HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-08, Page 8P 4 iovetftbo" lath, 1.906, The Clinton News.Record .ti A Millinery Speeial for Saturday • Me Millincrs will babe ready a big Hat special for ,Saturday shoppers, 20or more new hats trimmed as our milliners know hoV . to trim. Ew ery hat in the season's, latest and most popular style. All priced at a saving: from $1.00 to $2.00 for those 2vho buy them. Not a shape in the lot but is new with stylish and cot - red trimmings used on each, All will be ready for - Saturday morning, but not before. a 20 to 1215 new trimrned Hats. Felts in the new Bui gandy shades --green, navy and black. Every shape new and correct in style, Trimmed with velvets, birds and buckles. Also handsome velvet and chenille Hats. Worth in the regular way $4.00, to $5,00: A big $2.90 special for Saturday, your choice ..... , , ..... y The Mantle Sale. The big sale of Sample Mantles will continue all week. It has •been a decided success . sofar, could hardly be anything else for the values are unques- tionably the best that ever' went . out, of the store, Every Coat a Sample. Every coat selling at $2,00 to $4.00 less than it would have to if we had not cleared this big lot Of 200 Samplegarments at a bargain. 1 ' Sample Mantles at' $4.90. Ladies' 'new cloth Jackets, mostly tweeds and plain .. cloths; a and full length, in shades of gray and fawn, with or without .velvet collar, the popular loose• hack style; garments that if bought in the • regular' way $4 90 would.sell from $7.50 to $9.00. Choice of this lot for• Sample. Mantles at: $7.50.: Very handsome garments in thi. 1otl Fancy check; tweeds nicely trimmed, with a few plain cloths, nearly all the popular loose -back, just a few semi -fitting among them. Coats that were made to sell at $9.00 to $13.00, and would. have to sell at this price V bought �+ in the regular way. Choice of this lot for...........tF7.50. • The. Right Gott are here • Right styles in Jackets on our racks. Gar- ments that appeal to people that are particular about their dress. 'Five or: the leading makers havetheir best styles represented in our • stock. Neverhave:we shown as good stock, never have we had a Mantle business like this season. ° Of -any of the best not more :than.. two garrnents Fancy Tweed Coats $8:30, $12:50, $15.00, • $18.0.0 and $20.00 Dressy:1314k Coats $8,75,: $12.50, $15:00 and $20.00. eSklrts 4 No need to bother making up skirt 'when you' can buy one readyniade: for so little money at this • skirt sale of ours. We are selling new skirts for less than their value because -we' bought them that way. .All are made from good tweeds, dressypatterns in grays, blues, etc:, cut in new styles and all •well made.'.. Three prices ant'" at each a good assortment to dhoose from, Skirts at $2.75 Skirts made fromood quality fancy tweed, nice shade of: gray, also plain blue all-wool`hamespun, both of thein splendid styles, and garments that will stand any amount of hard wear, worth at least ,$3,75. Forthis special $2 1 skirt sale, our price Skirts at ``$3.45 'Ralf a, dozen different designs in this• lot, all fancy tweeds, in grays,�hlues, etc. Styles that. are particularly good fnrfall and winter wear. The skirts aro nicely trirntned with strippings, buttons and pleating, We could not sell them for a cent less than $4.,0 at the least if we had Nought them in the regular way. For this $3 45 sale there are 30 or 40 to sell at, your choice,.., , . , .. Skirts at $3.96 rl°lrt�i� skir't:s rite made nein good quality all -coot black chev'int, cut in good style, trimmed with buttons and pleating. They are worth every cent of OM. .For the sale ynu take the choice of this lot—. ..... . • A Beautiful Picture ENTITLED " GRACE " May be seen at our store. It is given .with the Weekly 11Iail. and Empire. If you let ue have your order now to commence at once and end January let, 1008, AU for One Dollar. It's 14 months subscription It's a good weekly paper It's a rine picture It's a low rate -41,00 W, D, Fair Co, Often the Cheapest, Always the Best Agents Parker.'s Dye Works, --We Issue Express Orders. - `, rP( ipplllttulluufiirinui 111111!, 41. ... ,Mr.. John Torrance was, in 'Brantford on M. Mrs. Clark,ondayHuron street, h:is moved to Guelph, . Mrs, Galbraith left yesterday to. join her leas::band • in Toronto. Miss Mct rackety of Brussels is the guest of Mrs: C. H.-Bartliffe. 117r. and 1VIns. II. W. Erwin and Mrs., F. A. Edwards of Bayfield were in town, on Tuesday.' 1VA:. and Mrs. H. Curwin of Gaderi^li . were the guests. of •1VIr. and Mrs. W. Jones on Tuesday. Mrs. David Jacksons who. has j een in poor health for months, is 'now in a critical 'condition.. Mr. Alex. labinson was, confirned to. his room °t1 wough' illness, fel: a -cou pie of .days, this week. Mrs. Reuben .Graliar continues. to improve,. WIrild her son. ',ielvin, is rapidly getting better.- • Miss Mabel Bingham of Laird., Mon-. terra, is visiting liner cousins, . the 'Wallace' family of Hullett: . lhessrs W; . Jones' and C. Ilovey, vis ited Getferie and at Mr. 1i. Our,. 'win's near that town the oth(.1r• . :day. • 11 Ir. and ° 11Irs. 1=I: 0. Bell of Wingtia:n were guests of Mr. acid Mrs. Jas. Fair _ from . Saturday to • Monday • forenoon.. Mrs, (Rev.) J G Yelland' of •." Ben-. • Miller ' was the guest of :sirs, 4. Hooper .;and other Clinton .friends last .week. ' Eddy• Sheppard returned 'troth: the West 'on Friday, last.':He liked' it . out there all right 'for ai time, but after .all there is no place; like Clin- ton:. .Eddy 's chums are glad to have • him back again.'• Messrs: J. •(; tiIdilcr ' and • George • lMi'llerof the S'no', and Mr. Vitliani 'Foster .of liolitreal : at ts.id`ed the. funeral of the late •; b'lrs: J aures ler of� Code i:ch;toWaslllp which took - . plata' on Saturday last. Mrs. Alex. Lewis anti her claugltter Kathleert•,.',latcly. of Brussels, after `.spending a cor.)I' 61 weeks with her. parents, Mr, and Mrs,. A: 'rwiteavil,.• . have gone •to Si 'I h•oinas where . they purpose making their 11 'a. Mr. Pickles, vllio had charge of. .the Anglican parish of .Ildlmesville,•� Snnmierlaill and 'Middleton for scv- eral• Weeks lash suriinter,' occt::Jicd. 'the pulpit of those churches last' Sunday' IIe is now a s•tudeit. at,. Iluron College, London Mr.' Wan. Molson Macp'herson,. 'presi- ct�at•, and Mr. Jas. Elliott;. general • manager of Molsons Bank, Montrea:, • wire have been on a tour of the branches in 'Ontario, visited Eke ter, • Ilensall,. Clinton and .L.ttcknow. last week. They .tratvelled by automobile and spent two nights iri Clinton. •IYr: Sl;iaty and ,Messrs.F,. IL Ilfi•c gars and W. Jackson left yesterday mot ning to join the excursion of the ticket sellers association to Mobile, Alalrama.: