HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-22, Page 20 6,2 The Clini)a Ns?INS-ReCOri a- Free Gifts of Toilet Soap Use SUN' LIGHT 504I; and GET THE PREMIUMS The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Useis of SUNLIORT and CHEERFUL SOAPS On get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing. er...00rmeertee Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List, A gift is of little value if it consist of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use every day. SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS LIMIT OroatIlawassi Lii4t.d, IiI6irissato. Caimans .•,„, 0,0, 0, 0, V V .te V V 1E3 4( THE LEADING, . 5•K COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ENTRAL .(71&di STRATFORD, ONT. ?Si t. This. school. is .reeognizrd )(X toil* one of •the best Corn • *• metecial schools in Arner- ica. You eau safely judge. . school by the • applieate it( 3,:k-•• ions . St receiver]. TMs term .4E ?ff., we received_ appflications .W. .?:K. from firms in six large Ant- • erican cities and from far * • more towns . and eities• of 34( .-Ganada including Saska- 3E: i-f1E toon, Sask., on the 'West )1( )1( and" Charlottetown, P. E. it•• ItE ?ti on the East. Out repatait ▪ •ion means much for nue: # • sr.; •graduates, . Write for , our 41-`, • • catalogue, ?-4,1 • • • Elliott -4s.IVIcLaObtun, 4( • • J'rincipizls.9 00 • ?V. • .?1E "44A1-C-Kr„-K=4,SKI0tC40,1 • WE SCREEN • OUR COAL The Best Coal in the market is •the L. 'Si V. Scranton- Coal for which Pam sole agent. I alsh' have in stoc14 Soft and Cannel Coal. An order is respectfully afflict:ea and Will receive prompt attention. All our coal is screened before- being dent out to our customers. Office opposite the. G. T. R. statioa or ord.ers • may he left at the store •of Harland Bros,- who. are authorised to receive. payment of ac- counts. • • JAMES' Phone 52. • Ageilcyg Cllnla I have been appointed agent . • for the • Massey-liarris • Cont - )any . hi this skstriet . • keep. on hand m a complete list- . . of supplies my. sten.. oppos-' • ito •the Wilsons Bank; • • r am: • aleo :mitt &ming • tIfe . flour, feed and 'seed grain bus- iness and „respectfully solicit a. a 00111'11ov-tee. of your page's,. 'age. J. A. Ford. 100 - 1444 Mrs. Modos•-•-•-Well, George, you pro., .Zurich; raised me a new bonnet.' George 'I Promised you a new bonnet When V Mrs. Modosi-'13efore you married me you swore that never should 'dis- grace rest upon my, It:ad through you, amt what do yeti eq11- this shabby thing but a% disgrace ?' 'KING. OF ALL • .COUGH MEDICINES.. Mr. E. G. Case,a. mail a'artivof Canton. 'Center, Conn., who has been in. the t. S Service for about sixt- een ye -ars, says 't "We have tried manycough medicines for croup. but. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is- king of all am!. one to, be. relied .ipois eve- ry time. • We - -also dal it tj.o best remedy for eonglis and cold,e. giving -certain. results and. .1e2:17ing no bad .ekeet.i," Fre sale by W.. S. It Hol- mes, Clinton, Ott. • • • ,The steamer Tar t•ai• has arrived at quarantineon the Paeific Coast frit. Hong Kiang with .sev.•11 hundred 'Un- does on board; It is ••iettred there will be opposition thole landing • Vaneouver. • : • The baht Instruments have been e- eeived from Toronto and a big Mt- . ' provement has been. at on nein. 8,11 the knocks and bents have been ' taken out and all fixed up as goad as new, The cornetS 'have been silver : plated and the other horns niekel platted, and OA.; impreye. the appear7 I awe of the hand very touele The mew ! music is at hatkt • and the boys.. are diligently at work praeticing it. i Mr. Thos. 'Johnson, treasurer • of Hay township, is 4n...Gaderich at pr - "sent:• having the books el the tOwn- .sh•ip audited by munecipal Auditor I.aing of Toronto. • ' . ;Cite eetltive f the W. C. T. G. ' toot at the home of the president and appointed the supeiant'endents for the diNerent departments of work. They t are as follows Pres. Supt., Ethel ;• Evangelistic, .iNirs, Bender ; Missitinary and Lumber Campe--Sup 1,, Mrs, '11.111Lantsi, Assistants -Mrs. J. “eig,r, Mrs. ; Patdoi. NE.e.tings Supt., • Mrs. S. Memo:, Assistants -7 ,. M. Geiger, Mr.:. 'S. Rennie, Mrs- F. Witwier, Mrs.