HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-15, Page 1linton News 27th. Year CLINTON, ONTARIO,TlitIRS.DY, NOVEMBER 15th, ‘90.6 i„ The News -Record to anyaddressUntii Ow end of 1906 for 10 cents Records .4444.4.44444444T444,44.4.4441.41.4.4040441444444.44141•4•4.414.4.44.4 it4444.44444.4401441•44•44•44,444 ZOko need4 aWatch? •Yiow 9duelt do goo 10Isk t .gat(? Come here for a dollar Watch or a higher Inked one; We arewatch.specialistsit is a branch of our business that we think just about tho most important of any. For years we have studied watch values from one end to the other—and you •can safely trust to our experience. W. Y. .Ye11qar, jeweller and 'Optician liorilititierilinetteeti".*****114,4 it444441444444444 4484444444441 1. • a• 3. • e• • The Big Store For Fur Coats 11 Sae 4 4 te 4 is If there ever was a good place to bug.FuriCoats.it is this the biggest Clothing Store in Huron County We are ready tor the cold weather with the best stock of these popular garments we have ever 'shown. man with aay driving to do should be 'without one if he.eould possiblyafford it, and most nit% can. The price is a good deal less than .a doctor's bill, and the chances are that the coat will save orie before the winter is over. Our coats are all made t ourOrder from seleceted skins that are properly dressed and carefully put to- gether. When they come to us everygarment is carefully examined, and if it does not measure up to. the high quality standard set for this store, back it goes to the maker. You are safe if you buY a 'Fur Coat here. Come in and talk the matter over with us. Black Calf Coats $20, $25 and $30 • Natural Canadian Coon Coats $40,- $50. and $60. Fur Lined Coats $,50 $75 and $90 ass S pecial 1 .Extra quality Black' Calf Coats, made from. soft pliable skins, thickly furred., fast dye, astra,- chan collar, first-class linings used throughnut. Special, each $25.00 Tweeds for .Ladies' Cloaks In our.big stock of Meres.fancy.t weed suitings, there are a number of patterns suita,blelfm the long loose,Tourist Coat for Ladies. It you want something for a coat that is distinctly nobby and a little out of the ordi lary, come in and let ua'shbw them to you IF' ALJ 1 DIRECT IMPOPI—r,1 CLINTON, ("INT The Power of Money Saved The systematic saving of something each week— even $2.00, or $5.00 will, in a few years enable you to take a course at college, to buy a home, take a trip. abroad, or get almost anything else you may wish for. Commence to save to,day. $1.00 opens an account 'and interest is paid 4 times a year ;a The Sovereign Bank of Canada esso CLINTON and BRUCEPIELg • Whole Number 1449 THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 70b tb 730 Oats 33c to 340 Peas 730 to 750 Barley 40c to 45ct Butter 220 Eggs 22e - DEATH OF SAMUEL USTANS. . Mr. Sainuej EVeme of Tiverton died' on Saturday last, aged aixty eight years. He had •livod in that, village for about two score of years and was held in the very highest respect for his sterling worth. Dr. Evans of Clinton is a son oe the deceased ana accompanied by Mr. J. W. Newcima, be attended the fteieral, which took place on Monday. ED. TAYLOR -143LECTES SHERIFF. • Mr, Ed. Taylor, a native of Hal- lett- and •nephew of Mr. Andrew Tay- lor. of -Clinton, •has beeti, elected sha- m of Rolla county, North Dakota. His predeceseor was his brother An - dam -who leld the office for two totems. Mr. Taylor - went out to Nor- th Dakota about sixteen yearei. a,go and appears to be climbing the poli- tical ladder quitesuccessfully. He is a Democrat. AN EVENING ON LONGFELLOW; The Y. W. Guild' of Wills eliAr- ch had "Alt .evening with the • Poet LongfelleW" oi IVIonday. There was a goodly 'attendance of the members and friends and to. listen to the pro- gram was noth pleasant .and edifying. Miss Clara, Olsidley gave all essay'en the poet, -Miss Lily Goats- a solo,' and. Miss': Jessie, .0-No11 a; reading., On. the eveningof the 217th the wiliId l give give a Patriotic -.Social. • EDUCATIONAL SE/MONS. The wpa1ircr4 of It Sale* was •• unfavorable but laxte oongtegations attended theecrvicesein the WA/waist; churches. Rev. Dr. /Potta is always a •great drawing card, as Many who heard him in the a. in. in the Ont - aria street church Went across to Wesley in Alai evening for another tr- eats Rao all.‘, MeCeitrius of •Listawel also powerfully pre*,bited the neeataeof education,. The collectiose were: LITTLE LOCALS ea. Mrs. Robinson of the Huron klaad is very ill. 4v?‘ Hoover & Ball have ordered a rub- ber -tired hearse. Nothing but the best will satisfy them. ' The S. A, boata,eks will be re -op- ened on Thursday evouina, the 20th inst.. with a social entertainment, Mr. A. P. Gundry, t,he new princip- al of the Collegiate Institute, has rotted Mr. J. Tayler's, cottage on Ontario street. Mr. W. Hobbs, who is in. Rho em- ploy of Mr, 3. Taylor as shoemaker, ias rented the CHOI cottage on Ise a;ac street and has moved in his fain- ly from Londesboro where they lived for several years. • The Pastime Club will give a dance in their clubrooms to -morrow evening Mrs, G. D. Ballard has disposed of her stock of groceries and boots ,and shoo to Ciledhill Bros. of ;Kincardine, lt is 'understood: that the Orttaeio •Legislaatire will net on Tuesday, the fifteenth day pf January. The three members of the Lucas farnioy who were ill,' iii•e lecoyering, Mrs. Alex. Nellans and her daugh- ter, wilco have been critically ill, are now fetich be•tter, ti e many itionils will be much pleased lei, hear. 'The ratepayera of Goderich earned two money bylaws on Saturday, one al:eating a loan of fifty tho.usand. dol- lars to a I‘linneipode eonipaity and the strand giving the Jackson Mfg. Co, free power to eatablish a clothing factory. • AN ENJOYABLE HOLM:eV, A BELL BOY. • `.-tA. Bell Boy" is an .extremely funen .bunele of mimic, Pretty maidens and. laughablo aituations that ' is biILd for a One niglit's..,eagagement in the town hall next Monday evening, This . show is recognized tohe a. winner. ,The title sale:. ol. the raisphievous- Belt Boy is in the hands of the clev- er young 'comedian, Mr. John Galvin -to see him °nee is to want to gee. him -again. He is - able -assieted 11Y • Miss Ella Galvin, the chanting sing- ing sombeette. This clever and up- to-date shear fit • foe slay.' taily and hetatailtitem A,thaission 2.5e, 35c and WHO= WILL BE MaYOR '.• .Severat names have,- been mentionee: 'lit connection witti ex t year's . in ay Ma • any, Softie of ',hose- featkene of Id fill, the chair hitt ' -thers Voy. indifferently so. The • News.-Reeer 1 woad like to .see M. W. J. laiiefey. head 'sof the. council far :lease tee }wain:. no • authority for .s.aying that • he ,would. accept the'. position ;: in fact we axe •ratlajr afreid ae 'Went: bat if he, consents to de ee; text: year s 'ouneil will wilt .consideraaty more .credi : than this y eat a lies done• . What-1Na. Paisley Mahe:tato to • klia Ise edoe,s well: :I he t save =s 1i1C.CtS be in good 1 1111 i ib nil for Maybe lot. pr. . . AT THE HOSPITAL:. • Mas, Charles. mew, *ha terletaveat an operation at thohosPitan rectileay is row:tiring, rapidly and it, ia expect-. ed that • she Will be altle to retuin. home- the forepart.of the weela Sampson,- section' fetemica