HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-29, Page 3November 22n4, 190 Aches and Pains. Hirst'S Pain Axterininator quickly relieves bine backs, strained dboulders, sprained ankles, bad knees, braises, eats inal burns, Hirst's Pain Exterminator 40 years the old reliable family medicine. 25c. at all dealers'. Try Little Liver !Ms -natural tonic and effective. Ask your dealer or send us 25c. direct. Handsome Souvenir Fater -Color sketch free. F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited, Hamilton, Ont. BeigrAVO The McKinnon Bros. hare completed theit*. contract of filliug for the aew sidewalk near the Oraud Trunk eta - tion. Fridoy morning, Alio Agnes Swine dieburst, who has- been living' With her unele, • Garner Nicholson, toOlt suddenly ill end passed °way Sater- (ley afternoon. Heart trouble was the Mee of death. A Petition • was Oresente4 to_ the Morris council on Monday reqeesting the appointment of an arbitrator to eonsidee the matter of forming a, un-- , ion sehool jt Belgrave, bat the town- ship Fathers! in their 'Wisdom saw fit to refuse AVMtheir request. The Wawanosh council at Sheli! last meet- ing granted a eimilar equest and ap- poitsted° Mr. • LOCkhart ae arbitrator. Mrs. J. A. Braridon attendeee the ftmeral of a friend at Strathrey iee cently. iVes. DaVid of Heneall is visiting at Jr, Mut Mrs. McCrea'sand other fiend. McKinnon Bros. of Calms' are gfy ding for a tfew sidewalle near the 0. T, R. station. • Mrs. Tucker of Durham is spending a couple of weeks 'with her mother, Mrs.' Brydgeo. There were over Ave theaisand bar- rels of Apples shipped from Belgrave station this fall. ' ' • • John ShoebottOm had the misfOrt- mte to lose .one of his large team horses last week. Mr.- Richard Leishman is not im- proving as his friends .would desire. Will. Corbett bought four head of flee young cattle at Stratford the •other day, and brought them 'home. Mr. and WOrs, Jas. Wilkinson Of Es- canaba, Michigan, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mts. Wilkinson of Belgrave. !O.N.fr.. Abe BryOsee leas tented his in to Mr. Granby of Durham ; we have not heard what Mr. Brytigee pea:poses doing • Mrs. Nixon of Rapid City, Mallow): Mrs. Russell of Saginaw are at the home of their Sick mother, Mrs. St- onehouse of this village.. The ladies of the Methodist church, Belgrave, are Sending a large box paoked With canned Nutt to :the Dea- coness Home., Toronto, „this weelo ,. • • The: hunter, • .Garner . Nicholson, Charlie Johnston and .Demean McCal- :1rn returned: last • Wok with two decr each .they rep.otn heviag a. good time. .• .Brydgee has pnreliaeed a barn ft otre Wm.,- Isbister'; he Will takeit 'Apart and ereci iteen the feendattoo Of •the barn thatewas btieaed Alb; fail. Mee. O'Connell .of. Detroit: wed • 'ales. IlartreO. of TO106..are visiting , •their patents, Mr.. anti'MrS. Bar 00, of' Bel- gra,se. 'Mr.. Bartley. iS eery low: • and not expected to.live iotig:• • Theie haS been a nunlike of prayet-- endieSe-chatit tot tots eame to BelgraOe eitja4o, The shairt proyer: is all right but the helmet:T. .01. the Iiitter' thS'eat'; thee:Aviles Ortaking. the, ebal11 ariesO) vieited witliSome great, ca.- The.e thee te'Llothe reetitot hy writing ere letter ,caeh day 'fee . of 1 tarry Thaw. • ' .hincodayS and mailing 'toefritmbi, 'ere supeosed to ..reeelee a • great l'Acesine. Sub chain 1 f re• all l, un mitted .' to the e tot e, for no good an conic out of them. , . 01,st. of out citizens; the lows :of lite: death .of Sweet oer t Op re t ed ycit .fag'.' ladies :mine • wi tli sheik sodden, oess that the whole community startled, On Saturday aftetitoon .there passed: away Miss Ageiii SoViodklint- et; at the residence heo unete,Gaf- Two straight, Liberals were elected to the Commons in Montreal, .Alt. J., C. Wash defeating Mr. Curran in S. Anne's by 202 majority arta Aid. .Martin defeating • Mr, Airrey, Labor, -in -St. Mary's by over 1,200. - HOW IT SPREADS: The first package of Dr. Lemehardt's fiem-Roid (the infallible Pile , cul) that was put out went to a email town in Nebraska. .