HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 69
I � ---..-11-1-
11 �
. .
I 1. �,
0knton Nows-Record . I Deceborm 13tht 1906
�- I -- -- .
- -
" L I 11 . . I I � I � ; . � I -1 - I I I --� � . . ; . � I I . I - - � I , -T ; � � j ' ; - "�; .11 I � '4. 1 - � I � � I 11 i ,
�- *NOON=" 11 � �
. I -----------_ I 1. �, v, -vk,vf�. � . - ;,; P-;;;�� ,---�Z i
I Ch to News -Record Lucka0w. MoKillop Towaship. VeAthof4,5toka1ey]Pioaee,r 1$1��,p�+<��*****,*+*.411*004110,eOo..*."4.#"..*O-*+-O--*"o--***,*-,**-'-'-#.,+#.*.O,-"O,.
i. J. MITCHELL, Dea,th came, with torriblo sudd-onness
AluiniciPal matters .are dull in Me-
In the dvpartur,o from ims life of I
1 ."W" 0 11 0 A." on,
borta- Rev.'Utnry R. of Tara; Rev.
Thursday, November-29,04ad to Jos-
Editor. and Proprietor. on as a resident
eph Simpson, who w at
Killop, aud, it is ,a.dtnittt,d that the
pres.ent ,,Poll as done very well.
itell It ,
the latc, Jacob Deihl , of the fifth ,
condmsion, of township,
V40torla, B. C., aw.1 twiltlerlylot this
Some low contemilt-4ble, thle,ves
gS,tovnpy on
Friday last., all. old and mush rcspcjol� �
, �0
C1 i 9,t � 04 1�
. vivinity. Dcecascid who was in his
-secret 444 Opea Vottag
stole soveinty valuable hens- from the
ed pioneer hasgon.e. , Tho funeral tooix ,
� , .
20h year, wav occupied in. driving a
poultry buildiag of John Stafford, one
. .
place fro,in his la,to residence on M n.. '
COL Tisdale, representative of Nor, team, for &'traaster company and in
. � -g- h"ilfli" w1mr., ft" wiklln
night recently. . .
day to tim Varna, 0enletery, Lbe, fun-
1QJK, SANA jr., A tauvato ,An the House of - b
Commons, the orther day, that he engaged in raising a sittoke, stack had
to 'halt,, to the -wires Com-
Mr. and Mrs. Leemiag were at
. Baritholm ,oil. Friday lost atteuditia
cral ceremony btiug conducted by the
Rev. Mr. Brown of Varn
� � a�t And the
1 ."W" 0 11 0 A." on,
borta- Rev.'Utnry R. of Tara; Rev.
. knew of two coustitueacleF in which owing guy
the funeral of Miss Silider, who wA
Re as
,v. Mr. Hinde of Baylleld-, Ke w, -
six hundred dollars was the limit, 'lot Ing �h, ,COQ1taet with t,110, electric Wires,
Mm- Lwnilog?s iliece.
born in, south Germany, in
, �0
C1 i 9,t � 04 1�
campaign ex'pendituro fifty Aars ago, which broke, falling tit front of hi;
My-or0d to fr-00. the tea"m
but in, which no can4idatc, .could hope team, Jock one
, Henry Dennis received a, telegram on
Ilia year 1821, and left Iiiii firth exIand
for Boston, Mass., at 24 years of
� , .
: far success to -day without spending. from 4anger with to, tal. results to bhu-
Friday to the effect thal- a son (,f
V -his
who ,had boon Moosojaw, Sask
age. He was MV wtoks Crossing t
live. to ton thousand' aollars. The. sell. It ismo,t known Whether he
III I �11..A ; +11 . uch-A fhm -dre but it it. r-"nnnq-
ouji at
had reaclfbd Toronto, but was too i �l
Atlantic. Six years later lie came to
I., ... I I .. . ... 11. I .. . 11
. .
� � as x Went 51, , SurV41 0 JVAfQ11k P"
0 � catv be found in the, PrO(VIRCO at the 7est, who, having, . read ily of Mr. Scott, owing to,tba �(reath Ive him, viz.:,. (,','has. of, Port&
Dept paper of iii$ v . go la
whole. At the same time t1tere Is no in a brother's death, of Mrs. Scott, which toa place, oil U".i.-I� WC �T 1k r T1111 + Al
I'll I Wi
- ... th
.. I
-- :..
.. ye
.1 be 1
. ti
Jackson Store, next do
to Twitchel's shoe store
W e have it stocke
with a c6mplete -assor
ment of Toys, D. -o I I
Glames and F�tncy Nove
TheTwo . .
Leadind Christma
Books. Both Canadian,
. -
A tale of both sides
of the sea, by Robt.
E. Knowles, post
paid. . .-. .1.2
A tale of the Ronk- . , ',
ies by Ralph -Con- I .
nor,o9t pitid . . L2
� --
Note "raper for -
Christmas. . . .
Fancy boxe . s of eljoi
Note Paper, very,-Pitab
for presents. . . . I
Special value at. ' ' ..26
Embossed initial....36 ,
Fancy linen .!So to $st
. - .
-- -----—--.--
- - ...-.. - .-.-.
- —
, i I - Pocket and " � ",
.1 .
;Reference Bibles..
. I Ili a large variet.y. 01)
%,-` line at,$1.00 with moro
.1 co -cover an ' d Roferefic.e
. At 50c and 7.3c -
I have choice pocket Bib
les suitable for youii
people. . . I . .
. . .
. -
. I . .
I Fancy Chin4wape,
.. . . r . I
One of the finest di
- plays outside the citle,
consisting of . �, -, I .
� .
. �
I Untoges China, .. : . .
11 Royal Doulton ' - I
. lzoyai yienh#, - .. . .
. . , I b '' I
.Royal crown Der Y-:.-�
. Foley Chim, . ." . t..:.
. .
. . japanese, ,.Etook , 1. . I . . I
So - uvenir Cards �
. M I . .
I 'I I and Albums. . . ' ..
I I Th is N% aek we ha ve a(
,,, dedsome new local viem
jr;.. I I
I.. ,to. our large line 'Als
1�i many Christmas ti'd
A", r
" Card Alburns 25c t
"I I . .,
$2.00 . "
. - , /- 111.11
11 .
Simcm A161.74-V11,411VA., JJ" I A& I
same county, recently declared that ed the Power Ivas I sufficient to Cause
to Come any luethm .
Canada, Anti sottIed in Stanley,. on.
the farm on, which he lived for fifty -
1 ."W" 0 11 0 A." on,
borta- Rev.'Utnry R. of Tara; Rev.
at least one-third. at the. electors are the sparks to. strike ,him. He lived,
Rev. R. J. Currie and Ili$ bride -"O
five years, Therc haltawed for him.
a stxoke of -paralysis on the previous
� to. bribery. only a few :h.ours. .after being taktu
� open .,
itow comfortably settled in the � par,!
sell a home. out �Of tile forest w116,3,
accompanied them. .
