HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-22, Page 4.4
How Did. Robes Holmes
Oct Into Parl n went.
Strangers" Brought Into West Huron to
Teach Liberal Workers How to Switch.
Ballots for Bilin.
• The Magistrate Doubts Billy • lots with the counter foil were bo-
Gundey's . Word'. gus
"This looks to ane like aluotlrer Mr. Pritchett said the scrutineers
were not in a position to. see and
instance in which the Crowe, might they did not, know what was going
well take action.
"You have heard one witness con-
tradicted. in almost corers partiku-
lar by three others,
''117r, DuVernet, you lead better'
consider weather the Crown should,
not entera charge.
In these words, at the investiga-
tion irate the unsavory features of
the NcLean-Holmes election, of
'99, Magistraite Dennison of Toronto
fgresha•dewsa, possible charge of
perjury against Witham H. Gundry,
of Goderich, deprety sheriff of Huron
county, who acted as deputy-retu::n
ina ;officer in, that election.
Gundry was called upon, by his
friend, Mie 'John Torrance of Goder-
ich township to act in the latter's
stead as deputy returning officer.
Mr; Torranoe was taken suddenly
ill and was forced to impress Com -
dry into 'the service ab elle last
Gundry droVe out to the palling
booth, distant . about seven miles
from Godo:tell, ..in company with
Pritchett, whoseems to have been
a suspicious, character is the eyes
of most of the other election work-
On the way the twostopped at
Torrannce's home to secure the bal-
lot box and the necessary papers:
Torrance swore that be objected to
Pritclfettt actingas clerk, because
he had already .:appointed another
man, but Gundry said. under oath,
that no conversation was held on
this point. " .
Pritchett swore that Gundry ead
switched at least ,three ballots but
the latter . stated. that , this was a
deliberate lie. ` •
Messrs. D. G1tcMon ar.d Peter W.
Curry swore that theytook excep-
Lion to the ballot box being on the
floor. Gundry swore.. that no bat-
lots were placed itt the box .while it
was on the •Atom. ;Oat so soon as
the poll" opened the bot was placed.
on the 'table and remanent there.
In several . miner particulars •the
evidence of the other witnesses,
agreed with that of Gundry. ,
Clinton t iewspkecord
November 22nd 1906
on. •
"Did you ever hate any conversa-
tion about West Iluson in Toronto 7"
asked Mr. Currie.
"So • that West Huron lied nothing
to do with the 'Toronto •conspiracy."
"I know nothing of that. I only
had conversation with Mr. O'Gorman
in London over the West Huron • elec-
This Man 1-iad A, Cold.
•' N;,;. John Torrance of Goderich
township Gold he hada little Gold on
the day lee was sworn, in. Later`he got
further cold acid a` doetior was called,.
Me.. William Horton came to him and
he told Horton that it would be bet-
ter were. he relieved. Torrance then
resigned. A • .strangercame to his
house bat he, could not identify Prit-
Could Not Identify Pritchett.
William McCarthy .said he was a
scrutineer; in the election ,of b'ebruary
1809. He wae a scrutineer.
"I went to a room in. Craig's hotel
and he ;asked me if I,•wanted todo
seinething for the party. (Witness
could not. identify Pritchett as the
man though in eoaversatiof with that
gentlen:,an it had; developed thismorn-
ing that, he was.) The stranger had
'explained the scheme, bub 1' refused to
.have anything, • to do with it." :
"I ain very glad that you asked for
the protection• of the: court," said
the magistrate. "Now tell us .aboibt
tltvat part of the proceedings for
which you wanted protection ?"'
• . "'I
didn't know Whether I could "get
into trot:blc for going up into that
room." •
"Oh, assuredly hats'', `said• the wage
isiate• •
John 'Yule was • a scrutineer: He
Said the deputy returning officer was
putting counter foils In his pocket all
day. Charles `Reid, also a scrutineer
c itis led the peee.
oIl of n t
the saltie p
att e p ,
ceding witness. ' •
Wi111ant•ii: tr+uhctry aete.d'as deputy,
returning officer:- He • was al:pointe*tl
tife night,before the eleetiot:.. He had
met a .stranger at Craig's betel'The
returning office said ttlaat be was .in
a Bole . and thai, he could get no one
to acs. Witness then told the return-
.personale fete 1
return -
0 officer', r •tvlro• was
that he •would • act :lino One else could
'he ,secured. latter ite went. dA Craig's
lintel to look for a :.-Maxi to net aS:
scrutineer. He Mei. .a stranger who
was the man : to go, and they arran
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday,.
