The Clinton News-Record, 1906-12-06, Page 1•
CLINTON, ONTARIO* THURSDAY, ogoeivinER 6th, 1906
Renewing time has arrived. •
is always a pleasure for is to have you
come and see our offerings, this Christmas
perhaps more than hithertofore, the reason is
not hard to explain,our stock was never be-
fore' so large, varied and beautiful. Call early,
we have more time at your disposal now than
could possibly be given during the last days
of Christmas trade. Any article selected may
be laid aside to be called for later.
W. Y. Ye11qar,
and - tptician
St444441444444444 4444444.444,
e Big Men's Store
Huron County's Greatest Clothing Store is
ready for Christmas. Ready with the best stocks of
holiday goods for men and boys that were ever
,ever brought to Clinton. Everything has been ar-
ranged for easy seenig,-and easy buying, too. If it is
,something useful you arelooking for, either for man
or boy, why come here and you will find it.
'Christmas Ties
No man or boy ever had too many Ties. One
selected from this magnificent stock cannot fail to
please the most fastidioui. All the latest shapes,
and the most fashionable colors, bought 'specially for
this Christmas selling. Come- and see them bsfore
the best are picked over, for already we are selling
them very fast, 20, 50 and 75c.
House Coats
A nice Housecoat makes a most acceptable gift
for a man. We show some specially fine ones,
ported by -Ourselves direct from London, Eng, W6
have them at two prices $5 and $10. The line at $5
is extra good value. 'It comes in shades of brown
and red, is nicely trimmed, and an ideal gift for the
home -loving man.
Collar and CuffBoxes
Another very acceptable gift tor a 'Man.
Just a little bit out of the.ordinary.. Very use-
ful, will hold a goodly number of cuffs and
collars. Maee from undressed leather in shades
of green and tau, silk lined, splendid value at
each $1.50
Fancy Vests
Fancy Knitted Vests ar ry much worn this
winter. .1ns one of the vs', 1, make •a suitable
Christmas gill. We im orted them ourselves direct
from English and .Gerrn4 n makers. -There are great
variety of colors, you can get one at
L50, 3.50. 4.50
The Bogs Watches
Has your boy joined our Boys' Watch
Club yet? If not, why not have him do .so at
once. You could then ria him out with Suit,
Overcoat or anything else he may need, making
your selections from the best stock of Boy' Clo—
thing in the county of Huron. If your pur-
chases amount toll° before Jan. lst, 1907, the
boy gets a reliable watch that will keep accur-
ate time. Come in and see the watches yourself.
You will find them good through and through.
Whole Number 1451
Ow does. your subscription stand ?
The Town Council' Has Instructed the 1400
cal Constables to Assist In the Enforce.,
meat of the Liquor ILIconse Act;but to
Use °nig "Reasonable Means."
The Duitlep street drain which ha.s lots reedy for oUr next meeting so
been discussed in the town Couned
times without ntunber, received an-
other overhauling on Monday night.
This came about through. the engito
eor •asiting for his tem, or rather for
that ;they may be duly dealt with
according to taw,
Cou.neillor' Wiltee atiked tho °omit
to furaieli a pianofor trie meeting te
be held in the' town; hall this evening,
paymeut for Ifts work as far as he to be ariddreesed by judge Barron. of
hoe gone. He has asked for tenders Stratford. His honor is an' able
for the constrection of the drain, speaker and his theme is am ineerest:
which he purpoves pushing through ing one, but for. variety's sake aleme
this fall, musical numbers will els° be given.
Councillor Paisley would. hold ,back Some et the Conecillersi are Ante
the :work until next spriog, believiee what the wiser ' as the result of the
that a better, job can then be peea diecaosion brought about by Mr, A.
less cost, The council has' to IWO.; T. Cooper on tvvAoate.lauAccseeoprds
tan that drain for all. time to come clunr License
so it is its ditty to see that it le OD of these clatese.e. the fines ha ail
well built. The last drain put down convicticars. for illegal limier eelling.,
whore the informetions ate laid by
there was a badly botched loll,
Coteseillor Graham lives Within a the . local constables, go into the
stone throwof the Orain and, as town treasury ; hut it the inapecter
might be expeeted, would like to see
the work completed thisfall. The
ratepayers- downi our way, he intim-
ated, are long-suffering in tire matter
of having • water in their cellars and
.11OW that relief appears to be ;in eight
they dorst 'want to sec the matter
sidetracked. Let the drain he loth,
as the engineroOpurposes.
