HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-29, Page 9• t 1 irr IS NOT T 1 To Start Your Christmas Shopping This Week As the stocks are larger now than they will be in two weeks. Many of the prettiest designs in. Christmas Goods are picked up long before the real Christmas rush begins, so it's tar better to buy while the assortmeilt is large No store around here will. show a finer display of Ladies' and Children's Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Belts, Gloves, Fancy Combs, etc., : besides all the more staple lines such as Fine Hemmed Table Cloths with Napkins to match, ' Five O'clock Tea Cloths, Sideboard Scarfs, Tray Cloths. Towels, Bed Spreads, Comforters, Etc. Complete List, Next Week. This is the Store for Coats Last Saturday saw the biggest day's selling of Ladies' Coats in the history of this store. Never did we sell so many good coats in one day. When you think that nearly every coat in stock today was bought since the 15th of. October you can see that the styles are the newest to be had. Every garment shown by us this season is an exact copy of the Newest American Styles, and we'll guarantee no store in the country ' sells this year's coats cheaper than we do. Prices $7.90, $10, $12, and $18, How About Furs A Fur Ruff or Caperine makes a splendid Christmas present, something which will 'be useful for years. The Furs of this store have been selected with great care, and we guarantee every Fur we sell. Fur Ruffs, and Stoles in almost any kind of fur, $2.75 to $35. New Valenciennes Laces for. Christmas We have just opened over Three Hundred Dollars worth of New French and German i Valenciennes Laces, Insertions and Footing, All are now on display at our Lace Counters --- nom. k.iih.. ...11k.AILAI\IL. Alba ..4A - -.--Jill The ClintonNews-Record Noveltaaber 29th, 1906. Price Mme ' ' ' ,�lal in Miltinery. THESE are Half -Trice Days in our big Mit- • gettingnear th finery Department. It is e vind--up of the season and all stocks must go. An empty show room when it is over is what we must have. The half-price mark is on all Birds, Wings ana trimmed Hats. Not one is reserved, no matter what the former price, half that is all we ask nab. Vliere are some good hats on our table still, and some very handsome birds, wings and ornaments still to the cases. All go now for Exactly Half Price COATS AT BARGAIN PRICES. Coats are selling now at a saving price to buy els. We have no recoid of any season when coat business was as good as it has been this season. We. have sold more' coats and better coats than we ever did before, Now we are very anxious to turn the bal- anceof the stock into ready, money. The coat racks must be empty. before the season comes to 'an. end. A Zhanae Vou, Never has Before. 1 Sotne at ,Half Price 20 or 25 Ladie.' and Misses new Fall and Winter Jack-, co. . Not an Gild one in she 'entire lot. Loose or semi fitting styles, mostly tweeds. A few 'blacks among,them Coats that, sold as high as $10 and $12, now you can take your choice for • . • Exactly Half Price. Mantles at , $:I0.00 20 only Ladies' Fall and Winter jackets. The last that are left of our' newest and best styles, fancy :tweeds and extra good quality plain black beaver, regular $13, $18, $20, choice of these twenty for... ........., ...., ..... $10.00 Gelting Ready fOr yyy i� Not a bit too soon to get rea- l); a.� . a " dy for Christmas We are busy at it these days, getting stocks .into shape for holiday buyers By next'week we hope to be in gooti'shape for them. Assortments are good all over the store, and of all the dry goods materials used.4in making up, you will find . full stocks here. Some Extra Dress Goods Value Some•extra good I>ress Goods values here today, . You cannot ,duplicatethem in any store anywhere near here. No matter what the price quality is everything it should .be, Nobby tweeds at 39c and broadcbths-at 50c. 85e and $1.25 are better than we have ever been able to find anywhere. ` 6Oc Dress `Tweed 39c. Over 300 yards