HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-15, Page 4Clintnit. fkiew8Ailtecor0
November 150, 1609
Clinton liews.Record
musloN oNT.
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Communications intended fer public*.
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Editor and Proprietor.
• • • KIpp.ea.
• Those who, Went on. the harvest:
• corsion. to the west ate corning back
Among the earljest was Robert Day-
- man,, *he liked the' couptey,but yet
has no thought of turning- his back
on Ontario,. • Next oasne Hugh ,Melguss
trie, who. was liking the countrybet-
ter thei longer 1.4e remained there.
Then, soon. after, pairnel James Me-.
Donald, who thought the West ..
great country, but net to he .compar-
ed. with Ontario for solid comfort.
Ed. Cu•dniore liked the .Ceuntry well
enough to purchase at least • a section
in the Elbow District. Chesney also
made a purchase of land in the same
districe. Both; of these bought from
the Balfour, Broadfoot Land Co., of
'Regina, who hive done a - very large
business in land the, 'past Season, Tlie
price paid was twelve •dollars anacre
Jas.. Parsons, • Mrs-. 'Parsons and May
wero delighted with thoe. country and
. he has taken ahorneLstead about. thir-
ty miles north of Secretire •Theyin-
tend returning. to the West in .the
spring it: they can sell arreat theit
farm .here.. Peter Cameron) spent lus
time with his brothers, one. in Moose
Jaw, Sask., followin.g his. trade. of.
carpentering, anti the other farming
some. miles from, that tewn, They
are beth ..doitig wei1. Lawrence Mof-
fatt is also home, looks Wells and he
. speaks in glowing terms of the coun-
try. In order to give..an idea, of • the
wages paidout there, Mr. -Parsbits
told of $5).50 a day paid to
Call, formerly 'of • Brucefield, for build --
is received for the same -kind of work:
by T. Latta, formerly of Chisellenet.
Both are working in. Regina. . • .
.. • •
Last Sunday the Methedists••held
their anniversary serviceshi the aPL
• ternoon and evening,. when L the: Rev,
Mr. Toll of Iiens'all- preached- exael-
lent sermons. They decided not to
hold a fowl supper this. year and -in-
stead' asketf for a liberal offering; re-
ceiving almost $110- instead of the $75.
asked for. . The choir .gavngood niUw
for the . evening. service. as -they • .al-
• ways do. . • • • •
• - . .
The following is the October mon,
thly .report of S. S: No. 14; Stanley,
names are in order _ of •meirit •-
5th'—Etta Jarrott, N. • Jones,'
Gemmel'. . • . ). • •
4th—M.. Fisher, Jas. Jarrett,- Ags
gie Gemmel'.
3rd—Jolin .Kehl„ •Jas. Geininell, -{1.
Dinsdale. •
2nd- Sr—F, :Gemmel', A Fisher,Lo-
- 1 Rathwell.
2nd - Jrlda Ra.thwelli Anna: Flood.
. Pb. .214—Warne McBeath, Allie•
Mar tie.
Pt. 1st—(F. MeKay, Nelson..
Antes. Fisher. '
The hest spellers in the •monthly.
:Telling matches .were
5th—Etta Jarrett.
4tb—Jas. Jarrott.
3rd—Jo1in Kehl.
2neo -Sr—Lola Rathwell.
2m1 llood.
:1, 1
Lasi w(.ek W. , J. Wilson, our.enter-
prising -young • merchant,. was united
in Alto bond's of matrimony: with Miss
Mary Rodd of Woodham. The event
took Waco at the home of the brides
parents. • .
Mrs. Brown was in Gistaion
week atteedieg; the enteral Of hereniece;
Mrs. Geo Branton, width took, place
on Irriday. The deceased, Whose. maids,
.cfr natni" was Blaitchford, las ...leen.
ailing for sonie time.
One of our eitieens got. mentally
miieed up 00 "1112 last day" for .pay-
ing his taxes and his :nsurance.
