HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-10-07, Page 5POWDER A.so1utely Pure. This powder payer varies. A marvel of purity, strength and ivllolesoineuess. More economical than the ordinary. kinds,' and cannot be sold in r,otlapp'tltion with the multitude of low test short nolle§% alum or ;phosphate powders. Sold only i11 ettna, ROv1 L ;)Akira POWDER Co., 106 Wa ,Int: er York. • In Nova Scotia, it has been found j :that three Conservatives ants ope Liber - !.a1 owed their election to Parliament to •siorrupt practices. The list inoludes l the Finance Minister and the Postmast- er General. Friday evening about 6 o'clock Willie mon of J Henry Stanyer, foreman at the Empire Oil Worke;London,aged 8 years Went to call hie;,,father to tea. The little fellow went upstairs, and, looking into a tank'oit'Sil, became suffocated :, with gas and expired before medical aid arrived. Sale. IZclgister. FRIDAY, OCT. 7—Farm stock, &c., of Mrs. W. Cololough, lot 31, con. 11, Goderich township. J. Howson, auct. 1SiONDAY, "OCT 10—Farm stook of rMr. D. Ferguson, lot 14, Oth concession of Hullett, M 1=p:in, J. Howson, auct. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12 — Farm stock, implements, &c., of Mr John H. ' Elliott, lob 36, con. 8, Goderich town- ship. James Howson, amt.. MONDAN cct.- MONDAN :QCT. 17 — Farm stock, &o., of Mr $. F 1eynolds, lot 19, con.5, Hullett. Ja ins plowson, auct. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19 — Farm stock of Mr A. Stephenson, lot 8, Parr line, Stanley. Jas. Howson, auct. • A. LIST OF FALL FAIRS Morris Branch, Blyth, Oct. 11-12 Stanley, Bayfield—Oct. 13.44. . BORN Ji'ERRIS—In Goderich township, on the 6th Of September, the wife of Mr S. A, Ferris, of 5 a 8011, MARRIED a, ._ ROBERT N—COATS—At the residence of rile brit father, Clinton, on the 5th inst. by the Rev Stewart, bfr George E. Robert - 1 son, of Dic union's Landing, to Hattie E., 1 third daughter of af,Robert Coats. . WATSON ESLIE —At the residence of the bride's itther,,Clinton, on the 5th inst., Iequ iris c • Nobby, S tylislil. Good• by the Rev. A. Stewart, Mr J Watson, of Sea- •forth, toltfaggio,eldest daughter of31rJohn Fitting .all well made Clt-,thlng' r Leslie. ' 13AILEY-9TOO1 E—At the residence of the :bride's father, Clinton, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. O. F. Salton, AIr R. D. Bayley, of Battle.Creek, Mich., fdl'nierly of Clutton, to ' Will find ail the newest materials for the Fall and Winter Trade at Hester, eldest daughter of Mr Hugh Moore. COLE—SMITH==At .the residence of the ,:.,.bride's father, Gll'.ton, on the 4th inst., by • ►� ;`the Rev. John Gray, 3fr, Chas. Cole to Alice Fischer's Clara, only daughter, ;9f Mr James Smith, all of Clinton. AZL'RAN TIIE CO t ►ILA.CE, CLINTON. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TIIAT OUR Grand Opening ofMiliineryShowRooms WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY,r, OCT. 8, When we will also make a large Display of:Novelties in each of our various depart- ments. Otir patrons and public are cordially invited. JOHNWISEMAN Manager. Estate J. Ha OD EN S, oots Shoes W. TAYLOR & SONS We have much pleasure in stating that our trade for the past season has been the best in the historycof our firm, for which we tender our thanks to our many patrons. • Ve take pleasure in announcing that our stock for the fall and winter trade is now very com- plete, with full lines in American and Canadian Over- shoes, Rubbers, Felt Boots, &c, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AV. CLtdSE PRICES. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. W. Tailor & ions, Clintons toad $lyth. JACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth. • GENTLEMEN d to order, DER--A-FRY--At SaultSt.Marie crop. +vu-av, tar ,rounitlexanner, oI RMCli'11Op, t Miss Maud s Maud Vltrtue''Avery, formerly of Sea - forth. STEWART.