HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 101 1 The Clinton Newe-Recoil December 13th, 19060 All Ready for Ilia Holiday Rush 1110141/10111111100 WEL&1E READ' for the rush and hurry of holiday business.: Ready With a stock that fairly bristles with gift suggestions. Never have we made such preparations for the holiday season, Never have we been in so good a position to serve Xmas shoppers as we are today. Every department is full to overflowing with useful and serviceable holiday gifts, and a visit to 'the store will be helpful in solving the perplexing problem, 'What shall T gave for Xmas?' Coxae to the store as often as you like between now and Xmas. Make yourselves quite at home. Holiday stocks are all displayed. Look them over as much and as often as you like. There is much that will interest you and you are as welcome to look as to buy. i A Christmas, Ribbon Bargain Here is a ribbon bargain that is a wonder, 40c and 45c puresilk Dresden Ribbons at 25c per yard and 35c Fancy Ribbons at 17c. Two big lots we cleared from a jobber just at his stocktaking time, A. little more than half the regular price was what we gave him. Now you get your chance to get them. the same way. Its another illustration of the saving our two store buying makes for you. good for fancy work and any purpose you can use fancy ribbon for,. 40c and 45c Dresden Ribbons Mho. Hundreds of yards of Fancy Dresden Ribbons 5 to d iliches Wide, all pure silk, half doz- en differentcolor combinations. Made to sell at 40c and 45c. Gould not be sold for less if we had paid regular fur them. A clearing Int We got ata bargain, now on sale at your choice per yard ,.. s • . 25 30c and 35c Plaid .Ribbons 17c: • Hundreds of yards of these as well. Fancy plaid Ribbons,' Fancy Dresden Ribbons, Fancy Striped Ribbons, dark and light colors, 5 inches wide, Ribbons that are worth every cent of 35c, two lots now selling at your choice • per yard ..,, • , , , , • • • • ▪ 1 Christmas Ribbons No such stocks hereabouta:as in Girt big Ribbon 'Department. Every wanted. shade and width in stock, Plain .Silk Ribbons, Plain Satin Ribbons, Fancy Dres- .den and Xmas RibI':ons. A big assortment "and good values, Plain Taffetta, Ribbons,all colors and widths 03, .05, up to .25 Plain Satin Ribbons, "• .03, .05, up to :25, Fancy Bebe Ribbons, all colors, silk or satin, good quality .03 and .04 Narrow Fancy Ribbons for tying holiday. parcels, special,.2 yards for'. .. , , .05 • • Holy and Dresden Ribbons. • Some very handsome Fancy and Dresden Ribbons just :in this week, also a good assort- ment of Holiday Ribbons for Xrnas use in fancy widths at from. .05• to'1.00 A store full of beautiful and useful presents for men, women • and children, Begin Your Christmas Shopping Now Only nine business days : before Christra,s By shopping now yeti will find it a pleasure instead of a burden, The crowds are not as great. Com, • plete assortments from which to choose, as well as many other similar advantages. Our store is full of the best most sensible, and most appropriate gifts for man, woman and child, and all are marked at thefairest of prices. We invite you to visit our store whether you purchase qr not. Handkerchiefs by the Thousand • It's no exaggeration to say that holiday 'Hand- kerchiefs are here by the thousand. From the cheap- est Picture Handkerchief for the.yeungstsr tb finest silk or Irish linen. we have a stock that you •will not easily duplicate, 'and values' that you will nets find elsewhere. Cbildrens Picture Handkerchiefs 2.for Sc Fancy W bite Handkerchiefs each Boys' Cambric Handkerchiefs each 5'c Fancy Swiss Enihroidered Handle's 2 -for 25e • Pure Linen Hemstitched.Handk'a 3 for 25e Very fine Swiss .and Pure Linen Embrnidei•ed Handkerchiefs, n, big range of bea;itiful designs in " lineand medium grades, .at following prices...' . ' ' .25, .50, .75, 1.00 Each Handkerchief• at • 50c or over put up rota Fancy Box:.. Ladies' Pui e Linen Handkerchiefs , 15c. 20c, 25c end 30c Gentlemen's Heinstitehed silk Handkerchiefs .15c, 20c, 25c and 300' . Hemstitched and Initial silk Handkerchiefs• • • . 