HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-22, Page 8• II ' 8 The Clinton Newe.Reeord *November 22nd, 1906* J., HOOVER. 1•••-•-. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 •••• •••••••••••- •••••••••••,••••• NELSON BALL Store Overnowing With Fall Furniture Parlor Furniture in sets and odd pieces. ; Ball ' Furniture in -oak and ash; Bedroom Furnis tore in oak, ash .and .mahogany; Dining Room Furniture in oak, ash and elm ; Kitehs • en Furniture in anything you want. .t ! Conches, Mattresses, Iron and' Brass Bede, Rockers, ' " • Easy Chairs; Deka, Parlor Cabinets, Rattan Goods. Pictures, Paper Racks, Book Ca es, Curtain Poles • • Looking Glassee. IN FACT WE HAVE • Everything Belonging to a Furniture Store Bring your pictures here to tie frame •••••.2 - HoovER8( ..RALL Undertaking promptly attended to by night, or day Night and Sunday calls answered at residence • ; of either of the principas. ¶ ¶ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 2.• Beautiful Pioture • ENTITLED GRACE" May be•seen at our store. It le given with the Weekly Mail and Empire. If y`04 et L haie your order now to cominence at once and end .lanuitry let, !1603, All for One Dollar. leeeeeis 16,14 ragiathf subscription a' good. Weekly paper fine picture It's 4, low rate -$1.00 • shaframi, if, :11. Fair Often the Cheapest, AlWays the Best Agents Faker's Dye Works. -We Issue Express Orders. - • . have-juit got balanced up for the past year and find that we have a very substantial increase in the volume of business done, for which we desire to thank our num- erous customers and friends. The steady increase of our trade betokens confidence, and appreciation of our efforts to supply our patrons with. . Increased Sales AMAAMiakiaMaAaiwa Our Financial Year closed. on November 7th, We Goo!? FOOTWEAR at close pries, which is our greatest anabition. • Our Stock for Fall and Winter is now complete. We have the largest and best assorted stock to choose from, and our prices are the lowest. The temptation we spread before you is Quality. We are sole agents in Clinton for Kant-Krack and other celebrated Rubbers. Come to us or SENSIBLE and SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR; THE OLD RELIABLE tJtif 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 WM. TAYLOR SON ••••••••••••••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%, 0 0 00 0 0 < 0 0 0 < 000 0000.00 .4,404vmemesi4604.041°."""■■••••••••11"""m" • 0000 9 0 444 +4+44* 4.8. 44. 404.31 STOVE TIME It will soon be heating tinge again. So if is not l• • a bit too early to begin thinking about the new .o.) stove von must have this fall. We have already pet our full lines on the floor. lye will he glad 4 to have you come in end look them over. In Basz Burners • • •• We have the old reliable Reiliapt Hoene, Farnoes, Garland and Puse • n Coal Heaters . • ' . . • . , . Belle Oak, Dandy, Acne Jevieland Hot Blest n Ranges the Celebrated Hapetst:Thought, Pandora,Penn Esther, .4* Ottrona and Canada Steel Range. , They are all good ones. Prices according to size, style and finish I *** -0,."."••~•...n.n....4",..^..„~",.."...^. • •t• HARLAND BROS. • STOVES ' AND HARDWARE *.!: 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 • 22:* 201 •:221:42$:* 4.40 42 • • •:* 4;0 4.46 44:0 /•:. t"4A0!rock.? 40+0401.111AAA0401~9~014AAAAAA0Mie EYESIG I have arranged with FAUBE & SON, Manu- facturing Opticians and Eyesight Special- ists, of Toronto, to be at the Normandie Hotel Parlors, on Monday:and Tuesday, e 3rd and 4th And will be glad to levee all those ti'oublef with defeetive eyesight call and consult them. They have been established in;Toronto since 1811, and duil lig tint time over 100,000 cases have been euccessfully fitted by