HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-08, Page 5a
Noverner 8th, 1906
Clinton Plows..Rocont
incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855.
Oapital "aid 11.p. .ai000,000 Reserve .Fund Sat000,00
Farmers' Sale NOtes. Cashed or Collected. Dralts on all
i1 Ii in. the, Dominion, Goat Britain, United Statea and ail
Foreign -Countriea, bought and sold at bent ratea. .Advance
made 'to Farmers,. Stook Dealer& and Iiiisineao Nen at lowest
rates and On moot favorable term"; . .
SAVINGS BANK D'EPARTMENT-Deposits of $1 and up.
. wards received. Interest allowed at highest current rates
kora date of deposit, compounded half -yearly and added to
Principal June 80th and December
E DOWDING, Manager,
testivitraireeseetteitaia_aieleew asarateleasaelaweeeeeetearesettle
Beal Estate For Sale
•taleley townehip, tiontaining 175
,acres. * mile from school, S mile
:from Presbyterian and Methodist
ioluirehes, and poetoffibe-, 7 miles born
11E-Iensa11 and 4 miles trent Kien
station. Thom are on the premises
three barns, 64x40, 70x28, Ulan,
all in geed repair. Comfortable log
sand frame house: 22 acres la fall,
-wheat. All fenced, 100 acres well
tunderdrained and the remaining 75
acres drained by townshiee ditch
• running through. Never failing well
.at"the house with a new Br atford
epumping mill, also a never
spring back on the farm. acres
good bearing orchard. This fm is
in a Arat-class state of cultivation
sand is situated in one of the best
/grain growing sections in the pros
'vince. Will be sold cheap and an
terms to suit thrcbaser. For
furthee information apply on the
premises or address George Cole -
!man, Hillsgreen P. Q•. 47
2, Stanley, containing 100 acres, 10
acres of bush, the remainder is well
fenced, underdra,ined and in a good
estate ot cultivation. 1 acre of or -
.chard and small fruit. On the pree
imises is a two story brick house
with slate roof, a first-class farm
house, a barn, elle, 40
•,x 80 with stone stabling, a cement
silo 14x30, good driving house, pig
pen aed ben house. Two never -tail-
ing wells. This farm is situated 3
miles from Brucefield, 5 from Clin-
ton and on geod gravel road. Ap-
ply on tie premises or address
Albert Nat, Cliaton P. 0. 02
quarter miles from church, post -
office, school, and the villagd ot
Auburn. Suitable for grain or
grass. Lot 27 on the.2nd con. 'West
Wa,wanosh consisting of 100 acres
of land, 15 acres under bush and
the balance neatisi all grass.
brick house, a bank barn: 5260,
driving house 24x36 with a cement
pig house underneath. are on sal
promises. 'Aloe: lot 28, East
' Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly oppo.e-
ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres
• of land, 15 acres of which are bush.
• On this lot there is a bank barn
40x60. There aro 4 acres of good
bearing orchard on the two farms.
Both lots are well fenced and un-
• derdrained. A newer failing spring
• runs across both farms. •Possession
•can be given at once. Terms easy.
The proprietor is now past •the age
to farm.. -Apply to Thomas Niele:
olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply
will be given to all coinmuteicat-
VOOmed house now occupied. lily 'Jain-,
es Livermore is offered for sale:
Good stone cellar, all leinda of sm.•
an fruit, 'hu,rd and soft Water. Will
len 4014 cheap, Apply to James
Livermore.- •46
' • ...
of lot 7, South Boundary, and Wept
half of lot 3, con. 4; Stanley, c*-
sisting •of 102. acres, 8 acres bush,
the remainder sbeded down. •excep;t-
• ing 30 acres. The place is well fen-
cednd drailed, and watered hy
sprmg creek. Frame barn. This
• farm is situated on the Town Line,
tit) miles west of Rippen station.
• Apply 'on, 'the premises or address.
James C. Parsons, Kippen, Ont. 32
Lot 13, con. 16, Goderich township,
consisting of 80 acres, 65 acres
cleared, balance bush. Good barn
and conafortable house. Well veate
• axed by two good eunning streams.
