HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 114.
27th Your
Whole Number 1452
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WHEN Santy comes an' scootdown through
The hole that's in the chimney flue
An' hops out here, 1 bet he'll bring
Whole lots of toys an' everything
That little girls like best. Don't you?
•arollia Mum ,011,11.1
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transformed. From somewhere ap•
peered a band and. began playing "Ev-
erybody Works but Father," and all
the brokers howled in chorus. A rope
was tretched acrose the room, and vie.
Rom crowded. Into the open 'mace out -
aide. Pads of paper and everything
elate that was loode were gathered up
• and hurled through the alr, hats were
' used as missiles, great showers of col-
ored paper were thrown here and there,
and the din was greater than It is.even
in a panic Dozens of young men form-
ed circles about older tpen in the game
of "bull in the, rine
At this moment appeared a great
push ball, six feet in diameter, which
•was sent spinning across the floor. e
only to he hurled back again, bowling
over men gnats flight. To and fro went
the great rubber spliere, while the
shouting reached a pitch to drown out
the band. Finally one broker was '
hoisted on to the ball, which promptly
was kicked out from under him. But,
though lals legs were In the air, he was
kept from falling and again regained
his feet. Then the.ball was rolled to I " Christmas
• Ward the high platform of the chair, . And
there'll be dolls with dresses ,new
An' eyes that open hie an' blue
When they sit up—en' cry an' sing.
When Santy comes.
AN' he'll fetch nuts an' eander, too,
An' cats that. when you 'squeeze 'em, mew.
My brother Bob he says. I jing.
He like to sit round listening.
He says: "I'll tell you what I'd do.
I'd ^jist jump out an' holler 'Boo!'
When Santy. comes." • •
tot...1 ..as; . ”siogiati
[Copyright. 1906, by Arthur J, Burdick.]
F there's one thing that
this Christmas
More than others I
'Tis to hear &Christmas
By 'the old time vil.
lage choir.
• I may live to be a hun.
r But 1 never will for-
get •
in the old home village
•the gopd old time quartet.
man, when another effort was made td
whirl it out from under the broker'�.
the platform, scrambled over the rale Therecownataralizito: Briggs.
feet..Leaping, he caught an edge of
The soprano. Mart'
Ing and gravely shook hands with the
venerable and dignified presiding of' ,1,;;48,
time The hilarious ceremony wad And the tenor who
wound up .by a collection being takee was noted
for the messenger boys and attendants, For the clearness of
ilalis.C11 mounted up to thousands of dol. his tones.
' But the basso was the
Whatever • new methods• of playing .
horse will be introduced in high finance stunner—
circles for the Christmas eve festive Had n "ice 50
ties this year, it is certain that the men hoaese a n d
. W110 make and wreck fortunes will en strong
Joy themselves. It would fairly knock the slivers,
So to speak. right off of song!
• Now. For The
- •
• Christmas Rush $
• •
Santa Claus
In Sall Lake
Where the Good Saint Got
the Surprise of •
His Life.
•rIOa thrifty Morrnan houiehnld came the
patron saint cf 'Yule:• '•
;He was puffing like an. engine, he was ,
• laden likea mule,
• For he knew a row of stockings such as nowhere
• • •• else is seen • '
• Would be yawning there before'him in the home
of Elder Green.
• So he shoved his pack ahead of hiin and started
•• down the' flue, "• • ••
' While he muttered, "This something theti
• ' hate - like, smoke to do:
• Then he followed with reluctance through the
• Smooty, smudgy air, . .
Quickly landing where the hosiery.was.huag si
many a pair.
NLY a star, a shininj
Only a manger,
• star,•• •
More glorious that
our planets are,
But • watched bi•
wistful eyes an
And longing heart
that wandioul
night. •
}TB Chrlstnias. spirit is about the
only thing traded in on -Dee. 24
on Wall street; and the brOkers
• . bave celebration, each year
that literally jars things look. The fea-
tures Of this ceremony vary, but the
'horseplay does not Tbe .brekers let'
ote .the tension and have. a good time ,
generally. The fekivities begin at
noon .and seinetinies last for several
goers. The galleries fill early, mostly
with • wives and • sweethearts of the:
inembere on the floor. The Stock Ex-.
change Is liberally draped with green
Mid Ted; 'rhe Seveoth Regiment band
is on hand and as the chairman soends
1 can recollect the anthem •
Always sung on Christmas day.
"Gloo.rye,' gloo-rye, in the 'ighest 1"
We could hear the tenor say.
Then the basso joined the effort.
"Pay -son aiith, goo-dwill toe mans
• Gloo-rye, pay -son, gloo-ge, pay-son"—
That's the way ' the anthem ran.