Thinking the important date. fee tile
former had arrived he handed his
cheque to the collector and after ii-
coiving his receipted bill he exclaimed,
"Thi N is the last day isn't, it ?" ile
nearly collapsed on being informed th-
at the day so much dreaded • woohl
be the 14 t.h. of December next. —
SC1 .l , •
The Best faitthe. Motes
It does not take long tti .spend
dol -lar nowadays, bee if you have
dollar to speed and desiro g big dol-
lar's worth, a dollar's worth to last
a whole year, then by all means ub-
scribe to that big Montreal weekly
paper, The Family Herald and Weekly.
Star. 11 18 a paper -without au equal
on the)contiuent, an Up-to-date Week-
ly newspaper, family magazine wet
agricultural paper all combined; •ott
might semi tht•ee dollars for . three
different' etthlicatinith and no•t" get • tit-
her the (motif* ee.:. ,quantity eon wilt
get in the Family Herr& WILT We'MY
Star. In addition to getting tile it
weekly in 'Canada you get tibsolutely
free a premium picture, entitled, "A
Tug of War," eize 22-xZ0 inclussi • . and
fit to adorn' any • holm in Canada..
How it is all done fiyr one dollar is
a mystery, yet it is done and every
. year file's 1 -he Family Herald. and
Iteekry Stae brighter and better than
• Mr. Date Ayotte, who It bftir•
farming in Seetilac County, Michigan,
for' upwards of twenty -live years, re-'
turned tu his native village. We mid-
erstand Dee is looking for land here
We waled be pleased to see in re-
One .day iftet 'week Mr. Geo Volleth
had a sotnewhet longer and smarter
drive after a pair of colts tilen he.
expected. T -hey bad likely heard • of
.the faiefeeneft city. of "St Joe'. 'twi-
ce they hastened, with ail speed to
view it. Geo steered them etraight,
inteeding to give thetn the run they
desired, until the lines -brae wet
then seeing he was 'melees without
the toles, lie jumped oft After A still
brisker spurt the tongue' 'fell and 0 -
()mow i.nto the. ground. Thisebroughe
them to a stand still. • Ne-• serious re-
eults followed though there • might.
%Me lieea. However,. next time they
try tbe Same trick the joke iney be
on the brides' mouths as George is
repared for them. .- •
Never before, as king as we ' emi
remember has there been sush piles
of drift wood on the beach V old
Lake Huron. All along the -
piled to, a "considerable height, 'Ms
fuel enough to -do for summers.
One would wonder where sech mem-
'Mies come from. •
• Miss Pearl- Walslf, teacher of S,
S. No, 1, .Stanley, and Mies :Helen.
Sparks, teacher of *G.' 8. S.,No. 1,
Stanley,. have both tencleeed their
resignationi to their respective boards
of ,trusteee. Thebeeettiful locality
should almost, coax teachers.
Very few Halloween, pranks • were
done here.. Our boys are sensible..
Pastor for Forty Years.
It'qe very seldom a. newspaper h
the opportunity of reporting the co
elusion of a pastorate covering pe
lod of forty years; as is the case
ceeneetion with the removal of • Re
Dr. McLean from St. Andrew's chu
eh, Myth. Ire was not, the eset pa
tor, .as llot'Aroh. Currie took Oar
in 13,59, preaching' for Zi .years, ,tu
was followed by Rev. John Stewar
who came from1cineardine and mi
lit:red to the congregatioes • e..Itlyt1
. .
Manchester and Bueire,-far the' sam
number Of years as his ptetiseeneo
Both of these faithful expitnIR•r$
tho Truth have VaSsed away :to :the
rewArd,. what.appeated •to ne cl
ably- defirk proeindential leading. lit
Mr. McLean reeeived andaceepted th
call and was inducted' late •the pas
orate ems November 6th, 1866, Ek -
grave being associeted‘with Blyth
the first .10 years. -Feeling iy.s et
ina position - to be self-sustainieg.th
dongregations%were separated, thz pas
-tor retaining Plyth. • , . . . . ,
The old 'church, a f role itrt
was: built Dineley Street; - ,)rte lis
tanee ease' of lin' ke.serit Lone ited•di
service. up to January 1878; When' th
more, Mattern 'and ,mord etireMniim
'edifice. Was Opened for wOrshie:
late Reves•Principal .11leVicars of th
Presbyterian College,' -Mont real,
ehing eloquent, set:Mona '011.that oeca:s
The 'cheese cost $7,000 ebirt
- entirely fteeefront debt:: .PreSent niem
hership' is 336, os' •eompaned c;
fatty year.S..agos • .
