HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-22, Page 5a November 228(1, 19Q0 +l linttort, 1lrhewn-Record • '•Whelk 4! eiele !r r r+rle.k r 1v4,r4wrlleels �M •.h * " THE M.QLSUNS SAN K 1ueorporated by Act of Parliaments 1855. Capital Paid Ifp 3,00a,ollo 'Reserve Ruud $8,000,00 Farmers' .Sale .Notes Gashed or Collected. Matta on all Po- ints in the 'Dominion, Great Britain,United States and all Foreign Countries bought and sold at beet rates. Advances trade to Farmers,, Stock pealers and Business Men at iowestl rates and on moat favorable terms. • SAYINGS tlANK Dh;PARTIIIENT..-Deposits . of $1 and up- wards received. Interest alaowed at highest current rates from .date of deposit, compounded half -yearly and added to ' • principal June 30th and December 31st, . fir, E..DOWD/NG, Manager, CLINJ.ON Real -Estate For Sale E FARM FOR SALE ON 7TH CON.. ROUSE FOR SALE -THE SidV'h;N roamed house snow eccupied. ley Jam- es Livermore, • is offered for sale. Good stone cellar, all kinds: of sm. all fruit, hard and soft water. Will be soler cheap. Apply • to James Livermore. 46 Stanley township, oontainung 175 acres. i• mile from school, a mile -heal Prenbyt ten and i'LethQ ffst oherehesi and postoti'ico, 7, milt's born. H,sall and 4 miles from ICippen. station. There .aro on the premises' three barns, 64x40, 70x28, 50x28, all in goon' repair, Comfortable log •.-and frame louse. 22 acres tit fall 'wheat. All fenced, 1.00. acres well •'underdraiited and the remaining 75 • acres creained by townnllip ditch -running t'lirough. Never failing well :at the house with a new Brantford FARM FOR ` SALE, -WEST Hr1LF of lot 7, South Boundary, and West . half of lot 3, con. 4, Stanley, con- sisting of 102 acres, 8 acres bush, the remainder seeded down except - pumping mill, also a never falling ing 30 acres.. The place is well fen- :spring back on the farm. 1u acres teed and drained, and watered by cgood bearing orchard. Tau farms is spring croak, Frame barn. This farm is situated On the Town Line,. two miles west of Kipper station. Apply on the premises or address James C. Parsons, Rippen, Ont. 32 lin a first-class state of cultivation and is • situated in one of the best grain growing sections in- the pro- feeiae. Will be sold cheap and. on rterms to suit the ottrehasere For further information • apply. on ' the ' premises ox' address George Coley FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - man; Hillsgreen .P. O. 47 Lot 13, con. 16, Goderich township, • cansistin`b of 80 acres, 65 acres 'ARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. cleared, al bush. us 1 i. G ood barn and comfortable house. Well wat- • ered by two good laming stxeams. ?r mile from schooland 1 mile from postoffice. Will , be sold on easy terms; -Apply . to . T. T. il2urphy, Clinton, • 35 tf 2, Stanley, containing 100 aures, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well 'fenced, underdrained and in a; good state of cultivation. 1 acre of or- -chard and small fruit. On the pre- ...raises is a two story brick house • •with slate roof, a first-class farm 'house, a. barn, • size, 40 •x 80' with stone stabling,a cement silo 14s30, good driving .house, pig •pen and ben house.- Two never -fail- ing wells. This farm is situated3 miles from Brucefield, 5 from Clili ton and on a.`.rd gravel road. Ap- ply on thr premises or address Albert Nott, Clinton` P. 0..• 02 WARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND . A quarter miles from• church, -• • post-. office, schooe, and' the village of , Auburn.Suitable ,for gr in or grass. Lot 27. on the•end• con.: 'West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of .land, 15 acres under bush sand the balance nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52Y60, a driving house 24x36 with a • cement, pig house underneath, are on sai . 