HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 4— 4.1TiT 2 • .1. Clinton News -Record g~04"pwwitotowvileowo,ovtlowwwwwoovow.A•wwwoolowwwwwriowl•wovv ACCURACY PURITY SONTIIING FOR EVERYBODY Kodaks and There is no more plearant or profitable pas- , time for young or old than photography. Get a kodak for Christmas, the whole family -Photo Sii.pplies will enjoy it. Prices range from $2 00 40 $35.00. Ask for catalogue and particulars XMAS RERFUrIES—Imported from France, delightful odors, plain and cut glasa .bottles, 25c up. DRESSING' serrs—In Ebony, all new and beautiful goods, They will be ap- • preciated. prices right. .11A.NICURE SETTS—In Ebony and Buckhorn, with leather cases, ;SHAVING SETTS—Razors guaranteed, in leather case. ' SHAVING MIRRORS—A good assortment. • EBONY GOODS—All kinds of Brushes; Mirnrs, Etc. SMOKERS SUPPLIES—Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases, Pipes, Pouches, Cigars. Don't Forget Our Stock is the newest and• best in the county. Purity Baking Powder gives best -results, Holmes' toilet Cfeam makes velvet skin. Holmes' Tasteless Cod Liver Oil heals the lungs. We have everything you want in our line. W. S. R. HOLMES, NallfIg CheliliSt CLINTON, ONT. RELIABILITY • . , . • EXPERIENCE tevwrio taiww.~"...«"AriAry."64",".". fornAArtriekeeorowivitoWbee!e, Real Estate For Sale G: White of Lakefield, was des.troyed • The steamer Bea.ver owned by Mr. • THE WEEK'S HAPPENINGS IN CODERIDH. The Railway News and Commercial TraVeller says "The laritish Exeh- op, Hotel, Goderich, •does ai big busentessf Every traveller 'has a good word for IL it is the hest conduct- ed Commercial hotel ever M the town., and is highly appreciated by Knights on the read." • M. H. J. liodgene and /lies CoNve an, one of les staff, tett on Tleursday last, for Toronto in order to choose the Christmas goods for the new store. • • Mr. Reginald Herrisote who was ill here for some weeks, has returned to his position as clerk in the phar- macy of J. J. Doyle & Co., • SUM - toed. He was very M last summer and returned to his worie at Strat- ford, too esOorn after his recovery. A. R. Sraitle of Clinton was in town last 'wet: on btisineae. Mr, Carfray Dunlop has ecoovered very quicitly from his late accideet causedby spraining Wei anlae. A, Roy Adams, organist of Knox church is preparing a recital for Ce- ristmas week which will lee A L Rey. Mr. Boyd of Wiegham ou 3rd last, at St, Geoege'e Sunday school gave some five. lantern views of a lugso•trria,eatedt vitchwes."01110,svitienng icItiouploibeLas., Mr, 11. T. Strang, recite.- esLitne1171• barny6a111 y Miss Mope Walters; • nolo by some trouble withthe arc light in elis.s Adelaiee Nairn; valedictory, W. his lantern and the cturent of the Finglapd. Thirteen .o the students incaedesceet light in the S. S. room in the commercial class •obtaincel di - not ;affiliating, he had todispenee lomase aal local girls. The Peter with his lecture but he gave some Adamson scholarship was won by brief description of each view. The Benson Cage for ma,the ties, an by. hymns Sting during the evening were Mise Gladys McNevin for general pro - "The advent of. the King" and "Oft ficiency, in sorrow, oft, in WOO" ; Miss Heeney A• very large congregatiOn .a,ttended 'preekted at the organ. Quite a nem- Knox church on, Sunday evening. Miss be•r of the, congregation were in at -1 McVittie sang a very pretty sacred tendance. • • solo at the offertory.. Rev. J. A. There wee another elideOn ehe north.!