HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-10-07, Page 3. ' • It 00TOIM1( 7, 1$87. (MEV INIUAW-770-17-iToma rsr • maw. The Indian prayer-eneetinge in the .„ 09114trX art? Pit her At Oittelar admix- tur0 ot buperetition an devotion. A , dellia dressed to silk clothes, with ' Ondlell itl3 each aide, a good bit of 11001 work about it and a riution tied etit,its waist. It rests on the table. ileltt Or ten Indian men stand aroun4; One has a large drum, which be bate continually. The women *it on the floor, while the men sing prayers to tbe .t.tint, the women re. oponding. They commence praying bout 7 or 8 o'clock and keep it up or three hours. Then the women th their little children kiss. the rib- bon; asking favors of the saint. The men geihroughtthe ceremony. The saint is then locked up in a box, and dancing commeuces and lasts the rest ef the night. Frequent potions of whiskey are imbibed by the men, coffee and wine by the women. When the men become too drunk to dance longertbey retire to their hammocks and sleep until sober. _ • BUSEI FIRES. 4OTTRIUTM*INt:..0,1*,.. A1tkg1i*se irk ,11' 0,1. of time 40.1 000 inhabitants, the capitol of the, province an4 .41)MinerCial tvoter of oxcart Atria iin,o , tha. hot one 'sews)) aper 41111 G 1,, I )ne name, itis a badly priottd sheet ,if about twelve or fif'.eer, Liee i, the .i'. Adel paper in evtr sense, bvit.g not, only the mediunk rr ceromunieating- Offieiril witceo, htio a s olkweed, euited and published by the local govern - Meat. It ba l so telegraphie news,no local news except of an official char- acter, no reporters and no advertiee- meats ; so it can hardly be called a newspaper. Its publishers have a novel way of getting ,subseribers. Every .goverument official, from tbe highest to the lowest, is a subscriber; not because he wants to be, but be• -cause he is compelled to. There is no giving of chromes or "inducements for clubs." The pub- lisher have a far more effective way of swelling thekir subscription list than by any twit Waste of money. It is a very simple way, too. It simply con- sists of deducting from all official salaries, including those of subordi- nates dawn to the lowest clerks, the amount of the annual anbscription. He may take the paper Or leave it. But he has to pay tor it; anti. as there are a vast number of officials, lerkser orgreater, the editor has the most enviable position. He need never fear that terror of impecunious Amer- ican editors, the irate subscriber who stalks into the sanctum and issues the terrifying mandate, ''Stop my paper," because his name was men- tioned or not mentioned as the case may ; or has he any ortbe old an- noyances of dependence on "our esteemed subscriber," which makes life a burden to editors iu less favored lands. His is indeed a happy lot,and oris to make many a harassed western "we" grow green with envy.—Boston Elerald. Buokingham, Que, Sept. 30.—Both sides of the River Lievre, from Buck- ingham to High Falls, are on fire. Propertyin the vicinity of Donaldson Lake is in great danger. A house and two barns are reported burnt. Fences, cordwood and ° timber are burning in all directions. Ross Bros.' and Jas. McLaren & Co's lumber yards are in great danger, Their men are fighting the fires. Wells and creeks are dried in the country, and their is no water in many places to put out the fires. Pembroke, Ont., Sept.. 80.—Bush fires are raging on almost every side of us. A dence smoke has pregailed for several days, causing great incon- venience to navigators of the Upper Ottawa. The Upper Ottawa Towing companies' boats have been tied upi and the line boat to Desjaachinb has not left on a regular trip for several days.. Farmers coming here report terrible fires in all directions. Many of them are attributed to the careless- ness of hunters, while some of the damaging fired have been:caused by farmers clearing new land. The damage to fencing and the hay crop will be immence. Much valuable pine is reported on fire on the north- ern and western districts,and to -night Messrs Booth & Gordon's limits are reported to be burning. About five o'clock rain began to sprinkle, and it is hoped that some heavy showers • will come before morning. At times the smoke is almost