HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 7. December 13th 19001 TheflClintsA News-ltecoM. 5 r I i I M I r ., k rr 4 ► 1 r r I s 4 4 " ., r .+ I • N + + 14 4 I i i a 7 f 11A ,1 I A 4 '1 I / e �� .1"#""N1►lR♦�1A#N±a► "" . .. . FUBMNG*•-I HAVE ,,ON HAND A naiad e's. The )Farmer and His Solt AFFLICTED WITH'AARRB ' civan:tity of Oat Seeds, also the ,0ftw'W0W'%k,'9�4%-'W-V�"%�+ / Best American. Corn, Shorts and V411 Binds cif feeding. Fox cash ox MILLS-1<IUNTER-•-At the baptist parsonage i�n Sasl4ioon,, Sask,, on As a people, Ca,na�dians are nc�t in the least danger of beings too polite � LIFE HAD BECOME A BURDEN. � y exchange of rain, --W. G. 5nti#it. November 7t11, harry J. Mills to and iris earlier iva begin to practice • • , 52-74 Mary, second daughter of Mr. courtesy to ovr families the better it ^•11 "�'""� Mm $ !• Jan Hunter, Ormerly of Hulletq tawnr�hifr, will.be for us. When the father, and do indeed cane • Pe ru ina, Used; As a last Resort, Affo FOR SA]aE.--TWO SHORTHORN 4"'4".". SMITH--•NOTT-At the parsonage, I�andesbarp, trio twenty-eighth %crit not understand, or to know each other. s opinions all then sorrow may be expec- . D Complete, Relief. LA � � ♦ Sully+ of . first-class breeding and an by the Rev, J, Curr Robt.t�od pleasures', sooner or later. It is indeed sur^^ ,,,s. • goad colors, -Apply for .particulars to W. J. Biggins, Elmhurst, Farm, ult. S S' y, � mith to Annie Nott, both of prising how very few farmers take 9 19 ' S Hulidtt. any interest in. their sons' interests ; i . ( Clinton, Oat. • ANSTAY-DOAK-At the home of aitd pleasures, except to discourage the bride's mother, Goaericlu, on Deocmber 51h, by Rev. Jas A them and how very few Gakp this time to teach timm to well ► '- . STRAW HEIFER--'l'HLltE STRAY- Anderson', William Anstay to Ell- woi,'k easily and Some boys are Interested in plants, � r C C Watchea,l Gen ,ed on the promises of the undersign. ed, in the :month of August, s sm• zabeth >lano, daughter of trio la1tq others in birds and insects, and tf tris 1 : kle .. ^ all red lfcifes. The Datta, S xuciuos- 1 Henry Doak, bath of Godmictr. COOK -NEWTON -At Windsor, oa they are encaua aged at all, pleas- tire they derive from thssp thips. wilt.,,i , . `1 ::::. . .. :;. .M.-...•.. :::>.: rrrr ' ► Our Special $10.00 �+_ er . atCjfOr Zadr"es ted --o pravo'Pro�erty, pay expenses and take the animal away. ,, Dun>rin, Narita• Dee. lith. e-2 + December lsk, ..Wr F. Cook to Ada, daughter of Thomas Newton of Windsor, formerly of Exeter. malleo their whole life bright, itbt to. mcltitran the training in neatness and accuracy they, got by doing so. 'Thera :> �=» • „..... .. . '• ;:;::::>>,;..:,. ,•.;;:;. s ::::;;:: "''''``'' :.::..-X.... Our serol $1S Mold billed p YOST•-HOLLAND T- In Shelbyville, Ill.; November 2&tri, $irthier are too many things done on the, farm to "keep trio boys from .,: ••• :•: ::;;: • Is it al idled Gage hand• eat• Rase contains tti high gold y e de stem t nd Lev i Or s containinga w . omel engraved,.gr �. qn r 1' + Y' D co Agusta os to A i S. t, g getting it „ ,. ed u u r a ho h were a. st a t he w spoiled", l g y •;:•:.::^.�-;.::;:�: :::. : y g : / v o rr t stem wind jeweled Lever movement. We -have the t movement. highly flniehed in three difi:erent sizes iii , h gh y AUCTIONS E OF ARM TOCK AL F S alai Ikn 1 merits.