• Anderson gave fine: sermons merne bank of the river where the C. P. IL ing and evening, and at the morning dump care had beckeenptying a quan'.! service. there were a great* number of • tity o,f the .earth shooting out • over „communicants, it being sacrament the *web work, put in. as a Protection Sunday. to the bank at thet point of the George LoWe. of Chicago wh& mar - river. With regards to the dispute feed a Goderich young lady, Miss between the C. P. R. and G. T. R. Nellie Vandeelie,• niece of Mrs. Geo. Black,' here, nineteen years ago, died et is enderstood bola roads get room for the tracks they require., and salclehly at New •• 'Volt an Nov. Itileaaveto b t • ecoieitb leibautie- reetetv,ntuotwo ias ineheeg, wall, teviI91 . twenty-ninth.iteroielre. E.. 'R.• Watson is the.' deceased gentleman. sue•p•ort the C. P., R: tracks on their Another brother, Mr. Lorne of Wind - higher level, •sor, deed at the residence of Mrs. E. The tugs Minnie , A. Clark and Sea R. Watson a fe,w weeks ago. • at Point Pelee; Lake. Erie. • sire to thafik all donors for :their -gen- ' The Daughters of the Empire. King have' arrived safely . from .fishing • Rev.' le. . A. Fear of Eetetee ceche:ea eroue contributioes,that it will be gee pulpits on Dec. 2nd Witleltee G.' imposeiblee•te publish a list... • N. Hazen of Godefiche On Saturday lase; the feast oe, the The *staff of the Iledgells ros. sio- •.Blessed • Virgin was solenmized at St. resat Clinton were heye •leas week poter's church; Rev. Fathet MacRae officiating -at two teasses in the to assist mr. II. . E. lIoileens in re_ moving his good S from the ehleetore month*. • to :the new. • .. • • . • . • The preparatory service tar sacra - The Woman's Institute was' .hele on meet .Sunaey at. Knox eberch was Thursday: . last in the meet y. peelers: presided over 011, Friqay . evening lase of Mrs. Tom*. Swartz: s. In spite ofe the by Rev. Mr. Small of Auburn, , icy pavements and •Wintry winds that The secretary of the Peelle • ScIfool blew,. • *about .thirty of. the eeembers boerd recently reeeieed :a letter from •Were.in.,attendanc2. Almost all broe Victor ;Lauriston, •the young Canadian aeght Claietanas fancy eeeefea and 'Mi.- poet,. teet Ile intones presenting ler esed it 'one"- for Th '14liq vier the ortrance examinations a gold Me-. presi.(tenee Mes.. :Magnus. Swans/Pe, in- dal •ceery year to the pupil • at the fanned the members that it the Jae- .public .scheol, who has completed the uary new preeident Must. entire fourth. • hook coiase in. two e - be 'elected' as 'Ilre president, • Ves. .years time, The medal.. will be ere - Lewitt is leaVing • town. The next • seated to the winner next year. meeting will be heal.:at elle • residence . . The 'Rogers' Mfg. Co„ of T.oroeto, of Mre...e. Bedford; A. eate of thenks haee• purchaerd ,the • Goderich foundry, was then given ,t6 .eIrs. Lewitt.- for. end •are •a-sking the town for e . loan 'ner'.co-operation inall their work. A • af •thiety-five tem:sand dollars. They 'vete of thanks wae also tendered, Mt. pledge' themselvee ' to .employ two . T. Swartz:Tor .her kind inVitation to-. hundred hands. before ' the , .expiration hereirome; Refreshments.. ',weee served 61 next .year; , * at r five v. • m. large., create' vase., -- isa-Cetting up eart cif his stood upon the centre talk; ' Which . -farm On the ti 111 R a 1 Mae • town as fillet' ;With 'yellow eery:Mettle- •,l'oes; .... • „ • . • • inunee .. • *'• • * We. notiee airiOnieiome." of the pa, • .. . . . • aka.: Mee, • Ki &art& . wee the repie •teats iasued reccntlye• ant *to Mr. J. pima. onDee: 1st, the birth of • Queen A.. Lavvitt for • Women's and children's Alexandra, of birthday • fa.vors. sent to plain. stockings. •. :•, • e hee Crone' Seattle, which