suffocating. CASTOR IA for. Infante and Chtldren. rrb Maatorisisiowelladaptedteddltheatbat 401140,1steurce WIC. ConsuPathm?, I recommend it aa rrupertor so any prescription Sour Storesch, Diema, Ertaltiktion. kw:Mato me.' .A, Amotisoi.D., illsWorms, gives aleeP, end promotes di - :11 gia. crgord Ng Brew" NT. waWItiarious mediation. • I WC Owns= CONnNE, 77 Murray Street, N. N"111111.1111111.11.11.1".1111 •-•-• OOTS1.810ES. If you want anything in the Boot and Shoe line, call on CHARLES CRUICKSHANK. He has everything from the herieat Fainters Stogo, to the Finest ladies French Both imported and of his own manufacture. No shoddy goods kept. Ordered Work a $peoialty. Now Goods just Recd Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BR/CK BLOCK, CLINTON HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS. "Wheneverl feel out of sorts, bilious, my liver not workinwright. orracited with a headache, 1. take Dr.Obase's Liver Cure Therapia more real benelit from one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some 12113diOine5.— John McNasser. Bond Haiti. For sale by Dr •Worthington. Ladies Only. The complexion is often rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- lowness. Theite it is well known are caused from an inacti3e Liver and bad blood. Dr - Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet .ecipes, hints and suggestions on how to eserve tbe complexion. By all druggists • TIPAY HAD GOT USED TO BABIES. 'Ray,' said a woman wearing a • faded yellow dress as she came out of a Western Dakota house which stood rear the road, as we drove up, 'you didn't see no young ons down the road, 1 'reckon."No,"Couple of mine missing again, I guess,' and she surveyed a good sized Bock who were playing around the house. 'Or, hold on, I guess there ain't either.' And she began singling them out with her Ar.gas, °raying. ‘01.41. iwn,k1..r.o—atv:13.1 Still, you brats, till I count you— four, five—come back here, Opbelia, till you're counted—six, seven, eight, and two at school makes ten, and the baby '',,is eleven, and two in the field is thirteen. All right, atranger, there are all here ; I 'lowed two or three of them-haelit out, -but the cells -kir is: correct.' 'You have a large family, madam."Lawks, family till you •-•-ian't rest. And, sir, do you know for a fact, genlemen, when the fust one, Sheridan—he's out in • the field ehucklin' corn now—when he was a baby what d'ye think me an' the old man used to do to him.'. 'Give it up.' 'Uscd to wake himup to see him laugh. Yes, sir ; regular thing every time he went to sleep. Sometimes one big fool of us an' sometimes the otter would sneak up an' chuck him under the chin and say, 'Wake ut, 00 tootsy, wootsy, an' laugh oo cunnin' 'ittle laugh for oo papa.' Didn't never wake up any of the other lwelve. Well, not hardly any stran• ger—we know a powerful sight mor'n we did. Here, Washington,quit hur- ting yer little sister or I'll give yer a • switchin you'll remember till yer 100 years old.' PERTH NEWS. o Big Reduction in the price of our Change f Business Watches.. Every boy in the kind must have ohe of those The new County jail at Stratford will be available for use at about Nov. lst, next. Nineteen persons are in' carceratei in the old jail. A peculiar sad death occurred in Mitchell on Monday. At about ten m. Mrs Gibson Mahaffy was:taken ill with maternal pains, and in two hours both mother and child were dead. Three doctors were in atten- dance, and all that was possible was done for the unfortunate woman, but to no purpose. The Mitchell Advocate says :—We -regret to learn that Mr F Holland .and family intend removing from Mitchell. Mr Holland came here about twenty-five years ago, and dur- ing that time experienced dark days as well as days of prosperity, but no one could ever say but that his desire from first to last wes,,to act honestly and uprightly with all- nsbn' He has •rented a grist mill in the flourishing town of Ingersoll, and will leave for there shortly, and we are sure he will carry with 'him the hest wishes of every man woman and child in Mit- chell, .0n Saturday last two young men from the 14th con., of Elma, J Ham- mond and S. Adler, passed through Atwood going to Listowel, leading a