HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-22, Page 7t)
November 22nd, 190o
••••••••••.1 1.••••.
lgeTegettet,¥ D. 4101441404* A PERFECT FIT
Underwear that puns up on
your arm or leg every time
you stretch is mightY
disagreeable stuff to
You know that your
AfticriaggArt Bros.
W. mortioN4
IMP,C6t --$108$0 Block-CLINTON.
remise foimerly iiccupied by
•Ji.ores Scott in Elliott
=Block - •••• "
farl.DOur & HALE
Couveyancers, Commissioners,
Real Estate anti Insurance
Agency. Money to loan. ----
Dr, W. Gunn L. R. C. P. & L.R.CtS.
Dv. J. J. Nesbit G-unn M. R C. S. Eng.
L. R. C. P. Leedom
Wight calls atrfron. t door4o esiderice
on Ratteabury street, opposite
Presbyteriaa church
AFFICE- Ontario stmt.-CLINTON
• OFFICE -Ontario street -CLANTON
Opposite St. Paul's &tacit.
•Special attention given to:ulseaSes
it the Eye, Ear, Nose ane Throat......
-Office a.ad Reside:tee-
North ef Rae teabury" St.
-DR. F. A. AXON, --
(Successor to. Dr. Holmes.),
Specialist in Crown and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal Culicee of
Deatal Surgeons ot Oatario. Floaor
egraduate of Ileiversity of oronto
Dental Department . Graduate of the
Chicago College of Deatal SurgeeY,
Chtcago. hotel, Insutance Caffiganll
Will be a.t the Cominerciat
ft Id M d f ova 10 In • •
'to 5 P. tn.
is manufactured' in a
special Way. which givea
every garirent ell elastic"
ity of handmade goods,
Without being loose
end baggy it yielda to
every motion of the body,
ft will never get out of shape or
1:ecorne hard in weshirg and i
absolutely guaranteed not to shrink.
Insist upon $oeini 91:e
146"1"184e trade niers. If t:
Nts. is not ell we ditto tee;
it beck end your rlealic
OC went to buy truer turkeys and
Will pay the highest market price.
Wrilo for perticelers and state hel.v
many you have. Thee Caeineeie Poultry
& Produce Company, LA/tilted., StatA
Buy Your Buggies
where Quality
as well as ap-
pearance is -
considered n
t e manufac- •
And have your repair-
ing done by experi7
-enced. men .-
1111 are Ound
hall &
Cliatoo, Mews -Record
The Bridal gAr
Author of °Self-Raisetit" 'The Deserted Wife," "The .
Bride's Fate," "Retribotion," Ishmael,"
"The Wif4 Victory," Etc., Etc.
lIgntits possmine oncemeo ner grace,
tenderly pressing the hand' of lease.
In AA hour from that time the re-
united, family supped together cheer-
fully, 44 though no impending calamity
lowered darkly over their heath!.
That night; for the Bret time pence
her arrest,. poor Itoae retired to bed
tranquilized. And the next morning ell.
Londoneknew that the auchen d.owa-
ger, as soon as she heard 14 Perlis of
the arrest of her eatughter.14-14w upon
ag. criminal charge, had haetened Dome
to sustain her through the approaching
trtal that seas arranged to be com.
menced on the fourteenth or May.,
In all Me woe at this. world there 14
no anxiety so tntense that whIch
'preeedes a trial for life, and no despair
ao deep as that which follows the sen.
tetme of death: • „ '
. Such- an anxiety nave held the eoul of
Laura. 14.11mer in a state of tension to .
which a physical torture by the, rack
would bave Veen as nothing. Such 4
despafr loomed darkly before her. All
the strong hopee, that had supported.
her in the first days of Cassinove's
tmprisonment had utterly . •glerett way
and sunk. beneath the weight of ire -
pending doom.,
dow over the devoted -head ' the
Darker -and heavier lowered ticet:
prisoner, ..•
he had done all that was possible,
and haerfatled of doing any good. .
The warrant that she had caused to
he issued for the arrest ot Thugsen,
alias , Itoberts, alias Rayburne, bad.
been served 'upon Indeed, that
mysterious individual, • far from avoid-
ing the °Ricers of jestice, hadpurPose-
.17thrown himself in their way, giving
himself up. "to .have. the thing over
once all," as h -e Iaugeingly declared.
had been taken. liefrire- the Bow,
s:.reet Magistrate, by whom he .had,
blen very cr:iv,fel!;,t, eitarnirted:. but in
,-.ee absence of any ,poalHee evid'etic6.
against was•di +211 re...
Snit .that he _evidently fnieseett fi•om
Maw. ls'tnst.' hope; w.-ttn' 't•Coi: •
t he d,Schasge -r f this tnan,
i:t Imert she bel'ovrd.t g
. ovirdes for. whinti (trisections • -sr. 1-4.
tried.. She. knew classiesnn
V he wintless., but' 'she had no tango-
-ann. faith In the necessary s'ecurity o'
'as:oceans, She could only. •.remembee.