• E. eIle Law Enforeentent„ The Caton ; Purity told Nlotitter's Meetings -Mrs. Carrie Aley- wet: Membership Commit tee Mrs. Frite, Mrs". ,Jennisoe. . ' . IN PRAISE OF CRAM-. ' • BERLAIN'S COtTGII ItEMED V. ' There is no other Medieine n entt: facial/ad that haS received St) onset praise and eso many extereSsions- 'of gratitude as Chamberlin's • Ct•tegh Remedy. • It is (.‘ee'tive„inq' r 11 tim1 ! relief follows its- use. Grateful' par - everywhere do not hesitate ,.teNtify .tir its merits for the h neii •af otners, 1 t. is a certain seste •;fot• eroup and ilI prevent the :.1.1..af.k „given at the. tirst- appearaftee . diaease. t. is. espk-inity xitA. • children as it, is • pie:leant to lake . and . centatn,, • n ohere neurt,e.e.L. Mr. A liumphre'vs, a. Well lee,W.n ,••ost: • dentsand el a; l'in thu stor%, et )1r: E. ! Lock., Of Alice, Cope 'Colony, uth : have teast't Chareger- : tale's Itenuetly to ,ward • emelt.. and colds in my •familly. . ...foluel it to he very :,:atisfacto:w and it lVt5 tte. eleesure 1 0 • 'rocs te 01.111 11.'. ltfld eale • 'rrytV.. S. R: lhlneee (9it' ss'esisese•-imieseesseseavtrga,..e..eseeraress4K.0000.114froars,40fASSOse The Weeks Happenings. 7 "eel 4. I oci. , MISS IRLOIS-F, A. $10M.M.INGS correspondent. r ■NOMPiaa401/4100,01010000011$01&40**4.4.44- spiontssoassimnuissasnwasestseeere, Captain Wylie, having made up it:si At the t tnkt!",:aperator on Mon- mindeto. move, to Wiartwe Mrs. Wyn pir,y the !LIU, inst., as the employees has left for her oew home.. The Cae- were ceming down the stairs one of. tale, is. now 'fisting at Point Pelee. them, Miss Ilat.tie Darter of Duelop, On Sunday next, which is now ,at. (,,ithcr mis:sed. her footing, or else sU- led Temperance Sunday there will ha plied ,:on auap)de pealing causing ea rally of !all the Sunday schools at her. to fall Went the top step to ttii2, the North street church. buidlom. When lifted up IVISs Barker I On. Monday evening last about, four was uneo•mseiou-s. They took her .over I hundred .persontended the:, mail to the resident. el Mr. .1'en!•141 Rat'133- given by Newton Boers. of his popul, ler, wheri . sIi railicd and on ar fraternal play, l'isaasa and Jena_ flay ha latiter took her rimrl!. She thatteuMr. Beers in closing his render- is better now. lag of the pigy, urged: thisse who had IVIiss Roxie Palmer is now progre:3- nottioineee the I. O. O. F. to do so at sihg most favorably. Our young fri- onOe or the, links which bind thout col, Miss. Li/4e johnston, trained j . • (i()O1) It EAS()N8 100 It • ITS. 8CC- . ,• The' majority ' of -the eatarth route- . ilie.S. ar,r, useless. 1•311t.. :one that does • eure. . is Ca ter rite,,.( iv!. It ,..lears ' the . ileaLl'of allmucous • diseitargu- e. P . . . . . t rid nut, tteie•in the nostrils;phlegio in, "1 Ite t Ittoite, and d Le. as.. 'germs ale; Sumpletely swept away. The vause of the disease is dretroyed, its re-.' sults' 1U, destroy( d, and system . et) thoroughly' eleans,s1 ' of ...catarrhal poi:4ot. -that •testre is , permanent: All • ....stet.. .1 . • 1 aal eolils and eoughs Ltre..1.0ore d by • •('trtlit,un than, an,) - thing else: • Twe 1,seinty_te,..e • t.ents and tete dollar al alledealers. • . . • . . . ) ..t eonunittee. has L;' it 1:N1011110d retee.4,30,ret, .for itWtti.t r chair In NeW Teet•atnetti 071eisse in •'Stunt -real san (!olleg •• as a 'memorial to together are golaen. The Ranablers' hockey • elab has el, voted officers as follows : • I Manager, V. J. Dean Secretary,. E. L. Dean, • . 1 neree of taw Cornwall traiuing, hospit- al, is her nurse. - We note in • a Toronto 'Daily that •Mrs. Hugh *Math, RIS ton -in law of Mr. MeMadlt, flayttild goad, -has been Captain, Fred. Fritzley , elected one of the executive of the Mrs. Noble Smith, who was eisitekg hospital for Inasrables, Toronto, Mr. Thomas Bryson has remove( her parento, Mr. and Mrs. Dan IVIcLac, to the house on Wolfe .sereet ow en, left last week, aecompaniod by her Ino•ther, for Lee blow itt Toronto: hY Mr! TilMas Bab". • Mr. Smitlt has opened out a millinery 11/43.' Thmuas Bates, who had 's•Y mp toms' or fever and reeenad treat - business in that city. From there Dam. meiearea woo to wilm)))14 Inen.t, took .eold is ootne way ant visit. anotiler daughter, Mrs. W. E. was.quite