—TYNDALL—In Tuckers)nith, on the 28th Sept.by the Rev. Joseph McCoy, Mr Jaines Stewar,t. of Usborno, to Miss M. N. Tyndall, of Tuck'eraf ith. ROBSON—MOERIS-At Goderich, on the 29th Sept., by the Bev. Dr. Ure, Mr. G. B. Robson, of Petrollry to Ellen Mabel, y-oung- _ept daughterof the late Mark \iorris,-ofGdd- —erten: 'DIED I, JAbiiSON—I'1 Clinton, on ?be 1rd lust., Sarah Jackson,felfot'•of their lath Thomas Jackson, aged 82 years and 6 months. RYAN—On Sopi. 4th, mt Kndckboy House. Charles Ryan, late: o`f Boreihill House, Co. of . Carlow, Ireland, oldest son of the late Capt. Richard Ryan, graiid¢on of the late Rev. G. _. Seymour, `Ticar of Kilronan, and father of Mrs. Whitt, ClinttSti• ' • t KT YOUR 'T,PPlibrOoRePas TAKEN AT L11$TGN CLINT6N MARKETS. cerreeted.everV Thursday afternoon. /bnreday, Oct. 6, 1887. 'Wheat, spring, 0 78 a 0 80 Wheat, white and red • 0 78 a 0 80 Oats Barley Peas . Flour, per cwt Potatoes Butter Eggs %FOBnifR'5 L. • Pork • Hay Wool • Sheep pelts Lamb ekius • Clover, per bush. • 028a030 - 045a045 O 50 a0'53 200 a 225 - 0 50 a 0 70 O 18 a 020 017 a 018 550 a 600 800 a 6 00 024 a 025 O 50 a 075 O 60 a 080 500 a 550 SEAFORTH MARKETS. SEA.FORT13, Oct. 6, 1887. Wheat, spring, - $0 75 Red and white • • 0 75 Oafs, • 0 28 Peas, 0 48 Barley, • 0 40 Butter- • _ -' " 0 14 - 0 12 Potatoes, • - 0 60 Pork, - • - 5 50 Wool, - •• • 0 24 Flout per owt • • 2 00 Iiggs, - • a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a r6 a 6 a 0 a 2 80 80 30 50 50 15 14 00 00 25 25 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for NSw ERA every Th:ir,day Blyth, O„t.6, 1887. red, per bush. new *eat, Pat, ,,, Oats . Barley . , Peas , Apples per bag .Petatoes, '• . Eggs per d(z Butter,rolls . Cheese . . Lard Flour per cwt. flogs, . Hay, • Straw . . Wool Rides per 100 lbs. Sheep pelts . Lamb pelts . . 7:., . 70 28 . 44 50 • 40 75 . 17 • 16 )5 . 10 2 00 500 8 00 2 00 • 22 , the Leading Ordered! Clothing House of Clinton. M. FISCHER, the Leading Gutter, in charge, who will try and please you. Give us a Ball and inspect our goods. Prices • low. 10 per cent discount for cash. Parties having their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed at reasonable rates at Ladies,Rernernber SATURDAY 1S THE DAY OF THE T Popular Dry Goods U�wi- GRAND OPENING ROBERTSON' S MILLINE"RY, MANTLE and bA SHMERE SHOW • ROOMS. FISHERS Leat ingCLO'fHING HouseOlintow a 78" a 78 a 30 a 50 a 52 a 50 a 80 a 17 a 90 a 15 a 12 2 10 5 50 9 00 3 00 a 25 500 a 700 075 a 100 0 75 a 1 00 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. There was a large supply of common cattle on the markets, but choice cattle oould not be got. prices about the same as Thursday. There were a few sales at over 3,10. per Ib. but a greater number at less than 3c. Sheep scarce shippers pay- ing from no to 4o for good large sheep. Butchers pas from $3 to $5 for sheep and $2 25 to $4 for lambs. Hogs in good supply, from 5c to 51e per Ib. Horse trade quiet, shipments to United States fewer than usual and average price con- siderably less. During the past week there were shipped frbnrbere across the linea, 39 horses costing $3,223 50 or an average of $82 52 eaoh. '}.TOTICI•; '[0 DEBTORS.—ALL PARTIES 1.1 indebted to the undersigned either by note or book. account, are hereby notified that if the same is not paid before the 30th day of September, their accounts will be placed 1n court for collection. This notice is anal. JAMES STEEP, Clinton. CHORTHORNS FOR SALE. — THREE 17 fine young hulls, good colors and pedi- grees. They will be told on reasonable terms and prices to suit the times. For further particulars apply to W.J. Il10OTNa, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton. 4i OUSE TO RENT..— COJIFORTAI3LE • convenient and commodious cottage on Itattenbury street, at present occupied by Mr Lough. I'osseessiongiven in a few weeks. Tient nioder'ate, all conveniences. Apply to H. PORTERatMr Biddleoombe's store: tTRAY HEIFER—STRAYED FROM THE 1-7 river, on the London Road, a small two year old red Helfer', with white ring near the end of her tail. Any one giving such inform- ation as will lead to its recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. MRS. S. MORLEY, Clinton. Tj1011 SALII OIL TO RENT—A COMFOI,1- -12 TABLE house on Mary street, containing parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry and bed- room downstairs, bedrooms upstairs, hard and soft water un ler cover, good stable. Ap- ply to O. 13EN'I'LY or H. HALE, L`ITRAY RAM — STRAYED FROM THE 1..7 subscriber's premises, lot 24, con. 5, Stan- ley,a short woolly Sluopshiredown Ram,with