HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-29, Page 2leePURITY-e 0. -.ACCURACY—. Money Lost Dozens of fanners all around • us have lost money by ming , expensive stock foods, Where did the money go? It went to pay big salaries and keep up ' race horses, de'lltolleeeleas DouglasStock Invigorator not only takes the place of these preparasions, hut gives the best • tesults. You can make one pall for 76e. It's hest for everything raised on the farm. Your neighbor uses it —ymeshould. Remember, Holmes the druggist makes it, and We make the best for you W. 8, R. Holmes • Phm. E. We Keep Only Post Office The Best. Drug Store. —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE—, „ ••••• J•,.. a •••inP. ••• -.I -si• THE LEADING .3,1( )IE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 34E 7"-- CENTRAL iCA #1/A STAATFORD. ONT. )k • This school is recognized••O'i 3* toe one of the best Com- 3i 34E inamial schools in Amer- •Ai ..11E ica. You can safely judge 4; 34E a school by the applicat- • ions it received. This term A; 34i we received apolications 34( from firms in six large Am- )1.; erican cities aod from far •)O 3.1( more towns q,ntl cities of ::"K )1(- Canada including Saska• ;4E. tociii, Sask. on the Wert Oie: )1(• an Charlottetown, P. E. I. 4( 341: on the East. Our reputed,' 'OE ?$ ion means much for. ow SO 3,Ie graduates. Write for our W. -SO catalogue. -11E & McLachlan, 'dE ?ti Principals. Oe ' liiBrAC•10001010r,s46$91316:414 0• - The Northern Ontario Consolidated Copper Company will • build a smelter • at Dead. Lake. • • • . j • Mr. Alfred Willnson, a bre:thee of • Mr. Walter J, Wilkinson of The Mail • 3,nd Empire, died at Detroit. 1•. • • - SUNLIGHT SOAP - is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions. SUNLIGHT WAY OF WASH= FIRST.—Dip the article to be washed in a tub of lukewarm water, draw it out on a washboard and rub the soap lightly over it. He pant:aim not to miss soaping. all over. THEN roll it to a tight :011, lay in the tub under the water, and go on the same way until all the pieces have the soap rubbed on, and are rolled up. Then go away for thirty minutes to one hour and let the "Sum light" Soap do its work. NEXT.— After soaking the full time rub the clothes lightly out on a wa.h board, and tlita dirt will drop out; turn the garment in. s.de Luc to get at ill° seams. but don't use any more soap; don't scald or boll a s ngle piece, and don't wash through two ands. If the water get* too dirty, pour a little out and add fresh. If a streak is bard to wash, rub some more soap on it, and throw the piece back into the suds for a few minutes. LASTLY COMES THE RINSING, %%kick is to be done an lukewarm ‘14ater, taking special care to get all the dirty sude away, then wring out and hang up to drv. For Woolens and rlam. nels proceed as tollows :— Shake the articles flee from dust. Cut a tabiet of SUNLIGHT SOAP into shavings, pour into a gallon cfbolling water and whisk into a lather. When just lukewarm, work articles in the lather without rub- bing. Squeeze out dirty er without twisting and rinse tharoughly in two relays of lukewarm water. Squeeze out water without twisting and hang in the open ail: OThe most delicate colors play be ?eddy washed in the 'Sun- light " way. ,. "•=5 e•mb •=, •-• 4." ••••• $5 000 REWARD will be paid to any person who • proves that.Sunlight Soap con- tains any injurious chemicals • or any form of adulteration. o„,, Buy and follow • Wts; • • directions. C • • • LEVER BITOTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO . 161 Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE .ON 7TH CON. Stanley township,.. containing . 