ill agettn last week, Mr. Henry Brownlie of Sault Ste Megaw withl whom she will remain Marie • and Mrs. Brownlee are. um IOL' a few weeks. •I citizens of our town. Mr. Brownlee month attleau,,tHuouniter.ek;,st p etititturgesi ttnliti.i,es has efarcha.sed one, of the new. turves • ,Novetttper 2.41d, 1906r Elave tivd: Best Away Lait,rh:Ittt, taiwyt'srltri6oktrit.t.f.r r•iin.!fatnab}re• 4rtiele, the buyer has no. hesitatiOn which to take. Tills shott16 lee the rule •egaisliti; yot r reading mat ler. la addition to your local paper, you should read the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Atontreal„ by long 0t7 Is he best 'weekly ",:lanatia. It (-wits the same as other wee13ire, -riot in -the same els,-one -dollar a, year and ineltults a premium picture en- titled. "A Tug ,of War" which alone. is worth the money. Get the best for your money -subscribe to the Family Herald and Weekly Sar and, you will get the. best value. for. your ' If there IL, anything wrong with your eyesight, . consult Tanhe Lk: Sun at the Normandie' hotel euriors Monday and TOesday, •.Deeetnber. the third and fon rth If poesibler tome the first 'day as in a great many LI,ais.yes. seeond examina.tion is Kees- molleY• 4 '1'11E 13 EMT ISTIVIAN PRES. , ENT FOR A LITTLE MONEY. When your chr.ist,mas present is a. ye:110s 'subscription to The 'Youth's - Companion you give as much in good 1 • invlobo ealett-(reiReig " r would ld 07lYi,t3 1 twenty o4r1001at 400-page or '1)4ov:san1ty Ordinarily costing $ 1.0 • a volume. Nor do you give quality at the cost of quolity. For teore thaa half a century the .wisest, most rettowne.d, most entertaining writers here behi ennui -bettors to Tho Com- panion, Yea need '4141,VC0 fear that rue Vempanion will b.:. inappropriate or unwelcome, TNboy, the girl, -every other member of the. family, -will in- , .Sist upon a sharp in .it. l'here is !...) (VON r pros nt coettis2; so little that 5(1 O '. On, (•:_•celpt• of $1.75, 'lite yearly sub- scription price, the oublitshers send to the new sebserther. The ContPattion's Four -Leafed Flanging C.., 1.11(lar for 1 P417, lithographed in mete.. colors att• • • • • .gt.i • and ski seteption eti ft Icatt for the, Vet, Pity -two issues of the YrIa41'1:. .st.i.1)111,11rtrated Announcement • of.' The Companion for 1.907 will be seat with sait4.1e 'aisles 'of the 'paper to any • sal:dress lite,. • • • • • Sub:scribers who get • tre.w sob:. er'll t- ines .will rze..t.ive •1118,2eti.110 itt eash and neatly olla.;r" s'Reiat. awards. Sent't 'lpfeentatioe, • • • • • '• built this y'ear by Mr. T, Bat.s. of Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. Niowron, was la bovin Thefollowing interesting Pent at'- ei in the Toronto dailies of tie. thm is onth visiting his many friends, 3. th hist Airs. G,trrow was ;ht, On November fifth, at the reSideaeo ar of the bride's sister, Mrs George 11"stv " II.-"U°1U4 d""" last ening at her residoner :on St, Cleirrge MeArthur, Miss Eatharino •Niebergall, "et tree i., miss clamors tee t ag 0,w4 ,n daughter of mr. 0 eorg-tt Niebergall, lot meily of Goderteh, was. 'sailed la 1.Yotettir11.41,1•Pettel::1:i1V'etill: If(rti-:,;. -.A.141-1;seelBts'avt•ir.litch2 (11'11,1:37 .18.e. t.Lt..".ri11,5,7 ,t,-, (",111‘ai rlesIVe-I Atte; oft Sat,r.int ' tu,other. .Mis• . RiA.,,""ilatZ1S of ' a 6 1.4).1. telt reside ott the • Soo. . . asso assisteete her in the • reeep Lion. ' • 1.1,1e. li: . happy , eotet e liS I. me. John Rteitards 'and family of . Dr. •MeDonagh . of Toronto _tame up Clin!•on have taken •• a -1:est.e. on Wolfe this misn'th to visit his old • home at elreet, one door west of the resi.d...ne..! CarloW. . . . ' . of Mrs, James Reid, . Mrse W. W:'•Saults anti 'Miss Saul ss Walter N. 1 ii ti:. 1 0, burpar of the of the Sahli.; 111)111.;.' - were Toronto MSG tote for the -Blind at Bratitfaill, I Is: t ors tins mon•th, • • . • was in 'own Oa nrenth. . While 1 ete ;Vie and 'qrs. Fr al Thompson are -11,' wan ' the -.guest *of. Ids 1 n: tee:- Mrs, duite &lighted with Wiarlott. . . 1.1t,. 1•<. . r1:Y,•,11!1‘,1'.ri1v13r(.it:in les .witelow 1,( strE'Yt. " - ' ,. li,s a . 1 o Mande. Mrs. -john Jardiae on . •.0e.elialer., et,4.hto• ea (laughter itra,•get of *Kletuliket got.? ;a 11yesitap0. ' • • born. .. . , .. of . a ,pond :Ton ,, tete.ruth pear. 1 t 1•4 ' MastOr Fr. de -rick ...Johnstone - ot. 