nfr V. Fisher, received word against whom is pronounced the "woe granted. Convention.
vival meetings are still going. on at Hoo- to him that givath his neighbor drink," My P. Cantelon intimated that 110
- verIs church, where in the year 1840, at the age of last Friday that his son Abraham had _ esponsi- would no East Huron Temperance Con.
13oxx AGAIN.—Mr Henry Young, for but will close this week ; nineteen, she married Mr John Doig. died of mountain fever, on Oct. 24tb. and fdrtber back still, the r on big house for the The E
mikly of Porter's Hill, but who for the trustees of this church have deciiied in. My bility rests upon voters, electors, and use of the present occupant at the pre- vection was herd in Brussels on Thurs.
ab I two years has been living in That the present building is entirely too They resided for thirteen years after some where in the rocky mount& public teachers, if *6 fail Iii-crur duty, sent -rate, as he could not rent the ad- clay afternoon of this week. There
F their marriage in the Province of Fisher joined the Northwest Mounted who hundred delegate
,6 t
I Stern Kansas and Colorado, small and purpose building if new one spring of 1853 they Police about a year and a hall ago, and for every one who will vote for men jacent property. Mr W. Dodds made were upwards of one hui being re
Quebec, when in the s encourage this system of darnel -sowing, appli6ation for the position of -lamp- present, all parts of the riding
I i I
- re L rned to Canadian Roil on Thursday � next ,,, ,niiZl sb&U'i'ii01s east Of its removed to Upper Canada, settling on wrote home saying that be liked his oc-
ev6ling last. - , � , present site. Mr S. Y.. Taylor, teacher, the farm on which they have resided cupation ,well. His untimely death is this traffic in drink, is responsible, so lighter, weigh master, &cA at $16.50 per presented except Hullett. wing t
I has been home for a week,his school be- far as influence goes, for the whole re. month, alidlolr made a being hear
. , ever since, and which at that time was rn�icb regretted by all: Mr Fisher and = T.,y,glt_.rmaii made a postpoll . .
Sunshine. . ing �Iosqd owing to the prevalence of stilts that follow. i for the same office; both were in the Town all, at the time arras . a solid bush,but which now by industry, family have the sympathy of the COM- nearly
BnWFs._Mr_Webb, of Seeforth, has measles in this section. Mr Coultes is and perseverance is one of the finest in munity.in their sad bereavement. The We are gratified because of the great . to the proper committee. ' Ap- for the convention, it was nearl
rented the blacksmith shop of My S. P. erecting 9, house on his farm on the 6th . g was the mother memorial service will be preacbed� at change in public opinion within the last plication was made for a street lamp Oil P.,:, before any work was done. Aft
.rV_ _the, country. Mrs,Doi Larks by the Presi
'B - W poorly the cornier ic a
-- frn.ffris -reTiVill(Rd fii Bethel clilircli next Sabbath mori this which was referred to the Street Corn- ,
Nugent, and commenced business. The '666eesil morning. ten years, in relation to this form of Joseph and Orange streets, preliminary ren
of tWelve'cliildren, five only of whom darnel -sowing. 'v�ritbout doubt dent, Rev A. Y. Hartley, the followill
post office has again changed hands, Mr Livingston, well-known as a push- Buyvive bar. She was a woman of fat' __ . change has been wrought mainly mittee. The sum of $100, granted to officers were sleeted --Pres., A. Y
being the thirA time this year, and is ing man in business Operations;' i's' more than ordinary ,ability and intelli- Seaforth..
now taken care of by Mrs Baird. The building a saw mill nearMarnoch. Ano- . through the indefatigable labors of the the township of Goderich some time Hartley; Vice -Pros., Jno Ross, B. A.