.how •often..the'.iniitless seamml fated
to:Soler, Mar, at tile' 'inscrti-
tajite mystery: . --- --".•
Aoil .as. the - day. for the: trial ',al)...
ny stqw lbstit
tisott••the •s.senet . nt mitrder,
anxiety deee.ete1. to tle.4 pair. Yet'
8.11Z111311. Conn:es-I to Iter Own
1..:aestai., or conga only to. hein•veSfen:
able friend, Dr. Clark...-' • n_nt
:.• One •OVenins, tiCtor tokain -leave of
to your isaia tne goon pltystzetent, Ia
panful perplexity,
"Doctor. Rotten to me farther. This
privilege that crave would be the
greatest possible emutolation to inte
and -take notice, doctor -the onte
possible chance of matety to Casa].
The only chance of safety to Cis-
sinovel" echoed Dr. Clark, in extreme
surprise. 4
"Yes, doctor, his only ohance ot life
rests in this relationship'!"
"My dear Miss Elmer, explain your.
"Listen, then. In the confusion and
distress that immediately followed the
discovery of the murder of Sir Vin-
cent Lester, I wits overlooked or for-
gotten. At least, I was. not summoned
as a- witness before the coroner's in -0
quest. There were, perhaps, witnesses
la plenty without ine, who testified
rectiy to those fatal circumstances
that were deemed quite sufficient to
coevict -Cassinove. And I waft glad to
left out, But now the.continual gos-
• sip of the people and the press, eon
earning tbe tragedy at Lester Hone,
brings my name more and more into
the affair, and under the notice of the
authorities. They hint at" a cane, of
teat muider that mattes -my cheeks
burn and my heart shudder. 1 live at
tee daily dread of beiag subpoenaed to
testify as to this cause ortf the op'.
proachihg trtal.(But if boile this re-
hitionsship to him, doctor, would not
be coomelied to give ey14nce against
him." '
"I3ut would your evidence so serious-
ly affect Cassinove?"
. "It would put the,seal upon' his fate,"
"lVliffs Elmer, /ley child, tell me what
this testitnony.is, that may judge ot
e's importance., You may confide in
. cue with. perfect safety, for I shall
meter repeat your worth; and even 11
T were capable of such a breach of
confidence, it could do no harm. since
'hearsay* is no legal ovidence,." .
"It was a fierce and cLettlly quarrel
between Ferdinand Cassinove anal Sir
Vincent 'Leiter on the evening prece
ding the murder of the it:iron:A," sail
Laura, in a low anti shuddering yoke
"I see, I see, my poor child! gee it
. all! Ten me how .1 ean .seeve you.
What would you have me to does. •
"Doctor, you are a Chr.Stian ,gentla
man• -you believe in effectual prayer
•and in providential guidance. go home,
•and.reflect on all that I tiave:told yoft.
Put away all worldly theughts and all
,eemtventIonal Ideas. Think only of jus-
• tice, faith aad mercy. Pray to the
Lord for direction; mei to -morrow, '
• when -you. Visit Cassinove, you will
• I.aura' Elmer With: sweet •gravity,.and '
she arose as.if to close the intervie.w.
• He also arose, looked at ••her --7
benutiful, pale statue:•that she seemed'.
•-and taking her band,..replied: • •
mv child,'I will; imd.may the
Lora guide iny thouglits and direct and
coinfort you. Good night." And he
raised her hand to his lips, and de -
Parted. -.• . •,, . • • .
. . .
• The next slay pr. -Cleric had an in-
. tervies,v With (lessinove 'In the prises,
and pointed out .to hint that the only'
course to pre•:?.ent 'Laura giving evn.
deans was to mane her his wife;
.g,prisioventt fit•st demurred, but the
Salte, tx0d Writvortr.3 Ilgat out ix tatia
great darknesal Heavett will not leave
her to suffer!"
Thus they eonversee tegetlaer until
their conferethce was interrupted. by
the openine of the cell door, ttoo. the
sappearance of the warden., Who lusher -
ed In a lady closely yelled, and re-
The lade' threw eelde her veil, and
disclosee the sweet face of a friend.
"My dearest WM!" cried Laura
Elmer, rioing to embraCe her.
Ducheos Beregleighi", .
claireid Cominove, iltirprise.
"Yes, it le I, My friende, come to see
yo a 0,9,2 mere. Indeed, I should, have
CoMe Sooner, but I hate bean. ill; and
Ohl in So natich 'trouble. You haye
heard. about It,. Xis* Eimer?"
"Yee. sweet Rose! I heard, and I
Should have gone to YOU, but sorrow
--such dark sorrows_ AS 04113-01118403 Da.
welsh, I tear," said Laura Elmer, as
her heart smote her for the neglect.of
thls gentle, friend.
"I could net expeot you to ciente,
dear Mese Elmer. Dr, Clark, Who at-
tended me In ray 1114410, told me -e
"That Mise Eimer was performing
the part of a EllEner Charity to a
lonely prisoner so gealouely as to
• leave her no time to bestow epon her
friends," eal4 Cassinove, regretfully.
"Something tete that, indeed. Bet I
consider ouch (lakes as ',awed aa fully
to exonerate Mies Eimer. I fully ex-
pected ;to And her here, and I am glad
to have found her."