--Tlo gaud sz nest lr e F g 1 oldest daughter Holland, lest cls g _ter of lYIt h A. Holland of Exeter bot of colts. a dare not etch fire car- They w c lightning penter ou We It htnin rad man• the ` ::: :: :::<:>:;::::rg :: :".; •:<>::::::>:::<::>: ;•:::•::: <>.:>^::,:� .:. ;: : <....f :.::::::.:: , ::>::::�:::%:-:. -:: _w t ers at •1 25 and 30. Others arnd guaranteed an accurate ,h - $ 5, $ , n $ Chas bean. instruci,ed by 11Ir, Johns A, : Shelbyville. Y plumber or the painter at work far p :;.:,:.kali'.... •: • ti::.::: • �•��-�>,�•�.�::.� ::..�:::::.:::::::>: , time kee er We. have a special -stem ,.� 1?, ••-,- .. P -,• wino, nickel case watch at $5 Cudmore, to sell by public auction O ERY-FRAISER--At the ctho- L. W Y lvI fear the. ml hi• •et lay • when the y g g 3; e,;::«.;:>::.;.:.>,:•:.......•:::•:::.:: ;[;:::. "`':`:]'"'" • z'•::' k''" "`<`>:'•:<::>:..:'•:::;:' ► h e othees ani in QVe av ranging n> ♦ which La the best fialue we rice froth $12 to $L0, price p $ at lob dl con. 2 L. R. S. Tuck- , _ ersmith on Thursday, Dec. 20th dist parsonage, by Rev,. A, K. hap, tf granted such prtvtleges, would , s „ "• ,� ~� '" '" { .ii ♦ even had in stock. Our special . 15 and 20 , BO Watches it . W ► Ladies Watches are very pop- 2 . _y s $w f , y, tl>c following or in liorsa 0 rs. g yrs, Birks^ on Decanter 1st GCar a , ' g Lowery and Bertha M., second be ctrl too lad to was)c harder and y g longer to ma1"3 up the time thus• spent, ��•;::;>:.:.;•:<::::::;:::•:>?";�:»:>::<I� :<'<..�' :::<:::;><>::><s'>><>`>:. .> , •, , , ..,... �' �••:• 0 alar. i. $1,25 and $1.50; old; working mare 11 years old in daughter of Mr, Robert Fraises, Itis remarkable haw the farm bo y \ k :..a;; ;;#;; • T— - foal to Texas Mack; heavy draft Alin 2 ' 2 all of Seaforth. makes room for himself fn Ilio city -, j � ► -,-- ► gelding ars cows su - g Ye p posed to bo in calf; farrow caw; 2 , , BAILEY--ALLI'rN-At the manse, Dauplilm, November 16th', ane haw he is. appreciated by ntcn of wealth influence. These. men ti.i. f ► • T ► A. J. Gri s r risi 2 ea ! e er rising 3 :�' s eS Y g on by Rev. Roba;t Gi moor, Crus• Bail- and uiekl reco hire the kind of stuff the �.., .. p :>..1. "''"'""•"""••^•' ;"•,::;ass::;::::>>:;: ► A.'. GY'1 . Lib ► ► $ lewetter Optician _. ars steers' risirn 2 ear ; 3 ^ g y calve 4 tore hog , wago , b ggy; , y cy o•f Roblin, .Manitoba to Mxs, A Le Anldm f Scai'o,rbh quickly g farmer boys ai'C n1ad� of and it is p assfn %iron e• that the father also :. ,,,.:'°°°!°N ,,,. :r:, c>::. •. ':: >•:>.:: •. " :::•:::: :'::: :::::::`::.:� :.:, ;., t:.: " :;' ` ► , , and i% p $ eVeller and Optician11 1 ♦� o,,�,�,�„�,� �'-%--W,�o , domooiat , cwtte nearly new wa- gap box; walking plough; fanm1 n n o EAG ON -IS 1 C --At h parson- LES A the pat n a;ge, Grand Bend, on D�ecombur 5th, g g cannot realize i, 11 did merits. c a c 11.s sl_enl Whether farm life is agreeable or not :• :.;:.:.,; :.>::;:.;:.;.:.:...:: ,, < .: ^} ` "'': -1:1 `' "i�`" ' ���.�•• •:.>. . ' ► �N♦+►♦♦♦1N♦##No♦♦♦ANN mill; set -single haxness; Daisy . by Rev. Su�icliffe, David Eagleson to the bay ,depends to 'a very great �" NN♦rN♦N♦�♦�♦♦�N♦N� churn; shat bobsleighs; Saskatchowan robe, nearly new; and oriher• .articles lb Mau', fifth daughter of Henry extent on. �1v relations betweem him- - MRS.. F. CARR. ,',� ,w,t,,_ ,w �,,,,�,.