'tke. :wath .$711. 1k. 'ha's.- ':41;zr-A 1-<.(21(•*,,=-' 1(1!.,.fltNea'y.../iV'e.i 1111; Ligele.a 1 ,.1...el la',:ii'!:I,L,:-. t-'1111.4'111'll'oethilil. slivIlati:lecit (:1P.irretrilit'ea2taettin.. e't:agtt(ilz(,,I;idt Ifi:astitl.ititket; .IC. 34' Mr. Thomes - M)tt:lett, •.1";11 : ca•Cee . . .. The laiet girder has been placed tat -t,' 4ts.'0 h. r'-' bas, W11•11- til 1,11.ii.1 7 en .9 his residevee -la, 'eh; new 1.'•at:e.. the new (.'. P. It. bridge. ' Ire tliot,ght. m0011 5 . . ‘y.,.c,t. • a- haeee • e.n Beitatitila Read lat .:y •er (teal • by number lett tve find they are -still ".(,) ,4% (1,"()).42 M. l'eli - •• Mr• M ilenett we aro s., •r.'.'• ot n• 1 i ; , 1.4.t.S, IY.1,4 . 1 L . • • i \ I h M aleol tit • Mae lonall has return, '‘•.••• 1.••ro'r•'!'re.'e....', !!:'-e•-• ;" •:'...; i• el." .fr)nt .Sa..31 Ste.•• Mari -s, Miele, ".1- 11-9',.' . • • " • 1 or sepending several weeks • in the hes. : '•,\.11..e.f lielen i-,.."ele. t!...-efit r of ..lue.- 1;iiilf.'ittl ,.there. 1 fe ,teas itt exit!, • te:e,:ate. -e_:,',-:, ,1,)0.1.!: .1,:,it,s t4i., tit, to Serauten. ie'•• - 1 • I Fad .1. rapt d re...every'. • • • F. ; • -, 1 , it-' ,. 1st `e-ieleg • • Ali• - '• FP.' tit 1 tseetra 114, t a' ,ti i - '1' s • i.‘ ,11-.1'.1h.s.i is a. ..e'Aia.•-•I !. 61 tta i44Si ti1,11 iii Zit'' 111111:4! i ,f 0 r.i. -11\TA..*.C.:,/ ' Scran 'xi' ito••!Wal. • : • . put Garrote • .. ' • • • ' Miss Ps:tete:a Free- l' ...:! 1.".•0:01t • is • • • , . Mr. Fast Jer,:i(n has. hi. -tedil, at• ..n ' am e; ' the residence of Mrs: .1,- 11. Willtates.• 11.• Newell:- . ' .". . ' ' • -• • ?,Ir. Wooi:s. the • t•kpres.; ageete has - Ali,- 'All" .1,•1:: '•••oe, ,1•',, !-it•-•e u774 lie is t'u% youtigese 0,,,ereelr tiny • bitsor. Lawrence vier 1(1 • .1 . . . . • I' . • ' • • • • • • t•he lat,e et:le:Asti ID 1;11.11(1.. '1' 1)1. l'ae,":-.8' i'e• a -Y. at...‘‘..in' Itiltv.g ye --'7%. ' • 1 • ,_ , .. eirony e ad .,i 1 ,,s..•,, = .. sl te. Qs)neere • : ' - '• W1.1 1"-: N 1 \I1'1':SS (4() \.1-1':.""' .‘ . 111,° ellill'41.).,. t!it --; . .• - ,., . '4- EN 4.... •• 1 III ..) viiti ii.,,a11' at. tam! a: rtemisly land approtiriuted for 1 lats. It:. nettle: that will alleviate pais pad help ' till' . 'lite Alisses Barry were the, liestee- . • property anti ,t he -.. trvitei oi 'men anti 111 doctor emnee ? .a kv ,,.. 1,i11114 .S. St's of , a, Slissiesetry t 4! a +IR .4\ 14 !lid .1.y . . . horm.,s. . • .. .n . . .. .. irinave riot in ,)" r In Ini, a 1 0 i tie. aiming ot . Iasi weck. A large 1100...... Ite.t,teetubtr the tta ' -1.1 • , E `I'se. e. ,!,: . . Sisit .,- visit t 0 ' Ctittter. and. it your . • . . • 'of -"N'ervilifoi," witt...11 gives instant, feel- her • at tended. • -. . -The 'Algonquin. Club heht theiti- first' '...Yks"'" b!)1ht‘r - Y(w-1 :IP' `11"5.1 .wa.k. (7%.‘' t'or, • YOUTIP•S COMP AN ' 44. •-tter-ete Stte, t .‘e • • .• • 1.say, lideans 'cured iny' wilts e•P sick I h attache • when • other remedies...had . . ' Iliteame 'are -.Purely ye.getable- ..• The Kidney* Virben they are week, tor4 pki, or stapanto, the vIrhok waft= suffers. Don% two 'act them at this tinie, but heed the warning of the aching back, the bloated face, the: sallow 4 4 Lhe urinary' and treatmentot oncewith otsSax•sapakilia. whicbcontadasthosium4 safest cundave subdoeakces, reirjoaasookis or r4040k4111 C. 10114 Wir kok 01. Klibtoyik, No: _ , k Hood Co.. !Anntroll, ...1.11,..•••••••••••.eermeewn...•••••••••••,••••••••••• • . The old butter faetory and a rest, - deuce Wooler, 00., were destroy. ed •by a fire, suppitsed '0 be of inom, -diary °Hein. Peace's slop, J. f,. °Mee, the post -office and Viontitites. stoce at Port Rowan were burned by. fire late last night, - Wiad Spasms sad Sick Headache 81.1.,•••••••• 13.11.E A NS A CERT A f.N CHAO It is tire food you swallow which. does yeti good, It is • the food you digest,. Wheal the digestive apparatus becomes deranged,' only part of your food is digested, the .tiest simply tie. composes. This causes gas wgielt in- flates the stet -mach, musing belching pain and sometimes (by • preSeing 'upon th.o heart' , palpitation, The foul gas so generated fills. the blood .witb. poisons and Is earrip.1 