r„. four 7car old bul1. when about a mile south of Atwood the animal, without the least provocation, or a moment's warning,turned upon them, tossiug Mr Hammond in the sir, the sametime striking MrA. knocking the latter spinning into the ditch. Mr H. then fell to the road, tbe infuriat- edg`aninial pinning him to the ground, WAMICI-11i1S FOR/ $2 5 ,1 03531033131R,A.M9111D 4 • R W COATS, Clinton, THE RESTLESS ANt SLEEPLESS JEWELLER G-3330. A c The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on L Newton, And that he is prepared to furnish Narness, Collars,WhIps, Trunks, Valises,'Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock of Dour HARNESS, which I will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully s.tudying the wants of my customers, I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else- where. REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET NEW New Furniture : Stock u Opened out ELLIOTT S BLOCS. I CR BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. • SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF COA,CODRI 11.PiTh STOVES OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST PATTERNS. Also an immmense stock of LAMPS of all descriptions, from 25c. each upwards, in- cluding the CelebratedRochester Lamp, for which we are sole agents. Also COAL and WOOD FURNACES.— Sole agent for Harris' Celebrated Furnace, manufactured by Gurney & Co., Hamilton. FULL LINE GENERAL HARDWARE • LI.INPICCNT To scramble to his feet and rush upon THE Numxione HARDWARE AND S COV.h.1 HOUSE. 1:1 .A."47 I 4"4 1 the maddened brute and strike him a heavy blow with a club, was only the work of an instant for Mr A., which had the effect of backing the brute off Mr H. who betore regaining his feet struck the animal:desperate blow with a clubs which he ,wasin posses- sion of, knocking out an eye. which no doubt saved hie life. A lively time ensued, which ended in the de feat.of the bull. Then they proceeded on to Listowel where they arrived without any Wilier trouble. The boys have reason to congratulate themselves on their narrow escape. As it is, with the exception of a good shaking up, they sustained no serious injury. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. It has been commonly said that the cold -water poem, 'The Old Oaken Bucket' was inspired by a glass ot brandy. A writer in the Boston Her- ald affirms the truth_of the story, and tell it as a personal recollection. Sam Woodworth, the author, was a prin- ter, and was employed in an office in Chamber street, 6 York. One day he dropped in Mailer barroom, in Franklin St.. to get som brandy and water. The liquor was e cellent, and Woodworth remarked thdt it was superior to anything he ever tasted. 'No,' tai 1 a comrade. 'there was one thing that you and I used to drink that surpassed this.' What was it,' asked Woodworth,dubiously. 'Fresh tiering, water that we used to drink from the old oaken bucket that hung in the well, after our return from the hay field on a sultry day in sum- mer.' The rhyme of the phrase, The old oaken bucket that hung in the well,struck Woodworth at once. and a picture Of the well at his boyhood home came to his mind. Within a few hours he had completed the poem. QITEER FACTS AND HAPPEN- INGS. New Orleans has a band of about fourteen members that are all news- ▪ boys. An Iowa lad of sixteen named Allen Harp, shot himself over tbe grave of a pet dog. The four children of Dr W. A: Gordon, of Chester, Ill., were born in different years, but the birthday of each fall upon the 22nd ofJulv. An East Texas, Mich., man kicked his wife about and killed her canary because she would not say he was a brute. He then killed hissclog be- cause he would not eat the canary. Nelson D, Cromley, of Waterloo, Wis., transferred 00,000 worth of property to Emily 1). Arndt., a spit.- tualistio doctor, because the spirit of his dead wife through a medium told hint to. • DETECTED- THE DODGE. A PRISONER WHO SHAMMED PARALY- SIS SEVEN MONTHS FOUND OCT. Jackson,11lich ,Sept.30.