`,%Wlwe 1 . I I $ 2 rJ] . T iol� I ii Z Silverware s . too 'numerous to mention..Salo at 1 o'clock sharp.' Terms:- -All sums of fri+a dollars and under cash; over " that amount nine months credit Isaac, all of Grand BCnci. ALLEN--•FLE.TCHER-At the home of tate bride's Grants Exeter on parents,. , . , . November 2'8th, try .Row,- A, H. Goring, •Thos, Allen of Usbarne to self and the ottt'rr iuembcrs of the fancily, If t1ve wan and father enjoy aaclt others company, Huey will Have entire conildenoo in each other, and the boy will most likely grow upwith old trouble being completely a thin The Relief Experienced By Mrs, the past. Carr Through. the Use of Pe-ru-ria, "To-dayl world not take one thou After having Tried the Best Pro- dollars for what this .grand meds Treatment has done for E I Filled or five ,per, cent. per annum dis- p count,—John A.. Cudmore, Propriety- , Miss IIcsteri Edna, yatttcges•t t4ati r ghter of . Arr, and Mrs, W. Flet- r � a goad broad i rely of life, drawn from the gt'eatei experience of his father. fessional In Vain, Is a me," Matter . of No Small Wonder Many women owe their live Pernna. - I i s - at, J. A. Snaith, Auctioneer, chef r If on #lie atller hand lie is treat$d as he Among flet Many Frlendti. A greatmany more owe t �. health to Pernna. I will always bepopuiar .. ., HUNTE'R--HAI�KI\S-At the resi- a mental, will become, grass and A multitude of women through ., FOR SALIJ-A LARGE, COOKING • for presents. • 1 Chap ticncC of the bride's parents', on November, 28th, by Rev. E. A. narrow in ria tucl' e:u11Ci1 oriel scliigli, or lie will leave , the farm" and seek more y Mrs. F. Carr, Vineland, Ont,, Lan,, Canada are using ]'axone as a prove • writes: tive and a relief from ,catarrhal co -1 I + ���+++ �^ ' s•i^+ Fear, George W. Hunter to Miss congenial surroundings and oirotrm- "For several years was afflicted with 3' ♦ . ] ♦ 1 $ + range, coal or wood. Also a New Williams sowing machine. - Mrs,. Olive Edna, eldest daughter of stances..—Exchange. and colds. catarrh, which made life a burden. We have in our file's. a ar "The coughing and hacking -which b eat nn I It inartistic and useful and: when you bliy silver ware Z . For beauty, good wear rind John A. carter, on D. n. Torrest- Joseph Hawkins of L'sborne. of letters from grateful women , accompanied the disease was terrible, have been benefited by. Pernna, "The you want trio beat and • long usefulness; they miutclr" A I ♦ most serviceable your money . • the best of solid gold chains, I buy. You are assured' of. better than cr's�Farm. 46" — _ #r. D¢8tj15. . The Small Town complaint ftnall extended to y permission to Use these letters in p the stomaahand I was in a wretched print. • condition. p .. - can : In fact 'he are getting that kind here, We ♦ snlid,gold in one way, for the `: •,ci Jr' CXSON�ln Clinton on December gth Max • Jackson, rClist of • 'the y rho town` of moderate size .is, an "I tried difterent remedies and the •Catarrh would not be suah a chin the human race p t n can sell you. solid - silver, hidden core of alloy gives . I or the best plated ware which • • the links ridded strength and. ♦ AT + . NQtiC� of Q_ lobe David JaChsan: of Ilullott, ao •i,doal place to live In, 'On:the on•c u people - - best professional treatment all in vain, p +, understood its nature. 