"I am here every day, dear Rose, to
lighten es much as possibie these
dreary Raison hours. But I ani here to
day for an %Medal purpose. Therefore
I arn pleased that today., ot all days
you should be present," said -Laura
'Miter, gravely.
The young ditchese looked Vote cens
to the other for an explanation.
"You are here involuntarily to wit
nen a inerriage," said Lattea,Ettner.
ROSe looked more perplexed than be
"Miss Etre don not wieh. to be WI Ing between two police offieers,
ofay narrating. .4. nod reretay learned
that a oubpoene, was out for you tide .
morning, ono day too kale. You have
achieved a great stroke of diplomaCY.
Madam, and !levee my client."
"If Anything can save him in such we
trernity," murmured Cassinove, under
Ids beeath. t
"When does the trial.come on, oir?"
inquired Laura of the lawyer. !
"To -morrow, madam." I
. .....„
. t
It was the morning of the day or t
hit 1
trial. -the trial, Par excellence, of the
!Ionian -the trial of the tutor, Ferdin-
and Caesium, for the murder of lite
employer, Sir Vincent Lester, one of
• the oldest baronete of England.
All London WO4 talking of it, It
formed the subject of conversation at
every breakfast -table, every, °Mee and
evhey 811OP in the city, as well as at
the chambers of elessrs, Clagett And
Fulaw, couneel for the prisoner, and
at the cell at Newgate, where Ferdin-
and Cassinove awaited his summon to
the courtroora.
At an untutuelly early hour, a prowl,
composed in part of the moot respec-
tattle citizens or London, colleted In
front of the Old Bailey to await Me
opening of the doors.
As soon as the doors were thrown
open, this crowd pressed into the mare
room as into a plaYheuse, to witness
the agonising_ epectacle of a fellow.
creature on filet for his life, .as et it
bad been a Play get Up for, their en•
tertainment, -.9 . • •
At tint:nacho:clock the .judges entered the
courtroom, and, took their planes on
0,And seen' after the order woe given
• to., bring in the priaoner.
All oyes were now turned in the
"direction of the door throogh which
the prisoner was expected to enter.
And in a few initiates Ferdiaand
Cassinove made apee•Arartee, walk.
oa. as a w toed on my approaebbie His step was firm, his online erect,
his glance keen, mid his •boaring proud.
trite To prevent this, she is about to -
His face was pale only, in. contrait to
bestow upon me her -hand. Tell me
the darkness 'of the ebon, loosa -that
madam, for you are a disinterested waved around his lofty brow, and the
: jsuindogve'et,am I n, ot doing a great wrong tc seble suit of clerical cloth that formed'
accept so vast a sacrifice?" said Gas,
• his laltal costume. . •
Behind him walked Laara, clothed
,, .
in deep mourning, and leaning ott•tbe
no"spet.i.t t do ' not understand," said
arm or the venerable Drn-Clarls.
"She would. immolate herself for the - '
. Laura was a.ceommodateil with a
seat near Affri Cassineve's counsel.
bare chance of saving my life," began, Dr. Clark , tinwillingly Mok his place
- Cassinove; but ;Aura. gently pitteed
her hand before his lips to stop . his . among the wItnesees on the put at
duchess, 'briefly, and in a low voice, And Ferdinand Ca4sinove was farther speech, and turning to the the. Crown,
usher -
explained 'the urgent necessitY for the. ed into the pr,soner's dock. He looked
immediate marriage, . - • around himself, over the. sea or fsees
upturned : to hie; ne friendly look
• elttiu are rtgbt, dear Laura; I feel among them; the hundreds of eyes
oven if they thought so," said -Rose, '
one in a ilun.dred would think it right, -
that you are quite right, although not
and not one M a thousand dare to do it •
, fit:de.
them. Curiosity, horror and vindictive-
ness was the expreSsion Of the multi -
.upon li.ltn; no ki.ndly..glance.from
*earnestly. .
"I am pleased that . you agree with . WeorirY, .despairIngly, CasSiriovo
tUrostl from this black array to loots'
me, dear," , replied 1Viiss- Elmer. . atm ths group. of ,,viirte3ses for,. the II-
• "And I am very muoh •pleased that -
I happen to be here • to. support you, .f,en'T• 'If '1...'!'":•11:" ri•t1"1 (In' "i
dear 'Laura,: • You 'requited a woman's LIallm TalY A•weei very few hi nu:1:1;.);
presence, now, •did you not? Say so, to ---(';-'. 414 0, hw v;1'.'•Z`'...}13: P.141-11',
plt.aSt.. me, c ear 'ma.
eeees Hew e, eel heir !Lig eetoue 'Mee -
ed noon • hins-d notind always
• afrueat Li.ce a.d.a. u..t,..,11 her eat
-Site. berried horne to her lodgings, and
d•sont.teed a note to. the vener.a,ne
pnysielan, ontnniting: hark to call •pn•
*her at his earliest, convenieft4:en .
. The gond dontor Waited Upon her . -the
same, evening. • •
He was shocked to notlee:the change
that had passed. ove,r• her. tit:mealy par-
- Sart in the f,,v/ days• that hail eiapsed
• since he had, 3:;=In her last,
. The emac.eien figiire, • the, pallid
face, looking paler still in. contrast to
the *large,- dark en and e ten ocks,
"know what to say and de," refilled
the Loot< .s,n,d. attitude Of Mute' despair,
, • . :touched
"Miss .Eirner," he said; in a gentle,
. . • parental tone, advancing towards her.
