HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-13, Page 3Clinton News -Record. 27th Rein CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER iotht 1906 Whole Number 145 Renewing time has arrived. How does your subscription stand ? Se .. .. ...**441 Qin" Stock now Deserves . Special Attention :wry*N1,`.NM•arNN•sassi►.•Nl•ft.N• Never was it larger. Never had we a better assortment of useful and appropriate gifts for either young or old. In addition to our usual large assortment of staple goods we: have many lines more especially suitable for Christmas. Cali and see our Stock and Prices and you will be well repaid. La.••••itAboa**!-garu.44tipn iloa.,....4-ea, • HN S .i Jeweller and 'Optician _ Tinton votoolootoolootoolootostoolselooloolooto444.44444444491 Gift, Things For Men 33 44 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 1 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 1 3 0 PLACE quite so good to go for men's things Jgood• men's No men's store any a sasrlc Y d s near hore: ith. a stock•of men's' g s se that are so suitable for holiday gifts as in this big store 11) to -day. Here are some hints and suggestions that may be helpful to you in .your holiday choosing. No lie timeq uite so good as earlyto make selections. House Coats, cornfortabte and dressy at. • 5,00 to 10.00 Sweaters for boys, sure to. please the average boy .,50 1:00 1.50 2.00 CS. 'Something new, undressed. lea- Leather Collar Box thee, green or tan,silk lined .L.50 •. Collars make .a good present, alt shapes 1 doz. for 1.50, 1 dor. better quality for.2.00 as t o an of. The One thing mannever h o many Neck Vies.' a g av r •best stock in the county is here. ' ,25 .50 .75 Silk Neck Scarfs. Very stylish and 0 rt eUcce2,0 0abl2e i0 Knitted. Neck Scarfs. • 76 and ,50 a o ' English make,unlined Men's Glo? es, Fo unes Eng • 1:00 1:50. 2,00. t d t -Wen s Gloves Fowne s English make, silk line .: 1:50 1,75 Gloves, ..Cowne l , r f s English make,- u,:lined Men's Glo g 1.75, 250, , '3.50, , 4.50 Fur Caps: Muskrat, German Otter, Persian Lamb • .Fur Lined Overcoats, nothing better. for a man 50.00. 6000, :75.00, 85.00 Yur Coats, just the thing ; for a man when driving 18 00, 20.00, 2'6;00 to 60.00 Handkerchiefs, tike the ties, no man has too many Mercerized Sateen, fancy'border, 2 for. ,25 Extra Quality .Mercerized Handkerchiefs . - colored borders, 3 for .50 Pure Linen Initialed Handkerchiefs Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, pure linen ,1p, .20, Silk Handkerchiefs, initial 25 and ,30 25 and 50, Silk .handkerchiefs, plain and fancy 50; .75 and .100 Cashmere Sox, fancysilk embroidered black, greys, etc,, per pair .50 Tie Pins and Cuff Buttons, 'a big assortment .20 and ,50 Umbrellas at'rbaysacceptable 1.00, •2 00, 3.50 and 500 Men's Sweaters, great variety 1.00, . 1.50, 2,00 3:00 o eats Fos. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH. The Feast of the Immaculate Con- ception was observed in St. Joseph's church last Friday when: high mass was said by Rev, Father Hanlon. The usual semi-monthly i.*>rvicos wily be held next Sunday. THE TRAMPS MIJ?T GO. The Government is determined to round up all. ` tramps and vagrants who infest the province and are a menace lo respectable young women who happen ,to leave their ]tomes. magistrates is Word has been sent to m ag to commit all such characters to the Central prison. A FOUR PAGE ADDITION, This issue of The News -Record con- slats of twelve pages with several col- umns of interesting reading matter ori every page. The Christmas stories it i contains will be of especial interest t at this justebefaie-the-event season.. The advertisers, too, have more than usual to say. PRINCIPAL TO PARENTS. • AN INQUEST TO BE HELD. It is understood that the county attorney has intimated to Coroner Thompson that ,the reconh birdh of an illegitimate child in Goderich tome ship, its death, and burial without the necessary certificate, furnishes: ample cause for an inquest. It is exp ected that the .,body will bo exuned this week and. the iadlucst be.beld'or. Tues- day next. NO INTEREST SHOWN. No interest has so far been manifes- ted and i oaks mat+Ge a ' t 'ted, in municipal as .if, with perhaps one exception, the offices will Lo a -begging. This is rather. an unfortunate state of affairs as a council abotald have considerable to do with making a town progress- ive. 