'premises. Alpo lot ` 28, East eWawanosh, 2nd con., directly 'Oppos- e -to said lot 27, containing 100 acres -of.land, 15 acres`'of which are bush. On this lot there is a bank • barn 40x60. 'There are 4 •acres of good 'tearing orehard'son' the two farms. Both 'lots are • well fenced. and • un= dcrdrained.. A never failing spring, runs across both fartns., Possession: can be given at once.' Teems easy: •The proprietor is now past the , age to farm. -Apply to .Thomas' olson, AuburnP. O. Proinpt reply • will be given to all communica - ions: • :FARM TO RENT -LOT 15, CON. 13,• H'u1lett, 150 acre:, known• as the Kelly farm. -Aptly . 'to• V. Brydonee ' Clinton. • : '. 42 FARM FOR SALE. =LOT 30 AND. part 31, con., 5, Hullett, ;consisting of 117 acres. 15 acres good hard- wood bush, •balance under ,cultiva- `tion. Good brick house andframe barns... Wellwatered and fenced. Bearing orchard. 11- miles from store, postoffiice,church. and school. Will be sold on easy terms as .the undersigned intends going' West. - R. J. Miller-;. Clinton P. Q. 14 HOUSEFOR. SALE - A' LARGE frame recuse pnWellington street, , Clinton, lately • occupied . by F.' . Alicoc6 ..7 rooms and pantry, wood- seiad, good • stone. teller, lard ' and Soft, water,. t acre. of land. A sp- lendid chance for a person wanting a good house. .Apel;: to Sirs. Chide ley or to Mee.. :Alcock. • 39 FARM .FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- signer offers for, sale part, of lot •40on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south of Clinton,' consisting of 20 • acres: ,Good frame housewith st--' one cellar, barn' 36x70 with cement • basement. Easy , terms. J A. • • Smith. 40. FOE -SALE -FRAME HOUSE AND lot on "Princess . street: it rooms, hard and soft. wader. .Good stable. Will be sold cheap and en easy terms. Also 4 hives of bees and a number of bee boxes William Dun- can, 39 SconQ/,and: .FIan0 At•crBargfxin. •:APPLES WANTED -UNTIL ..NOV. 10th the undersigned will pay 30 cents per bag for - good paring - 3,1i- pleas delivered at Clinton or . Sca- lene evaporators. -Town "; Cee.e..45 .. TO RENT -THE STORE . LATELY occupied by Mr. Ilerry Bartlit'fe.-- •` . W. W. Ferran 44 Dominion Piano, upright; latest :design. over strung, three unison scale, polished walnut. • Been in use four months. Gurenteed for ten years. Will sell cheap. You (nay. see this piano at our furni- ture store; FOR SALE -A LARGE • COOKING range, coal or wood. Also a New Williams sewing machine -Airs. John 'A. .Cat ter, tin D. A. Forrest- , . er's Farm. • • 46'" •.•J. H. Chellew1 KNIVES, BLYTH -t 1 TILE MEMORY OF Quality L ingers-. s. WHEN' PRICES A"REE, F'ORGOT'TEN' • We are prepared as never be- fore to meet the Christmas trade with - the best selected now Brunie., candied f eels,;nu•ts, etc., and everything . in the lino of groceries. ' itemember, wo are never un- dersold by anyone,' Call- ance see our stock them you will be . cotttpctene 'to judge for yourself. urt(s PEOPLE'S G.ItOCI':1ty'f ' ►,' D. Beaton) • . CLINTON'. 'eheine 11t� ,Pronpt 'Delivery, FO:NKS AND: SPOONS, On account of the'nnrnhet: of differ- ent stamps, s.oine gennin'e and scene fictitious, now being used lin KniveA, loot ks;and.Spoons, we have decided to emphasize our. own name as a trade mark, and have selected t instable lit to who Guarantee These Goods to us. They arespec`ally heavily p?atrd with pure silver and are hand huruisl'- ed. No finer goods can he bought ua- less you purchase Sterling Sliver•, Should they not. tarn out exactly as We represent, return them and we willl 'refund the money. A. J. GRIGG Scientific' Jswsler and haptics n . 