saw mill is again in full blast, Mr Van- ther respected family, once residents genes, and up to the time of bar last ill. MATRMoNv.—Mise Hueston, who for temperance people, and we intend, God ago, conditional on the opening of the Sec.-Treas., W. H. Kerr. In the even
nesswas-remarkably strong andhe Ithy. 7 us, to work on and pray on un -
h* -has lost one of its a a number of years has been engaged as helping in� the Town Hall was packed to thi
stone having engaged most of the hands of this towns ip, She was for many years a consistent � now Colborne road, was passed to the
, relay to the death of Miss saleswoman in Mr R. Jamieson's store, til we secure the desired end—Prohibi - credit of that township. door, to listen to an address from Re,
formerly employed by My Rogerson. members; we member of the Presbyterian church, a Ata critical juncture in the
Rev. Mr Tonge preached a very appro. Aggie, second daughter of Mr Joseph faithful wife, a noble mother, and was was married last ,Wednesday, at bar tion. A r of 1864 the Cabinet were The council then adjourned. Dr Griffin, of Guelph. Itwasinimensc
priate sermon to the Foresters, OIL Sun- Collins, of Whitewood, Man,; after slid will do a great deal of good. Tlic
ille passed highly esteemed by all who had the home in Tuckeramith, to Mr D. Grant, American wa
day afternoon ; the church was crowded. short illness of typhoid fever, s been
of her acquaintance. She had Of this place. We join in with their in session at the White House, anxious. . ,
, Local Church Chinics. people of the East Riding are determiri�
. quietly away. Mr Jag Quinn, who left been confined to her bed during the friends in wishing the happy couple all ly waiting for tidings from the sanguin - Rev Mr Itedmond, of Arkona, will ea to boom the temperance cause at
Bel rove. here some time ago, met with an acei- a end of life's journey., ary conflict then ;waging in Virginia. A I
past seven montiks, but during all that ha to the . . despatch at length arrived stating that gteitch in Rattenbury' St church ell scout tb I a idea of repeal.
BiiinFs._A few invited Brusselites dent in the Michigan lumber woods, by time she bore all her pains and troubles Bnmrs,—'Mr� Dancey, of Goderich, unday next, Rev Mr Riipert takin� the I — I
find Wingliamites took in the fine ball which lie wag incapacitated from Christian resignation and for. . the Union forces were driven back and a Arkona. ' A (�'OOL SW1N1.?1A1,'R-
-0ork for a week -or two. The revives With Spent Sunday ill town with her son, Mr badly demoralized. After a brief silence, work t
and supper at the Royal Hotel on Mon. . . will be bearance. She could truly say like the L. L. Dancey. Miss H. Bugging, for- in which the members of the Cabinet Rev Mr Sparling will preach the 111. I I .
day night. Lots of grain is coming in services in Hoover's clillrell, CLINTONo . Apostle of old, that "she had fought 9, Snarl of the 'Mothodist parsonage of looked at each other, one of them said, nual thanksgiving sermon in the Town � A (.!0T7P1,T' (IF TON ii[FRr.111,\T1t T.kxrn
now, as high prices are being paid.. closed soon. I I good fight, she had finished her course, this place, is visiting her sister, Mrs "Well, Mr President, what's next," Mr Hall, next Thursday morning, at 11 i 1-4 BY A MODE I ST LOOKIN11. YOUTTI.
Sevetal ear lbads of wood have been . - she had kept the faith, henceforth there . Beattie. The Laclies'Aid ofthe Metbo* Lincoln calmly replied, "There is only o'clock, the other ministers taking - — I I
. shipped from this station to London., . Varna,. is laid tip for her a crown of righteous- dist church intend giving a harvest one thing to do, and that is to keep peg- some part in the services. I w0duesatly monling last a youill
I this fall. A. Taylor has shipped save- The Literary Society is Organizing, ness." Her f uneial sel: vice was conducted borne dinner oil the evening of Thanks- ging away." This homely, yet signi& Rev Mr Gray will take charge of the Mill' went into the Dry Goods P I ,
. ral lots of butter, poultry and dried and will ,be in full blast sbortly; we by the Rev. Mr Acheson,at 8 o'clock, oil giving Noy. I cant utterance of Abraham .Lincoln is Bap ist Sabbath School, at half past here, and said lie wanted to get a coup
apples to Toronto, this month; lie is - . . Saturday morning, yet notwithstanding * t would exchange then
. wish them every success. A Pnosprn especially applicable to us in our work. fill big of articles, if they
also stipplying the G.T,R. dining cars the early hour a large number of her 0118 Cimitcu—' Never in the two next Sunday afternoon, and .