at Londeaboro, • upon. when 'an operatioe was Perforated for ape:Men:Ws with aliscesses, is not impraving as rapid- ly as 'the doetors would like, The is caused by the seeondary for- mation. of abseeseea in other pasta of the body: , • 'Mrs: •Nelsom Irvine of •S bexta, whose 'friends litre et 11 ;.,13 r end ; in ehe Kincardine distaticte is it pat- ient at the hospitalwhere she, under- went a: serious: operation the 'Other day. She is now improving eatisfaete eirily and it/ is; exorated that she Wilt able.to return to yet llama in a• short tinae„. Mrs. Irvine* is a niece el the 'Messrs. Switzer of Ciodeeteit'ina M,EETING OF PRESBYTERY, The Preebytery of toren held its tegalar November meeting in Unioa church mange., Brudefieldt on Tuesday. The. most. important lissiness Was the consideration of remits, from, the Gen- eral Assembly.• Of these, one respeet. ing• thti queatton of Union with • the MethodiSt and the Congregatimal climates,- chiefly - 0redup16d the time. of the Presbytery. As the document pont down, from the Assembly 'Com- mittee oti ,Union Wan intended for the infoamation of session,s and congrega- tions. It, was deeided that •pastors should it their cotiveitieneee take the • necesear kteps to eonvey this inqam- ation. Mr: Small of Auburn was ap- pointed moderatot of the Seasion of • St. Andrew's cburcb, Myth, during the vacancy and Die MeLean, late Pastor of that congregation, eva.$ con- • tinued in the office as. clerk of the Presbytery with. an. allowance of $1,00 a 'yeardurina his incumbeney- The Huron •Auxiliary ot the Wo- ineit'e, 'Foreign Mission, Society, which was holding its anitual mediae; in the adjoining dwelt prorated a re- port of its woke :luring the past year. This was fe.und 10 be in every • reepeet encourageing. The Presbytery :expressed, by resoluiliohs,. its eittis- faction with the *Work dope., its grat- itude to God for ilwablessing which had attended the Society's enorts,a,bil its earnest prayer that, His blessing might be continued in the future. 'i h- is resolution, and the greetings of the Posbytery were! forthwith cOn- • veyed to the Society by Dr. iSteSsacts • REv. J. GREENE.' . 00,,'• Friday elast Rev. J. Greene .retiatie.d 'front' a.. theee nioaths' • tiip through •the W.eetera proVincesatod in to the. Coast.... At many 'places ' en. route he anet witli friencla 'of bygene' years, all of. Whom•Were glad to.meet him: for • recielleetisim Al this • swarthy minleter.Of • the gospel is atom .in thc. mentory of .:hundreds of those to hon he mi1Jsered in various fields of lab- or throughout Western °Maria the past forty years. :Ur, Greote. en- joyed the trip very mean end it hest dote biln good ,physically as NVOI... as .broadened his knowledge • Of •tias,t "Greater Canada 'beyond the Varna. • Rev. Mr. Graham of Goderich prea- ched Miseionary sermons in the Meth- odist church. last Sunday. There will be no service in this church next • Setalay eve:Mita so that the conere- gregation may join their Presbyter- vialeTThds ehsofiB'eulastk aKttheir anniversary ser- night addressed a maze tin,g held in the town hall Q11. Tues- day evening. He is in the employ of the Dominion Alliancrr and is labor- • ing in the interests of Local Option. Theauniversary services in eon - maims with the Presbyterian church take placle next Sunday with the, Rev. Mr, Stewart of London as the prea- cher. He has the reputationeof being ao eloquent speaker sie that. a treat • is assured all who attend. it .is ex- pected that the capacity Cif the th-, urch will be .taxed both *morning and evening. •••••••,••,.... Summerhill. Miss. Petrie