Mayor Hoover •• • Tho dram is bad- 10,cal constables; do their duty aceore
ly needed and while there would he ding to statute; if they Bee t.ft to
some advantage in being it over me: that, it is all any reasouable person;
til nerd spring, yet that would mean, can desire. We ask if it is the inten-
that the citizens of that section tion of this couneil to see that their
would be inconvenienced for another . constables assist in. the enforcement
season. Let's leave the matter inthe. ofeotrucifituori3Laiiesekny, eeAct
i; is ihoro„.
hods of the. engineer to procee,d with
ughly posted in the license law, raid
the duty of the constables 13 t.cry
ly defined: They. should help •to
enforce it • .as they ivoeid any. other
la*: • •TIMY:are not called On to send
their information •to the inspector,
but to plaee it before a magistrote as
they,Would any other case, Bydoing
this they pocket the •fees anO lh'6. lo-
cal treasury receives the fines,.
Councillor Wiltee admitted that he
had gained some knowledge of the li-
oense .11.W. The statutes having laid
downthe duties tit constables, it is;
of &purse, their duty to act wecorde
ingly.. We do not ' think, .however,
that they .areealled uponto play the
spy act. •'
• Constable Wheatley' lietened. to the
discussion with interest and has book
marlod the statutes at thei clauses in.
qiieetion for future and eareful
btt net enough • care was e4reheerreisedis his 1.,0: hAem c•iiIvoexicpeectiend4...iclamtedsott-tahrted
when putting in a, sUPPIX•
net . 'enough attention paid to, the slide:tlike the prospect anY too well
aouree. The dry earth Closet system e-tia• go • around the Ifotels and see
has . given • such setiefootien that they ,ate not •breaking the law.
that it ia net expected there will be • The disetosion ended with the adoP-
a single pit inside the corpsixaelon tion. of a resolution directed% the
next year. The Council will though, conseables to use "all reasonable
eventually, • have to buy a piece ef means" in assisting .in • the enforce -
land for the' Oliapasal of . the, nlight ment of the liquor act,' • : -
soil. . • . • The' deputies for the inuniCipel
Councilloi Paisleysaid there' are .tion were appointed' as follows.: . St.
a nun1ber eillots verious parts of A.nrirew's' warde • 'Rebsen.;. St.
the town Which hoe eat.•paid taxee Johies, C. Hellyar ; St. Giorge's,
enters the cases., the fines' p to the
clause, it is the duty of the cetnistab-
to another THE. LOCAL MARKET.
The local grain and produce maoket
Government. According
k's to "silt hi the enit'reelhen't of is practically unchanged from lee',
the law, All convictions made in week, though the sleighing has helped
Clinton have been in aotionsi entered businese somewhat, Wheat .yet re-.
by the inspeeter end the local tree,s- mains at 70e to 72c, .with a. wavering
uey has not benefitted thereby! We. tendency. Heavy shipments of poult-
only ask, said Mr. Cooper, that die ry continue to beenade until it wouldt
utmost seem as if there will not
be &plump turkey left in the district
for -the Christmas dinner. •
The rink will tWs seasoni be under Rev. Swann, took theiService itt 'Fere
the management. et IVIr. .Harvey Dav- ner's church, Tuckeremith, • SUpdaY
is, Whe is now, as rapIdly as the evening.
Weather will permit, getting it reaelY •The members re tate W. lvf, s. nave
for the.shoters.