•1- mile trent school. and 1 mile from,
p.ostoffiee. Will be sold on easy
terms. -Apply to • T. T. Murphy,
Clinton. 35 tf
part 31, con. 5! Hullett, consisting
of 117 aores. 15 •acres good hard-
wood bush, baiance under cultiva-
• tion. Good brick house and frame
barns. Well watered and fenced.
• Bearing orchard. miles from
store, postoftice, church and school.
Will be sold •on easy terms as the
undersigned intends going West.. -
R. J. Miller. Clinton P. O. • 14
• -•
'fraind lipuae on Wellington street,
Clinton,- •lateln -occupied by F. C.
. Alleoeke. 7, rooms. and pantry, wood -
shod, .good stone cellar, bard and
' soft water, ,.t.• ion., of land. A sp-•
• lendid chance for su person wanting
a: goed house. ApPl'y .to. Mrs. • Chid -
ley or to Mrs, Alleock.• ' 89
• • •
signed* offers for sale part ot • lot
• 40' on the Bayfield, Road, 1 mile
south of Clinton, consisting of 20
• acees, Good frame house with st-
• one cellar, barn 86x70 with cement
basement. Easy *. terms, -- J. A.
Smith. . „40
' • .
' •
• lot . on Princess „etrect. IL rooms,
hard and .soft water. Good stable.
FARM TO RENT -LOT 15, CON. 13, • Will be sold cheap and on • easy
Hulett, 150 acres, known as the Lerma. Also 4 hies of bees and a
Kelly farm .-A pply to W. Brydone, • number. of , bee boxes .-William Dun -
Clinton. 42 'can,
Xmas is iJomill
No doubt you are already think-
ing about it. Our Nes' Fruits and
Peels are in. They are beautiful
We have still left seine Great..
Snaps in Glassware with pi ices -
at the cost of man ufacture.
See our window on Saturday
Nov. 3rd and you will be ure to buy'
The Spanish enilitarY coatineent for
• 1907 base been fixed at Otte ilti,istfed
thousand inen, • •
10th the undersignedmill pay • 20
. cents per bag. for good paring ee-
ples 'delivered Clinton .or Sea-
' forth evaporatorss-TOwa 'C'ete,•15
• . .
. .
occupied 1)7 Mr. Harry I3artliffe.--
' W, W. Farran., '11
• : .
A D. Beaton,
Phone 111. Prompt Delivery..
ape the greateet labor-saving in-
ention of the 2S)th century. They
make kitchen work a pleasure.
Prices $5.00, $6.50, $11.00. $14.00 •
Hie.: Back ()hairs 40c, 50c, 00c, 750
!Extension Tables $5.00; $6.50, $8. $10
Large Stook Low Prices
J. H. Oleitew,
1 . ,-: BLVT11 :—:
Lieut. Konovtiloff, 'a uusgbal .atin.1
ery officer, has breit eenteneed to five l'
'years' imprisoancent at haed 'labor.
!iv having isombs itt/ Ms imisi.:sion. :
ist of • the eye, ear nose and throat
wtll pay his net vita to Clinton,
professionally on Thursday, Sept,
• 6th, when he may be co:wilted at
• Holines' dog store. •. • '
• . ,
Glasses that
• Fit.
We succeed beeatise
our glasses dive per-
fect sight.
The frame sets coma.
fortablr, each dro
looking through the
centre of the tense
the *hole becoming
to the 'wearer.
Naae Lbe)
s'ammtind Jeweler
'and Optician
wanted for S. S. No. 5; tIoderiele
township, salary $500. • Must hold
2n4 .class professional •certilicate
Application, personal Kriel:ail, rece-.
ived up to. December *1st. Dutiei.
to commence 3rd of January, 1./S7.
-john Tortiance„ Secretary, Port-
cr's.1.11.11 P. G.
doox south of The News -Record of -
nee. --Apply of John McGarea, or W.
T. O'Neil. 48
racily occupied by myself. " It has
been thoroughly overhauled and is
now one of the handsomest stores
in Clinton. -Thos, Jackson Sr. .48
The taaellea' Aid Society of Wesley
aura purpose holding a euppef lu
the town hall, or.: the eveolug of
Thursday, Nov. 15th. Hot .: supper
will. be served 5 to $ p. m.