Then the women gathered courage
"Awngils sang the glawd, reef -mint"
• And the basso followed after :
•"Awngils, raff-rain," O'er again. •
"Reef-raM," "raff-raM, ruff ram "
• Shouted each; then all went beck
And began again at "Gloo-rye,"
Sailing on anther tack.
After •varidus frantic•
efforts, ••
Gong • 'back from
• • • time to time,;
Singly, doubly, all to-
• gether, .
In a climax quite
They all met at last in
On the anthem's final
- And, to peaceful- silence sinking,
Let their voices gently. float.
• ,
'Twas a pleasure thus
• to lister:
shadow O.:ranged, And to watch the
That to some public vocal race.
inn belonged,• Once again rd like
Where sweet breathed to hear them
cattle quielly And behold each
Fat midnight siUm-
well knovvn face.
ber bent the
Only the light el tapers small, •
That on two tender faces fall,
• Two tender faces—one divine—
That Still through all the centuries shine
From palace walls, from thrones of gold,'
i From churches, .shrines. cathedrals old,.
Where the grand plasters of their art .
Wrought faithfully with hand and heart. •
4g- • Only a Babe, in
• whose small hand
Is seen no scepter of
• lcommancl,'
But at whose name,
with freed° tit's
' the gong begins playing "The Star , SEVEN PAIRS, ALL 1)ARY SIZES. 1 anay live to be a
Spangled Banner" or seine other patri-
otic air. • Soniethues an elaborate •pro-
granne is errangeds made up Of min-
strel acts, coon songs. comic talks and
Move the great armies
Only a cross! But, oh,
what liaht
Shines from
throne on Calvary's
height I
His birth, kis life, the
stkele see
Written on every
Christmas tree. ,it4
similar 'performances. But, whatever
the especial form of the •entertainment,
the bulls and bears conduct. themselves
In much the. same . way. They make
Rome- howl. • Hats are smashed:: bags
of confetti are.thrown at the ladies in
the gallery: who In .turn 'empty the •
contents over the heads and shoulders
of the shouting brokers. beloW. •
• If there happen to .be new members
they are "Initiated". and are carried
about the room is a yelling procession
to the music .of the band. On one such
occasiou an amateur football game
was played In .the great chamber of
the Stock Exchange. Afterward the
• members Indulged in ti cakewalk for
an Immense forty pound cake; which
was temptingly displayed on the chair-
inan's balcony. one staid old financier
played the plate), another strummed on
it guitar, while the younger brokers cut
Pigeon wings about the floor. In older
years a Christmas tree • graced the
Stock Ii1XClinge celebrations, all sorts
of coinie presents were handed out,
and Alio carnival ended tip by every-
bOdy telling jokes on everybody else.
• Of recent years this forrtial observance
of the day has been abandoned. Now
the ceremony Is slineity a smell edition
of pandemonium, *nit of frenzied
Christmas, tis it were. .
The eelebration of last year will give
an elm of these 'Christmas eve frolics
hi Well street. et lite mintites be-
fore noon •the whole floor seemed in*
tent on business, pushing tip U. P. and
Oilier sleeks rind hurling puts and calla
ttc. at ( p,0 of battle -
door and shuttlecoek. Promptly at 12
the great •gong Sounded, g,Toid, In the
twinkling of en eye the Scene Wail
• • hundred,
There 'were papa's socks and twenty pairs of But I never will
lengthy wifely .hose; • • , ' • forget
VERYTHING is in readiness for the big Christmas rush, and we've prepared
the biggest display of Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Gloves, Cushion
Tops, Fancy Linens, etc., ever shown in this store.' We've planned to make
shopping here as convenient as possible, extra clerks being engaged to attend
• to your wants , Come as early and as often as you wish. , We will be pleased
• \a
to show this new Christmas stock which we know will be as fine as ny to be found.
Beautiful • Calendars Free !
• Every adult purchasing pods at our Dry Goods or Clothing Stores
• will receive free a beautiful*calendar worth fifty cents. •
Thousands of Hand-
• The stock of handkerchiefs shown here is simply
•eworiderfel. Every one of the tbotisends imported by
• , us fee the 'Christmas trade, Every. one the very best
' you. cart get for the inormy„ We cannot tell you 'eh -
mit aill of them here.. The best . way le • to come and
• see for yourself. •, ' . • • •• . : •
. . . .
Embioidered handker chiefs in z' lot of pretty designs
. at. . • .... 15e
' ' Enibroidered and lace handkerchiefs in a great. many
• patterns at • .... .25c; 80c, 50e, 60c, to 760
Elaborate hand •enthroldered handkerchiefs at each..