'CLINTON, o N �rr Q / i�Nl'Vj Deaths, .TALL --In Mullett on November lath, Edward Bell, aged 59 years and 11 months. IlEI)DICK-In Lvniesboro on the 18th of November, Mrs., Thomas Sheddick, aged 33 years. ,, GEIGER -In Ilay 'township on NOC- entber 81.11, Mrs. D • B. Geiger, ag- ed 78 years, 5 months an 15 days. WINKENWEDER-Near Dashwood on November 8th, John. Winkenwed- er,aged 65 years and 4 months. 1dvGILL--In East Wawanosh on Nov- ember ;8th, Isabella A. Riddell, wife of David McGill, aged 47 years, 7 months and 11 ,days. SCOTT -In Brussels on November 15th, Finlay Stewart Scott, se- cond son of F. S. and Mrs, Scott, aged 19. years and 3 months. PUBLIC NOTICE. -AS THE RUSH of ,auction sales is over I am now in a position to execute with satis- faction all orders 'entrusted to t'ne, as auctioneer on shortest notice. Orders loft at The News -Record of- fice will receive prompt attention. - Thos. Brawn, Auctioneer. ..--- ., ,1 BCH " MA lE. !R• MALE FE FEMALE OR wanted for S. S. No. 5, Goderieh township, salary $500. Must hold ' 2nd . class professional certificate, Application, personal preferred, rece- ived up to December 1st. Duties to commence 3rd of January, 1097. -John Torrance, Secretary, I'oa t- 'cr's Hill P. 0. BRICK, S'TO'RE FOR SALT- ONE door south of The . News -Record of - tee. -Apply of John McGarr a. or W. T. O'Neil. ' . •48 STORE TO RENT -THE ONE FOE-, merly occupied by myself. It . has been thoroughly overhauled and is now one • of the handsomest stores in Clinton. -Thos. Jackson Sr.' . 48 GIRLS WANTED. -TO OPERAr'E knitting machines, We have posit- ions for a .few sivart girls, exper- ience not necessary. Beginners paid at the rate of 50c per 10 -hour • day' while learning and put. on • piece' work ' as soon es Biter eon- earn more. Good op'cretors...can earn :$1.50 per. lay, Apply by letter or pet'. onally il possible to Tlic Olittt- on Knitting Co. Ltd. .,.. "High Grade" ' Training ❖ ee : pays and . that is the • •;•- lcd the famous + . ' ' • n • .• tro ELLIOTT // . 'TORONTO, ONT. Gives 'to --its students • Recent stud- ents • have taken positions at salaries from $50 per month .te '$1000`' per an- num. It : is a well-known . tact . that our school' is the best .of its kind' to • Canada. This month is a . splendid time to enter. Al . '.graduatesget positions. The demand .is nearly ,tw-, enty times the supply... Write' eo-day • for inagnifielent catalogue.. - + W. J. Elliott, ,Principal.: •.. •i. C'or: Y ergs and e es Alexander .: Streets, . e BERLIN 'SUSI:NESS` .. COLLEGE • Wr ite for catalogue lit ih 'fb school that places more stud- 4 eats in positions than any.. f sgmilar school in. Western Ontario, All graduates get positions, . Enter at any tinge. ..THE... Berlin 'Business College W. D.'Euler, ;.Principal. Crockery When you neederock- ery it will pay >.ou . to buy from our stock. Glassware Your ' stock of Glass- ware teas continually to be replenished.* See what '� a have before buying elsewhere. Groceries A Cripple Cured Bell:less and Bt`rt With Rhet:rnatism Cured by Dr. Williams: Pink Pie. "I wase helpless cripple. I was befit in form and could not straiglt- en ult. Crutches were my only means of moving about. I tried many medicines, but they all failed until 1 beg lysing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -they cured me.:: George Schaw of Short Beach, -N. S., made the above almost startling statement to p, re - porta a few 'days ago. Mr. Sehew is now a well-built man, strong and broad shouldered. Like thousands of Other Nova Scotians, he is a, fisher- man, antis consequently .exposer to all kinds of weather, jurat the condi- stens to net the rheumatic poisons in. the blood at work. Mr. Schaw adds ; "It is impossible to overrate the ateverity of the .attack. 