The JIIGKillap Mutual Fire thiSfs very-kin.d; -sit down,"
• „ • • • she..reptiedi•rising Ord placing a chalr
_.for' him. 'Doctor' centinued,. as
'soon as •wo'i. seated, ":( Wished to
spay : „yeti • particniarly 'this even: -
:.*Shen hesitated,: in' mistier rasa..
. Meta. ,• • , •
1).0.ar. chird„• speak. On; .but• try • .te
.lakee soina hope and comfort M yonr
heart... • . ,
."1 -lope? Cothran?' Ain floater, when
tnispense verges so .near despair, is. ft,
not better tp know and confront the'
w.orst, at ohne? Methinks' there would
be the Came relief in' that as in death."
"Despair' s:nful, My child:. You and
I believe young Cassinove to be guilt,
Iess,'And.balioVing him to be so, we
".2111.14 belidve that he will he acquitted,
which is ennivalent to .believing Itt
tt.2 •ilsocv 2E. !.12o., watch it were itn-
; i.'4.out761s,i°) .6nr.;"'
the pati't-
41-chs •of. ord, griy.v gtrong and hope -
rut while %stet.; to you" mild Laura
ElMer, earnestly,
"It is the Power of. the truth spOiSen,
and nut of.. the snooker," said the dee-
tor, I -nimbly. "And now, {Dr 01111{1, you
must take•Cire of. yonrself. You must
not: nellect needful food arSd. rest; and
refreshing exercise:In the -pen arr." .
• 1),2ctor, not to talk of •Isty-
. seltnbut of Cassinove, that requested
ypti fre„ coine• to mo to.night..11ave .y611'
seen him' lately?" • • *,
' "No, my chill; i have 'not had an
fieur's tdsern (*.vitt early In the
Morning or lato. in t -he evening, jest be-
fore the Prison Anot 0 ars opened, or
alter they are closol Bun tomorrow.I
hwillinl.,,rnake the leisure, and surelY see
"He Is fearfully changed, doctor:
.ypit will be pained to see Matt': he has
grown go thin anl paha from his long,
and close coniinnment in that dreary
prison. And Ito is so desolate,. doctor;
can any man b n more desolate than
he is? Think of iti-frlendless, poor,
and in prison, without rather, mother,
sister, or.. brother, without 'a friend in
the wide world, save only me-"
She hesitated; end her twle cheek
"'But yeti are all to •him-shis guar-
dian -angot•." .
• "I am his betroflied. I do all that .1
Meg ter Yot not enough; I retina
he all: that I ritE4:1! be to Itifti were 1
big sister -or H.; 1`,1fo," added Laura
Elmer, in a lowt.,. tone.
my door:" said the . doctor,
seeing iter
"Oh, doctor, thst NVere 011IY b IS sis-
ter, or his wife, 11101 1 rantht have the
tyrIv1Uvga of wi him • always,
so 013 t Ile 1111•Ci! Minim deals).
lato and Mono in sonow. Motor, 1
rittmot .111K •••11', ;Plf---". She
hesitated, and her pale cheek
*shed. .
"You might ins his vVife," said the
doetor, finishing' 1t. -r sentence.
"I promised to Ito so long a Lt0. 1)00*
tor, if Instead or cumin.; Into Newgate,
ontirtand Cassloove had come Into an
itt!viritance, the first u.to he t.oeie
!vivo Made of propet•ty would havo
fn.la to ask me fly shorn it w.th
Dieter, have not the same right to
4•Insre his adversity'!" reed Laura, With
Imrst of teem,
"My thild, hnow uot what to say
e , every ay .
eased Auctioaeee for the County
-ofe Huron. All orders entrusted to
tne will receive 'prompt •ittentiort..
Will sell either by percentage' , or
per. sale. Residence on the Byfield
Road, one 'bile :south of Clinton. •
ge Elliott, licensed auctioneer for
the County of Huron, ,solicits the
patronage of the public for busi-
ness in his line Sales Conducted
OL perceritagi or ao much per sale.
All business promptly attended to:
-George Elliett, Clin.tou P. 4)., re-
sidence on the Hayfield 5tz
A slfe,,la effective'recnicly.foi
• i,h4 gerndyidel l'aii/9 of Cregolene
r•tper.lis of efippery 01ni.and
riot,. V • {•• .11 ;19, 11. In •etenipe.
LW.:015 )11..., Ae.n.g 11021t486L,
anyone mauling n Ante'. and (Inscription may
-slattairly ascertain totle opinion free whether WI
qitVenti011 19 PrObtibbh patentable. Commenter..
dogs strlettgeontldentlal. HANDBOOK on Pateate
sent feee. Oldest agency for eeennog pat emit.
Patente taken through Munn Co. teeeive
epeetodnottee; erlthenbeberge, ions
Stientific Jimericaft.