25c, .50c, 75c,' L00 Ladies' Fancy„ Collars and Belts No nee us trying to describe the Holiday. Neckwear. We simply could not do it. .Come and see it for yourself. It is well worth the. seeing even if you do not want to buy. Each { article put up'in handsome presentation box. Ladies' Christmas Belts ' '25, 50, 75. 1.00• Ladies' Christmas Neckwear25, 50, 75 tct2 50 • ' L. 1. 1:25 Lace Ties 75, Ladies' c Japanese Silk foo •ds' Japanese Silk Covers, Cushion Tops an'd Drapes in many new patterns. A large Assortment and .ex- tra value because we cleared theta. below regular price, from a big Japanese firm. Japanese Silk Cushion Tops , . . , 50, 75. 1.00 Japanese Silk 'tittle Covers. 75, 1.00, 1.50. • Japanese -Silk Drapes. L50 to 2:00 . All colors, handsomely embroidered, heavy silk fringe Holidag Linens' Damask Tray Cloths.... .25, .50, ,75, and 1.00 Damask Sideboard Scarfs ..500, .75. 1.00, 1.25 Huck and Damask Towels. , ...25, .35 and .50 Japanese Embroidered and Drawn -work Tray cloths 25, .50, 75 Embroidered or drawn work Scarfs.,........ .50, .I5 and 1,00 Lunch Cloths, . .. 1.00, 1.50, 400 Teneriffe Doylies .05, .10, .124, .25 Damask Cloths 1.50 up to 6.00 Napkins to Match...... 1.50 up to 6 00 Kid Cloves. No mistake can he. tnade giving a lady kid. gloves. One or two pair extra never come amiss. Every pair we sell is guaranteed and you can depend upon thein proving satisfactory. if wrong size is selected we will cheerfully exchange, them after Xmas. Each pair put up in a handsome hox. The 'Peerless" a guaranteed kid . glove,• in black and teeters, all Pizes 1.00 The "Greylock" real French Kid, fully guar- anteed, black and all colors ......,... 1.25 The "Shelbourne" it high grade French Kid. Grove, pique sewn, black and color's, .. 1.50 Mocha Gloves, silk lined, .black and colors, per pair 't...... ..... 1,50 Handsome :Gift Umbrellas. Handsome Gift Umbrellas for Ladies or Gentle- men. O-oo'd quality tons on strong I'm atne,,with •`hand- . les in gun metal, natural ,wood; .sterling silver, :or. gold plate.,. Ladies' Umbrellas.. 3.00, '3.50, 4.50 Gentlemen's Umbrellas, ,.:. 2.50 to 6.00 Handsome Cushion Topss p Cushion tops tirade up or to he worsted, dozens of platters's. 'A`stock that is better by far. than we have ever had on our counters • Lithograph' Cushion Tops, . , . :25 Tapestry Cushion Tops...- , .25 • Tapestry Cushion Tops , . . :50 Silk Cushion Tops • ' ' 50, .75,, 1.00 Plush' Tops. . .. 1:00, •1.50 Ribbon Frill made in any color... .. I.00 Cord and Tassels.. .and .50 Sateens for backs , ..... • .15 and .25 Lifts for the Horne. ' • What makes a better Xmas gift than something for the horse. Many home gifts will be found in our big House Furnishing Steck: Gifts that are useful as well as ornamental :tad cannot but he Lcceptatile to any home lover•. Mere are e. few of thein, Handsome Floor Rugs... 1.15 up to 6.00 Dozens onpatterns color combinations. Damask and Chenille Curtains, per . pair 3.00 to 12.00 Bissels Carpet Sweepers..• 2.50 to .4,OO New Lace Curtains, handsome: patterns, just in 2.50 to. 6.00 Eiderdown Comforters, iniported 5.00 to 6.00 Furs for Christmas Are rurs.on your list. for someone? No better place to come than here, All our Furs are reliable and'can be depended upon. in every way. ' ceerman Mink Stoles' . 