• II, cured a case of Piles that was corisideued. hopeless. • . • • • T.he news spread, end although this was only two years ago, the .derrand •prompted Dr. J • S. Lopteherdt; of Lincoln., Neb., the ,discoverer, to pre- pare. it for general . yes. N'ott,• 11; beta*); Sent to all parts of the world. It will cure any ease -(4• Piles. There is a month's treatment itt. each box. Sold for WOO,' with absolute guar- antee. • , • Ie 'is • for sale by druggists, or eliy The Wilson -Pyle Co'., .1,imited.,, Niag- ara Falls, Ont. • • • ' •.• • 0, A pp 1 ica 1 fon has been • made for •' epeeial panel of t &helmet fee tire .triat • PROVED AFTERoFIFTY YEARS The test of time has pr000t• that. Putnam's Corn ExtracOor mites ratio, ,icer, with les e ediseomfort and Mere thorotatedy than. anythlog, els.e. :Cone. taitis no aetlis , is purely .'egetable amt absolutely guaranteee,.. • In detsen putnam's only—it's the 'loot; # • • . • nee Nichnleon; • sear Belerave. Ilrt failure Wae the einlie ni hir stetti tietnito' The rk.Teresed• was , of a ttniet; tura:online; 'disposition 'and a' .youne lady. ...beloved • by' hit her • neighbors. She has liyed with. her uncle . nearly all • her lifetinie, • and • • will .1mvery flinchmissed by her aequaietanoes ; .ehe w s a mamber of •111. Nethodiet tithed) in tlerti.O. .• . • " • Attempts are being made in Russia to prevent CO at Write's 'return . 'to . power. •-. - .. • • - • COLD' COMES., ' WHEN THA How is it t e cured 9 'thiis•meth.. red is simpli .y itself. Rub the chest and throat well with Nerveline, toe. eit as aogargle and taknee sonic, in ltot water bef ew retiring alongesejth one of Dr. IlinIton's -Pills. 10,1Wt Moot- ing 'nude you .refreshed, .free'Irdin .vold .and bright as a dollar; These house - held rentediess are , wonderffilv- .cessful, ell& .ewcint 'tell in your case. For sale at all drug,gleto. . : . . For the first time, Ciliate -se: have:been ,Sorbidden to land in England. A CASE IN WEST ARICHAT • . Mrs. A. P. FeOgueor., a Well known Cape ,Bretoner, has cured asthma- by 6eatarrhozone. Her statenerat is, •con•-• viewing : "Altbough.' I • vial': todubled. or years it Wm; only recently I dried Ca,tarrItozone. When an attack start- ed Igkit out .my inhaler and invariab- ly •got quick rOlief. Feeling satisfied Caturrhozone woad •cure I continued 'the treatment ill one bottle Was fin- aC\ ished. r ' didieft Use toteebece.uste I wao awed. and the hnia has never seturned," ,, Catarrh ,one. - is sure ;death to asthma -wad beenehitie. Try it . and ..be bonvire:v1; Two sizes, twenty five mitts -and ono della ut all -dealers, . . IletSgia. arid 'Japan have Accorded one another ,moStefavorederie Lion treatment IF'arnierui Poultry 'We want alt your Poultry, Ave sot dressed, mid will pay the :imam PRICES ter IL •---FLA VELLES, LIMIT f.7,1),— eeLottiloti, Ont.— , Chapped Hands and Chil- blains •' . • . • ..e. 7,i111-BCK o A CER'l'eatN,1 CURE . . • • .For • chapped •hands, cold 'eorei,„ Mains, etc..; Greet 4s nothing- ' so 'effete tire as, Zaanelpik. Mrs. It': .1.1. •Rankin of Appito Ont., says• ."My heade had big '5 racks On • . which caused web pain 1 coutd hardly. work. Whenever •to. put 'thew oeat Water • they would sweet Abel burn. es,'if1 gad 'seal:led them. Tir.6y seem tO be, benefitteet by anything I • ttieel until'Aatn-Ruk was • inteollu. •To my great pleas a'! ure, withit .Nety short. tune Bute eteet ..'"••!P. the cracks and .healed. She sore. plaerse •My hands are new • white and Ppaooth. "I recommended 007fetti-lielt to •a friend,. Whielied a, sore' finger,. and it cured that, tee. I" think it a splendid household ()•i tiitntn • 'MISS E. Helotzman of Ortsingt on .h,Ventie, Tc roan., saya would ade viele all who suffer from eltilbladme to try 7,sin-Ruk, 1 suffered from them- acetely, and was auffering when first bled Zane-Huk. I am pleased to say r had only used about: three queraers ar ti;' :Amply when the euite. blainsA Were completely cured." • ZaM-Buk is, a cure to cut, bents; bruises, rceerna, ulcers, abeceseeS, tee- loring tbres, bad leg; ringwortn, ant all In diseases and iniuries. It is pluOily herbal in composition. All druggists sell at fifty vents a box, cr. pos.t free from the Zam-.810.. (10.,„!Ter. onto, upon recoil of price.. Six box - ea for tWo dollars and fifty cents. A Tory Postmaster Dismissed The, Teeswater postmaster leas leen diemiseed for being engeged in, mor hoeinosees- than iS pet:int:LW !O Masters in offiees coMmanding 111,2 eatery nald there; This i ;*14, reestie given by Mr. P. II. MeKtirfie, IV. P. to the parties' intereet el. ite is a Conservative and has held the effis:Is for ten yeersr. lc ha* an a' sWan.1 Who twice(' after Ow Mlle 6 in 106( t•iseee. A ;lel ition sigind by nitwit. 