HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1906-11-08, Page 2• The Clinton News.Record Your Mosey Refoodoti • by the dottier ' from whom you buy Sun- light Soap if you ilea any on.use for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is hest whenused in the Sunlight way, $5,000 reward witi be paid to Any person who proves that gunliOtEtoap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. 5C• Buy it and follow directions. 5C• Lever Bel:Alva:a Lttnieetni. Toroaato time*" ,E3 it( )1( r3; TBE LEADING . . . • COMME/tOIAL SCHOOL )ti • • r. • ,44,:14x,,, STRATFORD. ONT. , . * This school is recognized # # to ibe ono of the best COM- incecial .schools in. Amer- • ele• +.( ica. Yon can safely judge a school by the aliplicat- el( ions it received. This term we received applications • from firms in six large Am- ?$;'- ettican cities and from far W. more towns and citiei of A :Canada including' Sa,sita-• ?V tome, Sask.. on the West • and Charlottetown, R. F. I. + on the East. Our reputatt- 4; ion means much for - one Ellictt &..McLachlao, . Prineinals. ' • W: dortain %result's and leivine had - ?1,E. graduates. 'Write tor our catalogue. . The Lake Carriere.' Association lieS protested against • the poos at Peril Colborne. GOOD' CORN SHELLER FOR • 26c. A marvel of efficacy and prompt- ness, a reined' that does came corns and, warts. Its ne.me 14 Putnam's ,Cora Extractor. Coni!rains no acids, never pains, giving lasting satisfact- ion. Insist 011 "I'Lt"am's" ft'S the best. • • A Buffalo syndicat.e is proposing to .construct a modern summer resort at Crystal Beach. • . . •KING OF ALL ' • ,• COUGH MEDIONES., ,`AS •. Mr, E. a. Case, a mail earlik.;.- Of • Canton Center, Com., who has been .the $ Service for about sixt- een years,. • says "We hale?, teied many cough medicines for croup. but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy h 'king of all an.0 one to be relied %1Pcin eve- •ry time. ' We . also . find' it 11.e best remedy for ceughS2 and coltle ving, THE YOUTIVS COMPANIOINN 1000.1 Bileans . oman'a The Youth's Cowl/anion unman:0i moug the attractions ot its 52 iss- tiee: in 1907 GRATEFUL WIVES AND MOTH - Two Hundred ERS TESTIFY tr0 THEIR, prattical papers, serviceable to young VALUE. people who have their way to make in the world, helpful in their inStS- tence on:worthy ideals hi every re- lation of life, Litelui in the home— particularly the regular series, "Till the Doctor Conies." Two .Ilunthml and Fifty capital stories—hunioroUS Storico,clar- actor stories, stories of life on the .farm, in the great cities!, on tilt sea, in the wiliferness. Among them will be Five Stories by five Com- •panion favorities ; Hamlin Garland, Meline Knapp, Ralph. Barbour, Geace Richmond and Minion F. Day. There will be .0 series, also, Lased upon incidents in, American, history, illus- trative of life, and times in America from the. first colonial planting to the close of -the Civil War. Ono Thousand short notes giving chacisely, clearly • and accurately .the • important news of the times in public. affairs, • and in the fields of science. and industry. • . Three Hundred contributors giving assurance that every need and every taste .aniong Coahpaniou readers will be satislied. Governor Folk . Missouri, Etiv.eied Everett Hale, Margaret Deland, Col. T. W. Higginson, Commander Eva Booth of the Salvation Army, Gen. A. W. Greely and Ion Perdiearis are among them. • ' Two Thousand • • one -minute stories, anectrotes, bits of huinor-sketches Which. take net more than 4' minute to read. ;ley are always new, always. well • told, and in ,grett.t quest by preaehers 311(1 af ter - (Ulmer speakers: Bile= have been called "a. wont- AO'S medicine" because of i.heir ex- ceptional fitness for the, various. ail- ments. peculiar to the sex, as, well as Io r the liver disorders and stomach : ailments generally. Unlike MOSt lIV- er and stomach medicines, Bileans • contain no bismuth, mercury or anYe .mineral whatever. From coating to . kernel they are purely vegetable. Mrs. J, Whitfield, of Swan Lake, (Nlan-), •SayS :—"Bileaus • have done me a wonderful- amount .ot good. I can .hardly -describe how bad 1 fat before 1 look them: I -could not eat but that a caused pain. Them was a constant sensation of tightness in my side, and my 'liver Was entirtly out of order. could not siPep at nights, suffered also from. kidncy trouble, and was altogether 10 a flill- dowk and very serious condition. I had been ailing 'tideway for years avid it is gratifying to find. that, .1311 - cans were equal to my ease." Mrs. Wm. Hall, of Dean Lake, Says' -"I ha* proved Means very good for constipation, from which I suit- ered a great deal. They eured me.'" • Mrs. J. H. Thompson, of leleveland Park, says.:—"For irregularities and. painful periods I can highly recom- mend Biteans. They proved •a great blessing to me restoted inc o .health when, Y. had become very iU and Very despondent " •. Bileame are absolutely unequalled, for female aliments and irregulatitieS, constinationi piles, anaemia, •debility, rheumatism, . blood .i•mpuritie,s, • etc.:. They tone up the syStein and 'enable A full Announcement of the vew it to; throw off colds and ste 'Voittriie 'will• be sent with, sample cope rengthen • girls ;lust emerging int() les of the paper to. any -addreiis ..en. womanhood,. and speedily restore en - request.. The new etibseriber for 1S07 ergy and streegth to those who are who .sends $1 75 f•or the new voltime rundown,. 'Of all druggists at ;100 at Oyer will receive free. all the le- box, or post free from the Mean niaining issues for 19.06, ineluding the. Co•., Toronoto, on receipt ot price. Demble TIolidaY Numbers ; also The 6 boke-s 'for $250. - • • - Ccimpanion's Four -Leaf •Ilanginee Cal- endar: feet 1007e li thographed tWelve Colors- and -gold.. • . • • Subiieribers who get , new. eubscript- IT. 1/0..E8 CCItp: \\*01NIANI4V. .Ons will i'eceiVe $10,3941.0u in- cash "I; lea it. my duty". writes S, Mead and many Other s-pecial awardS, Send, of • FraserviW," ()tit., "'le-, let. you. or intermit tion ." • know 'that sometimes. preViOUS' LO. the • • change - of: life. I terL u.orc • thaw TIM- YOUTH'S I could . NeighbOrs- told. Mc „Fee - 111 Berkeley SW:iv ti C07-0110• tilt only remedy and their • . advice was good. FerrOzone -put . a• • . 1 • • • . • . •• stop. to •ray pain and *knees, tind • • • • • •••. • •• • .• • °dile:et action Gn My teoubles that . • • The, British :eat'restelt:Itaq 'been with-. relieved front .the start,. ,sately .Pase - • ;easier- from the .l...41atal elleictta .* ' sea' the Wrn., and.. nON.1' &ley. :perfect. 4:* CD0,4,1eti4:1€4aW:e(3er,t0401:0tel0iCi s,ile by W.% IZ 1 Rd- t mes, Clint(in, Ont. • • • • • • • • mid rest • No woinauly ••• • • eine van :be bettor 'thaa..Yerrozone.” W.1T1.7.11 CUIZE FOR . , Instant relief is- found it Verrozonc (-1)..-";ST I P Al' N .1 for felnale weaki s 1 cry hind, ; • .11a1; . pint, of hot -,vatcr tat pa box el .t1e,a4,1•,•;.. • • . • before bealci..vetwill usually! . . . • 'WE SORtEN ' 'Cliarlei.; N. Illiitney has been arresie N. ed in Chicago on a charge- of swinde 0 UC OAL ling! to the. eNteni. .5:1,00(h0nee •• The Best Coal. in the Market, is '" • , ' the L. & Vf: Scranton Coal- for which IN : . l'am sole agent. 