of Farcy Dress Tweeds, neat designs in WM blues, greys, greens rand reds. this seasons goods and 0 n IMt styles, r eguhrr 50c and 00c, your choice per yard......... Fancy . Wastings r35c . wogs- �iart>ix' Dozens of patterns in fancy Woolen Waistings, stripe, spots and fancy designs in navy, reds, black, green OK and lightgt•ounds, regular 50c and OOc, your choice.... stJiJ .4inelDress Goods 75c. 1111` Very fine quality plain and fancy Dress Goods, Borne of the best lines we have in '.tock. browns, greens, blues, 75 and dark;ga eys. Regular $1,25 and $1.40 for • 1 Caperiy►es Half .Price .We have eight 0aperir,es that sold at $10 to $.40 apiece. They are real good garments anti very comfortable. We want to sell them in a hurry so you can take your cht,;ce for Exactly Half Price a, ifts . 1 CLINTON, ON -7: Walk WE HAVE TO SHOW YOU A line of 'exclusive Christmas Cards Tlfere are aver fifty .in the assort- ment, known as private Greeting Cards. If you will favor us with your order soon. we will have your name neatly :grinned on, each card and delivery made in 'good time for the approaching season. It gives you a card tor your own personal use unlike what every- body else uses, and at a very moderate price. We will be pleas- ed to Phew yQu the• samples, •, Dr Fair 0o. Often the Cheapest, Always the hest Agents Parker's Dye Works. -We Issue Express Orders. - DIRECT IMPORTERS ':6WItIIAtJIPgIIIOnupuuquunun�uq,,. 00000 Mr. Alex. Robinson was in Goderich on: Tuesday. Miss Lindsay is now assistant opera- tor at the telephone central. Mr. Thos. Wheatley, Lucan, visited the parental' home last week.. Miss Clayton, B. A., teacher' of mod- erns, took up het' duties in tate. Collegiate Institute on, Monday. The • staff is now complete. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bell, Miss Jean and 'Master Willie, .were guests of Mrs. Alex. McLean of Goderich East Sunday. . • Mrs. James Sima and _her two little daughters returned 'home to Blyth on Monday evening, after having vi- sited at Mr. Williani Graham's. Mr. Robert A. 'Wanless, who was killed in Sarnia. a few days ago, was a son of Wir. John Wanless of Toronto and a nephew. of Mr. Wm. Graham of :town. 14?rs. .Ballard 1eft,on Tuesday for the ' parental home in Craubrook. Dur ing her residence •• here she made many warm frjends who regret her removal and, the cause which called ,for it To the surprise of his numerous fri- ends,: who ,.did not think.. he was physically capable 'of it,,Mr. Norman Fair was down at the firm's big `mill on 1V?,inlay and Tuesday with his working to .on .aarO hustling a- bout• as. of yore. •Mr: Fair certainly - possesses indomitable pluck. ' • Dr. McAsh• left 'last week for Sarnia where 'he will practise his prote:;s- ion. ,I -leis well up. in medicine, but being of a very retiring natut'+ his lights is sometimes,. so to spehk;hid under. a bushel ' He fret. witli Much success in the past and his `recent experience'in -the 01(1 Country hos- • petals will :enable him to be even more suce ssf i hi the future Mrs. Milne leaves -today for Lloydmin-r- ster, Stink., where she will have charge, of an hotel in that, town ow -i ned by Mr. John Bell, for,inerly of ' Clinton. :Mir. Bell was fortunate, • in securing the. services of Mrs. ,Mil- ne wild is a most capable Manager.. •G•r:bsts at an Hotel over which she presides, are certain to he wci11 fed and to have homelike ladgin;g,. .The Best way to do It. • When you read this issue of • The News -Record you will likely send it `:to your daughter, son or some friend living . far away, so they Allay sae • What is happening in the old neigh- borhood. ,That will cost you one cent for each, 'issue or fifty two cents for the year. Why not drop• err .and leave us one •dollar and have it •mail- ed every week from ,this office. It would; then reach your friends 'at t1re, very earliest date .and re.gularly, 'ar.d. will be appr coiated. 'it will be a weekly letter from home. 111111101.10101111110111111111111111 ?1Nl'4�r'00ri' 1ti1'1W4/4'ir "i✓4'1✓g✓'4lrnb,411 'S r"b•eA•'rP ^rain' 46,,Weir•y ..