'It goes without saying that' it is almost impossible to offset - the in- fluence of a sleepy council, DEATH OF MISS PETRIE. Miss Grace Petrie, who with her mother has resided in town for the past score of years, trod on Suaday after a long. illness. The funeral took Principal Gundry of the Collegiate place on Tuesda-y .afternoon to the Institute wishes through The News- family plot in the Constance carnet - Record to inform parcnto and guard, -1 cry, The services were conducted by iarus of pupils that the promotion ot the Rev. Dr, Stewart while the gall- a pupil at • the 'end of .the school term will depend on. the work of the 1uptt during the yeas caiand that absen- ce ren - e4 fram classes will count against the pupil. i Cil: I . R ST. PAUL'S U nin s se rviee ,in A 1stS undo eve At a Y g ,• Sb.. Paul's cht.Lch, a ::oto was rend- . on with cred by Miss Maud '1VIcNaught v wi tier usual acceptance. This young lady, alio most popular of Clinton's solo- ists, will assist the choir again next Sunoa. y„for what iaY, probably be the :last; time as the family ' leave. Lown shortly. and will take their de parture for •the West in a few weeks.• THE . LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 68e, to 70e • Oats 34e to 35c Peas 180 . . • Barley 46c •to 48c • Butter 20e to 21c .. Eggs 22e -to 23c ' Turkeys.12c • 9c ', Geese 8c to Ducks 8r• to 9c Chickens fie• to 10e • Live Hogs i'6; l0,. SU(!iOES'4. 'r(t :Fi.1LD. We have received as copy' of volatile 1.•,• number 1, of the Cupar • Herald, published in 'one of the lusty .' infant t fawns of the new p.ravinea at Sask. a,- sew,s, h chewan. The .publisher is J. R. Anti-- otter known here as Russell. Being a graduate of, this office, where -he was m, to ed three years, and a p Y -native of .1Jne town furnishes :a two- fold. reason for wishing him a heaping 'a.. measure of success. r SHAW moINC. . to: bearers were Messrs, John Hunter, Eph. Ball, D. Ferguson,, S. and — Leach and -Lupe Lawson. A CHANGE • A'P THE NOB ANDIE. An, agreement was arrived at yes- terday whereby Mr. Peter B. Lewis surrenderso lease of the e Htel the Normandie to the, owner of the pro- perty, Mr. S. S. Cooper, the latter to get possession next Thursday. Mr. Cooper would develop into a popular • "mine host," but it is not at all ,• u uness on the s . •rb. likely. he will cat y himself. A tenant to suit Irian is now doubtlesfi what he istow after. Tho •apiiieant will have• to be up-to-date, Dr: Shaw will Move next Week irate his new reeklence. oil •Retbenbui'y' sl - root; ..east." The building• is of brick, „two storeys high. and bi sarroctatue e on. two sides by abroad -verandah, Wil- lett is suggestiv&of mush out-of-door living in the • summer time. It• , .. has is 'all • the modern eoavemmience$ and . will Ape be a cosily comfortable hone for 'the 'affable :Dr. and family. Ilea's wish- iirg them many happy and peosperous' V. years in their new home. NO ,FREIGHT.ON I. II; & B. r.- • he sleet storm of Thursday last ' lI played. the. mischief with the •tetcpbone and'4telegraph lines in some spats of Western Ontario. Along the L., 11. & B. it put the wires out of business for almost a couple of'day and trains. were .run with the utmost care. From Thursday until Monday .there -was ,not a northbound.freight train out of'Loti- cion ,and the merchants-' who get sup- plies, from that city were .getting p'ee- its • well run out,. when. the •scr:,vice wag resumed. L. 0. L. OFFICERS. DIRECT IMPORTERS " : CLINTON, ON7: • The. Sovereign Bank of Canada ' Chartered r y 4ominion'1'artittnient. A NEW