1 also have in stock) •iti.l.w.;•by• I Soft and Cannel Coal. • An °rater is • • • • • •.• • • ;.eep• the bowel:. Teettleee 1 latih vath- ! . • Should be • avoided:. Wien. •a . : mrgative •A suit is about, lo Ite eitt..r.al.. itt nin Stothavh at: 1 Liver 7:"..ablets. •Michiga,a • tu compel tbe Grand Truei: 'hey •:arie.lililti titC:leetel it,1,141: :ate Railway- 10 reductie paeseng;.:r.• faree Ft»! bY V, . A, .1 It:Imes,. • t , valets- a 'int lee • •-: • !: . :Clinton, Out. 1- • - . • . .• .•• • ,• . ''•-• • 'nI er metliiine • it Mitt - respectfully solicited" and will receive There is o ota prompt attention. All : our . *coal is ) Tactiurtil that Ims. received so mu.:11 pr9e .. and no , alloy exrres:Jions• of screened before being.sent•out. to our, customers. Oflioe opposite the G T gratttude. 0 '1mathber1iiii- • Cough. R. station or orders may .be left SA: liP.ne(13% -11 is effective, and si Mpt re:141.40110m, its use. - Grateful -pare the store . of i-larland Broe.• Who are• I elite e1`efywhere, do not 'heSfrate authoriseel to receive p.ityment • Of .ac- - ' teiitify to •fts *mt;ri-is: for t 1 leel'elit :Counts. ••• .. of othere..:It' 'is a pertain c: -O. r01: . JAMES tiArilLTON. croup and UIpx event%ftack. , • , giten a:t- the ,first •apPearance, of • Phone 52. • • • • NIGNI chili° have -been :appointed agent• - for the • Haissey-T-Iarris Cent- • pany in this district and :will keep on hand e, complete list" of supplies in my .sla5re.nopose ito the Molsons Bank. •• t am also continuing : tk se . dour, feed and seed grain bus- iness and respectfully selleit a continuance of Time Patron- age. J. A. Ford. • disease. 11 is especially adap4-41. children . as i pleasant ' take. and • -contains .% nothing injur104. A, ITtanplacys, it • well imown dent and elenk, in the atorr.l.of Mr, E.• Lock,' bi.-Aliee; .(ape %Colony,- 1-;, nth 'Africa, says : Y.1 1,tave usefe Chamber- laifi's ..Cetigh" Reniedy. to :wart', ,off. ,croup • and coltis in my 04,10111' 1 found' it, lo ht.! veiv. sat is faci qr.,: and it gives- me 'p'leasure';1,0 reetufniend it." •Ii'oe Sele by • W. llpinee, Clinton, Ont. . ' . • . . . . . • , • • ..• • The New York. (ehamber of Coninteee ce • has pronounced in favor ed ral bank for •. the. i:•••••,,,;:u-.,- of: tait'i•Lney ' _The •:iiiry 01 the Beekinghara itiqu(st reementel- a everdiet e0teleennime thw. z,t- rikers, the detectivee. and* MaC- litrens espeCially. Dr, kodrigue-ft,r complici•ty aud the bill- 'ing of.: I3...hinger and Theriault.: • • • CURE, FOR SORE NII'PLES • Ai; soup as -the, child. is e,one . ;Inn- ing, apply Chamberlain's SalVc.- , 'Wipe .11' oft With a soft '-loth before oliow- -in t1v child fo Many tilaineee nurses not; thi; with the price'25'e per holv... 11.' Holmes,' Clint•tm, Out_ .• • . • . . • • Do/tic/as c In II I orator • :. • . 13. At: Cre• tiler ' •'31otiereal, •-who • neeed,„ as , heir to a*, fortuno 'half ,a • million, which was, c>i: i1 4.i•ay •Girtnany, 'luts • confessed to the fratal . . tut(l is .noiv wit1r al`revt: , • . • IT .1.011'.1-1,1,...Y 1/1.:S l'I?•C)VS CArSE. • That's • ‘elly cat trrlt •is • la:variably Cured --by inhaling 'Tat arrimzone..;" 'The • hcaling • Neieor spr, al ; •evel'y 'part of- the bre:111141,g Ori14h. Gertns. iek tiseteei of „ the noee, —.. .. mts ao \iltg is . . real Irmin ; . • ,..,' , I li l'i' .t I. eallyr inflatnInalion. ‘4110t1: that. 0 0.4)4,0 0-4,,.0.104?...0 g>4•4+-04-0,40 4404).4* .1111 ill if.7 C r e as e your .1-7.0 I. ES,' . are ii:ri, . ar.(. hcaltel. 1)is....1,aygo...1:; _cit., ; . . . 4 4 • • •.$ a pir ,,,,,,, . ,• . • . ................ .•• : ,.,,,,,i . it war mut e4lIa,',."11 'b. C11111M :AK - . • c 1 11i11g of flit. :„,,,,st.. f -se cata.r.c....1- i; 1-A, .0 ,,,".1.,•:‘ ... 1 :„ ' ..,,,„ , ......... • • • • '''' •e'4'S'':i?.;o.,,,• ''''-'0ls, %:' eL.:j''4i..-'i...'...." , ...:,.;4....F..r17:,1i•07,1i. i,t,l,-.w.7.Y.3.:7.1.;!i,,Kr..,i•'?.v7.r".4.F.:!.')„/ : .. .gdO0e3,p.. .' 1II! . , •,.,),,,,,-I.I . . F-..t..i)- . ''.,.,.ca' l(l.I • i:..i:. l'ii,,.a,.1 : k.t. .v..: u.p-:: i• l. .,Pf,,l•; .,.li1i.' •'1 J1 ,.• 4'-'••...,1 .T• tuv... !gt;l, f.l:zu,:Se ,.'.2•'',,• 7 i;: an• t. i . ':.fit•..g1) li•aart.•, 1 ;fc1'\A1\• ' ;-10tStit'l; 1(11(11 (444 IIto tiliiof41Wre..e„.. .• • . *- 11_ 11 l'4,1,1 6 .. ' ., • c )4 0. • ' . .• . . 7-7,i.v lIhi 4 014m!Ibainvii v,1- .;, ','i!:17 . •r. li,•,;,.,1i,,v).„.„.11,.(nItt“iIwd;!iii,: ,- .. t.A!..01 station for the Ca 1....+'act 06w•-• ., It !• kut,'.:1;..'".:*•1- t .. '. .i t ‘t. " : -:1 1,*,..- v•.il. .. r , '..--.eeato, el .1-'1'en:ileti. 0 143 co t, 4, ..,: ;It ..1.,,•....•:.! ..:,•..,- .t.:;!. . . if '`fi..ir .:.., ..:1 ,.., ..., -- -4 • . • • • ., • . • • . I,. A cori3OTAi... ExvIT- • - •ATICY Ta IUSEAS.1.* This . :is . alt act tleSeription Of con- stipation, 'S -411' alma turat • condi t- ien to bcgiii 'with, and ir.; ntor, be - :cause. it . laringe aboen. bloott• Letericr•L ation„ interfere. W.1 042:!:,•1 fop,. rend- ers yell; it,fections CD.oit.S• and. e•ett...;es anaemia. Not -so • .. Muell a purgalivv.iui a .natura • st.ni- ulant to., Lite 'bowels 1; )pu ,You vetit in, Or.: l'familtoiOs .Pdls 1Vhic1inciTase liver activity, 'reStme.,the •bowels 'to vcrie-Zt. action .ond "••poS ti v'efy i!iire'evoirs" tine on a nd ;its" attendant- e'N'ilne'' Insist .ou nay.ino3 ,OnlY 1.)1.*."HaMiiton's Pitis of • 'gap- tlfalCe and. Ilet :15e hok al dealeys, . • • . . • , .• • • •. • • . • • • X: (leorgiatt aeronaut has 'a pat.r.ovv, escape. from dea,th t1irtnut,17••the leak- ing of one 01 Ma' halleen • , - • . • • AN •ENO IASI 1 A "II • "No shade', 140 , no • fruit, no ilowere, . leaves, ee. November Many. Arnerivans„ would adel no. free-, dont:. froin catarrh, whicheee so ag- ertevated: iluting. 11118 mon fh that • i t becomes tainSlantly troublesome.ilure is al)nntianl proOf. that- catarrh is . a constitutional clista,-;e. lt .:s retati..ft in .ncrofttia, anti constottn)tion, on,. of tho rya -cling tliseaseS:. Flood's has --howit ;hat ..Nyhat..1; 11110014 4)1 • (. 1 - :IV rnrrs ' I alcun hey, al -1: eineee r 4...ta put .111 4114M of . ' . -01 He fleeted , een,,,Heeto etre ite 4001141,,f11.... '"rf I "lee' iireat,ed ;1 art j •••• ';" • .1 • • • •• 41141 V:(1, f 1;%! 1 : .'.! '"-* . • 0 REV. A. SUTHERLAND, 0. 11. General eecretary of the IVIissionary •Society of the Method)* Oheroh. At pathetic figure in the Methodist conference at Montreal recently w t1 the venerable Rev. Alexander author - land, D.D., for nearly a third of a con- tury general secretary a the mission- ary society. Dr. Sutherland was fight- • Ing against a division of the work of the missionary branch. ' A. resolution Was offered—and finally prevailed ProPosing the appointment of two gen. eral secretaries, Who should, be of equal rank and Independent of each other. Dr. Sutherland. objected. lie felt OW he was being reduced in rank. He argued tor an executive bead in Case Of additional assistance, and he =Wed many delegates to tears When he Said, with. all the fervor at his command, • • nali. A, surnMILANO, • General Secretary of Canadian Methodist Missionary Society.). "Whatever the missionary society of ,the Methodist Church IS to -day, by God's help•I made it, and let no man rob me of my boasting." Dr, 'Sutherland was born in Guelph Township, on Sept, 17, 1833. He was Ordained when he was 26 and at the first general conference of the ilfetho- dist Church 0 Canada, held in Mont. real In 1874, was elected general sec-, retary of the missionary society, a , position he still holds. . No man in the Canadian church world is better known or better es- teemed, At hie advanced age he is still vigorous: and contemplates an early trip to the Chinese field. 