A. handsornety illnstrated 'weekly. Tor -gest air,
culatiOn of any setentitil journal. l',..rnin.$3 a
year: f oue month/6U. Eloid brall'nowsdeater.,
muNN &co Set eroatime. New York
424 to IAN. •,e r. 4:
The Best in Current litetatute
CcIivieeket Nos VIcalltier
$2.50 Pak Yam.: 2d ate. A COOT
!Mee Amman** commirra reset,
-Farm, and Isolated Town Property 7
ale -Insured- .• '
. ' . .
..leee3.*McLeatt, President, leippea ;'.
0.; Time. ' Prae.er eVice-Presideat,
Brucelleld P: 0. ; T. E. 'Hays. ,Sec
Treaserer, Seaforth P.'0'
WilUam Simetieyi Seaforth
Grieve, Winthrop, ; George Dale, Sea -
forth ; John Watte Hariock ; John
Beettewiee, Brodhagaa ; James vatis
Beechwoott ; Connelly, Clinton,
• -AGENTS- e • .
Ft Geer Saul th, a rl o ck i • E. elle -
chitty , •Seiforth da,mes
Egmendville ; .3. W. Yeo. Holmes-
ville. • • •
Parties deSitous to eftect insurait
or transact other business will be
promptly attended . to oti applicaCtori
nay V,the above officers address:LI
to their.. respective postodiees. Losses
inspected. 'yr. the directot: .whO itveo
ut..arest the s*en.,.,. •
. .
t" •I'"'.G.--)., '
41----"6ft. , ,--,, -' , .1
. ....e .........
....;•: :,,'"-"t
. • . •
eq., •
Trains will di:rive at depn.rt
' from Clinton station as follows ;
7.38 a. M.
3.23 p.
5.20 0, ne
11).15 a. nt.
" 12.511 n. tn.
6.40 .n.. kn.
. 10.47 'IL 10.
•LONDON, UNION a: ilitrer,
1.401;q1 7.17 a. 111,
14 4.23 p.
Not•th 10.15 a. in.
-• 4 CC (1.35 p. tn.
• re PATTISON, Seethe/. Agent. •
1,.`, R. ffilliflENS, Towtt Tteket At•
Disttios 1'a'4$-'
ger A ilem t, 'Valletta
. good snIctor peranaded that
• "I can say so with great since.rity,
• hood up. With these_ Cos:it:vivo'
' presence of some woman. friend*, and , , ,
On IS (MU 1,1.1 sec. old Corsael
',teen or IVO Urtf.411":tOr. • •
'AG clerk then Panel the name at
"Clara, Lady Leeter."
And there was a general rising and
craning of necks, te ca.telt a glimpse of
the baronet's widow, as -she moved
from her seat among the wititessee and"
went forward to mice the stand, where.
ter stout, black-rolked, fleoply-velled
form stood revealed to all eyes.
After having the oath duly adminis-
tered te her, Wee was requested te look
at tee prlsouer, and ternee to meet
the full, dark eyes of Caeslimee -egad
look gezelgue leteerity upon
her. Thri 1..faa the first tittle elm had
seen eint sInce the night of the tour -
der. and Ida expresseion Of couetenance
OvidentlY SUrpriaed her.
Cassiaove and Laura bdth wondered
whet Lady Leeter would have to tea-
tify In regard to the murder, wizen they
knew that her -ladyship had Kept
soundly through the whole of the tragic
scene!! of Mat fatal first of October. It
was knowii when she began to speak,
"I am the widow of the decened,
know the prisoner at the bar; he filled "
the situation of tutor of our younger
BOA, and resided in our house for near-
ly twelve months."
"Can your ladyship inform the jitry
*bat seemed to he tho state of feeling
between the deceased encl. prisoner?"
inquired the counsel for the Crown.
"At first the deeeased and the prem.:
er seemed to entertain for each other .
• as cordial a friendship as could pos-
. sIbly exist between persons or unequal
rank and age. Gradually, but.evidently,
:that trientlehip cooled, until; at length,
it changed to a bitter .enrnity."
e 'Will your ladyship tell the coed,
how this enmity exhibited itself?"
eft'. many daily aces of mutual an.
noyance; in many looks, words and
deeds ‘eif hatred." .
"Your laeyship will please be aped -
fie and instance some of these stated
acts of Mutual annoyance."
"La the ,ftrst place.; Sir Vincent Les-
t h 1 thet
paid by Mr. Cassinove to.a young per-
son residing in the capacity et gover-
eneasssoiroyoettewafr weil arar.de, tohrousgirle
cent's disapprobateep, he not only per-
sisted In those atteations, but Augment-
tit.ter ran through the crowd
mingled with murmurs. of "Very natur-
al," "Quite might," etc,
The crier called •"Silence!" eed the .
examination of Lady Lester proceeded.
"This was one of the ways In.which
the -prisoner annoyed the deceased.
Will your ladyship tell no now, in what
manner the deceased annoyed the
- prisoner?" queetionea the counsel.
"137 throwing every obstacle he could
• in the way of Mr. Cassinove's conver-
sation wait the .governess." •
"What motive do YQU'Mippose the de-
ceased bad for*this course of, conduct
toward -the prisoner?" .