took* .the The c:p:n. has at 'last joitied* Cole form • of . three, cards,. One , deeper. then eoene to Ooderielf; and we hope the the other, aiel fastened, togethee at li•nk will continue unbrokee, as it will eheeetti hand.. corner (101)) With bOW5 ,if thr. old Maitland does •not. grow. eeo of ribbon. •• On the first' card Wes. Orin- rampant „in • 11e srifl.. • •• fea Nov.' 10, 1900, Mister ' .Mr. Welter Ca Good writes moatins •George Evans Pallieter.," On the. * tereseineelet tees from Winnipeg He • cond card—Mrs. Villiane Pallister," recently heard the Rev: Mr.. Gordon, and on the' thirda-Dr. Williem Pelee- pastor Of the Peesbyterian .eleetab. on 1 Portage. ave. Mr: Gordon is better We beg to • extend- car' Congratulate known theierehout Canada as. Ralph 'ions .tp elr., and Mrs.' Alf: Tebbutt of Comma *. and We Witeepegers. are MISS tL.Q1SE A. SKIMMINOS Correspondent. **The estate of Miss Serail leense Taylor, who died recently at Tcron- to, was left tO her sister, Mrs. Doe- glas, at whose death whatever of the estate that May remain, is to be ex- pended, with, the appoval of the in- sipector of Public Schools, for educa- tional purpoees• of d permanent char- acter, at No. two S. S., on the Hu - roe Road, known as Taylor's. Cor- ners, after the Taylor family, who were pioneers of this county. The Lawn Tennis Club held an as- sembly hall on Dec. third, at Oddiell- lows hell. Music was ftwnished by the guest# In a few weeks the 0. T. R. will have the foundation laid for a 1 arge freight slfed an the Judge Tom ee- tato, which they 110W own. ' The annual commencement: of the Collegiate Institute was held oii Thursday evening last. The peogram was well rendered end is as follows: Chairman's address; selection by Glee Club; Pripcipal Fieid's•report; solo by Mr. Gorden Whiteman, club swing- ing, Miss Bessie, Brimicombe; address Mr. Killoram; recitatien, Miss Alice Haegite drill, Collegia,te Inetitute giels; presentation of certificates. end . by fire at tier winter dock at Lake- . ' field, Ontario: ' FARM FOR SALE ON 7111 CON. HOU.SE FOR SALE—THE SENEN • • . • Stanley township, containing ' 115 roamed house now occupied ley Jade- A Church Sexton's Story 'How Mimes Restored Him After •Lcreg Suffering FrOm Bilibusties, : He.adaehe and Liver Trouble: .• . Mr. ;John, J. •Wilson, sexton of Alia Cleureh of Messiah, Toronto, and liv- ing cm Wickson Avenue, has reeently FARM FOR .SALE.—WEST HALF told a press repreeentateve how Bil- . of lot 7, South Boundary, and West eans cured him tee Minnie bilioua- half of lot .3, con. 4, ••Stanley e cans aisse 'dizziness and liver troubles. sisting .of 102 acres, 8 ems bush, Ma Wilson says+ : ".Preetically the remainder seedea down except- from boyhood I have snifired from ing 30 acres ; The place is well fen- Biliousness and Liver and Stomach cod and drained, an watered .by trotebles,. and only recently I was ' • if i r food I acres. -er mile* Irone school, .e mile' from Presbyterian. . and eletliodistr chmtbes and poitofffee,. 7 miles feom Metall and 4 Mike from ; Eippen station.. There are on. the, prernises three barns, .64x40, 7028, litlx28, 'all in good' repair. Comfortable log and frame. house.- 22 •acres in fall wheat. All fenced, 100 acres- well underarained and the remaining '75 acres arained by toevesiiie !chide running through. ,Never fallihg well. at the house with it 'new Braeticira es Livermore Is offered tor • sale. . Good stone cellar, all Winds e .sm.' all fruit; hard and soft water. •Will be sold. cheap; Apply to james Livermore. 