It is fair to assume tbat 1110 Be'. to the hospital an did- not regain
souage, Air. Currie is popular, with
and in, .t1w. year . 1853 Ite, married Isa"
itical future,of the, coun'tty, .
for mer and Col. Tisdale bo,th $polo consciousness., The remains were bro-
, �
the pe6ple of Walton Circuit. The
bella Rico of Perth, county, w1to, pro-
for the section wit1l, Which- ,they are light to Lucicn*w for burial and ar-
attendance, ,and colleatiorm are much
deceased him 'twouty-niou years ago,
survives him one sister, Airs. Ja . c�b
I bwt acquainted. It cannot be, pass- rived here Saturday evening. ,A bro-
better than lismal. . A
lie had, ten. children, seven golls, 4ad
11 ,
: iblc� that so, large a c.orrupt clemeu�. ther, Mr. Sam. Simpson, also a, res-
. �
Much s pathy is felt for the farn-
Ahro" tl�ii + f I.
� � as x Went 51, , SurV41 0 JVAfQ11k P"
0 � catv be found in the, PrO(VIRCO at the 7est, who, having, . read ily of Mr. Scott, owing to,tba �(reath Ive him, viz.:,. (,','has. of, Port&
Dept paper of iii$ v . go la
whole. At the same time t1tere Is no in a brother's death, of Mrs. Scott, which toa place, oil U".i.-I� WC �T 1k r T1111 + Al
I'll I Wi
- ... th
.. I
-- :..
.. ye
.1 be 1
. ti
Jackson Store, next do
to Twitchel's shoe store
W e have it stocke
with a c6mplete -assor
ment of Toys, D. -o I I
Glames and F�tncy Nove
TheTwo . .
Leadind Christma
Books. Both Canadian,
. -
A tale of both sides
of the sea, by Robt.
E. Knowles, post
paid. . .-. .1.2
A tale of the Ronk- . , ',
ies by Ralph -Con- I .
nor,o9t pitid . . L2
� --
Note "raper for -
Christmas. . . .
Fancy boxe . s of eljoi
Note Paper, very,-Pitab
for presents. . . . I
Special value at. ' ' ..26
Embossed initial....36 ,
Fancy linen .!So to $st
. - .
-- -----—--.--
- - ...-.. - .-.-.
- —
, i I - Pocket and " � ",
.1 .
;Reference Bibles..
. I Ili a large variet.y. 01)
%,-` line at,$1.00 with moro
.1 co -cover an ' d Roferefic.e
. At 50c and 7.3c -
I have choice pocket Bib
les suitable for youii
people. . . I . .
. . .
. -
. I . .
I Fancy Chin4wape,
.. . . r . I
One of the finest di
- plays outside the citle,
consisting of . �, -, I .
� .
. �
I Untoges China, .. : . .
11 Royal Doulton ' - I
. lzoyai yienh#, - .. . .
. . , I b '' I
.Royal crown Der Y-:.-�
. Foley Chim, . ." . t..:.
. .
. . japanese, ,.Etook , 1. . I . . I
So - uvenir Cards �
. M I . .
I 'I I and Albums. . . ' ..
I I Th is N% aek we ha ve a(
,,, dedsome new local viem
jr;.. I I
I.. ,to. our large line 'Als
1�i many Christmas ti'd
A", r
" Card Alburns 25c t
"I I . .,
$2.00 . "
. - , /- 111.11
11 .
0 9 ,
Christmas is Coming
1"Tone too� soon xiow to be making
I yo)ur p ' urchases.
We have a good amsortment of tiseful, and lasting presents.
� nothing more,appropriate tbs.-,) the folio . wing; -
Carving Sete in cases ? Nickle Plated Tea Kettles
Scissors in cases . I . . (all sizes)
Carpet Sweepers Z obildren'o Sets in granite
Skates .r 00 to
- .
Pocket Cutlery I� Knife, Fork And Spoon,
Call Bells I . b me Beautiful L
. 0 ,AMPS ,
Nickel Plated Tea Pors , (both hanging and parlor)
44, if * Ooffoe Pots I Teapot Stands � I
of 61 . Crum Trays t Cuspadores . � .
� .
$4 �i TeaTrays. See our Austrian
. Spoons and Forks Elite OrAniteware,
. �
. I And it you wgnt to go a. littiq better we W0014, recommend
� -1
. a tiappy Thought Rango or fk Ata4iant Home Parlor Heater.
There lR always s little extra polishing up to be done before tile .
Christmas,. home-ooraing. Everything You need will be found in this
Hardware;-Alumimu � m Faint, Varniab stain. Enamels, Silver Polish,
Stove Polish, Shoe Polish, Odorless Stovepipe. Varnish.
that the ext-ent, to which Corruption
has,tened to the place and had th�
Thursday last. The deceAsed lady h '
. 9A
1 ."W" 0 11 0 A." on,
borta- Rev.'Utnry R. of Tara; Rev.
does, prevail furn-Islies, sufficient cauge
remains prepared for shipment ;lud
a stxoke of -paralysis on the previous
Lo '
, uls W. of Paisley- Valentine X.,
.fox the greatest O'larm as, to* tile pol-
accompanied them. .
from which. site never raIlied
Mrs. Richard Poick, and Airs, James
itical future,of the, coun'tty, .
A very large nical,ure, of inter
and pASSW away as abovo stated-,
McClymont, of Stanley. There ,also
in t'lle sveecit to which referencollas
, -est
was.Sunday manifes,ted by yesiden-ts
I -Ter age was fifty-soven years.
survives him one sister, Airs. Ja . c�b
been made, Col. Tiasdalo rccommend-
4. f -
of Lucknow and surrounding section
11 ,
W91fe, of Brvr,efleld, iRe left twenty,
0 9 ,
Christmas is Coming
1"Tone too� soon xiow to be making
I yo)ur p ' urchases.
We have a good amsortment of tiseful, and lasting presents.
� nothing more,appropriate tbs.-,) the folio . wing; -
Carving Sete in cases ? Nickle Plated Tea Kettles
Scissors in cases . I . . (all sizes)
Carpet Sweepers Z obildren'o Sets in granite
Skates .r 00 to
- .
Pocket Cutlery I� Knife, Fork And Spoon,
Call Bells I . b me Beautiful L
. 0 ,AMPS ,
Nickel Plated Tea Pors , (both hanging and parlor)
44, if * Ooffoe Pots I Teapot Stands � I
of 61 . Crum Trays t Cuspadores . � .