November 24th, 26th and 27th.
In four short weeks Xmas will be here. It is time we were getting ready for it. Holiday stocks are beginning to.
• •for hem -to clear the stock of all broken lines and last remnants left from the biggest Oc-
toberalready. To make room t next Saturday, Monday and Tuesday3 Days of Genuine
tober and"November selling we have record. of -we purpose making y� y
Bargain Giving, lowenough to brie everypr Gods b>i,er; within reach
We have the goods to do it,and the will. to make the prices g g y y ''�dr ac
• the store to this 3 Das Sale. Read the list carefully -it's a money saver. Come to the store Saturday, Monday'Or Tues-
day, we will make it well worth your while to do'so,
Cominoc ore Craig of. Goderich was
the first, had seen �' tchat witness. c,to alled,, .He said he
• t 0nv..
• , ; ' .the:: con
sttit e
but that was not the naiiie undcr-
wh'ieh he • Wae known at that time.
He had seenO'Gorivan before, but he
would not • swear positively that he
was therle at 'election time.
Henry \Cat rn, en cleet•rii of. C:ad4r-
ich, was iretsoea:tcod to a stranger, at •.ged, to. drive out „ogether,.a distiance
Craig's hotel: When he:•ha d •lieeit cora or sever} nukes, Oit ' election day : to
i'. said 1� could n eo his action.
fronted by Pritchett, be 5a o . iexre .ton was token
not recognise' 'that gentleman pRe,�ardin� Extra• Ballots.
"Wh at took lace at Craig's a ;,
. a p .. � { r � were more hal-
hotel you l tto.t there t t
hotel ?" asked Mr. Armour...
"!He told ,me how to switch 'bal-
lots." • ' •
"What . diff +you do with: those bal-
lots ?"
'.'I burned then'' :'about.' an hour•• af-
terwards:" • • •
"And you ust d • none of those bel
Iota ?" •
Roderick Young, .• a Goderich town -
Ship elector, voted in the McLean
Holmes election.: He. _ltad been seen
be a number ,eif men, 'some of whom
were. strangers, regarding • We 'elect -
"Did anyone see you about :witch=
ing ballots ?"
"Being my first time as deputy re-
turning officer I wan anxious that
the hall .shoulc:• be properly prepared.
I had it •div^idea." '
Witness could. not , remember Prit-
"What was the. purport of the 'con-
oil-versation ?"
"He told •hie they wanted sortie
work done for them. .1• told hint that
I would have nothing. to do t vith it,
and that, he must be a Tory. Well, ,
he said, that is the way we elected
Hugh John Macdonald,"
Daniel Gliddon of • Goderich a .town-
ship said there was.. h stranger a • t itis
poll that day. Pritchett. • came fuse
ward and was identified 'by the wet
ness as a• man who., had been, scrutin-
cer at his poll that day.
Mr. Peter W. . Cui•ri,e, who • was at
• the same poll• an, Mr.; •C}liddon,said
that there was a stranger, D'Ir. Prit-
• clttttt, present as a scrutineer. •
"Did you object to his acting;?"
"And it was overruled ?" -
Pritohett Again Teseifies.
Pritchett was now, placed in the
"Did the deputy put, the counter-
foils in his pocket ?" d rr
"Yes, as he had a right to 0
"Was ' that •.essential to your
soltenite ?"
"'Yes it was -otherwise the stitch-
ing would not have beteir, - done."
'''Were any ballets switched ae that
poll ?'
"I am sure of three." t ?"
"Why were there no more
• "The deputy's Werve failet►."
"Who switched those ballots ?"
"The only man who could da it --
the deputy returning 'officer."
"Did you keep tab on the deenty?"
asked Mr. Artnour.
• "1 was close by."
"Did the scrutineer ' Object fo the
adieus of the deputy ?" •
"They objected to hie steeping his
Itands in his. pocket and to retaining
the counter foils."
Pritchett then said that, the real
ballot Riad no counter foil while, the
bogus ballots had &tater (oily,
"And then ft would 'be quite appar-
ent to the Krutineere that the lad -
late found in the' box their you receiv-
•ed ;r" • • .
t ser.heard ''of that ' there
were extra 'ballots • la 'the hot; they.
were • placed there }lir the s btangct.
"Did .yon.. beat any '. objection : to,
•your placig ; the counter. Toile in your
Pocket 9" •
"None whatever.''