1; ' duraibitit I looks like Sterling lysate y, a almost as well.: Come in and -L1C8nS8 ' ed 58 ears. 9 PETRIE--4n `Clinton on December hand,. trio fnlcabi•tants are not, subject to tiro isolation and 'Monotony. of a Finally, as a last resort, .I tried• Catarrhlsa disease which -never Peruna, upon the recommendation ' of proves of its own accord, but bcco ♦ I .see our well assorted stock: • . Our collection . of these 2 # Transfer' 0th', Grace,- of t111e. .late ;farmer's life. 'and on theother band, my sister in Hamilton. deeper seated the longerit is nggle You will find the prices right; : . chains is very large. Bp see- o I then, we are ours you will s form for one. • L. I it n -- License' District of West I t o ,daughte+i' John Petrie; a od 40 years. , - g DI>.IIL Ito.. Stanley cit, December ' while enjoying the advantages of life In a community, the esca a thio evils y, y ly "I could see steady improvement and It should be!treated at once to after using four bottles of that precious. y@ntitfr9mmakluginroads upon. ` I `$trig tin atttachtiient .. .1Joticc+ is hereby ivep the t Joltatliari. 8tlr, 'Jacob ..Diahi, ag0e 85 years ,0 which oxine from overcrowding. In trio small town: 'every , , medicine I was feeling well again, my organs.. . ; .D - # o G. .'I,migh of the Village, .of .'Blyth made applies, for s,nd months, Tn F.xcter November man has •his little plat, of earih. He can dig t o .�,31c O t rlugg st for Free JPeirluna `Almana , - ,. .lias om permission IIEYWOOD on' .own . l . . • The Gladstone Memorial. .• Orfgin of P.earts, ♦'. ; a 0 I • ♦ to • transfer the license . fox the prem- t, • 26th Betsy Knight,, wife of, J. •A. a.,dd" Plant ,tend beautify and watch. the �r :•things.. ')a, can. Grigg ♦ � . �� yi+l ¢'' c�. �• �' ♦ ` 0 ryes in t1x. �'i1Ff►ge, of B15 th known ," Heywood, aged 77 . yeaxs� azul . 0I. ` a e'en growing cam- bine• the. - A memorial to yIr•: aril mTrs, the pearl 4n the sh • • �$ . I o 0 as. the Co AmeraHat Uo'tel, 'to John J' ;rlcCau e. of the':Town' of Clinton, at y . tztanths. i1IALLOT' In Exeter. an November advantages of •botfii, countx•y and town. He is 'his ow,n nla�lor t> .Wiillam The origin of E. Gladstone w s• recently dedicated • the oyster, or, rather, bivalve or` ♦ feweller and Optician o ewelter and Optician ♦ .. p j1. an that 'said- application tivill be coli- 2 , . • 8th, fanny; -wife of John Mailott `. a degree unknown to :the etty dwell- In •st; .Delniol''s church, Hawarden, by Tusk, has been the object'of a cons the'Blshop of St,'Asaph, .It is.the work able amount of�investigationands •• 0. ♦N♦♦o♦♦®,*****0®e♦4®♦dA4Oo sIdered a•t a nice.tin_g ,of the Board of : in her 50th. ymt. • cr'".:In bitsiness matters liC.and his lati�on. Among the -more recent st I a�'� r'� ���� ,� `' r �ro , License Commissioners to iic held is Aitburit 'at -.one o-'elbck P. 1n: '• on the ISeurat, , ,, . iVII�TI.ItS�-In I.teter"r,' , .No�Cmbal. 28th Jane t�ndrews; wife of tt'il- 01111) �'ex tall: as ratan to man ancL'hc power of" Organized 'labor. is unknown. of the subject may be Hated bllase recorded in ills Comptes B� ��� +�.� ®. I a#♦♦♦♦#♦e♦♦♦♦•♦♦d♦♦♦O♦♦�/sp. a 0 twentieth clay of Deoornber, ..1906.• '.:til ncrs'or.,, in•tcrestcd, will govern : Liam Aliners; aged e-8 ' years, :. • 5, gncl 33 trays. ris fchocs of the ` strife., eitusexl by strike aftO strike.reaeil 11•irn, Jho pian dus. This naturalist finds that in . oysters from the Gambia lagoo ► ® 6. tiaontlis _. . thepeasls`are,d ► • i� ► ► o, , 0.