175 .acres. mile •from school, .1 mile from Presbyterian and Methodist chuit.les and postofbce, 7 Miles ftiom Hensel' and 4 miles from :Kippen station. There areon the • premises three barns, 64x40, 70x28, • all in good repair. Comfortable log and frame house. .22 acres in• • fall - wheat. All fenced, 100 acres •well. underdraineO and the 'remaining. • • 75. acres eSrained hy• tewnshise Melt eunning through. Never, ittiliitg Well at the house with . a new 'Brantford purnping mill, also a never efaIling spring back on the farm. 1.?.,• • acre's: • good bearing orchard.. MC,' fax.p is. In a first-class- stale ot. cultieation and is situated in oneed ahe best grain growing * sections in•IPe. :press vince. Will be seat' cheap , eitO •• on, terms to suit. the purchaser. • For. further. information. • apply on the: premises or address Georee Cole- man, Hillsgreen ,P. 0. 47 • FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. 2, Stanley,containing '100 acteS,.10, acres of bush, the remainder is well fenced, underdrained and in a ' good state ot •cultivation. .1 . acre of or- chard and small fruit. Oethe pre-. wises is a two •story brick house with slate roof, a first-class farm bruise, a barn, size, 41/ x.80 with 'stonestabling, a Lenient silo 14230, gOo.d driving house, pig pen and ben bmise. TWo• never -fail- ing wells. This farm. is situa1ed:3 miles from Brueefield, 5- from. .Clis,- ton and on od gravel. toad. 'Ap- ply on tir premises or address Albert Nott, Clinton P. Q. . :02 FARMS FOR SALE—ONE AND A qUarter miles from churclf, post - office, school', and the village. of Auburn. Suitable for grain •or grats. Lot 27, on thelnd Con. West Wawanosh • consisting • of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under, hush and. .the balance nearly • all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52x$0, 'driving house 24x36 with • a cement pi,g houseunderneath, are on sat promisee. 'Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly oppos- fte said lot 27, containing 100 acres of lantl, 15 acres of which are bush. On this lot there is a bank barn 40x60. There • are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots aro well fenced and un- dcrirained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Terms easy, The proprietor is now past the age to faxm.—Apply to ThomasNich- olson, Aublien P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all comniunicat- ions. FARM TO RENT—LOT 15, CON. 13, Hullett, 150 acme, known ae the Kelly farm.—Apply to W. Brydone. Clinton. 42 IIOUSE FOR SALE—TEE : SEVEN. roomed house now occupied by Jam- • bi Livermore is offered for :eale. • Geod. stone cellar, all kinds of sm- all- fruit, hard and soft water: Will" • be sold?. cheap. Apply. to James • Livermore.' • • 46 FARM FOR SALE.—WEST HALF of lot 7, South Boundary, and West ,half of lot 3, con. 4, Stanley, con- • sistieg of 102 acres, 8 acres bush, .• the :rem,ainder• seeded 'down' except- . 30 acres. The place is %ell fen- • nod .and . drained; and . watered • by . spring creek, "Frame batn. Thi•s ' farm is sitttated en. •the Towel:Line, • two miles west of leipeen station. Apply on the premises or •address • James C. Parsons,. Kippen, Ont.' 32 • FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— Lot 13, con. 16, G-odericb township, consisting of 80 acres, 65 acres• ' cleared, balance bush. Good barn • and eornfortable house. Well wat- ered by to good running stream's. • mile from school a.njel 1 mile from • postoffice. •Will he •sold on easy • terms.—Apply to T. T. ••Olturphy, • Clinton. ' ' 35 tf FARM FOR SALE.—THE LINDER- • signeee offers for, sale part of lot: 40 on ethe Bayfield Road, a • mild .south of Clinton., consisting of 20 acres. Good frame house with st- one cellar, barn ;36x70 witb (serpent leasement, Easy tents; •-e• J. A. Smith, ••4.0 HOUSE FOR' SALE. A LARGE „ frame house on Wellington street; • Clinton,H lately occupied by F. C. Allcock. roonis and pantry; wood- shed, good stone cellar, • hard .arei soft water, 1. acre of land. A sp- lendid elia,nce for a person wanting a good house. Apply to Mrs. Chid - ley or to "Mrs. Allcock. • 39 Clintos. 