first saw' the light Of etay in A(t4
geleelliefe Seetland, he being: one- of
ten children ee the home oX Domed
•lieeLeere. The. family came to Canada
in the ;year 1850 and loeitted.in • -the
teWrishiP Of Aldeorise,Elgin 'CO..' • AC
ter a. seedessful college Ceriese, alid
• Considerable 'exeetienee 1n supply woek
De. McLean, who was sougireafter by
a- stronger Charge, a:Opted -Blith. in
408, and for forty years, has nrinists
eyed, to 1u opgregation lie Word .esiti
deed.. Ilewas blessed with- splendid
health and in his...long pastoratts was
May off Work three Sabbaths:through
illness • in-. Aptib. .1603, the riev.erc",nd
gentleinan was' honored With tbri title
Doctor Of eDiVinity and...it? • July 01
the Sallie yew: was' presented with 00
elegant silk gown by• the congregation
:as. a forther'• mark Of 4w:sem:ion.
Pot 37 'yearS Dr. MeLean has efficien-
tly performed the • dirties of 1. lerk
.01 Hinon Presbytery, 'which office he
will -retain at the •request of iiie min-
isterial brethren; In 40 years- • • tho.
pastor. has %len :many •ehariges in his
coogregatipn ; shared malty sbneiws
as well .as: 'joys, ane leave; Dlyth
-atter: a -long, haeterandestectssful
flUOr ..enjOythe iebe good:fellowship tied
beStewistes ot not only les. owe •flee
ele but: the.vominunity at lerge. Ilis
name will' live • fors many e Atte- • in
• thin locality au ,emble.maile of strict
-iiitegrityetrigli ideals, and desiteS to
promote. the bese intereStsof his frt-
lawmen 111 everything that • teeded to
the °moral _veldt. Dr. •MeLean has
Proved :Irinerelf tebe. a.kood preacher,
a faithfei peeler, a Wise admieletreee
er and counsellor sad splendid sitecess
has attended 'tli•e congregation under
his mdeistry. But we must, eiotfurs
get Mrs. McLean- as, queen of • lite
Manse and one always interested ,in
the promotion of every good cause.
She has a geed training in her /eh l-
imed, being a daughter of thelate
worthy Rev. Walter, Inglis, who fre
st,V,erii,1 years was an erduous veoreer
in the miesionfeed in. South Airiest,
where Mrs. McLean was born, The
youngpeople have. tilled o 'serge place,
in the hearts of the people itel were
InOt highly es teemed , They. are Airs.
(em) McVicar of • Atwood ; Mrs,
(Rel.,) McVicar 'of Pinch ; Miss „Millie
who is • teaching at • Comber, Essex
co; Mies Kate • at item& ./ Wel* who
tateeirt. in Vadecek 11111 Colleelete.
and has lately completed his College
course at Knox ,•preparatdry to 'eat-
teleg the Presbyterian minethry ; and
last but not lest, Donald G., now
attending the Model school • kt Goder-
ich. Revels. nectar 'mut Dou.rithkellr-
rie,_ Presbyterian, ministers. of 'Vete:,
feed end Perth, are nephews of • De
McLean -and Mrs,' Jahn Strachan of
jaineetowne3 1118 8181:01%.-Sta11f14111,
r -
5 -
n -
t -
111,,e City .of Toronto will ask the
Dominion Government to lettere lite
money gild foe the Long Branch title
V▪ ..
On Wedueeday .of last week,- 5liee
Caroline, fraught:ex of Mr. add Mrs.