• ffay*18nl Ciold tilamselves accordingly. -A. Avilui:"th, Licellm Inspvctot,, Auburn, -Dec:6th, 06, WINKENI4EDER�Itt London, on Dec. . 3rd,. .%cob W. Whikenweder Gi DashwagcI, 15 `vho is' unaffectd9cl-b y -such.�conditio'nS cannot+ , fail to. consider .himself .for- t�itmate. Ther niau in the small town '. trio south Pacific, �- `. _ a :small zYorm—a sort -of tapawo d - .� \ ` . .► ••cysts on the body and mantle o '" �♦, ® 1 agcd years.. FOWLI''':R-TIi :Morris • on December. Js not in:.' the.. merciloss•; grasp of a tom .-_- oyster he ,bas found true pearls ' . w rounding a which ha g ► P: �.' , 4ti1, Jai1e Browh relict of ilio inan.cycti corporation, is hat Worked .nucleus - shown. to be one of these. w ► ♦ tai e , "' ► 0 `� ♦ � ..® - ;, v I timmes i .. a,;a k . . Uue late John h'.owlcr, agcci 8e- Vicars, 7 monfils and 20. [lays.. ;11Pori as samethiitg mechanical •to,'bo used and thrown aside-, but is regard- ed' as. a fellow Being, . as a pian; by the .than who gives .him C�nplbyment• . ! J Like other tapeworms, this one, t . � oerned in the prod iretion of pearl ' o. - ° quires a second host in which to �• r ,.� o . plete its development, and M. S ,, considers that the ray. is rthe s o •. I � 'li hen •we- reaa of •men,"ev:en iii a a.o.� 0b 0 0 ♦ 1. .- , , {� Of ! ly' A:' A. F6W .• �So yattng and fresh country ' e-5 Canad�i; denied ' � host in�which to complete Its deeLJ.' ` "' y �' Rnenty arid' M. -Seurat considers (th y ' .. f j ♦. A ring makes. x, trccept-*. ► " Chin $ . . • • who are their rightful rest. at night, m Dicier t11at'tite r'rofits may -rapidly, I .. . . ray is the. second Bost do this aas .-THE%GL.insroN10 EtEMORrAL. . hie has•founddn'tha�spirai.'intes► ' this,;fisir ♦ _ able gift to either a Luft' or it . • � • gentleman. W.e pay, specilll �y [1 More..1,� Dai C7: accrue more. the advantage-% o.f trio small are Tealized. FIC1'C smail,.tapoworrris, wli of the e)ninent English sculptor, .Sir Wiltiam .Richmond.' Two encumbent regards as the adult Form of:the... attention Ca this line and cai•- • �� .', • �/1r .town Sgures lvith. inch'. hands resting on the: worm•oP the pearl 'oyster. The -dal ,;.:` i he choices6 cilia .. Famous the world of er.. is,•..0 • . ` ' v one 1t t tiaras i them to Ile tour,ci in _ . ... -:: only a few days more. and. Christ- .ini`^Lt%i u r s ri' uts Cuts 1 a gl and o p t C :•. , lar e . but'i.n the lar e' eentres •.tho in: , . crass represeht in stonetbe dead states. has narned; tihls'.new species..of . l m 'mar riti rtiari. and :Iris through SYArm Tyl•ocepha u ga the assn among French.Tab c . q. 0. n this size. le Chinas. It is ex. wsitel : _ . .tow E G Y .; NQW 1S, the .. tlme . t0 tuns will be . est., ., p • " . In.'tliose few .days we anvitc you• to .. , . ,dtcid .al..seerics is be last; siglii of and :, . sten. are _ dealt. with. ..in gtuat6tics: _l'ov:zd .cor►ipanidir „ . lire: The view has been held than the _ -� . trivets 1 . is a secre l6n formed, as i. , , r mark>bl firm. thin riot e : y Z Dsamo i rids, l?ea?rls, ♦ .* C Perfect texture and n fire Rubies, Emeralds, have your.. Chri turas Lir 5t r'G heYe wc`wlll ldOw or...ttua os o w S y nearest.. arod 'pre:ttiest .. Lli FANCX ,. The are' _ denihd;'•thc. exerci ' of that • Y iRhSitin'Ct. whieh urges`; t-l*l1j to ,do work I Ralatfyes of "Skiddoo." . defense for the, surrounding and d . ' How the passions will stimulaEe the tion of an injurious Foreign body I ► hard glaze give it it peerless Sapphires, Opals, ,. brilliance. ... Turquoises ' Photo taken; .,- CHINA and GLASSWARE.. 