'Newe:Reeordl Pointers, About Fowl One of our metkhants dropped into The Sentinel offive a day or two ago to lodge a protest against the manner in which certain; fa'riterS of this locality prepare their fowl for merkei. In the first place instead Of starving them for a feet hours before' . killing, they must give them an extra. • ttied, for when placeldi on the COM - tee, their crops are full to the burst- ing potnt. This if done •purposely is . diehonvot. Then 100, the lwadsought.: to be talten•off. People :do: not eat: the bead and have no right to 14y for it. Then again, very often; fowl: are atadly plucked, Some farmers haVst .a habit of douneing the chicken _lute' hot water before plucking. This bias- ' .clsens the skin; and gives • the bird a' dirty look. Fowl should be dry pick- ed, and should.. be Picked cleat. To. sum up, •farmers. in Preparing their. fowl,- for market, •Ohould dry pick, pick.' clean and starve for a few hours lie.' • rare killing: If these • directione are • oheerved, there will hie ipo•kidclOng on th.e- part of the merchante.—Lucknow Sentinel. KING OF ALL • • COUGH MEDICINES. Mr. E. G, Case, a mail earrior of Canton Center, Conn., who has been in the U. S. Service for about sixt- een years, says s "We have tried many cough medicines far croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is king of all and one tq. be relied •oponi eve- ry time, We also find' it Le best remedy for coughs and colds, giving Certain results and Leaving no bad &accts." For sale by W. S. K. Hol- mes, Clinton, Ont. • Major E. W. B. Morrison of The Ottawa' Citizen has sold his mining claims in. Cobalt to a Toronto syn... didate for S250,000. IN PRAISE OF CHAM- • BERLA1N'S COUGH REMEDY. There is, no other mediztine u &nu- facturol that has received so • •rotteli praise. and so may • exoreseions .. of gratitude as Chamberlaim's . Cough Remedy. . It is effective, and nit.mpt. relief follows its use. Grateful par- en.te everywhere do' not hesitate' eo testify .to its merits for the benefit .of others: .• It is a certain .cure for comp and will prevent the %sleek • if given at the . first •appeerance ef the disease: It is especially adapted . to children . is .it is pleasant . 'toe take and coatalte nothing injuriooto. Me. E. A Humphreys, a. well .known reel- • dept. and • etre*, in the store) of Mr. :E. Lock, • of Alice, Cape Colony, 5., nth Afrioa, •says':.. OI hove need Chamber- lain's Cough ,Reinetly 'to'. ward •oft croup • and colds in my. family... 1 found it . to . be very eatisfeetory and tt givet • nte ,pleasureto reeommend it" For sale by • W. S. R. Holmes, Clintoni. One.: . •„ • • . • . • Eleano, .an Italian, was found guile . of the Murder at • fellow covet-. ryman named Angiello at the Port. Aetliee Assizese • . • • If there is • a.nythieg wrong • with • your eyesight, consult Tattbe & Sun at the Norma,nelie, hotel •torlors 01 Moneley.: and. Tuesday; December the third Mid fee rth. •If poeOible, 'tome • the first clay • as in a great many cases- a. second examination is aces- sary. • • Harmon Reecho late of Kingston .dropped .dead al, Carberry „Manitoba. Buffalo citizens are petitioning • to have futtiwO supplies of •Certaeian po- wer excludeO, •• CURL' FOB SORE NIPPLES . ' As soon as the child le done nurs- ing, apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe It off with a soft 'cloth before allerw- ing the (third to hers,e. Many tiaineti nurses • uee this. with the Awst lesults. Price, 25p. Per bete: Foe sale.hy W. S. R...Holineeo Clinton,. Ont. • • . • . Feeglishpapers eon:mend”' Hon. Rod- olphe Leinieux•se.• proposal to • lower.. poeta.ge on British newspa,pers. • • . • .. THE REV IRL R. • • • HICKS. 1907 ALMANAC. , The Rev. • hi P., • 'Hicks has • hovn. compelled by the pogulp: demerid • to resterre ' the •pUblication of Ms well known and popular Almahaa for 19-07. This splenOld Almanac is now ready, Foe ' sale by •novedealers, or sent postpaid for 25 cents by Word sed Works" Publishing •Company, 2201 Lit - gust Street; St. Louis, Mo., publish- ers. •of Word and Works, one of the best dalia.r . monthly magazines in America.- ,One Almanac goes, every stibscription. • It is pumored that Hon. James 13r - yet may • be Britain's next; Ambavsa:- . • dor to Vnited States. FARM FOR S E.—LOT 30 ND part 31, con. 5, Hullett, consi ting of 117 acres. 15 acres good hard- wood bush; balance under Cunt's.