CANADIAN RECORD. OctoStet ter bee Carpnal paid-up Iteterve Fund a d. Vn profits Profits Sovereigqn tank Notes in Circulation Deposits )xcess of Aasota over nobilities to the Public 1902 1903 1904 19050 1906 $1,173,478 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,610,478 3,942,710 $ 24A'000 $ ' 3 362,838, 420,373 623,461 1,835,847' $ 759,995 1,237,650 1,284,840 1,550,790 2,850,675 $1,681,730 4 309,432 7,196,741 10,134,209 15,578,9 20 $1,413,478 1,662,838 1,720,337733 2,153, 5 278 557 + er ; gat Oct°• bet q•on Mind tam and at Bankers I3dnde, Debentures, etc. ,oausat Calf Commercial roans and Discount9 Total I,s to 1902 1903 1905 1905 1906 $ 622,774 • 622,774 1,214,812 3,911,842 +816,842 439 863 $ , 718,397 771,0 3 701,153 1,612,831 . $1,680,199 1,777,642 1,5666,044 ,. 7 4,614,06 $1,858,469$3,855,203 7'011,173 0,578,850 14,640,610 . - 020 10,201,054' 18818,938 25,8443,401 Savings Department at all Offices l eposita 0131.06 sad bowarlr ltetxhd. teletext Pahl Far Than a !err. Goderich Township L. 0. L. • number one eighty nine 'will hold its . annual meeting for the election of officers next Wednesday ev- ening: A foil attendance of the mem hers is' • Porter's Hill Mr. Garnet Elliott was home for a few days with. a sprained ankle, but is 'able to bent work again. From present appearances the Tree, at Bethel Sunday school on Friday eycning of next. week will surpass all Previous ones. The children are coun- ting the homes. We will bo disappoin- ttd if it does not turn out to be ono of ' lite happiest evenings of the whole year for them. :Mr. John D. Macdonald has started to work• at Goderich. Mr. Thos Morgan, wife and child tressed through our village this week, having returned from sailing on the Government boat the Vigilant. The C. 0. C. F. fowl supper, held in 0. W. Putter's hall last, Thursday evening proved to bea great success. About seventy five of the Friends sat down to' the good •things provid d aad: aPtrerwaxds there was an: entertaining program. It was a very pleasant et/ - • The aims of Murphy L: 0. L. for the :ensuing .year are as.' follows : ' Master, D. S. Cook.. • Deputy,'Thos, Managhart • Chaplain,'• Fred. Heywood . Rec, Secretary; 'Waller Townsend Ffti: Seorp'tary, Josh, • Cook. Treasurer, W. G. Smith D;• of • C:,. David Steep • Lecturers, Fred, I1i11 and John. Ford Committee, ,Thos. Kearns. Thos. Graelis, William Steep, Daniel LiVer- 1' ii Ford.. Wrote and Vil tat 1)I9ATHI OF SIRS. D. JACKSON. On Saturday last .there 'passed into eternal ,rest, Mrs. David Jackson, ag- ed fifty-eight years. For many years she lived on the 13th• eon. of Hallett where her husband died twelve years ago. A few. months, ago she left the Homestead to her son harry and with her daughters, Palmy, Etta and Mary, moved into Clinton, - taking tier residence on Moron street. For some time she has been in poor health and gradually weakening she succumbed on the date above mentioned. Mrs. Ja.ck son was: a true Christian .pother. and those who knew her . esteemed her very highly, In addition io the dau- ghters at Moine and. her sort harry on the homestead, she is survived by two soils who aro engaged in rail- roading, one on the 13. & G. and the other in the States. The Iatgely at+ - tended' funeral on Monday was under the direction of the, Londe:,boro! Monte Circle of which deceased was a. mem- ber. Mt'rv ieen at; Immo and graveside were eon:ductedl by Rev. W. E. Kerr. The interment took place. in, Clinton . cemetery. ening for all present. Mr. E, L. Farnham, who has been at Mr, William Ellhatt s for a few weeks, has gone to Dundas where he has got a situation. • Mr. Charles Newton is spending a few days in Goderich. Master Willie ' Morgan of Goderich has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. William Sterling of the fifth an scion. c ce " fCo Colborne riT • rn . Cox' o h Mr. and•i... B C spent Sunday at the former's paten - tel home, Mr. James Cox's. IVIr. Charles McGregor of the sixth concession • fell down the stairway in k and re - his bairn one daylast vee see re- ceived •quite severe inli..lcs, but is now ianpraving, we are glad to say: .'Na.one forty-five, i -five is oin' L.O.L. Y g g to have a' Royal Arch meeting on Dec. seventeenth. ' • Miss ,Protidfoot of Goderich visited n ecentl • •Ne t . with Miss -Pearl Newton y Mr. Geo. Vanderburgh, our ,general merchant, has started to, buy . all kinds of ]tides. He pays 'good prices, too. ' Mrs. Jas. Macdonald is spending a couple of weeks visiting in Detroit. - As stated: last week, Miss Milne was to. have an. eptet;bainment at the school on Thusday, Dec. twentieth, but has been changed to a public ex London Road, Messrs, Tena and Flossie Townsend entertained We members of Turner's ehurch choir on ,Monday evening. Mr, W. Archer's. sale on Thursday last was well attended and sales were good. He. sold his team a few days previous tti the sale for 050. Mr. Areher is a lover of good horses. as the price would indicate. The people of t•he London Road will re- gret tire removal of the family from the Road, Mr. John Armstrong of the 2nd. c t T 1 ' . 1 bought the Mc a i farm on has h •is g from Mr, Herbert, the purchase price being l5800, which is considered a bargain Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Elliott left on Tuesday Uxbridge attend the 7 e day for U bet ge to a en wedding of the lather's brother, The members of Turner's clrut'eli in- tend holding a Xmas- Tree entertain- ment ve. • net io I on ', i r o f t The i Women's Missionary v S c et o V a Y Brucefield; met at the home• of , Miss E. Waldron on Tuesday of last weep. The many friends of Mr. T. Elliott are busy extending congiatulatio ns these days.. A large reception was. tendered the happy couple last Fri- day evening at the home of Mr. and Wee. D. Juator. of Clinton. Miss •Sara Nott has returned to Seer home and is visitirug, friends in Bay- field at presen't,. . i Sarniaspent Johnan w th Mr, L e of' a couple of days with his brotarer-in• Ian's Mr. Thomas Waldron on his way from Mainiteulin island to his hone. Mr. John Walker of Stratford is the and Mr. R. Rainey u ' 1's'u uncle es ofu n c guest ether friends in this vicinity. Mr.. and Mrs.. Chas. Layton .were in Hensall on Sunday last. - • • . ' School has been closed..for 'a few days . this week owing to the. illness • o li Miss Jennie u• popular c.i of of pp a to , Grant. . • • requested. • antination. Everybody. welcoire. • The. followings are the officers of L. • MS. 0. «. Potter is -again *I Went: 0: L. NO..30:4 for the ensuing terns Master, Robert Hanley ' Deputy, Geo. A. Cooper Chaplain, J. R. Sheppard. a main, his apprentice* having. been on the sick list.. Mr. Jas,. Harrison. (thresher) has ,a pleasant smile these clays- Another Rec.-Secretary; J. Thompson e: boy graces. his home.. And the same Fin. -Secretary,' Wilfrid Thompson can be said of llr. Jas, Ii, I•Iairisen. Treasurer, Arthur Cooper. •• of ,C., II. Johnstone . Lecturer, John Marshall • Committee, G. Miller;. W. Cook,, I1. Perdue, • A. Anderson, R', E, Thomp- ri o r • iss Rose 1 ebbutt of. C dorich Wee s. i i among the, guests at' the 'marriage of her cousin, Sir. ,Alfred Tebbutt, on Wednesday of last week. . A• box social. will : he held in school number nine .on Tht :•snag evening of, next eweel . when a good program will' be provided,. .• The township council.willmeet' on Saturday, the. great.winiimg-up •day ' mains, of the Protestant .inmates who,e.looks the better for the outing. .Brown of the year. . . are summoned to that bourne' from t .• Thomas, 'intends to. work fox. whence no traveller 113,s . ever rettitn- Mr, George • .I-Iart as soon as he is • , through at Mr. Graham's.:. • eel: His Maj - The bylaws cif 'the .House of 'Refuge The contra. of carrying . Maj - The revelations :sty s mail freak 'the poptoffice to the have he:u revised and therailway station has been, let to. Mr. regarding admission made mare st'riet, George Hart. In future every application Must be` Was• laid to -rest in the person... of Mrs Mackenzie moved last week to ;.. Jacob Diehl, • who had ieac'he•d • the accompanied by two signatures', the Clinton where tier son is one of the good age o£ . 