has 'been engaged as teacher of our school for 1907 ata Salary 'of $400, an increase of $100 over what she is now receiving. Rev.. Mr, Kerney, the new incum- bent of this ' parish, preached his fast sermon in 'St. Peter". churcif 'last Sunday. • _• • • Mrs. Chaxles Lovett, . we are glad to hear, is soinewhat better. Mr: and Mrs. James Southcombe of Hullett have returned. froin Maratobit: , •Mr. James McDonagh,, contractor, Blyth, was .in our NAllago thiS week, There still remains some threshing to do in this neighborhood. Frank Layton of Tuekersmith has. &page of the outfit which did the job for W. • J. blel3rien the other day. s The good 'poople• of St. Peter's 'church are 'talking of having • an oyst- er supper at an early date. •. • .Mr. E.: Butt- .has returned from another business " tail) to :lie West. We are sorry to. hear that Mr, Thee, 13iggin is confined to the house this week (ming to illness. :•Miss• Maud Tyner visited Leadbuey friends; last week. .• 'Miss Winnie •Thompson and Miss ,Georgina Areartay, : teachers, • Blyth, Visited idyl -WS- in this section , on -Saturday and Sunday. *. • • 'Mr:, Albert Wallace reeelired a, -tele geam from North Batileford, Sask., the other day:- which' stated, that his 'mother wea bet that she was so anximis to get holm, that sbo .would start as aeon, as she. Was able, • . • A fowl supper ,will be given, on rtiday evening of next • week under, the ausiiices •of St. Peter's charch. Supper will he furnished: at the houie a Mr. J. W.• Hill •from 4 to 7.30 o'clock after. tvItich an entertainment will falai place in the- Orange hall. .4 good time. is.'assured. • • Hullett. Township. . Mrs. Joint Satidereee"c•hie ref. -tined mates, in this vicinit.y. • from a three months' , visit .witlf friends m 'Manitoba.' , • .Mr. Wm. Kmat: has bought. et. 'barn ht East Wawanosa'ani is, takingit down for removal to hisplace. here • on lite eighth coneys:eon. • The: oyster sunner in Con- stance last Thursday • evening was . • great success. • McKillop Township.. J. 141, Hackwell•offere. his farm and chattelfor sale as he intends 'going out to .Baitisle Columbia to reside. Mattlhew Stafford is getting poor health •ab present, infect ec Las been in delicate healthall set -Innen ---,arm 'railway, teeing fromthe east ',nsatt come to a point within three - miles of Walton.. Mrs. .J. E. Irvine wed Mrs. II. J. *Bell are away on a* visit to Mus- koka. • ' George ,Roe is still working at the job of clearing land and cutting cord- wood which he took from John Ben - limit* -is year ago. Miss l3eIla. Haekwell has .gone to visit her brother William in Strat- ford.. Blake Stanley Township Tho. Woman's Missionary, Souiety of Goshen alethodiat elitireh packed a. bale of clothing_ at the home of :Kea. John McKinley 'of Goshen Line . one day last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cole of (leder. ,township woos gueSta .at the •homo .")Klastytsbe. . of. 1' 4Btlatehyr :1,sens-1 tienre' Sajlat Wo are -glad ,to report. that :Miss Lola Dawson of Babylon LiPe14a5 tat covered from her reerateillness. Mr. Nathan .Peak Of ./-1vaiorth, aecompanied by his 5011et3ert, spent Satarday on; Babylon Line._ ,The trustees of S. S, No, 13, Stan- ley • have engaged Me. Melvin Keys, of Babylon .Line as teacher for the year 1006. • Potter's :Hill -Miss Daisy Cuerie sis visiting' at Hall Rutledge's. ' Mr. Harvey • Alexander and Miss •Mabel Alexander spent Sunday at Mr. "George .Vareclerburghase • . . -Miss Jordan ; spent a few days hist week with her sister, Mrs. W. J.