A DECE1VII3ER, WEDDING. shipped to the Deaeoness''.HOnee, Tor-
quilts and clothing
of the bride on Albert. street, the
R7v, Twue.sdpa.y exteanigeneg apterifloievniedreside;lee °Lvq.liandtaied'tosio.:04:(0fii:13.1dere'elit:°111:1iviii stvo a popui_
Rev. Mr. Rogers, president a the.
also twenty-three
cererntaty which mode David' Robb a.nd
eers,.. M. J. eseretsb mac ane woo. or lecture en Vonday evening under
favorably known in Clinton and allicitbe Tst,lipel;a:ktarue:Opeaireenaidrw°:ellatlitrleeeMle7.°Itsrtitchave,14pwoeapilugllua:)er‘
The centractinie parties are well
ernuryb°:ater.rYdegdo,QIITIrivelstl!•teec asr-ellebecorindg jworiter- a Mr. and house to hea4 ilims.' it . es
in the felations. and Mrs. George wa ow ino
,• ed last week to Clinton. They are
GOING TO FLORIDA. !good citizens of our village and we
are sorry to loose them
Humphreys son-inelaw ot 1\11%
JaMeS Hearn of lown, who ha e The towesbip council met last Mon,.-
liPing in Buffalo for some years past,
bee° day and qtate 111,1111bOr of the rate-
payer's attended in order to pay tax -
ha accepted a position in Jackson- oe.
v111e, Florida, and leaves' for that city.i Tee oyster ,etteper and At Heine wed
early 'next month, Mrs. tiu.mphreest by tire members of the 0, O. F. on
who hao many topical engagements' In
I Tlfursdao eveningitaet was well attten-
Buffalo which cannot eaeily be tar- ,
minateh, will remain in thee etr Mout eighty gathexed round
the table to partah'e of the pod
City until towardsaspring, thin,,es pro -VOW by the lattice. who
know so 'well how to do it. All pre-
sent enjoyed themselves very much.
Mrs. ROSS Was ,aPpoiruteki, a delegadd
to attend the convention to be hele•
at Guelph on WednImida,yand Thursdayl
of next week.
Meodames Swann and Leach attend-
ed. the silver annivereary of the God -
midi W. M. S. on Thursday last.
Miss Tilly McCartney has been vis
Ring friends in Lucknow.
Miss Lulu Mulholland leaves this
week for Aylmer to spent the winter
with her sister, Mrs: Draper Of that
place. •• S.
Miss Lillie McCartney • of GoderkX
was the euest of her mother on Sun-.
The apple packers .eround hero went
to Goderich to attend:the supper giv-
en by Mr. R. Elliott to the moo in
his employ. • All report : a good time,
Mr. Ja,mes lateCartney and family
have moved into t.he plaee that has
been so lo vacant
es• see' fit, I understand two ten-
ders are now irs for the Work. ,
Coencillor Wiltsie said the people
most interested had suffered long en-
ough ;. the work of laying the drain.,
which is expected to give them relief,
should be proceeded with as soon as
possible. • . •
• The 'report of the , medieel health
officer was received, read •and tiled,
rt was, as tweet, a trent-. statement
of plain facts. In dealing. with ty-
phoid fever, he: said : There has ben
more ofrit than, in the welt tent years
combinied. Impure ' water is not the
only source of tio distose. Blocked
drains, bad elutes,. unclea,ned .eieterns,
and dirty closets all contribute.
This has bem. e eery bad year ter ice
end • there ha.s been an all-arouod
shortage. The supply was not welt,
short,' says the medical ,health Officer,
George Ramie, a : young man, of
tewn, was brought back from Sarnia.
on Tuesday by Detective Phalen. This
y. no was married som time age to
Della O'Dorinell, hitt :he left her short-
• ly after the ceremony. She thee eist-;
ere& suit for desertion and non. -sup-
port, hence his return in. cheep of
the ideteetive and his prellintinery triaE
before P. M. Andrews wit°. connoitt-
mil him to the county 'goal to await
trial before. a court of coMpetent. jur-
isdiction.• .
• . .
Mr. T. J.. Whit of tlfe, London
Read was married yesterday to Mrs.
Lizzie Gibson, at Uxbridge, the Meer-
eseieg ceremony taking place in Tor-
onto. The bride is a sister of Mrs.
D.. Junior,' town, and' is known to a
„native here, The lseppy couple are
now an theie wedding:tour, but will
errive on Friday everting and will be
•tendered a reception at Mrs. Junior's.
Tho Newsaleecord joins in the dongra-
tulatiens and :good wishes 'which; ere
being extended:
for eevetal years. We 'should have a S. J• Andrews ; St. James's
'complete report on thie delineeent Johnson.