a letter D on its loft aide. Any person giving such information which will lead to its re- covery, will bo suitably rewarded. JACOB DIEHI,, Varna P. O. ^ 4i . TF.A('HEBS WANTED, — ONE A MALI.? 1 • ' n d t 1 holding either sero 0 third class cer- tificate. The other it female teacher holding third segs certiflcate, for F.S. No. 5, Roderich township. Applications will be received til) to Oct.n4th. Persone1 �) 1<2110110 preferred, State anlary. Address JOHN 'TORIIENCE, Secretary, Porter's Hill P. 0. • CAR.PRT WEAVING. --THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully intimate to the Peo- plo of Clinton and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of CARPET WEAVING, in the most satisfactory manner. All wo4'k entrust- ed to him will receive prompt and. careful attention, while terms will be as reasonable as aro' consistent with first-class work. W. HAWKINS, .Tames St., near the Freight shod, Clinton. • OUSE AND LOT'S FOR S.ILE.—SUBA- H senlnrn offers for solo the splendi Frame Iloilse on Victoria Street, now nemr pied by Mr E. Boon, It waning plenty of root for On Ir tined family, stone foundation, hard mud soft wntcr, etc, The lot embraces throe fafth-ncrc lots, and lifts thereon a mum ger r f bnarinh fruit trees. 'Perms very roo, a noble. N. T)ODS11OIuTH, (Tinton. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HERE- BY announces to the public that he will not be responsible for any debts contracted in his name.without his written order. G. G. HOLMES. NEW BLACiiSMITH SHOP IN FULL BLAST.—The subscriber having leased the largo brick shop on Albert Street, op- posite Fair's Mil], (lately rim by P. W. Hay- ward, and owned by Mr. H. Cantelon) is pre- pared to. (10 all work in his line. Bring a practical Workman of several years exper- ience. Particular attention will be given to carriage, buggy or cutter repairing, Horse showing, and general blacksmith work. Prompt attention and moderate charges will be his motto. Orders respectfully solicited, CHAS. ROUSE. (1OURT OF REVISION—VOTERS' LIST, V1887.—Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to "The Voters' List (int," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the county of Huron, at the COUN- CIL CHAMBER, CLINTON, on WEDNES- DAY, the TWELFTH day of OCR'OBER,1887, at nine o'clock in the forenoon,, to bear and determine the several conWlainta of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the Muni- cipality of the town of Clinton for. 1887. All persona having business at the Court are re- quested to attend at the said time and place. Dated this 26 day tis 26th of September 1887. W M. COATS, Clerk of the said Municipality. HOUSES AND LOT P011 SALE. — THE undersigned offers for, sato her houses on lot 212, Rattenbury Street, near St. Paul's Church. One of the houses is a small, com- fortable cottage, containing four rooms and kitchen; the other house has two storeys,and contains 12 rooms, Hard and soft water.— Lot is one-quarter of an acre, with bearing orchard thereon. They will be sold on easy terms of payment, AIRS. FORBES, Gunton. BUTCHERING BUSINESS —THE UNDER - J1/ MOSSO wishes to intimate to t'le people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very nuttier 0119 customers, he has bought out the busbies of Mr It Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same with the Cl,olsest meats in season. No pains wil be spared to meet the wants of all, and ho hope to merit and receive a fair share of public pat renege. L owest prices for largo orders. Farm era' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. TO Rlcrt IHOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT —']'ho undersigned Were either to rent or sell the splendid, very convenient and well - situated house on Ratteubury Street, occu- pied by himself. It is a well-built brink, con- taining five rooms and closets downstairs, and the same upstairs, with a good cellar,— The lot is one-quarter of an acro, with bear- ing orchard, hard and oft water, with 1150111, eOnvenienees. Terns, either to sell or rant very reasonable. 