"Was there any objection •urged
against the position 'in which 'you'
placed the box 9" •' • •
• '",Nat that I remember.'r•
f. think: I should.'' "'
"It. his . been . sworn that you
switched three ballots.
"Th;e - man : that -wears to that
swears to. a deliberate
Contradicts • Pritchett,
"Pritchett swears that he saw
doing it,"
"That.is an. 'absolute 'lie."
was r � 1t home
box tri 1 ,. U
"It was not on the floor ; it was
placed on the : table when I went in,
there and. it remained on the table."
"Piotty . 'nearly icieclyelling • this
witness has . said has -been contradict,
ed by, the other witness,'." said the
magistrate, . . •
"That does not, make lids' evidence',
untrue," . said Mr. Currie, "par dont-
arty when the witnesses are like Prit-
Mr, • Torrance was recalled' n;1 his
previous evidence was read aloud Ly
'thee stenographer.,',
'You explained to Mt • taundey Oat
you did not wish • to have tete :aven-
ger act as clerk because yoti hal ape
pointed some one to Arlt,'"
ryes ,,
"In reply to Mr. Curry aa.these
said -that he would not swear• that
be had spoken • direct 'to Gundry re-
garding his objection to the ;;trane,t
acting as cleric. •
• Mr, Peter W. Currie, ` who had
sworn that he had taken esc,ption
to the box being Placed on the flout ;
was .alto recalled, and said that when
Gundry said that • this slid ' nut own
lie (Gundry) was. swearing falsely
Mr. Gliddon- was then recalled and
substautiate&,,,tlpis evidence. Ile ex-
plained that while the box was on
the floor at the outset', it was pla-
ced on the table when the poll open-
ed, and it remained there throughout
the day.
A dramatic feature of the proceed-
ings occurred when Mr. John 11, td -
wards, an aged gentleman, was under ,
examination by Mr. DuVereet. Mr.
Edwards was exceedingly anxiou., not
to say anything that might not conic
Within his recollection, and with this
object in view lie qualified all his art
ewers with suclt phrasal as "Not to
tny knowledge," Not as far as 1 can
motive t," or "Not that I rcnlete:b.
;;eyeral times it looked as if Mr,
i)uVernet had cornered the wily with
ncsa itiho W„il)osi,tiotu Where adirect di..
swer was unavoidable. But 11r. l;d-
With the 1st of Dec.
just ahead of us it is
timeto empty the tab-
les of our model and
pattern bats.. To do it,
' and do it in a hurry, we
put every trimmed hat
iii the store on sale for
• Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday at
Curtain Samples at ISc.
50 only sample ends fine Notting.
ham: Lace Curtains, the lower end of.
the curtain showing the full pattern,
just the thing for small windows,
special -Saturday each , :..; , ..... ....
At 50e, ,
Sample ends handsome Swiss Cur-
tains, very tine quality and designs,
choicechoice of a dozen or more Satur-
day each .
They have served their time as models. Now is the time
tolet them. go. You know just what they :are' like. Com-
melicing.Saturday half regular price is,all we will ask for
any'of them.. 30 or 35 in the lot.
Untrimmed Shapes 25c.
About 23 untr:immedTelt shapes, good styles, black Or colors.
Never mind what the original price was, --it was a good. deal A g
More than now. Commencing Saturday •
0 Ostrich . Feathers $.1.04
$Z5 li
'18; only.extra fine Ostrich Feathers, very full and thick, rich deep
black, 15 inches long, a splendid, feather• at the original price,
' $2.50. We have too many of themthough at this price, so $1. ,/1n.
you can ttake your choice, commencing Saturdt•ty fot :.. a) 1
Jackets at H•alf
• 25 Unties' •)rackets, all this seasons styles, balance of our big'
• lot of samples, tweeds and fawn kerseys, handsome, stylish, service- �.
able gr
nen e, every
one a -sem
le and
made for this season's trade.
No niattcc, what the former price you can take your chefs e, corn-
s cnencinj Saturday for
• Exactly ' Fl Price,
Reduced Prices on All
A11 our Good ()oats that are left, tweeds andk blaceavere, no man, ,
ter what they sold at, have had the prices cut, and y'ou• can slave $2.00. to..
$4.00 on a Coat if you come here on Sale'Days.,
Some Curtain
Bargains .