:The third-clasP Professional exami- The Masonic Lodge, whiele has had
nations will be •held the. various its head quarters .in the Searle, Nook
Model Sebools, •begiening ' Tuesday, foe numbee of .years, rented the
Dec. eleventh, at. 8.45 a.m., amid end- flat over the Sovereign Bank's new
office of which it will take possession
ing Thersde,y at 2.30 p.
at an early deto,. The 'rimers will be
AMONG THE JEWELERS.• changed and fitted- up •elaborately So
. Christmas Tide is the Ivarvest time as to 'make them about the moat up-
eltione in the. old
filo:wit:11h; sjetiovrtrsco, m.foor.'nfiraonnyi tolrither ogvietir-s.
Itrduroar TrMeeats.."ile
which Santa Claus'
local dealers' carry large etocke. At .
Ceenter's, Grigg"e-..or Hellyar's. .you . The entertaininent given in the
can find what you, want, even it you .A. , 'Barracks, last • 'Thursday evening
are 'hard to Mr. Grigg makes .a was .very. largely. attended .and it pas..
special .armouncensent ;on ,page floe, sed of! in a. highly.s.uccessfel 'inenock.
while -Wee 'Counter takes the *bele The chair was .occupied by .Ala,yor
half of' page three for his talk to. Hoover, who Le in hearty.' sonipathy
• . ..• 'with the work of the -Mine. Adetiress-'
heart-to-heart purchasers,
• es were delivered by Rove. Kerr. and
'MR, • JOLLIFFE'S RECITAL. Magee, and Staff CaPtaire . Hay of
London, and in •addition there . • wet
•Th•e following frein ethe M•ail and
• tefers to the son an abund•ance of music by the band.
Empire ot Tuesday
of Rev. W. J. Jolliffo, pester of, The program ever, refreshments were
Wesley elfureh ; "A lengthy and yore served and the gathering broke up in
the hearty manlier characteristie of the
• ambitious Programme was offered at
the rRNorS. A. The prodeeds amounted to a
ecital by Mr. . man Joint-
fe St, Georges Hall last night. goodly sum. The -Captain' has rarefied
MrJolliffe's own contribution was the following to \T•he News -Record to
e programme ranging from the lyrics shove how the e50 grant, received
from the town Mundt for last sum-
o! Schumann an& Schubert to select -
i005 from tire operatic- works of Ma Mee* open' air concerts, was expend -
eat, Wagner and Rossini. His pleas -: Acetylene band lamped
ing and rather powerful baritoo,e voice
wag breed to greet advantage in Sch- Two sots bond music
ubert's setting of Goethe's poem, "The. Cornet
Erl King," which was rendered with Music stand
fine dramatic effect. "The Double"
and "The Wayside Inn'," by the same
composer, were also interpreted by
the singer. Mr. Jolliffes Schumann
.klaeol„ 'Stiositotee„ papnleur rinai2
Cradle of My Sorrow," and "Night
•of Spring." Strauss' "telt Trap Me-
lee Minnie" ; an eh: from 111ozart's
cLiwronr, 0Nr
801"1"1"14•14444100.4141140 *01"114"1"irreit
Your Future Assured
A savings account in The Sovereign Bank
makes you happily t independent of the
future, which keeps you from worry in
the present. Open a savings account to -day.
Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards
received. Interest paid 4 times a year.
Thaftwe Sovereign Bank of Canada
. . . '
. ,
The evaporetor closed doWn last
week after a run of sixty-eight days
without -a; single mishap .' 17,00.0 .bush-
ele of apples were taken •in and, with
the exceptioe ,of One ealload, the
evaperathd stock has all been shipped
out. TiM West took .n great deel Of
Thio year's output is one-quarter
greater' than that of 1906. This. is
Mr. Ceses • tenth seasoo in Clinton
and such is his courtesy and fair' ti-
eartment that he is. held in much •re-
spect 'Or our citizens and theicountrye
side'. He leaves this: Week, fer his
home in Rose, NCW York state.
Court Maple Leaf is growing apace.