'the trouble was located in my back and right hip': • I had to quit work and was mostly lodgers. There was atime when I newer expected to stand erect again, but Dr. Williams: Pink Pills. straightened. me up again, not only that, but they made me the strong, lfearty manc you see me today. I can never describe •• the awful Main I suffered before I used these pills. I tried many medicines and had treat - meet from several doctors, but to no avail. My legs became so stiff' that in order to move at all ; I bad to sic crutches. Finally' the • doctors' decid- ed that I was inourable, and told me they could render no further assist- ance. I continued to suffer day and night, • and ;theft came the turning point or my life; A friend from a distifnce came to see me and it •was from hint I learned that Dr. Will- liams: Pini. Pills were a great cure for ' rhedgatnsm. At once I ' got a supply and began using. them. Tbe first i'ndication that they. were help- ing me was when the pain grew less severe, In a few weelis more the swelling in my lege and hips began toleave, then my joints scented' to: loosen up, and then it was not long until thy crutcheswere thrown aside and I could straighten up. Then I began to goout doors ;and soon was able toresunte my work as well, as ever, Since that time I have never been troubled with rl eurnatistn or lame back. I can tell you my neigh- bors were all astonished at my cure. They had all thought .I would al- ways be a cripple." Dr,. Williams':Pink Pills cure nceu- ntalt lent • by going straight • to the root of • rho trouble . in the blood. They make now 'rich blood that sweeps out the poisdnous'aci'd ant: soothes . the jangled nerves, That is how. theycure all troubles ' rooted in the bided, such as' ar.aeinia, iodigt.. triols, neuralgia, t,St.: Vitus. dance, general • it^eaknees and the eperial.. meatsthirst only . girl's• ;Ind tomer, folk. know. Sold, by all medicine dealers or by mail at fusty cents • a Lias or six boles for: two dollars and M di- the )t �i''illl�ms. from e.. half f n 1 . a of 1; ' t ( ....Slee stile On cine o , In buYing from us you aro sure of getting new, fresh goods at prices. that will please you. 'Your Patronage Respect- fully Solicited. M�iThwcty A "Stranger" Brought Into West Huron to Teach Liberal Workers How to Switch Ballots, (From page 4) wards at these junetures, would take up the .examination himself ; putting a question to the lawyer. Mr. Du - Vernet was then forced to commence Alm approach from another stand- ' point. Witness Fainted. It was at one of these points, when the questioning was, narrowed down and the witness seemed walled in by a series of interrogation matte', all leading to the reply desired by the Crown counsel, that ` Mr: .Currie shouted, "Look out ! Leek-, out t" Turning their attention to the wi•t,- nese, Mr. .Edwards was seen to fall forward. He had fainted ander stress of excitement. Ho was romoved frons the box and his examination was not again resumed'. ' Counterfoins In His Pocket. ' .Charles A. Hunmber said he was a deputy returning officer in the 'Me - Lean :Holmes election at polling s•ub- efivieion No. 2. "It t v �assaid a bY 'Messrs. Reid d n. Yule that you pet the counter foils in your pocket," suggested leer Du-. Vernet. "I May have . d'one so ;I 'do not re- collect." - '° The witness explained that he was on his way home from ::lhurch when he was asked to go into the hotel to see someone. The enquirer turned out ;to •.be. a stranger. He said something to me about a., emenipulation of bale. lots: He commenced to -show how it was done. .I told hire I thought ht was a dangerous man and been left.. "Did you •report' those occurrences' to the . Pollee Magistrate '•' "I did• not." .MEETING OF THE ITURON. COUN- TY' COUNCIL. -The coleeil of the C'onney el Huron will .meet la • the coutiril centiiber in times Town of. Go- derieh at. 3 o'clock p. -in. • cit . 