201 the high- er honors of the denomination 'have been from time to time conferred upon 'him, and in national and international, ehurchecouncils he has invariably re- flected the dignity, influence and .strength of• the Methodist Church of Canada. His courteous acquiescence in the wishes of conference in the matter. of a division of missionary labor was -graceful, and will still greater endear him to those who' know how jealous- ly he regard§ the creation of •this- life's weeer. . • . . ON:', Peere aotneoCiX) ' Art.p.op!'!; inq .Ait,er the Uisj City's. Parke. , Gerdane.-.Showy Effecto, PAIrlh41111115es 'Cti.ntnlyat°"nottlinre''lloallrlitt(11.3111;e144, hy the :Office of Worke. In the law'u. etal year Sp. 1n tlardeo4 was reson,.. We for 103 open $raei s, havin4 lt t + • :ettent of nearly 5,1;00 acres, aml a pc:. lancnt outdoor stiff. 04900 men. .115 department the annual t-X/101m11.1•.' 'ras 'reached about •C123,000, and sh.t.. !le County Council was formed, 41 '1411 Yea,:s ago, It ir.ti spent rath r Ileira4nvictie,111Ilailla(Thli'ttleurrtintgo ;:ty's contribution nf 4100:000- a y''11 Avarchi tho maintenance, of 1,111:411; 13urnham 13eechc4, els ....here. It will thus be seen .that th atintenanee' of Lon(b)n' open sptc,-,,‘.• ileans an egg -Legate- ,exponse v..ry ye. .1 at least a quarter of a midian, ..,TopulsolivnTientntetii.s -given to nearly thre Inc of the showiest effects arc p -ttecd at a trifling cost% Thus ilfe Lon. ; 'ti county Council spends ol. el...., and for thi;:i sum obtain* no f .Inin 320,000 sp inn* flowers. are deliverZfl by the co:Ill.:let :. • Lb, end of September, and the to ,* p"lotting them Is at once Proce0I 7 .• 5. They represent 155 va tezies„ •ot one-half co:nil:tie Ityac'ntlis; ty' ' erocuSe4, Th•• :nest popul • • .rts .1 Lite • three clessts 1.; of the Blues, licizel's .41.1 1-!., f,argo Yellow.erocus: The to • al• m.ber of bulbs of all kinds planta • Po•tcrsen, Park alone exceeds 40,000 t • end af the summer the-annut.l. rethoved faurn the ground, cuttln tre isr-,n, from them *here theyL400, '• -r.,11. treatment, and the curpl..: are AlstribUted to schoe's ant -Ivc.Itliricietnepferrbiovtilldtvey nainu.ni:ebtaucallytatnr:: ..,.0 1, y.11 parks there aro largo pt ga!: v2,' grounds, where the ceedlin ,Novetnber 8th, 006 Aloa4NANOsInsoMONIJOY Itheumatisraimik Is one of the constitutionarw diseases ! in local aches and Pane, inflamed joints and stiff muscies,—but it cannot be cured by local applications. t requires constitutional treatment acting through the blood, and the best is a course of the great medicine./ Hood'sSarsaparilla which has permanently cured thousands oftaises. I For tostk000laki of rornarkokle Ind for Book on Rheumatism. No?. t. C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell. Mai& .1,41 elating:4 are carefully tended ch..1. l, 1(11111. out in the "spring. . therefore, contained in this column , has been fulfilled. ...ls th,?. winter months, in readimcc f 1 ',M. days when the geranium and 10.- The other bit of pews about the proied to iturn oVer 1191 - aro ,ver, and an enormous .varlety of. rrii(lonrgalitso hthise Prince of Wales. The lat- ter -IS fond of Balmoral, and frequertili visits it for the' sake of salmon fish- . . 0...14,eolarke, represented the extent of th ! iltagination of the public gardene• 5 PI alc is now raised,- with the resn't Ms', w.hich is .excellent there, More - That Turf Story and Project For me. posal of Sahnkral. Two pieces of news, writes the Marquise de Fontenoy, concerning King Edward are likely te prove of In- terest, The one is the issue.of a denial by his private secretary, Lord Knollys, of the story widely printed to the effect that, be was about to retire from. ' turf. Lord Knollys' letter is dated from Buckingham P.aliste, July 14. men- tioned, a, couple of weeks ago, in call- , ing attention to the new pOlicY inaug- urated by the jockey club at its recent +meeting, that the King's success in at length defeating the reaetionarY elo- rnent •01 the club would be likely .to alloditY any intention he may have en- tertained at One moment of withdraw- • ing from the turf, intentions Ithat have been widely discassed In the press, both at home and abroad, The prediction. *at London's gardens may compar- wf.lt any in Eupope. For many a year wonderful SliONV seen along Pan I.:. I.e. and round the Serpentine has beet) sed to a 'erg% extent !ander the-tha+,. of Kensington Palace, in the -r enhauses,. -of which the chief was 0!anned• out by Sir Chrtittopher Wren. Ilut Lord Windsor b now .spendine C12,000 upon newframe grounds nem• *he Magazine, where the Coaching club,: ioeet in the season. An Interesting feature of the Ken4:. ngton hal-Ile-ground is the hospital. Jn the eariy winter this Is crowded with !animas, plantains, .palmettas, an palms, and other subetropical Plants, which,' in the early summer; are irought'put the open and give unction cettain corners of Park. or to the forecourC.of ',the ..Nra- tional Onn,sry, . . Another important department con- 's'•Its• of; the cuivenienceS. for.boultri., .S,neo itte beginning of the :Conite*y the , Lention- 0611114' Council have taken Moreover, the family of :the • Prince . and Princess of Wales has now become .. ,,r, ‘‘,',' !", i t : i.),S*0 gi,:::Itt.if 1,et,:rionfur.goniiii(i. talitholyo,mieltioal:.. jet.,,it..eact:-0:_i. , .,ttehoe , linui;itieia,rnoctitsh!)lonre ''intielleTielivdtaes Cpc69uttlal.. . '. on f have In 0 1 : ,.,..• 11+,erly charge to, the nimble slx- . their •disposal :at ..th)) time of their 1, n + , and have .pilt a couple of motor. marriage. ,They need a, bigger estab- - .• ..1.1,,.- :nto. ,,ilrryknIsoolcon, witil. n charge .: -byitlinient, and a.s:Eatir, Edival'il cannot, the ternik of hjs mother's will, sell • -.,- •iiilt; ,,,•1.1111t)-1,1',..,;;;cuacnifleIr*o-,Jiti,;;i.;,..i.-riTilca.,,ptlilliriiin•c;.tii, . •Batii-Mral, Or., tearisf er It to.,the Govern.- ; Ment, at lie.tlid in the case of Osborne.. f•I'..1. ;•,-1-. :1'i:riling' the ,.roU,-bont's wm he (now used as a e.-involepeent home tor. ',„,-;• ,:.1,,,,ii:...1.,:.......,..:1.,....,),;:,:c11,0,;21,t101:ainii4(11.:1,..,liesentrtan.,111:1.1::),:).ittilklit1.11.11.1s,: .nnap.NI:aait:a'acria'cdio,11.3,1!)ins. I's oftleerE, and O.,S a 4...... ,'...-.1•!....;; the w.inte.r. ' . ' oyer -to .his..only son, Whose Presence • he propOses. to turn. It , there with, his 'wife anti ehilaren.during . ..• 1,..,!..1'1)..+1.!,"•,..0a1 :1.,.,,:font-401!)1Yk,:itoti.er.sr 1,:).•);111:1.111strif.e..oecoretit,.:...... . .a. part- o'f .the-yeP.r, will relieve, in a . mea.stire; ,'the .1cinr, Elvin the ill -will.' . -,,,t? ,r+1, 1'66 i ,4111y, : TI,1,, bl.v.i.iiino,•.: • Which .be•'w*Micl arouse north 'of the ' .