Twenty -feet cand.idates were initia-
ted' the pa,st week, four mote aro pre-
pared for the obligatiot, and a num-
ber •of others. are ptting ready for
the goat. The membership is now
opera, "Don Juan." ; "The Star of two hundred and thirty two, with a
Eve," front "Tanotauser" ; "Stand- decidedly .upwaird tendency. Ono ev-
er's Whisper," from the •"Berber of ening recently Artist Roberts, who
Seville." Another group of three SO110 has himself explored the forest., took
completed Mr, Jolliffels meting pro- a flash light of the Court when about
gramme. Miss Jessie Allen Motel- eighty Of the members were present.
buttlI1 two piano numbers, Its the Node of the artist it makes
Liezit'a well knoten ballade in D.1 a good phto ate!' one of them, nicely
Minor, and two of the Chopin ntud-i framed, was last Sa,turda.y evening
pa. •Miss Kate Millar's sopraoo voice presented to the Orgatd.:er at s 103 ge
was heard to WI:voltage Gotinott's getherieg of the C. 0, los. Mr, W.
"Ave Marie.," The programme ilne1-1 Jackson made the presettletion in a
uded also trio from Krentsees. neat little v.9,ecch ; others also. spolce
"Na.chtlager," sung by ...iss Millar,' and there was, as well, some music.
Mr. August Wilbeimj, and Mr. On Monday Mr. Weston lett for Owen
fe, and a duet from "Pagliacci," per- Sound to there labor foil a time in
formed by Miss Millar and Mr. Wil-' furthering. he interests of Canadian
helmj." •
1 Porte ry.
es . • •
• Mr. John Rumball 'of Clinton was
the guest; of 'Mr. Harold Swarm: and
other friends, on ..Satueday and •
day. • ' • • • ' • ." . -
A very interesting event ..tort'r plato.
at the Isente of MeLeoci• Brothers., ..on
Weddreday at :high "noon, whets ilyfieS
Coesio.fAleteoe' became the. wife of.
Mr: Alt.. Tobbutt, : populer farmer
on. the Huron Roadt, The Rev: Mr.
SWAIM performed the ceeenticmy and
-illip.tne..Thatmpson of Clinton 'played•
the. wed•ting maxch. We. eitenl ..con-
gratulations and good wialies.' •
New Advertitemeatso
Books $ Albums, Etc -W. Cooper Co 4
Clearing Out MilIbtery-oNeweambee 4
Christmas Is Coming -Harland, Bros 4
Lots. of choice -A. J. Grigg 5,
Winter Term -Clinton B. Collep 0
Locel ontiee, By -law -J ,E,leareweill
Bargains for Men-Newcombe's...„„4.4
Paid Your Taxes O -J. Wheatley,..e5
Ready tor ChriStoras-Newcombe's8
The, Big Vfien.'s Store-Hodgens
Reedy for Christmas-Horigens Bros
Application Form -W. II, Shaw 2
Farm- for Sale -M, Bates.- ..........
Transfer of License -A. Asquith 5.
. The . officers of the . A. 0; U. W.
Ledp for the ensuing term are ea
follows : ,
Meeter,••Johh Torrance
Past Master,John Shaw
Foreman, Frank Bewcien
• Observer, Isaac Dodd
Recordete"R. J. Clu.fl:
Financier, Frei* Fowler
Treoeurer,•Jameo Shepherd .
Guide, G. A. •141eLennan -•
•Watctinnan, Thos. Trick ,
0.,'Watolunao, J. 11..iOnell• ,.
•Mectical .Examiner, J. W. Shaw
Representative:to' Greed Lodge, D.
Stevenson. , •
. .
J. Ile WorSell of Goderich, who
lately bought out the stocla of hard-
ware frone Mr. T•hornas Elliott mov-
ed into Charles Tippet's shop this,
• Mesers: Smillie and .Cheaney 0f.1
Seaforth are this week putting in tier
metallic ceiling in the new Methodist
Mrs. Jahn Biggart and children of
Valancebure, N. Y., are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Biggart of this vil-
Mr. Robert Bailey wit°, spent the
past summer on the Government sur-
vey boat, "The Bayfield," reboroext.
home Wit week,
A large number of the young people.
ot the village tool', in the fowl sup- •
per at Varna on Monday evening.
Mr. John Spencer returned • home.
from ehe West last week Where Inv
has been for. the summer.
Rev. S teadmen :delivered an eloquent
.sietimoo to the Foresters last Sunday •
ofternoon. A large number of the-
brethnen were present. •
Mr. Charles Falconer, who spent.
the pest summer in the West, retur-
ned; home OD Friday.