1L. FITZSIMONS, Clinton. T0 THE LADIES IVIIILE THANKING MY numerous Indy customers for their pntron- ngc in the pnst,I take thi l Opportunity to inform them tin in removing to Clinton, ] hope to be more central in my work, to hove better train connections, and do away with the necessity of canvassing Clinton, 1 inn prepared to flit orders on very short not,ce.an1 satisfactolly,in Ladies' Misses' and Children's Corsets Shoulder Braces end Supporters. Children's lt'aists n specialty. Clinton ladies, wino promised fall orders,pleaso call when. it suits and have butter satisfaction. Henson ladies please giv% orders to Miss Hunter. Remember the place, over Mr Twitohell's store. E. J.COULTER. Clinton, Aug 10 +lin STRAY STEER—CAMEINTO THE PRE- MIaES of subscriber, lot 83, c011. 12, Hullett about two Weeks singe, a rerl steer, party white,yearliing. The owner is hereby notfaed to prove property, pay charges and taro It aw113'. STRAY HEIFER. -Strayed from subscrib- el's_promiaes, about two inonths' since, a Ited Yearling Heifer, with white a )ot on forehead. Any ono giving infortnntion that will lend to her recover' e 111 be Suitably rewarded. lt, HONKING; Our stock is now complete, and is one of the finest in the county. Come and see the Brilliant Display of Novelties in every department, at Bointsols Goat Cheap Cash Store; Clinton ComrnercialUnion Many people are e,tried away with the idea that (;on]:ui,rcial Union with• the United States' would give us manufactured goods at a great- ly reduced cost, while, at the same time, the value of our farm 'pre- •duce would be much enhanced "Distant fields look green," and we propose to show you that it is indeed the "distance" that lends the "enchantment to the view" in. this case, for the apparent verdure of Yankee markets is simply ,the greenness in Uncle Sam's eyes, which are filled with envy. because" BEESLEY & CO are offeriug..for—sale-- -goods of- such exquisiWquality, and at such temptingly low prices that his fears are aroused, lest not only Canadians stay at home and buy our goods, but that,the most enterprising of his subjects also be attracted to Clinton to make their purchasee,and so the disappoint - ,ed eagle screameth when he views, the prospect of his intended prey escaping firom his talons. If you wish to wear A.R'rISTIC : MILLINERY, If you want to select it flora a stock replete with all new Styles and notions. . If you prefer to buy choice wares in Grand ;Illumination, Saturday night next. • - everybody made �V eleoma, Fancy Dry Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, &c. And at the same time increase the amount of your annual savings from your present income, buy all you can of Beesleys Millinery Emporium. GUUNEY'SS TO4 sA RANCES The ORIGINAL WOOD COOK for sale by all the leading dealers. Y GENTS, before buying your fall and winter Overcoat, come and see the bran new stock at Cheapside's S. WILSON, - CHEAPSIDE, NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER dr SUN'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. ' Two HIGR AIMS ONE TO MAKE OUR GOODS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY, THE OTHER TO MAKE OUR FIGURES THE STANDARD : OF : LOW : PRICES These have been our constant aims for thirty-five years past. It is NOT - SPASMODIC - EFFORTS: Which have accomplished this, but it is continued efforts. We have .pleased. _the, _people,- -pleased—ourselves - and MERIq.' CONTI-AT-U-ED SUPPORT. Let us have it and we will show you Watch out ne=t week for CHANGE OF AD. v. O E' GEO. NEWTON, - - L.ONDESBORO Imo. A E NL SS Maker, (.4roeer, Are ter TEMPTING BARGAINS From one years end to ano{'her. We have full lines in all kinds 'of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, k,: And we are confident that at no place can you find such a carefully w- ected stock at such CLOSE SHAVED PRICES. Come morning, noon or night and WE WILL DELIGHT YOU. ,TA..cKso iv 7 s BARGAIN SHOE .HOUSE, Opposite Town Hall, Clinton. trl�s�a' Millinery -;Opening. .T (7 9I7 1_,C011, CO. ----WILL I•IOLD THEIR • DRESS GOODS SND ]/1111UBRY OPENING; WEDNESJJAY, Sept, 28, AND FOLLOWING D 11 OF THE WEER. The Latest FALL and WINTER NOVELTIES. 'l'11e Millinery department is under the managemett of M1ISS FERGUSON, the popular milliner. Their assortment of Mantle Cloths is immense MANTLES Cut free of charge. Dress and Mantle Making nncler the charge of MISS NOBLE, C. DETLOR Bc CO., 011