1 the bast in , : Groceries A that IWwovei tri'fling,' .with; the soil, ..they •denied . growth bf language is an interesting . study. Human Magnetism.:'' . _, :, .. • , . and Our Rose Pattern, is, an ex- :. ' , ew and most . �' in all the ri est 1. nanny Cnii buy. and .at a brig `salving to ottr patroins. are, the privilege .of breathing, air unladeai: with soot aria dcaldly. gas- One of the most curious examples of Is there such a thing.as human this is in the everyday desire to get•rfd ., netism? Dr. • Otto Neustatter .of ♦ elusive design which we carry iupproved styles. in stock. You can buy a sin- + 1.• . Good's delivered' promptly.'. p p ` y • es; they are denied the right almost to be, healthy' ' human beings•. The of. some unwelconie visitor. ' nidi writes: "Prof. Harneick of No. philologist. will ever trace the ori- ,. last year demonstrated that he i g,e piece or a complete seta The values run froiu W: firs _ 4 . a baby's riiig to $30.00 for it Call Earl t'rrIIE PEOPLE'S GROCERY`" • . .. lar cit has its aesv�antal ,s ncan the gin of many of these grotesque expres- t •to, deflect the .magnetic needlwby -tons nor .fashion how they were ever ing lightly with big finger We also have a lagre stock. diamond, of Fancy China,. in many dif-.. . e D. Reatan � t: tp Ib h its lights and its o t o as g t shadows, but Oho Shadows are so'deep quite . shade susceptible *of' expressing an idea. the, glass lid of a well' constructed - , ferent designs 'suitable for Gentlemen's Signet. RiugG. It he ♦ .i. f CLINTON. ilia g ills �l[gllts are dimhtCtl. This con- Ski'ddoo is a modern example that is pass. - .He Round, great dlfferen fust as expressive as "Get out," but himself according to the ,time o presents.' will a pleas• ♦ inctnding engraving trtxli $� pre to show ott our stock. • # �' ,to $8, and get' our .speoTal tract between the life of a labaring..�here.it came .Praire and who. were i'ts,� whether'be had reviously, rest , r ♦ .. •` . . hone 111. Prompt 'Delivery: 'pian in lie large. •city and the life of sponsors is not clear, to. say nothing of I worked, talked or taken food. - W _ . - C I' DEi�! lastin until the. g floc labariaig ratan in the small tofwn ` its development into a full rounded the 'stomach was empty or wh I for instance, ..T • t .. "i A..J. Gil 1st da. Jan..: 'is - strongly in favor of thr, latter. is it word. had talked much, t Poilowing- is a partial -list of other ; •• eriment did not .succeed; . iE h p . a :; ..� A.J. GRIGG,F�mihlr'_e,. of 9`0`7:Tlrs y ! sinal[ taws not ;titapia•, but i a fa[r substitute with which men phra es and words: �, eaten, and drunk it. ostially event Vaunoose _� . Issuer of Marriage' Li-. •. . do well to lie Content.-Paxlchill Gaz- Absctuatulate. the ranch.: well: Bub among many other . p.0• Shake your'dusties. Light; out. Shunt � ,he found only very,few wha1ik je�etttr and Optician . ♦_ ti censer. s •ri .. For lts ctige-Review. ..off. Beat dt. 'Retire, Get out. Go , ,could, perforin • the experiment. Skedaddl e� y Iake your escaPeav6- Hit the l weln= I n tiectinny by e.isimpl, needle t0 wile ♦i♦1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦N♦♦ e,N1� �� e1%�ti�� . . l R J. Roberts . :. . . 