• Odd. Curtains ft) /Clear out on Bar-
gain Day's at prices tha4 are money
saving, Here is the list
3 pair cream Curtains, good design,
•regular $3.50, choice corn- 01 meneing Saturday per pair .: IV Al. u
One pair only white lace Curtains,
very fine quality, slightly soil -01)g
ed, regular $4,50, for sale dayssepL.�U
3 pair two tone cream lace Cur-
tains, extra quality, :reg. $5,n
for Bargain Days choice .., $2.5U.
One pair only ivory net Curtains,
handsome• curtain for any room: regu-
lar $5,00, for: Bargain T)ays'
One pair only white lace Curtains;
Battenhurg, regular $4,00, for 010 nn
Bargain Days . `s
Two pair only deep ecru net Swiss
Curtains. regular $4.00,- fo
A Good List of .Linen .Bearains.
.Here is a good list of Linen Bargains for the 3 days.
All are honest reliable'ualitiesthat can .be depend--
ed upon. ' Many of them • suitable for Xmas gifts, and
',priced lots enough to make the saying'• cyorth your W,bile.
$2.75 a k 1
ng $1.7
Table Dainask::50c. .
3 dozen Table Napkins,. large Very fine'clivalBty half bleached
size, good weiht atid'quality, reg gable Damask. This is a. line that
tiler '$2.73, .commencing (Etr'i70
Saturday for tri
1:50 Napkins $1.10•
4 dozen good quality real ;lrishs
,Linen, Table Napkins, two patterns,.
just the•thing for regular use, regu-
lar $l.5 Q; conmenciig Sall
• 10•
• ,rias, per dozen ....i
Napkins '10c.. each
A withering together of odd
quarter and loaf dozens of . Table
Napkins, line's that sold at .31.75 to
$2.50 per dozen, choice of the . { O
lot each .
A.I1 Linen rowelling 8c.
300 yards extra tine Linen Crash
Towelling, imported bye ourselves
direot. A Towelling that will give
extra good. wear, .regular 10e ,
to'12ac:, for 3 days sale ...... .0
Table Linen 32c..
150 yards all pure Linen .Table
Damask, three patterns, good
weight and width. Regular 50c.
quality, for 3 days safe, at per• qq re
yard .li
will soon bleach, and is extra good
quality. 75c. is the regular price for
3 days sale you can buy it, at
peri yard •�LI
Damask 9
Fine -Bic d Dar>oa k 90c,.
Three patterns only, extra; nine,
quality . bleached =..Table • Damask,
regular 31.15 and $1.25; sale
e .ourper yard .0U
prig. y choicey
Fancy .25, 50, 75c
' We have taken our stock of
fancy linens,• such as tray cloths,
lunch cloth's, etc., and divided them
intothree lots for this.Sale. Prices
will be just. about half (regular; for
we would like to clear these all. out
to make room for new lines we want
to show: There will be many a
bargain.on the table where you. will
find these Fancy Linens.
Bath Towels 2 for 2S+c.
4 dozen extra quality Bath.
Towels, good width , special coin-, 2 for and. weight,
red s
t'•ip e c
� mencing Saturday :.... .
Bargain hays $2.U0�.
Long Red Coat $20
One only Dong Coate made from
dark red broadcloth,silk lined, a
very handsome garment. This came
with the samples, regular 00 fi
$30, for sale days ....,,.... we
20 Coats at 50c.
These twenty Coats are carried'
over from last season. The material
is just as good as ever but styles are
not up-to-date. They could barnacle
over for children's wear or would
snake capital colas for rough
use, Choice of lot, Saturday sU U
20c Handkerchiefs 2. for .25c.
Men's all Linen .cambric -finished
Handkerchiefs, standard size, extra
fine quality.fot 26c., special for A
Saturday. at 2 r 2
Ladies" Handkerchiefs ':.
Big saying in 1. antles
.There is money to be saved buying a Mantle 'here
Sdtuldayy, Monday or Tuesday. We havee had the biggest
Mantle business in our history, because we have
'had the
1 h
rices .Now, we
soldair t
right goods them
g p
to empty racks in short order -would like toclean them
days find
on Bargain if possible. Youwillever. Mantle
reduced and prices so low that they will surprise you.. 'ill
you haven't bought your fall coat yet, come and get it now'
t, �►r rr vim. rs �►�p ti� v� 1✓r ►�� �wCi
Fur Lined Coats $15.00,
• 3 for 25c....