This questien was 'cliallettgecl, ole
jected to, and ruled out. . "
The counsel put it in another form;
and ince-tired;
"Wbat was the cane of this hatred
between the prisoner and the ' de-
Ceaso V*
' p even. the cold calm;Lady Leas
ter reddened, as she. replied:
, "I can wstiry nertainty only to
th*e enmity the insowleSge of Its cautic
ihelongs, only to ititn who seetti• 'the,
. •
: secret -home of nun."
,"Bat -What thee does yrs:is :,le•ship
suppese to have liana the can-.
?1'1i-is question .nnts also ob•iseted to .
and •rtiled out, Anal setter a. close Creels,
exathirtation, 'et.einni nothing
more than a reiterntien Of the first tes-
..tlitiony,, 21..• Was perinthell to.
' Sir Itutliven Lester was sioSY Galled
to the. ste.ncl, and dhly sworn. After
which eorrobnrated the testiMorty.
of tits mother, hut added nothing new.
The next witneAs celled Was -Soper,
• the valet of .tho tat s baronet.He testi-
fied thvat pa the ovel.ng preceding. Om
Murder the deceased bad Coins doWn
from the scimoirst•itts la a !ma pejsion4;
5>Ythg • dal:
:cpt ended hitrit, and should not remain
in the house. another twenty -Nig
hours; witneSs attended debeased. •
uetll reoi-ning, 1 will turn that tet"
out of doors." Witness then closed and:
Aeenred the Wrndt3T,v shutters, so that
-or the ream, and left his master to ze-'
AO one 'froirt. without COuld possibly en-
' dt tiwee Oiltt-clarx:a:771v:i 1:ta e.:::erl1clit;-red.r11.07:n...1::;'e
pose. pat;was the -last time he saw
andtesS:Pwe was
swabse idnigre c tee:
iltrra 'had contrieed to move
nearer to Caesinove, and now set at
the corner of the dock, where she
might' easile converse with the pria-
oner, .for she knew *hat was next
• coming, and wishee to be beside him
, to Romeort: hint by Word„and look.
Watson, the butldr;•Was now called
to the -stand. Again there was a lifting.
of • heads and craning of all necks
to eat eteht at this mostelmonetaat wit -
, old selmolma•e;,.r., • 41.e. . .
nurae, all come to testify -to the esnen
lertbo or his character -trete his .cl:111-.
sweet Rcise I did, indeed, need the -•
- ours," T`e" ! dresser in (leen mournlins, on; :
I am most happy to hay.e
.plied,M.se Elmer... • ' !.wern and w•I•4'..-,•1 as t'f
, • • nes2. ..,assmove feeeent.-.
ts* ns cif. Dr. Slark and Mr Watson' ; colms,)% aml 7AI ""•'
Once more they were interrupted by • • (, • • '"-"t- • •
. ()Len nn ot inc
•e . . .. • ,
- • "1•1ains 0 tars s',:nes 1
livlso were ushered in by the turnitcY, ' •• • • , • •
.withdrevi- • . •
'bowed, and proi,enteir the. Rev. '.Mr. ;6. , t
• The • littlo partY 'quite filled up the
rile 'shoe:: o4:
• •
Be•resleigli wan fut•rurtse'.and pleagure, ,...tts a voluntary w ' •
presentet yinnsint. f ti. ..;,n-rs.n.
. ,
1 • Pe. Claris recognistid the Duchess or
Wa'tson. , :
„So Ns:1,s )n." ' • • :
,• narrow cell.
it vyouldtela hest • sr, •
-And then: he t;v.etc his leave for
Short tithe .to molt& the arrarigetnents
Or the' sirango Marria,ge.• . .
First .calle0: at the- lodgings.: of
' Whom ha.kound dressed . . ,
it for a, Walk'. - • • "
'"Afy.-earriage ie. ,.door, . rny
prisoner .this • r.torning,...1% will- gladly'.
PrItititil3(,1; and r yoa.are ‘go.ing t. o.v..ist.t oar.
taho you. there,"..satd.the doctor,
Y • aS.J go pg.,.
Ingtent," 'said Miss Eltner; jrzining*.
.an'd need not detain. you
efe took her• to the prison, through
all the halls and passa,i'es to the cell
.of Cassinove, saW her. enter, and thee
withdrew to procure the special • 11.
innise. Then. he vileit nen Casainovev
. old p.ts-ti)T, the. Re•V, Watsa, dl:
i:,z(4 1.1 ttjlews. He 'foetid the' 400a oig
hai tz.jirn'rate
entplained to him '•the service
whto, Ito Was Wanted; • •
' t1 s'
' thank • you; w 1 • '
Nov„ delo g (..ry few -who. had.
itnIitial:ttn•Irtith in the Innocence of•
1014.810070;' was tin) kev. Watson,
pinnoin Who had 1NOwn him in -
:holt -01y from childhood lift •to...ritatur,
• ".y. So afte.r •a little heettatiois at the
ll•g.b..!••Ad of the sorvice reqUired
• and after •hoirks, .assured by the •
••". t 1-r t..'tet there 'wen.: good • reasofi'S •
tit... Mari litg!`„,‘ slionld• be, Selemn;
17 tits goeil flan yinfiled his
' •••1;11 In Dr, tilliirk end in Cassinovo,
though greally mystified, consent -
go nni 1.).!.:401;,1 the eoremony. •
In Ow Laura ranter lied-
onssel into the (soil of het' betrothed;
Cassinove was14 iting just where the.
dont einhad loft, hint, on the side of his
nnenress, sal! II 1118 :111111(18 • elitSPO{1 {0.•
"11.01%. anti Pk head sunk upon his,
s•st,,Fielooki•sii un as Insure entereal,
nal. rising, extended his hunts to her,
'nth, Laura! oh, my ollardian' spirits.