Wm. Wellwooa of town, letb home and
Weedsto dame= ,her journey to
the missioa fielde of China, as repre-
sentative of the 11,L F. M. .Society of
the Deethodist Church. Two weeks
ago we gave an outline of ill= Well -
wood's course of preparation for tlre
work to which she has devoted her
lite Atter visitingelme brother for a
tow days, she will leave Vancouver
for the- Orient company with about
twenty other ;missionaries of Abe
Methediet .Church. The journey ie
low one, and it will probably betthe
it of Merck hefere Miss WellwoOd
reaches the scene of her feture work,
The citizens of Winghent wish her a
sae. :voyage, then a .pieesant overland
lourneyfr and melt success in missiou
work. The company isprobably the
largest that, has ever lett Canada on
missionary work, .eod inelueeemany
very bright and highly educated mis-
sionaries. '
The name of Rev, T. S. Boyle, rec-
tor of- $t. Paul'saural, has been
mentioned in connection with the vas
coney in Trinity church, St. John,
Ne* Brunswick; as successor to Call-
on. Richardson. The parish is an im-
per•tent one, necessitating the assiate
awe of a Curate. 'With mote than
one parish with its eyes on -the rect-
or of 'St. Paul'S,it looks as though
there was a Probability -of his remiss, -
al. $ • •
At.high moon on November 71.11, the
home of Mr, aed Mrs. Archibald, Mc-
Gillivray-wAs the scene of a very
pretty- edding wheal their Second
daughter, Christina, ,was married- to
Mr; Davie Robertson, Rev. 'Petrie
officiating. While Miss • Dorothy- • Lees
Q1 Lucknow played the wedding. march'
the bride .was led 14 and given away
by her father.
Mr. and Mrs. •Watson received ,the
sad news last week of •the deatlf of
Queer son Video:, at Newburg,New
York S-tat.I Very few . rarticulars
were received at the time, except th-
at he had been killed • by a train,
Victor was. a bright young reare;about
1,8•• year's of age, forsome time hotel
cleek at the Exchange hotele•-On re-
ceipt of the sad news, Dr, 1-1.• E. W.
Tatnilyir lift for Newburg, to bring
the remains 'of 'the' young man to
Winghani for burial. • . •
Mr. -Frederick Saint, son of. Mrs. II.
Saint af• this toWndied at •Kenora,
aged 25 years. Deceased' young man
hes been ill for • short -time with
nneurnouita.. T1 left Wing's= ••smite
few years. ago foe .New Ontario. The
-remains: were brought here . inter-
ment. • •
Mr. -Roland 'Beattie has purchased a
coal, woo.d, etc., business,. in Mliston;
ortit is in charge there :now. 'Mrs.
13teatt tie' expects tofollow him shortly.
Mr. John Durnin of •tilin.t.ori has
rented.' llre7 house on Keep • street
corner of Raglans • •
Mr. John W. Craigie has ,rotted Tho.
rink the camhig season
Sarah L. Taylor, teacher io . the
Toronto, City school for many .years,
and -youngest daughter of •thelate.
John Taylor of. Gedmiele died in
that' city' last Friday: • The remains
were • brchught to this. i..01‘11.• on :Monthly
nest interred in Maitland Ceinetery:
Miss *Taylor taught some years' ago
in the school itt TeyloeS center,. so
named .after her father, -whose' falen
waS•theee. •
' Tuesday Of Inst.' week •Wiliirint
• ' •
. .
Larnpery possed Aeacefully into the
Eternal City, ;Ile'. , had been: ill for
several More..
The 8thaln barge Juno Came in last
weekwith a cargo 01.coel. ,
. ,
. Care ,of the BOY ••
A mother '§ -work Lind' worry. in car-
'leg' for hotllttle snies'Iss greatly .1.g1it-
tend if she has 'on• hand a safe remede
lee the cure of constipation, diarrhoea
indigestion, , colic, sour stotha.ch and
the soiliet little, aihnenta,' that are so
apt to e0nu lo, children. suddenly.