Mr. and Mrs'. John Tippett one doe -
peer, Miss Alice, ;spent Sunday' at
Varna, •
. Mr. CliarleP Hunt is looking for an,
otheT ma,n to Work on his seotion, •
Mr. Duncan .MeTavish is expecteit
home from the West soon. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kellar of Cliaton vts- • .
iterl her father,' Mr, Peime, our stat-
ion agent, from Saturday to 1VICrisday.. •
Mr, and 1VIrsi. Tippet visited. her els.--
ter., Mrs. R. 1Viurdoek. • •
• The many friends of 'Pete Cameron •
will be pleased to hear that. he.. is •
able to bet around once meneroofter
• ' Goderich Township" being coefieed to the Muse eir,..leorne •
. - tillie; '
Mr. James Mese returned. last week MiArter
ss y Mtistard is taking a few
from •a three ', mouths'. visit to• Oho holidays. • .
WestHe spenttile greater pert of AlGeorge Turner was the guest
the time in the aartney :district and Of his mother from. Saturday to Mon -
that he might ..the; better size up the day, .., . . •
situation he .angagea with a threshing .
outfit: He thee Im-Pa
e a od idea reof Mr. Johts Logan io:•expeeted Mime ire
wit:it ithe drops are really like.: lie few liaYs%• .
he road aeressLogan's gees is iit.
fourteen, bushels; to the acre land •thet 6, dreadful state, almosittinpassable.
says the average .yield is not over
me Price when he len was my...six There is. strong talk or biril.cling a,
new Preetyteritut church here. •
cents per bushel for'wheet.. When from
Robert HOthan ilitilted hiaunt;
the • prow average is dedueted the cost Mrs. Hood 01Hensall. • i. .
Me -
hill it ,does' not leave a -. Mr. Heebeite who bought 'tile Mc -
greet deal
ef expeesive lebor and the thresiting
for"the hard-wroked farmer, not teal- T
avish farm, . returned. to Brucefielci
last, week. Weunderstandhe ha e toldf
in Ontario wauld ' have • netted hi ii . the farm to Mr. J. Atinstrenge •
ly, after all, any more thars e• farm
Mr; Mose reasons: 'it Out in this way : hiSMr. tiJ. it O'Neil, who. lives With
A renter gets; two thirds of the crop. itc4i. irle, MrMcQueen, is not;
. J .
good health, . '
bushels. On this toe coat of hing Mr. D. Rouatit has eeturned from..
SupPose the crep aliments to 3,000
will be $ko. The renter pays this • •
the West and reports e good time
end. then gives, 1000 bushels to the • .
owner of the farm. Thi e leaeti him
2 000 best -leis which 'et the prevailing .
Mr. John J. McCaughey 'is too ace
otteu• ero, . colt oe MUT. 'C 0.\1ivery long and the lease of, his own
hotel,' the Conimercial, havingstill
some years to runi, he matte an offer
thineweek to rent the Normandie, but,
tifere was a' bitch in the negotietione'
and Mr. etddaughey has, in*Itead, se-
cured the Commercial Wel, Blythe Of
price will yield. WM $100... From
this deduct the $210 lie- paid • for tie
reshine and he is lift; with $910to
pay for labor, interest, wear Mid
tear, etc. • Atter paying tieing epi 11
how inuels Ints .he left ?::: •-
IreOr thee Mr, • Robert Elliott iS
again' to be a candidate for the recto
esbio of this township. He "ieS been'
over the road at 'least,. twice, . but
the apple king -is tireless' and if lie
tekesthe field will makeethe reitehig
lively, Mr. John. -Ford is halting be-
Aween two opinions, to We. sr 'net 1.0'
be he is just • now trying to-eccide.
ff the genial 'John enters the rade,
the pace .will be a smart roe --from
Start • to finish, . Mr. folfn iiiJdkton
Will again • bo • a candidate ler the re-
eveship. He has nue. the 'Position
with dignity. and he what he' believed
which he gale- possesaionto a couple to be the beet interests ' of the
of weeks or so. Mr: MeCaugheyO tOwnsinP. •
s.uecessful inaniapment of the. Cona- Mr. Will. Western bae•returned home
morcial,. Clinton:, is a *efficient par- front Soutis, Man., after an rilisence
'atitee that the patrons of the Com- of over a Yotr.