them. The advaetage they have ever others is the fat that they geind their own lenses, and by so doing prevent any error in the pro. cess of lens nsak. If your eyes bother you in any wey. ov the glasses yoo now wear are not comfortable, do not neglect this opportunity of having your eyes Properly Attended to. The new electric Opthainoetletroscope used in making all exam- inations. • For references, see booklets, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. W. a COUVER, JEWELER, flIINPN eel! sttliesestinatallie 40$ ill .11Iies Violet Thohipsee has taken a posistion fa the telephone Central. Miss Olive Patteson of Auburn, is the guest of her Clinton Itiends .this week. Mr, and Mrs. ' S. - Kemp and Miss Nellie viseted.at Mr. William Rathht East Wawanosie on Sunday. ' Miss Kate Pettitt or Philadeaphia, Pa., is this week inseructing new Operators . in the knitting, faktorY. Mrs'. E. M. McLean ' and °her little son Norvel, were in Port, Elgin this • week attending ,the sfeneral of the , late Dr. Henry Robinson. • Messrs. W. J: Tozer, R: J. Cleft, II. B. Chant, James Howe mice Amos Castle . attendeda meeting of- 19411 - oak Chapter, Seaforth, on. hh pea y . evening, Miss Kaiser is 'now head Operator at the telephone Central, The 'hello," Patrons, unite in saying thet. she is •• anobligings.young lady, and always adhrpost.' ;HD, and . Mrs. George ,Routledge and • family of 'Myth. and .Mrs. Berry . St - 'meet of Seaforth .spenta . couple - of deys lase 'week at. 'Mr. Harry Roulledge'se Mr. John .Gnest has. returned 'home . :after spending several weeks et Bru- ssels, Gerrie and Wroieter superin, • tending the shipping, of apples fox' • Mr. De Can:felon.. . •Miss; McNaughton, surierintendefit of the' Oakwood Sanatarium,. :lake Geneye;.Wisconein, has returned toe spend e few yea's with her . sis- •. •terse the Mims McNatightsort uf town. Mrs. IL. Marsh aad s babe hove retute. to:Detroit after an eXtendeci vise it at the parentalehemee Her -sister • .Miss Bertha Davis accompanied her. . • and will remain in the • city for sonic stire.: • • . , . Mesers.:-.-W... Jones, j: Fait, D., ...B. Kennedy, W, J. Miller, R.• •Graliene and Brig Kaiser' were. among: these '• Men ;teem Wine.ox Saturday -.etas t • attendee's.' the funeral of the Jate' Ed. Bell," of Londeehero. . • •• • Miss Pearl . Cantelon •has gone to Cr- : 'Ilia where she has tale.% a..pnsition . as telephone s operator.. She was ek- ceedingly 'popular with the patrons sof the local exchange •and we have ho doubt. hut lhat she will . soon win approval in her • new post:. • 'Weeton, the C. O. F. organizer,, who is new lariering in the interests .01 :Court Maple 'Leaf,. went- to Sire_. eford on Saturday mett:nie wife. and they are 'new stopping et the Notmandie, Mr. Weslots is sanguine .of increasing the membership from 225 :to atelea.st 250. : . • Me...E. Saville came home . on Satur- day ,from •Tare where ror the past ten . weeks he has been:buying. app- les for .elelneyre and Steep. % John beeves, If; 'awl W.. .Conk'atid sMilton Steep also. -retereed. On Monday 'Saville went -be Wiarton where he Will peoh.ahly remain until the • end' Of the season. He says the sleek up there is good, • . • :kIesers.. W. Jackson and F. R. Ilod- gens and Dr. Shaw returned on Saturday from their 'trip with • the ticket riellersi association to the sunny south. They went as far es Mobile, Alabama, where they tee inained two:days 'from thence they . preceded te,New Orleans and found two daye too shorts for sight-seeing: On the way • home they • stopped off at Cincinnati, • Ohio, fol. a day. There were over two hundred in th party, about ninety of whom were ladies. . Anglican Young People Galt, Nov, 63sth: e -The convention • which Opened on Tuesday