Miss Aim Lovitt is visiting ]let- nisterl r. history of the Methodist church of this It was constant and unrelenting efforts own pulpit in the evening. His many for cordwood. This ,was agreed to, ani
with eggs, poultry and butter. The Mrs George Stewart, whose hosband, friends and neighbors assembled to pe that closed the saloons in Jessamine friends will be glad to learn that al- he riielted out an overcoat and 010 Per•
traction engine has gone to Blyth to the last sad rites. Her remains town, has been seen a more snecessful
We are sorry to bear, is lad tip, but form quarterly service than that of last Sun- County in Kentucky. There is not a though ndt fully recovered, he is in gian Iamb cap; lie in-on-tised to delivei
draw flour. Hugh McMillan, of Kil!_ 11. were interred in the Molesworth the wood on SiLturday, and gave• ht
loss, was the guest of A. Taylor, tille hope to see him around again goo ,,enietvry. Mother farewell. . day inoriiing. The service was con- licensed whiskey shop there, and in much better health than he hits been for
PREAE9TATION AND OysTrn SMER.— ( ducted by the pagtor,and during the ad- Tennesse rigorous laws have just been some time. name of Berrv, to-whoin the goods war(
, ,
week. - —0- ininistration of The Lord's supper; be enacted which are working un- charged,
- Oil Friday evening last the members of . There is some talk of trying to get Tii� fellow than went to Twitchell'!
Hinlinirn. * Varna L. U. L. assembled at the resi- Bayfield. . was led to Fifty that he had never seen a told good among all classes. ',,Drunk- tile Rev Mr Odrey, of Hamilton, to be- harness store, had, under the name o
John Fowler has dance of Mr Johnston, P.W.M., to coul- grander sight in a clivirch; may she ards cease to stagger through the streets,
B.ken Ao.kiN.—Mr l3nn-,,FA—Dr Stanbury bag remodelled drunkards' wives wipe. the tears from come pastor of the Rattenbury street Love, got a $13 set of. single harness ani
faces returned home from Brandon, Men., illemorate the anniversary of gunpow- an old house and veneered it and made continue to prosper. ( their faces and take fresh heart young Methodist church, next year, and the a: %,V2 whip, in the same way, the. WoOi
where he has been with horses. ',Nlr day plot, by having ail oyster supper. it look like a new house. The Amari- Tim Yor-w Lritun.o.s.—On Tnesday 'aloons name of Rev Josiah Greene, is mention- io be delivered this week. Mr Twitoli.
suddenly ill out there As usual there was an abundance of . .toys have all left and we have evening last at Cardno's ball, may have men cease banging around the a a possible successor to the pulpit ell first showed him it 015 set, but Tutt
Fowler was taken s be a - can viol . taking their first lessons i
but we are glad to see him around everything necessary to appease t p gain. been seen a large, intelligent and re- in,, ddrinking,„,,t,yi n. of Ontario Street chureb-r Both are rellow selected the cheaper one, and lef
well. He was called petite of the most fatidions. After settled down to our old habits a spectable crowd of people consisting of taxation is lightened and said to be ex,ceptionally good men, tlie store with the harness on his arm
again looking very w ample justice bad been done to the good We, must say that we appreciated their creased.” These results are a happy
home sooner than he expected owing to things provided bythe ladies, Mrs John- visit very much, and hope they enjoyed ladies and gentlemen, it being the occa- surprise to all except the small class WOULD', WOI,JF,-,,'S CHRISTIAN, Tmirrit- Going to, Jackson's shoe' store, h
. Sion of the celebration of the anniver- --Cn U.-Tio,,.—Prayer days, Saturday
the sickness of his youngest daughter, themselves ; in fact a good many have who may feel aggrieved that they are Ax procured a pair of boots'and overshoes
Mapie, who is at present at Dir 11. Simi was presented with a handsome expreased their determination to return eary of the Young Liberal club in Sea- b the same method, giving the nam
silver butter cooler, socom nied with a P. longer allowed to prey upon society, and Sunday, 12th and 18th of Novem.