300 Literals has been sent to the department asking for his tr. etiOnnler office. 44. .THE OLO AND THE NEW TEI1/11515AMING A HISTORIC, RE. GION REDISCOVERED. Two Centuries 014:1—A Mine That Was Operated In 1744 -.-The Quelne Side of the Lake the Home of Adventur- . ous River Drivers — Magnificent Waterfalls --Conveniences of Civili- zation In the Backwoods. One ot the great highways of the northland is Lake Temiskauting, magnificent ebeet of water 76 miles in length. In this lane where everything Is new and Primitive it collies as a pleasant surprise to• one to see evi-, dences ,of age and a historic in- terest Iturreunding a dIstriot, write J„ C'. Boss lit The Globe. Por over two hundred years Lake Temlelienling has been the great hioliway tor the trap. 'Pei% and ?tar -traders, and for ratthY years before that It was the happy ,hunting -ground or numerous Indian In the it elowit the lake one teee old litulson Bay posts, old torts and In- dirtn encampments, aesult misSi'tne es- tablished by the Oblate Fathers, quaint 1i'rett,d1 towns with their Guy white. 'Washed houses and large churches: 'Welt- tilled farms. tnims •and mining elni,tis, lumber mills and rafts of logs -- almost. every variety of industrial life comb'ned with 'chhistorle and the Seenic., Lumbering Ev....rywhere, • • The lake Isthe gr."at outlet for mil- lions of :cores of timber limits. All the rivers ana etTnics whien etnpty Into it bring doe it their quota of logs and the .naint-s .1 the great lumber lcings—the 01 Ines, thr- Booths, the Lumsdens, the Thltly.4. the Bronsons—are on every meeee ilea A 11 the logs which come into the lake ar swepedown in charge of the "Sever Ottewa Improvement Co., and at the bottom of the lake - this •"drtv." is subdivided, anti men' sort out th• •..t) belonging t each company. -The sup;dy of timber stems to be Inexhaust- ible, for on both the Ontario. and .Que, bee sides there have been lumbering ove %Orme foe 25 pt. 30 years withom beina Ieseened to any ex- • - •The prospector Far Afichl. 'oeitheChe• recent at e car •Cobalt ..pro),pectors have • gone afield itt • • searoh oand he•f •the precioue result is that many new llnd9 are in eyidimee along both sides of 14 „co-Tent- .1sIcamIng• ..tdf•alon,.., the lake here are • Prosoolors at wnr.k, and many goad •clo!m:4 aro being developed. At Point Pin avtiluable • silver -Cobalt' mine is :In • 1Ltii. Rack 'IA Vine Marie there :are copper and iron • ilrkla and • even. traces of. gord,J•the mouth .of the Montreal River • bete are valuable trapee.of silver. At.quinn's POint there ore gale -rib and :silver._ • One-half Of • D.C,Vit'S noel:has already been sold. fo•r .$611,000; -in fact the whole district shows mMeral-bearing:."rocks, and' •cobalt.. formation keeps oro, ppingf.out . varioirS places., .• • • •• , Magnificent Water. Powert. • . . ,Sortie most Interestiiig.Sights.are. leen on the trip, shelf as -the .",Notelt" on the Ntohireal • River, where the 'great • swoop 'of waters Niue through a nar- row rocky. gorge' sixteen feet wide and tumble inte the. lake. A little •loWer 'cloWn theliiklaWa Rivcr falls three Irun- ar''a, feet' .nine • intlee, furnishing en - peel& power to arty° .any kind ot mach-. In-ry.. A score of rieees and ereelts out• int:0 oho lake, anti drain• lettere teem- ing with Many sorts fish.; Tlie a(„nt. . of T em iskan1 ing claim • that they have • the ISeet. tlhing ffr.11.114d. • Woritl at their dotirs. •and certlihily the • catches of bittek bass, 4=i4eclaci1 ti,i 111,10.± piekerel and pi',i tittt 011.)., be-, neve thattheir clohn .141 ;Justin:I On th.) Morning •of the urItet's visit a • 1S. 1.4.2..bounti; lah,) Lc out. .r.t caught.: • . A Hunter's Pp rad ise. • -• Andnot only is •there .RahinO,but there Ls splendid blunting .its• is 11 :The fartimute• Kipewa Lake comet:re...boa.