Ladies' pure • liner hemstitched
Handkerchiefs. fine quality, ,•ni r w'
bent; .special Saturday . • ..'3 for 5
Children's Coats $:1.2g:
18 only Ohildrefi;s. reefer Coats.
navy and fancy .tweeds, regular
$2.50 10 $3.75, choice eom-• d+ 1 25
rnencing Saturday ;• �p .
Children's Coats $1.75
12 only Children's three-quarter
length Coats, good range of styles,
reg. $3.25 to $4.50, choice a+ 1 . 7 5
commencing Saturday .. Qp
Cloth Capes $3.50
Ladies' Cloth Capes, fancy
tweeds and plaid golt styles, long or
mediutn length, regular $6.00 to
$10.00, clearin; them Sat- $3.5n
urday at each
Sleigh Robes $2.00
One only Child's Sleigh Robe,
regular $8.50, Saturday X52.00
Two enly t!lllidrehwhite wool
sleigh robes, regltlar':$2,75, it 1 60
Saturday each:....... .. • , w ■
A Clearance of Dregs Trinhlnings"
Little Prices on:good Dress Trimmings for this• Great
3 Days Sales
Dress Trimmings 25c.
Dress Trimmings 10c, x
Dozens and p
this season, regular 20c. L.�c, an frons regular 5
Laces and
We would like to clear -
these Laces and Embroideries
beton Xmas stocks arrive, If
you; want laces -for -any,'pur=
his Sale by. '
rinse don't pass t y.
Valenciennes : Lace,, 3c.•
•5 only Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, outside of good all -wool tweed
good quality lining, beaver or oppossum collars,' loose batik. These
Coats came in with our big lot of samples and would sell in the regu-
lar•way at about $30 00 or $3.5.00. You can bay one if $ 1c
you conte Saturday for .
dozens of 'pattern
13:10 yards: Dress Trimmings. ap- In•dress triennrings and fancy braids
pliques, fancy braids, new patterns new designs and coins combina-
' d d 30c 0e 60e and 75c, your
y.ur choice per yard 10 choice per yard •25•
500 :yards good quality Valenci-
ennes Lacn and Insertion, last endsof
patterns that sold at 5c, 8c. and 10c.
choice for this sale
Fi neTri molt* Laces 19c.
`300•yards of fancy trimming Laces
in white or ecru. These are last ends
of many of our best qualities and they
must, be sold. Regular 35e. to 80e.,•
your choice for this sale per yard .19
Embroiideryn' 11Oc;
250 yards of Embroidery and Inset',
tion, last ends of lines that sold at 12a.
you may. this sale
your choice per yard .......
Just 5 Ladies' tailor-made Costumes .left'in stock. 5
ladies can get a high.class Suit for very Title money if
they come here sale days. All are this season's styles.
One only gray broadcloth Suit,
size 36, regular $35.00, on sale Sat -
One only black broadcloth Suit.
size 34, regular $83.00, on sale Satur-
urday •.,...•...... •.. $24.00 day at ,......,.... $23.00
One only navy Fancy check One only gray tweed Suit, size
tweed Suit, size . 34, regular $20.00, 34, regular $25.00, on sale Saturday
on sate Saturday at..., 519.80 at ..,.....,.r..,.., ... .. $18.00
One only navy cheviot Suit, size These are exceptionally hand -
34, regular $25.00, ori sale Saturday some garments 'and man -tailored
at . .......,.. 1118.00 throughout.
Dress Goods for 3. Days Sale
Sale prices on Dress ss Goods mean .m
money. saved fo
undree.s and hundreds of,yards will go on the
counters marked at prices that will more than save S ori'.
the cost of likings and trimmings.' Se vioeable stylish
materials that are correct in every: way. Here is how we
are selling them. •
60c. Dress Tweed 39.c. ' Suitings.
ek•rr rt.•.evikvs• -lv.‘4
Yard. Wide..Flai nelette :.' $
1400.yards extra hear fancy
nc y
stripe Flannelette, 34 to 36 inches•'
I. wide
dozena or more patterns
to choosefrotr', splendid wearing
$quality, an extra special for QR
the 3 days: sale per yard.... ../
i,'vele•1elee vim• tirleina. •ver.•,
Over 300 yrar•dsof fancy dress
tweeds, neat design.' in blues, grays;
greens and reds, this season's -goods
and styles. regular 50c. and 0 Q
60c;', -your choice per yard V'
Fancl Waisti�ngs 35c...