evening, in Trinity church, Galt, under the 'res• idency of the Lord Bishop of Huron was • concluded t ohlay. •' The chief Wiliness of the day was the reading o•f papers ort• different phsees of • the association's work. • Rural Dean Ridley of Galt gave the address of welcome, •With hint en the platform wort the Von. Archdea- con 8wceny of Toronto. the Ven. Ar- • chdeacon MacKewite ot Lbeantford, Rev • Canon Brown of Paris, president A. Y. P. A., Rev, C. R. Monte, Clinton, • secretary -treasurer of aeociation.. The movement, which was inaugur- • ated in London in 1002, has extended throughout nearly the whole of Cana- • da and taken, a foothold hits the United • States, In the" Diocese of Iluron al- one there are 72 branches. Ladies' Fur Stoles and Caperines, Men's Fur Coats 44441nellelle014.4" -• . •••••1•404,•04! • L Aii.11.001111frikolllfrieeillfriliolOW400^1010 "Ilfrilbelellwilw ilvilw 'MVO, • BALANCE OF THE LAKEFIELD BANKRUPT STOCK Clearing out the balance of the,Lakefield stock of Furs less than wholesale prices. Sale starts 'Friday morning, Nov. 16th. This will be a real chance to get a fur cheap, right at the beginning ofthe season too when you need one most, and be comfortable the *ter through. Don't' wait till you catch a cold before buying a Fur. .210.•221M... .14 Ladies' Fur Stoles , Space will not permit us to give full des' cription and length of each piece, but a visit to • the store will convince you that •every one in the lot iS worth more than we are asking for it. • One only Coney -Fur Ruff, reg. $2 50 for $1 75 • 2 only German Mink Ruffs,- ' 4 00 " 3 00 • 1 " Black Opposum Ruff' " .. 4 00 " 3 00 1 " Black Coney " ." 2 25 " 1 50 • 3 ii• it• • 4 i " 4 50 " 3 50 • 1 44 German Mink a ,i•5 00 " 4 00 1" Columbia Sable 44 Il 7 50' " 5 00 • 1 , 44 fancy Ger'n Mink " •" • 7 ,00 . " 500. 1 44 Isabella Fox ' • " 44 8 50 " 600 1 • " Near Seal • " " 8 50 " 6 00 1 ,g 131ack Thibett. " ,i 8 50 " 6 50 • 1 . " German Mink. • " •4f 15 00 " 10 00 • 35c. Hogs' Underwear, 25e. Boys' heavy Winter shirts and drawers, all sizes, i egular 35 and 50c. values, special for Saturday 25c. Bogs' Worsted Hose. • •- 10 doz, more of those seconds in. Boys' Worsted Rase, all sizes regular 35c.; Saturday 18r. , 8 Fur Caperines. • For driving and real cold weather nothing will give you more comfort and satisfaction than a Fur Caperine with a good large storm collar, Thi-vill be your chance to get a good one at little cost. • • • 2 only bl'k Coney Caperines,, reg. $2 50 for $1 75 1 " " " 3 50 " 2 50 • 1 " Electric Seal f( • , 1 Near Seal and Astrachan 1 114 1 • Persian Lamb " 1 " German Otter Caperine 6 00 7 00 11 00 10.00 15 00 4 50 " 5 00 " 800 " 8 00 " 11 00 8 Men's Calf -skin Coats. •• Eight only Men's calf -skin Coats, •well made and good fitters, all sizes, regular $22.00 coat for • $17.00, regular $25.00 coat for $19.00. • • 5 only Men's Russian dog fur Coats, all sizes, reg- ular $22.00, for $17.00. Dillien's and Youtlis" Cloth7Overcoats • 50c Ladies' Heavg Cashmere Hose 350 Lathes' extra heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose, sizes 8, 9, and 9i, regular 50c, Saturday 35c„ 'at Cost. • - Men's and Youths' lalack and blue beaver, Oliford- gtay cheviot and check tweed Overcoats at the follow- ing cut prices : regular $10.00 for $7.50, and regular $8.00 fer $6.00. • .,.11/.1en s -Heavy Pants. Men's heavy • fullcloth • 'and • untearable tweed Pants, well made and triraraed, regular $1.50, . . For $1.00: •••••••••••••2111212.12M2, • pRY.6.0 °Ds ceiniart, 44.2smommonsoommom.241. • • • • .