HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 5becembet1131;
The Clintc4 News.Record.
Fcior. the Holiday abd ..ChristEnat Trade:
We have what you want. The newest designs in Gold and Gold Filled Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets, Lockets, Scarf
Pins, Cuff Links and Pearl Jewelry of all descriptions.
Our own Watch, made especially for us, is a winner. We also carry.Waltham, Hamilton and Elgin Watches in all the
most fashionable sizes at a popular price. Swiss Chatelaine Watches in the best designs.
Our Stock of Silverware is most compIete. A fine assortment of Silver and Pearl Handle Knives and Forks in Cases. Ladies' and
'Cents' Umbrellas in abundance. The largest range of Jap Pottery and China ever shown in Clinton.
Call early while select ons are good. All goods sold by 'me engraved free of charge.
We Re COUNTER, jeweller
=FNMA MOW nit MS feNNERSInnanett
eassarizosearszin suaranronsmasrran
The Countg Councilhas given Witighain
buton: three -occasions. they •
Hospital a grant of $500 and Coderich
$1000. It will now be in order for a grant
to a centrally locate(' hospital,. at Clinton
The county council met in Gaderich- fifty.thillars as a ChristinaS gift.
• Mr. Robert McLean, the always•ac-
tive• representative of GOderich, and
Who never neglects an appor:unity of
getting something, dane• for' his' own,
tOwn,introduced a: motion to. build a
Aast walk with a full attendance • of
rho members.. - This being the last ses,4
. sion of:the council as at present. con-'.
.41ituted, it was of especial interest.
Mr. -Donaldson, member of the
Perth county was present and invited cement walk aratuld the. cotirt„ house,
to a seat on the, dias. Ile gave . .a on the. county property. Mr. i‘14-!
•;briif addresv, touching upon . the ear-. Lean'•s• motion caeried, of Course. It
-dial relations existing between. the. is very seldbin that lie eeCei)•,:n a sit -
1',o eounties. . . back in mattens. of this kind. . ', • ,
The Huron & Ontario Railway Com- Veligiaus• services at : the !Italie ...of
;pally n: aria enquiries regarding a pro. Refuge 'have It.,retofore hem conducted
posed railway, and the county • of, by the- ministers of Clinton,- in • then.
1 falton enquired I', spec ting..the admin.. 'They have given their service; Vedim-
is/ration or justice - , ..untarily and the .council 'to:a% the
The Childrim's Aid Steletyl sent vi" that the'y bad beat • somewhat
in a report, as also did Cat Young, imposed Upon.. Aceordinp,ly \Own
commander of the . Huron Regithent, Mew:Yrs. Cant -clan arid Mackenzie mo -
the county'.• pride. Beth 'communica-: ed and sicended P. • motion. appinting
tions were ).ent to their 'respective ReV. Mr: Wade chaplain at thy mo -
cam mi 1 tees. .• : (lest salary ill . fifty; dollars, it' went:
The count solicitor rePOr tell res- through • without. mitch ospPoSktioi.
pecting trat,tion engines . Which make •Mi.', Wade will. earn. 7111S. Matra •by pr.!
altogether too .free ase of the county storming. the burial sersice. over . thwe
bridg.s.. They 'are regthireil by . law •sto of. the •Protsestant. itunat:es who, pass'
carry planks with them far use when in their cheeks, , Peoviticd. of 'mania,
crossing weak bridges. Many of them that the bodies ' are no: ..oent tO
fail to comply with this regulation, their frirnds for lutrial; It a member
• and are thus ircialeving ••themselves of .the Kaman Cti,tholic Church dies in.
liable for damages. if an accident et.- Die flouSe, the Rev. Fath4 Hanlon
curs. • • will See to it that he or -fillev 11.8
The disposal of lot eighteen in the case May be, • will be Itad aW04"...wIth
coneession • of Mullett was the Viten of theChurch. . :
(tiscussed at length 'and 'filially on• nio- Warden SPaekralan; having to a con-
firm of Messrs. Ishioter and Ferrk, s;dcrable ext. nt litit instumental in
'the treasurer Wa: 4 instruaed to ad- securing to the tounty some thirty n
vertise and dispose of the lot by"pulo- Six hundred dollars fa.' the maintell a•
lie action in 'the :town of Clinton. rw:, of our House of Refuge and hav- at
It will he sold subject to a reserVe ing been at considerable • -expense
bid, in so doing, the pintail recagnizA 6
On motion of limn's. Miller and •his SerVieeS by granting him fifty dot-.
Cantelon, the House • Of Itefttge by- tars.
:laws were amended so as .to be More . On motion of Messri, Orville:1 . and
in accordance with. the existing state Perris, the mayor of Clinton, was no.