• Curate.. • The apple packers are about thro- ugh packingan this diktrict. • They have had a long slege of ire. Mist; Prottdfoot of •Goderielt is -spen- ding a few -days with her friend, Mae • Pearl Newton, Miss Fatale Potter from Zien City has been renewing old acquaint- ances. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce MVO. returned from the West where they had been spending a few eamithe. Farmers have about completed theta ploughing and now are preparing for winter. The sale im Wednesday Was largely itittended and 'things sold well. Mr. Dawson iutends to spend a year in the. West and leis rented his farai for that term to Mr. Brisson., Mrs. DOWSOn will accompany him. Mr."Edward Boesenberry of Zurich paid an °Mal Visit to our burg 011 Friday lent. s ° • Mr...Frank Murray of Detroit is vls- :Iting friends in thisaVieinity's • •. ' • Mr: Lobb and sisterst of Hohnesville- vigited •at• Mr. • John Cox's aa See- , iVir, Wm.• Stogdill Jr. put up a piece ef;Frost fencerfoe Mr. John McKinley, of Goshen. Line last week. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Bates, of BAY - field Road spent Saturday evening at the • home of Mr. and Mrs,. W. 1..; Ke§s of the Babylon Line, • Rev. Mr. Graham. of Goderinh prea- ched the missienary.setiateis 111 Gos- hen Methodiet church on Sunday mor- ning.. The' trustees of No, $ school' haVe. Wed' Miss Hester Artneteong Qf the Brawnson 'Line for the next year, Mrs. Sam, Pollock of La. Riviere, Marie, is at present lying 111 of ty- phoid fever at the home of •Iier bro- ther'Mr. Calvin Dawson of tin Gos- hen Line. She was. taken 111 as her way home -Three el her .raildren ac- companied her. • • . Miss Viola Burnside, who has been ill with pneumonia-, is able to be colt again. • Miss .Emma. Peck has rciaitned from visiting with bet cousin,. Mrs. , Wil- liam •Dowson. of 131akes • Mr. R. 'MeCorkenctale of London who haS been out :West .11tie fat, -has returned. to 1117... .James .Boyee'ss Mr;. R. MeCorkesidale, -and hie wife and 'child have gone. to Loaders wh- en) they will Skutt the winter. They iotend going Went in, the Sprieg.• • Miss Annie Stepheneen, Who has been: staying ,with Mrs. -William Tay- lor;..has• rammed beam. .• Mr. Arch; MeDougall hap a gime 'sick' with paralysis bat it is . iniprov- lrig slowly. . The Misses Pickard e who were in- jured. a 'few. Weeks age by beingoe- get out Of a !buggy, are ..improVing . •The Enwortb Lave visited • Bethel League last Friday tight. Rev. Mr. • Swam' was man and the Hohnesville Leave rrlz- dered. 'a choice, Program of singing and recitations, The tepid was given by Mrs. Will Pickard. Alter tne• ben - Was• Memouneed the two Leagues enjoyed a, •social half-hour. • Hullett Township. • While swee.pingsome straw off the roofl of his father's barn, Master Aus- tin Dexter took* •a slide, and landed'on terra firma, semis twenty feet froni 1140starlingpine. Ile is uursing sprained ankle as a result. • . The eat° of 'Mr. George, Irwin's was well attend on Saturday. Horses and young stork sold well. Mr. John P.' Dale -boaght, one of the farms and Mr. 'Warn Scott bought; the village lot. The homestead was not sold. * The ehattele of the late Santee Ap- pleby Woe sold on Monday, and velar fair Pritses Were realized. ' Mr, William Dunlop a is returning from the West. Ho has been farming there for three years, .titit don not like it as well as Hullein - , Nelson Sanders' has returned from Seaforth, Where lie has beta Woking • for some time. • Miss Effie Hunter has been re -et - gaged for next year as t•earaer for Brandon school. Ma Geo. Hesk is not improving any, and no hopes are ratertained •or his•reravery. • Mise Mabel Livermore of the Len - don Rola is visiting