'eighty -Six years. His reeve of the municipality' from whence ify• death took place at the home of his lthe applicant: hails and a • friend , or p i :an eters of the Bon Ton liver relative. ,hiss Mary Mustard has resigned her son; Mr. Valentine M. Diehl of the 1 position in the I{ippon post o fl'i 2nd. con. Mr. Diehl a A • CHAPLAIN APPOINTED; ••. The: House of Refuge pow. has a full-fledged chaplain, one: duly appoin- ted 'S .la salary. The ' a 1 and on. pay . i i • ham• are the duties, verytat but nett .. -great, , onerous. Rev. Mr. Wade, is the in- cumbent, the county council having selected hint lett, week. He is to >• - .wive fifty dollars a:year and in ere-,.turr. therefore, is to conduct.a servic every . Sunday afternoon and • to • 'per -- form per- form thee burial service .Over •the re- Brucefield • New Advertisement*, Gi'fteTIdngs for Men—iiodgens 13ros,,,1? Deserves Attention -4Y. l3, Hellyar...1 Christmas Books—W. eOoper & Good .Suits—Poplesibon & GGardinex,..4t Seasonable Footwear—Taylor & Son 9; Furniture preseatla--J. H, Chellew.,,5' A Few more Days—A. D. Bcatonil.,,,..5• ' Stall A't It• -Gledhill Bros 5• Y Feed far Sale—W'. G«rSmi th..,...,..,.t.., For Sale -•-W. J. Biggins Auction Sale—J. A. Cudmere ;x• S•txay I Rifer—A, Dunkin.................:Cr• All Ready--'I3'ad•gens Bros. 8 We Ask You -W. R. Fair Co 8c Begin Now• -••.Tozer & Brown ff. Ngiw- for • the lode --Newcombe s 9' Bayfield. Mr. Richard .Smith has taken up> his resideaier hi 11r. Georges Lindsay's cottage on Keith crescent. • Mr. h . Thomas s Bti m id., is ma i smovingin.- to to the house lately occupied by Mrs Smith, Mr. R. Bailey, Misses F. Nott a }1 Clara Erwin spent. Saturday at tit hone of Miss Nott in Tuckersntith. Messrs. Thomas Stinson and Thom- as Elliott spent Tuesday ab Clinton. Mr. James Macdonald, who is now spending a short while with his dau- ghters. Mrs. Torrance of Clinton, be- fore going to Washington fox the win- ter, in tr e wasin the village • n• a , Monday. L. 0, L. No. 24, Bayfield, held their' annual meeting on •Saturday evening. Besides winding up the year'S business•, the following officers were elected' for ' theensuing P vs - Master, T. H Brownl • ee DeputyR. McMurray • Chaplain, Rev, Mr, Rondo .-S rtt UGreenslade Roc ec ds a y, G. Fla. -Secretary, A. E. Erwin; Treasurer, u J.W.W Tippett as , D, of C., D C. Galbraith L cturer Wi:1Qi m *Heard e a Committee, W. Elliott, J. Spettcer,: R. McDool', Rev, Hinds)* aa.d. •W..Dixon.. This ledge will inept hereafter.' on• the first Wednesday in the month. • Miss Carr visited her parents . on Sunday. Thomas . Carr and James' Williams 'have quite a, number 'of cords of wood' to cut, but on ' account of the bad weather have not made muelk pro- gress. • ld his rite.' Robert illurdoch has so. driving pony. to Mr. .Robinson of the Parr Line. . • . • Quite a • quantity of" sugar beets have been shipped from Brucefield station the Past week, A large number of live hogs were. shipped from Brucefield last Thurs- day. George Swann of the Clinton G. T. R. station is holidaying at the` par- The township council meets. on Sat ental home here. urday• • This' is• the big, winding -up; day with an .. i • fn, u 1 d uday. it certa, is ayear nc, boa Wee. W. Rouattof the a a p Y ' An ' ' head.rer caff k of isa ci lit r o c N. •the ba hi f t1 m i. cos on• C1 or no. n s abs pa y Y in been attending collector: The alc a has c 1 `d t' r. r v tothe o doctor r c outst t; o og f am the, cc hint. •taxes arc' coning in well and it is -Miss Rosa Young has gone to,Lon- expected that :our :worthy treasurers nursert the 1 i •i •1 awilla to report h to as'Reid,be b r' , .a nt a os fen c e don top p in -training. fund,. nearly all 'i0. Rob • .Hothani not being wets