46 • pumping mill, .also a never •faeleng spring creek: Frame. barn. This (etre(• Y . •. . spring back an the farm. le acres . farm is situated on the Town • Line, slimed have „acute, pain until ) vomi- ted. : Ileadaelie troubled me. yell good 'bearing Orchard. :Teo limn is two miles west of kippen 'station.. in a first-class state (if cteleieatioh Apply on the premises or addeess much, sometimes - so bad• that I• could and is situated in one' el • the beet •Janies 'C.. Parsons; Kippen, Ont. 32.• hardly see, At ' tittles ,there grain growing sections' . ire Oece • • • . , would . stain •to •be a rush, of seine- . • - ...zy aed :have- even fellen (lo leethe . biliouenese was so bed FARM FOR•,SALE :OR TO REN:a; :Street The- tn vince. Will be sold cheaP.. awe „on thing to my head. shotfiti. tup: hi terms to suit the purehaeee. For furthee ir.formation - apply on the premises or address' Georee Cole- man, Hillsgreen P. 0. 47 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. 2, Stanley, containing rao acres, 10 acres of bush, the remaindeeis well !wed, miderdealned and in . a &cal 'state of cultivation. .1 aare of or- -e chard and smali fruit. On the p0- mises is a two story brick house with slate roof, a first-class farm house, a • barn, size, 44 x80 with stone stabling, a. cement silo 1400. good driving house, pig pen and ben house. Two never -fail- ing wells. This feria is situated miles from litucelleld, 5 from Clin- ton and on od gravel roAdi Ap- ply on thr premises or address Alleeet Nate Centoe P. te, • 02 ' • have been tumble. t� take More 1311 - Lot 13, con. 16, Goderich toweship, cans were recommended 10 hie, .at,fi .1 consisting of 80 acres, e5 acres gave thent ir fair trial. •L'o my del - cleared, balance bush. Good barn ight they were.equal to my' casee and and comfeirtable house. . Well wet, after a short *tree they: Cured' me completely. I now enjoy the best oe health and am free entirely fi•one the ailment:4 which • cameo(' nee so much acute sufferieg Sot so long. BileanS are • worth *their 'weight. in gold:" • • Mines are altogether defieurent . , .to, ordinary. medieine. They 'ere come pounded from •vegetable essences and are free from alcohol, bis•muth, mer- cury, or any of the harmful mineral, Ingemlierets poisons found in so* wank liver an(' • • stoinach remedies. They • Italie the. Attopor of, many • em- inent soien tiles. and .are frequently prescribed ,as a cure for constipation., .pilvs, • an et• stomach, liver and: inte,stn- al. diseases • generally. They aleo Mire: .feenale Ailments, and: . ieregulariates, headache, debility, dizey spells:: heart laine palpitation, hetet Ott:Mese .etc. As a .g016ral. tonic they are tetiequal- led and as • a family . remedy. All druggists sell them at • 50 ceats .a box, or •vost.free teem the Bileme.Co. Toronto, 'tieoe receipt oe theeprice.- ered by two good running streams. e mile from school and 1 mile from postoffice. Will be sold on easy • teraw.—Apply• to T. T. 112urphy, Clinton.. • • • 35 te • FARM FOR SALE.—THE UNDER- signeee offers for sale part of lot 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south of Clinton, consisting of 20 acres. • Good frame house with st- one cellar, barn 3670 with cement basement. Easy terms. — J. A. Smith. 40 • 110t8t FOR, 'SALE A LAP,GE frame ,house on Wellington street; FARMS FOR, SALE—ONE AND A Clinton, . lately occeupied by F. C. Allcock. 