1 of 'Ra it lent He Alsdbver . y -three for you., • Co us m g the c ozz pass lid, .. w%+�.��+� v%��wN�:..swa' rw&tiHe,.►..r.r '�� � . . � Arntioipating� your 'Wants �ivc .leave - � . Births., Blow. On ou . itay Trot elan $ t w r 9 cit r sn Y g that tri keys�rvllic.1 ha had c i o �� to the mines Tothe •tall .tt�mber. Get a• for some. time in his ��pocket an ` • a THE MOLSON S BANK Phots Artist- ,- . • cllnton larch Liva lar stock . of FanC Rock- ge y ors, . Couches, . Mo.rris Chairs, Music- DELANLY-In•11Ie illap on Decern.her' on o move ; T Qt :' he. grass Take a run for key ring lead become decidedly •yourself. Ol.ar out,' Go along. Get. netle. On his. pocket knife the �Ta-.ta, „ N . . Callincts Tea: Tables• Desks Wali 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. James, Del- So long. Brush by. Shut the which he regularly used, the nal 'door • a . Incorporated b Act of Parliament -406. p by.Act - -•----�--'= Brarkets,'.Piciuree;, I:asel5, Etc,. aney; a dau-ghter:. ,` IVfc VITTII. In Mullett on December from -the outside.. DIg. as well as -pins that he frequently. • -..... :.into his coat,. had taken on the - .. ' ' s ' Tapital Paid Up �,000,000 RBSeI'Ve' Duna $3,000,000, Musical /n,htrumen is • . - - . • . 'and 7!b, to. Mr. and 'Mrs-.* S. Me'vittle, JOn a . . � _ ... ._ - .7 - •••••• ••. .:.-. • , ..... o. , .::........... . X Crockery Besides Pianos Organs, . we li i i d ; V Accor ., . 1. •, . Farmers Sale Notes,Gashed or Collected. Diatts on all po- ; ■ in 'theDominion, Gieat.Britain, United States and all Countries bought. and sold at beat rates: Advances a Whell'you deed Crook- • ave o1 ns cons Muir r- a lu 0 ran% Autoharps, Strip Brnvs, b ' ' s> Sliest Music, Etc, rtLYT$, 1 ` • .into . .Foreign .stih : sarin 0 „ made to Farmers, Stock. Dealers and Business Men at lowest ' ery it tv'ill.Da�y yDU to Buy your pre„ants hero and SJVC So111O of ,our, c'it[zers attendect ills .� . rates and on most favorable terms. . . buy from our stock. y tngnry, 'f, hall in Clinton on N"riclay evevting. . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT --Deposits of $1 and up- ' m J. V . H. ChelleW- Thc.,regtidar aneetilug of the C.. O. P. was lield in their hall on Tue1.sday • E are still `clearing out our stock of Grroceries,. an wards received. Interest altowed at highest current rates from date of deposit, compounded half -yearly and added to ■ principal June 80th Drceniber Grlassware ' B.LYTH. ' ,. giving gl'eat bargains ill •all lilies; but we are no and 31st. r.,n.iw��.nti..i�.i�n�.^,1- :. cal�tiuin our I3ar�ai115 t0 C�ri'C►Cel'iS alone, as ;Ve al' 0. E. DOWDING, Manager, . CLINTON „ - �'�tlr stock of Glass- WINTER "N T E � T E R Ni I 1.b : also'giving reductions o 11 all our. Boots and Shoes a • • - � r _ t . Ware has continually to ' be replettislled. See CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR ; ' O T11e . 11; - - - . - , � the same tilno. The following piles% on rubbers are at I ' �Y,.�.�.,:.. $OARS FOR SERVICE.