Far. theSe •troublee Baby's 'Owe Fab -
lets .are bettee than any, ether Med-
' Theyare ' ax a tivtl,
prompt in their action, ltini a *few
doses usually, loaves the chiel r PCI -
t. health, They -.do- hot cOntain an
• atom of. „ opiate or poisonous. sooth-
ing stuff.. They always Sits geodsetluiy
conntii MisSiely de harin, esti may. te
,glycn with equal saleey to: :tile 'new
born infant or :the well grO).ve•elfild.
Mer. Reginald james, Feneglivale, •
Ont„ says: "I have used Baby's OWn
Tablets and find teem, unexCelled aS
oiudlehm for children., They Pio
mote sleo and general Red health.,"
Yo'r. can get the .Tabletn.•froin youe
'druggist or .by Oiail a.t• twenty-five
cents a' box by writing v• ol-•
Hams, Mealicine Cu, 13roeleelle,
•A coal furnace beinge Metalled in
thentanse. This will great ie promote
the comfort of Rev. •G. P. Duecatt
and family, who have, recently eume
to • Whi teche reit, "
Mr.• ,Taylor ot Asheeld uondtleted
tho' serViCes on the Whitecharch,
cul t hue Sunday.' Rev.. W. A. Finley
preached anetveesary •seratens at
the Ashfield eirepit, that Jay, •
Antiversary services are to be
in the Methodist church ot, leeveleber
25th. Rev. H.' W: Lecke of Kineate-
ine and Rev. W. G. HoWeon of Win-
gham will peed,. .
The animal Meeting of the-- While -
church• branch Bible Society was
hold in the Pre.sbytercan church on
WE'lliteschty evenieg.
espouse to the invitation ot
their pastor, Itev. W. A.. eittley, and
his wife the members of the (mart ir-
ly board' wile their Wives and efew
othees gathered at elle patetmegte 011
Monday evenitee 5tIr inst. There, was
almost a .full attrudance of the bo-
ard, and iti all about, thirty pereone
were present. After the busin-Ns Was
transaeterby the Board, retro' ththe tS
Were iertfea and a pleasaet 0(1 01 mut
musical limn was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. (Rev.)' Elliott has 'returned
• front her visit to Toronto• .
Knyvett Naftel has gone WI Dray-
ton to take a position 151 a hardware
tore there. Knyvett boo wetly
friends here.
E. C. Belcher waei in Toronto last
week, called there by the death, Of
his 'brother, John Belcher.
Mr. Edward Speiran of 3reesels re-
moved last week from that ambi-
tions town to GOderieh.
• James MacPherson is „balite for a
oyo, wenIrscThio.Yaeation, He hells from
• Mrs. 'Captain P. Wylie andidaughter
arrived from TObermoray on NOVembe
er Gth from their s'eason' s sailing on,
the Sea King, of which her husband
is the Captain.
Captain P. Wylie has gone to 'fish
on Lake Erie, with headquarters on
Pelee Island.
Mr. and Mrs,. Donald. Martyni (nee
Margaret MacDoxiald) deo.vet down from
Kincardine, after spending a couple
of days tlee guest of Mrs, Martynes
family at Earnsclifte, returned early -
last weelto their home at Ripley.
aVehloohn •MecDon•ale has made such
rapid recovery at the Sault Ste. Mare
lee, emspital, that Me doctor
gave hem leave to return) to his liome
Mrs, Charles Cooper of Toronto is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. William
Smith She will remain) axle month
Birth—Oet Hallowe'en, to Mr. end
Mrs. David J. Hyslop (nee Flossie
McCreath), a daughter,
• Victoria street is being graded this
montle There will surely be no more
weeds there.
Rev. Mr, Nott is adding a kitchen
to the house now occupied by 1Ver.
• Thomas Elliott. •
Mr. Robert Thompsonhats had the
trimmings • of • his brick'. !muse on
'Elgin Ave. painted. red and green.
ThOmpson, who foyer-
erly resided on Elgin Ave., now Oc-
cupies, theflat over Dan -bop's laundry.
Mr. -Thompson, . late of R. Tbompsott
Son, now oceuples the Kielsbritio
blac'ksmith shop.