• .00 von 4)110 r; whatbiSr. Clark has
!...0 saying tonne this morning?"
"Yos, yes, mine 'own, for. 1 sent• Mtn .
.'o soy inn ifsolled Laura • with
• s'ne truthfulness, ns sins placed both
hand.s.. in his.
'.1 tot e you nis !want Hui preserver,
• ns n for the sderitiee •whieh,
' • f ?oar it is doing ti great mein;
• ! 7tsk yott?"
Its no xis -rifles, mv pert.
'.• lto only po.,slide way to save.
a 'vs r1-0111 air 1111111,'.1y-filflitl.141
m111 31.! a- fatal remorse."
.%ttis: 1 el; when first inet.and
wor.;:tirrod yoi --sawliert T. first dared to
.nt oS the; joy of making yoU
-.11110 not the sort of bridal 1
41 )'I to inyt.oh.".,'sain (lassinove,
rr1i 11 41- exoan,
Ply own; you thought of eon-
-. ng fornino, Lind laying tt at my
o and or tirtfat; Tim to a oosttioa
.11ov, If nos -1711o, than that trot':
whinh This wlitn you Mantle 1
foe me. And 1)00011.1e you planned 1,,
•Trii berm's() it pleased 'Heaven to 11s
111)041111 Your eenerous plate Time) ute
tit as willing -oh, yes -4.4
willlo4 • to //hail) yonr tiorrows as 01,1,- •
1 oilould have behtn to share your Joys,"
Laura, sitting down' liftable him,
"011 " groaned f'aselnove "If my
gtilltinoss Is no pica. to heaven or
• ,0 trill in my lethal?, tetrely fele w
att's goodness twist Surely te.r
rlio officers. of 'the. prison seem to ; .if swt`t .'ee.
r W., • , 1; ; •
thiek that ,yottare bidding a levee this
Cessiuove, and aye probably snIntnn,,,
"At •
1,vondering what it •Is; about. did not,; „• a - :Li?* • • ' •
f,thinfc proper to vtylunteer an explatia-
tom'? •cald Dr. Clerk, eleerfulfy. • •
"Young ludY,!! s.-,a_td the nlitilster, p,p. • weys, f fear! He teew inetiet! 00.;
• - ..1,
IOW ygar9 stis this 4.4-,1, .that you a eare tee e i3.1.i lt 1”,
proaehin MISS ,f4:1!tier,..• spy:aim:4g ate ' 1•9;F't•If ITt f/At•K t.44 • -• 1 ill .t.44,
- • r•
•• brpken his fathet's tnsost, as Ye t to ,.•
it'i•e atout to take. well conSider"
, - sic„,e: The old man vies il.t for ninny da',, 3
4 { Yes Or, it le will consideu,„." pa-
-ssiel'ed Lain% tlijner, gTavely and tir'iii- I ft' " - .-....1;,,,. ()t,.
t 4 41,,, ...,..e.f. , . • t -- , ,
iy.., . .. 1 p ir 4.Z.1.7 -!'t 1:.: :, ,;'..i.i soil,. Ei :....71.•s 3.--.1.
. lo. the naine dr .Ffea.,ien, then, l' mfist If ..1'.' ''''', IL' s2J4- - '
proceed. Stand up if yott please said • .
the,. minister,: openlinnn his book. : • , -
theCrt..?a.sbSeiraperree.httlire.se,\ain1;•red: [Aura ..1.-
.1)r: Clark took Ws( place heside•Cas-
, bk Wira Eimere , • 'nature of homicido in gritieral and of
. -
sttornes,neneral proese•le I Li
hdnetii 1. -ben 1ndwttr1, 6116' ttt.d. 1:5{-166v..befat
sineve .eed tb...‘, young. .thichess - stool 1.y as be fiteeeteeied upon the atrocious
•• le • fritter.. e.c.remorly "lit, .tbTs murtle'r partlintiiii, wiiitsre it • e
. .
hhey Caine- to the • nntestion, "Who •lirpOcrisi atid co.wvaial ik.hereIrt the*
ghretb. this wcenan to be .married to
' this man?" ' • • • , • •
"I de," said the venerable D.r. Clark,
taking the load .or the bride and Pi:w-
ing 11 in the hand or the bridegroom.
: 1,Vbett they r .011:11LIIpt.
th e ritig "t'v 7;017; ZiI7,3 4w ar
ring' fortheruelpg,. Good Dr, Olarls-tatd
.entirely forgotten that little. niseessi•ly.