Bell's, Somforth. again next summer and bring some of forth. A few minutes after eight o'clock 110 7. There will be a meetingf of Watters, of H,Ilett, and then a
NOTES.—Mr Jae, Hinchley, of the highly complimentary address. Mrs their friends with them, and have al- Jno Beattie, Esq., advanced to the and Scatter seeds which overrun the her, 188 of Bidor Sharman's harness store he procured i
Johnston replied, thanking her friends hem, at platform and took the chair, he was whole nature with useless and Sinful prayer at the house Mrs Ia.
. - ready engaged rooms, some of t combe's, on Saturday afternoon, 12th couple of expensive brushes, in the sahm
Province of Quebec, is at present visit- for the magnificont present. The even , habits.
ino with his nephew, Mr John Hinchley; - the Commercial house, which is beifig followed by Dr McDonald, M. P., for
in was spent very pleasantly with vo. D. D. Wilson and The preacher also made an applies- inst., at 3 o'clock. All cbristian work- manner, using the name of Wetter
Mr Hinchley is favorably impressed run entirely as a temperance house and Eat Huron, My tion of the subject to the spiritual con- ers, who are interested in temperance here also.
N &=er. to attend. . with the looks of our fair Province. A 1. and instrumental music. The fol. temperance folks visiting Bayfield 1Ir I. McMillan was an- dition of the church—how our work may work, are cordially invited In the meantime Mr Wiseman, of th
number of our citizens attended the lowing is the address: I house. 'Mr B. intends n . be present, but owing to 0, be hindered biworldineas or discord. Let 9.11 the members of the Union be Palace, Seeing the fellow carry the hat
DRAB FrarNT),—We, tie members of patronize this It tack of illness, be was not able
ecture in Seafortb, oil Tuesday evening Varna L.O.L. No. 1035, have met with to build a double verandah on both fronts severe Rt All these points were elaborated and il. present, and thus ullite in this great ness down street-; casually asked wha
WingliRm. r. by Th
]aat, by Dr. McDonald, of . you once more, not of his hotel, which will add very much to be out, this was a ma�ttar regretted lustrated. We are all sowing seeds in work for God, and home and every land. name he had given at the store Who
Mr John McMillen is still on the sick only to cornmemo to its appearance and comfort as a sum - a chairman made a few in- our hearts. Let us not be our own ell. The quarterli services of Re'tteribu y he got the harness, and found that li
list, gunpowder mer resort. ty R"� ry remarks ill big usual snappy T
ate the anniversary of the Mr Bayley has some of the oil,, to y emics by scattering seeds which will street Methodist church were held on gave a different one than be had don
__ plot, but also to present you with this best seed corn we have seen; many manner, and called upon Mir D. D. overrun our not a with hideous and Sunday last. The attendance at the love. atthe PRIftee, and this aroused cusps
Lee butter cooler, not on account of its in- o h which he _nr
— *�=I:n. trinsic value, but as a slight token of earn 1116166111*0 as much as fifteen inches Wilson for a Short spa c , I Sinful habits. The self-willed boy is and an -unusual number cion. A search was then made for bite.
. —Rev Mr Wileon, son, who is as. the estimation in which you are held and are filled. Mr Swarts also in- gave in real parliamentary style. Mr feast was large,
Buirrs. M. Y. McLean was next called upon to Sowing seeds from which a frightful took part in the fellowship meeting,testi. but he could not be found; big hoi,A
a in I by the members of this lodge. You tends to enlarge )lie hotel by adding harvest will come. The giddy young tin of the presence of the Lord in their and buggy, however, were found a
I 11 ay last; he seemed to be at excellent about sixty feet to it, and otherwise im. make a few remarks, after which the girl will dance on to bey ruin. The Ik and of their increasing in. Spooner's, the now hArtion on the ani
!� have not only proved to us that you are . chairman introduced the speaker of the
" .