7 rooms and pantry, wood - quarter miles from churclf, post-' office, school), , and the village of I shed,' good stone cellar, hard anti Auberre Suitable for gain or 1 soft water, e aere of land. A sp- grass. Lot 27. on the -2nd con. •West . leedid chance for a person wanting Wawanosh consieting of 100 acres 1 a good house. Apply to Mrs. Chid- ed land, 15 acres unaer beat nee* ley or to Mrs'. Alleock, 39 the halance tietely all grast, Al 'kick hotisc, a bank barn 02160, a :driving botiee 24)(30 With a centent ; FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 30 AND pig house tindetneet11; at e oh set 1 Part 31„ con. 5, Buffett, consitting promisee. 'Aloe lot 28, East of )17 aores. 15 acres good hard- Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly Oppos'- I wood bush, . balance under =Hive,. ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres ; tion. Good brick house and frame of Med, 15 acres Of which are bush, I barns. Well "Watered and fenced. On this lot thcreeis a bank been Bearing orchard. 11 miles from 40x130. There are 4 acres .ot good store,. pOstofficee Church and school. bearing orchard on the two farms. Will be sold on easy terms as the I Both tote are well fenced and un- undersigned intends going West.— derdrained. A never failing spring R. J. Miller. Clinton P. O. 14 ean be given at Once. Terms easy.1 . ..ee runs across both farms, PossessiOn Thd proprietor is now past the age ' i to ferm.—Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P, 0 Prompt reply , FARM FOR, SALE.—LOT 7, 13AY- will he given to alt commtinieat-1 field Itoad North, Stanley `1"p, con - ions. . taining 160 acres, good clay loam, has been seeded to gage for the '''"----**-----------.0 past twelve years.Nine acres ready FARM TO RENT; -.LOT 15, CON. 13, for spring crop, Good frame two story house after kitchen. Two barn, one :30 x 70, and tly., other 40 x 50. Good undergrottne stab- ling, wind mill for pumping water. Fife en aercs of bush, hardvvood and cedar. Tronr acres of ot3;ba,rd, POE—SALE—MAME TIOPSE AND . choice winter frt0t. nig property lot on Princess street. 11 rooms, is nicety situatee on the Gravel bard and soft water. GoOd stable. *Road, -two 'and one half miles from Will be Sold eheap Mel on easy Bayffeld tole the same dietanee terms. Also 4 hien of bees and a " number of bee l)0('13.—William Dun- can. ;39 Deceniker 130.1 19064 -10011111.111011M•11011101110111101gial polimom 01••••01,?,m00•M MOYMatidg , SSC PASO HY LEVER ORO/HERS oieree, ?MIMS/0.0NT AS11 PERSON wts0tAII PAO/IS W•s? rills 00AP coNTAINS A tiv /06.1 Qf Al:i1JLICRAT.011 IIMSO4Vt, 011 Ca !OA Ocro Alrf ONIAIOUSLOINICALS PERFECTLY PURE, GENUINEA OHRE FR APULTCRATIONALLKALERSioa 04E0 1 RETURN PURCHASE MONEY FO MONO CAUSE fOR COMPLAINT. GAuAuT1:0,,A0",,,;',,"NDEt Your Money Refunded by the dealer fr 11 •e( ova whom on buy San. ght Soap if ou find any °I. Sunlight way. 5C Biwa and follow directions. 5c. Lover prothers Lienitood • 7rorosato Sunlight. Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is. best when used in like $5,000 reward will be paid to any parson wh• prove. that SunlightScap contains any Injurious chemicals sr .any form et adulteration. eele Dungannon. Master Isaac Stothers, SOU of Mrs. Wm. St:others of Ashfield, has taken a position, az clerk In 13. J. Craw - fold's store. Richard' Ryan has moved into the house which he bought from the Ham- lin esta;te. 11.