- tion. Good brick house and Iran:to • barns. Well watered; and fenced. Bearing orchard. 11 miles •from store, postoffice, ehurch and school. Will be sold on easy ternis as • the undersigned Intends going West.— R. J. Miller. Clinton P. 0. 14 FOE—SALE—FRAME HOUSE AND lot on Princess street. 11 rooms, hard and soft water. Good stable. Will be sold eheap and on easy terms. Also 4 hives of bees and a number of bee boxes.—William run - can, • • 39 WATER CURE FOR CONSTIPATION, Half a pint of hot water tal'en, half an hour before breakfast willusually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cath- artics should be evoided. When a purveive is needed, .take' Chamber- lain s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are mild and. gentle in, their ase -don. loor sale by W. S. 1. Holmes,. • • Parie police are investigating the . shooting of. a Canadian named Hebert near locnitaineblett Remember the date of Taasee a, Son's visit to. Clinton *and it your . • • . .yes bother you in An3.7. way, 60 not . - . fail to consult them at the Norman - News -Record Advertisements ' Always Pay betel parlors oii Mooday and Tuesday, Doe:ember third and fourth. The Week's Happenings in MISS ELOISE A. SICIMMINoS Correspondent. .sfesseaseeems_siaememeeee FerManagio Ireland, eighty six years . years ago and came to Cana,04, in the forties, Settling first in the township of Stanley where: he married. Miss Mary TiMlOth. Ineseventy seven they moved to Goderichtownship where they resided until canting to Goder- ich fourteen years ago. Mrs. Oahu - stone died fMliell years ago. The chil- dren • who survive • their parents, end who were all at the • funeral a,ro : Christoelier of Goderich, John E. of Marton, .James, Itsfron Road, Vim - as, Nile, Mrs. MeElroy, Seatorth-, Mre, Graham, Sheppardion, Mrs, Sowerhy, flodOich township!' and Miss Lizzie at home. Mr. James .1. Doyle wase called to. Sndbury by the SeriOlIS illIteSS of his brother Jar:, Mr. William. Ernest was in Toronto last week. Captain John MacKay of the tug Minnie Clark. ie superintentent of all the tugs this season. He and Ifis brother Robert were called away to Pelee Island. Robert is Captain cd the Two Macs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Kidd enjoyed their seuthera trip to the full. Mrs.' Alphoose Parent and two chil- dren have returned to their home at Windsor. Mrs. Parent had been very ill at her home, and came to Gocler- ich with her sister, Mrs. Renan.d.,who haft gone to wait- upon-ber in her ill- ness, and has returned home much improved in* health. Mr, Bernard Wilton has purchased from Mayor 'Tilt, thtt old,Wilsow home estead where his father and an the family of tho late Mr. and • -Mrs. George Wilson were bora. Mr. Ber- nard Wilson owns three farms in the township. Mr. Small of the G. T. R. staff, and family have been removed to Stratford and Mr. Jackson has been sent to fill his place. Mr. and Mrs. Jackieon occupy one of Mrs,. Connell's houSes on Albert street,- near the station. Mrs:. Jaelcson is a Palmer- stonian. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J, Barker, who lived so many years in the residence of the late Judge Tom, now oocoPY Ole house on Arthur street lately pu- ret,ased by •J. B. Hawkins. Our M. P ,Mr. E. N, Lewis, is building a two storey verandah ars • ound his house on Essex street. Miss Jennie Bell, who has spent the summer at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Henry Bell, left on • Saturday for Philadslplge and New • York. Aeniertainenent was given in St. George's S. 8. • rootri on the .2tIth, Miss Unitisel gave a report of the convention at .Galt. Messrs. Lionel Parsons and Harry 0. Sturdy gave some humorous solos.. Mr. Suther- land's solo, "The Owl," fatrly brou- ght) down the house. An ieStrurneetel was nicely given by Alessre: Penn- ington, Frank Doty, end Roy Adams. Mrs. • Cumin, an old time favorite, kindly rendered "Love's Sorrow,'" and for encore "My Rosalie." By request ieter,she 'sang • her •. favorite song ...