'fleet Thurrday in December next.All .:.accounis tee conte before the coeneil • stunt be plated. with the Clerk • be- fore day el meeting: -IV. Lane, . Cil er. Da'ted . Nov. 20th; :1.906. -PURITY- Mone y .Lost Dozens of farmers all around ushave lost moneyby,.:"uing expensive stock f'o'ods. -Where did the money go ? It went to pay big salaries' and keep up race horses, Douglas tock Invigorator "Did you see the gentleman again ?' "Not to my recollection.'' "Do you .hold an official position?" "I did then." "What was that." •"I wase Police Magistrate " the witness then said, as regards the counter • foils he had nootlier.ob- ject in placing. thorn • in his pocket than tie keep:. the room tidy, Seine. one suggested that . they should be thrown en the ;floor. But he did not titinl, that ' right. Subsequently he inay. 1aye, thrown. them into the. stove; A .Midnight Visit.: Mr. Jolm . FI. Edwarcls was deputy returning oflicee-in subdivision No. 1. "I)o you remember shortly before the election, two men coining to .your. 'house :''' .. Farr was, nrinl,ing.; it was thought '"There uta'3". have been." this would not ..do the car,diciate any I _l. midnight,�dnmidnight, visit by loo �ntcn.• good.. • .. •� ••"I'remember. a.par tygto My. Frank Elliott. ant d William. 1i. house, ,.� lar t wlfich elci,.Thompson of Codciial , werce^undtttli• • tmliression that. Grant; the schn>l t had been in-Goderiehat "Would e0,1.1e0,1.1I"now tl e parts' tea ,ch e , the "'One• of thein ---Mr... (+ant.'.' time of .. f.he electicun. . swears " Wouhi you. • knee' the other -look l thee:- he hail seen Grant : and a sir an - at .YMr. Pritehett?`•`, • gel.. enter. .Me.. I.dwards' none one "I don't, know 'him.`.' ' night just prior to the::'ore. • "Were you shown ballots -lies tot. switch rhes ?" • U` ttdt - :T•rem mbe i.. • "It seers;. to ; the that •t on should 1: tem,•enibtr•, "•. said '. the lIagist•rate. "Was s:e1, a ,question eever •dieette'- ed ?'' • "I ;have heard • of .sucli:.a thin;; but ng one ever.- approached mt. to'take a hand ..in it." "Did :von' l:nctw •tlte eittnthcr of.b.a1_ leas: y •were out are. t R„ .was 177,a title only lchbo' "You didn't sal he .wax going ere NASAL, CATARRH' whole titin; away 7" AFFECTS' HEARING. "No, I did not." Witness said he had never seen. Prit- ehett. "You never got three thousatel dol_ tars at one time ?" "No, 'sir." ouud like a fool, and would give the Didn't Pay For Switching. "Yon nester paid any deputy return- ing officers for switching »allots 7" t "No one had. arranged . with you to do crooked work at the election ?" "No." " "You never sdw O'Goritian or Mul- loye at. thehotel after the election 7" "No." "You never spent any money at the election 7" • "Not except over the bar, and _that Was my own money." "You will claim no lapse of mein- ory ?'' "Not 'on that score." "Did Farr bring back any ballots to you re 44Na et2 ' ."Farr never came to you, asking for' ballots, saying. that he had used the 'extra ones you lfad given him ?" Not Since West Elgin Affair. Mr. Pritchett .said Horton was ilia man whom he was instructed to semi thedeputies 1 to i order that n a e t the a might be placed. He and Mr. o'Go man were with Horton roe hours ' tri-' gother in the • hotel, . To Mr. Curry Pritchett said he had taken no. part in elections since, the West Elgin affair; '° ° Mr. Robert W. Clark 0! Go et't h r - said that in. the'-AieLean.