• E. Manning and family will occupy the house vacated by Mx. Ryan. A petition was circulated here on Monday to see) how many were in favor of having Dungannon, maee a police village. J. R. McNabblis buying large quan- tities of fowl for shipment to the West. Last week at Dungannon, St. Helens and Auburn he paid out about $2,700, representing about thirteen tens of poultry.. On November 28th, a plot wedding was solemnized at the bonne of D. J. Whyard, the contracting parties being Herb7rt \Seward, son of James Whyard of Dungannon an0 Miss Mary E. Smith of Peterboro. The ceremony was performed by Rev, J. Sperling of Winnipeg. •Ooxes for $2.50-, .. Quderleh township . whose wedding . proud. *of him. Among the, Goderich toOk. Place laet, week. . - t friends* which . lee- met' in . that eityI . Mr. Joseph 'Miller, who left, . toWn was Mr...Will. DdViS • who. ,i8 in . the about. eighteen months* ago, • is 110W b.' freight department on on the .C.le.R. easeeent, of 'Medicine HAL ' •• . •I Miss Vesta' Howell is to mark her tither ..tWeittY-five members: • '' . I Her companions-, are aleo ,public eie•-.4- &Clint by singing in.:Christmas we .The Mensetung Canoe. Club new 11..1 - TN V. Me, . 0. A. at lett are eery-• e. me eeies Maud •Tilt', .noWt of• Detroct, lug' to gale meneheee and. we belly 1 Land Miss Fisher, sister Of Miss 'Fieh- hope they will get .good offieere . t0.. er of conton. . . ... .. . . eneourage, our young awn and trY. evade Mrs.. Donald. Cameron writ..s ' from shoW the woild *what Geilerich youne 1 • Brantford te Say that. 1.-m. lateband is Mr; Neil McLean, who died at De- troit, -was for many .years .a Ito tel - keeper -in Hamilton, and was well-. , known elerougifieff ;Canada. , • • .FATA.I., BLOOD POISONING Frequently follows* .t he* use of eheali, cote salves and plaetees. The safeet is the best an,d • that's "Pienam's.," which hae a record of fifty. year's emcees. Refuse substitutes'. for "Put- nam's," which costs twenty-five cts. le every dru.g Store. Ifullett, 150 area, known as the Kelly farm—Apply to W. 13rydone, 42 'men can do, . . . • . Tito Eqwoeth League Bazaar of North street ehureir will be held ift the totvn half this eveneng. - • • , Two• Ceuta:: girls at Hotel:Belford therni°1'n'eter • reeis•terce( • thirty *eke inuet• be trythig, to win a, bet on •how pc:,,r,enessi•dealbeodvea . c..z.nelirroo.rta'11111i:ti•leisa:t scarcely. w-11 •thioatt stand oar climate. On • A westbound Michigan Central train, demolished a rig P a crossing near Rodn..y, 1,i11111g Arch. Patterson and 1. Long, seed the horse. • EVER 11A Vie CRA'NePS -7 Kind of fierce to be. tied u•p in a; .lenot at midnight. Nerviline prey:ate this. trouble .entire - '1y. Sleattord, Ont., Wm. We writes: "Nothing 1 know of will • give Welt- quick relief to (rampe, calla er pain ie the .Stomach Nerviline. If• you feel squamish or sick, ;WA ton drops of Nerviline ,WatQl` and you are wt.]] n.•;.‘xt minute." l'hink of the .protection and eomfort contained in being. cured of cancer. • te. the reVerig. room of the Public Library on Friday evening last • the Kingsbridge. cellent schools- and colleges Promin- ent among thesie is the Berlin 134S- ittess College, e school that has, gro- wn. with ,remarkable raPiedity and is . now one of the largest and. best) in. Ontario. The attendance this year 01 aggregate. fidly 150 students. The. adviertistment of the college appeare in another outman. , • The Pets of the Government Ten million dollars of public money have already been paid the form of bowl:ties to iron and steel mahu- lecturers. Fifteen millions more may be paid. in the next four years., if legislation DONV pending at Ottawa goce through. Farmere, protest against this tab- bery of the fruit e of your toil bar the benefit of the favored. few 1 Mid the most effective form of protest will be found in deluging your' repre- veleta:ayes at Ottawa with letters. —Weekly Sun. Mr. A. Claude Macdonell DiLP, 'wilt ask the Government if it is not pos- sible to secure an earlier daily mail service east from Termite. • A CITY -IN SIZE IF NOT IN NAME. • The town of