6.50 to 25,00 Ohio Sable Ruffs 0.50 to 18.00 Alaska Sable Ruffs and Scarfs 10.00 to $35.00 'Best Canadian Mink Sc.trfe25:00 to 40.00 Brown Marten Scat•fs. , , . . , 1,50 to 15.00 • Muffs to thatch all the above Fur Jackets. Astrachan, Electric Seal or I+reneh Seal, plain or with collars of Ohio or Alaska Sable 26.00, 35.00; to 50.00 What a Quarter will• Buu A quarter will go a long way from now until Xmas, There are a dozen and one useful ttrtieles that can be lied for one. Here are a few of them. Faney Lithograph Cushion Tope, Tapestry Cushion Tops,, Cord Girdles for Cushions, Linen Trap Cloths, Ladies' end Children's Vanes, Gloves, Children's Tied, Fancy Dresser Covers, kancy Blotters. Fancy. Match Safes, Laundry List:,, Shaving Pads, 5 Fancy Handkerchiefs, 2 Fine Embroidery handkerchiefs, 3 Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, Pine Embroidered. Swiss handkerchiefs, Initialed Silk Handkerchiefs. flen's Caps,• • Men's paps in all the newest acid- up- to-date stripes,. in cloth and corduroy, far lined, etc„ from 50c up to., $1,50 Men's Fancy ,Braces, Men's Fancy Braces, hexed rieparate- ly, fancy webs and feather ends, from 2lcupto ..... ...,.,,,,,,..•..... w.... 7iic Men's Fancy Vests. Men's Fancy Vests in spots checks and stripes, well lined and made, in all sizes, from $L50 up co $2.50 Men's Handkerchiefs. • Men's Handkerchiefs in mercerized excelda and pure linen with fancy her- der from Inc up Silk Handkerchiefs from 50c to $1.03 Boys' Sweaters. Boys' Sweaters in stripeand plain color, knit to fit, all ` wool, from the smallest to the biggest sizes, from.... Boys Toques & . PIufflers. Boys Toques and Mufflers in all the popular colorings from 25c up to: $1.25 Hand and Wrist Bags. Ladies Leather Hand and . Wrist Bags in all the newest styles freni. , ,. 50c up to $3.00 - .Table Linens &_Napkins, ,Table Linens and Napkins to match, 'sideboard, tray and 5o'clock tea .covers • from the cheapest up to the, best. • Ladies' Furs.: Ladies'. Fur Ruffs,. Stoles, Caperines and Jackets. SVe carry ;#i, fall •.range of all the: leading novelties, everyone guaranteed. • Silk Waist's. Our. holiday silk waists are here in great display, and they would. make .a very handsome Christmas Gift' too. New York Styles in white, pink, pale blue silks etc., from $2,50up to $SMO. Infants' Wear. Infants' `Bootees, Hoods veils and wooller shawls, hose and bearskin jack ets from the cheapest to the best. Ladies' Lace Collars: Ladies Lace Coilers in Battenberg and Swiss.. Very dainty and smart in cream, white and ecro,'from.... 50e up Ladies' Silk :Belts. Ladies' Silk Belte in black, white, and shot silks, also silk Snatch plaids, and patent leather from 25c up to $2.00 Ladies, Handkerchiefs. Ladies Handkerchiefs. Im Swiss and pure linen, fancy edges of lace and hemstitched, from 5c up to... , . , $1.25 Picture handkerchiefs 2 for 25 Gloves. Perrin Silk. Wool and Kid Gloves in all the leading shades, full stock, all sizes, guaranantsd, from $1.00 to $1.50 Ladies' Parasols. • Ladies';Paresols in mercerized tops, silk and wooland pure silk with all the newest styles in handles; from . $1.00 up to $30 Ladies Silk Collars. Ladies' Silk Collars in Dresden' Mo- sack and Colored Silks In.all .the new' est shades and designs. We have the best from ........, . . . . 