bee ord sehool Hohnesville. The Hall litotheas of Clinton speut a few days with Mr. Canielice ;sea family. • Miss Maggie Marchick of Brucefield spent a few. days .with her aunt, Mrs Lew. Tebbutt.. • . • Miss Fanny Potter of Chicago is the guest of her friends iv and aro- und the tillage... • •Mlis L. McCartney .w.as. ,he guest f lier niohet.oi. Monde • pr. Howell of Fairviens, Michigate was the, guest of Mr. Robt. Aelsegoe and family for a few. days test week. Mr. Wm. Stanley andwife were ttrests of Mrs. .Eleoat of: Tuckersinith one day last week. • ' Ills:. R. IV, McKenzie. and, Wife Of God:tricis.pente Saturilay Mrs Holmes. . . The trustees, of • Methodist church have let the contract of .'.buildinie a new porch at heck Of ehuiteli • for "Tolide: onrialeiy6alfriende. of. Mr, 14'lionias• Potter will be pleased to know. .ihat he is slowly regaining his health. ' •• The League was invited te Visit the Porter's Hill League but, only a limited number was. a,ble to. go: Those wbo: went report haaiieg spent a Profitable time together. . 1Vliss Eveline McCartney has. been. laid up with an: abscess on her arm but ettin better again. . New Advertisement4,.. Who Needs a Watch -W. IL Helly.ar for Fur Coatseal•Ralgens. Silk Ends 19e-Hodgens Uros. -Fur Weather - Newao1111)01F• • it Less • Than Cost -Tozer 44. We Give. a Guarantee -A. J. Grigg ti • Money Lositi-W. S. •R: Holmes . 0' Second -Hand. Piano -j. II, Chellew: 5- Ross' Furse -Dundas St . ... a.2 Big Clolthierea-PoplestentestGaNiner Increased Salels-W. Taylor •ets. Son 4 PUTO Honey -A. D. Ileatoni. • 1,51 • Bayfield.• Rev. Hines, of relaite /torch praa- ^ ched to the Orangemen On Sunday. Mr. G. II. Ilewson was in Torolitia the past week on business. • St„•Sitdrew's Switilay school purpo-• stis holding their Xmas Tree on Dee - ember 25th. . Miss Leann Erwin returned home last week• after spending the oast two months at London.. Mr. T. Weatherald of Goderich was .. lin•rfor ileech tlsevillaigelLstiit.veek surveying. . oali Mr. and Mrs. Little spent .Sunday at tha lat's borne • in. Tuckersraith. *• Mrs. John McLeod returned! hotne lash week being absent at Galt the .ter past faw weeks nurslitg a fever' pat, ient Erwin, Who were in the West tim past summer, returned home on Sate • Messrs.. Richard Bailey and Georgia. • • Master Harley,. Atitwood .. left en Monday for Owen Sound. • M. and -Ws.- .Jamea Parsaio of Hillsgreen spent Sunday with las. mother, 'Mrs, Pareons. • • Miss C. .Parsens, who vent • the . past feW 'months at Ifillsgreen, raf2. turned *home, this 'week. • •W, Robinson of •Seaforth was it . the village oncday laSt week • oa • business.. • • • . Mr. Thomas Elliott has otte his .,bueiness. of tinware and. hardware to, Mr, Worsell pf Goderich who ta.- • Yes possessien at once. Mr. James, Macdonald, who spent • suanner .here, left last weele. will remain fer a shoat time- With. his the. Ile : daighter, Mrs. John Torrance' isf. .• eton before -spending the winter 'wittt • his. eon- James of Washington, D, • Mr. •James Johnston retarned last. 1 week to s.pend , the winter afte'r ba- ting absrt the past two. years. .• 1 Milestone, Sask. • • • lEirneefielfl • • Mr.. James Williams, who. has been. the 'Grand Trunk gecticin for some time., has resigned and. taken a .pliets with 'Mr. Alex. Mustard. • • Mrs. (Dr.) Rogers has., returned fram London., -somewhat improved in. • heailiteh.R. • • . Hothain is 'on. he ,sick.'• iiSE-- • n • but nett seriouslyso. • .• Th6 ihany...friends. -.Mt. John - Queen will be glad AO' eeheat. thathea , is able to be earn 'once anare: Mrsf...;,McKeller Blyth has , acen••• visiting her cousin, Mrs. 10.bert Mar- dora. • •., .'