to, the- brain. Headache,• nausea dizziness and some- times blurred vision results. Now Bileans • correctis all these; evils They stimulate- the gastric flaw, and • 'the stomach is thus etra,blettl. to digest all the food taken They getittly. open the bowels, so that accume.lated . purities are expelled. They puitily the . blood, -*axing it of poison, etc. - Mr. 11,, 5, Sharioey, Petrolla, (Oat:). says.: "I suffered severely from • !eler headache' and diezinese, and had f.1, e011 s ta.nt intst before. my eyes. A friend advise! me to try }Newts and a short course.. matie. .me -fee/. like• a now b.eing I shall always keep. Dileanst bandy for • e, hey. ate a Spiel:fit Itou 40110Y tWA— eine." • • • • 73. • 1 'eines . hor treed B. 0. . A . • L, t es.... lete that . ot ter ieuw•ral possons,, itlso ' Nile. ittel entli.ely superior •to older • • ilea vont:100m;• .mercury, seal •• C.. Pot•tz, '0•10eit improved after eure !her amt. I ler eve. 1,t, . , • •• retitle, piles. anaentia, 'told -lily, tit . • 1`11,- Safese el. eopect • o matistit, female ailinentS :our irrreaul- • te ees, . ee" tif vent ion eeit. I )e -e- :a ri ties, 1: haat Ttury. 'thee f r,4 ,ra I» :s he- up the Sys-. in anti f:nabk. it to tie tolv , earticulara I It- oft: eat's, chills, etc:. All druggt •ts ., et; fifty • ten ti -t a b0's, or. postpaid ' ateteai no „Ong of he from filleart Co.,' I\ 1' lot ptioii •Sel s:ee," t,,oeit; t 136% C.11' W 6 11111.1:1,r;:v, aud titty • • 4t.1 I t•e• ex.i. ter 29 t h. • Thin e ' ' • iVtl Sa• is . . • •• • • • • . . . rhent . • there al.,:o. , ..1. - .. , ALA. Jelnis!. "Po hoe' s: '4•7.qc.):[. lir c,..t.t,,•'.44, ' 11' .j... t.,., atr),,te vitt .0.1 at 2 re .. Ire,. . . . , • • • • . . :Wee. swift it..a.s 4,a).4.4), a, i:0,111i•it ,in .1104:t.ir!! "Nli.h 11l•!'• of1.-`-'''' !): 1-11•••1'. VILY.1- l•kild ' l'..'"I!':41•1'...14;...;:-•s 1'34 Pe ..01." '.1-tr;" N1. • : : : ' &ZEST -fart '-'!'‘ • I •elle. le,r 1 , r•e ei,,,es.,,ire.:. . .. , . . . , eiy „at; 1- Olt IteW awl" litt.see• .a.• .: eet..t 1 on • . J. V'i!',4. ..., ',.. . i.;?' Via I :I'. +4V "i ( nrii,r- pit,..4-.. .. • . • ": T. lVeatlitTall, o.• 1,:., .,,, a, eop,,,,e,a tn. •,:.,.. ie.,,, oleo,. at. Nin.e, , ro'.,,,,•• • tor, Et -.• • P . .k...-N4w1 01: 1.ta-Nnotv ,11.4.1 . Mem IV. A. ..cimit 1.-, c../.11,0-, 1,z,bn :;,eett• a.t Ihtipgannon last week. ' . . . • : ... " - .. ' ' .. . • • • . : . 'It:Y. ...; . . V., st:t„'...1111.,- (-1 rant'''. r,s•-..".ar• ."."•rt' '•a' reMlleal:.-of ...s-• 'eafo et 11 for ) raiaber : ' • • •• . expe'el .i.Y...°:peese•tt•Cand achit ess of yoars, -having tatighte.sitecesseelly • • • . • .• • the er., •Seeeta., muse:. wilt be .tor ne•arly ara • in. ditt • settee). is leaving loWn ,ti at Intends goi•ng.. to.. Ingersoll "to in which ..:„ .tett'...hasebeen. 1.n,A. • ft a* fso pio. tait• , . .. • (1.11.1,E FOR • ••• CON S [ Al'ION. flail a pita of hot' water tarn hal( an hour befere hie.al:fast 'will usually keep' he bowels regulae. Llarsh cath- artics simulil be avoided. Tien A pitras,ative is needed, take (.;iCarnber- -and • howeb, that compares with. Ni•r-. Poe Le -anti -Ls, IltullgostigatdOin; heartburn and heada:les it ''s indispi•n- : Fite fifty y;at•s • Poison's Nor- vilin in I wi. ply -five cent •Itotties has been a faintly slant -by. Try it. assembly :on Friday evening lasee. in.. 111 " P.° 1 1, e- AA.. a ' is L. ' that. •• • • , -.die . het et parl'ors• - :on - Mont lay- . ales • • • • : Batlay'S lieaith Odd -fellows' ha.11.• Aboui nin1. y youtta , people tsttetulett . 'and alanit half the. ' -'-'11'-''"IY'. Pe'eltulwr stlYty'a a'll'fi '14.trtli• • '• . ! • - '..ery loather Me) uses Fr ladies • U•ore whi te. - tilt (S1 the 'le- ' .. • . ' •- • • ' •-:!- ' ' • ' . '. .. • . .. ' oili'tar l''-f.f,bilii,,,i foe lite:- list -I-7 --alji 8 . --- . •• e mites eas niainiter 'pale blue' and other colo.: ...• ... ; : • - . • . .. . • a ever:nil • guarantee that thiS• meal-. • . Mr. 'P. L of the G. T. R., 1,; . i LE'. tt FiA,T (I LI, EST C7 )MES,. • 4101))*); 1101 . COI) WO a or 11.0 :.presidene of the • Algoktuats and ISLe • • " ' • • . • ,. • poisonOue o•Plates • 'found, s al Lett • lath's .Stomach. and Liver •ahlets. . campiurt . the Sot, ereiga bank Mille. the voldiler noised .there pas-, - soothing. aeti litond pt hey. are mild :and •gentle•in,..tiadr STOP "LIMN 1t4': 4II•N Is: ''''sers"1 "1"Y. • tos pane • • • !meat ions. 