� .
$4 �i TeaTrays. See our Austrian
. Spoons and Forks Elite OrAniteware,
. �
. I And it you wgnt to go a. littiq better we W0014, recommend
� -1
. a tiappy Thought Rango or fk Ata4iant Home Parlor Heater.
There lR always s little extra polishing up to be done before tile .
Christmas,. home-ooraing. Everything You need will be found in this
Hardware;-Alumimu � m Faint, Varniab stain. Enamels, Silver Polish,
Stove Polish, Shoe Polish, Odorless Stovepipe. Varnish.
eu a reLurll &U, WO SyU CM 0 OIN of country in the anivirersary'services
voting. There is no reason to believe li-eld 'in. the, LucP.,ioNv Methodist chur-
. . .
Morris ToWnShip.
grandchildren, He was P, man who,,
by his quiet, kind, an4 ii,priglit life,-
. . . .T.-
" �
1�1,,%j this would wholly correct the ch. The church is. certainly &:monu-
. .
wm tire estoom and friends-Iiip of ,
-X � .
. #.,#
evil of bribewy, but it is just Pass- ment to the energy and, enterprise, of
John. Preston of Toronto! attended
the funeral
. who knew him, -Mr. Diehl was a Lu-
�.- O5,
-- AND '
lessen it.. men �jhl
ible it might . Methodist body in, this, i-kinity.
of Miss Swundlehurst.
thevan in religion, a Liberal in. poll-
. .1 � HARDWARE -5
. .
who could be bribed to vot against ItaPT a beautiful edifice of. chaste
Dltss Souelfwai visittrig fri,
ties*. 1-10 was an, extensive and tholl-
. . . . . I . A.
1 . X
what, tb,ey believed. to be right, so desigo, with inoodern up-to�tiate; impro,
ends in Goderich 'during the past
X11:tful reader, and took a living inte �
. -
W, . S.
*$******"*****"*""�e.-e.--.--,---. -...---..e..-.-�..-..-...-o�...-.-
.. .. ". .. O.'e.e.
4-0.4 v
long as the thing. was .done in kpocre:lv, veanctits, whild at the. santo time, it
ts-b in education and, temperance
. . . .
.00MMO� . - -- -- � . I .
would no,L dare to make open cGlifes- is comillodio-V5, co-nveniertt, colinfort-
Chas. and Mrs. Prootar at Durham
form. His end was Very calm, being
.I - —�. I
slon of their shame as they would do
able and substantial, The nioirning
attended tli,�* ft"Iteral f Mr� - PI
0 s 'act-
0 nse US
0 io to, the last. DuringAlhalast�-
0 1
With the system of open va tingt im
servIleo was bright and interesting,
or's FIrAer.
low days of his life he was. surrou',nd-,
force.' But corruption is 'lot thQ
the pastor Rev. R, IV. Millyard, be
Mr. andi Miss Bessie Watson spent
ed by Idur of his sotiv and one dau-
! �
greatest eviloxistiug in connection
ing ably assisted by Rev. Mr. Jolli-
a few days with Walton. friends.
- -
ghtell, who watched him as- lie peace -
. .
our -elections. Tampering with
ire of Clinton, -%vllo delivered a most
Cani - Robinson now wears a proud
fully sank to rest and passed into
. . .. .
. I . I
ballot, Which has. become so al-
w%wellont and Instructive serrnon,. Well
!m4IQ that won't rtob O ' ff. It is, Over
th,6 unseen realm where death shall
armingly PrOv-111011t Of late, 001IMitu"
vulted to tho, anniversary � occasion.
I I .
tho arrival of a young. son, who has
never .entak. I.a his peaceful end we
. . .
V .,
its, an infin4tely greater danger, and
. . . . .
. I
coome to; Atay.
are reminded oft Ite lines at the
� poet :
t,ampering would I )a rendered imposs"
--..-- . .
. . .
. County Councillor Isbister atten(fed
Talk no more of iloath ao fearful,
� ible, by, a. written, record, which would
. . ,
Hensall . 11
410'sc-39i(XI of tile County C
. ouncil at
Call it.,not chilling, streabi.
be ope-ti. to -the inSPeOtIOU of all, at
. . . 1.
Gooderich- last week. Ile attends to
T.hought's 01, death sbourlCe make v.s
; :
.-eivery vote cast. That .taimpering
Wal. .M.1nors, salesnia at J' Weis"
his: duties well. . . .
. cheerful ..
would soon cease, howe.ver,. if all Ilia
indllerls� rec,olved the . � sn
ad intelligence
James Evans left Saturday far a
I . . .
I For it leads to. joys supreme,
kilown ballot-switchers Nvero jailed -i,o-
I . I . . � .
on Thursday that his'niather, Mrs,
visit to, .
.Oxford ,county. 1-10 will re-
. I
Call not death a monster cruel,
I .
. . I .
morrow. I
. One aygwoelit for the change front.
Will, Minors of Exeter, ha,d died. sud-
de;lv heart
sunic , operatioii� in Morris
nexxt March as the lease to. his sons
Whom no prayers nor tears , can ,
- .
- secret, vot-ing, whca.,tliat
open to
Change, was adop�tedi. years aga,.was
. of failure'. Tfie, dZeeased
�v Q was in, her 59th year
Centralia, two
I ' I 1. .
expires Liton. -
Last lveck Ricp=0 Alitc,liell aud fam-
. .
mofve. . , . .
same, jewel
,11 it take fron' us � �
lnwe$ oil the belief that It. would pre-
near . and �,ears, after
moved her . parents to, 'the 6th
ill .Who have resided on Ahe..3rd line
. .To. the -s.tarry realms above� ,
vent coercion of- eniplo�o by 'employ-
con.,. Vsborn6. She was inarried
for a ,number of Years, rcniav&t.. .ta
. .
they'll sliffic.. with . brighter
. .
let's. coercion, of employes in-flie.pre-
sent, -day of ag I - .
gresslve� U't"Onis"11
May 24th, 18f7l'alid lived, in Effinville
,lie 12th con. of brivy,, to James 8.
. I
Sh*v'� 'farm which they hAve'rented
, lustra I ... . .
Better for "theii s�mohd bitlth,
� I .
w , . linion. sight to
hen it is not ail tine di
till t%vo years ago when they, 'Moved
to Exeter. Deemsed his ))con afling
for a . lime, We - are . , . . - to, see
. sorry,
And -lve,'to . .
. 0 wIll join, that *,cluster
find einploye tilking the .public plat-
I . .
for same, time- but sudden death
,them go. but wish t1?C111 well. I
. When deaAh takes ve from the earth
. I - . I . . .
form, against candidates openly sup�
. . ,
� a great shod'k to. K,r family. and-
,%N as
Mrs. Caswell of - Cofd'Waterl Ont.,
, � .