`‘Kadhileen Movotireen.." Miss • Minnie Wellsdelighted all with her rendering • "einthy's Discovery." Miss. • Martha Wells sang in good voice "WonOt you come to play in' • my house ?" Mr. Mencey a one time marineein t.he Ro- yal Navy, 'gave a very pretty :banjo ectio,• , and , reccitring warm' applause eang "Kateleen''' 'with 'banjo, eccoreps animent. • Miss, Wegthead sane. . a very. sweet, voice "fel never7lwar her voice again.' The eecoMpaniste' were Mtssrs. Milli; Adams' 'and ;Mies. Wells. • Harry Knight has returned to Too onto attar visiting at his, ..aentOe; Mrs. Alex. .Saunders. - • •• . Mr. -and Mrs, Ames :f4tewart ' • have removed to their new house. on Ware len Street. • • • . , • • Mrs, Jos... Wilson has. rented her • farm,' lately Occupied by Mr. Colin Campbell, to Mr. .DavidsolO ' : Mr.. John Bain.' :has • returnect from his duties ,at Wiertop. :- • Mr, W. W. Wallace is home for the season: front- SOU.th Bay,. •• '• .• Mrs,, Edwards • has .• had. the one story ,house :belonging •to her renfoOsO 'from, Britannia Road to. South street It is quite a, landmark, Veing, built •by Eric McKay • many years ago. . •and Mrs: Thos. 13e11• arrived: on :Saturday frorn Medora, Mane and are the. guests .of • the formers par- ents. . • Mts.. ,Jos.Goldthorpe.. and" the -Misss . . *ee Goldthorpe lietro. removed frenit .Saltfoed, to the :residence on Bruce street formerly occupied.. by • the Has- kell, family who .have moved to •Tor- onto. •• • ee; • • The AlgonceOn Club held • their' see - mid •Assembly, onFriday ?Veiling leet. There Was a. very „large, attendance.. Miss: Welsh of Stratford was among the.•geeets. •• . • . • Mr. Arthur Beaver has added a kit- chen' to bbs cottageon •Elgin avenue. • The 41 house on Elgin; aventie."On the Herr estate has been :moved. Away Me. 'Carter .1taS. :built a eew brie* hu: c onpart of the site which he has toirchased •femit Mr. Orr: " • .Mr. W. •Murhey has sold ' the nee, brick hose he built the paet season on the Oayfield Reed, tlw. purchaser .being .Mr. Janice Porter. . winiaol Atenk and family new occupy the ''house • • on Albert street, formerly occupied. by •• Mr, Harry Komp. • Mr. and Mrs. P.; 0. • Smith and lov- ely children arrived at •the residence of Mrs, Smith's parents, Mr. • am! Mrs. Wisthead, last week from Man - England. • Mrs. William Robertson is going to spoid this winter •ill, Ottawa. with lier. son who is a lineMber of the Civil Service. Mr. Thomas Elliott of the organ factory is ill with fever.: Mr. Harry Rothwell was ht town last week. He dots not expect Mrs. Bothwell • to mime to her home in Toronto until. • next March. Mrs. Rothwell has been in Very deiicete health eince the death ot her broiled the late Ed, Van. Every, Miss Saults has returned from a visit with the • :tlisses Rotliwell itt Toronto: The funeral of tire late Mathew Johnetone, one of the pioneers of Huron, took place on November the twentieth to Maitland c',enetery, the. Rev. Mark Turnbull officiating et the bowie and eemetery. The casket Was eCitoert41 With lovely floral emblems and cut flowers. The Padibearors were the deceased's sons, Christopher, Jelin E., James and Themes and bus sons-in4aw,, Thomas 8owerby and. J. B. Graham. The late Mathew Shep- herd was born in Enislellen, County West Wawanosh her*; it is 32. years -siege . he lett in Stratteroy, a7f!tilevteeheri,eehariu.eniFg.:rea,ciex,tatvn. 0,,.clejae. v. ihsiats*.rtoetuhrenredshie:ritio, limbed at Donnybrook. and - a' good - lug • A , few days - among old 1 riends : here. John may take company ...back cads a horse 27 'years of ego, both after spending the fall in the West, yereldeb.eir turnip, ' and report a geol. work is being done, . good for a day's work. . - • . John Bulford of Michigan is spend-. Nearly all the farmers are takiog Ad. Disher and Jim Redmond have Miss Laurent:eau has 'returned again The soedal seroleee ..are still eon - to learn, that John Ole-. • .. . . . • • . • , . , , Crositie, brother of W. S. McCroetie„ clerk of West Wewanotsh,. is . not tin - proving as fast as his many • frientis would wish. . • • . It is our sad •duty to record the death of 'James Ramage,. who pessed. away on Wednesday. afternoonI he deceased was in,..