Admission 25 cents. An initeresting
Program Will be rendered, nonelat-
,ing of musical and literary atlect-
ions, recitations, etc., chair to be
taken at 8 p. m. A sale c,f useful
and fancyearticles .will be neld in
the hall during the 'afternoon, of the
. •
same day.
. •
the Ba.yfield Show may obtain 'their
prieb Money tie Calling at the. Sec -
rotary "s office after Nov. 2nd, 1906
-George E. Greenslade, • Secretary
S. B. Agricultural Sc.dety, ..
knAtting machines. We have . posit -
hens for a, few smart girth, exper-
ience not necessary. Beginners oaid
at the rate of 50c pee 10 -hour day
while learning and put on piece
wbrk as. soon as they can earn
more. Good operators can earn
• $1.50 per day,. Apply by letteror
peesonally if possible to The Clint -
en Knitting Co. Ltd. .
. .
• .
to' take orders for our tailor-made
costuines and skirts. • Write. quickly,
Dominion Garment • CO.; • (;ucliiii,
Ont . a
. .
•rareges' coal or wood. • Also .a New
Williams sewing machine.. --- Mrs,.
john A. Carter, on D,• A. Ferrest-•
er's Farms • •'
• ,
• eral house '',worlo-a:Mrs, \V: .1; ,, TI,77,
. .
44 -.
to• BUSINESS . .
40 . : .. COLLEGE ...
.:. Write for catalogue of the
4 school that places more stud- 4
410 ents in pbsti ions than an3.7 4
4 similat, school in •'Western 4
..4 •goirio. . All. graduates, get I
I/ positions, ' - • :., . .
• Entee at any time. '•, • I
• • .T II E.
' - • ..• •
* Business Cullen
b .
* . '• W. D. Euler, Principal. •i
TiOrtiOf 4444"iiivir#W4041444** tg
. .. :.
. '
kw RAILWi. v,.
Lii 'I syST,
. .
.• TO, . NM', 13TII TO liTIL '
• A delightful • Exhibition, under •lag -
pines 'of the, Ontatio - Hortieultural
Soeiete„ to be held. tit MaSsey Hall.
The lemma; Blacic Dike Band will ,ne
in attendance. The Grand ' Pruidt,
Railway•System. will issue ;tickets
from all etations • he Ontario to. Tor-
onto, Nov. 7111 anti. ..81.1iat. ' single
fare, for round trip, god r: Turning
until NOv- iirtit. • Call ori es. T.: R.
agent, • ' •
Crockery ..
.. .
,, . .whei,
ytiti 'need Crock-
• • ery it .will. pas. you • to
• buy from •our stock..
. . .
Your stock of Glass-
ware hos contin daily to
be replenished. See
what we have before
buyi ng elsewhere.
In buying from us you
are sure of getting new,
fresh goods at* prices
• 1 hat wi II please you.
Your Patronage Respect-
• fully Solicited,
tl, flollowttll
KEYS-DOWSON-On November lst
by Rev. F. A. Steadman of Bay.
P1orence, daughter of Mr.
George Donau, to Attie Keys,
all of Stanley.
.n.IKENIIEAD--111ARTIN-At the res-
idence of the bride's bretter, Tue..
liersmith, en :October 31st, by
Ren. "F. H. Larkins assisted. • by
' Rev. E. H. Somers, John Aikei-.
head to Agnes Martin, all of
WILSON -PAGE -At Grand -Bend, on
, October 25th, . by Rev: Carrierei
J. R. Wilson of Green:Way, te
Pearl Page ot Grand Bend, -
TAYLOR-RUPP-At Lansing, 'Mich.,
on October 23rtf, Jelin Taylor, ter-
- ine:rly of Hensall, to Maggie, dau-
ghter • of Mc, Henry Rupp of Zur-
DOUGLAS -SAMPLE --At the Mel -
Ville manse, Brussels on October
24th, by Rev.. A. 41,. Witiart, An-
. elrew Douglas of Turnbeery town-
ship to Fannie, youngest daughter
of Mr, Robt. Sample of Brussels.
dence of the bride's parenta on
Ootober 24th, by Rev. G. W.