Year nat deathAllerl 'tis, but changing
poried empl impossible.
oyers, is .
r ,
ricn&, Clli�
She was a coiisis,tcnt� in'
is 1,11V guest of *s, J'allit. Mooney of.
Fropin this world to,highor spheres
Jt .iwsidll ail opeti at., .0,
I .. i
� ber of tli�e Methodist chuit.h. - Busid-
Marri!;, 'JUrs' L- Frain � in Grey aii-4
Where oL-i *rJt6.,p,vc,r ranging
. I
whether, on the, whole, -the ,
opell "'"-
es' her bereavNI. husban-6-.she. leaves a
Mrs. J. Sharpe .,of, Brus sels. )She is
Shal-1 prkress * - through endloss.
. . ,
tem of voting would not be, preferable
I , .
f' il ..
ani y -of eight, -four daughters and,
reilated to theni. Mrs. Caswell wa:si'lle-
. . . .
. yeavt;." . .
. to.. tllt� pres.vilt. one, but our chiot need I
. '
r , ' . s.
our sons to, mourn. their los
ver. here - bef6re and Mr. Mooney has
. . I . I
. . . I ... �
. .
N.a v4go-kous; endorsement of existingl
. I.
. " . I � - . T-- .. —.,
. . - .
Only Seen his :au-nt once in fifty-two
-1 - -
.. . . I .. I .
. �
ce .
* laws, such as was e Zow I
, xpericaecd in N
.Mr. L. 11. -11urdinati ,of 11i.e., Sov.er-
. .
. . ..
Years - -.. - I . . . 1.
. . , .
Rural Sohools in a Bad:W ay
'York SULte. when , fifty six eIeciiOn1,e1gfi,
Banl� staff liko takeii ,a- pos ition
T he fif.ty-acre farm boloilgillg to
. . � �
. . . I
. .1
er6ohs lvere sent to sing-sillm after I
ih 111.�. .same lastitutioll - at Berlin.
I .
.Creo. Cardiff, Brusscls;..16catod Olbtlle
I . , . .
, A iiieeting' of the Ontario - Rural
. �
One eli,eflon.�Wcold �'311n. � .1 1.1�
. . Y . .�, '�
. .
. I . '
Alqx� McLaren, -. barrNter. and
5th littv, Ims, been .purchased by-.GCOI,
� .
, Municipal Aso.ociation -kvm -held last
- . �
. �-*
.. -. - .— .... -
. .: � . . . .. I
, .A.
. .
solicitux, of. Port Huron, , %V1110 has
s(fil 0-f Jail IOU :. Pii ce. is sald
, les 1), . . � . . I .
1,6 bc'.S150fJ., , . .
Friday. at.. Guelph; -1he li.,ardon 0
. . �- � , , f
. . �
RegulAfions Affectingl Agri;-
� .
boon at his home fi,,ar ( "yoniarty for
I.. . . I
' .� :, . I . . I.. . I .
. . I .
11altoll county presiding, . - The
'n '
. I.,
I - I - I .1.11
;.cultural and kortieUlf Ural, � I
I., j
. .
saitie. tiniv, diod an Filday of� . curn"
. - . .. . . � . . I .
-.. '. ' . .. I . ! .
. . . . .
-topic discuss -Cil -ws, h. I>ublic
School ' .
Aine6d.nionts. - The
I . . . I . . .I
. .
, , . �
1. - - So .
sun iptdop, Tha intprii'vnt look place
� . . �
. . .. I . . . . .
At 11cilGa1i eunictery and was conduct-
,,, .
lie �.Ve, lily
* � Sun is a t.oniplete: bue-
.. ,
ip a r J. , J.- ,
14:111c" 41 � spealtar ivas, M jo .
.. .
I . , I ..,
. . . .
! � . I . �
ed with' Nlasonic lion6urs 1).3" Zuriefi
.get� of rielvs.for' the farm'ei.: It, con-
f. - S. 11. .of 1.3ast Wellingtolf
I I . . P
As. lh,.� da tcs for tit � a wir-'al nice 1-
I .
i,oe,4,vo....,rhc tieecasvd . wrta, a -inember.
I tains indep,ondoit ; olitleill re,;vz, lal-
liable hit, S farni
whop sAid .that while, tho am.'-w4mm . t.
Angg'of Agricultural and 11orticullit.ral-
� - - . . . i
, . I
of t4le. oidr.r. lit Port I furon, . ' --
� oil top.4.,;, Ilimschold
. . .. .
to the -Act -made last sesAal`� 3141)t.
�,z t r a
. ioci,� les .are ilea t:haud.-, our read.-
. . . .
sugg&stions, etc.
. . Od.0
voit, have pr ce
appear Eirastic, ho'believed 0ity -were
. .
. .
ers will, .doubtlez.s, -beAntpres-tod. . in
-The - fifth member. of tile Nvi � ilken-
to sell it. Vill pay YOU to-fiail-the
tile blest legislation - passed 'lasi aes-
loarting'somet,hing of thv, law-�, I that
. .
Weddar famify near bas.1two(Al vass,
Suit's market. repoets, for accuracy
si0n. . , : ..' . .,: .* - . I . .
, ...
� 1,7111 govexn� the. prpcedura. or these
. .of
�d�awav 't Vfeto . - , t!
a 'ria hospitil oil Sa -
-shev are. -l1iieqtiaIfe'-d.* $iubscri6v, for..
' , .
. :11Nb one can de -ay that, ipleadi(I
I .
orzanizations. . I . . . .! 1. . I
. . ' .
. . I .
. .
uriday, Typhold fews was tile. cause
. .11-1h1d ss,lutsnct saotti.ii,j: -airl 'un-,�,, at-il
. I .
work is ,-done.by Itho High sell-
. I
Thet neily-Aaw-s co-ine,Jitta'force all
.Of: ail 4-he'deaths, brougp!it oil by pois,
. ". .
. . � .
0019�'altd 'C011e-lage: histitutev, but.
I ! I
. I
Februilry lut, 1907, but the next aiL-
. .
. I I , . .
an�,d wate.r froin d�iid ,,iftd, decaying
. o.
I — .
� � .. ... I .
. .
.. . .. ., , P� , .
lie was at oplition, t1mf, , while com-
. .
nual incotings of' thesg .Orgamizations
frogs. in.. the well. '. I . . .
I . .
11 . . . . Kippen - . :.
mon(lible Vlgifaiide,'.wag showit by Alle.
.1 .
will, be. held. oil the &ttes -fixed, under
- .