• long been known es the 'beet nt foe country 'and there are (Aber dis- tricts Meat•by teentlai: with game 'of every sort. It IA 84).:-.1 of a sue- 'prise.- to the :tourkt t., Mid at Temie- keening a hotel perfgetli, modern In et-- • eey-sespect. • Within a few • nrinutee' • well: . or paddle.. from 'the p..:1181,..1) you aro In the witda olt oorthera • Ca/rade,: and .yet there • you -II...W.-a hetet witIt. electric lighting, • Itt ani 'caw: water, bowting alleys, tennis courts, golf links, and every adjunct of thodcrn hotel life • Tai Backwoodsmen.. , • Not only are there. aft:Actions for the man lured. by the Met of gold and The Mateo% News.Reeord. ELECTIO BUILDING CMENT. rats Most A:motet:It Form Was simple - Duetted I.totestone. Cement, concrete and especially ure. enforced concrete" will, according to some authorities, solve Mauy et the hard problems emir -outing the archi- tects and builders of motlern strue. tura Cement is known to have been GUsreedeksbayndthReorutisli.lieTlittes'inolstlf aPutei 1st' form of cement was simply •burned limestone, more or less pure, used 'very much, os ordinary limo is used at the. present time. The Itonlane were the first to adulterate litne by aadIng or. OM clay soils aud slate for the purpose of maklug A cement of n hydraulic ne- tt:We—WM Ise. elid. IT0111d set dr. harden tourer water. Pliny, wile lived In the first century iS,. b., describes the Cdflatfying ordinary burned. limestone and ConeertIng It into it form of hydrattlie open t. In ancient times it was believed that the best comma ..was .male rrom the. hardest rock, and Olds opinteir ivas not modified from the time or the Romans down to the eighteenth century, How, ever, John Sweeten, the man who built the second Eddystone lighthouse, in course of examining the various by, throttle cements for use in the founda: Goa and masonry made the important• diecovery that the mutiny of hydraulic . cement depends open the amount of elite, itt the limestone. Ties itt comeelea to be the most Important diseoVero in the art in nearly twenty centuries. • • On the isle of Portland, hi the south of Englaua, there are certain quarries of limestone wbich have been worked .for wetly years, in former times pro- dueing building; stout!, In 1824 an Eng-. lishmanmetleeJe' oseph Aspain • Leeds, patted a process for mixing • and burning lime and clay; The prod - Pet looked 50 .iinuelt ltire ,the. Portland linieetone. that he' called it Oportiand cement," frow which the commonly known name given to nearly all kinds • of. hydraulic cement waS derIved.—Chi. cage News. • ' The Geictian froverntneut errfo't tifilten, possession of a *bort s •rip of tenek /mar • Berlin and IA plant inO to execute a . unique .series, of ri "ecceleute" Made to order: 1.;;ts sry . variety of tnis., placed switch N1111 lt tostedSeverypos- slide defect lit-wbeele, nsies and „ear equiOment will Ise tried out, sand. the grand finale is to be lin immense:head- 'on collieion of locomotives. :These spec- tftenifir exhibitioMi are not planned by the government as a.- national. amuse. • mut, They are foftho purOoee of scl- eotific experiment, so that the.. ere. gineere• and railway experts Way shifty.- . wivit. aed meatts to prevent neeklente of all kinde. In the futore. . • • '• , ' Itailrohd disastershave oceurred with i alarming freepeney In the. tlemitan em, pima, eat is esi•imated 'that the German ,.railways . lose, r;;I.21;11,000 • ..atintially througb dottier . oriel' the carfse8 atid, gboole4trnnitifeil it will be the,thel: of the ent . officiain '• to ' devise safe.. • guards.—St. • TAWS: Post.Dispfutell. • • • Talte.st 'illgit• •Sehoui student. . Carl Fleteiter, standings six feet Seeen and a Omit' incitee in les slietes, a meni-'• ber of. the class of '00 of. the Seattle High school, wilt hardly have his claim elisputetl to behig the tallest high school student in 'the United :.StateSi. • Sento- ' inOre • Fletcher is but •eigliteee :years so •that by • the lime he .reeehes, olineit's 'Stature- he should:have- added' ••tit leeet three more luclies to. WS height • • The ahnorinal (level:opulent of -Ceti 'ft• the 'man who seek a wealth In pine fereeta, but there are namele'ss. attra,c- Cons for the 1..))