• ‘.., g...oundi liav+,! 1,,}ix+ mthie, rcadV, the Tweed were he, after deserting Bal- • , ...ants,..s•van-,.. and t'10-4 11"0 gre'o....isrdlin-• d(t- ! r. r,......ion : f• Widgeon , nd cornier,: ' , moral, to shut it up as a source of usel • less expente:'. . 1' by r! ' .,,,,vst.,..,M 1>4' OXE'l)artgo arta .- . ' .. .-. -.' . pur111180, alai. Ow . . J -+Pee 1 a 1 .0 t t en t ion el ni. in;k11-1:7'ig),:lt. '-' 1•Zys'c',.'elc‘i.1.", ' ; At ' a. lit:li'tgAr7esCi�!b,Sp.seoenci",' :•ii'0,-0.,.. . : . -. .-• thE! restill. being the:Yu:he lalte .11f,,,..ef and poets ..discussed figures of Spe.edh. ' . the' parks is hrought up to a pitch of . ."A. Striking' figure of speech," jai 4 Perfection. : • • • — • • - • • .. sonneteer, "came from' tbe ',Pen of an . over, the climate agrees with.him, and with.. his wife and children, ,quite as much as it did with the late Queen Victoria. On the other hand, the elt- mate does not suit the :Nealtli either of. the King or of the present queen, When • Queen Alexandra goes to Scotland she usually* stays, not at Balmoral, but at •Mar lodge, with the Duke and Duchess of Fife, which to her is much more con- • genial and comfortable. King Edward finds Balmoral not ' ..only bleak and damp, but, above all, gloomy . and lonely, and now that he . can no longer Indulge 4n, the fatigtiing dee.rstalking expeditions of which he was formerly' so -fond, time hang -s rather • 'heavily .on his hands at Balmoral, and he remains there for as short a thne 4,1 Passible, In faat, • I., do not -.suppose he • • has lived there mOre than three' weeks in the, year since he has- been on the' - .throne. • He 'prefers Sandringham, . 'Windsor, London; and places abroad. 14 4'1 4;. 9 Always have a bottle With. . you. 25c.• at all dealers. Try Hirst's Little Liver. ^ A perfect after-dinner 47 pill:, Wilt a,4sist diaestion. • Ask your dealer or send us. 25c. • .A. handsome souvenir • card free. • THE CALLEY CO., Limittod •µ- Hamilton, Ont. • wa - .Rrecidents . will Happera;. But you .'ar,2,.prepared for them. beforehand, they are soon mended.. .Bruises, Wrenches, Neuralgia, Wailes : and Strains. yield instantly. Pairz Extermitzator • , .• one ..mitc'eien to a. wK. • 'A cei-riveratlye. kitchen in tho mintfie of every block to servo all the rest - dents • of .that block is the latest seine • tion offered -every housekeeper, ,says New York 'eorrespontlent •of . the Pitts. burg 'Dispateh,- •The.plati.seema fenSible- lir: view Of the ..faCt ' 010 the .1 -few Art • club •stadibs. have a •kitchen' in common' tor the usOof a'stnall.army of •studenta , Who: occupy bachelor 'apartments. It t owl Suggested e ettonaists that , it large kitchen be °She. eled every ' lilock and that tho Place be under the' .directiOn of - chef,- with :several its-; • , , . . Many sel.res c . .atterulantS devete amatenr,• the pen of Gordon Curriming, thernselve3 to ,the taSk of preparing the 'the rich English explorer. Gordon ' cricket pitelleri, which.. naturally reqUil.e Cumming. aescribed a, trcipical jtingle• • 0. good .Cleal.of attention- after the bard •• as 'a forest ot.fishho.oks, 'relieved l.,)Y'an • ..• , .3),-orle- "the; football season. This IS' oecailonal. :patch • of penItnIVes.' • Not • : .+- :another ------------ice it• say that' • badi eh?" , . ) . Sprino• Gardens ravidee moretlian 30.0 'Not at all bad,'i said -a novelist of. reserved pitches, upon wl'ilch 14,000 the histerical, • or "knee -pant''' scheol. - • matehe6'ire jilayed cItirtrig,the istipmer. • "A figute Still another biariell' of activity cOm- us.ed.in. Gpy • • • have always remembered is • , . de "aamPassant's 'Bel Aini? ' .. -- ... prises the 'arratigernerits •for • the, tanda. Naupassant, in describing it woman'sr•• • .. . . ,o1 mimic, which cost --the London Coun-. painted face, says ,that her red mouth cil. upwards of &Mum everY season. resembled it wound. 1.thought that fig- .. The lirat duty of the Muilcal direetoras : ure a stroke of genius till.I rad- In Bal-, . ' ...the spring opines round is to listert•to za.c. that a certain lady's mouth Was' .' ; . the bands- 'who offer -themselves to • like. a, wound. •GeOrge Meore,• by the * .. I emulate the,work. of the Council's own way,: says ln qgnes Laheris' that the _ . bands. The selected Ones must submit: painted ,•)noutly.of Agnet. Mother •was . their. repertories, to hts experienced like. a WoUnd, too." . illdgment, and the Prograni tor each of • ‘`..l.rniles and comparisons,'" said. an •Jthe 1,200 performers bas to -Pass the eleglae poet, "take best If they are al- " . • Scrutiny of the authorities before it is literative. Consider the popular - eon). - printed. .. . Parisens a 100 day, -how alliterative - „ ... they are -'as' plump as a • partridge • . • . • Archdeacon Coney, speaking at the 'as good as gold,' 'at large as life,' as blind as bat.' dat as a tionntlee. Spiritualists' • 0/invention at -South- an,c,ls.s.cps3f:oeni..n". journalists often, hit up)11 original figures," said a. realist. "It was a Western journalist who wrote place, vold, seowl-strunges stories of n. gm:Tahiti. sp•irit whiCh had amity times hofilentleit mt unify • officer. , . re,astoriotlly• Jnniel-4a -'1 itself 141. tin+ • 6,:1411;+ n. clov,.. 0,1 fennd tr• :,•1" hour' c"...fe 41! 44 10...1 • .1 • , ‘, • ,,1 41•1,;,- 1,2' 411,11o, loolted-ns r,lo-,1113,.11.5 it he had swat. 11. 1.1 : ...0.-:)..144,14 ••• .•"-• -• .• • • . p; . •(.1 t seented dazed and confused, like ,n.10bster, awakening frilon a nightmare,. 1- Ire 'was a tali ma.n,and stepped ati high. tl..%•fL win,' dog 14 a wheat field. As for • his voice, it was rasping and shrill, like . a crowbar falling 011 a tin•roof, Though. lowed -a. heat and pair of hlack horses; he ney.led tOsistance no more than a • 111," 71' .4• '14 • •sisttints. - The, 10t1 ('11124, - could. • take' t ..1; • •, 1:„4,,, ;1.1 het food there to ine•coolted,. thus SIM- . Ing the price Of .f.'nel and keeping the , -lenge • free: frpin. the .0tier' of -cookery,.. and in' mon Y. ert0:0,), 11 Wil 0.10,,, (101)1 of tlyspepAa 104111.1) and pepsin, + " • • ••• • • • rz_ . V "•,. N • • • • , . • .1 • , . • i , ,,., . 1. '111; e e ) ',.: i. S . !,:. "."-/;- ;,... ' ',.. '3 Co .+' '•-• I: ..:,.' , ....,_ . • - '1.1.+1‘ 111,j4t,1 1 1:•+e?, -,ti 0'1 1,-t '0-1,p**.•; al'l 6 ' : .,./..{1:1;P:.1'-;!,) • • . ,o. :• .. II 1 . , l+ ,.,;. .1'.•+ '1. et'31) r; '• J,'. •' ++, • ..., .,::. +,,,,,..., , + ..,.,.....• ,T e; -, ,e, •,e,-; for: ii•o ,..;r4•:::, dere..1-e• ()f le-, 111.1,e : -el . lee j'eeo.",i'i'... • . es0 .. , Mi ::.: ; efeee: e, :•'-e;;, the e.: • ...:, .... - ' ,,. ,1 ' r, .. Di:15,e,.f. l'..)' " '','4'..!:','''' -2. :•'''' ''' :•'.: t...%,....3,y• A A ' • A • 4 4 '4 , ' , ! : A 1. '•::: . i. 1' i '. S4 . ' • ' . . 4 . ; : 1 4 ' 1 A1 ' ' • : ; i '1. 'i ' *: ' :1 ' II: 'li ' ' ' ' : ' ''' : : :.' 1 ' : . ':' ( : : ; ; : . .1 ''''' :: : 1 .1:' .: ; :,': . . ' :f. : ,..!') 1.1' . .:1?j::.,4::.,.).1,1. 71.',...!;).:•!.1,;A:AL:If..:A: ir'i;:7 , ,,..Ar " :1. Al': !14.. . .....A 4 6.:4..:k1, I:: Al! '', 'A.' 4;0.. 4; ,,.i,g;441;... il71,2, ts;.','.4.;;•'; • t')... ' n, 4 AA • • • • .