- , I . -,
. . .
. I . . . . . .
authorities in-thaimprovtment Of *our
-the old set, ,viz '-filorticu,linral arA
'E, Aannie reci4vo`d alottel� on, Mon.�
. . I .
. -The followhig is the Noxember, indn-
secondary,schaals, a system of drift
. . I
.Township�.Soei.otics on,.January ' 9 t1f,
d rom ,. Chirle,
%Y y SICIaev '01- -Saskat-
thlyi. rQ&,t of '- R. S. �To', A; St*nlle�,,
was pepwit-ted to. prevail in'the Pub -
.: A111d Jjisti:Wt , sociatie's : oft. , ''Jin-it4ry
oon. who left here, Dight-een Years. agO.'.
, .
I . .
th,6- nanies, I bm"tig.-in, oitder I of incrit ,
� I
lie. schools, and' 6specially. in, the rural .
. . .
I .
I I ' " -
61h, .and .th&: usual twot,'.*c-ks.':not�
r the �.ba ance., 6f..
� yt - contained � $ 1 6 f , an
,. . , *. "
I . ..
. N. *.If. . , Jont�;,, I
, ,5th.�-E tta. I Jirro I tt.I
. . .
.1 .
.-Publia 1'schools�, - Aiiyoop- who,.wa,9'giv-w -'
. . I .
. .� .
ice nimt. be a l' loc s,
givei, sit ,al newspap6rs
. mi .of . 0 5, ..�Vhich. lie , ov)&red' - when.
accOt . .
E I,cai . 11 � . . I � . I. ,.% .
lor F. ood.: . I ..
* .
. I ,ct' " - C, .", atab , I' -,
ek.thL Subic due onsi'd ton (n
. . . I
. . . ,
togethor witlf,bills posted hr places 61
. .
11�`Ie.. , .0 s' th,a;t
tt, 'TvIrAta-tinic inforins
I ,. I .
I -
4,th� S ell..-'Murray.pisber, Jas,. -Jai!-,
� I
OW our
' q that jrittly of ' ' rural Publie�
� I
. . � ... . I .I .
common..resort, . . . ... .
. . . .
-otily one, .out, of a. doz
is. the .
.. � . I . .on - who
I . .
� . . .. . I
.rott," I1ena,'TN1cB6ath;, - , � 1.
I .
. SdiGdl�� ' ' Ili' lit .% satis�
4M.ln'ailyl ing b
. .
, in, futute sopietics,*V . ill no, latiget . be,
went 011t,West, who- was lionest, .en-
.. . N
- Ith Jun..-�;Joh.r1.XobI,' 'Oda, � McBeatlf, I
f abto ry. stAte.'. The; sh,prt-sight6ae polL. �
I ,
et . and 11tGwtwfi1p�1,
Imown`.fis "Dig-tf! 1,
Charles R ill g6
ough, - 0 pay. . . -&tile �yv
. . " .
. �
Jas.- Gemincili - : I I .
le y ol. too maily sehool'boards, which
- -
avinpD will
bub,evoky socletk in, th'i �,Pr .
d'%Vn' to pq1,+terity , -I'
9, - . , su ,tbat -of an li6ii-
I -�', I- . . .
. I
.. .
- I .
- ,3rd SexL'-��Cn
. nali :Dinsdale,
.I -
. .. I
has reilaged'laio-remuue,talilon:of,- , Idlo
I I .
. be.: place -d on the satine basis in regard
. .. . - - .. . . . I .
man. ', - , . . �
11. �
--1 . I... �
Rathwall. - . 1. I .
'' . . .
av,L - Public schaof
Nrage leacher to fili�t
Ao :t,,IiLv reccipt, of its govertininlit, gr-
. . . . . .1 .
. �. 1. . . .; . . ..
3rd. Jtin.�Arthur .Jones,' .Lola - Rat-;
61 - t,he umikilicA laboror, aud hus'. driv-
- ,
. anit; and will I receive such giWA. , in
, ., ,. .
I I ., . %
. . . . I .
- .
. I
11well. . '' . . 4 ., I
. . ,
-en. "tIm" male teacher out ot. the, � 'pro-
. .
proportion, La Als expelidituro. for.a�-
. ,.
I . Stanley To , ship
Wn I . .
2tid Sen,4'raak G:oinnidll, Allan
I . .
fOssion, is to ,be deplored,., Svrely no.
. , �
ricultural purposes Uuring'tlle.� past'.
. I . . � � . . . ,
Fisher, Waltvr Melleath. . . ..
� intelligent and thoug,libful ratcpa�yer
thre years,*.as showii by- 0-wir sworn
The, -followhig is tfic report of 8, S.
?jn,d Jun,-Alina Afay- * Ilodd,' . . Ida
will conclude that. the. training ol'aur
. 1. .
-annual statement to the-Depoaxtayelit
Na.. 1 (south) .for, tile, nion-th ,of No,v-
Rzt-lkwell. . I I . _; . I � I
'c iallyi, should be enti!4g.ted
. .
,.ltur,e. . A. definition of:, what
Of. Agrintt
. . .
ember, ' . � ....
� I � .:
. 2,nd. Part-4Vallid at-li, Alex..
- . .MeBe, ..
� .
to s JR. .,their te.ens, Who are ast
be -cow.1dercd 'IF, penditure' 'or
'may N L
5th-NMena. Sterling, Violet Stevens. .
. I � .
... I . .
MoMurtie, . .
ininiature - as he boys - th6niselves..
,Agricultural Ilurposes" Is given !.it,
. ,1th Sr.-Litq Denomy, Ma�guvritc
Ist PA --�G. 'E'. AWKay, J.. '. N.
'�t .
§Oine, 'no doubf, take e wi tat "he
issu . .
' .. I . .1 I . . 1.
the Act� �
. � :
Campbell, Ford. Spar.ks. .
. �
-lood . . 1. I
I , .
. , Anna, Fiqlit!r, . . I
mcthod� ado�pted ,by ther C I'm t
lol--ax " cri,
Societ'i eswilliblo known . by the, natne
3rd� Sr.-�-Lilllaii StGvct-.s�, Georgina
' ' . In
Thelyest spellers.in. the nionithly sp-
. ,
to secure a. more..desirable state -of
- .
and.. place, where they iheir' ".1ast
A!', tile, Clarissa. R,tU6- �
elling matches � are : .. I . .
, ,
.affairs, -butf every' right-thinkilig citi- .
. .
. ' .1�-ld
xtitiv.al exhibitions unlv�s. thv�y prefer
3rd,Jr.-Dan1c1,S.tcck1c, Bessie Tttr-
roft *
5 tlfL--�E tta Jar t, , , - - -
.. . I
Zen, niust, credit Premi, cr Whil-ney
- *
� . . ,
sloina a tAer�, . then' the., new naitie, mus�
't .. . .
ner, Rosa 1;, ue. .. I .� .1
. 1.