....er ...of. nature: • the beauty or the lake. with its high, rocky, banks; the dense fiiresps, the •Wide. stretches or woodland. ant 'miter.; the eterlial blueness or the hant•tintlan bine, eno the lapilli ad fans almik•the- way. Then there is the.historie side, -the op, . . portunity to stadY the quaint life of the imbithric fat. from the Influences if enothen (IL-. One seesthe tint, white- washed Cottage, the wt 11.,tilled farm, the thi-lftand eirrgy trf the fin•tner, •and with it yeu oneet 1 he old rivet, driver, the type feriae famous.. by lertinetionti, the Sabitant . . .4 • . . "...ex dem along de ieever; Ax • dein along de ebere, who was toes' mi.st fightlif• man • Fr••In 1.1anagance to Shawinigan, De plate., where de .great beg rapide roar—Stibtkitiu Co.ttr teen. • . • . °Same. •ting on ee-ery stialfttee lip oil itt Maekinite: Who Nvtie de man can want d?, tog wole of de reeyer she's black toe A1,1 Ntftrilly' de beegest laart rtlhet;s trice? . , --Johnnie centeteau," .• • It would almost' seem tiler the Ms- , cov ry of sliver rn the n ••.•tblan,f came. at. an opnortune timp,. it will give ete title if ellatleP 1., l(r1ati• 801tIv.thirte ot t'l•.• Wand. ro. 411141 V1131'11144 .or our new norMa only ore W., 114 4•1n:" a row anti e'reater weet ortenin» up rill. we ale. a new and great .1. ,1 Kit giv• Ing as its wealth or f oleo, mine, late. and ever. and halt I In Ittl,1 with rna a. Wesitth tho, eqt , 11,,,,1th and an awakened Intl.reot in toe seente„ charms ot the eouotry. FOR ALL HUMOURS Edmore, Salt Rheum. Masks, etc. -no remedy heals moraquicidy than Mira Ointment. Mita relieves inflartneatioti, soothetpain, causes new tissue to ,cover taw sulfites. and Name* the akin to healthy Smoothness, Afre, J. Wobb. Poomoarl &Wel, Toionlo, tor "It is a roondritul env o." 1Ttom1r11, Iht hi" _ssayi 1 "1 highly recommend youe Mira Ulla areal far Eczema.' Mira Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a more thorough cute. At dtuggists-or from The C:hemille Co, of Canada, Limited, Hamilton— l'oanto, Intic on eating ittAtai miles tieuturcotro. CITY THAT HAD "SAND." ixow Galveston I SIM Balfour; meet., Moro- ozood Line. Eaelt day the solid wall crept farther along the gulf front until at 'length It ,stretched four and a half mlioeguard-- lug the whole corporate 'email to its outer limits, it'ud on top of this the Illy leas undertaken it task unknown In history, but whieli Is now one-third completed—to lift itsel' beans above tho.floodllue, A district as large as all that pant of Maohattan below Houston street is being raised to a Oeight In places- fifteen 'feet above ita present level. It was not an open couutry or a tract or westeetand which was to be littea. It was the major part of an active, vigorous town, the most impor- tant busluess• center of the ..soathwesf. • Street 'ear lines, gas pipes, water mins, house, elmrchee, all the com- plex mechanism of n metropolis,' had ho. be elevated an average of seven feet IlbeVo - the eldgrttilkij'e IV11 O .11 006;00 cuble SPAras aro iibeded to cont. plete this work, Eleven million cubic' yards: The quantity sonveys .42 definite •1dee. •ittst bat it 'really Meant :.for the ' gulf city to undertake this work roar be realized from omperisene, Galves- ton- Is the: second' export .eity of the Unite(' States, During the last fiscal yefir, 14105., there eleared bere for both' Milted States and for•eignports vessels of a total of 1,702,478 net registered *toes. This tonnage Is an eqolvalent Of. .1,828,000 °obi° yards. It every vessel clearing from .the port 41$ • t MIA!, l'HING2 OF Olisr n, !• • • 1,', ;.%.,re,. 1 !VVI" rl'!1 .1* .44 • ; • '• ;.* •• ,f ,• itt is iti itt ht. pril • of eoltb se. But ,e'i -her I Dee an ;wiles" man, Ana e O.1. my Integiety Men in my el 111' I tell, yoth tn brotlt,. r. itt plata as can, It matti)0.4 It mall...Ts little haw long I stay Inrt w titi of sorrow, sin, ana care, Whether in youth I. run caliesi away, or live 1111 my benes of flesh ere. bare; But whether I do the best I eon To soften -the .weight of adversity's touch On the faded. cheek- of my fellow -man, It inatters much! It 'matters little where be my grave, f If on the land or In the sea; By pulling brook. *neath stormy wave It mattera illtie or naught to me; Buteavhether the ant ot death e once (town , And meters my brow with a loving* • touch, I As one thot shall. wear the victor's • crawn, .