'These •Taltiets, always no. 4, • don. -For ;elle fohaes, Quieldy done by Putn t tetra yx- .Mr. and Mrs. P. • • 1 Lam h . A beggee• duet:deed' by: tha 'diet int goodthey, cannot possibly iip. •. it 1 • • • • 4 4 • 4.4 4•44 4444 4,44 4 ae. 444.1 ' . 4 • 4 ' • " • • '1'11 vial . 11 ,APPLE 4 bin to' • it innip,g,. 4 • , • , • • • • tlw elvotiOn of Mr . . " h•artn. They cure indigestion, •Colle.' LI:at:tut' Act,' ' one day ;• causes oo returned front thel.r visit to ••11,1teit- rain • . • pain, renfoyes every trace of soreness troal. . . , . . . 11, eat I ty-ii ft i tia in }rote ..1 lie. Slimy .:eon'Stlitiatione dint elute% and 'shoal e • i . • . , . . • • •• Fiftt, veer-. of siteees. proves Patna ill'h Mrs'. 4 Judgel flolt wa• 14 Torouto -•-•,1'.', t• • — . • • fevers,. break up colds, pre'Verat • ceoup . • . 0 • le. petitiou - agaiiist - • WANTED "e) EEREESMSSSIIRSIAINIMIEMEIIENIOAIIIO 0 0• • 0 0 . . . . . • 0 4 * I DDT agai. : n-. on tli(1 0. : ': market ; for apples • ; : 'and. will: p a y tit e •. Z :highest, market price ''. I ; .for both falland win- ; i ter varieties.- - -• - - : ; See one of my repre-. ; e . sentatives or myself • ; e • • • before selling. • • t • .1 Z . • . i D. CANTE-LON/ • • 4. CLINTON. . • • • : : .••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • J. LEWIS T II 0 7`,1 Civil Engineer, Architect, (late Dominion 'De,partment Piddle . Walks.) ame t • • Dit• elite i ,1..0.41. D. w: 130h,t. lama.; is the . blest. Refits,serhstPities. has he -en ettlarg,o1 hi \ 'I tit to. IA" gr att: .• Tile begeee: Veptit. -and there came a to brit". Iva t• tin 1 - . :favorite. • • .• • • crime- . ••' : • • - 1-,entatiteit to little oneS. than any . • las week visiting her .son; 'Mr. (Idea- Anti gets. hit s .siesee for kis bruised .e xpri worms.. and make teething; -easy: • • free'. Tr)tt, and, • some .07 ha city 'feet, , • Ilaby's• Own Tablets have dotie snore • • , . , • g ta am fel Dq.etnlibt.r 1 7 till, . It 1 I Et '.at A T t;-; M 1, apes T .•• The tt'o net a's itt 11117 Meets t the e rata'. Wit it. -wrinkles of seirrow other mettle i ae ° known,. . You elle get •• ' • K 1LLED 1 lElt : • .' " i.esidence of 'Sli.S. 'I!. 'Swart s arl •-• he sown, • . •• . DE Al NESi-1 CANNOT El E ( ' 1:It E D • Forass Airs.. S. • • St ablselimill ' of si x ill. ni Decal) bete The '1 It toe. - A ht in die, of f:Agge t"boati disee haek . . . ,. . by local ap p ilea (ions, as :tie ,- ..eui- - .1 teeth. rs,t.111.,e, 1.)itt .. . . vasa martyr to requested to bring . their Chri,titfas And She lAral.-; ?pent' with virent a- and t be' ean There i ; only .one 1A-1.*: 1. o• I;i m e 1 10 :ur( ,1:-.1. reef y wiilk, ' • she •wri- ;toe i u 1 t line. .- : .. • - ! . • • , . ' ‘• .1 le gaVe her It !••14 loaf ,et!'d s tstadits'i care tioafass, . And 14av i.4 ,,,y rime ,ii,,. .,., \ n . a i,,.a,,,k stelethe: me. aloe.. • The reniains of • ;lee late \1i'' -Sarah linr It)asi • .• -- . . . • , ' .' not • veto, fi the d meased • port il.ms 6f- r11 -1.110a1 wa.e stiff ..end fancy Woad; th 1114 ni and • •haYe . an"! raeli, • • • • SUM tonal •reaustiee. •- • Deainese • is .caus.al by an• intlamed emidition• t the nuicous jilting of :the- Foe tat:Id1t:1 !Tub& Mee'. t his tube is tuflanosl yott- have it rumbling ittainti or teperfeel hearing, 'and when 'it is entirely clos- ed, Deafness is .1.111) result, eel- indess- We inflammation eanhe takea ou and this tine riestot•ed .-tat . ita twetnat condition, • hearing ,will be ilet-reve- -forever itine eases met of ten •• at: caused by l'atarrh„ winch is tee hing hut aneinilatmei condition et 1110 ',nue:. bus surface. ‘le will gat le One Iluntired Defiers for any., ease t.1 Deafness osaused by cat seri' that ceunot be et t eed nv Hall's, Catarrh Cure. Send f. (altars free. ° F;',1. t'llENEY Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by bre reists 75e • Take lian Family Pills for cote et tate foe,. tiladV 44.11.1!, lig . io pose title. 1e111 n:18 4.1.111S01 ay to r were 41,Monquidoi fioll A ook . is .1.;• .0, ay (At 11 s1 try '1111.1 ileet or.; • gave preeeriptioeS .1)07 1.• Tot.;,•11.1.0. b,).. 114T si:40", 1)isugla,s mail. • ..