25c up Tten's Silk Ties: Men's Silk 'ties in all the novelties of the season, in f sur -in -band, ascotpuffs hows,.etc,,frorn 25c up:' ' fien'a Gloves and Mitts Men's Gloves and .vlitts, furlined, silk lined in Mocha . and kid, -all sizes, Trope 50c up. 1911119117214 • •r o al M� t �o n Mr. • D. Cantelon .is 'fir :.Toronto • this week. 1 Rev. C. R. Guano was in' London yes- terday.; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid of . Bruce - field "were in town' on Tresday; Mrs.. A. P. Gunhry returned on. Sat- urday from a' visit. to friends in .Irr gersoil • Messrs. Ilarry Gould and Fd. Saville as were in Goderich this weekntein- Mr. i Thos. hers of the. . petit jury. Cottle; was on the Grand 'jury. Mr, Thomas Lewis,' a somewhat dis- tinguished ,'citizen '•of London, and tolerably well known, to newspaper readers throughout Western Ontario, was in: town yesterday. • Mr. Ed. Hart of Columbus, Ohio; but formerly of ' Clinton, was the. guest • of Mrs. T. II. Cook on Friday • and Saturday last. A calender was received on Tuesday from "W. & R. Marlowe, Builders and Builder& 'S Supplies, Swift 'Cur- rent, Sask. Both members of the firm were formcrlyresidents of Clinfion. The reception tendered to. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Elliott on h"riday even- ing last at the residence of the • bride's sister, Mrs ;,D. Junor, was afitended by a vary large number of invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott have taken up housekeeping • on the groom's farm on time London Road, 4, • Mr. J. N. Bastedo, Detroit, the Can- adian' passenger agent of the Sante Fee• Railway, was in town yester- day and in the course of the even- ing attended the bazaar being held in We school room of St. Paul's church. It was not an occasion for presentations, but he was in comp- any with that practical joker, Mr, called to the platform and made the W. Jackson, so Mr, Bastedo was recipient of a tsetul little article which .ladies carry when going a- shopping. The passenger agent was very' much surprised and looked as did Mr. W. Dockrill on a similar surprise, but he was equal to the occasion.ian,dd returned' thanks in, gra•' eeful fortis, ` t3cb as.a,y, 11 Mr'. William Graham is. attending a Fat Stock Show in Guelph this . week. Mr, James .Macdonald .who lias been the guest of his. daughter Mrs. J. Torrance; for several. weeks, leaves • on Thursday next to spend the win.- ter With his Son, ' James, in Wash- ington, D. G, Mr. William Snead, a one -tine resi dent of Goderich township, but who left thirty cm 'years ago for Mani- toba, has returned and: will spend a number of weeks visiting many of hiss old , friends. This is his . first visit in all ;these years, and natur- ally-. enough lfel notices, many ehan- ges. Many of his oldfriends 0.1 .bye gone years have long since. gone to their eternal rest. Mr. and Mrs. George Swallow moved into town froth I3olmesvillc last week and have taken up their ab- ode in the residence on Ontario st- reet, lately occupied by Dr. Fowler. Mr. Swallow has taken a. position in the elevator asassistant to" M. W. G. Smith.. •l'dr, Swallow was for several years thus engaged and : is well and favorable known by the nu- metaiat ,patrons of the old elevator. • Mr. Thomas Gledhill of •Goderich was in town,yeoterday on a visite tor his son, Mr. Alf, Gledhill, the sloe man. The Gledhill family are well known. sit Wes'I ITuron particularly about Beaunilier where they settled Si half century ago, They came from Leeds, Yorkshire, England, where tlfey were engaged in the woollen industry, so it seemed only the natural thing for] them to again: take up the bus- iness so they built a mill of which the motive power is water from Sharp's creek, The• stream is a rat- her small one, but the head is good and for eight months of the twelen it furnishes , sufficient motive power for a fiveesct, mill, iAt present,how- ever, only custom work is done rttd they .draw trade from a wide seats fon of country, There aro four bro- thers of the Gledhill family, but only the oldest, Mr. Jesse Gledhill, now tetnains at: Beniiniller. Ono is railroading in Detroit; and another in business in Oakville, yesterday's visitor retiring from active work ten years ago on account of • ill ht'al th. Summerhill The following is the report foo" S. S. No. 12, :.IIu11et't and. Goderich for tthe .month • of November. 