•of affairs. The 'louse of Ilefug,e cam- fified that lot numhti: twenty flair
mittee together with Inspector 'l'or- situated on Vordwich s.reet had bean ot
..rarice, Clerk Lane and "Alf. 1Shister fransferrtd to ,,1 he county and fly Dv; an
'were appoint. d to do the work. _ft del' ofJ ..1.0"e Iit had been s; id. lt , p
'long to make •the. required ammo.- in lieu of rent 'Pa" laSeS for this yr
'men t s.
:didn't take these rt• xperienced men will have to ls vacated at 0111e at d 1 '
InISI be paid. • ell
Seven ratepayers from -the townshi )1 There was quite a .wrangle a •er the
municipality of East Wawattosh, poll-, four *sointions In finally settle the
.of Maerio and fill' from the adjoinho 1 Port Albert bridge aril it took fully tit
.1loned for the formation of a, what)! I matter. It was decided that tire co gt 1)1
section in the Village of 1.361gfaved.01 repairing tiler bridge be included in 01
limn. Nitric and .thnstrong appear -1 twxt. year s estimalvsr, tr
Id' before the council in support of ) DII. SIIA WM PEPOItT OF' TIM tj
the petition.
fl')'sI' 0 US' E OF It E' V VG .P. . ill
The Iltivon• Poultry Show, whiCh r
• will Ire held in Seafarth ja vialtakulry, 1 We are just haw. able to' estimate to
was given the usual grant oT 1 winty j the value of the new addition after a se
five dollars. ft is supposed 'to be 1 yeaes ocCupaney, The vitro, wards
worth Hutt much 'to the taxpayers cf for .the isolation of sprcial ettf!eS has at
!Won. ; added very niceh to the cora a.,1 of w
Mr. Donald Pat terson, the county all atul the prevention ( 1 11110:tiaa fa
,engineer, receiveS a stated Nalary, but The hospi .01 part has beta liaXril 10 (11
he has a good dela of running about its ulthoi-A capacity. The gyrating is
U) t) do, and fire couteeil being in a g n:•• roma bo:; been used some (171 I Ix ce
crotls mood it granted him 41.11 extra, nine 1 im, 0 tet41 I y fur !Limn.. opt Ira- th
were major ones,' • and, I ant 'pleased •MITTEI•;.
to 'say, every time succel.,sfal. There • ,
have beet) fourteen. death.; during the ' We cannot •see. .our way - clear to
year, -the average age being severity 'give a, gram! to •the Muskol,a sariltar-
nine. The causes . of ..1!:....a.th Were : two , fum, byt.. would •strongly recommend
eonsiimption, pnettniOnia two,' cancer' • it to the. favorable. Consideration - ".ot
,twe,. .a.poph•xy .'thre...t, .olti age .tw.0)„, ex- 'the, incoming council. ' ' .. • •:, . •
posure •orie., • ik'ar t.:- disease.; t Wo .• One. : ' We :. ...Arnold,. -vecoininertil a•giant' : Of
had .bern :an 10 11111 thirty sit- *Mrs, ,Obe thousand dollars to the •.Wingliant
00c ., five day,S • and one seven'. days. ItOspitni as .,on as the buildIng Li
A.11 carne .in a Moribund condition: , j. cOmPlcted and ready • for oeCupatioa.
. .
. s s . . •••• . •. ..' • -- - ' . We would...recommend ..an extra
REpoRT liv FIN.:i.(...,i,j. cum*: '.. gram • for Continuatien Class wark:
.. . . .
the: same ai• last ,year, ' It appears `to
• .• '- ' MITI'EE,
• ' . , • • • • - vii . that tlu. extra gr.ant, given by the
• • Vi'e s as:',•ise scompliance with the ee.. (10vCrItnit.tit goes only for equipment.
eser, , of Judge Doyle -relating' to' Ute- We. feponitiiend • that William Mc -
'payment of •(..rve• d011ar and twenty' Cfeastit, ettretahar of t'he county .bulld-
five cents to tile .Childrenis Aid •So-. IR•gt• 'reeeive an increase, hi his salary
piety. for •the maintenance *of Marguer- Pt llItY:(10110•1'!4•• - • ' '
• . . .. .
i te- Richards and. •Frederick I-lienry.' . .. . - . . . • '
We • • also:advise payment • to . the .• -•
. .
• •
sane Saciety. tht. same arriount• • Per-) • . ryi d' . . • .
Wevk for the • it.. (1 ci the two Picot 1 • • .4,,urielk• . . ..