.Miss Bella Whiado4 is clerking at
the "Fair."'
Mr William.. Salkeld,- Who was for
years a machittist at, :the engine
work e and bicycle *factory, is :now
employed at Doty's. . • .
Mr, Warren MacFaliane, who 'spent
his vacatien here the, griest of . his
uncle .and aunt, Mr. and „Mee. . Peter
MaeForiane •of Britannia' Road has
'returned ro •Chleago. • • •
Mrs. Charles Motris • has been iter-
cously ill at tire residence. of Ise:ether-
sitter,. Mrs. George Stewart, Bruce
'street. , • , • •
About ••••15 new columes have been
Library.ryllo „tire eatal ogee .at Coe. • Public
Mrs.- -Arthur. Si -filth has -.returned
from attending :the funeral oI her eln-
est sister, • ItIrs. (Rev.) -W-F]. Cerro'
teeter of Ste ' John. 's churSit, Bows
manvilles Death !was caused by heart
foliate. • • • ••
The "Two, Macs" 'came in last tveck
tiffer a very successfel season
,ewirees• do nen intend- to go to Pelee
reland -as we were told. '
810.tia :see News -Record
'The News4te00eV - will be' sent .to
,epy address eo,1 he end of . tiro Yeer
for. the Small yen , 1' ern stets. lry
ite It gives- tiie newe of tie,. eletriet-
Mr. W. II. Ball has :been laid :
lately. and •preverited 'Somewhat froM
attending to his repot torial dirt ieS.
..Por spare: lorries suited him better
their it:poets.
• Little -.Rita 'Wilson, has ' been. ei•e, y
well -the past semen, but had'. to ger
• ender another . Operatiioa. Tvei
took' away a little. bone from the
abscess .ar.'d trope.' now 'tirat this
lovely •little girl will soon gain • her
usual health. , •••
Mrs:Ellen , Sallows is going to
i'arry Sound :for. the. ;whiter. •
The first- meeting • of the • A.Y, A ,
of St. Georges': church,' 'fee the com-
ingseaSone•wos liCiti 00 Tuesday ev-•
ening, • fied .the following Offic6r$ we'LP
eleeted: •President, '. Pr. Iis,yclen; ice
-James Carrie; secretaey, Miss Emily
Shephard; treasurer, .• • Waltee, Naltel;
executive corninittee, Misses L. Wal -
bit, Cons tanee, Tonzel , ol d-
r pre Mies 'LirsTritizel • eras, chosen
to atitsel the •Conventeien Itt Galt this
weelee• •
• • . •
• The Maitland bridge -is nearly esen-:
.pleted. • - • • •
Robert Merton of 'Seokante Wash-
ington, a wellekriewe Goderich boy,
was mareied to O...welleknewn Getter-
ich Collegia,te • Iestitute graduate,
MisS E. Reid, formerty - of
Luelthow, and Sistet • ef Me.
Reid ef, Nile, :at Nelsoe, 11(1., on
Oct . t wentysfourtle .
Mr.. and 'Mrs.. ,J, Grant MacGregor
of, the C. P. R. state returned :lest
week trent • their visit to Loteseille,.
Nelltudiy.' A . grand 'reception was
teaulered them by their- relatives and
friends •t)l-ere...
• The King's • birthday wasfeelebrated
here by .a stolid given that tee
ening in the Oddfellews' Hall, by Um
.Gotierich Township. Rifle Association,
The inembere.. all wore their black
suite. . Some oe our townemgn
turd .yoene ladies e Weee among the
guests. The Rifle Auseciation isi get-
ting to be, a great factor hi the
social life, of our town. The town-
ship young ladies 'were tastefully
dressed' in spit& of the rainy. eight.