' • • But the snilthr• duchetit. halt ty tirn n-•
meficed with the usual formulas, \Viten
niald were all the vices of 1.noratitude.
prisoner, young In years,. bill old .in
crime,.bad heinously murdered his own
benefactor -not bi•eall daylIghtnfaca
to rage 'with' his intended victim -n�!
but "In the. den.d waste. and middle of
*.w.hen. a. th_t, hquelnell,
••save himself, hal stink to innocent, re,
imse, the nOwarlly assassin stole. to
the bedchonsbor of Sir Vinnsnt
Fill MeV:, Tti Ift'e. or sritinl,N,
Mg- a circlet .of diethontis from It..1.• :in" that hour of dttr:tt.m.,,s, wh:le the vlo-
. ila .ay .odolf.n.0 -0 - innoonnt
gesr, ,,44!,,.I 1i', t er le put poie, 810
•-• 4.•.• 4 nn....o.ns 411SEsin-fill,tti.:-.r.,:r1 the sl,i.ggtf* into tqo
. •
"Keeii 11, f.titira, It is titi
bleni .of tratti." '•
• WaS 'ph! ; -
the Vows wore tinnlo:.(f1a: • nst
titts bona , not-anon:n-1, 1' :1 1 11,,, •
the' MI nes'ot.son's !.s.!..
, Asset.. In, spin uo
afa .earnesily br goo,l • sill:Ines,
d',•partoal. 1;.-r'sinn • C.1,>
newry-nt tirted Pair togother. .
'ino hens r.op mo,0,4, I slits I
took leave of Citssirone, an 1. return,. 1
to her lodg(ng:L.81in hits] g')od
Sori to know that its? Stn g s ha.) no.;
taken Dtte 1•,.111: (O.? sum, •
This next • min n silo ;
1u*soaring to come Put, a sii.,niff's on.
•cer was shown into Ion. town, Who iser.
Veil her with 0 doeutitont that prat 1.1
to Una $1111110V1p,11(111r..148;111 F.0 1.10,f•
Elmor, spin:doe, end ..oritering. her,
*der peril of certain pa ins. end ponniti•-s,
to aPpear umut 0 Certain day t`it
Central C111011)111. Court, Olit
as a syltni..{,i 011 fly. of the'prosce• !-
Bon in the cane of "The. Crown ts-srele
Iverdinenti Ca:314110v charged with the
'willful murder of Vincent Lost er,
baronet."• • , •
' • taltra read it, and returned it, say-
"This does rug isoneern me, My name
is not EITIlef, neither am I a single
"Then will yon be good enough to
Id! me where I can MO Miss I.atura,
Elmer?" •
"Nowhere, presume; I, who once
bore that name, have now another."
'Then, madam, will' you be so goo'd,
as to tell me your new name, that I
may have the mistake corrected?"
said the officer, tithing out his tableti.
"Yoe need not give yourself that
freebie. I am the wife of Ferillnetel
Chet:thieve, and therefore in eateteletted
from giving eVifientie on his trial," said
a The ofliner Ionized at her in surprise,
and then mintering that he would sec.,
about 11, departed.
Anti. Laura 1,11ityrr word on her wny
fi) the' prison, whero slus form 1 Ph'..•
ti NAM' (11,4.4110.V0 (dose nottstitni.
floor wlih his counsel'. The IVvcr srn„,
r smile to greet Dm lady, sl 'in 4:
"Mt' ,411.1tit
ws.sitinmy that: lonals n.lsno
• •
ev`a"g7hseeed.no7soaridtelitildrm. Aelfm:sruhilaieerkapwort,softhe worst he had
Walthanistowiwhen telling of what -
Zaan-Buk had cured him. . '
'It was eovered with eruitions which
name in the fortn of headiesS pimples, and
spread until ray baele was one mass. The
itching at night as so bad that at Iasi I
had to v my ands tied to prevent nue
seetatols.ing m elf and making the Orme-
&ohs bleed. 1. took internal medi-
• niqes .and. tried Various saIves ;
but in vain One night t read.
about Zani-Buk and bought a box.
Well: I- hardly know how to express
my'gratitude for the benefit 1 derived
That ..EIrSt bole gh,v tne ralisf and a few
more elearad the' punplis and eruptions from inv body."
Similar, eloquent testimony comes from Manitoba.
Mr. R: J Burgoine; of Harding. says z--" 1 had some very bad
sores on my heel but Zana*-84alt oared them in a few days. It
also oteared my ehett-of guitenzightly eruption."
%mold's should be to ()Vert, hol-ftenienret en's,
cold aores;thapped ham is. 113414 01061-.4, wen 7, running "toms, aim •a$40‘., itiny Ito
tatfely applied to the tiolieate 'skin ort);.1OS and e0re4 19othbng ra,4h.K It ;1,44 441114
the pain of -piles. it {8140041 88 an, ernbreekttion, aryl. egeall,mt, for mil '1 74(4 in 1
selatlea. An druggists soil it et 50 001411445 box, or from 7146 Zinn -Unit T0..901,9
117)011 receltit at nt•Ice, a hexisVfor $2.50.
04.1e14i, .• ' • - -•
, t; • pl.,; •
• 4 It I •
f, I Pv "h1.4 t• ,
7 4-
r•••••• .
• 71,, 144 '
• 111 vt
3 4.1:
. •