well, Mrs.. Adams Ace as sire home • teem visitin friends on the Gosh- Rob. osh= of 'her mother, : Mrs: -Weekes. of has g.. en Line, -Ste:ley, for a' few days: the Parr.' Line, `on Friday. The tun.: °: oral took, place. on Sunday •to ..Band's : : cemetery and .was largely attended:, The services. were conducted by: Rev. Mr. Browin. Mrs. Adams had. been for several months and is another vic- tim of..the "white plague.''' • , : On Monday another .oi the -pioneers: Varna: . The .township board 'of' health , coni seting. of ' Reeve McDiarmid, • .Clerk • • r i Rogers, m Johnst II novel Dr. R Jal a one. John •Manson and' Thos. Baires net on Monday and wound up burin'' ess',for .:this year: Thero are no testes and no :eaidennies ,in Stanley so' • the B. of H. hats •had little to •iia ,oaf late. • A. Mr., Downs, • a returned missionaryi from India, will ,address a., meeting .to be held in •St: John's church en _Thus rsday evening of this'esr ek. MANY ,tIAPPY RETURNS. REV.. J. GREEN. .. IBortt near Ilainiltos , this li•rovince, on December 11th, 1833, Rev. • J. Greene was for over forty years • en gaged. in the active ministry, of the Methodist Church. Ile is' now on the Superannuation' list,, but his services are so often called into request that he••is almost half the time on duty. and doe. not health a ' sgood lino eat o 1 Y by any means look his age. Here's hoping that he may enjoy many re- turns, of his birthday. • Rev, J. Green leaves on Saturday for Markeale to 'assist in the opening services in leonrection• with `the now Methodist church in that town, Mr. Greene's connection with Markdale da- tes hack thirty-six years, When that now progressive place was a mere hamlet called Cornabus. He was the first Methodist mini ;ter t'o,be( station• od there and it was during his pastor- ate that the first Motshodist churclt was. built. Ili, field of labor extendieg over two whole townships and in ' those tinter there were no roads to speak of. The church in which Mr. Greonrf will assist in opening, is the third successor to the one which he, •built. The first was destroyed by an ineend. iary fire, the second beeamer too old fashioned for the fx)ngregation and was replaced by the modern ehuroh witreli was destroyed by fire in Dec- ember, last, year. The present, very handsome structure takes its place, Mr. Greene will be accompanied by Mrs, (Dr.) Thompson, who has a num- ber, of friends ii J W*- cc. was ' man Of a, . week • The minty • council of la t • Mists Sinclair has been visiting her • staunch integrity and much respected consisted. of sixteen inembers, but aunt; Mrs. Geo. Hill, and other that . which will assemble ins February I friends in The. neighborhoods for .a • composed • of ..a , reeve nest will hefortnight. • from each of the twenty sir liiulticie Mr: Geo..Stivann wa_ s quietly mat - panties, togethet with a deputy 'from rind last week. The Presbyterian •de- rigcClynnont and Mrs.' lticltard .Peck; 'the townships of Ashfield; . 1-lew c , viii at lieaisall . performed lire ;very ` and four t'lons,, Rev..kTarry Diehl ' of . ,.. ick- . ids . tell n , the a s .der . t f P f Ga i di ielnh o Y. town o George u is D Grey and ilio to important, ceremony. G g cl+. Tara, Rev, Lo in .by a wide: circle '. of friends and relat- ives. His wife died some years . ago. members of his..family the surviving , mombY being his two daughters, Wets. Janus g thirty one in all. ,thing up slick, andi gave marry of us Charles of : Portage La Prair- S racknan will step down a sarvri e. IIo. e ipects to' locate in ie, Man., Valentine M. on the homes - and Warden, 1 and out. So also will Gardiner of the same district; Morrison 6f Sea - forth, Grieve of iIc1U1lop, Bryan. of Grey, Ferris of Hullett and McQuil- lan of least Wawanosh. Iii the event of Currie, Mister • and 14Tackeneie being elected there will be a contest for the wardenship between them. They are Liberals and accord- ing to an unwritten law the position. Neil able to be