4tl� Sen.-Reria, 111cDeatir. '' .. .
I .
I ,and.
flon. D,r,' Flyne with **n app4robb def-
be determined by thelitembers thereof
. -
'. Secenau, Emilia
� 2pd Sr.w-Agn-m
. ..
McB�at '
4th Jun. -Oda I h. - :
. I . � gra-I
sire, ,and at, le&M am, atteirilit''to ..
. ..4
- nd approlre( I -by Jh� 'vIinister of . Ag-
Dctl4[)l11v' I . . I... . . .
- - , * , - .
. 3rd Sen.-Ilantiali Dft%dalo. '. .-
p-plo -witli this- iniportant.ma,tter itnd� �
,u .. .. I .
ricult, 're. - - � I *
. ,
211d . i r. -L k�'ll I - 11, ,8t1'ekIv,- .. William
� I I
Ard 'Jun. -Lola Rathwcll.�. -. �. - '.:
t,6 (16 something to* raise the 9tand- I
. I .
. . %vill Ila'
I Untilek the.n6w Law it I t be
rr.. . I .1 �. . . . . .
6, I .
I �%Itd , a -Walter McBfe%th.
8'a", .
. .
I .
I . .
ard of,'all([4 finprove.-ille toaclin in
I "
I .
, . , -
peri ss�blc for .1 � 178;1 sociat
'nis - .1cyrticit-Itu -
I .'
tjlo� _$to
911d 8r, arl -Orr, I _
, - Pt. -PC, Moil .
4 1 )ir.' and
_I Mrs. J. -J, O?Bticil'of Sexr
theschouls. in which - the. cllild.ren� �Of .�
� .
ics, to, Offer Priz,os, tiv_ competition at-
ckley Isidore De0omy. ' .
. , . , .
silli-th , vh;-i��Cd: their Iriends., - Afr: and
. .
the masses aro. trained for citizen-
. . ,
exhibitiom held uild,er t,hei auspices of *
- P.t-,' J�-�-t Sk.�-Lilliall Orr, . Bessie To-
. . . .
Mrs. Johnston last week. - �'-
ship.". .. .� . . .. . ... � .
. .
J, B. HOOVER. I . � 1. NELSON BALr,'
--- . I .
� --
� � . �
Store-Overfl. 0
. owing. , .
0 1
* ,
�. . . . i I
. .
. .
. . ..O' ' I
W ith Fall Furniture
.. . . . I
I 0
. .. I . .
I .. . I .
. Parlor Furniture in sets and odd pieces - Hall
� � I
. .
. I
Furniture in oak and ash ; Bedroom Furni-
I .
! �
.. *
ture � in oak, ash and mahogany ; Di . ning .
I Room Fur'hiture in oak, ash and elm ; Kiteh-�
. .
. .
- en Furniture in a:nythiiig -you want, : .
. I
his , ow tr inspeciorate.0, show,flutt thd
!net. -easte
. . .. .
. I . I
. .
0 �
�- ! I .
Couches, Mattresses, ITon and Brass. Beds, Rocket q, I �
. Easy Ohairs, - Desks, Parlor Cabinets*, RtAutn Goods
. 1.
, 0
. . ,tilt,
. . P �
. . L, Paper Rticks, Bonk ,Cwes, Curtain Poleu
. I oQkink Glasses.' IN FACT WE HAVE
. I . . . .
. . .
. . .
- . . . . . . . .
I . I I .
I .. I .. . . ..
- Eve0thing Beloiging. to 'a FuFflituri, -Store '.. � .
. . .
V .,
. .
, . . I. . - ,
I . ..
. I
, , - ,
. :.,# . ; . ... . . . . . I
, , , ,
. � . . . . ... . I I . I . . . . ..
.7---��-7-4 ... �-', ............ -7: ........... �.r .... .... . ... -'1---------
-9 .
, .
7.:.: ........
... . .. ... I I I I.; - . � .. Lv.. I . ..; . .
Bri . I 1 . . .1 . I. .1
. -11g. yotir',Pictutes -here to - be fraihbd
, . .
0. 1. .
.. , -'
. . I . .
. . ----.
. — . .
I .
2 -
ff R %ff
" '
-1, "WHW
. . - &0'& 'ER Av `BALL
V 74-4)�54
0 .
�1 .
I . . I . . I . . .. I
I Unde'rtakino* �, I ..onipt I 1.y I att�i . i . ded, 'to .b'�'.- I ni-ht-- or da�y
11 P, , . . gh ' .
z' � �'
.. I
. , Night and- Stinday calls �Ilsiwered a es h J--
, ... . ' . t.'r idence
. , I ... , I � I
. I I , p,incipa I , . .
I . . I
I of e'ither of..the 'r 18 .. .1" - .. T ; .
. . .
0 -
. . � . I . I
� (R4@00 41cg4ledIsesosliml(Rgnel(�)OC,��41"";�� 0 a * 0 'N'
. . ,
. . I . . .
� .
. I
, , i I
. I I
----- -- "---
. ,� . . . I .. .
. . .
I Is , � � I . , .. . . . . , , . ---%. . - '.
� . .
. .
� � I
. . .
" :� .
. - Foot' io '' ' *1 *
. 411h�� easwxa,ble .. W ar.
.. . �
. I , �
. . . I .. I 1� .. I .. . �
I .
I . I . . .
. ..
. . :AT WM.. -TAVL0,R'& -SON'S ? - -:... . .1 1. I ...
..., . I .� .., . 1 . . I . . . .. .-I I.
. � I
. . �. .
. .
. Y6q m.ak'eno.'fiiistake-wheiiyoticoni.eto.us.- We-.a.re '
. . . . � .
I � I . .. . ..
. .
- . I * I .. � I ...,
are headquarteris'fori all kinds offootweAr, '. -'� -, - '.
I. . �. . I . . . . .: ., .
.:; � .. . ;.-.. .... ..1. . . . . . I . . , �- .. . .... -. . . � I .
1 76 -, , .. � .... , :, - k . . .. .1 . . ..F1 1. . Z.. .. . 11
� ., � ,! . I .: � .. . ,.. I : . 1. . .. . 7.ml -11' - . �'.. ...
.� . . 1. " " , . I .
I .
I . : , �,:- . . , : . . .
. � , 1, I Gran * V.; ;
11L , .� -.T. : X141AS., : ,
Ont:Krack � . h �
I . - ....'.....:.. 1. I �. . I � - - :. ..
. . . . . I... ; . . * .1 : .