'The names are in order of merit Sr. 4th; S. Challenger, M. Draper, A,. Ball, A. Mair. Jr. 4th:=1:1. Hill. Sr. 3rd. -A. McLaughtin,G. John- stone. • ' • Jr. aid E. • Miller, L. Mair, Draper, L.Challenger, E.MeBrien,, J. Lovett, 11. Biggin, Eldred Brien. Sr. 2nd, -A. Johnstone. 2nci.-J. Miller; C.. Lovett, S. McBricn.. Part 2nu.-Faniiy Lovett, Jr. lst:-J. • Johnstone, F. John- stone. Sr 1st. 1lairs. The best spellers are;: Sr.4th-S. Challenger • Jr.: 4th --H HillSr. ; 3rd, -A. licLaughlin ; Jr. 3rdE.• Miller II. Petrie, Teacher:' honttesboro., . Mr. , T. II. Sampson is now snaking very . favorable progress, being now ableto move' about the house.. Percy' Carlyle, who has been laid. off from Itis work fox .the past five months, returned to the station last week. Mr. P. D. Siple, who had been relieving him, left for his home on, Monday. Miss Edith Jenkins, daughter 'ofMr.' G. Jenkins •of .the Boundary, has:been en;ager'r to beach S. S. No. five, at a salary•of four hundred dollars., lVo esiderstand Mr, • Johns will ]told a public examination of the school on, the ,afternoon of Friday, the: twenty- • fira t.. John Nott . moved into. the village last week, into the house ,at the rear of the tailor shop. Thu funeral of the late Mrs. M. Jackson, in Clinton, on Monday, was largely attended by friends from this part, (Intended for last isst:a,) A quiet but pretty . wedding took place at the parsonage on Wednesday of last week, wizen Robert S. Smith and Miss Annie Nott, only daughter of Mr.' Thos. Nott of the eightls con- cession, were united in marriage by the:Rev, J. Curry, The;,nuests at the bride's home were only the direct re- latives. The eoutilc will take, up their residence in Londesboro, and as bath are well and favorably known, we join our congratulations with those of their inany friends,. ltev. J. and Mrs. Curry attended the wedding.. of a brother of the for. Ina at., Salt on Thursday last. 4 4 v„.,1 , e Additional Local> The rink was opened on Tuesday en - ening.. •• Mr. Martin; O'Donnell has returned'. from Vancouver, B, C. • Mr, A. J. Grigg is 15 Toronto to-daj adding to his stock of Christmas goods A "wild cat" whistle now calls the employes of the Thresher Co.'s' works to labor The manyfriends of Mrs, R. Graham will be.pleased .to learn, that she is rap-'.. idly recovering.. Miss Brrltna'Young • of Goderich was the guest of Clinton friends from. Fri; day until Tuesday. ' Mr. A. T. Coopvr has rented Mr. T. Jackson's store for the display of his overflowing' stock of Christmas goods. Miss Jessie Suddick, after visiting Miss Shirley Bawden for a rfortnight, e urn d. to hen hem t e home_in Londes- on y terday. The Etrgllsh representativeof theor'- gan factory: recently 'sent in 'a very large order forthe popular Clinton Organ. Mr. W. T. liohnes, who 28 years ago was a resident of. Clinton, died in Edmund, Oklahoma, on Nov. 28th. He'. was the grandfather of Mr. W. S. R. Holmes, druggist, town, and was 82. years of age. eneWeAoeoyve•Woovve1"Aowe We ask you to Make Your Christmas Purchases at Our Store Feeling satisfied that we can serve you profitably and otherwise to your advantage W. D. Pals Cot Often Cheapest -Always }lest Agents Parkers Dye Works 'We Issue Express Orders.