atound once more.. member of that political Mr. Alexander MeBeath is slowly, goes to ap persuasion next year, Ianison., an se a teed oria 3 'it d to cure position iu + d J' hn at Strathcena Sade , the G. T. there, the latter alone not being able to get' David •Blair expects to, have• to go home to assist in the laser sada rtes. West on account of the death of his The first four mentioned) sons and his brother William, two sons-in-law •-were pallbearers at • Mr, John-ICetchen is now ant the the funeral,' the services being conduc-• Mend, though• . not able to he, out tee. . by the. Rev. • Mr.. Brown, assisted. around,• •. by the Rev. Mr. hinder. The two • We. ate glad to sea Me, J. 11, O'" sons' ofthe deceased, who are in the • litinistry, • are p inastcrs• of the •AtIglie can. Church, . It is expected that the county will only he called upon to build three bridges next year. One is known as B'all's bridge on the first con., God- riell' township, the. second at Blue - vale and. the third at Kingsbridge. The estimated cost is about nine thousand dollars. The oldest member of the present council is ::,bistcr of Morris and the youngest McQuillan. of Last Wawan- osh. But Mr, Isbister is not an octo- genarian nor is Mr. (McQuillan int We twenties. The councillors were treated to oyster suppers by the treasurer and by Hunter Dross, the bridge builders of Kincardine. There was a full at- tendance of tite members and a, very pleasant time in reported. If there is ono place mor.'c than another at which': a county councillor does• shine it is at an oyster supper. ' Among the Present members who will .not forsake municipal life inay be counted Cantelon ot Clinton, Doig of 11a'wiek, McLean of Goderich, Cur- rie of Last "iVawanosh, Isbister of Morris and Mackenzie of Ashfield. '?r. Albert Turner returned on Satur- day from his second visit to Co - halt. x_.. .. but surely recovering, and though able to move around the house, has not yet ventured out of door.,. BlYth. 1•Ir, James Dodds, clerk in Pople- stone, & Gardiner's dry goods store, has received a it in a wholesale house in Toronto, his duties to COM - mem at New Years. We are sor- ry to 'loose Jimmy as he was an ob- liging And pushing young buniness,man. Success to hint. • We understand the rails of the C. 1', R. are laid as. far as Walton. We may expect'thenl to be laid here in a few days. Minas ltost.of the Commercial has disposed of his hotel for a good fig- ure, to Mr. John McCaughey of Clin- ton. The price, we understand, was $12,000, Mr. MoCaugbey bas been it: the business here before', some years ago, ant is well knownand vitt, no doubt, keep up the reputation of tite house and do a good badness, Mr.'. 7',migh, the retiring .proprietor, is go- ing to stay with us and build a res- idenco in the spring, on his lots on Dinsloy street. That's right, John, more power to you. Our new prerprieto.r of the Conlnter- eiai, Mr. John McCaughey, takes »os, Kuion ori Monday next.• Stanley Township We are gla',d to be able to report that Miss Georgina Johnson is, im- proving rapidly: •This will be good news to her many friends!. • Mr. William Taylor is spending a few ;days in Toronto ibis week. Mrs. Miller of 'Seefortli, who was nursing Miss C:eorina Johnson, ,Inas returned hone. • ° Messrs. Amos and McIntosh 'of McGillivray, vicinity were guests for a few days last week. of Mr. Andrew • Dunkin, A sleigh load Of the• young people of the Front Road spens, Monday es' - ening with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel iowston of the Sauble Line and re- port a very enjoyable time. Miss 1.). Peck was the guest et Miss Lily Dunkin on. Sunday • last. Miss M. Richardson is at present visiting i" Intives in Brucefield and , viefni:ty. Blyth The English church S. S. entertain- ment and Xmas tree is to be helm in Industry hall on Friday evening, time twenty-first. Tho splendid, sleighing the past few clays has livened up business, May it continue 80 for a while,_