Berlin .has now al pop - illation' of over .12,600, Berlin and Waterloo., • known as aim TwiteCity,. harve- 16,500 people. It has about 100 factories and does an immense 'vol- ume. of • business possesses ex- Raymond- McConnell of WawanoSh, visited Kingshric'ege friends on Sun- " Miss Annie Redmond of St. Angus - tine is spending a few d.ays :with friends here. . The funeral of the :late Donald Murchison which took. place to S. Joseph's cemetery. here, was largely attended. Nurse WOodruff, of St. JosepliV hOspital staff, Loudon,, who bas been: in attendance on John L. Sullivan during MS recent illness has returned to her duties .in the Forest City. Friday a. et. clueing the •snow .storen and extrout cold went o..vt. for a sl - tight drive around the Bedford Block Nile.. Mr. and Miss Eager are visiting their eister, Mrs, A. P. Shan:era. Mr. and Mrs. Thor* Homey of Brantford, are visiting the former's hrother, :Henry at Nile. The trustees of Nile schocd belie re-efigaged. the present teacher, ,.'Miss• Gray . for the coining term. • . F. 13.. Linfield,of the Montana Ag- ricultural .Colloge, wife has been vis- iting .eere, left again this, week en his refute to the Went. . • • • . Our old town .clock, which has been erratic since e leadysmi.h Day, fairly gave out on Friday lase • W1111 bate arms', minus hat or Imp, Mr. William Matey was married' on and looked so perfectly delighted—anti Wedneede.y of las' week to Miss Eliz- a few days before went down eh sl-rcTi• laughiag- and chatting seeming- ly 'enjoying their outing, evidently ahrowing their gauntlets in the face of pneanonia, diptheria, and their kinared attacke on the human. form. Me. Iterate Johnston who came down, withthis father, Mr. 'J. E. Jo- hnston, to attend the funeral of his sten, has reteteed to his home . at is very often acquired, g r an d f at her, the late Mat thew John, Wier ton. though generally inherited. mist.; Mary Elliott • of Toronto la Badhygiene,foulair,impure spending her holidays ai her mother's water, are among its causes. residence, Leeve\tlyn Place. K is called "the soil for The county commit arrieml eer the court house in the afterneen of Dec, tubercles," and where it, is 41h, riveter earlier in the ninth than allowed to remain tubercu- lwretoforr. Th.: town flag could only logs or consumption is pretty sure to take root,. .1-lood'sSarsaparilla Removes every_ trace 01 scrofula. Get Hood's. For testimonials of reinarkolo Okla rind for Book on Scrofula. No. if C. L Hood Coo Lowin. Wkimi• abeth J. Doan. We Wish the happy couple. many yearn of happiness .• and prosperity.. - Scrofula " • • Winghain.• Mr. and Mrs. Madigan . have had .coraiderable 'afflictiee lately in their home ;• one. of their, children has here ill for some time, '• and on. Saturday et:heir son ;Yam was taleen to St. Joseph's hospital, • .London, being. ill with -typhoid, To • mike maeitare Woese, Madigan has been taken ill.. and has been • taken to tee same -hospital, •. • r. Word was 1..eceilded last, week et the death of MiNs. Ethel Jenkins., daugh- ter •. of.. Jarnes• Jenkins Kalkaska, Mich:, and . grand.daughter of.. Mr. ;Ienkins of the Bluevale 'Road. • •••• . -Word. wee received, last wee!c of the• sudden death . Montreal of Mr,' W be mere:led one tIay of their silting for they came in a W, muy week, but on Wednesday all 1 at pluttstlir of v,veing the rnion Ja0C. Mise Melvor, for some time it tea- cher Our Peblic School, has ; (et en from Verne. Scheel on. the adjoin- her resignation. leg Apple( to MatheW Detest a twnety-five cent bottle of Natilin Miss IVIcEwan has bee*1 plated on Dor 15, Ortylleld