• '• 4 . ... , . • Ill( ; 411 t q ,..• ; . . ; I,. .4,, A ,A., , A. ....„;,,,,,.„ An ' 44 C, A • ; . .. (1Z) • . • .: ' ". 4` . . ti '... !: ''.1 . .• , ' • ' 4 d','''.) • 1• 4,.:'.'' 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I Nk vi• 4'; 401 4., . 0 . vie e• *ii..-. ,e,:::::. • 1, . . .0. ) .: ' . .. •.. . . .: , ,., kii 4 . . . VS5rOt444201-...i.- i" ‘1,i'41eVg V46.14A g ' GREATE.W.CoMEOPX:. ...,,ot. ,.... by 14I t.ellEft OriOmitrot,IMITER. 'contr./QOM (,11ARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE,GfNUINE,4 'FOAMY PE4150t•VreOr....tiPfeOlLr4sT .0'- FREENtoliA01,44-TERATI PH AL 1. DEALERaoss 1.113 5f1APCGINTAlti... A NY Fcifitd Cif EI.4.4T4ORIZgO TO RETURN PURcionSE MONEY AD1.1M4/4.Te04-i v•I.JMOIvER Oil CONVAIN$MiYettjutoepoSCee$1.00 To mown FirotmiG enuSE FOR COMPLMNI. :4 Pk! 1.1$.1 1.,I; - - - - - --- Your Mosey Refoodoti • by the dottier ' from whom you buy Sun- light Soap if you ilea any on.use for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is hest whenused in the Sunlight way, $5,000 reward witi be paid to Any person who proves that gunliOtEtoap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. 5C• Buy it and follow directions. 5C• Lever Bel:Alva:a Lttnieetni. Toroaato time*" ,E3 it( )1( r3; TBE LEADING . . . • COMME/tOIAL SCHOOL )ti • • r. • ,44,:14x,,, STRATFORD. ONT. , . * This school is recognized # # to ibe ono of the best COM- incecial .schools in. Amer- • ele• +.( ica. Yon can safely judge a school by the aliplicat- el( ions it received. This term we received applications • from firms in six large Am- ?$;'- ettican cities and from far W. more towns and citiei of A :Canada including' Sa,sita-• ?V tome, Sask.. on the West • and Charlottetown, R. F. I. + on the East. Our reputatt- 4; ion means much for - one Ellictt &..McLachlao, . Prineinals. ' • W: dortain %result's and leivine had - ?1,E. graduates. 'Write tor our catalogue. . The Lake Carriere.' Association lieS protested against • the poos at Peril Colborne. GOOD' CORN SHELLER FOR • 26c. A marvel of efficacy and prompt- ness, a reined' that does came corns and, warts. Its ne.me 14 Putnam's ,Cora Extractor. Coni!rains no acids, never pains, giving lasting satisfact- ion. Insist 011 "I'Lt"am's" ft'S the best. • • A Buffalo syndicat.e is proposing to .construct a modern summer resort at Crystal Beach. • . . •KING OF ALL ' • ,• COUGH MEDIONES., ,`AS •. Mr, E. a. Case, a mail earlik.;.- Of • Canton Center, Com., who has been .the $ Service for about sixt- een years,. • says "We hale?, teied many cough medicines for croup. but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy h 'king of all an.0 one to be relied %1Pcin eve- •ry time. ' We . also . find' it 11.e best remedy for ceughS2 and coltle ving, THE YOUTIVS COMPANIOINN 1000.1 Bileans . oman'a The Youth's Cowl/anion unman:0i moug the attractions ot its 52 iss- tiee: in 1907 GRATEFUL WIVES AND MOTH - Two Hundred ERS TESTIFY tr0 THEIR, prattical papers, serviceable to young VALUE. people who have their way to make in the world, helpful in their inStS- tence on:worthy ideals hi every re- lation of life, Litelui in the home— particularly the regular series, "Till the Doctor Conies." Two .Ilunthml and Fifty capital stories—hunioroUS Storico,clar- actor stories, stories of life on the .farm, in the great cities!, on tilt sea, in the wiliferness. Among them will be Five Stories by five Com- •panion favorities ; Hamlin Garland, Meline Knapp, Ralph. Barbour, Geace Richmond and Minion F. Day. There will be .0 series, also, Lased upon incidents in, American, history, illus- trative of life, and times in America from the. first colonial planting to the close of -the Civil War. Ono Thousand short notes giving chacisely, clearly • and accurately .the • important news of the times in public. affairs, • and in the fields of science. and industry. • . Three Hundred contributors giving assurance that every need and every taste .aniong Coahpaniou readers will be satislied. Governor Folk . Missouri, Etiv.eied Everett Hale, Margaret Deland, Col. T. W. Higginson, Commander Eva Booth of the Salvation Army, Gen. A. W. Greely and Ion Perdiearis are among them. • ' Two Thousand • • one -minute stories, anectrotes, bits of huinor-sketches Which. take net more than 4' minute to read. ;ley are always new, always. well • told, and in ,grett.t quest by preaehers 311(1 af ter - (Ulmer speakers: Bile= have been called "a. wont- AO'S medicine" because of i.heir ex- ceptional fitness for the, various. ail- ments. peculiar to the sex, as, well as Io r the liver disorders and stomach : ailments generally. Unlike MOSt lIV- er and stomach medicines, Bileans • contain no bismuth, mercury or anYe .mineral whatever. From coating to . kernel they are purely vegetable. Mrs. J, Whitfield, of Swan Lake, (Nlan-), •SayS :—"Bileaus • have done me a wonderful- amount .ot good. I can .hardly -describe how bad 1 fat before 1 look them: I -could not eat but that a caused pain. Them was a constant sensation of tightness in my side, and my 'liver Was entirtly out of order. could not siPep at nights, suffered also from. kidncy trouble, and was altogether 10 a flill- dowk and very serious condition. I had been ailing 'tideway for years avid it is gratifying to find. that, .1311 - cans were equal to my ease." Mrs. Wm. Hall, of Dean Lake, Says' -"I ha* proved Means very good for constipation, from which I suit- ered a great deal. They eured me.'" • Mrs. J. H. Thompson, of leleveland Park, says.:—"For irregularities and. painful periods I can highly recom- mend Biteans. They proved •a great blessing to me restoted inc o .health when, Y. had become very iU and Very despondent " •. Bileame are absolutely unequalled, for female aliments and irregulatitieS, constinationi piles, anaemia, •debility, rheumatism, . blood .i•mpuritie,s, • etc.:. They tone up the syStein and 'enable A full Announcement of the vew it to; throw off colds and ste 'Voittriie 'will• be sent with, sample cope rengthen • girls ;lust emerging int() les of the paper to. any -addreiis ..en. womanhood,. and speedily restore en - request.. The new etibseriber for 1S07 ergy and streegth to those who are who .sends $1 75 f•or the new voltime rundown,. 'Of all druggists at ;100 at Oyer will receive free. all the le- box, or post free from the Mean niaining issues for 19.06, ineluding the. Co•., Toronoto, on receipt ot price. Demble TIolidaY Numbers ; also The 6 boke-s 'for $250. - • • - Ccimpanion's Four -Leaf •Ilanginee Cal- endar: feet 1007e li thographed tWelve Colors- and -gold.. • . • • Subiieribers who get , new. eubscript- IT. 1/0..E8 CCItp: \\*01NIANI4V. .Ons will i'eceiVe $10,3941.0u in- cash "I; lea it. my duty". writes S, Mead and many Other s-pecial awardS, Send, of • FraserviW," ()tit., "'le-, let. you. or intermit tion ." • know 'that sometimes. preViOUS' LO. the • • change - of: life. I terL u.orc • thaw TIM- YOUTH'S I could . NeighbOrs- told. Mc „Fee - 111 Berkeley SW:iv ti C07-0110• tilt only remedy and their • . advice was good. FerrOzone -put . a• • . 1 • • • . • . •• stop. to •ray pain and *knees, tind • • • • • •••. • •• • .