. .1. Titty auction sale of the tiiagericli
. Bessie. McLakt a. neglected ebild not estate wa.s • •Well attended, alui th'e.•
under the care of the Society, l'is prices obtained were fairly good, es. -
honor it ed paY in en! of Oa) dollar .• •
sad rittY coins Per week for her =hi"' purchased. the twenty five acres. of
y• Cattle. et net
Jena/lee. . ,
• 'swamp land 'for' twenty seven hut -
W e P 41114: lit '01 0116 ' d9I" re;t1 • d Q.1,1a los.• INoi land
tar: and. • t.Wortylive coots per week
in Ilay • tawnship,..bat the wood • has •
for' ti J. •
• , been nearly • all taken 'off it). and it .
will be pseless for crops for some
1 lumber :to an an p rove,t1 ((1St er home. • •
90011010-d I • P r t
years .1.o (.1)Me.
. ' • • I The Act asse • b -the Ontario
• Government last. year regulating the
.We Tuct in 'Kepte•nilt,r to confer :width of sleigh .runners was repealed
with ' our solicitor' respecting the last: session, as WaS also the pawl'
transfer of certain properties • front heretohire given • eouniy councils .to
mates to ti)e county. These matters legislate 111 thc matter., There is now
have ea tied the committee mat - the no set rule foe the width of runners,
Wardell eookidaithie trouble. - and builders can go on 'manufacturing
as before. • . • ' '•
Nielson Dep,ottly roc, ntly brought .11.
monster of •11, pig to, the village. The
Porker weighed six hundred) and twea-
tY pounds, • and John Brenner was the
purchaser. • .
John W ret vned from •the
South 11.1vr lumber camp on Mon-
day. .
An teres ng even was o ehra led
at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. August
Plaxbord, 'Zurich, when their daugh-
ter, Miss Elizall'eth„ was uisited. in
marriage to Mr. Michael Meditiger.
The teremony was performed by the
Sehttelke in the: presence.. of a
l*'i(' number of relatives and friends.
• A. KaviS, W. , Green : and J. Stun-
lers were removed to the London
sylum, • thus •relievilq •the
113Si table •ihmat:s.
It affords us much pleasure to tes-
ty to tit! efficiency of the ;ispector,
the Keeper, the Matron and the Phy-
stolen. They deser r.r. much eredit for
the interest they have shOwn •lit Olt
•manag,ement. We have considered the
reports of the Government InspecIor,
11. own Inspector and the Pifysiciall
d approve of Limn, •
We would -advise that the county
gineFr make contracts for the ma-
rial reqoired for planking bridges
is comin„..'• season. •
We wot Id recomutt ad that a new
idge be built at Alluevale, another
1 •the first •concession of Goderich
)witship, north of Bayfichi and a
lira 'at Kingsbridge. In each case
o abniments are to be of cement.
••••: the superstrueture sh..el. %he
lider'S art, to .he opined at the racist
ssion of the eouncil.
WI h reference to. Mr, 13. Vorster's
'vomit, re the Holtorsville bridge,
P recommend that our engineer in -
Ret the warts sunposel to have ,been
811 bv Mr. Porster, alai that 11 he
Sit isited that 1.110 county 11014
iv) d value that be issvo att tirthr In
0 usual w.ly 1 or paymi 01.
The rumor is current. that. the pres-
eat pastor of the. Lutheran church in-
tend§ icaving • before long. • 'I he
zurlcA Seaforth.
S..eins.• •
• to -be . feeling -among. the
xnembert . that 'the 'sierVicea shottld be
biought up-to7date.• l.)k' having • the
nit alt mankind, keep us from all sin
Sunday orating 'services' in..the • • Pn
• , •
glish, language., and .a: .thore Cate
. • .
-.whit • spirit. infused. 'Old Otiturtry
tnethodS 'out : place, and • the
English • language will, Sooner or
'have to be „recognized and, at 'least
.partially adoptee: 'in all German chur-,
• des, in Ontario,---lierald. • ..
Among the applications to be' Made
to the Dominion :Parliament, this ses-
sion is one for the incorporation
Ulu St. • Joseph TranSportation Com -
Pah)", with 1.•ower constrict a can-
al. with a • depth of -eiglitten teet.,•o
convect. Lake Iluron with 'Lake Erie,
and - starting from the eastern shote
ot• Lake- Huron in [turas or Lambtoq
• The': bean growing indtai ry thIS
counties. • - • . • • -
section has assumed, large proportiens
and farmers. along, • tbe northern tiart
of •the. Sauble. Line have obtainkd
good yields from the • seed sown. J
Snider has harvested' about two iron -
dud 'and fifty:bushels thh1 fall. •
Mer o has about • one hundred bushels
and other fanners along, the line, Vase
had • 'good results. The price of beans
• at pr,.;sent• is one. d011ar and fifteen
dent)); per blighd and esually reaches
the one dbllat* and 'fifty tent mark af-
tt.r New Years. . • •
'Jacob, Deichert•sustained a nasty
scalp wound last weeh while shoeing
a horse. The animal g t ruck out with
•front foot •and cut •a • gash 'svhich.
required a ntanher of Stitches' to close.