Policeman Westlake of Myth, catne
down in hie new turiforni, anid led the
Gotterich ToWnship Rifle Association
march in rtal tnilitaiy •style. The
ball opened. at 9 pen..fted woond up
at four a.m., on Saturday, the harp.
ere playing to the Mesh. Captein
Lai thwaite a:;ked ' tee G. '1% R, A. to
lead in Ringing •"feed Save 'he Kinee"
A very appetizing luncheon, was serv-
ed at midnight. 80100 of our young
mon iteeieted, the officers to wart upon(
the guests, who nem -bored about one,
hundred: arid Reventy-five. Some Were
from Myth, Hohnesville,
Porter's ITilt mei Winelmen. We notice
•ed John Middleton,- jr.„ of '
"Whitehall near Clinton; Mr, Jetek
GloVer of, Datigonnon,mut the 'Messrs.
Runde'', who made their firs p ap-
p:11,4a:ice witit the G.T.R. A.. that eve
Starved b Anaemia
• 1,00000044
• Thouvands and thousande of young
girls' throUghout Canada are
ly passing into hopeless decline for
the want of the new 'rich red blood
so abundantly supplied by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Palo.' They are distress-
ingly week, pale or aallow, appetite-
flolde, subject to • -headaches, dizzi-
ness, are breathless a'nd the, heart
palpitates violently at the least ei-
ertion. • The doctors call this an-
akinias•-which is- the medical name
for bloodlessness'. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills actually make now blood—they
Mire -ateemia just as surely as food
Cures !hunger, Here is; A bit or the
WsifArii°"liaMS:41 1'1°101141411s entic)awd neeith:"Dr.
saved my two daughters whendoc-
tors bad" Weir to help them." This
statement is made by Mrs. Joseph
Martel, • St, Oliver street, Quebec,
She adds: "My daughters are aged
resPeotively twenty-two aed twenty-
three years-. For two pare they
suffered front - the . weakness and dies
tress of anaemia, and had 1 learned
of Dr. WAlliarne Pink Pills earlier. it
would -not only have saved me mon-
ey, bat muee worry and anxiety as
well. Both girlswere as pale as, a
sheet. They suffered from headaches,
poor .a•ppetite, and grew so, feeble
that they could hardly go 'about.
They. were under a deetor'•s care, but
did not improve a- bit. .1- dispaired of
ever seeing them .in good health e-
pee, whenea friend, called my .atten-
tion to Dr. Williams' Pink! Pills.
Soor.) alter they began the pills there
was an improveineut in their condit-
ion and in lessthan a couple of mon-
ths they: were again enjoy-ing good
health, .eetive robest girls. I ane so
grateful; for what Pink
Pills have -done 'for my children that
I strongly' reeommend••rtheirt to. every
Mother who has •0, cafed
hopyr..orwiglilr'4mles, Pink pills. .0.. only
ono thing,but they do- it well—they
actually mike now,: rich blood.' They.
dente -tinker .with symptoms., - They
adt,eote .. the. boWels, . They • . simply
change .batt blood. into good • _blood
;and thus Strike straight at -the foot
of shell common ailments- as head-
achts.,.- sideachee ..And , backaches, Milt-
.. anaemia., - .netvoue-exhaus-
tion,. neuralgia, • St. . Vitus. dance,
• . • -...
partial paralysis, .•and the special
painful: seeret.. ailments Of growing
girls - awl women. Sold •by all medie•
eine dealers . or :by mail at 5,0 .cents A
box --or -six. boxes for $2.50 from. the
Dr. Medicine. -CO., .Broel-,
Ville, "Ont.
• Auction Sale Register
. wodnesda'y', .Nov•einlier 28th at lot
7, .Stanley 2 miles -Wept Kippen,
x tens iv -sale. ot• faems, farm- stock
esid implententS.J.*" C.. 'Parsons, Pro-
pelethr -; Thos. Browne .1.4etioueet.
• • . ,
. . .
sifter Piles have ' existed for a long-
time' and' passed .thrOugh different st-
ages, the 'suffering is: in.tepse—pain,
aching, throbbing, tumors form, filled
wall:black blood. : •
Symptom; indicating other • trOutileS
may. appear iO',a.:iihoroughly..p
This is w: Dr: Lemiliardt.'s• Hem's
•Rold,- the 'ooly,abseolute.Pile eure,.bt-
ingS the: results titat has maate•itS
fame:. e • • • •
. .