„ matterst_nstutt • 4 By a simple rule the length or roe (My alai night at any time of the year tatty be eseitrtained. By flobillings the thm6 of the stites rising the :h6iertit of the night ie obtnined, :Out ,by fleubling the (Mut of the setting the length et the (lay le given. Coldest eseroocatt oftpittot. St, Vetet'sburg is the .eoldest eapitifi In Europe, the temperature in winter sometimes reaching 50 degreee below zero. UniseetatIon of Lite, According to the English table of ex. pectatIon of life, out of 1,000.000 chil- dren born the survii-ore at tile age of sixty would be 182.350 males and 187,- 477 females, of whom ten years later . there woulge-be 114,370 males anti 123,- 607 females, or it total of 237,977. . ....,.......--,-- .0 I. Trees In Slaty. The ancient poets used to sing of tiij. dense forests or SiellY: Today titer mountQue ere VW: The question of 4 'fbforeating is aallillcult one. Attempt:, at starting mew irowth are fyustratetl by the peasants, Who toe down fenee-s" abet. drive -In their goats. Only uuder military protection could new forest trees be grown.• 1010111)10/0000000000010100000000041 Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like call it, is one of the most weakening of Galveston last year had been loaded eas . O diseases known.. .... - 40 Scott's Ernvi,sp.,n, whic.h is Cod O Liyer.Oil and. flypophIrrhite.s h..easily di, O . gested. :- -."toSiolo 4aNSO. eetteetlee$1..'aierteroOtheleuilder .0 knowT:. te.-e,...,!'..2:te".1. SOie:IICe. ' O '.- • :get :1 ...7 -J-....O. •"---sofj• mat. t sinks into , • • - • with sand to her full' net tenuage O- pacity the amount carried•away would he less than one-sixth of what is being used in raising the grade. The material required would make .five pyramide as large as that of Cheops. If every veSeet 'flying the Armoric:In flageewere „Teattired t�. bring one full cargo or said It would take three trips of • Allis 'great fleet to mt&Galveston's need: This Is. the magliltride -of the' piddle woek that the city qt less Union 40090 'souls has undertaken. witla:rno ()inside. 'aid save the attention of its ownn state: taxes for seventeen yens. • The men of Galvest leevebuilt send concrete sea wall foureaffd balf miles leeigeet. ft cost of.:81,500009 vet hare paid rd. .eas11: They' have ' beckda the 4811 tilt with a. litinared feet of,solid'allidte noel fire notsa raising - the ,gtenTer •portion. of the dity to an , • average height•ot fourteen and a UM -feet above sea, levet at to cot of $2,.- 29q,coo further: • • The solution .of the prohlem *of rais- • ing Galveston Nvas an engineering feat, No tool in America could Accomplish the work within the city'sreedureee, • and hauling material by rail cot li,;500,7 000 Mere than the municipal 14,liutt - would. alloW. Suction dredges cottld not 'lump semi.. tier ' hoto 'the host • • 0 4> 0 01 tefrects • Or Vfl riot of Wrerlt: hiiy •Fletcher "upward". is notreadily aso • cribed to. heritage, Fleteher pere is but.. feet five inchee, •and the :scheel- •hey's mother is four inches taller than her husband. All of the members. .ot the family' are of. norinal height, al- though an ,elder brether, manager of the Leona drug- store; le- sixfeet- two Sinches.SeettleTimes. • " ' • • - • . . . The ,Eliggent i'elieseope. • • AO biggest tolescope in'the world le the Common' teleseope, five full feet in diameter, twenty Inchee ivider•than the „Yerlses. It was constructed feu years. ag•O' by Dr.. A:, A. Ctimmeno. a . well • katown astronomer. of England,. who Wanted It for reaearelo'work. dd ie. soon aftetward, andhle flue telescope became idle. TWo years ago it was • purchased by the Harvard collage We- servatory, which proceeded at once to mount it on the observatory grounthent. Cambriage. The work bas,beettneces• se rites slow,: for mm114111;4.: it great, tele teope Is not like building ft •loruse. • ether prince t hallo Lucian Mit- . '41 t . tlo , the syawn,, 1:1-al.frcen7e.ee.sN blood' abed new fat, 43 Co Ilse Sco.t.t's Eintasibli after' _ : infiatraza.• . • PI .. • • ltrealuable for Cbtighs ona Colds. t, and t ?,./arvcs 'arid muscles. • • e .AL,. DReicIOISTS: 500.• AND $1.00. .00000000000004100000411041: 1.***_..**.tet****6-etttts.t?.....tette**tih..#1tettb*ee.+41,.. **on, ()fettle, totn. e eolution lay in the 'v.'. • • :radical proposal Of driving it caned into the heart of the citY• nod °tieing self propelled dredges,bul. recently • duced • in Europe, 'could. take theie frons the' • ship chnonef, steam up •this_ canal and disebarge the material under the houses and through the streets., • . The • operation 91' these engineering Titans possesses. O 'certain 'interest.' They: steam over .or MOM:Nide *a• sand - batik. The main engines actuate: ft, largo cent rifeigal pump; whose function itt te take no material end- diselierge ,it into the 11 setereO "Kreisel.ponipe," ttiowlarlpool punoi, 'Wfla the name givea • it hy, the Old. rimer:Ian pioneer wile first :applied th1),1; princitile to hYdrtinlic • Oredglege The 'pump' forms it smell maelstrom, :sueking no. into theinteriee. of. the tiredge sand: mud etre; with ee; tD DOA Or. Cent ee, SO. water; . Then eeirs -a Julf. lead. Of .bilotileels. 01' to the• dre.O.os stennis foirolts tile nal-le:able channel,he lea ttereporarY eanal .anti elpee the 'mixture on. to the. lots: and, Appeintedstreete.• • • • .• • Twe years more will see tbe.necona • 'pliehment ef this greatetintlertaking •-Theseit. wait will evithstentl the- rues of the wildeeti storms. The •raleing or its. grade will lift the city • Aimee' the Canger. pelot Of the Itikliest Test kiculeus Which has • for sa lone over • .r.ditolowed this entrepot .01' .the south- west will vanish. Claiveeten's mate feature will have to its realleittoti :ea vital barrier. -SelentItie Audetdcam Its: Distinguished Company. . • Bordentowit, N, J., once kept diethe • guished company. The .ek-klites of etptiin and Naples, Jit.oeph, parte, • livei there for sixteen yteirrt upon it magnificent niandation ealleJ • 1 unite Beeeee. flow vanisted from the %voted - •real estate. Lake 1111:1 is Still stand- • ing, whetfe.Banaparte's daug'ilter dwelt WItIt' her husbeittl, Prince Charles of . e.'aniuo. and , Olueignanto, and !Auden 11:01 is in good•preservation, Where los; Sulphur Utstlopr 3.110$t of tite sulpour consumed in the Unitot States cornee •front Louisiana: where are . east•deposits itt a depth et Omit 000 to 300 feet. As there la a layer • of Wild:saint a hundred feet thick above the. stilplutr, It was impos- sible until lately to get out paying quantities. • Now. however, 1t .is • ses owed by driving down two plriefe, 'One pipe carries a jet of steam, whichecom; 111.4 in eontact with the solla bea of . sulphur, melts It inte.a i1qtiId ThIS is then forced to the surfaee by air pre*, • sure through the other . -A lIelnr .:11,. nephew of the Nata1eon.4, 'whose wi.'e taught hoarding 8011601 In P. nalett- ioWn.—.k.rgoltatit. vetted:tit Motto. • •' The Rialto itt N'eniee. where Antonio • g:rae 1 Sityloele many a time and oft, 11,1.4 stores oe either :Ode full of (Iloilo 5141105. • (I.:fulcra Shutters*. 81.1111 01*.thti. kOilttit ftilIA to move when 3•011 •1411111) rt. (011114`, tey petting 1( 11)10 the lint eloset (not ovem or the rang , •tor 1 tvo home ov. more. Thisdries the moisture met le once smileient to put it haek into conimis. Vegetnriatis will doubtless hail with dellesilt the advent of. a HOW potato, blne skill and yellow of interior wheel le about to be placed upen the utarket. This potato is knoWii. as the' Salaintin ()Minter:4.mi violet and is the . restitit 01' .5010111100 .cultivation tit Read. fug. Entitand. It has a distinct flavot • of RS OV711. Epicures describe it as ti; combined flavor of turnips and stspara ; pus. •1 - Y. - IX ti.inese. "%Viten Inthims.c.: first nutko its op• , nsdranee the senlp is nsnally tight. it he appliention or goose oii will loosen • it :111(1 furnish food for the t)ssues, of , the skin. ItCritfriserta -CUS•10104 110111(ty briliff11, itt Isktghtml. Was. m1- ' itnt'tI 1180 by .Thentas tfity- Mara, who expreeeed the Wish that he Peelit die ere the work was. rommeneed lad filet les body iniglet he tete:Tea the (-enter, pier. Ile Mott before tee bride,. W;IS hilt MIR 14:1"t‘ti ViII.1'a,:•'1,1'd floor by. 1 Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria ressiene is a boon to Asthmatics met it Sot stem mote effective M breathe in 4i t.tmedy to care 'disease of the breathing organs Asa to take the remedy into the stornaCh ? It cures because the air -rendered strongly anti. •eptic is carried • et the diseased surface With very breath, • prolonged and alalsfant treat. 