IThe following is a sample of• one of
the:. prayer chain letters which has
lately been:received through the. post.
°Moe department by a eitizen of Sea.
far t li : ' 'Olt ! •Lord ' Jesus .-We implore
Thee, tn.:- Eternal God, to have mercy
• ,
tup. . ) •
'While cutting straw with ' sarajw-
...Weer and blower on the fatIn; nt
John • Melleide, Mind. Lbw', • one *day
ast week, Mr. Saha, McDreide, jhad
a fall winch might easily have) mult-
i seriously. The blower. pip had
become parte°, and Sam had mowited
a ladder and we.; assisting to put it
together. ill 110111e way tll'o ladder
slipped. out and he was precipitated
to t10o floor below. His presence of
mind .sared him from 'coming Con-
tact with the drive Wheel of the
s :taw cutter. As it was he reechoed
a $Oere shakir.g up but fortunately
no bones Were broken.
Gre3, Township •
Miss Mamie McEwan. of Leadbury
w0s. a visitor at the twine of William
Armstrong during the past Week.
Miss II. spent the past wee't
with her sister, 11Irs. G. C. IlaVtilt-
hottirve. • We are sorry to state that
the latter, who has Wen very ill, is
not improving very fast,
Next meeting of the connell will be
held in Ethel on D,cember itith.
We are pleased to. see Elie Col 11..
around again alter a sr .kore. lila f
typhoid levet,
by thy precimis blood and take us. to
.be 'with Thee -eternally —Amen, ThiS
prayer .-was...sent by •DiShap Lawrence
recommending it to bre-written and
seia to nine•ather'.persons. He or sshe
who. will not do this will. he afflicted
hy. spine Misfortune. One. person, who
paid no attention had a terrible a.e-
eident. He or : she 'who *ill write the
praYer and send it, to nine. other pe-
rsons commencing. • the • day received
and. send one each day, after. the nia-,
tit. day will • eXperience some •great
joy. • At Jerusalem during the Iloly
Feast waS• flit,iti Orrs WII9)will
re -with prayer • will be delivered
ham every calamity. Please do not
kali.the chain:" To -Wow that the
above • letter' is absolately a fake We
re -print 1,1)6 following editorial note
from. the •Letter Leaflet of November,
the) organ the Woman's, Auxiliary to
the•. Missionary Socia y, of the churelt
0( England in Canada, : "Many copies.
of an ."Endless• prayer Chain" Wire
come -to the, Editor-in-chief perSonally.
• and' been forwarded also from several
other recipients in widely separated
diocese. •Risimp Lawrence. has, publi-,
cly • denbl all • hnowledge • of the
matter frequently in several •church
papers and inaga.ziws, and •yet, these
"chains" are still • seieb an la his neMe
This, fact alone, • and • the almost blas-
phemous character' at •the • "letter!.*
should' be •sutficient prevent any at-
tention being • paid to 'the request—or
comment therein. oniAined.•
= • • •
Tablets:";u:ireADNA:eR'uitRIgiL:°stts,RSRI%)aesumrcaRtigsair4, •
coldness of •
• hands and feet, shortness of breath, Weak heart,
. sallow akin, impaired dip:Aiwa; the results of •
! evil habits, etc.
They supply nerve -force and help the body to.
attain normal health in the shortest possible time.
50c a-bo.r. Used with Mira Blom,
Totiii• and Mira Ointment, Eczema, and
the • worst forms of shin diseases are
.speedily cured, Ai .drug-siores--or front
•I The Chem.isis' Co. of Cauada. Lim iled,
; La:St weel: .11feSsrs.. James MeMich-
, ael and Charles Little made what,
was tindoubtedIy the larges1 shipment. . •
of fowl •that has. :ever •.left .Seaforth' .••
I ' anlodating • to over eleven.
.tons. • PrOnt. th.elire to fifteen hands
were. employed for five days Pick- • . .. •
ing and preparing •,the fowl. ..The • .*
•In?nt deolined for Winnipeg.
Mex.. McLaren, • attorney-at-law,
late of Port. Huron,. Alicti, and. bro-
ther. of Mrs. George,...Stewar t
towa,. died in Ililae.):1 • townSliip. on
1110 .10,000 Donk:hailers Who are • to • . • .
be brought. to • Canada far •railroad' . • •
construc that work are :to be offered
1)."ce .transpor ta t foe 'to Canaeo. 'and
a,riation fe
••reptatr two Years
.• ;
Don't neglect your cough.
• Statistics show that in New York City
alone over 200 people die every week from
consumption. •
• And most of these consumptives might
be living now.if thry had not neglectecj the
wariping cough.
You know how quickly slicotea
Eiriatriotz enables you to throw off a 40
cough or cold. •
ALL DREIDOISTat 60e. AND $1,00.