Rivers of Belgeave, Thomas, Pear-
ce to Marie, slaughter of ,Mr. Pet-
• er Cant•eloa, all ef Morris.
• Births.
COOPER -In Clinton on: November
• 2nd, to 11r. and Mrs. Cecil 000P-
er, a Seth
POTTER -In Goderich township on
November 4th, to Mr. and Mee.
Phil. Potter, a daughter,
HYSLOP-4n Gotferich on Oetober
31st, to • Mr. and Mrs,. David 4.
Hyslop, a daughner.
SMALL -In Winaharn on October
30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Retert
Small, a daughter. •
RANKIN-In Whigham on October.
20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ran-
kin, a, daughter. •
• .
DENMAN-In Winnitpeg " October
• .16tio to M1:-. and: Mrs, J. J. Den-
man, formerly of Bluevale, a deo.'
ghter. ••
YOUNG -In Seedothe on November
• 2nd, 'Ann- Wescott, relict of . the
• late Henry .Young of Clinton, ag-
ed 37 years, . • ' -
SAMPLE -'--In Brussels on October
. 31st, • Robert' Sample, aged •75
FORREST-In Morris on October
. 31st, Alex. Forrest, aged 68 yea-:
• •rs, .5 months and 3 days, •
WALKER -In Brussels '6n. Ocfnber
28•t1i, Rachel McCutcheen; rolict
Of the late Samuel. Walker, in libr
87th yews „.
KRUSE-In Tueltersmith Weber
• nth; Chris tina• Sophia Stein, wife
of 'Mr.. Claus Kruse; aged 77 yeas,
• rs, 3 months and 20 fay's. •
ILALLS-e•In Exeter ori October • 26th
Live Stock Market,
Toronto, Nov. Oth.-Thet run at the
City Cattle Idarket today was 84
loadsit with 1,210 heath of cattle, 24300
sheep and lambs, 300 hogs, and 100
calves. „
The market generally Wan about
steady to -day at last week's prices.
There was a light run but 110 local
butcher trade has been pretty well Su -
of late, .and there was no vat:
• rush for Cattle to -day. What fcw
choice butcher cattle were on d
were soon picked out, and the top
priees paid. After there was not
muldit life to the market, and • common
stelf,was going at easy prices, though
non receding- quotably lower.
The export trade is very quiet; very
few in this class offe•ring, and not
much stock offeriag. Therss is said
to be no veseel apace available, the
large shipping firms in the Weal: hav-
ing practically cornered all available
The market for feeders is fairly
active, several of the latest buyers
being still in the market, though
• sseMerat of them, it is said, are about
filled up. Prices at'et steady for good
Sheep and lambs are steady.
The hog market is steady at last
week's declines.
Feeders -Good demand ; steers, .1,190
to 1,250 lbs., $3.05 to $3.75 ; bulls,
to 1,200 lbs., $2 to $2.50.
• Shortaheop-$4.15 to $4.25.
Export market: Dull ; mediumer
port, $4.25 ao $4.40 choice $4.40 to
$4,60 extra. choice, 81,75,
Butchers -Market steady for choice
butcher cattle; choice picked butch-
ers' cattle, $4,40 to $4,50 ; •medium
.heavy batchers at $3.U5 to 84.20 ;
mixed lots. and cows at $1.50 to $2.75
fat cows, $3.80 to $d,50, common,
mixed, 81.50 to $3.25.
'• Light stockers -Market eteady . to
firm ; fair deenand for good quality
stock at $3.25 to $3,50.
Sheep and lambs-Tite market steady
at $4.50 to $1.75 for export owes,
and $5.25 to 86 for lambs.
-ealves-IMarket steady to ;
prices range froth $3.50 to $8 each.