• e. • 1: The meeting' Of. the Huron PreshYs terse mei; also of the Heron Preebyter- ial was beicihi:teion clititen on•rruat". • . s.day. ' • ' • •, • • . „ I! . . . Mc, )41.. C. arley ot the Sovereign , Bank visited. hie home in 'reeswater . the past week e , •• • •• • • ., • , On Wednesdayo! lagt week the 'nor. th-bouna freight • struck J. Madeira ?lee: raw and iejared her rather .bad- ly. • ' • .• • ' '• Mr., •• Eberhardt has '•gleion tat • Lontteihoro.. • . . •• Wm.. Hobbs,beet end ehoe • .maker, moved his family to Clinton . last: week where he. has taken' a position . With J: Taylor. . •. . Gpo.. Snell is taking, Charge,. of •the caretaking in ate Methodist church., . • J. D. :Melville is enjoying his .an• • nual outing in Muskoka wilds. • • A. F. Johns •spent ,`;iinitav witb• fits ends in Auburn. A pleasant social eveaieg Was bY thn members of the b'pWorth ague on Friday evening, •. .• The Etkart, family of •intigiciana will • give a conoert in theltIothodist. chur- ch on Saturday evening. The teachers in .botb 'departments of oarschool have been, re-engaged for next year at an increase in, sal- ary, the principal, Mr. • Beater., to re- ceive; $500 the assistant Miss Hest-. .011 $3.50. • threshing and .epened• • Ids, blacksmith sserhovpe.s: folta e .islia abgaolpaodntrieoenhaTel.c and dee. Mrs. R. Rotiatt..was'on th.e sick list last weeli. . • : , •, - Mas. Black • and Miss Currie of'lot- onto townShie have been visiting ;thee ir aunt, WS. W. • Ple,tves,• • - Miss: Bell -Ross is now attending 'Clinton BuSiness..college. • • The train hands say. that or nesday ef last week 'there were. fifty •ralttle on the railway track between Leaden •and Brucefielch This u givoi as a reasoa for :the train being so late. Twelve of the Cattle were sent.. to I.,1 e mend Mr. Robert ,AlcOartney intends go- ing West where his brother located sonic time -ago: • ' • .Goderich Township. • . . . • . .Mr.''and Mrs. Win, conaell of . ,the .11.th ton. were a, few days ago vis . - Ring . his • brother Philip. ear Owen 1 Sounds. Needless .to sa'y, they had a very pleasant time. . Port Albert. 1 • The Sunday se400l, on the fOth „ • eons has been closed for the seamy. • • Mr. Harry. Bennett and Miss Lottie The trustees, of S.' S. Noll, ies Bentiett left for Chicago for „the win- the -10111 cou., are nuttier in a fur - ter. . • •nace. Coal they very rightly thihk Mr. John Schoeishals, oar miller ex- pects, another car load of Man:Rohe wheat this week, Threshing is aliout at its end for .1006. in this potion. Mrs. Thos, Stewart is very low at time ot writing ; her death is looked for • any hour. The concert and supper in the Eng- lish church was a fair success on is cheaper and easier to handle •Lh.t,n. wood. By the way "Miss Copp has been re-engaged fot 1,1101 at, a salary of. $44a, a conside.ea;ble adult:ea 0113r this year's stipend. Miss Conp is a good teacher. Auhurn. Tutaday last and' the chair was ably filled by the Rest. Mr. Gunn of, on. • Hugh Stewart had the misfartune to .get his engine, done ap for the time being during the past week by letting the water get to Iow hi the bolirr and then by burning oat the crown sheet and flues. It doesn't do to get into too hig a hurry slow but steady wins the tact. , Mise .Maggie Small has returned tO her !tonic id Toronto after spending a few' weeks with 'Miss, Sadie Carter. Mr. elobas of ,Lotalesboro visited E. Robertson last •Strialay. ••C, Miss Erma Symington accoMpanied . by Mr. Worsen spent Sunday at • home. Munro and Asquith hat's, !Iteiated of anotherecarload of evaporated applca.