HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-15, Page 88
Silk 1•...nds 19°:
Saturday nearly 50 ends silk go on sale
is half p �samplesd there
yard iia each end. travellers'
cream, white, in
almost any kind of silk yep can think of. Suitable
for any of the dozen and one uses you can put a
short end of silk to. In the piece would sell for 50e
up to $2 per yard, Choice of the whole lot Satur-
day at per end
Nineteen Cents.
Two More
, r4
The IVlilliners have prepared two more Specials
for next Saturday. Selling Hats all ready for you
to put-on at a saving of $1 to $2 for each buyer.: We
are busy working up the : last •ends, remnants and
oddments of our expensive trimmings. It pays us
better to sell them this way. than to run the risk of
carrying them over:. Just about a dozen at this price
and every hat a bargain.
Hats at $2.50
Ready trimmed Hats. all new, gotten up in the latest•styles,
good trimmings used throughout. Couldn't sell them so
cheap it we'wet a not using up the Last pieces of our real ex-
pensive trimmings. Bats worth easily 3.50 to $4.00, ch$oice50
At $3.5
0 •
Hats I'rt the very newest shapes, good. ti immings used on all,
Best ends cif fancy. trimmings and odd buckles, birdepetc. We
are getting ready to make ri cle. n sweep of millinery stocks,
,:u put these hats on sale Satiteday at, your choice each $3.50 •
TheSallapile Mantles
The big, sale of Sample Mantles•bas been a suc-
cess -a greater success 'than we had ever hoped for.
Next week .should wind it up, so if you want a good
mantle at a saving from $2.00 to .$4:00, it: would 'be•
best to come as soon after you see this as you 'can,
Every coat is new thisseason,, and made by owe of the
best manufacturers in the business. • These :are the
two prices they are selling at
Sample Mantles at.:4.90 i Sample Mantles at 1.50
• Very handsome',; artnents in
this lot, fancy checked tweeds,
'nicely tt'inirned, with a few plain
cloths; nearly all . the . popular
loose •back,jnst"at few semi -fitting
anion; them: Coats that
were made to sell at. $9,00 try
$13.00, and would have to sell at
this price if bought in the regular
away. Choice of this lot $7.50
Ladies'• new cloth Jackets,
mostly tweeds and plain cloths.
f and full, length, in :sbades Of
fawn and gray. with 'or Without
velvet collar, •the popular loose -
hack style, ' garments _that if:
bought. in the regale's way weuld
sell from $7.50 to 59.00. Choice
of this lot ' $4.90
r + .LineCoats:
$an7t�le : Fu
Among the samples were about 8 of 10; fur
lined Coats, in black, navy and • fancy. tweeds'
We put thein on sale Saturday morning and
mark them at prices.that ,will only be a little
more than half what we would have to sell them
for if they had been bought in the regular way.
Every coat is in . good condition. •
Every coat a bargain.
The Clinton News -Record
November" J_ ,nth, 1946
Childreres Coats $1.23
20 Children's , Coats to sell Saturday with the
others, all Reefers, aridall worth double the. price
sked.. No such chance to get a coat for your little
girl is likelyto come again this season.
20 only Children's Reefer Jt J ackets. A few long ones for small
children included in the lot. neat nobby styles, tweeds, navys
and red plain cloths, worth all the way from $2.50 to $4$ ,
Choice of• the lot Saturday
A Dress Goods Special
600 Tweed 42c
Here is a: Saturday special from the Dress Goods.
A clearing lot of Tweed Suitings, all new this season,
correct colorings and good patterns, . selling at
c a
yard less than regular. There is enough money to be
saved on the material to go a long way towards the
250 ;yards fancy Dross Goods, all thie season's goods, neat,
small designs, suitable for dress gray separate
skirt, meds ng
weight, colors of green, navy, garnet,
lot et a saving price, regular 60e., for Saturday, choice per
Ends of Table Damask.
50 ends half bleached Table Daft s,;kweaversndmdamages iend
mill remnants, bought direct from t
enough for small or medium size cloths, choice at about one-half
regular puce.