• • °dile:et action Gn My teoubles that . • • The, British :eat'restelt:Itaq 'been with-. relieved front .the start,. ,sately .Pase - • ;easier- from the .l...41atal elleictta .* ' sea' the Wrn., and.. nON.1' &ley. :perfect. 4:* CD0,4,1eti4:1€4aW:e(3er,t0401:0tel0iCi s,ile by W.% IZ 1 Rd- t mes, Clint(in, Ont. • • • • • • • • mid rest • No woinauly ••• • • eine van :be bettor 'thaa..Yerrozone.” W.1T1.7.11 CUIZE FOR . , Instant relief is- found it Verrozonc (-1)..-";ST I P Al' N .1 for felnale weaki s 1 cry hind, ; • .11a1; . pint, of hot -,vatcr tat pa box el .t1e,a4,1•,•;.. • • . • before bealci..vetwill usually! . . . • 'WE SORtEN ' 'Cliarlei.; N. Illiitney has been arresie N. ed in Chicago on a charge- of swinde 0 UC OAL ling! to the. eNteni. .5:1,00(h0nee •• The Best Coal. in the Market, is '" • , ' the L. & Vf: Scranton Coal- for which IN : . l'am sole agent. 1 also have in stock) •iti.l.w.;•by• I Soft and Cannel Coal. • An °rater is • • • • • •.• • • ;.eep• the bowel:. Teettleee 1 latih vath- ! . • Should be • avoided:. Wien. •a . : mrgative •A suit is about, lo Ite eitt..r.al.. itt nin Stothavh at: 1 Liver 7:"..ablets. •Michiga,a • tu compel tbe Grand Truei: 'hey •:arie.lililti titC:leetel it,1,141: :ate Railway- 10 reductie paeseng;.:r.• faree Ft»! bY V, . A, .1 It:Imes,. • t , valets- a 'int lee • •-: • !: . :Clinton, Out. 1- • - . • . .• .•• • ,• . ''•-• • 'nI er metliiine • it Mitt - respectfully solicited" and will receive There is o ota prompt attention. All : our . *coal is ) Tactiurtil that Ims. received so mu.:11 pr9e .. and no , alloy exrres:Jions• of screened before being.sent•out. to our, customers. Oflioe opposite the G T gratttude. 0 '1mathber1iiii- • Cough. R. station or orders may .be left SA: liP.ne(13% -11 is effective, and si Mpt re:141.40110m, its use. - Grateful -pare the store . of i-larland Broe.• Who are• I elite e1`efywhere, do not 'heSfrate authoriseel to receive p.ityment • Of .ac- - ' teiitify to •fts *mt;ri-is: for t 1 leel'elit :Counts. ••• .. of othere..:It' 'is a pertain c: -O. r01: . JAMES tiArilLTON. croup and UIpx event%ftack. , • , giten a:t- the ,first •apPearance, of • Phone 52. • • • • NIGNI chili° have -been :appointed agent• - for the • Haissey-T-Iarris Cent- • pany in this district and :will keep on hand e, complete list" of supplies in my .sla5re.nopose ito the Molsons Bank. •• t am also continuing : tk se . dour, feed and seed grain bus- iness and respectfully selleit a continuance of Time Patron- age. J. A. Ford. • disease. 11 is especially adap4-41. children . as i pleasant ' take. and • -contains .% nothing injur104. A, ITtanplacys, it • well imown dent and elenk, in the atorr.l.of Mr, E.• Lock,' bi.-Aliee; .(ape %Colony,- 1-;, nth 'Africa, says : Y.1 1,tave usefe Chamber- laifi's ..Cetigh" Reniedy. to :wart', ,off. ,croup • and coltis in my 04,10111' 1 found' it, lo ht.! veiv. sat is faci qr.,: and it gives- me 'p'leasure';1,0 reetufniend it." •Ii'oe Sele by • W. llpinee, Clinton, Ont. . ' . • . . . . . • , • • ..• • The New York. (ehamber of Coninteee ce • has pronounced in favor ed ral bank for •. the. i:•••••,,,;:u-.,- of: tait'i•Lney ' _The •:iiiry 01 the Beekinghara itiqu(st reementel- a everdiet e0teleennime thw. z,t- rikers, the detectivee. and* MaC- litrens espeCially. Dr, kodrigue-ft,r complici•ty aud the bill- 'ing of.: I3...hinger and Theriault.: • • • CURE, FOR SORE NII'PLES • Ai; soup as -the, child. is e,one . ;Inn- ing, apply Chamberlain's SalVc.- , 'Wipe .11' oft With a soft '-loth before oliow- -in t1v child fo Many tilaineee nurses not; thi; with the price'25'e per holv... 11.' Holmes,' Clint•tm, Out_ .• • . • . . • • Do/tic/as c In II I orator • :. • . 13. At: Cre• tiler ' •'31otiereal, •-who • neeed,„ as , heir to a*, fortuno 'half ,a • million, which was, c>i: i1 4.i•ay •Girtnany, 'luts • confessed to the fratal . . tut(l is .noiv wit1r al`revt: , • . • IT .1.011'.1-1,1,...Y 1/1.:S l'I?•C)VS CArSE. • That's • ‘elly cat trrlt •is • la:variably Cured --by inhaling 'Tat arrimzone..;" 'The • hcaling • Neieor spr, al ; •evel'y 'part of- the bre:111141,g Ori14h. Gertns. iek tiseteei of „ the noee, —.. .. mts ao \iltg is . . real Irmin ; . • ,..,' , I li l'i' .t I. eallyr inflatnInalion. ‘4110t1: that. 0 0.4)4,0 0-4,,.0.104?...0 g>4•4+-04-0,40 4404).4* .1111 ill if.7 C r e as e your .1-7.0 I. ES,' . are ii:ri, . ar.(. hcaltel. 1)is....1,aygo...1:; _cit., ; . . . 4 4 • • •.$ a pir ,,,,,,, . ,• . • . ................ .•• : ,.,,,,,i . it war mut e4lIa,',."11 'b. C11111M :AK - . • c 1 11i11g of flit. :„,,,,st.. f -se cata.r.c....1- i; 1-A, .0 ,,,".1.,•:‘ ... 1 :„ ' ..,,,„ , ......... • • • • '''' •e'4'S'':i?.;o.,,,• ''''-'0ls, %:' eL.:j''4i..-'i...'...." , ...:,.;4....F..r17:,1i•07,1i. i,t,l,-.w.7.Y.3.:7.1.;!i,,Kr..,i•'?.v7.r".4.F.:!.')„/ : .. .gdO0e3,p.. .' 1II! . , •,.,),,,,,-I.I . . F-..t..i)- . ''.,.,.ca' l(l.I • i:..i:. l'ii,,.a,.1 : k.t. .v..: u.p-:: i• l. .,Pf,,l•; .,.li1i.' •'1 J1 ,.• 4'-'••...,1 .T• tuv... !gt;l, f.l:zu,:Se ,.'.2•'',,• 7 i;: an• t. i . ':.fit•..g1) li•aart.•, 1 ;fc1'\A1\• ' ;-10tStit'l; 1(11(11 (444 IIto tiliiof41Wre..e„.. .• • . *- 11_ 11 l'4,1,1 6 .. ' ., • c )4 0. • ' . .• . . 7-7,i.v lIhi 4 014m!Ibainvii v,1- .;, ','i!:17 . •r. li,•,;,.,1i,,v).„.„.11,.(nItt“iIwd;!iii,: ,- .. t.A!..01 station for the Ca 1....+'act 06w•-• ., It !• kut,'.:1;..'".:*•1- t .. '. .i t ‘t. " : -:1 1,*,..- v•.il. .. r , '..--.eeato, el .1-'1'en:ileti. 0 143 co t, 4, ..,: ;It ..1.,,•....•:.! ..:,•..,- .t.:;!. . . if '`fi..ir .:.., ..:1 ,.., ..., -- -4 • . • • • ., • . • • . I,. A cori3OTAi... ExvIT- • - •ATICY Ta IUSEAS.1.* This . :is . alt act tleSeription Of con- stipation, 'S -411' alma turat • condi t- ien to bcgiii 'with, and ir.; ntor, be - :cause. it . laringe aboen. bloott• Letericr•L ation„ interfere. W.1 042:!:,•1 fop,. rend- ers yell; it,fections CD.oit.S• and. e•ett...;es anaemia. Not -so • .. Muell a purgalivv.iui a .natura • st.ni- ulant to., Lite 'bowels 1; )pu ,You vetit in, Or.: l'familtoiOs .Pdls 1Vhic1inciTase liver activity, 'reStme.,the •bowels 'to vcrie-Zt. action .ond "••poS ti v'efy i!iire'evoirs" tine on a nd ;its" attendant- e'N'ilne'' Insist .ou nay.ino3 ,OnlY 1.)1.*."HaMiiton's Pitis of • 'gap- tlfalCe and. Ilet :15e hok al dealeys, . • • . . • , .• • • •. • • . • • • X: (leorgiatt aeronaut has 'a pat.r.ovv, escape. from dea,th t1irtnut,17••the leak- ing of one 01 Ma' halleen • , - • . • • AN •ENO IASI 1 A "II • "No shade', 140 , no • fruit, no ilowere, . leaves, ee. November Many. Arnerivans„ would adel no. free-, dont:. froin catarrh, whicheee so ag- ertevated: iluting. 11118 mon fh that • i t becomes tainSlantly troublesome.ilure is al)nntianl proOf. that- catarrh is . a constitutional clista,-;e. lt .:s retati..ft in .ncrofttia, anti constottn)tion, on,. of tho rya -cling tliseaseS:. Flood's has --howit ;hat ..Nyhat..1; 11110014 4)1 • (. 1 - :IV rnrrs ' I alcun hey, al -1: eineee r 4...ta put .111 4114M of . ' . -01 He fleeted , een,,,Heeto etre ite 4001141,,f11.... '"rf I "lee' iireat,ed ;1 art j •••• ';" • .1 • • • •• 41141 V:(1, f 1;%! 1 : .'.! '"-* . • 0 REV. A. SUTHERLAND, 0. 