'nem. It is tutees to mothers with small •..hatten. Those Oa topsitmptive -eneency end immodiate -404$ SIS° ,ollef from eon& or in. lamed conditions of the ;hroat. Sold by druggists. Send tsostal for booklet, • batman, MtLart CO., Intuited, Agents, Mont. Canada. SO/ (188' * 1 • tie • <ft • 4, We carry the largest assortment of choice seific.ted. cireesea •.ikins -and • ": " 47' , Manutgcturing South Sea Seal and. • . . PerSian Lamb Jackets a 'Spe.Cialty. • . . • Hest werkrthanship and perfect fit guaranteed: • Priee5 moderate * •,.te Our sto( k of manufactured furs in 'Slink. Sahle, Pox, • Sgoiri.el,• etc.,. is. this year the Inrgest and best selection possible io the market ee, . ▪ • . 'Choice riatortil dark Mink Ruffe...... • $23.00 to ei50.00 • , • • • • home " . " Stoles... ... 32 50 to 105.00' . Cboice • c! " •• Mutts '47.501O • 64,00 Fine daek, Alnska Sable Rears.. , . , 19 50 to 25.00 • • 411. eo, • e " " ". . Mutts ... . 11.00 to: 20 00. .* • Wmtte for Catalogue: • ' Mail Orders promptlyattended no tt. 106 DUNDAS ST., LONDON.' rt it-4-ow.v3v#.*-4-4.4*.irits-vir+v*-44-44.4:4P-sm#44-irs.-**** • • . r • : • The New Record sod Weekly Mail and Empire,'ene year $1 Or new 6, Weekly Globe. • ' 1.65 46 ' loamily Herald and Weekly Star.,.......... 1.85 " Weekly Wrtness... ...... . ...... . . . 1 60 • ' it " • Sun, 1 75 . 4. Advettiser . 1.60 Farming Woidld ........ 1.50 Farniet's Advocate and ' .• . • Horne Magazine 125 44 if • Daily News, Toronto .... 2.30 Star ' " ......... .... 230 Globe "": . . .. 3,25 Mai/ • "" • •• ; 3.25 41 • " • World " . . . .. . 3.00 " *. Saturday Night " 135 • In remitting, please de so • by Express Order or Postal Note, and address • ' •• W. J. MITCHELL TI -IE NEVVS-RECORD, Clinton Ont. • . • 4, 4, it of Victorious Thro' Merit OX YDONOR triumphs through merit — for years it has been thelife. guard of more tints n inillion persons. • It is the embodiment of the highest ItliV known to human science. Trill, is concentrated the experience of the greatest scientist of the *WANK. age. A labor of love for humanity. No ether agency for bea'th tins so many faithful friends—none other deeerves so many. OXYDONOR instils new life into the system; regener- otes,, reinyigoretes end vitnlizes evet•y organ into the proper discharge of the tunction for which Natore intended them. Its use brings vigorottS hesolth with all t he phyeicai aetivitY that makes life worth living. No matter What disettee you have thists thermly nationd cure for it. There is Ito &roger, 00 psin. no doctor not; medicine in using OXYDONOR, it will last n lifetime and serve the whole family.' Send today for hook No, 53, mailed free, WI ha tie a description of of your ease. , NeRvous PROSTRATION. HEART TROUBLE. Mr. E. Oraimm, 62 Itilbittson 81'.4 TortuttO, Ont.. writes Oct.. 10, 100— '41 het eity ceitify that f have used Oxydonor No. 2 for more then a. year for nervous prostration Ittni Iseatst tronble. I feel now fully veittored to hcalt It, 'Ind from careful obsert• at Mu 1 have no hesitation in &tying that my complete recovery isentirely dile to the a pnieation of Oxydonoe." RHEUMATISM. IYIr...JOhn Martin Arnprior, Out:, Oa' n. writes February 14th, 10013— aMter seven MiltltItc° tise ,iroxydnitot., heve been greetiv relieved and almost entirely cured el i hemoottisto from which t bavestiffered for forty years,• 1 pined ten pounds while nsiine Oxydonor. I 'am seventv.eight yen t s of age. Wmthi not, be withent Oxydon or for it tty money." Beware of Dangerous and Pradulent Imitations, The oronine has the online of `lir. 11 'Sandie k e0„" plimily stamped 10 118 metal parts. DR. R. SANGRE & CO, 304 ST. CATHARINE ST. WEST, MONTREAL