Towelling IOc. Bath Towells 25e.
xtea.tiine:iil:paat•elinen Crash Extra large heavy B11.1h
'1'owelling,iapported by ourselves Tow ells, fancy stt'i.pes, will stand
direct from the makers of the any amount of hatd wear, roughcloth, worth a york shilling if its finish, regular 35c , opeetolI
Worth a cent, very special'at per each ........... ...... t
yard.,- .. .... .... .
May be seen at our .store. It is given
with the Weekly Mail and Empire. If
you let us 'have your order now to
commence at once itnd end' January
1st, 1008, All for One Dollar.
It's 14 months subscription
It's a good weekly paper
It's a fine picture
It's a low rate ---$1,00
W. D. Fair Go.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best
Agents Par,ker's Dye Works.
-We Issue Express orders.
Constables Wheatley and Welsh were
in London yesterday.
Mr. T. Jowett of Bayfield was in town
on Monday.
Mr. Thos. Brown, auctioneer,Seaforth.
waste town yesterday. He has had
a very busy season, a. sale. for every
working day since* last -September,
which constitutes a good record.
Dir. Wm.Brown of Amberley is the
guest ofhis cousin, Mr. Alf. Barge.
From here he goes to 3oderich town -
'ship to visit bis' uncle, Mr. George A.
Cooper. •
Mr. P. W. Scott,Belgrave,Was in town
. yesterday.
Captain McTaggart.and .Mr. Thomas:
Jackson, jr., were •in Goderich on
Mr. Fred Chant, Who is attending the
Stratford Business College,was home
on Saturday.
Rev. Dr. Pottsof 'Toronto was,: while
in, town over Sunday, the guest. of
Rev. .W E. Kerr. Rev.: Mr. McCanius
was: a guest at Wesley parsonage.
Word'has been received from Dr. Jobe;
Gunn, who is now conifor'tably letat..
ed in his quarters at'Vienna,.Austria.,
where hepurposes spending. some
auionths . in 1 pursuing his medical
studies . .
•Miss Beatrice Greene,' who has been
visiting friends in N°w York state'
for the past three inonths,has return-
' ed home, : • .
Mr. Jobe Mole of Auburn was in town
enTuesday,; and. "went down to See,-
forth to visithis son payid, the mart.
tiger of the electric light plant at that •
. •place,'
Mrs S. Agnew has returned frornStrat-
ford,. where she was nursing her
daughter, Miss Lillian, who was ill
with typhoid fever. The in any
friends will be pleased to: learn. that
Miss Agnew is nowbetter.
Mr.. Tho . eppai d r'ettirned' on Ft i..
day last from Merlin, Kent county,
where he was for smile months with
his. daughter•, Mrs:. Alex.. Osborne.
' He looks as if Kent •county agreed
with him, but he is• glad to be back
in old Clinton again.
Ladies' Fur Stoles and Caperines,
Men's Fur Coats
Mr. E. r. (Jantelon returned or. Friday
night cast from Port Rowan; where
he spent nearly three weeks. auck
shooting. Gameabounded and as
"Shorty'' is a crack shot very many
birds fell before his unerring aim,
Mr. D. G. Weston of 4uehec, organizer
for the Canadian Order of Foresters,
has been in town the past week in
the interest of Court Maple Leaf; and
of cout�re has added to the member
ship. •The Court isso strong and
vigorous that the lot of the organizer
'is a comparatively easy one.
Mr. hn Johnson has returned from
Pogarnissing. in New Ontario, where
he spent ten days in deer shooting.
The other two of the party were Ogle
Cooper, now of Collingwood, and
Walter Colecof Seaforth. They had
the, usualgood time and Mr. John.
son's appearance bears evidence to
the fact that the outing does hire
good, He says that the woods are
full of hunters, so full, indeed, that
the game is being driven further
±t►► • The aiiten.tion of subsei:i••
• 'hers is directed to tato label
• on their. copy of The Novi- 4.
• Record.
It tells the talc+. If l.lary ! •
• are in arreai'a it ia them .4.