--TH UN- what we have before . HOLIDAY RATES; t CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE :. i�ndigation of the way eve are cuttit„ pl•iees.oti oilier dersigncd has for serv;iee, at Lot 40, Con. 0, Goderich, toivnslrip, a BRIG'1� STORE FOIL SALE. Ot`f): �' buS lcl>; elsewhere. Betweeln all stations Affiliated withWhigham Bush iteseCauega. lines of Boots and Shoes ; 1. pure bred Berkshire boar, also the door south of 'The News-ltceoi:d of- flee. -•A t of Jahn 1icGaria of W. in'P1.R13ToiLY' Cana a also to Detroit and6 Port Ilisxon, Mich., Buffalo, Black Ilcaic, •PENSJANUaRY►i Zdd U • Elle with known, Yorkshire boar, Terms privelege returning if 7,, O'Nalipl Y 4$Groceries Q�+• '� DCV l ieS Niagara Falls, and Suspension Mid- c This is the most modern, Chili••• ^•. • . . n1?cesCary.--G, A. Cooper, Clintotf p ! + P. O. . '^ --•� In buyiligfroth s you ; .. .. t ar@ glue Of ettitl tleiN, � g gC' N' Y. A'l' SINC}LI+; 1•'ARL--C1ood going DCC. 24ti1 olid 26th ' rctiirnfn utittl Dec,26t.h. Also going Dec. 3 .sg anil au ti and successful instftntinli of igt:y klraal ih Ontat'ia. hXaelietlt Rtxt>f of teachers; unexc+•i1Cd r uipuient:' large'attehditi►cN; ilei- ual hnalnesas school, Duriri u • • B1.oAs (`� {{.- �1+{. Q,. Shoes C 'U aUes 1 CXJ'. 0 "" STORE TO ItEN7'-'TiIE dti"E b`OR_ TO RENT—TIIE STORE LATELV y Harry BartlitYe.4� •-•nierly' ooaupied, by myself. It has beot6 thoroughly overhauled add is' R , fresh ' oo& -at i'1CeS p January 1st., returning until Jan. 2 udi, November ivo had ZO .times its . ;•I -r► s plain ruhhun,z, regular price Mc, our pri+co. 75C ' 11 W.W E Fa raMr. now one of the handsonu;at stores in C[fnton,--`Phos: Jackson Sr. 48 ,� . • that -will plel�se you. y AT PARS AND ONI.-TIi,1RD- Good going Dec. 21st, 22nd, 23rd, rnanvCaltefrom leading coneernw for Booklkeepers, Stenographers Hud "Telegraphers acs we had . Bnyr,' '• 4' ,, 70C '; '°: 110c 'i� truths' ^^ " ' r* I{ ±iic, ” t " 511c . •' tVanten's" ,r .. " tills, c " " Cillo 'Waisted. -=---- - - , ._ _ _.... Your Patal� ale Respect- lila 2 and 2501 ; also Dec, 28th, 20th, graduates to send, • . . • ,, , ITIDI.S AND . SIII:I'.1'' SK- 1N.S I�'Ol$ 1v111GI1 Y W1I.I, , . , fully ✓Ol�lcltied. ' 3(14h allyl 2bd, and Jan. lst return- r uig uart3t rJatt, 31 -fl. "' Enter atnq t fine, Individual instruction. i ' PAY THE IIIGIIf'.'S`i' MAX- TAXES 1!106.-11ATV,I11.*NYERS WII,I, s vN r Secure' tickers at Grand' Tr nit aifiCes. Our, hatndsnnie .CHRISTMAS CATAL.001JB free . .' • ���� �Ri�r GLED Itp;T 1>ItICri. I1h:1,I�"T:1tl:l) `:tT ill I1TD1; iIC)C';71^J liv ( CANTON. (, S. DOAIv. please tale. notiet3 thai .after Dec. 1•f'tlu live per cent, will be added irr all takes rtmainillg runpaid,--Jos. C#'}te'ailrv. C,nl[rcinr. (.linirtitr. A r V, Hollowe ,A � Ilodgens, Town Aghttt. lr , It J. tl. A150nald, District i'assenger agent, Tbrantn g r,• v,_.,___.. w. .., . __:.. crit on apllli- crttitrrt tc1 GEORGE SPOTTOPt PAINCIPAL . .. ` .;,».a • s anti . Ballard's s Dia Stand. p _ .. --_ _ ... rc..�. ,l �, r .,. ;i` .r i .� , \r �' g of sand Dine �'to ' heir ' out nta- nghe . tuber ' who . - with nblie . e to* ghly im- . nes ated. Are . vital •' . G. .0 L-11 of mol . idem . ymul udien• of M. • Rim peace . ns; its ae d'o' . rm. lb P the sur - has - . orMr. don- s, re- - . eutrat " . eoond • velops; art thef . ' ' e, foe . ne of . . tilt• he` - larval . utbar t�ei'. Perae ill !P� nrself: i'sola '* i .'4:. . .11 mag- . Mu - Halle .. s• able • stork= . nail' coni- . con it► ! day.. . ed .or when . , en. he he ex- . e .had •. very. arsons e him He g , the . or;�}� ed a,l? art'ied ' d his . tuns^ . blale 1, file. . ' • stuck . . same •.+ . .. t0 .. I0 . . t • . . e • t . ,.`1 • • a • . • . • +' A .. I., . . , . • , . !• • .