11. General eecretary of the IVIissionary •Society of the Method)* Oheroh. At pathetic figure in the Methodist conference at Montreal recently w t1 the venerable Rev. Alexander author - land, D.D., for nearly a third of a con- tury general secretary a the mission- ary society. Dr. Sutherland was fight- • Ing against a division of the work of the missionary branch. ' A. resolution Was offered—and finally prevailed ProPosing the appointment of two gen. eral secretaries, Who should, be of equal rank and Independent of each other. Dr. Sutherland. objected. lie felt OW he was being reduced in rank. He argued tor an executive bead in Case Of additional assistance, and he =Wed many delegates to tears When he Said, with. all the fervor at his command, • • nali. A, surnMILANO, • General Secretary of Canadian Methodist Missionary Society.). "Whatever the missionary society of ,the Methodist Church IS to -day, by God's help•I made it, and let no man rob me of my boasting." Dr, 'Sutherland was born in Guelph Township, on Sept, 17, 1833. He was Ordained when he was 26 and at the first general conference of the ilfetho- dist Church 0 Canada, held in Mont. real In 1874, was elected general sec-, retary of the missionary society, a , position he still holds. . No man in the Canadian church world is better known or better es- teemed, At hie advanced age he is still vigorous: and contemplates an early trip to the Chinese field. 201 the high- er honors of the denomination 'have been from time to time conferred upon 'him, and in national and international, ehurchecouncils he has invariably re- flected the dignity, influence and .strength of• the Methodist Church of Canada. His courteous acquiescence in the wishes of conference in the matter. of a division of missionary labor was -graceful, and will still greater endear him to those who' know how jealous- ly he regard§ the creation of •this- life's weeer. . • . . ON:', Peere aotneoCiX) ' Art.p.op!'!; inq .Ait,er the Uisj City's. Parke. , Gerdane.-.Showy Effecto, PAIrlh41111115es 'Cti.ntnlyat°"nottlinre''lloallrlitt(11.3111;e144, hy the :Office of Worke. In the law'u. etal year Sp. 1n tlardeo4 was reson,.. We for 103 open $raei s, havin4 lt t + • :ettent of nearly 5,1;00 acres, aml a pc:. lancnt outdoor stiff. 04900 men. .115 department the annual t-X/101m11.1•.' 'ras 'reached about •C123,000, and sh.t.. !le County Council was formed, 41 '1411 Yea,:s ago, It ir.ti spent rath r Ileira4nvictie,111Ilailla(Thli'ttleurrtintgo ;:ty's contribution nf 4100:000- a y''11 Avarchi tho maintenance, of 1,111:411; 13urnham 13eechc4, els ....here. It will thus be seen .that th atintenanee' of Lon(b)n' open sptc,-,,‘.• ileans an egg -Legate- ,exponse v..ry ye. .1 at least a quarter of a midian, ..,TopulsolivnTientntetii.s -given to nearly thre Inc of the showiest effects arc p -ttecd at a trifling cost% Thus ilfe Lon. ; 'ti county Council spends ol. el...., and for thi;:i sum obtain* no f .Inin 320,000 sp inn* flowers. are deliverZfl by the co:Ill.:let :. • Lb, end of September, and the to ,* p"lotting them Is at once Proce0I 7 .• 5. They represent 155 va tezies„ •ot one-half co:nil:tie Ityac'ntlis; ty' ' erocuSe4, Th•• :nest popul • • .rts .1 Lite • three clessts 1.; of the Blues, licizel's .41.1 1-!., f,argo Yellow.erocus: The to • al• m.ber of bulbs of all kinds planta • Po•tcrsen, Park alone exceeds 40,000 t • end af the summer the-annut.l. rethoved faurn the ground, cuttln tre isr-,n, from them *here theyL400, '• -r.,11. treatment, and the curpl..: are AlstribUted to schoe's ant -Ivc.Itliricietnepferrbiovtilldtvey nainu.ni:ebtaucallytatnr:: ..,.0 1, y.11 parks there aro largo pt ga!: v2,' grounds, where the ceedlin ,Novetnber 8th, 006 Aloa4NANOsInsoMONIJOY Itheumatisraimik Is one of the constitutionarw diseases ! in local aches and Pane, inflamed joints and stiff muscies,—but it cannot be cured by local applications. t requires constitutional treatment acting through the blood, and the best is a course of the great medicine./ Hood'sSarsaparilla which has permanently cured thousands oftaises. I For tostk000laki of rornarkokle Ind for Book on Rheumatism. No?. t. C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell. Mai& .1,41 elating:4 are carefully tended ch..1. l, 1(11111. out in the "spring. . therefore, contained in this column , has been fulfilled. ...ls th,?. winter months, in readimcc f 1 ',M. days when the geranium and 10.- The other bit of pews about the proied to iturn oVer 1191 - aro ,ver, and an enormous .varlety of. rrii(lonrgalitso hthise Prince of Wales. The lat- ter -IS fond of Balmoral, and frequertili visits it for the' sake of salmon fish- . . 0...14,eolarke, represented the extent of th ! iltagination of the public gardene• 5 PI alc is now raised,- with the resn't Ms', w.hich is .excellent there, More - That Turf Story and Project For me. posal of Sahnkral. Two pieces of news, writes the Marquise de Fontenoy, concerning King Edward are likely te prove of In- terest, The one is the issue.of a denial by his private secretary, Lord Knollys, of the story widely printed to the effect that, be was about to retire from. ' turf. Lord Knollys' letter is dated from Buckingham P.aliste, July 14. men- tioned, a, couple of weeks ago, in call- , ing attention to the new pOlicY inaug- urated by the jockey club at its recent +meeting, that the King's success in at length defeating the reaetionarY elo- rnent •01 the club would be likely .to alloditY any intention he may have en- tertained at One moment of withdraw- • ing from the turf, intentions Ithat have been widely discassed In the press, both at home and abroad, The prediction. *at London's gardens may compar- wf.lt any in Eupope. For many a year wonderful SliONV seen along Pan I.:. I.e. and round the Serpentine has beet) sed to a 'erg% extent !ander the-tha+,. of Kensington Palace, in the -r enhauses,. -of which the chief was 0!anned• out by Sir Chrtittopher Wren. Ilut Lord Windsor b now .spendine C12,000 upon newframe grounds nem• *he Magazine, where the Coaching club,: ioeet in the season. An Interesting feature of the Ken4:. ngton hal-Ile-ground is the hospital. Jn the eariy winter this Is crowded with !animas, plantains, .palmettas, an palms, and other subetropical Plants, which,' in the early summer; are irought'put the open and give unction cettain corners of Park. or to the forecourC.of ',the ..Nra- tional Onn,sry, . . Another important department con- 's'•Its• of; the cuivenienceS. for.boultri., .S,neo itte beginning of the :Conite*y the , Lention- 0611114' Council have taken Moreover, the family of :the • Prince . and Princess of Wales has now become .. ,,r, ‘‘,',' !", i t : i.),S*0 gi,:::Itt.if 1,et,:rionfur.goniiii(i. talitholyo,mieltioal:.. jet.,,it..eact:-0:_i. , .,ttehoe , linui;itieia,rnoctitsh!)lonre ''intielleTielivdtaes Cpc69uttlal.. . '. on f have In 0 1 : ,.,..• 11+,erly charge to, the nimble slx- . their •disposal :at ..th)) time of their 1, n + , and have .pilt a couple of motor. marriage. ,They need a, bigger estab- - .• ..1.1,,.- :nto. ,,ilrryknIsoolcon, witil. n charge .: -byitlinient, and a.s:Eatir, Edival'il cannot, the ternik of hjs mother's will, sell • -.,- •iiilt; ,,,•1.1111t)-1,1',..,;;;cuacnifleIr*o-,Jiti,;;i.;,..i.-riTilca.,,ptlilliriiin•c;.tii, . •Batii-Mral, Or., tearisf er It to.,the Govern.