• bie -72nd year and.' washighly respected resident of West Wawanosh, ' • : . • • • A • HARD CASE OVERCOME •, • No longer neceseary to suffer from museplar rhennsatistn. Every • ease can be cured. 'Ferrozone is. 'infallible as 'proveci. by David Johesione of Or - mend,. Ont. "My 'wife was. 'a dreadful sufferer', he writes. "For years she could :scarcely do • any work...11er knuckles and jointr". swelled,• •causing' • torture. To, :get •lip or down- stairs Was. initiOsOible. She took box . atter box after box' 01..Ferrozonc and 'rob- bed the' sot?, -places with • Nerviline. • Impeovement started. Mel she mended fast. Today, she is quite. cueed• and we thank •Ferrozette 'for, her recovery,' NO remedy more popular with duct - ors: than . .Ferrozone ;, it 'does cure. • Fifty • -tentei.per box, fromall. dregs • • St: Aniguttine • • • A 'very pleaSing event took place at the home .of Patrick Walsh.oni• :the' '24th Nov. when his only eiker, .Catlierine, • was united .ine the . holy bonds of •matrimony to. Ed weed '143Y's , ef Niagara,. Wisconsin The, marriage look • piece at St, Augustine • church and- Ree. -Father Lawandeau •Oelebra- led• Mass :•at 10: o'clock a. lei • after - , which the party •dreee honie, where a sumptuous flintier oawaited - .theme The table was decorated • beadlifully and heavily, laden evifh • choicest deli- • cacies. About. sevent five guestPar- took: • of diner. Father. Leuedoideao toasted •the ,bride. 'and- made a viry. appropriate address, which wee much appreeieted.. The afternaon spent in games' 'and music, 'and' when' .• the 'young folk arrived in .the everting live gathering hut -filtered about 300:1ne all. The merry -Making was kept:up •until the we; small hours of the morning and: all returned to their betties much pleased with the. very pleasant time. V.he bride,' who looked.very charfning,. wore a suit of castor broadelotit-and wIfite, silk .waist, •hand •etuhroldered, and . wore a 'panne velvet hat to' maieb, with white plumes andetit steel bUkIe. She.. •was attended, by Miss Hilda .Boyle, who mrformea the duties 'of bridesmaid, her dregs 'being: steel grey -and trimmed with all-ovde lace and ribbon; 'The bride's . brother acted as best man: The NS& was 'recipient of a large number of ',Tee- entso including several handsome che- ques. The groom's present.) to the bride and bridesmaid were beautiful brooches. Tire bride eind groom drove to • Goderich Wednesday evening, staying , Wi th t lte kroOM/S mole, •Ed- ward Hayes.,' St Patrick's street, and on, Thursday morning ;took the Vain for • Niagara, .Wiscoesin, where the groom, has a fine home prepared for his bride. • • . , DEAFNESS CANNOT. BE CORED by local'applications as :hey .an - not reach the dise.ased portions of the ear. There is only the way to .eure, deafness, and that is by con- stitutional • remedies.. Deafness is caused by an inflamed coadrtion of the mucous lining of the Feetachian Tube. When this tube is infleined you have a rumbling tiound or i•eperfect heaying, and when it is entirely dos- ed, Deafness is the result, mei unless tits inflammation gas be tam out and this tube restored to its nermal condition; hearing will be destroye foreVer ; nine rases ouL ot len ar caused- by Catarrh, which is tv.ihing but .an inflamed condition Gf the Dute- ous surfaces. We will give One Hundoel Dollars for any ease of Deafness teamed by cateerh) that cannot be eured Ds - Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send f; r ch- eulars free. F. J. CHENEY cas Co.', Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pins for con- stipation. - 01114411,40n. Ls.Smith and son of Holstein are visiting Mrs. Stepllen Peeves. Mr. Stitson has left. for Blyth after, two months' work in and arout' Dungannon. Wm. Ue.Arthur of Goderich spent a few Oays last week: at the home ot Dr. Case. Mrs. Thomas Pentland lett on Mon- day for Cara Mich., to see her is. ter, who is Al. Division Court was held an Wed- nesday of last week. Quite a number eases Were disposed of. Leonard Westbrook of Win•gliam: visited his sister, Mrs. Prank Went, for a few days last week. Mrs. Fisher di Beniniller :returned to her ,heare (./0 Sunday after vistUn at the tome of Mrs. H. Long.