• • • : ..• • • only gel relief .froat re,thozone. 7 of StiginaW and li. 4 14siee, • Ntrs 1141. Then Itt (fl 4 011 t. Lt 0,..eitutt . ifatk 1 wets e • hoses. out g.aitird from : deed of \,'4){)1l$ (101.. '• 'Mr. John :NteC'uto mid nfraid In- the World so teild the first.. rl'i day 44• tint well, feel st rte. • indl (itielph, met...the. fisteral ,,e,r)y In tlir big itt ttti 1 t.'atehleg it gr, weigh la at•ier, and .10011 tht piet, t Atm :ea time The remains Wee; up, he gavt. it th3 eall's in tile. wait-- er., of It alt11.7 Whet h. r museetalr or 1 alsen to tht, resS --•of Mr. jag ,enn, led t 0 • inflaninia torte abrente or titlierwi ,e, Itobin..tstm. from tvItettee tho ft)Ura,li ;Cir11114•T'.8 arms, •out of itett•h of tile 1''erro:•0•1.e trors t•uro rheitniat ism and."10ole :4,1")..:iers Were!4.'Oty• • IV.britYN alarm • , ' • !Os Per lafx at all fleeted .by Itev. (1. N. Ilaeatt. . ° • "The. tlay (1:11.%111 1.14 the '01 kn.- floaters. • . • • George Westbrook. is building a Son West • , , • • ... ...c.a....4a... • The Itoval 1.1anic purchased. a • lite . And wit•11 it the Imment tno 1114:04..11 • 1101.1sc en West sties e. Itilton Tioltites, . eldest :tie-. of Dr.., W. Guest. • Flohnea, has r, term& front tile lant- • Atal Conrail sigilert as the ier an °thee on Stain. s t real wantpeg di after. an absenee of several yea,rs. tesee a grey : . . • ,Ilaylits. ll'ert,for k2iily)01). , • • . of Pres' )4)11 iS the .guest • .it,..7,ortl,; that You feet ilamiitim • 1)ya,hvbitla will he • 1 his week of Mrs, T.; I litt,. • • • • • • . • • held tie De +emit, r I tit, enil nom ittat- Mrs- Charles (.'oolti•r 97 .*Turonte11 :S'en largei • that • 111114 Was lite. n ions oe wee's earlier. ' spendiag this, Intirith wi th -her sister,: des"?' ' . • e— 3,1r. W. Lynn, who tomtit. here- late- he heard :. Then soft, hi' the sileane • . Mrs. Wilmrr Mmi th, AittsMer15', has taio'n 111) !els residen•• • on e- C '1,171 up yeur •Iteart, for 14.4-1(1 ley. ‘e,are: !lot moral ittlitit.' tee is etteolgod 0) worlt • g s meet oe, 1)., h fiat!. • Tiltel. 111116; 6."'.41'. 1.1.1 504141'41' 71•1401111,y r.•Itobert Brownlee iutt f•toilly .s.f, door- ef11t' ititt nitt tonal ()it et: ot Etttt Consulting Engineer for Mae- coAL .icipat ant', CoUn t y Worlo. •Et- eetrle .Railroads, Sewerage and ! WaterWorks Sys tons, WitarVel, Bridges and ((.1- 4 ere*, • Phone 2220 LT) N 1) 0 N, 0 , • • POR SOUP: NIPPf,ES As soon. as the ehild is &alto...nuts- ing. apply. Chamberlain's ,4alvt!'. • 11 off with a soft . tiott before alto*. brg • • child 10 nurSe. :qitov t 411104' nurses nee thi., with the "nest ° Price 25e p,••r Item.• For 411,3 tly;W. • 11. f Tolinos, oitz 014- • 4. LFiAvr YO,t1le OliDEILS .'DW ," FOY YOUR SliASON!S 81.11) . PLY OV COAL. • WE CARRY ONLY THE vutzv BEST GRA- DES WHICH Wt1.i, 13E SOLD* AT 1'111,3 Lowv,sT Possmn Pit ICE ORDERS MAN' BE Om. AT DA V IS te !XI 's I s WARY STORIt OR WITH „ .._ • .. •Sault Marie have taken up their Throe 11 no's my shalew was ett yotir 1)11,r), so,i, •i 41) (1)1.' (sdt rirtlent.. Ord 1 te'orov 4• WaN 1111' beggar with britis‘ it fet ; •1',101'• table is loteit ti with foo47--111 t • gad aceitlettl. tfecittred Ittleit.o.- 1 Was the woman Ym gave` to eat i'N;(111110,3.11-0'..v; all's planing mill on WiditesdaY • 1 'Am,' ohilit tiu.t Ivonwl • noon of last week. Mr. Harry Ed- Ave:- t." Wi 'hitt and what "to you fled ?' eeeras, who. was „0,..sathee; one .(41 the ssFront poem. by Edwin Marighate, lazy liver, stounieh oeerlottiltal Inaehints, had 1 Ife misfortune - to it: tile 1).'N'L'Itthi'"r tkittreatol:. . WW1 won 1)e(')Iti,4` ; th01la oerne,. teger and Ors/ I I .1e(, e bowelsmut Ivt are tot •uffieli 1Y iohit f wo()thl. * 10, 001M.. Relief is (lliekiV 11111)14a hAp1h•Sut `4i,Y r..onColelough alte 114 • Dr. ltutriiitt,tt's ii11s, Thq tualit.!