.••. .
, - .. 7 ; . ...... .. . .0:00, $2.50, $00 and 3.50
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs.
Ladies plain hemstitehed handkerchiefs at. • • •
•7 for 25,. 5 for 25, for 25c, . 2 for 25c
Ladies' Pore Irish linen handkerchiefs tine quality at.
• 10e, 15e, 20c, 25c and 35c each
• A Gre.at Showintof Ladies' • :
• •
.Neckwear. ..• . ,.
. • . .
. This store has ilwaysheen noted for the fine.elmw-
. . . .
• leg of neckwear we Melte and this year will: be no ex-
- ception. to the rale. Here you will he •able to find
. everything thatis nee. and at popular prices.
• •
Lace and silk collars in dozens' of different patterns
andcolors ate ...... . ..... ... . 25c
• Fine and more elaborate collars in great range of
• lime and silk. in a Magri ifiC*0 T. lot of the newest
• deeign.s manufactured far the Christmns trade sit
•. ..... .... . ........ . 50e, 75c, to $1 50
Beautiful Silk Waists for
. •
Christmas • .
out .silk Waist Department is non re -stocked
with an elegant sasortment nf the newest black and
• cream silk -waists theyery newest designs. A silk
waist makes a sfiltehle gift and in buying here you
• can depend upori getting the newest to he had. Prices
. . . . ' $2:50, $2.95, f3.05, to 80.50
• Alexandria:Kid Gloves:
.Drawn.and- Fancg Linens
'We are showing a lot of harldsoine fancy •linenS at.
moderate prices. Every one advertised here is a de-
cided bargain. •
HandDrawn Linen in Table Covers, Sideboard Drapes
Tray Cloths, Lunch Cloths, etc. A. great .
, went at froth .. ...... . .. ........ 50e to $5.0e
Table Linens and Napkins
Bleached and half bleached Table Linen. double dam-
ask, 60 to 72 inches wide, in a variety of pretty
floral designs,' Pure linen. .... • 50e, 75e, 85e, $1.25
Table Napkins in e, le and e size, ••
•. a lot of qery handsome designs, all warranted pure
linen, at per doz.$1 00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $1 50
• Special Display of Cush.-
- . ion Tops. • ' ,
For the Christmas trade we have secured a • fine
lot of fancy Cushion Tops in several doz.m different
subjectse These make a very pretty gift arid are mod• :
eeately priced at each •' 30e
• Finer Cushion Tops, in silk and embroidered
scrim, sortie beautiful patterns $1.75, $2.50, $3, $3.50 •
Fancy Aprons. : : . .. - •
•• A hig lot uf new designs in Ladies' Fancy White ,
Aprons,some hemstitched, others finished with em-
• bro:dery and ineertion,'at.....' 35c. 50e, 60c, 75e and 85c
Beautiful Ribbon s for Xmas.
• The stock of plain and fancy Ribbons shover) here
will be foutiden large variety in every wanted shadi', •
every• width in stock now, from the narrowest to the:
widest . • ': -
'Silk and Wadi Shawls..
4 suitable Christmas gift is a shewl—something
usefurand always appr.eciatecl. We have a great vas-
iety el thein. Fine all wool shawls, in white, red, •
bleat and grey at .;..... .. 7, . 50e, 75c $1.00 to $2.1,0. '
White arid Cream Sille Slide:Ise. . ,$1.50 to $3.50
Cloak Department.
ii v Wool Sh I . $2.00 ter $5.00 •
. • , . ...........41
, Everything is in reediriess in our Cloak Depart
ment with a fine showing of• Ladles' Winter Coats,
. English Raincoats, Silk Waists in big variety, Lus.
tre and,Sateen Waists,Wrappers, Golf Waists, Chit.
diens and Misses Coats, also fancy bean 'skin coats .
• for the little tots. • We ,know oerprices will nit. you.
. Furs for Xmas Gifts:. .: .
If you aretbinking of getting a. Fur for Chrisienee
come to this ',tore Many people tell as that our furs
are the best values they have ever seen, We ceregiv e
you lots to ehoose from and at prices niet equalled ar•
s, $3,50, $500, $600, 57.50, $10 to $35:00
Fur Oaperines. $3.50, $5.50, $7:50, sw 00 to $25.00
• • Fur Coats, $2L00 $25.00 $27,00 to $15.00.
• •. A great. stock of glf). hereat .$1,00 • $1.25,41.50
' Fine silklineclcashmere Gloves, all colors at„.. 50c.