• Word has been received .that IIetb. Oeaser is in Regina, hospital with typhoid fever Adiss. Annie Syewert and Miss Me - Gement of •Blyth were called here on Monday owing to the rierious: of Mrs. Robt. Stewart. • - We understand Dr: Bice has .bought the bOore formerly used as a grocery store from Mrs, Win. Crawford • and intends, fitting it up. for. al drugstore.. • Mr. Griffio and tangly of Asigield -have 'moved to Mr. Seettersoe'e term, haying rented it for a term of years. :Mr. Feagee is returning_ to hie - for- me home near .Auburn. We are pleas.d to hear that Fred -Meclienn is getting along very • well after his serious accident. Ileisstill at Hugh Stewart's home, .. bet the . doctor says he limy be taken to his :home in Asivfield in a, few daks. Mrs. Thos. Anderson of Wallow • end" son Williams of Ka.1144S are • vise iting their . many friends in, this cality... Itis esewards•of tweets'', years since - Mn. Anderson had visited here • and he seesmany changes in our vil- lege. • Cause and Cure . of Piles • • • . WHY BILEANS ARE SO • • . SUCCESSFUL. . . • Why is it that Bileans are so ef- fective in; the mere of piles ? .Bedatise they dont waste • time on ey•mptome, but get back to theereal root cause ! 'Nature has provide' that the Hier shall secrete substance - which oporat- . . ing ' on the intestines, shall :'Orevent .the congestion which causes piles., Bileang do dot merely soothe. the congested veins. They aet oii. the liv- er cells, . enable :them to...start their wed. 'k and •then, the. agony of eitle,s tii appears as does A river flood when the ice jam is removed. ,•• • . • Mr. Thos. Plenkett, of 172 • Mann- ing AVe., TorenOce ' nays:—"For tliree or • four'. years • I suffered from constis . patron ar4 piles. I also had severe headaches. All .sorts Of remediee were recommended to me. but I. ,ried theni in vain.. BileanO were,. very.: different, however. Frome 'first trying them • I found • .benefit,. arsd now if •anybody wishes to knew anything eheutellils cans I will be glad to teal them how ouperiee they are.'. * ' • Why superior ? Beeause Most. reine- •ums merely 'get, at the, external -eying toms. -Bileene -go back , to. theocause. Sento teesoning applies te. their' „cer- tein, Cure of all Beer Ailments, • indi- gestion, headache, eons tipatien, -fe- male ailments, .aneemitt, debility, "etas Druggists: and stores. sell .04, 50c e boy'. or front the When CoeeToron- ' to, Mien receilit of price, 'Six' boxes for • O2.50: • • • • Winghlaine • ;.H. •Wiglitmen- and 1,a1 tivO ..Sroung: :men. 'frbm Wifighene, ;wile S. went West, : havidiepeettO . of 'their ,bueleess iii, Mitosipine -• . •• e alre .Ae• If Musgrave. -is grotedul -• to all who. aSOiSted him :in •any way dere ing the Peceat. election to: the Acid, • sory. Council: It is, easily:seen new why he faiied • to rah the .nunthee of 'votes that • would have. elected • • him. Ile Old not cuter • ehefichl Leith other efindidetes bad beim caevassieg :Ifor months ;• some; indpeO, had their come matte ionned last.'Easi tee; and \viten our princieel began the race, malty tea,chers beep already pledged' 'to Other candidates. Then' the combine' was a heavy factor itt tit e 'eon test,' for Mr. 'Musgrove.' was offered .coilibina.