Hogs -Market steady at $5.76 for
selects', and ' $5.50 for lights and fats:
cows -Market steady to firm,
with 11 good demand mil
for heavy k -
ere' at 815 to • $5; common, $25 do
AnstAKk. •• -
The Illustrated Buffalo Express is
bY '01.00 the handeomest
• ed newspaper in America. The price
of The ExPrese is, five centh; but it
ls-teally weal' double that amount,
Cenvince• Yourself .of the fact by. buv-
ing aaciapy .week... Better' order
,n advance, and make- sure of 'a • coy,.
as the sale of . The, F,aPress as. incite*,
Slog right 'Meng- mat there. may •. not
.he enough to goatotelle-.W. i), Fair,
.Asene• . • • s . •
. •
Mary Ann AndrenasSoiliA Of • the • . •
late •Jame s Halls, aged s•12 yearSe
and. In:hays. • .
. . ,
GREGG-Iii Loudon,: en • OctOber
281h, James Gregg.' fathee of Airs.
Wm. I topper of Morris, eged 70.
• . year. •• • .. ., . • . • .
COI.TSLEY;--.111 ' Gladstene, Men., ..on.
Ottober. -27•elis Andrew •Cousley,
formerly. of Brueeelss. aged 39 yea -
Ts, 'ff months and 7• clays," • • •
I;EDGERWOOD-At • Paisley,
on October 20t -le . Mrs.. JaB. Lt•k•
gerwood, mother.. Mre. T: Ber-
nard, Morris, .e,s;ed 85.. year anit
11: niontbe. . . •
• .FIICKS 1.907.:..ALMANAr.
The, Ftev. .Irl R. •:Hicks liltit , been'
compelled by the, popular ,denland :te.
reStenio • :'the •PublkaUoti of '.1115 '.wihl•
known and popular Almanac for 1907.
This splendid Alitlenac is now ready..
For . 'sale '..ilevistlealers, or •een,f,
poktpaid: •for 25' .delits by Word
Works Publishing CoMpany., 2201 Lo-.
cast :Street, St. Istatis, Me., publielf-
ere of Word and • Work, one of • the
best dollar 'monthly • thagazifies in
America. 'One Almanac goes' ...with
•eveey sibscription..
. . NOW OPEN . . •
4! • ' *.
' Fall. Term in the •es.
• •• • :
* Enter • any time.. • Twenty• .
* teachers, one hundred• and• .+
saa "teVeinty Typewriting mach- eas.
* ines. •Unexcelled facilities ea
ea for assisting graduatesto *
emeitions. Write for new *
• + Calender. • • •*
**. II. SHAW, •Prineipal,
.46 Young & Gerrard •Sta.., • *
•• • . e•Teronte..
. • .
• .'• '
• '
4.6 * • * .
• ftiligh .Grade" Trebling +
+ . pa:ya and; *that. is the + •
• + '. kind • the" famous
Tommor oNT, .•
Gives to its sttleseht,s. Recent studs
elite hane taken positibas at salaries
Tenders for Supplies, .Ig07
TEl UNDERSIGNED vi1I sreceive
tenders .up ..to abonSoa ',01tur play, lath
Nairn -dna) 1906,, for supplies' of but-•
Clicks' soviet, .erearnery or dairy Mite'
ter,. flour, oatmeal, potanites,
wood, e•te., Cie., for tbe following
instiLutions duihig tlit, year 11)07, vi
At the. Asylums forthe inseee itt
Toront•o,..Lo•nslon, King's:ton, Hamilt-
on, Mimic°, Broekville, C.ohurg,
tia and Penerauguiehene ; the Centeal
Prison and ',Molar Refm•tnatofy, Tor -
oath., and the hoipilal for epileptics.;
at Woodstock. .
Exceptidne-Tenders aro • not requir-
ed for the supply Of meat to he
asylums itt Toronto, Landow, 'Mag. -
%toes -Hamilton ttod Brockville, • hoe
for the Central Prison or Mercer Re-
for.matory, • •
A marked chequefor five per card.
of the whom tell anvoUnt of. the con-
tract, payable to the order of the
Provincial Seeretary, must be tutu-
'Isla's] by each tenderer as. a guarantee
of his, bone, fides. Two sufficient. "Mr -
(dies will be • required for the fulfill-
ment of eiteh contract, and hliould ery
tencler be withdrawn befote 1.11e con-
tractis awardeed, or should the tout.
vrer fail to flirnish security,. the a-
mount of the deposit will be lorfeit
Speeificatioes and forms lettler
may be had on application to the
Deparlmens of the firoVincial Ser -
tat',' Toroote, or to the Bursars of
the respective net' ttt hone. .