-Holme; el- eotian, irreguiarilties. were noticed, In 'the ballot box were one •huiufee'd and eighteen ballots when one hind:ct§ and twenty three. had voted. • '"•hat moans that five, ballots were abstracted or that .five were put in afterwards 7" ' "'"Yes,,, . "You don't know why there was that. diser•epaney ".'''' "'N'o. I 'do not.'' ""'I asked tlto deputy returning ufii- cer to explain." Witness• then 'wont on to say that ite had picked up . a marked ballot from the floor, ' and Farr said :"" Oh, there is nothing' in that.; • there were lots of diose lying around. the steed, yesterday.'' Farr then tore" up thu ballot. to he .lrtlitir ' 1 ill's said the ballot wa pieced togetlter,.,'•and' was found to he utt fad or of •• McLean. Farr also left the .liootdr several 'times Bring• the day and' Met Horton in" an ndjo•iniug alleyway.. .• • .:Mr. Jatites Yates said that he had . seen Horton se.ieral tittles on the way riot only tikes tltg'place of these tr1-e04.%•atipns, 'hitt gives the best r•estrlttl.i You can ihake oine pail for. 75e. , It e best' tot' everything raised rin the fat ti}: .iii• neighbor uses it -you should. t "int ether, Holmes the druggist makes it; and We make the best for you W. s, R.; • .No/mes. •Phni. E., • We"Keep Only . Post Office The Best. ' Drug Store -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE- mas -Offor Now IA the 'gime to have your Christmas rxstmas Photo taken, c Call Early and get our special offer, lastixk until the 1st day of Jan.1.90t71 4t Roberts Photo ,A).tist ,- • Clinton "I know `of uo irregularity Every. 'hallct'.that. Wee rnarl.enn u, etediti+d to' the mail for whom they' Were mac- ked.,;, ,. . • "Did . you i un. short;- of ballots'," asked• the Magistrate. • "No. we bad .plenty, •tn'e i1iaueti: supply,'el; "'. said Ilii. if1agi rate,ble' "You' would kpew if you got bopuel ballots or: not ?" • " 'on •swear . yoU never g,• t bogls ballots from anyone + '"Y es,not' that I remember." ' ' "Von say that you. could remember you go Uteln, Now, will, you swear tbeet d•lth i j. get bogus bal- ots l ??". t. you "What would yott Mean by that: ;t'` 3 asked the witness. •• •• "Did • tote' 'get 'ballets• from artybll0 other than • the. retul'if lig, one:leer ?" • "Not to •my knowi" o rt .' At, this juncture the witness r`eiittet and WAS removed `from the 'box. Mr. W. Horton said he remembered the election.. Before a- committee of the House of Commons, teeing an en- quiry into 'the McLean-liolrnes. elce-, tiontion,lie had sworn that he nut several Liberal workers, but he could not swear now that he. had 'mit them. Mt.. J..W Currie objected to .this form of questioning, but the Magis- istlate said the •titres: s' me;n- ory, might le refreshed: Witness would not' state now that he had. met either Jettilloy oe O'Gorman. A' Bad :Memory. "You wouldn't remember after sev. en years," said Mr. Curry. "No, 1- have a vet;y bad memory- I cannot remennbe•r very long." • "Well," said 111x. Wilkie, • "it is to be hoped you don't get into an eke - Mon trial 'Or you will be open to gratin •suspicion.", ° "Did yoe give a matt "tamed Pars five 1ionclr..41 dollars?" • "No, sit, 1 did not." ' • "You hove. thee he left the count- ry 7" N'"les." "Ya: never gave his anything -not even whiskey ?" "There is no' doubt about your le - collection on that poiu1," asked the Magistrate, . "No, see!! "? "You