- tiOn that .Woul,d: b a vt, el cc tol hint; but hau--deClin d , r t o s tend on his own merits, and that he :received 533 votes, ,:is eVidence of these meeits. Bee:ides, alt unp011ee teeth of 140Q had its . Acct. The cities voted itt combi- neadon,. but Many'. teachers the country 'failed ..to' :vote at all:. Outer all . the circumstanees., ourtownsmaie ran woll. On Friday theparty of hunters from Wingliann returned home' from Algoma,. where t they ..had gpeot the deer-huatine eeasen. Those Whci went from: here were Messrs, .Ell' Elliott, Sr„.. tV, •Chas. Elliott, Blue - vale, f end Elmer Moore of •Wingluon. They were joined at ,Sault Ste; Marie by ' Messes. D. Kemp; London; .and John,' James,. George,. Frank, anti Fred Elliott of ..Steelton. The early. was very succeseful, haying landed ei- ght,Ved deer • an( three mese in the witds,of Algoma. They report e very pleasant trip. Thecoaitry when nea- ring North Bay is one solid mass of rock; in many piece's tunnels haeriug been cut to bitild the road. Atter passings North iay, the shores Of Georgian Bay aro alneoet constantly in sight, and ittthis time; •year the island dotted lakes Wi t h boats flitting acro -Oe the glassy waters make a very pretty sight. Mr. IL II. Crowtier received a cabs legrain 00 Friday wee]: announcing death of his father, Mr. Anderson Crowder, • at Charlton. Cumhardy, near anc ; t or, England, • Mr, Cretet'ser was over seventy years of age • and had for many years been (=tweedd with a wholesale dry goods house in Manchester, but of . late years itad been living retired, Our townsman had not seen his father In eighteeO -ytars and intend going borne • during the: past summer but wits preventod. Mr, Arthur Murphy, a, -resident of the& toWnshin ef Morris for some forty years passed away ittthe home of his sister, Mrs. Win. lieniterson nt November 29ndl 1906 is an stoimaali and Wm' •cssaro weakthed or It. Gomm no end or achas mid palm and is most. common wham pea* le% their meals end hurOy and wonv as tiley • tflis cootry. Hood' 'cares dysmsplia—k. h�". - Oil dismiss. Tor liestsidale et spliowlimile mos semi for to loSio=lacesgailes, at Wingliem Jureition oir Friday ix). his •-8•0th year. He was a. flue old gentleman. and held in, Iggh estee1n hy a large; citcle, of friends. Of latt years ho had been in poor health. He was a paetve of Scotland and Ca gni to titiR country when a young men, settling first in 0Ofoed county. He was a lifeelono \friend of Mr'. Robert Maxwell, of the I3luevale road awl was groomsman at hie wedding r.early fifty one yearst ago. For eighteen ye- ars the deceased and Mr. Mara -ell were in partpershio ia the, buildiag line; and they erected many of the houses and, barns be Morris and Turn - berry. Mr. IVIOrpty was a member et the Bluevale Presbyterian church; and for many years had been an eadar. lie never married, making his battle for nutny years past with his sister: 00AL LEAVE YOUR. ORDERS NOW • FOR YOUR. SEASON'S SUP . PLY OP COAL, WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY.BEST GRA- • DES WHICH wiLL BE SOLD THE LOWEST POSSIBLE. PRICE ,• ORDERS MAY BR LEFT AT • DAVIS & RGIVIF4A. ND ARD -- WARE STORE OR WITH • . 3. Stevenson • • etek****************** . * . NOW OPEN . + . Fall Term in the • + +• CENTRAL — BUSINESS • COLLEGE,' TORONTO, •* + Enter any time. Twenty ••• teaebets'one hundred and * • * tWetrty Typewriting mach- +. • ines: Unexcelled facilities • for assisting graduates to * • ea• ;positions. Write for new + • Calender. . ea W. H. SHAW, Peineipal, • :• • + Young dr Gerrard •to • * • . • •• Toronto. .+. ***4-444r4**43.4-4-4-444-iiiii11 . • I have been appointed agent • fcir the, Massey -Harris Cote- : pany in this district and will • ' keep .on .hand a complete list of stippaies in my store oppoS-. • , • ' • •ite the Molsons Bank, • • • • . am also • 'continuing tile : flour, feed and seed grain bus- • • inessand reepeetfully solicit a: • a cbatinuance of, your patron- age. • J.A. Ford, •••• ••••4• •••• • ••• ••••:. APPL ES . I WANTED I I uniffirminsimairm : . . • I I am again • • ;. market . for apples :. ; •ancl will pay' ,:rh e : ;highest market price i ; for both fall and win- • Ives or myself I i• , ter varieties - - - - - : See. one of my repro • - I• sentat: , before selling. - - - • 1 • . I ;D. CANTELON t 1• CLINTON.' •••••••••••• •••• •••• +••••• . J. LEWIS THOM Civil Engineer, Architect, etre (late Defeli Mon Department, Walks, eboomial• Consulting Engineer for Mdn* icipal anC, County Work, El- eetrie Railroads, Sewerage and Wa,terworks Systems, Wharves, Bridges' mid W-toforeed c(,t- eretIO. • • .•-•••••••••••••••• • Phono 1220 L 0 1•7 D 0 N, • 0 Ni