• It will cure the :most .stebborh ease
in existence and • bonded guarantee,
to. that effect goes with5each package.'
elletn-Reieo is to, be had fir $1,00 at-
tire drug Store, or from The Wilson -
Pyle • Cempany, . Nig:gate,
Valise Ont., 3
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not
a simple cough syrup. It is a
strong medicine, a . doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu-
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask four doctor about this.
sr have idea a great deil 61 flyer% Cherry
Pectoral for coughs alld hard colds on the
chest. It has always domino great good. It
tstglaltamot iorfal comhehzinrlilntt
afatlerit. 0. Agoras., partorp. Ran.
You will hasten: roodviiry by tak-i
Imo Rano an etycerat mow as mourn%
•ondividuttl instrnetion
No vacations• •
Hold medalists as teachers
Highest standard
AMC f0100111101010
ileodern business practice
Beekeeping a Ppecialty
Ugly towards steggerds
Shorthand and typewriting
in tot es ted in geed un tee •
islewest office systems
Enter any time
Students' literary society
Sympathetic teachers
Conanereial correspondence
Ornamentel penmanship
Learn telegraphy •
Locrative positions
.13xcel1ent text- heeks '
Graduates successful
Enter "NOW."
Affiliated with Oilmen Badness M.
J', B. H6OVER.
, Store Overflowing
With, Fall Furniture
Parlor Furniture in sets and odd pieces ; iiall
Furniture i11 oak and ash ; Bedroom Furni-
tdre in oak, ash and mahogany ; Dining
Room Furniture in oak, ash and elm ;
en Furniture in anything you want.
Couches, Mattresses, Iron and lirilbs Beds, Rockin'ert,
Easy •Chairs, Desks, Parlor Cablnets, Rattan Goods
Pictures, Paper Racks, Book Caes.()urban Poles
• Looking °lasses, ' IN PACT WE HAVE
Everything Belonging to a Furniture Store
Bring your pictures here to be framed
Undertaking piornptly attended to by night or .day
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence
of either of the principals.. 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0000 0 0 *0000 0 eee °poises
i>0ipmp4.••• O••O••
00 0'0'
000e0000e00 •ec
Increased Sales
Our Financial Yearnlosed on November 7th.. We
have just got balanced up for the past. year and find'
that we have a very Substantial increase in the volume
of business done, for which we desire to thank ournum-
erous customers and friends. The steady increase of
our trade betokens confidence and appreciation of our
efforts to supply our patrons with.
- •
at close prices, which is our greatest ambition.
Our Stock for Fall and Winter. is now complete.
We have the largest and best assorted stock to choose
from, and our prices are, the loWest. The temptation
w8 spreadLbefore you is Quality.
We are sole agents in -Clinton . for Kant-Krack
and other celebrated RubberS.
Come, to us for SENSIBLE and SEASONABLE pooTweAR.
0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. -.444444
0 000000000o0oeo
0 0 00 0 0 0 0
5.170V. :TIME
It will soon be heating time again. SO it is not
a bit too early to begin thinking about the new
stove vou must have this tall.
• 44
We have already pub our full lines on thefloor.- We will be glad ee
to have you come in and look them over.
In- Base Burners'
We have the old reliable Radiant Home,. Famous,
Garland and Prike. •
Jn coal Heaters.
Belle Oak, Dandy,. Acme Jewel and Hot Blast
n Ranges
• •
the celebrated Happy Thought, Pandora, Tenn Either,
Corona and Canada Steel Range,
They are all good ones -Prices
• •
according to size, Style and finish
• X
. 4i.,
. .:.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 00 0 0 0
IT PAYS to be ptinctuals It pa;ys iii
business and in social engagements as
well, but punctuality is only possible
when you carry a Watch that keeps cor-
rect time. That's the kind we sell. Let's
show you them and quote you our prices.
And if you need anything in Rings,
Brooches, Etc., you make no mis..
take in buying•here.
W. 00011TER,