". proving it. Mr J. C. Meyers purposes young man of fashionable vices, will daily walk,
p either and the people here were well an Orange lady at heart, but you have I t,r..t, in ;bings spiritual. This meet- mal, the old in the rig. A watch We
, new house on his property. evening. Dy 'McDonald. He was re- , set on them, and the owner turned ti
less with -him, Mr J. J. Wright, opened your house on any occasions building a n , , soon find himself without health, char- - and Mani- at about five o'clock, wearing tile ovei
r host of the Point Favin,has gone on similar to this, and bid Mr Miadleholt, who has been running calved with deafening applause, his . . in was truly one of ower -
oil us welcome to acter or friends. fogtmion of divine presence. The pill
it trip to California; we understand lie table. Hoping that you and Mr the brickyard for some time, is in troll. speech Was O)ie of the best efforts poli- The only foundation oil which char pit services Nvere conducted by Rev Mr coat and hat. Being asked for itil a!
expects to be absent until next spring. "e and we hear that be has made all tically, we have listened to for a long
Johnstonton may be spared many years to n the actermay be built is Christ. Let Irvine, of Nile, it young, man who avid• pitinationlie could not given satisfaOtot
week itssigurnant for the benefit of his credi. time. He dealt at great length o felt J. McAllister has been borne for a meet tie on occasions like the pre. union, and Said � the good -seed be sown in our early con � ' make his pt`eSellft ,It in one, and be attempted forcibly to dril
with a felon on his hand ; it has , I will
I one of it
been tors. The funeral of the late Mr — question -of commorrial Him and there will be a a"' y v' y of li , off, but this was resisted, and sent, and at, last that we � may all be that be was a free trader out and out. I secration.to the profession chorea. The official
cannot on Tuesday of last week, was well card uie.ti�M ,.is called for ]net watchers started off for a const
v , steady development of charming traits b AM
- _ery.pjinful, but. Jack says be- and so 'permitted to meet where partings are attended ; he was an old and well -re- Ile showed in a very clear light the ad- -ter. Cvx. (Thursday) n'taht. The follow then returned the goods J
Spare any more time nursing it a no more. Signed on behalf of the Varne. � of elinra(
returned to work this week. The head Loyal Orahgo Lodge, spectea friend and neighbor, having Xftntal as to be derived by Canada, Rev My Rowell commenced specill the Palace and Mr Twitchell, (befdrO
man of the Noxon Manufacturing Co., WAL RATIIWF,T,I,, W.M. lived here many years; lie Was a victim shour9the trade be brought about. � The i ,rown Council. Forvieds at Alma on tile IIiiron road on constable's arrival promising toeft
� y a
I ,
ti I
, �
was in our midst this week doing some to that fell disease consumption.. We Dr finished his speech, as lie began it, I i � square up for thol
The meet' — Tuesday evening. This appointment ill on Saturday a at the till
little repairing to machines bought ____ .— saw Mr Giffin at the cemetery erecting amid load applause. 1119 all 'Ibe regular meeting of the Council 'I ._Ad . no ,
. __ W -•--'L- - . I 117,11. shows what can be accomplished by tb!�t It, they,
h" win t know"',
my; they sit be is a White Bronze Monument tolls mom. most orderly throughout, and � had . 1111.1a I couple of oth,
from that compo h(-, NewErn or of the late Thos J. Marks ; previ)ug gratulate the Young Liber held on Moriarty evening, the Reeve persistent work and effort. Some yearsry fair n big dealings. Rev kr Wil- We will t4end t BacceeR otheir second ann `was ago it was a well -attended church, be- allo'..'(1
It a I agonal gather. t in the chair, business mail, d him to take b
I I son will deliver big lecture on the May- to new subscrilwirs front now to his death Mir Marks requested that ing. The number abort one linn- ' rixkNcs C0'.%11IfTTSR'8 Rr,Po7%T. long arture, which h, (lid wit'llont S&Ylk
tyre of Scotland here. Some time be- to the end of 1888, Por $1.50 monument of White Bronze be erected 'ing to tile, old 11. c, connection of lieP
as I I
fore lung, Cash. , soon as the family could afford it. Bred and fifty members, 'I'll- Finance Committee recommeiid- (,11 -Atoll, but for goino 1,enqnn the reli. 90`11 bV` 1
. I I
. I
. I"?
IR013PUT HOLMOS. Publisher
$1.50 it year in 0"Iyanaa.
I . , V 4 4& *.
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