The lowest:: or any lender not ate-
essarily accepted.
Newspapers inserting thi.t a,dverthe-
went without written authority from
the Department will not • be paid ft r
• Provincial Sveretary
Parl i am en t 13tildiugs, Toronto, Oct-
ober 29111, Ham •134
rotn w per month to, $1000 :per an -
until. It is .a well-known fact • that
out senora is the best of He' kind le
Cdnada.. This month' is a splendid
time to • enter. •Alt . graduates' get
positions. . The 'demand ia uearly • tw-
•eisty times the supply: Write to -day
for magn catalogue. •
• • •
+ W. .1. Ellto•tt, :Principal. + •
+ Yonge and „
see Alexander Streets. +
Twee(1 SUit8.
atarrh of the Kidneys
Not Always Recognized.
A Cold Settled In Kidneys,
Causing Serious Trouble.
Pe-ru-na Restores Health,
Ntalal. of the kidneys is a very
muckneglected disease.
It is not until the Mow has a firm
hold npon the kidneys that the patient
begins to realise that there is some de-
rangement of these organs.
Tbe 0414 backaches, the feelings of
lassitude, and other warning symptoms
-of kidney disease are overlooked.
They are not serious etioughlo detain
the patient from his regular work.
Even when he discovere that the kid-
neys are affected; •kte.does not recognise
the difficulty as being caused by catarrh.
Catarrh is sometimes 40 very grads' di
in its approach and its earlier symptoms
cause ouch slight diecomfort that it is
not noticed,
However, when it is onee firmly seated
in the kidneys it becomes a difileult
disease to exterminate::
Indeed, catarrh of the kidneys is more
serious titan catarrh affecting some*ofr
the other organs of the body.,
In the kidneys it is liable to terminate
In Bright's Disease or diabetes, both of
•which are recognized as very serious
ailments, if not fatal.
The thing to be done, when catarrh of
the kidneys is discovered, is to take
some internal, systemic catarrh remedy,
one that reaches the very source of the
catarrh and removes the cause of the
Suck a remedy has been found in
Peruna.., It reaches catarrh, no matter
where it may be
• PE -RU -NA FOR. loco te d in the
body -whether in
the more exposed
membranes of the nos0. and throat, or
whether in the remotest. part of the
• That Peruna is at once the safest and
most'reliable remedy for catarrh of the
kidneys is proven by ' the many testi-'
menials written by those who have ex-
perienced its benefits. .
• The testimonials given here are only
specimens of the many testimonials on
our records, pertaining to the relief af-
forded by Peruna in severe cases of kid-
ney trouble.
Kidney Disease of Long Standing.
Mr. Samuel A. Paxton ens Troost
kve., • Kansas City, 114., member
1.0. 0. P., and National Annuity' As-
sociation, writes: "ram a welt 'roan to-
day, thanks to Peruna. 1 was troubled
• with catarrh and kidney disease of long
standing • when I first began, •using
Peruna. ' ,. •
..• , . ,, . ,,
tee:a:ens:se eeteeeenteett...,e.
• Mr. Isaac Resenzveig, 9 Deuna7i0
street, Montreal, Can., writes:
"About three years ago, 1 suf-
• fered with a bad cold. It settled
in the bladder and kidneys, causing
serious trouble, . •
• "I tried several advertised rem-,
dies, but it was Peruna which finally
cured me, and I had taken only a
few bottles.
"I feel. that it saved . me, and it
Icertainly restored me to such per -
feet health as I had not known in
• years.
"I have good reason to give year
remedy my bii..,........L.,,,lest endoram2td
"I soon found I was getting better and
continued taking it for four months. It .
gleaned out the system leaving me well
and strong and feeling better than .1
have in years."
Assignee's Sale .
The assets of the Parnham est Ate will
• he oifered for sale at auction. at lot 11,
von. 9, Hutlett, on Saturdcy, 15th inst..% ••
at 1.30 p.m, See'posters for nil rt cstil ars.