- I
... . . . �
. " � I
.. . Rubbers -.'.,�. *. , . ., � Rubb
1. I I . . . , .. Ors '. i. --I
. . .1 . � .. . �. AS1110P. � 0, I , I . I .
� ers , - . I .. � .
. I .
I Are the �6est' for �, . .i ... � � . . ... I %ve hit-ve. a. full . .
I heavy vvear. ,. - '. "... .. , - --. . - , `
I . 1 .3 . stoi-k of qrAtiby. Cli. I . �
' . . ... Pe 011i jftiw'1011�e n4dian and' Dai�ty -
We ire'sole agents . stock of English vel- ' Mode Ruiibers. .at :.
for them.in Minton, vet Felt Slippers for pric&, that can',. he - ..
I I . . Xmas Qif ts andmake beat. We will not .
Try a.'pair. . . . - - � ..your selections eady. be- lAndersold." - . I �
. . . . .. . . .. I . � I
. . . .
. . 1.
. .. � I . . I I
. * . . . . . . I
�. .. I 1: � . .
� 1 W6 couit criticism And ccimparis'on .of - n ts, - �
I . . . .. . . . � assortme .
I I . .
I . I : .
, . T1. .. �
.and prices .These are the links that time and e2Epev-
.ence and. our- appreciation -of 'for , � - .
. . your patronage have ,'for, �
. ged -into a chain thatholds trade . and''ma'kes 'it mt'ut-� *
I ually beneficial fo 6 to buy yo �. to' I
.. . i , r you U ots, Shoes ind . ,
I .
. .
Rubbers at * ,. . , ... . � . . . . .
. . . � I . . I . . .
� I .
I . I . . I . �
. I . . , . . � .
. . . .... I . .�. . I.. . .... 1. —,. ..4 .".. .. I. .. 'I . I
I I.. . I . ...... . .. . : . . . I
. . . - . . ..
. I IK50- rT HE OLD REL1A6LE.--!rP* .. - I
� . . . .
� . . . . I .. 1. � . . . .,
, I � . .
I . . . . . ... � . .
� . . I � � . I . ..
. . . .. . % . ,
: & ��.... .
.WM� . . , . . ".
.w... -i-e.VAYLOR L � $ON . ..
L-- ! % .11. .. �.I.:.. :.. ..
s I., -
. .
I agricultural sa-letiw. - Thlean , last ugll� - E"dwill 'Steckle; - . . .
named orgahiiation, ,11OWD'Ver, : May Pt. �,,C,Jr'.-Editla Etue, .�Ichard
Miss Morang of 13 miiivr is, Kisit-
ing ,her friend Affi- J. C. -flar.1'Ous..
Mr. Craig an. dealt - eviiam.tively
with Alie. proposals meant to. be ealr-
. .
11 . . � . . . . - I I I �,
I - .
. . . I ,
regard to tile. condubting ot ganiev of formed, at, the'Prosbyterian. itianse J)y
have, be�% nj6de. more string- Re v. J: A. ktacey. Mr. and 11ins.
use their own 5und-, �tor Ahe offering Etttv, E'limheLli Steakle.-J,A, Cam-
Mr. Parsoiis beld. a, Very slzi�cessflll:
ried out, and in, deal ing wit -it the fili-
* ,
t- 42o,1W-1%V1%�1%W1ft1ft--W-4b,� -%,�%.-%,ft'-%'-%,.qh, I 11.
. '%A,.1%0,%..%W.%,,'W,%,,4
� . �
I Of prives for llort!ie�ltural exhibitv. ' eron, ,reacher, , :, I.,. . .
. . .: . I I . �
, Hereafter prize.,i be, offered
tmle the 28th ult, f1e, was, ounblo to
,, - '
I uell. his - flarin but hopes, to do so lat-
ancial part of* tile .qwMtioit, which is
atitating tho, rural sectious, so'Umnly,
. �
P - I . . . I
;:,: GOOD SUITS. . .. . . .
� �
Ila eatt I - .. . ,. I ,
� . ,
6 " . .. . . . � . . .
. for gradt'nial stock. . I . I . I
U 1. . - a � intends ruoving, to
, or rent s, lie
'horiic,�bead 'in
lie Aelivered a - mass of figures from
.. .. � 1. I.
. . . � . . I .
. � . . : . .
.Ja11%%'Vy, Of- District, Township and - . I .
. I
Horticultural societim, which W i4e , The, C-AAtO of "lanitivi. -."IM114-Oft,
. I . I .
.Sp-�ing iitiallioll and mttl(! 6110,Ws sll� . Exeter I � ��
- I .
his, Saskfi,Leili,wan in
1 -he '
While in,. Nevo.iwa� A -am,
his , ow tr inspeciorate.0, show,flutt thd
!net. -easte
I . .
10111 . receive a special gran I equal to . . . � . .
mprhig. . '
as more al)par..
taxpondittire w, I
. . . .
.. .
( I Me balf the suill. expeaid0i but 'such Mr, A, Q Bobior has purellIaNed tho
it. 'Verry,
which ha,st Local Option, be tiol.M. 'Alicy
, 0
had tile. finc%t Itotel, iccommmat;W11 -it
r , 1. : . .
rent than r af. .
I .
.. I .. I I 1.
I . I - � ... I
I . '
1 Pln"CES
$' CH13AP
sum sliall not ox6cd ,�50- Whera seed farni of Mr'. north of the
I . ..
. I
I � . I
I .
. . . I
1! `1+
.1 �.'i -1-i # 4U. 4. ,A-
C410 - tunel I ..
. .".L
. .
. ,a-irs, aret oca, the ,iiax wm(,wit�,, , � s,tat 0-11 KIM, WCSL, 0 ta . . . - I . . . . . . . . . � � W i
be ,02,15, . contains fifty four �acres. N ay, the 2nd. filot., 'tho Rev.. I . - , - --- I
. . � I., ,, Mr. Bottler '. Or' SuIld . � I . . .
. Societies in -vesting ill bor&vs,�eattic i,ntcads going into the cultivation, of Ben. II.- Spenst� of Toront I . .1 ** I � : I . I . � � . I . .� . I I . . . . . . I . I
S-11tep Or I %vville, for the Improve,mer-t all kinds at ve��Qltation suitable. for a Inagnificient address on.Local 0 1 $ . 39 flen's,sults to clear at Each $3.50. :
ar- I . . . :
I of,sWck, wili revoil'.1 a grant. ranging manufa-Ultring in the Canning factory i0111-111, the MothodisG church. His pt- ForC ughs � We haVe placed th I
� from $60 downward, for exch rogist- Dr, Alice. Augusta, lIoLlIand,' tidt-'st, .gullylent's wt�re clearl, coniv,ilicing ,and . I . � I ese Men's Suits on W80parate, table to put
I ored inale � anhilal in these classes. ,,dku,xh,te.r of Mr. and Mrs. A. irotlan<li cohelusive, giving ittit the inX mst� . I � . . away from us at-, soon as pos8lble. Sakne of' thorn were expensive
No; society sliall be ent4tied to re- of 1,,'� . trip, ion . we'are all craving far, -On. Frid-ay� . . - : - goods# but thev are slightly ont of styleond must go a', a sacrifice; 0
- , xeter,, an, Nov,clinber '281b N,va ZA They cannot last long as they are it, Sizes ranging from 36 to 42 inj - I
I . pon." . 4,h 1 -7,0, , � i I .- 11 I . ,. .