. set forth in black mut
r(., white.
tilt If not paid up-to-date, or
4: better still in advance, k
why,. not 'have it so ''
At ,
#That's bow we wot.id like .
AN it. Don't yott .think yo'.v
1 * world yourself
++�r•v�✓r�.'�N!•1��r�rN►1 �✓�r'1�'1•'�,�,'�,''�r�A►.1��►�''�✓�r 7."N �4'��'1r� 1r,�•'�►�4'�i� � '\r��r
Clearing out the balance. of the - Lakefield stock of Furs less than wholesale
.d . Nov.et
Sale starts PTY ay morning, ov 16th. This will be a realchance to
a ~fur cheap, right at the beginning of the season too when you need one most, and be
comfortable the winter through. Don't wait till ' you catch a cold before buying 'a Fur.
14 Ladies' Fur Stoles
Space will not permit us to give full des-
cription and length of each piece, but a visit to
the store will convince you that every one in
the lot is worth more than we are asking for it..
One only Coney Fur Ruff, reg.
2 only German Klink Ruffs, "
1 " Black•Opposum Ruff ft
1 . Black Coney
3 is to
1 " Garman Mink
1 "' Columbia. Sable
1 '•" fancy Ger'n Mink
1 rc Isabella Foxt4'.1.
', Near Seal "
1 " Black Thibett
1 " German Mink "
$2. 50:for $1 75
4 00• r` 3 00
400 " goo
2 25 " 1 50
4 50 " 3.50
5 00 ." 4 00
7 50 5 U0
700 " 500
8 50 " • 6'00 •
8 50 " 6 00
8 50 " 6 50
15.00. " 10 00 .
35c Bogs' Underwear, 25c.•. • i 02 00 coat for $17 00
regular $25.00 coat for $19.00. •
8 Fur Caperines.
For driving and real cold weather nothing
will give you more comfort and satisfaction.
than a Fur Caperire with a good large storm
collar. This N ill be your chance to get a good
one at little cost.
2 only bl'k Coney Caperines; res. $2 ' 50 for $1 75
1 rr rr " 2
1 " Electric Seal " ,‘63 U050 ar 4 5050
1 C' Near Seal and Astrachan " 7 00 ". 5 00
1 C4 Itar « 11 00 cc .8 00
1 " " Persian Lamb "• 10 .00 " 8 00
1 " German Otter Caperine' " 15 •00 " 11 00
8 Men's Calfskin Coats..
Eight only Men's calf -skin Coats, well made and
good fitters, .a 1.11 sizes, regular 2 r
Boys' heavy winter shirts and drawers, all sizes,
i egular 35 and 50c. values, special for Saturday 25c,
Bogs' Worsted " Hose.
10 doz,more of those seconds in .Boys'. Worsted'
Hose, all sizes, regular 35c., Saturday 18c,
Travellers'` Samples. •
Travellers' samples of worsted and tweed -9 x 6s in.,
splendid for'making quilts, done up in bundles of one
hundred, enough.to make one quilt,' while they last,
•20c. a bundle. .
Men's Heavy' Pants.
Men's heavy fullcloth • and
untearable tweed Pants, well .made
and trimmed, regular $1.50,
For $1-00..;
5 only Men's Russian dog fur Coats, all size , reg_
alar $22.00, for $17.00,
Men's and Youths' Cloth :Overcoats
at Cost. •
Men's and Youths' black and blue beaver, Oxford
ray cheviot and check tweed Overcoats at the follow-
ing cut prices regular $10..00 foie $7.50, and regular
$S.00 • for $6:00:
...hey .,
Ifou are thinking of buying a Fur this season'
we know you cannot do better than to look over our
assortment before you purchase. We guarantee every
fur we sell, whether it be a fur Ruff at $5.00 or, a Per-.
sian Lamb Coat at $150.00. The following' list will
give you an idea of some of the' different furs we sell:
Sable Ruffs $18.00 to $35:00••
.; ..
Sable Ruffs. Scarfs, some doubt e fdr, others faced with.
satin, 30 to 40 inches long, beautiful glossy far at $3500'
$1B, 919, $.