%.'Mataie arrived here on NoveMber weak folks strong by Isanovitt.g the •. and is the guest of hie. daughter, Mts. • Miss Meal isengaged et, teach0U0.,'er in 0U0.,'111,, Dige.tiou 111t ,t, male 1 se 5. No, 11 'for neXt. year, ' ifrovcs, eons t ion • leaves, liver • The mot. tattl:ee beig tr Mienbuileess 1 J o %• Cunning• 1 taut i • East Wawaraosh• again 41:- O talltes new life, k bite ys' Waite up the mr. .7. Reid is miw go; thug plastertel. gabeii for next year at school No. .9 ‘. syst tut is tolivt•tied a • by ' ,1ta :ti,te; qtvw.,•riot0s1 tor or N, y -five 134 kj 011 8littAty ,, John Lye a. te, „et tt paelthie• 1,44, vete web aipieiati.1,,aao te. . w,1 ve Jm110a WsNo bel'er mistletorileM11) is insstisfaf tient aocosn•Se‘7Iieeqteve on al, all flt.alete;.. • 'aftris • 'D, • .1; A iteheson ;fed family , 1 Earpre•hay lei t Wecinesesty ...for'. Quebec • City 'where' -they wilr .pay a Short Vt. si t; :w ith f ri tirds befo re. going t 0 • .Days - land, Af.‘,,rta, • Wii):.,1)1) 1.1.-w;y ing their hottie.: . • • The: Seaforth hockey. club Itai • eLt- 'iI -officers fo'r the year- is follows •••-- • Hon. PreS.,00r. 111.161(ay ; • • lion:, Vice -Pres Dr:' H. Roin Presi-dent, John tvicke.nem .;): Viev-Prese, 'Bert Cluff ; See.-Preas,, Chas. Stewart. ' 0)tlirilitt.t),.).1- Wm. Munroe,. A. Wirst- cot t, 11. • Ilartry, . F. Willis, (1., Iteev, • • • • es. : ' A movement on foot for the • iri tinsiieltite or by. 'mail ae. 't.tvezitt"- Itaby,'s• Own Tablet fro•nt 'any therl'er (11:eallils1:7•11111.1.':e'a.' .111:11:1, 'v., :1701: company in • Seaforth to • operate (' at present interested are. jamas' .• • • 'Colin 'Keit•iletly, 'John Beat tie, • .1( tin ( 'artl'no, ,Ales. Winter. and ir.--41,.„„0,, • top:voter. with. reegeouple .4')f gentise• -from Ltnidon. The plans have •' exit lies;n, • su thei tl y matured le g1'. '.11 tie tietads, but' the present int.etittnts 10011.11 toward the 'opt ration of tire oft the • old Grey„ Youttp.; and Sparlitor property, On the . Seta -h. Side Of • '1)0 71- is Psai4 11111 w 51 1:,' five. eents ts hes' by • writing the . .Dr. VVI 11 hot. s' Medieine 1.3rockvill Out.. • pup, gannon; • • A ,s,• ri. we accident tice.,471.*4fist,i. ▪ at., Sate:eel Pentland:Li, allt.t. ei1110es54elt. .A ‘.1 it 11,, 1 d , • where itttgIt Suet -Carl Wtl4. threshing. level! '0,10 - Glenn wa,„ ft,. axing of., the whet. . hand was • eaualit ittoo the mathitte, lie it t.tkrtap.t eat tu get, 51, (5(11 Vi the ot her, hand, but • it also, caught. and . both lttiitth4. • wer." • injured. At trrst it was thought he would leste• hie. Fight hand and as it is- las lees lost :tate • finger, of eaen hand. 11& iros c,tt taken tit 1:114! .1404m! Of • 1 filLtli Stewart, in order to •4ceitvenient. to .the din" tor for a It w Sle(W,alit is a' ..young man and lit mear Port .Vlbert. . 7)n, Nov. -miter • 11 di, Mrs. Jane Ste' ewer; tlieql at !ter' lionie She was seven; y-eigit t years of ,ige 111e. i;avtst liics;1. sc;x1 8110 i 1 jugh and William, and one (tangitter, II.nry Cari•101 144'. Tilt). n11101'111 was etituloeted by 111 v. '1'. T. E. Du 10111) anti It. P4. )urnitt have cgotie at: it 1t1t5'ittisS4 trip to Alanitoba. ;Nies. Itieltard Wilson of (4otlericfl is NI 1til14 at lite 111 -me of NA's, .Lis. • Mrs, I -kilter's Sto. cam:, . Mise 7,1111e Sanderson has gone to Toro411c., W1t re, sin• has, s.•,,tir.„41 a pos- ition. • Mrs. .Given •lhtw trey, is the guest nI Iser s14tere Mrs, S. 'V, :4 Ittler.4‘1) 1111.;•week, • Alies* Trite', spt•tit 41 fow days last wrek at 11. nfryn with tier ebsor. M re. Bats fliiltdm,, I", .1, M.,13,•1:1•rt.i 14 ollt CIL Lis) attliti.11 001110i/1,4 t t•te fur tile West Wawa - misses!, Vh" lt etereee. (*e), • SAYS 51141 AND IIER 1111S.13e.54-1f AtiltEE pEnroNcri..Y. iurrtt gurrE:wm,t, Au.A.LN ez. et 111 Raglan •Road, King-s'en Ont. has - writ ten lir publieat on a •h' at.,11:_tut tif her ease ae have ettiTerell kidney and liver rt a 1+4 raid chronic e‘•mstipa.".m. For some tittle, 1 to 3,9 Mrs. 1. Hunter subject to .,lizeito'ss, hilious headache, neraeamsness, dt'•"•ve sioess, pallet in the. nelf and site, and a dr, tt sato- feline theirly .01 the time. • "1 trital r•1 most t v, ry reinet4 , -Pas treated by doet..rs and Llrititeis!.... 1 h n WIC Or no benefit. • . . "Finally a friend advised tty Dr, he .uleardCL4 And -P-11, u 1 tee results have been truly won le1711l 'My husband has uses'4 Anti -Pill far ristuna tient and was henetiteil er ty. WV greo that Au 4Pi11 14 a 0.41 ‘1, wonderful modielse and it..artile e(shimend This is a sery striae:, re:omit:on tet - °Ion. .inti -011 is utfrouht the 4r. - Oust of family retreeli.s 0;5i 414411, et* !le, W11soe-Fy5.4 CLL., 1.1001- eig Ni,e,err 1.*ars, *40