- ; Ment, at lie.tlid in the case of Osborne.. f•I'..1. ;•,-1-. :1'i:riling' the ,.roU,-bont's wm he (now used as a e.-involepeent home tor. ',„,-;• ,:.1,,,,ii:...1.,:.......,..:1.,....,),;:,:c11,0,;21,t101:ainii4(11.:1,..,liesentrtan.,111:1.1::),:).ittilklit1.11.11.1s,: .nnap.NI:aait:a'acria'cdio,11.3,1!)ins. I's oftleerE, and O.,S a 4...... ,'...-.1•!....;; the w.inte.r. ' . ' oyer -to .his..only son, Whose Presence • he propOses. to turn. It , there with, his 'wife anti ehilaren.during . ..• 1,..,!..1'1)..+1.!,"•,..0a1 :1.,.,,:font-401!)1Yk,:itoti.er.sr 1,:).•);111:1.111strif.e..oecoretit,.:...... . .a. part- o'f .the-yeP.r, will relieve, in a . mea.stire; ,'the .1cinr, Elvin the ill -will.' . -,,,t? ,r+1, 1'66 i ,4111y, : TI,1,, bl.v.i.iiino,•.: • Which .be•'w*Micl arouse north 'of the ' .• ‘.., g...oundi liav+,! 1,,}ix+ mthie, rcadV, the Tweed were he, after deserting Bal- • , ...ants,..s•van-,.. and t'10-4 11"0 gre'o....isrdlin-• d(t- ! r. r,......ion : f• Widgeon , nd cornier,: ' , moral, to shut it up as a source of usel • less expente:'. . 1' by r! ' .,,,,vst.,..,M 1>4' OXE'l)artgo arta .- . ' .. .-. -.' . pur111180, alai. Ow . . J -+Pee 1 a 1 .0 t t en t ion el ni. in;k11-1:7'ig),:lt. '-' 1•Zys'c',.'elc‘i.1.", ' ; At ' a. lit:li'tgAr7esCi�!b,Sp.seoenci",' :•ii'0,-0.,.. . : . -. .-• thE! restill. being the:Yu:he lalte .11f,,,..ef and poets ..discussed figures of Spe.edh. ' . the' parks is hrought up to a pitch of . ."A. Striking' figure of speech," jai 4 Perfection. : • • • — • • - • • .. sonneteer, "came from' tbe ',Pen of an . over, the climate agrees with.him, and with.. his wife and children, ,quite as much as it did with the late Queen Victoria. On the other hand, the elt- mate does not suit the :Nealtli either of. the King or of the present queen, When • Queen Alexandra goes to Scotland she usually* stays, not at Balmoral, but at •Mar lodge, with the Duke and Duchess of Fife, which to her is much more con- • genial and comfortable. King Edward finds Balmoral not ' ..only bleak and damp, but, above all, gloomy . and lonely, and now that he . can no longer Indulge 4n, the fatigtiing dee.rstalking expeditions of which he was formerly' so -fond, time hang -s rather • 'heavily .on his hands at Balmoral, and he remains there for as short a thne 4,1 Passible, In faat, • I., do not -.suppose he • • has lived there mOre than three' weeks in the, year since he has- been on the' - .throne. • He 'prefers Sandringham, . 'Windsor, London; and places abroad. 14 4'1 4;. 9 Always have a bottle With. . you. 25c.• at all dealers. Try Hirst's Little Liver. ^ A perfect after-dinner 47 pill:, Wilt a,4sist diaestion. • Ask your dealer or send us. 25c. • .A. handsome souvenir • card free. • THE CALLEY CO., Limittod •µ- Hamilton, Ont. • wa - .Rrecidents . will Happera;. But you .'ar,2,.prepared for them. beforehand, they are soon mended.. .Bruises, Wrenches, Neuralgia, Wailes : and Strains. yield instantly. Pairz Extermitzator • , .• one ..mitc'eien to a. wK. • 'A cei-riveratlye. kitchen in tho mintfie of every block to servo all the rest - dents • of .that block is the latest seine • tion offered -every housekeeper, ,says New York 'eorrespontlent •of . the Pitts. burg 'Dispateh,- •The.plati.seema fenSible- lir: view Of the ..faCt ' 010 the .1 -few Art • club •stadibs. have a •kitchen' in common' tor the usOof a'stnall.army of •studenta , Who: occupy bachelor 'apartments. It t owl Suggested e ettonaists that , it large kitchen be °She. eled every ' lilock and that tho Place be under the' .directiOn of - chef,- with :several its-; • , , . . Many sel.res c . .atterulantS devete amatenr,• the pen of Gordon Curriming, thernselve3 to ,the taSk of preparing the 'the rich English explorer. Gordon ' cricket pitelleri, which.. naturally reqUil.e Cumming. aescribed a, trcipical jtingle• • 0. good .Cleal.of attention- after the bard •• as 'a forest ot.fishho.oks, 'relieved l.,)Y'an • ..• , .3),-orle- "the; football season. This IS' oecailonal. :patch • of penItnIVes.' • Not • : .+- :another ------------ice it• say that' • badi eh?" , . ) . Sprino• Gardens ravidee moretlian 30.0 'Not at all bad,'i said -a novelist of. reserved pitches, upon wl'ilch 14,000 the histerical, • or "knee -pant''' scheol. - • matehe6'ire jilayed cItirtrig,the istipmer. • "A figute Still another biariell' of activity cOm- us.ed.in. Gpy • • • have always remembered is • , . de "aamPassant's 'Bel Aini? ' .. -- ... prises the 'arratigernerits •for • the, tanda. Naupassant, in describing it woman'sr•• • .. . . ,o1 mimic, which cost --the London Coun-. painted face, says ,that her red mouth cil. upwards of &Mum everY season. resembled it wound. 1.thought that fig- .. The lirat duty of the Muilcal direetoras : ure a stroke of genius till.I rad- In Bal-, . ' ...the spring opines round is to listert•to za.c. that a certain lady's mouth Was' .' ; . the bands- 'who offer -themselves to • like. a, wound. •GeOrge Meore,• by the * .. I emulate the,work. of the Council's own way,: says ln qgnes Laheris' that the _ . bands. The selected Ones must submit: painted ,•)noutly.of Agnet. Mother •was . their. repertories, to hts experienced like. a WoUnd, too." . illdgment, and the Prograni tor each of • ‘`..l.rniles and comparisons,'" said. an •Jthe 1,200 performers bas to -Pass the eleglae poet, "take best If they are al- " . • Scrutiny of the authorities before it is literative. Consider the popular - eon). - printed. .. . Parisens a 100 day, -how alliterative - „ ... they are -'as' plump as a • partridge • . • . • Archdeacon Coney, speaking at the 'as good as gold,' 'at large as life,' as blind as bat.' dat as a tionntlee. Spiritualists' • 0/invention at -South- an,c,ls.s.cps3f:oeni..n". journalists often, hit up)11 original figures," said a. realist. "It was a Western journalist who wrote place, vold, seowl-strunges stories of n. gm:Tahiti. sp•irit whiCh had amity times hofilentleit mt unify • officer. , . re,astoriotlly• Jnniel-4a -'1 itself 141. tin+ • 6,:1411;+ n. clov,.. 0,1 fennd tr• :,•1" hour' c"...fe 41! 44 10...1 • .1 • , ‘, • ,,1 41•1,;,- 1,2' 411,11o, loolted-ns r,lo-,1113,.11.5 it he had swat. 11. 1.1 : ...0.-:)..144,14 ••• .•"-• -• .• • • . p; . •(.1 t seented dazed and confused, like ,n.10bster, awakening frilon a nightmare,. 1- Ire 'was a tali ma.n,and stepped ati high. tl..%•fL win,' dog 14 a wheat field. As for • his voice, it was rasping and shrill, like . a crowbar falling 011 a tin•roof, Though. lowed -a. heat and pair of hlack horses; he ney.led tOsistance no more than a • 111," 71' .4• '14 • •sisttints. - The, 10t1 ('11124, - could. • take' t ..1; • •, 1:„4,,, ;1.1 het food there to ine•coolted,. thus SIM- . Ing the price Of .f.'nel and keeping the , -lenge • free: frpin. the .0tier' of -cookery,.. and in' mon Y. ert0:0,), 11 Wil 0.10,,, (101)1 of tlyspepAa 104111.1) and pepsin, + " • • ••• • • • rz_ . V "•,. N • • • • , . • .1 • , . • i , ,,., . 1. '111; e e ) ',.: i. S . !,:. "."-/;- ;,... ' ',.. '3 Co .+' '•-• I: ..:,.' , ....,_ . • - '1.1.+1‘ 111,j4t,1 1 1:•+e?, -,ti 0'1 1,-t '0-1,p**.•; al'l 6 ' : .,./..{1:1;P:.1'-;!,) • • . ,o. :• .. 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