• 4.v4` $ BIG MOVING SALE 1 Men's Furnishings and Readwfmade Clothing. Prices Cut to Rock Bottom. Come and see , for yourself. • V111W1,10,ti4b iVlll,1rti tilti•1,11W0b,11 61� +ti41rti0►0b.7 ►14 ~s•ileil,lrWr 14\►• fBQUTtbe first of December we will move our Tailoring and lien's Furnishings into ;the store at present occupied by. the Sovereign Bank. Our Dry Goods Business has grown to such proportion as to compel us make the change and we intend to make this stand a Womens Store and carry a more complete range of Dry Goods and Women's Wear than ever. We don't want to take our present stock of Furnishings and'Ready-made Clothing into our. new store • and for four days, NOVEMBER 30th, DECEMBER lst, 3rd and 4th, you can buy )Men's Furnishings and Ready-made Clothing at cost and less. Don't miss this ale. Store open until 9.30 p.m., during nights of sale only. 50c Men's Black Sateen Shirts 39c. Men's Black and Black and White Sateen Working Shirts, all sizes, regular 50c, sale price .39 Regular 79c value for .59 Regular $1,00 value for .79 75c Soft Front Shirts 50c Men's Soft and Stiff Front Shirts in stripes and plain white, all sizes, regular 75c, sale price .50 50c Men's Ties 39c • Men's Fane Shirts 79c • Men's Soft and Stiff Front. Shirts, Cuff at- tached and detached, all t,he, newest, stripes. and checks, regular $1.00, sale price..,. .79 • $1.00 Men's Stiff :White Shirts 790. Men's Laundered White Shirts, open 'front or back, good quality cotton, all sizes, our regular special $1.00, sale price ... .79 Men's Four-in•band Ascot and Puff Silk Ties in all the newest shades and styles, reg- ular 50e, sale price .39 Men's 25c Braces 19c Men's Heavy and Light Weight Braces with leather and mohair ends, beveral styles to choose from, regular 25e, sale:price. .19 Men's 50c Braces 39c Men's Extra Heavy Web Fancy Braces, regular 50c, sale price. 39 41111W1rilk. 1ti1ota, 11111yl&♦. $ 'Men' Black and Blue Beaver and Fancy Tweed Overcoats in'all sizes $ at the fallowing cuts : Regular $3.0'1 for 6.00 Regular $10.00 for 7.50 $. Regular $12,00 fur 9.00 .. olvile.w,...,vI•�ma.luwe Men's, Winter Overcoats: $6.00 Men's Storm Jack- ets, $5.00 Men's (trey Frieze Jackets, tweed lined big storm collar, all sizes, regular $0.00, sale price 5.00 Men's Odd Pants. Men's Odd Tweed Pants, made of heavy friezeand full cloth, will give good strong wear, regular $1.50 for $1.00, $2.00 for $1.50, $2.50 for 1.75 Boys' Suits. Boys' Tweed 3 -piece Suits, well made and trimmed, single and double breasted, regu- lar $5.00 for 3.75 Boys' Na'. y Blue Worsted Suits, 3 -piece' single.hreassied, ages 11 to 12 years only,regu- lar $5.00 for...' . .3.75 Men's Collars. 100 each Men's White Linen Collars in all the new andup-to-date shapes, all sizes, re ;War 15c. sale .price: .1.0 One -Hundred Years One hundred years ago .a man could not take • a ride on, a steamboat. IIe had never. seen an electric light.,, or dr'eanred of an electric car. Ile could not • send a telegram. IIe couldn't talk through th•e teleplksnc.- He could not ride a bicycle. IIe could not call a stenographer and dictate a letter. Ile had never heard of the germ the- ory or worried over bacilli and bac- teri. IIe had never heard a phono- graph talk or a kintograph turn out a prize fight. IIe never saw a Web- ster tnabridged - dictionary with the aid of a Roentgen, ray. ITe had never taken,.a ride in an elevator, IIe had ne- ver seen iris wife use a sewing mach•Me. He had never str',rek -a match. Ile couldn't take an anaesthetic and have his lig taken off without feeling. it. Ile had never seen a reaper or self - binding harvester. He- had never cro- ssed an iron bridge. What wonders will the next hundred years produce '? The Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co. are preparing to add another blast furnaeo Iia their plant at Sydney min- es early next spring, which, will tri- able them to produce about four hun- *ed tons of pig iron per day. 1