never asked Par to resigh 7" "Did yott ask attyotte to rtsigrt'"" "Yes, ohe. od thee workers got dt;teek• and, 1 want:d hint't'elieved of his `dug; it ." "Was that the only Melee 7" 00000. rocei ies M8♦ R. J. Aztr.vs q. FINDS RELIEF IN PE•RV-N6. Mr. R. J, Arless, 4Q1 City Sall; Ave.,• Montreal, rQgebeq, is an old gentleman of a tide.:acquaintence,::h aving.elierved thirty-eight years in the General. Post - office of Montreal, a record 'which speaks, for itself. Concerning his use. of, Peruna, Mr,•'Arless says: - "i have been afflicted with nasal catarrh to such a degree that it at- fected my hearing. ""Thin was contracted some, twenty years ago by being exposed todranglits and sudden changes of temperature. "I have been under the treatment of specialists and have used many drugs recommended as specifics for catarrh in the head and throat --all to no puri pose. . . . • "..1. bout three, years ago T was induced by a confrere in office to try Peruna. . "After somehesitation, as 1 bad doubts as to results after so 'many failures, I gate Peruna a trial, and ant happy to- state that after using eight or ten bottles of Peruna i am much improved in hearing, and in breathing through the nostrils." . Auction Sale- Register Wednesday, :November 28th at lot, 7; .Stanley. 2:miles 'west' of • Isippen, extonnsive sale of 'fame,' farm stock .and inililenents.=J. C. Parsons;, .pr'o- •prietor ; Thos.• Brown, Auctioneer.. Saturday; .December. 1st, at Winth- rop, feta' miles north of Seaforth, 'ate etion sale of ..live stock.-Govenlock Bros.,' proprietors, J. A. Smith; auct_g -ione-er, Thursday, December 13th, at \;amass farm stock : atvii 'Ward; ' prolfi;'ietor, E. Boysenberry, auctioneer, Count. Von, Butlnw li'as declared eh- .• at Germany's policy, is to be one of ' peace.. '. 00.00••0 at Cost s.. • is•��i•••.Q c�. •) We are going out of the Grocery Brunch of the business we bought • ft om 147-x, B;tilitr3; "ind in.order•to gtuick'ly make rootn for a large addi tion itt our Shoe Deprtment We"will'sell thestck.at'c s t. .... We Conte a' few lines to show tite cut we are making on the regular prices ;-- Men's plain rubbers, regular price 86c,'our price 75c Boys' ." 70c,"" ""60c Yo ths' "" " • "" • 55c.. ':` ' " 50c • iYofnerl T` " " • Pc, ".c " 509 • 24'.Men's ilex Calf Bels-; worth $2.75. for $1.28 • Special line of Women's Dongola. Bals,'.worth $2 00, for $1.50 We Invite yoki ;o Inspect` Our Stock • DILL .SROs Baliard,'s Old 'Stand 00 • 1 • 0 0 re 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 a 0 0 O :if_ :30,2,.,).,us...iyi)®,2,-)c.-27a1.1 ......„..1___............... ............._______ 1 THE 8/0 CLOTHIERS.: TOO MUCH :MONEY IN FURS We ask' you to aid us in cleaning out our Ftir Coats. We aha advertising our Stnall Furs this week and have • not space for prices on Fur Coats for ladies and gentielnen. But we will Sell you a Pur Coat Cheap, for men or women. Look at our prices for Small Furs i 1 Texas Mink Collar for $1.35, • 1 Child's Lamb Bna for $2.50, 1 Cantick Sable Stole. vera nobby, tor $12.00. 1 Nutria Stole, perfect goods, for $8.10, 1 Atue.rican Sable hole, pretty shade and perfect goods, for $7.00. 1 Stone Martin Ruff for $6.0'), I Chenielle trimmed Stole for $12. 1 Texas Mink Stole; heads and tails, for $5.00. 1 Electric Seal c,aparine, with Persian hack on colter, for $10,00 1 Texas Mink. Stole, with six tails, for $5.50, 1 Sable Stale, with six tails. for $8 00. helve. you seen our Cloth Overcoats? . . Do' you,•want >i'Suit cheap? . . ' . . See our -Clothing for quailty, style and price., E & GAR'DINER u l J :% 'i+•34.9.11 Tl� 8466490i ird to Addinn6n d'00.4: :BL UM