mercial, myth, bo -well cared for. Mr. Charles Cook has again added
to his real eetato hbuying the Tud-
• liullett Township, ' Or farm adjoining. his own, He note
On Wednesday- of this week . •deatli shows ' what persistent insluetry will
owns some throe hundred acres. This
called away another of the piodssers el'. .
et this township hi the person of • Mr. Lew Altleworth met with a pale -
Mr. Benjamin Hunker. Ile had not ful accident the other (ley by getting
been in good health for Nome time ha aro eauget es 'tee Aeaeseg et a
past, bet was confined - to his room windmill Which tore the flesh up 10
fot only about ten:eels. He Was the. elbow. . .
born, ia Yorkshire., FIngland,, but '
came to Canada and Ilullett; The following is. the report of .S. S.
fotty-five years ago, taking up the erl,a,... _4 .fio,t_Niooivientabhear, Ibitsreeidiai :en, : din-
fttAn on the 8th tioneessioh where he 1.,"'ile" .(.11:111Ual
always continued to reeide, Hie wife 5th elass-Ernm. Jordan. .• .
died ebont four years ago and now 4th chigoe -Nettie Sinclair, 011ie
Me only surviving 'neither of the Lobb, Elefe Lobb, Fern 13taeom, Mary
family is Mrs, Samuel Appleby. Mr. Smith. . .
Hunter was a ea,reful and industrious 3rd S r-ollueIttli LNreb.hitt, Veres Lobb,
man and. by i. Years industry made o
a 1.00d hotno for'ilis, family. Ho was 'it " 1- "an' ob
much respected in, the community. 2n,r1 Sr.. -May Sinclair, Harold Low -
The funeral will hair. place on Friday "Y, nertie newt%
afternoon 10 Clinton eenveleny, Mr. ,2nd • .1r--Lniu Lobb, Isabel Sinclair,
Hunter was seventy seven years, oi Min Nesbitt.
go, Part 911(1...Everett Lowery.
A 'CiniSitenws Tree •tvill be hold ore
Friday, 21et Mat:, ,,in the teem hall
under the.auspieps• of the•presbyteriart.
cluirele The • progrem eamistang • of
dialogues, drills, ete., etc.,' is now he-.
ing .prepared and a: good 4111110 is as-
sured. Don't cortflict.ithis .date with •.
any o titer. . • .
• Oh. John Sparrow last ive'elr- bought
six two and three year old • heavy
.d.raft: colts. They 'are •-ae exOeptioft-
ally fine lot. such. as Mr. Sparrow ie.'.
always on the • look -out for. Ho has
also . bought Mr. Edinuod Troyer's •
paciog mare which Can 'go in ilea -
twenty. She le only six years, old -
with -proper • *airtime promises to
develop into a, very speedy piece • of .
horse. flesh.
Seodao teat the Methodist con-
gregation added' anothOe successful art-
nivensory to those of pot yertes..Reve.
Mr. Hart of Ilensalt'oecupied the pule -
pit at both services, and preeched-
soul-stirring sermons. The choir, un-
der the leadership of dtle J. E. Hama ••
well, rendered excellent service. The -.
fowl supper held on elonday evening •
vvae attended by great; Crowd. • The
ladies had. • Made abutelont •provisione
as they thOPeght, but thew
se ere vet
any full basitets left. Tim program
given in the town, hall where even.
.standlog rootn war; at a ererniume
Tim chair was occupied .by the pa.itor
Rev, A, II. Brown. Addresses were,
given by Pastor Da,vidsen of the Pre-
sbyterian church, 'nod Revs. 11;err of
Clinton, Steadmain Dayfield and •
Hort, the preacher of the -preceding ,
day.. Mr.. Steadman also rendered* a
couple. of solos. The choir or the
Ontario street church; Clinton, de-
lighted leo audience and Miss Shipley
elocutionist of that town, gave two
recitations which' so pleased the aud-
ience that encores were demanded.
• Mrs. Charles.worili lot ?Ariel was, also
exceedingly well received We shall
ahvays be glad. to hear her, 'rho
goodly sum of $117, was tato result of
•the Anniversary, upon, wItieh the con-
gregation is to 'congratulated.