• • • Fire wool gloves, all colors at eer:pair 25cAnd 35c•
• Everything • in Silk 'end. Wnel Shawls, .Fency
White. AProne, Silk Waist L.engths,. Fancy Lustre
Waistings, Ribbons, etc„ will be found' hei e in great
• vieriety.
• There were socks for Eddie, Willie, for Eliphalet Christmas in the old home village
• and Mose; And that good old time quartet.
There were stockings of Matilda's, Esmera a's „• ,
• . and Susanne's ;
There were Charley!s hose and Molly's, Cora
Belle's and little Dan's. •
Amaryllis, George, Alphonse, Peter, Joseph,
Maud, Eugene,
Arthur, Lizzie, James, Amelia; Mary, Frances
and Irene, '
Briggie, Reed, Lucie, Clonnda, Arethusa, John,
Estelle, ••
Mattie, Lucifer, Elffida--:from his lips their titles
• fell.
But about the shelf there dangled other hose
whose owners' mimes .
He could not recall to save him as lae watched
the dying flames- •
•Seven pairs, all baby sizes, each in age not quite
a yeat• • ••
"Gee!" erica! Nick. "Been something doing since
the last time 1 was here!
Glad I brought a stock of rattles and a lot of
• teething rings --
Utah always gives a market for such kindergarten
From 'rate suicide' she ever has discreetly held
aloof, •
And there's not a home in Zion free front stork
Young Honefui'm nearing° For Dear
Old Santa Claim.
[Spelling partially and impartially cor-
rected by papa, under the Roosevelt
rules and others.]
• Dere Satity—Wenn kum along
With Rainderes natty nere as strong
,As Hooley's goat 2 pull Yore sledd
'U'll •flnd Me sleeping inn mi Bedd,
Button the Beddstedd will
• A pare of Sox 2 blgg for hie—
Thur Papa's, for mi oan was wett,
So yuzed his—now, don't forgettt •
don't want verry menny Thiegs,
2 injun bozo it 3 with Strings
And narrers and 1 themm here
• Pop gunns that Shoots itsself with
•Air, • •
And 2 V.evolvurz, 1 with Kamm
• 2 Sltair themni little Jonsun charms
, And 1. that Shoots a recut Bawl
2 play with Hatt* and Pups; that's
nerely plumnt forgott—
want a Hannun saim whott
brung 2 Jimmy smith last yere.
It maybe Bigger --1 don't kere.
What's loud muff 2 sheik Our dore
tracks on the roof." 1 of theme leannuns with a Bore
He Itnew the Roy.
need of Virm—You had better give
the office boy a couple of dollars, Mr.
renviper. for Christmas.
Mr. PettWiper (the bookkeeper) -1
think we had better make It. a IleW
Year's gift, sir. 1 have just sent him
out with a telegram, and 1 dont think
he Will get back by Christnias.-13rook.
And milt the naybttrz glint thur
And say, ,,,non't play with him, mi ,
Yes, and sum Powder and a soard•
• .And".sltabbtird, iff I/ ban afford
2 leev Me tltemflt t C go'n*
2 B it eoljer wenn rrn groan
And go and rite the madam's Itaws.
Upholding rredum's wholly laws;
'ho •rapa, sea 1 want an Orgy
Of Novi around the howse.
Christmas at the Men's Store
Everything in readiness at the Men's Store: All the new Neckwear,
Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, etc., are all in and .the showing is the best we
Save Moneg on Xmas
have ever made.
Neckwear for Men
and Bogs. , Gloves.
• Hundreds of the newest ties for men are now on
display, and every one the best possible value for your
Men's and Boys' Neck vverte, four-in-hand, puffs, tecks,
• strings, and knots, a Magnificent collection at....
••25c, 50c and 75c
Beautiful Silk Mufflers
Men's and Boys Mufflers in every shape worn this
year, in almost any color, black being the leading
color. Dozens to choose from at ........ .
. 25e, 35c, 50e, 75c, $1.00 to $1.75
All Gloves in the store Are now going at sale
prices. Every Glove in Stock is newand we guaran-
tee every. war we sell, Every kind of glove you can
think of is here, wool or silk lined Mochas, silk lined
kid, wool lined kid, dog kin, goat, etc„all prices
75c, $L00, $1.25, $1,50 to $2.50
Suspenders for Xmas.
Men's and Boys Suspenders hi all the kinds,
a 81111.111/10 present, for Christmas Sotne put up- • in
separate boxes."... . . .. . . .. . .. 25e, Mc, 75e
• We are Giving Up the Men's Clothing Business
in this store, and you can save money on everything you buy here in. mews and
Bogs' Overcoats, Snits, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Etc. •
All Men's Fur Coats Selling at less than wholesale prices.