W. Brydone, Assignee. •
. ,
• The' Great 'Ntir thy ta Railway took • '
sioasteesitat• Of the Cauattian NM:theta':
. -tracks" at the entrance 1.0 '.13rawdo*,
tore up the, rails and Mid- their • ossia • • ':
.' down my the land.. , ..
• '
• .
• „ :
• • SUFFERED An -17-ay.cc 'RE . -
- WA li , -IlEjs,I!V-IP,l),
- ,, .i. 9/.. yearn a, tam t-•
• yii''.. is. bow. Chas, H..
Powell . of 105 Ilaglaa-
- ..street, KingStan, be-
gins. • his .story. •• "A
. • Martyr • to. • cifronie.
constiptition; but HOW
•• 1 am free' front .. it
.•and all through • the
. 0 _
'Chas.- Ti. 150ll .• lls6 of pr, Leen::
heath's Audi -Pill.", • • . ' •
• Many, who 'aec now.. suffering front
• hue complaint will be glad . to learn .
from . itles .Powell's Story • that there ' • -
.is licipe for the most stubborn, caee?
He continues : "I eVae • induced tit
try Anti -Pill. by :reading ilio tentee. - '
Imoey of ectme Ohe who has • been car-
ed of constipa, ti•on , bv it, t • bad sufa .
creil foe eigthere •Yeafe MO 'la Witch .'
Jona . Of Sluff • recommended as ..etteeS
but which hiatie Me ivotae rather tit- ••
nn het ti,r. Dbet ars told- tin' • there
Was • no cure- for me." . • •
. Dr ' Lein:March's. Anti -Pill is :tot .
salc- hy all chuggiets, or2 hy.' The'
Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited', Niagara • •
Falls, Ont. •• ' ' ' . , .
Mr. Powell will verify erery• •ivorlif• .'.
of these s I element • .
•At ;the meeting Of the East I fUroll
tesklIer. s held' in ;Witsghain ;friday
an?: Saturday • last Inspector' flobb
spoke at length on the ,liew
Mg' the salaries of teachers. 'ide up-
held the law, and also- Stated IAA
ii hati not tec:517ed •tha assletalied
that he shOold, from'. the .enaishers, fn
his efforts. to reconcile. :those- •opp6sed
to it. The nffect of the law he thou-
ghtsivould bring hack to . the tenuity
many professional ..teacheses, • wile had.
received .their .model training here,
frem , the fact • thaltati.elitigl hale: • lect,eie.r.titeis6..
feseionale teachers moles easily.. :khan
*,Nfore.' He characterized .the' Siff:11er
noW, use ag
would result in wheels- proem:Sate pro-,
nee(ts. A • notanle (idea in •Veanding
was- • lack of .expreesion, end ' tit. pen-
manship ineefficient . use of Copy
Boot's. Ile depreciated the pia:eller of
giving •eXerssiye lionie.wbrk ar-
Oti. tile teacher's • to make allowanen
tot live varying leepacity of - pupils;
slit • cote:dust:on' he linseed theft tacners to
live up to l'iteite agretelients, and •eto
(toa I honosabl;y with Seine)! I '
. • .
mas Offer !
Now is the time to
have your Christmas
Photo taken,
• Call Early
and get our special
offer) lasting until the
lst day of ..Tan. 1907,
J. Roberts
Photo Artist Clinton
At • the present •tine all people are aware that wool.
len goods are up, in price, but our purchasing power has
been such as to overcome this difficulty and to -day all
purchasers tell •us we are it in quality, style vnd price in
The slay of cheap clothing is past, but we ctn fernish you veith :-
• Men's Tweed Snits .... • ...... .. . ... $5 00
0 41
... ... • .. 604.1001f" 000•Y• ..... 6 00
44 " " special at .. . . - 00 .
44. 64 " extra special at s • 7 50
" Navy Blue Serge and Tweed Suits at 8 00
" Scotch Tweed Suite- . ... .. 0 00
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Yon ng Men's ts at... ... ....... $5 00, $0 09 and '1 (0
Boys' Suits frond . 50 up to 6 00
Ladies'.Felt Shapes worth $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00
to clear at 75c., 85c and $i.00 •
Mueh goods in Millinery to clear lust now. Come
and get a bargain.
The BI:q Clothiers, SLYTH