: an Ci� . I �
8 . �
celve a grant, exceeding 'Pow. top arlue 01 Mr" 01rumer N1, 10V 01
"Under Lhe new Act rosteictlaw in Shelbyville:. 11"hei Ceremony N�m per.
b � . ., X. ��J, "I
� BIAI-10 11'resbyterian, .churob aiid: all
I .,
' , . . . NAWWWWWWWWWW .
regard to tile. condubting ot ganiev of formed, at, the'Prosbyterian. itianse J)y
have, be�% nj6de. more string- Re v. J: A. ktacey. Mr. and 11ins.
who' have any doubts as to the ad-
v1s4bilfty of having, Local Opbiogi. in
There Is a rtmody over sixty
chan,%., . . ,
ent. I . Yos.t. will sl)vnd .'tlee wtattr mwiflist
Staln]OY Or ailYwherer rIGO should, llear
years old—Ayer's Cherry
. The annual plectings W be lield ill In (1u.1)a. . 11
him. Lt-tf everyone go. It iv worth a
Pectoral. 01! course you h1kile
.Ja11%%'Vy, Of- District, Township and - . I .
. I
Horticultural societim, which W i4e , The, C-AAtO of "lanitivi. -."IM114-Oft,
ten�mlle drive to hear his addiress.,
0 -it 8 tifty, Doc.-Oth., Mr. A. T. coo.
hard of ft*pr0b.jtb1yhgvc ugltd.
last titnt will be mlvenod under tile who disappe.amd from the toWn,&hlp
pet. ot C,iiii,to.n, will -preach LO&I
It. Onct in the fimilyi it stays ;
i .
4 - - mosb il111y01:.t,a11t of Usborivei in 1806, -Will be t4vided
Ace Ac" wilCl)e the
- hodivt
Op'don, sermons ]it Garyhco Met,
the one household remedy for
ing btt-li
ollol in flm history the'lleirs, lie de-
'of the0c argalli. a11101114 bm
Clare(I legally ("d. No M8011 I$
church at 1.0.30..4, in., in 81aijo preg-
3 in
coughs Sind h9rd dolds oti the
74tion,si All,'''Who' are interested in
byteirian Church at p. in. and
. .
making of pAnial 11rillortance tbj� cdlt- knowit why Iw-,dlsa,l,rpearM aml no
Saublo Line church at time, of elvell.
chest. Askyotir doctortibotlt�jt,
- -AcC` of him has been tomlit . �
cational features these socielies,' tr .
ing sorvice. Otlier wmk niglkt, Local
. .
"r hA*6 b6d 00UMAO"14 AM* times, and
,.il1g tho -quality and, ,,An � OXhatige,iell% of A. ueWspaper
and in imp-ral .
Option ineethigs arranged, for, with
I -
, AYW2 Oh6rg? Poetbral b" brought meattl
through,ps4 time.. r hiv. JUN taft'.'ro.3
.quantity of the,pro.&Icts O,j t�ll.o fa�rlli, r�porter w1l'o, IntVviewed thirty ,,.:,uc-
baineg of speakers are : Sauble Lin -a.
fro'" '01 Ir"t -14 ."YAGMUN
W..d.r V al., t1T*01VH11618
factory and garden, shauld attend th., cessful, busillelm 'Antn, and - fo,und i'Asit
church.,'Dec. 11th, Rev, D., Urquhart;
liolut, WIL I . . . �
- - - , , , i - - -
v.,10 ntov,fings on Jaiv-,ary 010i. and 16bb., alt of flitffl,when boys had ti -en gov-
114-flaKfeen Presbyterfau elturch, Dec�
--it"* I V 0. 1W U. X"o;
Copfc-, of the, new Act got'a"I'T1411p; criti'd st'rictly Rod frcqutnlly� filraNli-
13dr, &,v�,,. nmwn .and Da,vidson ,,
is . a .;
Agricul 1,111 -al Socif U08 lila� lie, hall On vd, Ite also interviewed fibirty l6at-
Mil. Loeldt� Wilson, ers ano' learned that, twonly ,,even of
Grassick's sphool-houte, Dee, 17th,
Rovs, Davidson atilV Smwers - Goshen
... I
" , PILL&
Am rs
application to fl.
Superintf-it�1ent of Agriculitilral andl then% ba," beell I'maninia's darling,"
Methodist 0hurch, Dee. IWO, Rov. D.
I ,
- I - I - I I I
Ayarls pillS Inar I �
Oboe th4s activity of
Horticultural Societies, 11arlianloilt'lai-d tile other three had been reanod
1 1
t7rquhart, All weelmilght. n1tvIi-11-gs to
Buildings, Toronto. by tlidt giwidniathe . rs,,
.begint at 7.30,
. �
. the llobts and thUs aid t000very, �
. �
� .1 Our Chesterfield overcoats . � .0
� . . . .. � 0
. Take Well.' . I.,
� . . . � o.
� If You want A new Overcoat at $7, $8 or $10. 10 � va (6 0
1 . a Aance to fit. one on.. � . 0
I - $1.50146ri's Tweed Trousers forr $1,2r, 0
" . I � �
� 1 $1,75 Men's Tweed Troust-ra for $1.5o . 0
I I , .
I A special Tweed Trooser, in nearly all sizes, tot *I � . 0
. ., I
� .
. I I -
I . AN rangeof9en'sSmooks-at5oc. 75c, 1 00. 12S, 1.85,1.75,.
1 2-0(i- 3-6C h50, &II good 'h*?AT,VY` VA11108 and most of the,rn lined �.
I and flt f.ot, cold wonther, . . I . 1. I I
i- .1 I -11.1 11 . -..6-— . -6." �
I ' . $
1 1 1 I �
I I 8111006,98ors to M t U yTH, �
� A*1160ftl'46 440--�110~%.'Ob, *A-416- 11%0, A%��A%�-Vb ft,lft� 4Q��,90WAW ,M�"WW.W
I . . 1(
, M