SABLE RUFFS, .. an ,exact imitation of the
AMERICAN . uine sable'--ati biglot at'shapes at::. 59.00t:o X12
RUFFS, in mediituu and . wide .collars,. •
GERMANedMINK . and silk.ornatinents, .,great values at
trimmed with tails 55.75 to 512.0.0
ISABELLA SABLE SCARFS, trimmed with tails, also • ei
nee. ornaments, special.... • ......... ....
WE also have in stock popular prices iObio ei'na neMink, Ger-
wan Otter, Isabella Opposer .
. New Styles in Ladies' Fur Coats.
•.z�.i ;f,. All the .
are here.
ASTRACHAN COATS, 28 in, long, fine glossy curl, satin lin-
ing, a splendid coat for . .. 521.00
N COATS, with sable or German mi k poo llees.
25 in.0
, long, special prise 38.lf
ec twit n German
er appearance tk 540.00
collar and cuffs. satino
many coats twice the price, special
The Newest Stock of Winter Coats
will be found at this store.
The business we have already done in the sale.
of ';Allies' Winter Coats is fully
iHn timescouny what
vie expected to do, No store
show you a bigger variety 0f BRAaI) N1✓w STYLES than
will be found in our read -to-weal department l s ' than
prices on our Coats are fully' 10 per cent
most stores.ask. If you gleed a stylish coat -go . to
Newaolnhe s for it.
coinbe's Clearing Sale..
of Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Since the opening of out sale two weeks ago' we
have'sold: hundreds of dollars • worth • of Mer1'3 anti
l3oys' Clothing and Furnishings: •But a big,' stock
cannot be sold in a few weeks, and as we are anxious'
to be out of the clothing store. by Jan. Ist we have
made further reductions in order to reduce our stock
more quickly. - .
Canyou use anything on this list ?
Men's Overcoats $7.50. -Men's and Youtbw Overcoats in
hlack, gray and fancy tweeds, inedinrii, sheetand log.
The best $10.00 coat to be had, special
Boys' Overcoats. $3.50.=Buys' 'Overcoats; ulster r styitle, alse
long loose coaly; in tweeds and plain 'c'ot
collar, alt prices according to size, 3.50,3.95 up to 55.75
(You save from $1.50 to $2.50 on every' coat.)
1Vien.'s $10.00 suits for' $7:50,- Your. choice , of _any. man's suit
in the store that sold at $10 00, tweeds end Berges, sizes
36 to 42, for .
Boys C g
' Clothin at Cost.-•Dozeiis and dozens of Boys' Suits to
choose from, all going at, sale prices. all sizes in stock, . .
from: the smallest to the largest size. We have too pians
prices to quote bete, but We can save you 75c. to $1.50 on
every boys' suit.,
Boys' Knickers Special. -Seventy-five pair toys' tweedand
' serge inickere, sizes 25 to 33, some with -5O
knees, regular price up to $1.00., Special this week only,
Boys' Odd Coats $11:69. -One doz. only Boys'l(�ld r ce$2.75'Coats,
sizes, but good cloths and patterns, p$1.69'
$4.00 each, this week •
Boys' Underwear, Special. --20 doz. Boys' fleece lined Under-
wear, hest quality, in sizes 26 to 32, special this week, each .371
Men's Underwear Reduced.• -•-Fleece wooUnderwear drawers, 50c.-10 - 10
doz. men's genuine wool fleece shirts..d0
sizes. regular price 75c. each garment, special at .. .,...
Penman's $1.25 Natural Wool Underwear 51.00 0wooT under '
knit. heavy rib $1.25 for $1,00.60
wear for 85c. Best 75c. underwear Tor ......
35c. So•
x 2 pair for 4ec.-300 pate teen's tine ,black cashmere
and wool Sox, some with mending card attached. Our .3t3
best 25c, and 85c. sox, in any size, 2 pair for
75c. Fur -lined caps 60c.--0 doz. Men's plain cloth and tweed
winter Caps, fur bands on it,side, best75c, caps for .60