• . . . . ' • • One Thousand Dollars Worth iiirnery arriples of Men's and Boys' Overcoats To be sold at 50c. Being Sold at Wholesale . on the Dollar . Prices and Less - Here's a decided bargain in •the Millinery line worth coming miles to secure. We've bought part of a Set of Millinery Samples, including felt shapesin all colors, wings, quills, etc. at'50c. on the dollar, and, on Satuiday place the entire lot on sale at prices which should clear them out in a week. Trimmed Hats $2.50 • • One dozen only Trimmed Hats in the newest wintet• stiles, regular price up to $6.00, starting Saturday- . . , , $2.150 TriMmed.Hats $1.95 • • About tbree'dozen Trimmed Hats in this season's newest shapes, tt•iremesr with wings, roil's, etc., sold up to $4.00, each. Cotnuteneing Saturday.. $11.95 • if you prefer you can pick any shape to suit and have • one trunmed at the same price. • Two Big Bargains in Ostrich Tips. • • One dozen only black Ostrich Tips, flee glossy black. The best $2,00 tips you can buy. On sale Saturday . -90 $2.50 Sleek Ostrich Tips for $1.49. -Ten. only black Osteieh • Tips'finer end imager than the above, regular price $2.50 each. Saturday .... ........ . ....... 01.49 • Along with the above we give a diseoont of 20 per cent, off all wiugs, quills, black and colored ostrich feethere, etc. . This is a chance to secure a new winter Hat, just when' • you need one, at about Half Price. A Great Skirt Bargain. We have a few too many Skirts on hand for this time of the year. and in order to reduce the *mock we piece on sale for SATURDAY 'ONLY, twelve newest style fell weight Skirt-, made front line quality bleek and white tweed, splendidly tailored and the best fitting skirts to be had. Our special price has beep $5.50 each. For Skatill,..14,4? it3tly..95 .7ou can buy any one tor Our Fiist Special ht Ladies' Coats!, aust, mit or two of a kind, all brand new since Thenktigivinee all sizes, 32 to 40, hut not alt kinds in ettc•h: size'. All long, loose •gt•ny Coats that sold at MO, $12 and $13.50 each, • Saturday. it you can get, your size ••01%90 • Children' $5.00,and $6 00 Coats 53,48 -Ten only, Ohildren'e Winter, Cortes in Wool, grays, Ind, ate., to. fit girls 0 toid years of age, regular price up to $6.00 each, Saturday $8.,413 55.30 Silk Waists $2.95.-1ive only beautiful cream Silk Wniste, trimmed with tows of insertion, also white silk trimming, sizes 32, 31, 36 only, reg. price $1,50 and $5.50, Saturday $2.0 el Velvet Shirt Waist Sults $7.50. -Two ottiv velvet,' Wet waist Suits, newest fall style. satellite used for display purposes anly,legular ,price $12.00; Saturday ... . f$9.50 "11001040W410~40041111WAMIAM , . e Our Big 'Clothing Sale of Men's and Boys' . . . . Clothing is bringing new customers ever day. When. we say we ,caa positively save you froni $2 to $4 on a coat, we mean every word. We want to sell every ' Man's Overcoat and Suit in the Clothing Store by January 1st, and in order to do s we have marked every garment at a saving from $2 to $4. • Here's klow we Sell TheMi $10 Overcoats for $7.50 - • ts7" Nien,s Overcoats made from plain cloths and tweeds, in •the • newest fall styles, best linings and trimmings, regular price $10. sale price . •97.50 Nieves $10 Suits for $7.50 Men's Tweed and Serge Suite in the newest fall styles, nil sizes 33 to 42. Otir hest $10 Suits for $7•50 All other Overcoats and Suits reduced as follows r.s-. • Me II'S $20 Black Melton Overcoats , • Men's 515 " • ,,•e ....... U.90 • Men's $12 h'" ., 6 4 • . • ' . . 9.00 • Meres $10,50 Worsted Suite for..., ' - • WO $12 Tweed and Vilot•sted Suits for : . ...... . ' e$E11: . e.,_ ....: • Everything in the store marked at Sale Prices including Boys' Overcoats and Suits, Hats, Cloth • caps, and Persian Lamb Caps, Men's Sox a :Id Shirts, Men's and Boys's Underwear, including Penman's, etc., Neckwear, Collars, Suspenders, etc. We'll Save you Money on Anything you Buy a • • CLINTON.