—A strange ease came to light at the prison to- day. Levi M. Brett, a convict sent up in July,1886,from Osceola county, three pare for Weeny,- began -seven -- months ago to develop symptoms of paralysis. He would suddenly fall to the ground while at work. and could not eat•for long periods, all of which ended by his taking to his bed. The muscles of his face became rigid, the eyes fixed and he ceased to eat or apeak only as food was fed him with a spoon. He was apparently deaf and could not see. Thus matters went on until a few days ago,and in the mean- time physicians from all parts of the State bad examined him, and all pro- nounced his malady paralysis. Dr. Williams a few days ago became satis- fied that Brott was feigning all hie symptoms. The Doctor called the at- tendants into the hospital and told 'them, in the presence of Brott, that the case was a peculiar one, and that the convict could not live beyond a lew days, anyhow, and that the next day be should proceed to chloroform Brott, saw the skull and see what the disease was. The doctor then left, and very soon Brott began to move, and callinz the hospital attendant to him he told that official that he bad been shamming from the start in order to get a pardon, and did this for sympethy. Brott was rooted out of bed, and two days later was at work in the paint shop in the wagon con- tract, and has been there since. Dr. Williams says he bas beard or one similar cat,e in this country but only one. • ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE; FURNI. TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. The CcIcliliald ARGUS Splack & Enlms6s • THE BEST IN. USE • V. URANUS Sp3ctacics and Eyellapcs at Cost CALEDON I A Mineral Water Aerated. eiA_31JES 11. CON113k1, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. CLINTON, ONT. -GE-NTRAL GROCER TCS. 4011.1144.41E.YY. . TI.Q.ESIEV.iii • Old .4-41a,vici. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting of GROCERIES CROCKERY GLASSWARE Which, being .bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. !defilers If your (blighters are in 111 health. or troubied with a nalenesS that seems incurable or if they stiffer from Reno rel norvousness,tangor, weakness. or joss of oppotito, procure at once a bottle of Johnson's Tonic Bitters and yon will not regret the outlay. The Tonic and general- ly strengthening effect of this medicine is truly marvenons. SO ets. and so. per bottio, at Worthington's Drug store. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. VAIE SHOVE MONUMENTS WHITE BRONZE MONUMENT CO ST. THOMAS (Ifk ST.TITOMAS, ONTARIO. 4174 4# %Pt The onlyBronze Fomt- %dry in the Dominion. #0816 844;,.• Our material is endorsed by lead- ing soien-tiats as being practically •go imperishable. :It cannot absorb moisturaefs, eoatneda cboythensenfeerioltly iss not Sand for Designs and Terms to To be had for the asking. • trictly Pore Spices AND TIJE 0 I) RELIABLE "NTINC+.A.:1R, S. PALLISER & CO, Children Cry for, Pitcher's Castoria;' W .M. GIFFIN; 4,s( OLIVTOZT. CLINTON. FRESH ARRIVAL OF N EW FALL GOODS JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE OF THE LATEST English and American Styles of Hard- Hats. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF AMERICAN NECKWEAR, REGATTA SHIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, &e., &c. CALL AND SEE US, IT WILL PAY YOU. G. GLASGOW, Smiths Block, Clinton. Clinton Refreshment Rooms. BITSINFISS CHANGE C. COLE having bought out the Refreshment Rooms of Mr. J. Anderson, desires to intimate to the public that he will continue the same in all its branches. He has just added a fresh stock of Confectionery, &c., which will be sold at lowest rates. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN SEASON: OYSTERS KEPT IN Time SEASON AND SERVED IN ANY STYLE FRESH CAKES IMPORTED DAILY FROM TORONTO. Itiir TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, POUCHES, &c., .1?ce. Close attention given to business, and all oiders entrusted to him will be, promptly filled. A trial respectfully solicited. Remember the stand, next door to the Grand ITnioa Hotel. C. COLE, - — CLINTON. 1.....meseassewewwww. Wools and Yarns. A LAROE IMPORT ORDER NOW TO HAND OP TfIE FOLLOWING KINDS Berlin, Zephyr. Crewel, lie, Fleecy, Pompadour, Gobetil and Andeluslan. Peacock Saxony, Baldwins Bee Hive, Peacock and Barker Fingering. TAMOSHANTERS, HOODS, CAPS. &O. DON'T MISS US W COOPER, Beaver Blockl . „ . v