Dozens of patterns in fancy
woollen waistings, stripes, spots
and fancy designs itt navy, red,
black, green and light grounds, reg-
alar 50c. and,0Oc.., your. choice �0
per yard
Fine Dress Goods 75.c...
Very fine: quality, plain and'
fancy Dress Goods,aonte of the best
lines we have in stock, browns,.
greens, blues and dark grays. Reg-
ular 31.2,5 and $2.40;. for this 7• g.
Sale your choice per yard..:.,.' .1' it
2t'A•Yards fancy tweed Suitings;
nearly ell colors are represented •in
the lot, gniilities. that 'ane -suitable
for shirts, coats or end' dress cos., •
tumes. • Regular $1.15 to $1.75.• All
grouped into one lot and your 75
choicefor .. ... 1.1
Brack' Dress Goods 25c,
. A clearance of odd lines of black.
dress goods,. regular 35c;40c and 50c,
for this Sale your choice per to c
yard L
:: ..._s 7 c.
.Fancy Black 'Goods 5..
.Neatsmalldesigns in f•tncy
Mack . dress, goods, :suitable for
waist's or skirts, regular $1+.00i$1.25
and OK alt• together your
choice for Sale: per yard :......7
•' ec
. - '
�• Vitlg
A big Pe s '' cial in Silk for this great 3 days -Sate:'. Value that is
undoubtedlyundolibtedly bettert
than any
we hae ev
er offered.
$1.25 Black Si=lk 95c..
Black i'eau-de sole Silk, extra fine weight,. guaranteed
not to cut, also fine twilled Silk, beautiful quality, standara
$1.25 yahre, for 3' days Sale your choice per yard•.. .. , '.9.5
This Silk is suitable•for either waists or full dresses and at this
` price
a genuine
bargain. a
in. '
,Two Big Wrapper Bargains •
• Two Big Bergen's in `wrappers fee this Big Sitle.
Flanelette Underwear
Onee•Quarter Off
For the Great 3 Days Sale we put
out a table of ladies' and children's
Flannelette Underwear. You may take
your choice of this lot for exactly 1-4
less than the goods cost wholesale at
the factory.. If there is anything in the
lot you can use you will find it the
biggest kind of bargain.
A Big Skirt Special
A great big special in readyto-
wear Skirts for this Great 3 Days Sale.
The garment complete for less than the
'Value of the material that is in each.
*i5 ladies' fancy tweed Skirts, three
or four designs, half a dozen different
in cldtth. Qua sties that
worth $4.0
0 to $4.50, choice $L 65
for 3days saleeach.,,,.,,..,
Wrappers S5.c.'
25 only ladies'
fromood ualit
ette, dark. quality
and $1,50,for
choice .... ......
Wrappers, trade
print or wrapper-
per -
g,' regular' 31.25.
Sale Days your
$2.00 Wrappers, $1.15
20 only ladies' Wrappers,extra'
quality, regular $2.00 and $2 5,
for the 3 Sale Days your. choice
2patterns, 4, yards wide Linoleum,, extra heavy. quality •cloth, .good,
desigs, regular•55c and OOc the square yard, for Bargain Days you 7'
can buy it.at.,.,....... t7
Astrachan Jackets 24 per ct. of
8 Astrachan Jackets to sell Sale Days at exactly 20
per cent, off regular price If you want a good Jacket at
a money saving price better get one of these on Sale
Days. Here' is the ,list t
$27 00 Jacket for $21 60 $35 00 Jacket fur $28 00
20 00 40 00 55 00 •' 4444 00
5407 50 " " 38 00 40 00 " 32 00
-50,00 Muskrat . Coat ' $42.00
One only handsome litt)skrat Coat, size 30, 24 inches long, very atvlisli.
and dressy garment, regular $50.00, for sale days epecial $4sit.00
Clearance of Caperines
We have 12 good Caperines inatock to -day bot'
• do not want to have even one when we wind up
this sale next Tnesday night. They are extra choice.
pieces of fur•, and all are our well known reliable '
qualities. The regular prices were 36 up to $35, on
your sroi niornittr; we put the
your choice . , .
cinironr. Nr:
Fancy Collars 15c.
131g lot of Toadies' Collars at this Tittle pricer
Taney Itock collars that sold et 25c and 35c, also
fancy Lace Cohere, regular 25c to 40e linen, elect. •
ng the lob out Barg,' ip. Days est eaeh
Cashmei40G`ovees 1190 •
Odd Corsets 50c.•