P. 0. and get it to -day. (4, stall of the Ventral • - • .Wm. •Griffille, . wholesale *boot and ' shoe dealer • of . Benetton; died • • there . , • last week aged sixteaseven. He • was • a prominent. Forester, • . • • • PROMINENT' MANUFACTURER , Ito Vanleek, Hill, Ont., no. one • be,tter. know that Geo. S. Watson. When he says "Catarrhozone is a. real mire," depend an it being so. "Mly wife," . he writes', "woe subjeet, to bad attacks of throat irritation and broa cheese Matey. remedies were tried but. . feW proved at all useful. Catarrho- emit was different.. It seemed to, get • righe' alt, the tare soot'e • and brieughe . relief: meekly.. We have found CA- • theehoebne an aboolute cure for broi- Chitis and catarrh." Nothing .cures mo.re quickly, so get it lo -day, two ' sizes, amenity -five cts. and •one dollar at all druggisle. ' • • • • • . • Se. Brown, brother of Mrs. '1' S. S. , •Boyle. Mr.. and Mrs. Boyle attended the fennel. The deceased was e 1 Immo business man of Montreal. • The death •of Mee, Fowler. an Tueee 0 of• last week removed. another of the early aeldents ,of this. vicinity. , . Her maiden name was Jane Brown, .. and she, was (he arlict of the -late John Fowler She was a member ef • • the Muevale Presbyteriah e • • • - • . Lawrence Pleard, a fanner of Har - veer township,. Peterborough • comity, - Was arrested. for Severely beating • Dennis Daley., • • A.. QUESTION OFTEN ASKED 'Way so 'many' people feel worse af- ter . taking pills thee before? Trouble; N. that drastie pills are used.. No.re- medial action . is *obtained, the bowels are irriteteed and dreadful conatipae. tion ' follows. • In 'Using Dr, Hamils ton's Pills. you are scexcely conscions.. of hitving •lialcen inediciee. Although neld, Dr. Ilamieton's Pills do, regulate •the, howls. .seinnila,te- the normal action of the gla,nds, and er-6.- ate pe•ither nausea, griping or violent .actiorria. Positively gtiaranteed for bil- ious 'lees , ird ges ti , • stomach,. , and kidney ills,. For a • safe family pill •rely on ter. • Hamilton's', twenty - live cents per box at ale dealers. • Belgrave, Mr. Whaley is recovering lane ail ettacte of :quinsy. ' The sectioe mai at Belgrave are alt: working oe thc big grade, down near London, and have been there. nearly' all summer. George Manua of Ow third lino of Morris is litid up with .a had attack ofinflammatory rheumatism.. Robert -Maguire of the third, line of Morris•delivered in Myth on Slime day a, era team of heavy draft horses to be shipped to Port Arthur. Mrs, Gray, elanghter of Me. William McCrea of Beigrave'and her eon, Willie, hale. a turneel to their lemte iti California after a visit bere several months. . Word 11.15 been received in Bel -grave of We death of Mrs. Robert Riley of Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Riley will be remembered by Many of the olaer mean ts of East Wawanosh, espwiai- ly near the Brick church. Miring tl,vo day:, rft.ently over sev- enti:en Ifundeed dollars Was pale' out for vjoultry at Ileigraeo etation COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR. YOUR SEASON'S SUP PLY 0Io COAL. WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA» DES WHICH WeLL 13E 50141) AT • TEE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT DAVIS & ROWT,AND'S HARD- , WARE STORE Ole WITH • W. J. Stevenson ' e J.LEWIS THOMA ee. ' Civil Engineer, Architect, etre (late Dominion Departtnent uhlIs Walks. 1 Consulting Engineer for "Men - !cilia' and, County Work, lei - carte Railroads, SeWetage and Waterwo&s Systems, What:Wee, Bridget and Re -enforced mt.- ; crate. Pleme 2220 14 0 N D 0 N, 0 N . 0